sunshinekanon · 6 years
Shuwa Shuwa
2019-01-18 06:30:56
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Hello ♥♥
 Today, I went out wearing my new shoes :)
 I received them yesterday,
It makes me happy!
  When you wear shoes you’re not used to, sometimes they ended up rubbing against your feet, but
I was comfortable walking in them~
 My feet felt light too(*´罒`*)
 This Ruru in a good mood,
Bought strawberry on her way home.
  The strawberry I ate when I went home to Hiroshima were delicious
 I love strawberry!
 I ate them after dinner
  By the way, for dinner,
I thought “Let’s make pasta”
 I ate mentaiko pasta!
 I put a seafood mix in it
It had a nice feel to it〜♪
  It was good〜(*´罒`*)
Did everyone already check it?
From our Triple A single going on sale on February 13,
The MV for Bitansan was released!
   It has the image of “being inside glass”
We shoot a lot of different scene.
 Miyamoto-san and Manaka-chan also has drama scene!
  「Bitansan」、it’s heartrending right〜。
 It became a wonderful MV(*´ω`*)
  Also, the “shuwa shuwa” part
You can’t get it out of your head
During the handshake event, there were people who were humming it
 Ah~ I want to sing it now
It makes me happy
 It’s adult-ish, but there’s still a bit of childish side feeling to it.
 I feel like I can’t let it go either way,
I really like it(^^)
  Please watch the music video a lot
 Shuwa Shuwa
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     Miyamoto Karin-san
 Why is she making an angry face? Lol
 But she’s cute
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     Well then!
Tomorrow, it’s the Hello! Project concert in Osaka’s Orix Theater〜(*´▽`)ノノ
 Let’s enjoy it!
 See you〜
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
Small candy store
2019-01-15 07:46:16 
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Hello ♥♥
  Today, I went shopping.
 On New Year, the New Year money I received from my grandmother and my aunt
I finally received it from my mom as well!
   I looked at different stores but,
The place where I got the most excited was…
The small-time candy store!
 When we were small, we would always receive New Year money when we went to my grandmother house. My sister and I would always go to right to the small candy store.
 Today, we I passed in front of the small candy store,
Ah, I received New Year money.
And so, I remembered it!
 And so,
It really catched my eyes! (≧∇≦)
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           Panda rice cracker!
They are big
And cute right!!!
 The thing I’ m holding with the rice cracker
It’s something Ruru particulary likes
 But, to be able to see everything
I’m quite good at holding them
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Pictures taken while I was struggling to hold everything.
 The atmosphere of the small candy store,
Somehow I like it
   I’ve love it since I’ve been small
Ruru especially likes
  Today, it’s this kid’s picture~!
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 From BEYOOOOONDS、Ame no mori kawa umi
Yamazaki Yuhane-chan❤
 Yuhane-chan’s scone and her voice that comes out
It stays in your ear right.
It’s a cool voice.
  Ruru is quite shy herself.
It seems like Yuhane-chan is quite shy too
So I think we will be able to be friends (^^)笑
 Well then(*゚▽゚)ノ
 See you〜
   Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
㊗︎ (* ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ *)✾
2019-01-14 07:45:41
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Hello ♥♥
  Today, it was the coming of age day right
 Everyone who is a new adult,
 In Juice=Juice,
Miyamoto Karin-san and Uemura Akari-san are new adults
   Actually, Ruru’s big sister is also a new adult(≧∇≦)
The furisode* fits her so well~~
*Long-sleeved kimono
 Big sister
Since long ago, she’s been taking good care of others
She’s always felt more adult than Ruru.
 Ruru still have 3 more years
I wonder if I can become like that
 My always gentle big sister,
I love her (*´罒`*)
    For dinner, we went to eat Yakiniku
My stomach is full
 The meat was delicious~!!!
 Maybe I ate a bit too much(≧∇≦)
It was fun
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   Today too,
I’ll share pictures from the Hello! Project concert~
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  From Kobushi Factory
Inoue Rei-chan
 Rei-chan and I are the same age~
 Her bangs makes her cute,
And makes her a bit adult like
I really love it
 I really like Rei-chan’s singing voice
But  her dancing is really pretty too I think.
 And her beatbox!!
It’s so cool!
 It would be good if we could become closer from now on
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   From BEYOOOOONDS、Ame no Mori kawa umi 💗
Kiyono Momohime-chan
 Momohime has this “Go with full power” feels to her
When she’s standing on stage, she’s so cool!
 She’s the same age as Miimi. Still 14 years old but,
She’s doing everything properly.
 When she entered the kenshuusei as well,
Even though she was so small, she has the image of someone doing things properly.
 Momohime is so good at beatboxing!
 It’s amazing!
  Well then, (*´▽`)ノノ
  I hope tomorrow will be a good day too
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-13 06:45:50 
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Hello ♥♥
   Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2019 WINTER
〜YOU & I〜  〜NEW AGE〜
 Everyone who came to Nakano Sun Plaza,
Thank you very much
                        This year winter Hello! Project concert also start at Nakano Sun Plaza.
We finished all the performance in Nakano~
 No matter how often I get to stand on that stage,
I get nervous, but I also get pumped up
Being able to do concert in such a large place
I only have feeling of gratitude.
 Today was also super fun~!!
 I was able to make eyes contact with different members-san,
And I was able to talk a lot too.
I’m happy with just doing Hello!Project concert
  Today’s OG guest was
Taiyou to Ciscomoon-san!!
  They were cool TT
 Their voices come out naturally
The passion in their singing voice made me cry a little
Their sparkly dancing was so cool.
 I had goosebump from their performance. It’s amazing.
 I was able to watch their rehearsal
I was completely defeat by their powerful appearance.
I forgot to blink ~
 I’m really happy that there are a lot of wonderful senpai in Hello! Project
 I’ll continue to do my best to catch up to these senpai!!
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Nishida Shiori-chan ♥
 Today, Nishida you know
Ruru was casually going down the stairs
And at the bottom of the stairs, Nishida was waiting for me with her arms opened.
 She was too cute
I Received a lot of healing
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  Tsubaki Factory
Asakura Kiki-chan♥
 Kiki-chan is really a serious and hard working person.
When you talked to her, she’s all fuwa fuwa fluffy, but
When she’s performing, she’s really cool
(There’s one sentence that I couldn’t understand ><)
 When our eyes meet, she smiled at me
She’s so cute!
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Kobushi Factory
Nomura Minami-san♥
 She’s always calling me "Danchaaaan"
It makes me really happy.
She’s a senpai from our Kenshuusei days,
She called me “Danchan” often.
 Nomura-san’s performance are always powerful.
She gives it her all
Her power is amazing!!
 So cool(*´罒`*)
   Well then!
The next Hello! Project concert is in Osaka.
 Let’s meet in Orix theater (*´▽`)ノノ
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
It snowed
2019-01-12 06:55:30
Original entry
Hello ♥♥
Today, it seems like it snowed it Nakano.
Ruru was inside, so she couldn’t see it
I wonder how it felt like~
This winter, I haven’t see snow at all.
I hate cold, but
I want to see snow!!❄
It was that cold today.
Today, it was the Hello! Project concert!
Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2019 WINTER
〜YOU & I〜  〜NEW AGE〜
Everyone who came to Nakano Sun Plaza,
Thank you very much!! ♥
I wonder if you wait in the cold…
Today too, it was hot in Nakano Sun Plaza,
A lot of people came to see the concert.
It was full of smile!
I wonder if your body was warmed up a bit(*´罒`*)
Singing alone in a karaoke is fun but,
Of course, singing on stage is super fun~!!
Everyone being there and being alone
It’s really different.
 Today was fun too!
  Today’s OG guest where
For the afternoon performance
Yasuda Kei-san, Yaguchi Mari-san, Sayaka Ichii-san
For the evening performance
Yajima Maimi-san, Nakajima Saki-san and Okai Chisato-san
It was wonderful.
Morning Musume’s 2nd generation members,
When I saw them standing on stage and the lights went on
I had goosebump at that moment.
Ruru felt like she was watching a great moment.
It was really amazing and wonderful.
I really love °C-ute-san’s songs!
During rehearsal, I was watching from the seat
And I danced with them with only my hands.
And then, Yajima-san you know,
She saw me.
(Probably lol)
I was happy〜〜!!!
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ANGERME Kawamura Ayano-chan
She cut her hair
It seems like Kawamuu’s power has increased (*´罒`*)
It’s cute and it fits her!
She has long arms and legs
Her dance is really good
I really like her cute singing voice too ♥
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Today, during her break,
Miyazaki Yuka-san came to play.
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Well then (*´▽`)ノノ
Let’s meet in Nakano Sun Plaza tomorrow too!
See you!
Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
Precious friend
2019-01-11 07:09:27 
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In yesterday’s comment section,
Everyone told me about their recommended songs
Thank you very much
  As I search the songs and listened to them
There’s this type of song too
I love this part
There were a lot of wonderful songs (^^)
 Even though there so much music,
There’s not a song like another
 It might be obvious thing, but
I thought again that it was amazing.
 Let’s listen to a lot of music again~
  When eating stew,
The Dambara family often eat it with rice,
Sometimes we eat it with bread as well.
  I thought there would be a lot of people in the rice clan but,
Surprisingly, there were a lot of people in the bread clan too!
 With cream stew, it’s bread and with beef stew, it’s rice
I feel like there were a lot of people like that!
 I love cream stew but,
The beef stew we eat occasionally is good too right!!
I get it. I get it.
 There’s a lot of different ways,
It was interesting.
   For yesterday’s dinner,
I went to eat beef tongue with a friend~ :P ♥
  My first beef tongue in a long time ~ !!!!
It was super good
This friend, from the time I was in Hiroshima,
We’ve been doing our best together.
 When we are together, it’s the most nice time.
We really share a lot of memories together.
 When Ruru became a Hello! Project kenshuusei,
She came to the Kenshuusei recital
 When I became a member of Juice=juice,
She came to our live and concert
 She also came to see the musical we did recently :)
  A little while ago, she contact me suddenly,
This message was full of warmth.
It’s been a long time since we didn’t see each other so I had a lot of things I wanted to talk about. So much that It’s like I couldn’t be stop lol
   We talked about going to eat together next time
I’m glad we were able to meet so fast~
 At the moment we met
She called looking so happy.
  She came wearing the clothes Ruru gave her for her birthday
I was looking forward to see her wearing it. She was so cute!
  We were able to talk a lot
My friend is also doing her best
 Somehow, it was a bit nostalgic
It was really fun~
 On our way back home, we drank our beloved Bubble tea ♥
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  A brown sugar tapioca latte
She took a picture for me lol
  I want to meet her right now again!!
 We made a promise to go to the karaoke next time
  Tomorrow, it’s the Hello! Project concert in Nakano Sun Plaza
 It feels like it’s been a long time
 I’m looking forward to iiiit!
   Everyone, please come to get warm~
 See you tomorrow(*´▽`)ノノ
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-10 03:37:44 
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Hello ♥♥
It’s cold right~
It makes you want to eat something cold and hot right.~
 Yesterday was like that,
So I made stew and tamagoyaki again.
 In winter, stew is good right~
It warms you up
When you eat stew,
Is it with rice?
Or with bread?
 By the way, yesterday, Ruru ate it with bread.
  In 2019,
The desire to go to karaoke didn’t stop,
I found time to go and went early after the new year.
Of course, it’s fun ~
 The song I end up singing a lot lately is
Uru-san’s "Prologue"
 It’s a painful and heartwrenching song.
It really is.
 But this feeling that won’t reach…
It’s good.
 This year, of course there’s a lot of songs I want to sing,
But I also want to discover a lot of different songs.
 With the countless songs that exist,
Ruru only knows a few of them but,
If she gets to know different songs, it’s seems like it’s gonna be fun!!
 If there’s a song that you recommend, please tell me anytime!
 I want to know more
 I’ll do my best!
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  BEYOOOOONDS Ame no Mori kawa umi
Okamura Minami-chan♥
 Miimi is a really cute child.
She’s only 14 years old.
  She’s always nico nico smiling
Somehow, when I look at Miimi, it makes me happy.
 I used to always do her hair.
Lately, she has become good at it.
I’m happy, but  it’s a bit lonely lol
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 From the same group, Ame no mori kawa umi
Takase Kurumi-chan
 Takase-chan is the kind of person to go all in with all her heart.
She always do he best with all her strength.
She hasn’t changed at all since she was a kenshuusei.
She’s also really well-manered.
  During the Public Ability Diagnosis Test too,
She always performed perfectly,
Ruru always thought that she had to do her best not to lose to her
   Today, I was wearing a turtle neck,
So I put my hair in a ponytail
 Well then (*´▽`)ノノ
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
A lot
2019-01-09 04:22:09
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 Hello ♥♥
  Today, we did the recording for our bayfm show "We are Juice=Juice" which is broadcast every week on Tuesday night from 10:30~
 It was our first radio recording since the new year!
 With Takagi Sayuki-san, the two of us had plenty of conversations. 〜
 We received a lot of mails too!
We introduced a lot of them!
 About our new songs,
About the Hello! Project concert,
About the countdown concert!
 Listening to everyone’s impression,
It made me happy(*´罒`*)
  OA is on January 15th and 22nd!
(OA= On Air)
Today’s broadcast, please listen to it too~
   Yesterday’s Yanachan’s pictures!
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  I took a sweetly smiling Yanamin!
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This is a picture I took selfishly from the side when she was recording her comment before the event. lol
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 On stage too
She was nico nico smiling the whole time
It looks so fun~
  It was really a cute event♥
The title of our Live House tour starting in February has been decided!
 The title is
   Juice=Juice LIVE TOUR 2019
    〜GO FOR IT!〜
   It’s starting on February 4th at Yokohama Bay Hall
We will do our best as a 8 members Juice=Juice!
 Well then! (*´▽`)ノノ
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-08 07:57:06 
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Hello ♥♥
 Today, Yanagawa Nanami-chan’s birthday event was held.
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 Yanachan who just became 17 years old on January 6th.
She’s so cute
  Of course, there was Yanachan singing cute songs,
But Yanachan singing adult like songs gently was cool of course,
But she was really cute.
 I really love Yanachan’s clear voice~
  Somewhere between her natural and her falsetto
That voice that gently comes out
It’s a beautiful voice.
  Ruru, she ended up watching the two performance.
It was fun〜〜(*´罒`*)💗
  Before you know, Yanachan came to Ruru’s birthday event.
For the first event, she watched it and went home with everybody
For the second event, "I came back~" and was a guest.
I was so surprised!
I was so happy~
  Yana’s family came to the event as well.
They were nice and gentle.
It’s a wonderful family, I thought :)
 Yanachan often talks about her family you know,
Her younger brother who I frequently saw on screen,
I met him for the first time. I was slightly moved (≧∇≦) lol
    Since I took a lot of pictures of Yanachan,
I’ll upload some tomorrow too.
  Once again, Happy 17th birthday✨✨
    And before,
There was the single launch commemoration handshake event!
Kanazawa Tomoko-san, Miyamoto Karin-san and me,
The three of us did it.
 A lot of people came, thank you very much ~
Everyone’s hands were cold(><)
For coming even though it was so cold outside, thank you very much
 Everyone who came to things like the Hello! Project concert,
We can meet everyone there but
 Being able to do the New Year greetings directly, it’s nice :)
 I heard a lot about your impression of the Hello! Project concert
About our new songs too!
 It’s fun that we were able to talk about various things♪♪
  By the way!!
We release the CD cover of our single that goes on sale on February 13th!
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 This time, somehow, they were shot by "Leslie Kee"
 They have a cool feeling right(≧∇≦)✨✨
 Ruru you know~
She quite likes the normal edition type B where everyone jumps!
 Everyone who wants to see a bigger version!!
Please make sure to buy it
   Well then(*´▽`)ノノ
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
Cute girl
2019-01-07 04:52:48
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Hello 🧡🧡
Yesterday,for Yanagawa Nanami-chan’s birthday,
I gave her a Christmas coffret of lipstick as a present.
She opened it and said “I want to use the lipstick that Ruuchan gave me, so I’ll do my make-up!”
Even though, we always do our makeup after rehearsal,
Yesterday she did her makeup early and showed Ruru.
It felt like her eyes were sparkling
It was so cute!
I was happy
When I was doing Yanachan’s hair,
“This is a set I received from Chiichan”
“This is a eyeshadow I received from Inaba-san”
She said with all the makeup she received prettily ordered on the desk
She looks so happy when she told me everything about it.
It’s so nice~
It’s so cute~
It became like this.
Before the concert, when we gathered up,
Morito-san told her “Yanamin, you’re wearing a deep color”
It look like there was a similar situation before
When we were on our World tour,
Ruru bought a matching hoodie with Miyamoto-san,
It seems that Yanachan was pouting a bit.  lol
Was it the day after?
Yanachan bought a matching lipstick with Miyamoto-san.
She was wearing that lipstick with a happy face.
After that, She was told by our manager that the color was a bit dark.
She was really cute during this episode, i love it.
It came back again! (being said her lip color was deep/dark)
This Yanachan is really cute.
Especially yesterday,
From the beginning to the end, she looks so happy.
She was so cute~
And you know,
The gift I gave to Yanachan.
The Christmas coffret was a limited edition and it seems like it was really popular.
When she saw it, Yamaki Risa-chan went “How did you get this!!!!!”
It was sold out right after it went on reservation.
When it was release too, it was all sold out.
No matter what, it seems like she couldn’t get it.
Ruru answered “In Hiroshima…”
“Ah~ I see~”
With a huge feeling of understanding.
Don’t get it with only me saying only “Hiroshima”!! lol
Ruru was able to get it because she count on her big sister!
It seems like she lined up in front of the store before the opening time on the release day!
Hiroshima isn’t that much the countryside!
But you know, I think Tokyo is pretty amazing as expected. :)
I’m happy she was happy.
My blog entry got long lol
Well then, see you later
Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-06 06:40:10 
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 Hello! ♥♥
  Today, January 6, is
Yanagawa Nanami-chan’s birthday
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 Yanachan, Happy birthday!♥♥
You entered the 17 years old club right(*´罒`*)
  Yanachan and I were born the same year,
But our birthday are far away,
She is like a younger sister, it’s this kind of feeling.
 But you know, there’s time when she’s the older sister.
When we joined Juice=Juice, she taught me a lot of think
And she saved me a lot of time as well.
I received a lot of comfort
 I’m really thankfulJ♥
 Thank you for everything!!
 Yanachan really likes to talk, but I’m not a person who talks a lot.
 Lately, she talked to me about different things,
It made me really happy
 We joined Juice=Juice as the same generation member,
So we spent a lot of times together.
It made me happy.
  The way she called me "Ruuchan” is easy to pronounce
Even for Yanachan who isn’t good at saying Ra’s sound. (Ra, ri, ru, re, ro)
This was the nickname decided!
 When Yanachan calls me "Ruuchan"
I really love it♥
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  "Please do my hair
We did this promise yesterday
This style is good, she said.
So I did it for her
 Every time I do her hair,
She looks really happy, so it makes Ruru really happy (≧∇≦)
  The lipstick I gave to her,
She opened it right away and put it on
It’s cute! It match her well.
  Please stay the same Yanachan forever (^^)
Flower Seventeen
Spend a good year!!
I’m wishing for Yanachan’s happiness
  I love you~♥
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  And today was
  Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2019 WINTER
〜YOU & I〜  〜NEW AGE〜
 Everyone who came to Nakano Sun Plaza,
Thank you very much!! ♥
  Today was really fun as well~!!
 Everytime I make eyes contact briefly,
It’s so fun ~ It become like this
  Nakano Sun Plaza is big but,
I can see everyone’s face clearly from the front to the back(≧∇≦)
 I’m so happy when our eyes meet~
 Today’s OG guest were
Yajima Maimi-san and Nakajima Saki-san
 Since I danced many times to their songs,
My body moved by itself
 I want to dance again as their backdancer!
 The next Hello! Project concert is the 12th (sat) in Nakano Sun Plaza!
I’m looking forward to it! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
 Well then, see you soon!
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
Our feeling
2019-01-05 07:04:27 
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Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2019 WINTER 〜YOU & I〜
 Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2019 WINTER 〜NEW AGE〜
 Everyone who came to Nakano Sun Plaza,
Thank you very much!! ♥
 Miyazaki Yuka-san wasn’t feeling well, so she was absent.
We performed as a 7 members Juice=Juice, but
Since our feeling was of 8 people,
It was a performance with our full energy!!
   Everyone always care for me and help me, so Ruru’s want to return it!
  Today too was fun~!!
 I thought that Nakano Sun Plaza is quite big!
 It’s wide from side to side and the second floor is big as well!
Today, a lot of people came
The penlights were so pretty
 Since I don’t want to lose to everyone’s power,
I’ll do my best tomorrow too so I can give power to everyone in the place
  Today’s OG guest were
Sudou Maasa-san, Natsuyaki Miyabi-san, Kumai Yurina-san
  They sang two songs from Berryz Koubou
They were so cool and cute,
I felt a little bit nostalgic.
  Ruru went to a Berryz Koubou concert tour only once!
  During this performance, they sang a lot of songs but,
At the end of a song called 「Suhada pichi pichi」
Kumai-san went gyuu
I remembered being really happy
  It’s nostalgic〜(*´罒`*)
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 BEYOOOOONDS  Ame no Mori Kawa Umi’s
Maeda Kokoro-chan♥♥
  When Kokorochan is in her ikemen mode, she can’t be stopped.
She’s so cool!
 But more than everyone, she is pure,
She’s really cute! (*´罒`*)
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  Inaba Manaka-chan ♥
Today, I’m wearing a lipstick that Manaka-chan lent me
The pink color is a really cute!
Tomorrow, it’s a Hello! Project concert in Nakano Sun Plaza too!
Let’s look forward to it!
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-04 06:45:38 
Original Entry
Today for breakfast,
I made tamagoyaki
 Well, at the time I woke up,
It was more like lunch.
 If Ruru’s stomach is empty, she can’t move so,
Breakfast is important
 Rurunchi’s tamagoyaki is
3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little bit of salt and little bit of mentsuyu.
It’s a simple seasoning
It’s the recipe of my mother(*´罒`*)
 It’s a light seasoning and it’s sweet.
It’s a taste that Ruru really like!
 Because I got a lot of energy from eating tamagoyaki,
I did my laundry and cleaned my room. ;)
 I couldn’t really clean at the end of the year.
I made my room a liiittle bit tidy.
 There are a lot of others things I wanted to do that I did,
I’m feeling refreshed
 Tomorrow and the day after, we still have Hello!Project concert in Nakano Sun Plaza, so tomorrow I’ll make sure I can go hard!
Today, I rest my body. It was a good day!
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 From the time we went to our first shrine visit on New Year’s day
 Uemura Akari-san, Funaki Musubu-chan, Akiyama Mao-chan!
 The three of them are from Osaka,
The excitement from Kansai
Everyone’s interesting!
 With these membres, it’s definitely lively.
Rather than lively, their voices are simply loud! lol
Especially Maopin(・∀・)
Don’t speak too loud!
I said it again and again
  But you know Ruru,
When she come back to Hiroshima and talk with her family,
Even though Ruru’s speaking normally, she’s been told that her voice is really loud.
 I have to go out with these kids ~
 It’s really fun when we are together
 We laughed so much to the point that my stomach hurt (*´▽`)ノノ
It would be nice to somewhere again together
  Well then!
 Let’s meet at the Hello! Project Concert tomorrow!
Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-03 06:57:47
Original entry
 Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2019 WINTER 〜YOU & I〜
 Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2019 WINTER 〜NEW AGE〜
 Everyone who came to Nakano Sun Plaza
Thank you very much ♡
 It was the first performance of the NEW AGE setlist~
Everyone who came to see it
Thank you very much
 How was it?
 I was a little bit nervous,
The feeling of having fun was bigger
And when it was the time to get down the stage as well,
I thought  It’s fun ~! (≧∇≦)
  We performed new song as well
 From our new triple A single out on February 13th,
In the three songs, there are only great songs.
The type of each song is different as well.
It’s songs that I like very much(*´ω`*)
 I want to sing these song with the feeling that I cherish it.
 I want everyone to listen to it a lot〜!!
The dance is great as well!
I want everyone to watch it a lot.
  Today’s OG Guest was!
Niigaki Risa-san
  Her appeal and power was amazing,
Her way to get everyone excited was too cool.
 Everyone on the guest seat were super excited,
So Ruru watching from the wing of the stage was in high spirit.
I learned a lot.
Niigaki-san was so cool.
  The next Hello! Project concert is
On January 5th at the same Nakano Sun Plaza!!
I’m looking forward to it.
    Today, it’s pictures with the new members from BEYOOOOONDS.
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 From Tokyo, 19 years old
Hirai Miyo-chan
 Hirai-chan’s is good at dancing and
I think her short hair cut make her look so cool.
When our eyes met, she smile at me
So cute… It became like this.
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 From Tokyo, 18 years old
Kobayashi Honoka-chan
 It’s written 「moka」 (萌花), but you read it Honoka J
Her skin is white and her delicacy makes her cute.(*´罒`*)
 She’s really really good at piano!!
 To the point that I want her to teach Ruru
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 From Tokyo, 18 years old
Satoyoshi Utano-chan
 Her big eyes are impressive.
Even though she has such cute looking eyes,
Her hair that flow beautifully when she dances is so cool.
I wonder if it’s a gap moe(*゚▽゚)ノ
   Well then!!
I’ll be waiting for the next concert on the 5th (Sat) in Nakano Sun Plaza
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-02 07:50:13
Original Entry
 Hello! ♡♡
  Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!!
Hello! Project 2019 WINTER 〜YOU & I〜
It started!!
 There’s nothing better than doing the first day without problems.
  The first live of this year
As expected, the first day is making me sowa sowa nervous and I ended up being stressed.
 Today too, while being super stressed, I kept telling myself to calm down.
 But of course, when I stand on stage, it’s so much fun(≧∇≦)
 It was the best!
 Thank you very much(*´▽`)ノノ
  If we talk about Hello! Project Concert,
On this corner, that song,
Did you get it?
  During this Hello ! Project concert as well,
A lot of Hello! Project OG members make an appearance!
It was Sudou Maasa-san, Natsuyaki Miyabi-san, Kumai Yurina-san
Yajima Maimi-san, Nakajima Saki-san, Okai Chisato-san
They were kira kira sparkling and happy in a cute way.
It was too fantastic〜!!
Was wonderful〜✨✨
    Today, I took a picture with ANGERME’s two new members!
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 From Tokyo, 15 years old
Ota Haruka-chan
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 From Hokkaido, 14 years old
Ise Reira-chan
 These two, in a warm and comfortable atmosphere
Reira-chan was sit next to me in the dressing room,
She talked to me with a nico nico smile.
She was cute!
   This outfit is the opening one! ❤️
These red and fluffy outfits are cute right?
Juice=Juice start an official instagram!!!
 Please make sure to follow us!!
Tomorrow, there’s the NEW AGE concert as well.  ;)
I’ll do my best〜!!
I’m looking forward to it!
  Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
2019-01-01 04:52:07
Original entry
Happy New Year!
2019 has started~!
The first blog entry of the New Year!
Thank you for always commenting and liking!
I have fun reading them every day!
 On this blog, I write about things that happened everyday like a diary
Things I want to share with everyone
 I like it ~
Writing my blog!
This year too, I will update my blog at my own pace, so if you feel like it, please check it!
 Please take care of me! (*´▽`)ノノ
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With Kanazawa Tomoko-san❤
  I wanted to do something that felt like New Year,
So I went to my first shrine visit of the New Year
Everyone, did you go too?
 I went with Uemura-san, Funaki and Maopin.
The four of us 〜
 We made wish thoughtfully.
 We picked our fortune as well!!
 This year fortune is
 「Middle blessing」
 Isn’t it soso?
 Of course,  the first shrine of the year is nice.
 Every year for the New Year, I would go to my grandmother’s house and then we would do our first shrine visit together. It’s a nice memory (*´ω`*)
  Today, I also went to the first sale of the year.
I got my hands on a lot of clothes and shoes (*´罒`*)
 It was really profitable 〜
 Satisfaction. Satisfaction ☺
 I spent a fun New Year! ;)
 My father and my older sister woke up early and went to see the first sunrise
They sent me a picture, It was so beautiful!
 Everyone, how did you spend your New Year?
 Starting from tomorrow,
The winter Hello Project concert are starting!
 I’m nervous but,
I’ll give my all and do my best!
I’m looking forward to it!
Everyone, please wait for it.
 Dambara Ruru
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sunshinekanon · 6 years
I really like doing these Kpop instrumental quiz video, but I thought I'd be really great at one for Hello! Project. So I decide to do my own one for everyone to play!  Tell me your score in the comments section :D
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