sunstrand-archive · 5 years
whoa boys it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been back on this blog! my hiatus lasted two years, lol. so what have i been up to? first, i graduated from community college and am now a university student, so that’s great! secondly, i’m trying to get my life on the right track, after having been derailed for so many years. but my love for nishiki hasn’t waned, and so i’ll end up coming back and being active on here once things settle down. 
if you’re still here after all this time, i appreciate the hell out of you!!!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @elysiancia bless up <3 1ST RULE: tag 9 muses you would like to know better: TAGGING: oh shit but everyone’s done this meme already :/ 
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
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I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push ups non-stop
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath under water for at least a minute
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I work out at least once a week
I go for runs at least once a week during warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do/have done martial arts
I’ve had my first kiss
I’ve had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity  
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
hello! my last final is tomorrow and then i have summer break, to which i still have summer classes and work but hopefully in between that i can be more active on here! just letting you all know and thanks for putting up with me!!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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This is overdue by a number of weeks and PLEASE FORGIVE ME;;; For not knowing 100% how this usually goes since I’ve never?? Done this before?? But a huge, huge, THANK YOU is needed !! I never ever thought I’d have anywhere near the number of followers that I do? That so many people would be interested in my writing? This blog isn’t even a year old !! Heck !!  
But Sakura is the strongest muse I’ve had for quite some time, and I’ve been so, so, HAPPY with her and the FRIENDSHIPS I’ve built writing her !! There are so many of you whose writing I admire so much, whose presence I enjoy so much on the dash !! 
I will be doing some random DOODLES or GRAPHICS (banners/icons/backgrounds) as appreciation for that, so I’ll be selecting a few urls are RANDOM throughout the month but there’s no active participation needed! It’ll totally be based off who I see on the dash atm or randomly generated. ♡
Without further ado, here’s some really awesome people who have helped make this experience so wonderful !! THANK YOU for everything, for making me smile and laugh and just !! Really enjoy writing as a whole !! (if you’re not here, don’t fret! i probably just haven’t seen you around enough / interacted yet! ) My experience here would definitely not have been the same without all you talented individuals, (and I don’t just mean those I’ve tagged here! I mean my dash in it’s entirety). 
@arteiisms / @timeradiant / @komrebi  @bloomiingblade  @bokudou  @bonyarii / @tuosemper  @bravingskies  @cxrsedsilence  @divincr  @fateguided  @fellheaven  @fiercecrimson  @grimscroll  @hoshidanroyal  @incoronat / @stringaent  @kakuretatsuki  @latrocinari  @machmyspeed  /  @khcsrow  @maskedheir  @nakanaai  @nerochoros  @nesufuratu  @nilmen0s  @ofthelace  @otkroveniye  @pegvsi  @retakinglory / @nohreign  @royal-botanist  @rxgalitate  @shomeiha  @siderealeuphoria  @sunstrand  @timidtaguels   @windstrike
@acursedmark / @clumsiiily  @aeoelu  @aethrax / @praeceptumx  @aiiron   @amnesiums   @armsthriift  @artisaen  @axefairest  @believinghxpe  @bladesandbushido  @blareldr   @breidxblik  @brightsmile  @bushidolion   @butlerbourne   @caged-princess  @castitatli  @cridejoie  @cutieheals   @cvlier  @demoiselleskill @destinprxnce   @diablisms  @doomsdaybound  @draakin  @drakoonica  @eirikc  @espadadeazul  @exaltstolen   @fairfriar / @valflame   @fatalimusae  @fatedbirth   @fensalirlance   @flarebond  @fraenr  @fukainoumi   @glissxndo  @grandschemed  @grimstalker ​ @haikumaiden  @haruspicem  @heiwanoryu  @heroismdreams  @hitspark  @holysight  @honorbouncl @honorbourne  @kazealous  @lcstinwaves  @lightbranded @maidfaire / @southfaire  @maligcious  @maltrust  @martyrgrit  @mienakyohaku / @northfaire  @naglfcr / @delleal   @ncblelineage  @noblestson  @of-invisible-ties  @ofhydrangeas  @oflogolepsy  @pillarofnohr  @prinskr  @quiveringshaft  @reginlcif  @risingwing  @rosannesarcher @rvyal  @rxijinto  @sacrificul @sadistii @sanguinetactics  @scarlctsummcner  @shir0uji  @siidereuus  @silentblcde  @skylcft  @soaring-wiings  @sugarstolen  @sxizo  @talentedseamstress  @taniecslxnca  @unproficientflirt  @vallablooded  @venomisst  @vvintery  @wildcardkinshi  @wulfsegen
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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      ❁ .  FIRST OFF   I would like to say  thank you  to all of you that are following me, you’re all  incredible   &&   I honestly couldn’t be more   BLESSED   to have such  amazing   followers   &&   roleplay partners. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for you guys, nor would my muse be who she is without the other  beautiful muses  in her life so again,   THANK YOU SO MUCH   !!   Below is a list of the wonderful   &&   gifted  people that I know   &&   owe so much to   &&   that I love   DEARLY   with my whole heart   !!
      @nilmen0s  (  &&  your other millions of URLS  )  //  @diablisms  (  same to you oh my god stop making blogs apollo  )  //  @royal-botanist  // @gentlexbloom  //  @fatalimusae  //  @arteiisms  //  @armsthriift  //  @maltrust  //  @bonyarii  (  judd why tf do you also have so many blogs jfc  )  //  @incoronat  //  @nakanaai  //  @sunstrand  //  @sadistii  //  @mienakyohaku  //  @maidfaire  //  @doomsdaybound  //  @retakinglory  //  @aiiron  //  @fleurprxnce  //  @divincr  //  @bokudou  //  @solisnumen  //  @hanabari  //  @rxgalitate  //  @grandschemed  //  @keybladc  //  @hopeshielded  //  @nesufuratu  //  @artisaen  //  @latrocinari  //  @talentedseamstress  //  @destinprxnce  //  @fellheaven  //  @wildcardkinshi
              THANK YOU SO MUCH, EVERYONE   !!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
LITTLE CHARACTER THINGS just a fun little character game. fill in the below categories with 3-5 things that your character can be identified by. repost & tag away ! tagged by - i’m a fuckin’ thief i stole this shit so hard tagging - @wulfsegen @martyrgrit @bravingskies @elysiancia @nerochoros @venomisst @disangel @haruspicem && anyone that wants to!! just steal this or say it was from me >:)
EMOTIONS / FEELINGS: 001: openness. he says what he wants and does what he wants no matter who he is dealing with. entitlement means nothing to him. he will not restrict himself. 002: rubatosis. the unsettling awareness of one’s own heartbeat—he often listens to the thrums of his core, the strong echo of life and the electric currents of adrenaline present in his veins. 003: mischief. he wants to play, to trick, to mess with others. he wants amusements in his life. he treats everything as if it is a game.  004: protectiveness. a strong sense of living and dying for others, shielding his loved ones from harm’s way and guarding them from the world’s pains, only to destroy the agony in its entirety. 005: eccentricity. strange and unconventional manners and traditions drive his body, mind, and soul. he walks a path not yet explored; he marches to his own drumbeat.
GREETINGS: 001: smiling widely. he is exuberant most of the time, he wants to show his happiness to the world. 002: waving wildly. he will wave down a friend or ally from a distance, making it known he wishes to speak with them. 003: calling out loudly. he does not care for any social repercussions—he wants to let his voice be heard.
COLORS: 001: orange—any shade of orange, but mostly that found in a beautiful sunset, as well as the variety found in lantern lights and in his hair. 002: red—blood, blood, blood. one of the many shades of inari okami; the hue of various streaks in his fur; the shade of violence and petulance in his eyes. 003: white—another color of inari, it represents innocence. it is his fur in his enhanced form, pearly and impeccable. it is the gleam of vulpine fangs in a smile.  004: navy blue—his initial clothes, his scarf, his gloves. a contrast with orange, a symbol or evidence pointing to his style and sensibility.  005: black—not as prominent, but visible nonetheless. he sees it mostly in the eyes of his prey, his enemies. streaks of darkness can sometimes be found on him, only to disappear in the light’s display.
SCENTS: 001: perfume. he loves loves loves self-care and douses himself in good smelling aromas. more often than not he chooses fragrances of flowery or fruity smells. 002: soap. similar to perfume, he does bathe very very often. he smells like cleanliness and bathhouses, like salts and scrubs in excess. 003: sunshine. he is a being of light, born to high peaks so as to become closer to the ever-shining star. he smells like warm days and comfort. 004: silk. a soft and sweet smell, closely related to fresh linen but somehow more luxurious despite his wild lifestyle.  005: flowers. he admires their beauty, he picks them at times. he lays in fields and under trees and smells so much like the fauna—like the earth’s little laughs which sprout in full.
CLOTHING: 001: haori, traditional wear of his ethnicity. usually sleeveless. initial form bears blue-schemed haori which is the base of his fashion. enhanced form bears white haori with red patterns, which also is the base of the rest of his fashion.  002: long-sleeved undershirt, to give him more skin coverage with his haori. matches the haori in color scheme, usually. 003: fitted (not tight) pants which reach his ankles. matching color scheme with all of his clothes.  004: scarf which is seen on his person at all times. at first, the scarf is falling apart with dark blue and cream yellow threads fraying out. by the time he reaches his stronger form, the scarf is renewed with white and red thread.  005: shin & arm guards which help protect him from blunt attacks. they serve more as formality since he often fights in his fox form.
OBJECTS: 001: beast stone of bright colors which helps to contain his power and allows him to transform between human and fox form. 002: scarf which he never leaves behind. counts as clothing as well but he loves it so. 003: shoes which he wears often, they are traditional makes called zori. 004: ornate hair comb which he has received from his mother long ago. it is a prized possession which he uses often for self-care. it is adorned in pearls and silver. 005: a small hand-mirror gifted to him by his father. it is a token received from harmless humans, and the mirror serves its normal purpose, as well as an occasional reminder for Nishiki to “remember who he truly is”.
VICES / BAD HABITS: 001: laughing & smiling too often. he is a cheery fool and shows it with enthusiasm. 002: naivety. while he is cultured in his own sense he is very behind on the times and does not understand humans and their traditions.  003: easily trusting of others. while he is cunning and witty, he can also be quite dumb and simply take others for their words. a truly secretive person can hide many intentions from him. outside of battle/war he is very, very foolish and often does favors for people even when they did not ask. 004: objectifying and/or triviliazing death/murder/violence. he has become so desensitized to it that it no longer bothers him as it once did. he still detests his kind being hurt or killed off, but he will also easily tear humans to shreds. 005: lying. a contrast to his naive state of mind, he is a clever liar and can hide things easily. he can and will make a fool out of others for his own sake. 
BODY LANGUAGE: 001: hands on hips, showing his playfulness and arrogance. 002: tail wagging or swaying back and forth. rapid movements can imply excitement or nervousness, while slower movements can imply comfortableness or thoughtfulness. 003: head held high, he is prideful and vain but also confident and straightforward. he knows himself. 004: ears perking often. a forward incline may imply shyness, while straightening and rising upward shows awareness and/or happiness. a downward movement may show displeasure or the occasional sadness. 005: arms are never shielding him (crossed, holding one arm with the other, etc.) they are always at his side or open. he does not try to defend himself against others in casual conversation.
AESTHETICS: 001: sunrises or sunsets, casting light and shadow over the world. 002: forested area or mountains, with heavy trees and winding trails. 003: secrecy in every form—a hidden village, a mysterious scarf, an unknown smirk. 004: fire in the forms of floating flames, guiding lights which hover at his side in his true form. 005: a shrine of old shinto deity, a temple of worship and legends of old.
SONGS: 001: liar dance - deco*27 ( kuraiinu cover ) 002: eternal youth - rude 003: beautiful - monsta x 004: warmth - bastille 005: kouyou - ice
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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hello, doves. your dearest mother has arrived,  &  she has brought love & kisses for you all ! DON’T BE SHY ! she’s ready to make up for those lost times. help your lovely queen out by giving this a LIKE  /  REBLOG if you’re interested in interacting with a new QUEEN MIKOTO from fire emblem ! as wielded by venus.  ♡
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
Balancing Character Traits
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conformist ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆★☆ rebel naive ☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆ cynical indecisive ☆☆☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆ inflexible selfish ☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ self-sacrificing apathetic ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆★☆☆ emotional fearful ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆★ reckless childish ☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ humorless dependent ☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆ loner passive ☆☆☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆ aggressive
tagged by: @maidfaire tysm friend!! tagging: idk anyone that hasn’t done this yet lmao
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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Hey folks! I logged on to say that activity should pick up over the next few weeks or so. In case it doesn’t (because I only have like, what, 3-4 weeks of classes left this semester?) I’m here to state that my blog is still somewhat on a (semi) hiatus. While I’ll be lurking here and there, I will actually be more present here than I was for the past several weeks! 
That being said, I’ll most likely check in once a while and get some drafts + asks done, too. Not a whole lot of progress will be made on my end, but just some to hopefully try and make up for my absence! uvu Of course, that is the last thing I plan to do (considering hw + studying and whatnot) but I anticipate on slowly but surely revitalizing my momentarily dormant blog. 
Thank you guys for understanding and! I hope everything goes well for all of you, too!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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       Hey ny’all! I’m here to let you folks know that college is really getting intense on me! Finals week is coming up and so are all sorts of tests and quizzes and … my grades are not really where I want them to be so I’m doing everything I can to focus on getting them back up! As such, I’ve decided to put all non-school related activities ( including roleplaying ) aside until the storm wanes out.         At the very least, I’ll most likely be gone for the next few weeks or so, but I can definitely say that I will be largely absent for the majority of next week and the week after that. For good measure ( so I don’t tempt myself ) I’m not gonna log into Tumblr at all. The same goes for Skype, Twitter, Discord, etc. Because of this I will probably be unavailable if ny’all want to get a hold of me.         That being said, please don’t concern yourself with my absence too much! I made this notice for the sake of my mutuals and nothing else. That is also to say that all threads, asks, etc. will be held off for the time being, but there comes a time when real life takes priority. Now is one of those times for me!       I would like to thank everyone for making things so fun for me so far! I’m taking a break now, but once I come back ( and I will come back ) the fun train’s gonna run again! Until then, I’ll queue this post a few more times and sign off for a bit! Thanks to you all once more and I’ll see ya when I see ya!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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       Hey ny’all! I’m here to let you folks know that college is really getting intense on me! Finals week is coming up and so are all sorts of tests and quizzes and ... my grades are not really where I want them to be so I’m doing everything I can to focus on getting them back up! As such, I’ve decided to put all non-school related activities ( including roleplaying ) aside until the storm wanes out.         At the very least, I’ll most likely be gone for the next few weeks or so, but I can definitely say that I will be largely absent for the majority of next week and the week after that. For good measure ( so I don’t tempt myself ) I’m not gonna log into Tumblr at all. The same goes for Skype, Twitter, Discord, etc. Because of this I will probably be unavailable if ny’all want to get a hold of me.         That being said, please don’t concern yourself with my absence too much! I made this notice for the sake of my mutuals and nothing else. That is also to say that all threads, asks, etc. will be held off for the time being, but there comes a time when real life takes priority. Now is one of those times for me!       I would like to thank everyone for making things so fun for me so far! I’m taking a break now, but once I come back ( and I will come back ) the fun train’s gonna run again! Until then, I’ll queue this post a few more times and sign off for a bit! Thanks to you all once more and I’ll see ya when I see ya!
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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This is one of my favorite ships in Fates
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
How Can I Say by Day6
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
The war may —END— but the battle ( within ) rages on —FOREVER—
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
“MY GOD,” she said to me, 
                   “YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL.”
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
Just like lies, I can see you in my eyes.
Monsta X, “All I Do”  (via lucidiumskies)
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sunstrand-archive · 7 years
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Commission for @vethica - Lookit the cute foxy-dragon family! Lookit ‘em!! Solemn and dignified family portrait material they are not. Thanks a lot!!
Fire Emblem Commissions!
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