sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Sally’s eyes widened at the sight of his arm- his bicep was bigger than her head, how had she not noticed? She bit her lip, looking back at him before giggling a little. “Well, I don’t know too much about muscle myself. This is all soft right here.” She flexed her own bicep, giggling as she poked it. “Yours is a lot bigger than mine, and I’m pretty sure you could use me as a weight.”
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Hugo grinned at her and even though she said her knowledge of muscle was extremely little he conitnued smiling at her. “If you got any questions about muscles, I’m your guy!” Sure, he wasn’t any professional and most likely there would be someone who knew way more than he did, but Hugo was quite sure he knew quite a bit anyway. “Well I’m bigger than you in general, so it’s no surprise my bicep is bigger than yours”, he replied and then it looked like a light blup lit above his head. “Would you like to be used as a weight? I probably could lift you up really easily.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Maybe once, for a few seconds, Tiana’s dream was that a blonde, tall and handsome man was running towards her with a smile on his face. Young Tiana would be making her happy dance. “You know, there’s enough if you want to have a second serving”, there was no way that he could get satisfied with one bowl. “The day’s perfect for some jogging, ain’t it?”, she looked at the clear, blue sky. “I should put my leggings on”.
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The mention of a second serving made Hugo to run to her even quicker, just to make sure he certainly would get the second serving. He stopped right in front of the woman and as he stopped you could barely know he had been running. He didn’t look sweaty, he wasn’t panting or anything like that. He was just smiling that bright smile of his as he looked down to her. “The day definitely is perfect for a jog! So what do you say, once that kettle of yours is empty of food you head out for a jog with me?” Hugo picked up a bowl and offered it towards her to get the first serving of the wonderful smelling food.
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
“Just collect it?” It was ironic that John was only becoming more and more confused with each query that was meant to enlighten him. Past him was mentally kicking him for becoming so invested in the flim-flam of it all. “Alright, so,” John began, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing, choosing to sit on the other end of the bench. He was going to be here a while, he just knew it. “Are we talking about actual sunshine or a positive vibe or feeling with sunshine as it’s personified name? Because I’m, surprisingly enough, more prone to believe the more feeling-centric option. Real sunshine would need to captured by some sort of solar powered device, obviously.” Naturally John knew the answer to his own question. Most people would without even having to ask it in the first place. But, there was something innately intriguing about the man that John needed to hear confirmation of firsthand from the subject himself.
“Tell me, good sir, do you feel some sort…obligation to attempt to brighten the days of complete and total strangers?” It wasn’t a condescension or insult per say, but rather the beginning of a survey of sorts. The nickname he unintentionally betrothed onto him was also ironic in that, aside it being a formality thing, the man was also a ‘good’ sir. Through and through. He’d barely known him but a few minutes, but it was unmistakable. “I’m only asking because, well, I’ve never seen it before. At least not intentionally. Hearing these platitudes that we hear day in, day out, I’m almost numb to them. Hence why I can’t really give you an accurate answer as to how I’m doing. It’s rather difficult to take my mind off of autopilot and not say good, you?” 
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"Uh-huh”, he replied nodding his head. It was simple to him and time to time the most simple things to Hugo often were things that weren’t simple to others. And he rarely understood that himself. Like you can’t just do 50 pull-ups in a row, you had to practice that and some people might never be able to do that. But doing 50 pull-ups in a row was just a daily day life to Hugo. He might even go over 50 if he felt like it, sometimes he got over hundred. He raised his brow as he listened the questions and in the end he ended up chuckling. “Can anyone truly collect sunshine? If I could I would collect it in a jar and use as a mason jar light. Sunshine surely would be easier to keep alive than fireflies. Plus it’d be awesome to have a jar of sunshine. It might be too bright tho, you know, looking at the sun hurts your eyes, so maybe a jar of sunshine would have the same effect.”
“No need for sir, call me Hugo.” He flashed him one of those bright smiles again. “And no, I don’t feel obligated to make others days brighter. I just know life is better when you smile. And people are frowning way too much nowadays -- being too busy with their lives and stressing about work and who knows what. So if I can make their days brighter I surely will give it a try.” The smile turned into a slight grin. “And that’s exactly why I like to ask people how they’re doing. It’s such a small talk question and no one asks it as a true question. So when you do ask it for real it makes the conversation to feel more meaningful. And that’s what is important. We all are meaningful and important.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Sally couldn’t help but laugh, her smile widening and brightening her whole face. She brought her hands up to her cheeks, feeling them already get sore from smiling so much. “Don’t your cheeks hurt after all that?” She asked with another giggle, massaging her cheeks soothingly.
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“Theeeeere you go!” he said with a laugh when she started to smile. Her question caused a warm laughter fill the air as Hugo couldn’t help but laugh at that. It definitely wasn’t a laugh to mock her, it was more like just because Hugo found the question funny. “You know there’re a lot of muscles on your face and smiling uses a loooot of those muscles. And those muscles definitely are muscles that need training as well, just like the muscles on your body. So when you smile and laugh more, you train those muscles too. And believe me, I know this muscle stuff”, he added and flexed his arm showing that he definitely knew how to gain muscle.
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Sally nodded, really listening to his words and taking his advice. Maybe there was really a power of positive thinking. Maybe that’s what the town of Sunnyside needed- it was awfully cloudy for a place named ‘Sunnyside’. “That’s really… nice.” She decided with a small smile. “There should be more people who think like you Hugo.”
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“Come now, you can do better than that”, Hugo said slightly teasingly, “That’s a tiny smile, give me a bigger one.“ To show and example Hugo wiped the smile off of his lips and then brought extremely wide and happy smile in return. A big smile would make things better, that was for sure.
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Father’s Day had already passed,  and Tiana had been too busy with work to acknowledge it. But today, she could rest, so she did what she always did on Father´s Day after her Pops had passed. “Free Gumbo!”, she yelled, opening the Armstrong’s door. Her Dad always said to share happiness and there was no other way to honor him than making his special gumbo and her Momma’s bread. “Come get it while it’s hot”. 
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Hugo was on his daily jog -- sometimes it was the third jog of the day, but today it was the first one -- when he suddenly heard the words ‘free’ and ‘gumbo’. He started looking around where an earth that delicious freebie existed and when he noticed where it was his jogging changed into running. “One for me, please!” he yelled from a bit further away, just to make sure he definitely would get a bowl.
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
“It really doesn’t get to you after failed attempts?” Sally wondered, tilting her head to the side as she looked up at Hugo. No one could be all sunshine all the time, right? Yet this man glowed like he was birthed from the sun himself. “You just… keep going?”
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"No, not really. Okay, sometimes it might, but I’ll just brush it off and continue on my way.” Hugo strongly believed that positivity would always take you forward and it was important to stay positive. You could get through so many things with a smile. “But yeah, I just keep going. All bad things starts to feel better when you start to think the positives and toss on a smile.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Chuckling a bit, she twisted a red lock around her finger before letting it spring back to her head. “Actually, I was thinking of going back to blonde. I’d done it once before and really enjoyed it. Or I might do teal, who knows.” Letting her eyes wander around her for a moment, they focused back in on his hands. Shifting her weight from one hip to the other, she pointed lazily toward him. “So what do you got in your hands, that you’ve been so protective of?” 
Hugo’s brow raised when he heard Meg was actually thinking of going blond. But when she continued with ‘teal’ the brow lowered and he chuckled. “Everything is possible in your case”, he commented because it really felt like you could never know what hair color Megara had the next time you’d see her. Hugo looked at his hands and flashed a grin. “It’s a surprise. Are you sure you’re ready for one?”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
John couldn’t help but switch on his default expression: skeptically narrowed eyes and perched brows. The man was something of an enigma to him. It was like everything everyone decent knew, internally, and by way of common sense, but…materialized in a person. So…good. And it was odd. But, also highly intriguing. Hence, why he hadn’t bolted. “You are like something out of a Hallmark card. Or the Hallmark channel. Honestly, either or. Or both, really. I don’t think I’ve met anyone as inherently morally correct as you. And I’ve only spoken to you for a few minutes.” The more John spoke with him, the more he felt sucked in by his easy-going, but warm-loving nature.
The middle Darling shouldn’t have been surprised. In fact he called it out to the T, the little brainiac he was. And yet he couldn’t help but let his disbelief color his face so transparently that it was astounding. Reaching his hand out, he scooped the ‘sunshine’ from the other man’s hand and tucked it away, humoring him. “Well. Thank you so much for that. I really do feel my day being that much brighter. Literally, of course. The whole sunshine and all that. Well, take care.” John gave a precise and polite and half-smile and was off. Or, at least he was until after a few paces, his curiosity drew him back like an annoying magnet. Taking steps backwards to the benches and to the man and swiveled back to him. “How does one even give someone sunshine and positive energy? Physically, I mean. I’m perplexed.” He admitted, though it wasn’t a great feeling.
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“Hallmark cards are great”, he said chuckling, thinking of the “donut worry” -card and all the other donut cards he saw few days ago. He liked the cards with silly puns. No matter how this new friend of his -- yes, Hugo was pretty much deciding everyone was his friend from the moment he met them -- was looking skeptic about Hugo’s gift, Hugo kept on smiling at him all happily. And clearly proud of this super awesome idea of his. His smile turned happier when the guy took the given gift and put it in his pocket. Not many did such and it was awesome when it did happen. Hugo gave him a big grin. “You’re welcome! Maybe we’ll see around!”
He was ready to continue his business and making people’s days brighter, but then the guy walked back to him. Hugo’s brow raised a bit but the smile came back in a second when he heard what he had to say. “Easily!” he said with a warm laugh. “You just collect it and then share it with others. After all, most of it comes from the inside. And you know, when you feel down, you just throw a smile on your face and suddenly you start to feel better. And when you continue doing that everything turns better and when you share that brightness with others it just spreads and well, then this might happen. Sharing is caring, you know!” 
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
“It’s nice that there are people like you in town- someone who wants to make people happy and actively does it.” Sally confessed, smiling up at Hugo somewhat shyly. Things just got so dark around here sometimes, and not even in the good way. “I hope other people receive it as well as I did.”
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“Thank you”, he said with a happy smile. It was always so great when people understood his point and were happy about it too. “Some do, some don’t. But luckily they can’t take my mood down. So then I can just continue spreading the sunshine no matter what they say.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
She couldn’t stop smiling. Even if he didn’t smile, the surprise was endearing and cute, that she’d be smiling for a while. Watching his smile grow anyways only solidified her own and she held the little leaf out again. “It’s a succulent cutting, or a leaf! Sometimes they’ll break off from the plant, other times the nursery workers will cut some leaves if the plant is gettin’ too big. If you plant it and give it enough love, ya just might get ya own succulent!” Roxanne looked up at him through her eyelashes. “I don’t really share my cuttin’s with anyone, but ya seem trustworthy. I’m Roxanne–Ro if ya like.”
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Hugo leaned even a bit closer to the little cutting and when he heard what exactly it was his face got brighter. “Oh! So it’s some sort of flower?” he asked, the blue eyes looking up to her eyes. He moved his hand closer to hers, opened his hand -- palm up -- waiting for her to put the cutting on his palm. “Does it need its own jar or can I just plant it on the yard?” Hugo knew little to nothing about planting things, but he had a feeling this woman would give him all the info he’d need about it. “Nice to meet you, Ro! I’m Hugo.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
“I’ve really only been in two places the past few weeks. And that’s home and the casino.” Meg pointed out. Running her fingers through her red locks, the woman hummed. “I’m alright, just tired as per usual. I’m also thinking about changing up my hair color, this red is getting boring.” 
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“Well I’m neither in your home or in the casino, so yes, you’ve been in different places than I have.” It’d be a bit weird if he’d be in either of those places. Okay, he might pop by at Meg’s place, but most of the time they certainly were from different worlds and spent their time in different places. “I don’t think red is boring. But what color were you thinking of? Blue? Green? A rainbow? I can’t imagine you going for blond or brown.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
“That just seems a little bit like a waste of time if you ask me.” She teased with a bit of a smirk. “How have you been Wonder Boy? I feel like I haven’t seen you around at all lately.” 
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“Well, maybe it’s waste of time for you, but not for me.” After all, it wasn’t Meg’s job to think where Hugo used the time from his days. ”I’m doing good! But I’ve been around, maybe you just have been in other places than I have. How are you?”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Sally stretched up on her toes to peer into his opening hands, brows furrowing a little. They were empty, and she looked up at him curiously. That bright smile was still on his face, and when he announced what the surprise was, she couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s a gift I’ll cherish forever, thank you.” She wrinkled her nose cutely. “Do you often give people that?”
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The laugh made him smile even more, if it even was possible at this point since his smile was quite a big one already. “You’re welcome!” It really made Hugo’s day when he got others to smile and on a better mood. “Well I try to make people smile daily, but this was a special thing for today. But who knows, maybe it’ll happen some day in the future too!”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
John noticed the slight vacancy in the other’s eyes as he spoke and almost bit his tongue. Usually when he was on some kind of diatribe, the words just got away from him and people usually got bored or walked away. Clearly neither had yet to happen, so he tried to keep his words as concise as possible. “Well, that wasn’t a very reassuring answer, but I’ll take it.” John somewhat joked. He obviously knew that he wasn’t going to be the victim of some kind of crime by someone who was too good-natured for his own good in a public park. But, it was fun to analyze his companion, he had to admit. 
The young man couldn’t help the childlike wonderment that jumped out as he leaned in, waiting for the question to hit him or for him to secretly open his hand, much to his surprise. “…What?” John asked, brows going from raised and intrigued, to furrowed and confused. “How am I today?” He repeated. It was such a commonality that was never really asked, that it almost sounded foreign. “…Uh, I’m fine, I suppose. Not too bad, not too good. Doing perfectly average, If I’m to be completely honest. Forgive me for asking, but why ask that? I really was ready to have my wits put to work or something. Like a test to see if I was worthy to see what you’re hiding. Unless that what’s in your hand is actually, I don’t know, sunshine personified and is also actually nothing.” John quipped. He wouldn’t even have been surprised at that point.
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Okay, the guy didn’t really take his answer that well, but he seemed to be fine enough with it. So Hugo didn’t return to that topic, he didn’t want to look stupid for not getting what he had said. But well, Hugo was a simple guy, in a way at least. 
Even though the guy clearly got confused by Hugo’s question, Hugo kept on smiling at him. He listened the answer, nodding every now and then, still smiling. “That’s good!” he replied, hsi smile turning into a slight grin. “Why? Basically just because people often forget to ask it. Sure, they ask it as a small talk when you’re supposed to answer with ‘good, you?’ but rarely anyone really asks how are you doing. It’s such a simple thing, but can make a huge difference in the day.” Hugo looked down to his hands, raised his brow a bit as the grin on his lips got wider. He opened his hands -- that were extremely empty. “It indeed is personified sunshine with a lot of smiles and positive energy for your day.”
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
She bit her lip in anticipation, bouncing on her toes. When he opened his hands, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I think that’s the best surprise I coulda gotten!” Roxanne reached into her pocket and pulled out a succulent cutting and held it out to him. “This is the best surprise I could do for ya, but I found a few of these at the nursery and with a replanting and enough love, ya might just grow another succulent.”
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Hugo couldn’t feel happier by the fact how excited this person was to see what his surprise was. Now there was only hoping she wouldn’t be disappointed when the surprise wasn’t anything physical. But her laugh pretty much made Hugo’s worry fly away and his own smile only grew bigger -- if it even was possible at this point since he had been smiling like an idiot for a while now. His eyes got wide when he saw what she offered in return. “Oh!” he said and leaned closer to take a look what that tiny thing was. “What.. is it?” he asked, not daring to take it in his hand because he was scared he’d end up squishing it.
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sunshineofsteel · 5 years
Sally squinted her eyes a little at him as he peered into his hands, double checking that this thing was still there. She wondered what it was… was it a living thing? Was this all a trick? Was it actually some sort of gift? “I’m ready.” Sally nodded, biting her lip excitedly as she looked at his closed hands.
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Hugo really was like beaming of sunshine now that he was about to reveal this big gift of his. He made drum roll sounds as he got ready to open his hands and then he just opened them. Which were empty. But the happy smile from Hugo’s face hadn’t disappeared anywhere. “I give you some happiness and smiles!”
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