Disney has trademarked the names of a bunch of Norse gods.
This is not okay.
These gods do not belong to Disney. They do not belong to Marvel. They belong to themselves and themselves alone, along with all those who worship them as the deities they are.
Thor, Loki, Odin, etc., these gods were not thought up by anyone at Disney or Marvel.
Stan Lee knew how sacred these gods are to those who follow many different Pagan traditions, how sacred they are to Scandinavian cultures to whom they are so important.
My best friend follows the Norse gods. She will be so bloody offended when she finds out about this. These are her gods, this is her religion. These are the deities she worships, the gods she prays to, the traditions she follows. She enjoys the Marvel portrayals of these characters, but they are separate from the gods she believes in.
Disney is stepping on her religion in an effort to gain more and more money.
Stan Lee did not trademark these names. He understood their importance and their sacred meaning. He was respectful enough not to do this.
These names are not the intellectual property of anyone. Neither the original names in runes nor the anglicised names that are used in Marvel's works.
They were around well before us (a whole ass millennium before us), and they will be around well after the greedy bastards who have decided to trademark religious symbols are dust.
It should be common sense and common courtesy not to trademark the names of religious figures, which all of these gods and goddesses are, even if you do not believe in them.
mod is not christian but you would never see me trademark jesus ffs it crosses a Line
If you agree, please sign and share the petition. If you can, please chip in to get this petition everywhere it can possibly go.
It is f**king disgusting that Disney is doing this.
It needs to stop.
Oh, and one more thing.
i want to throw up ive included a bunch of tags trying to get the norse pagans attention bc im sure they'll want in on this if u have an in with the norse paganism community on tumblr pls do tag everyone u can
im wondering now if they've done this to the greek gods too ughh that would show even more of a disregard for other people's religious views and past people's religious views ughhhh ok imma go look at the toilet bowl for a bit 😅pls sign it'd mean the world to me
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“The paradox of the oracle (Delphi) was that because it forced people to interpret the vagueness of those utterances, the ‘ball’ was implicitly returned right back to those who sought its guidance. That way, rather than having the god (Apollo) clearly telling them what to do, people were indirectly lead to use their own intellectual faculties to come up with the answers best fitted for their particular challenges or problems.” - Know Thyself: Western Identity From Classical Greece to the Renaissance
So maybe Apollo wants us to use our noodles.
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Have a sleeping sunny boi ☀🎶
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Daily Devotion for Apollo
the sun shines through my curtain
where i feel your warmth on me.
in that moment i feel certain
that everything i need i see;
i see you smiling through the warmth
i see you reassuring me through your light
and in that moment it all feels right.
i thank you Apollo with all my love,
as i hope my respect can appreciate your might
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List of  Anciet Greek Festivals and Holy Days
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Apollo Citharoedus
Roman copy of a Greek original from the 5th century BC.
- Chiaramonti Museum - Braccio Nuovo, Vatican.
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Apollo—god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, and poetry
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Altar Ideas
Apollo - Bay leaves - Laurel - Hyacinth (Candle or flowers) - Lyre/Any musical instrument - Poetry book - Concert Tickets - Arrows - Medicine - Swans/Ravens/Pythons - Runes or other divination tools - Printed Lyrics - Olive oil - Cypress wood (possible scented candle) - Ipod when not in use - Candles (yellow, white, green)  
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The Athenian Calendar 🏛️🌿📅
There was no standard calendar in ancient greece, however the most written about and commonly used one by modern reconstructionists is the Athenian Calendar! This calendar can be easily incorporated into the Gregorian Calendar as well (in my opinion)
I would like to thank @hermesmystic for creating a beautiful lesson on our Hellenismos Online Temple discord server! It helped a lot with this post ♥
It’s a long one so brace yourself!
D A Y S 🌇 The days in the Athenian Calendar begin at sunset. This was important for being able to observe festivals or holy days, if they were to begin at midnight like it does for us, the Greeks would have had a much harder time practicing their religion.
The main Olympians have sacred days of the week which can be used if you would like to make small daily offerings. Weekdays have two gods and weekends have three. A week in review would be: Monday: Artemis and Demeter 🏹🌾 Tuesday: Ares and Athena ⚔️📜 Wednesday: Hermes and Hephaestus 📬🛠️ Thursday: Zeus and Hera 🌩️💍 Friday: Dionysus and Aphrodite 🍇🕊️ Saturday: Hestia, Hades and Persephone 🕯️💀 Sunday: Apollo, Posedion and Amphitrite ☀️🌊
Obviously you don’t need to change your clock and begin living your life around this BUT it is useful to remember.
M O N T H S 🌑 The months are where it gets a little complicated! So we’ll begin with the way the months began and ended and that is with the new moon.
Most Athenian months will fall between two Gregorian months, and sometimes a Gregorian month can have two full moons. A rule of thumb to remember with this is an Athenian month begins on the last (or only) new moon of a Gregorian month and ends on the first (or only) new moon in the next Gregorian month.
The Athenian Calendar also has seasons like the Gregorian calender, and these seasons have three months within them.
S u m m e r: 🌻🏄 Season Theme: Setting foundations and goals Hekatombion (holy month of Zeus 🌩️) - Falls between July/August. Theme: Planning and getting your life sorted Festivals for this month are the: Aphrodisia (6th), Kronia (12th), Synoikia (15-16th) and Panathenaia (28th)
Metageitnion (holy month of Demeter 🌾) - Falls between August/September Theme: Securing foundations from the previous month This month doesn’t have confirmed festivals but these are believed to fall under this month: Metageitnios (Unknown), Herakles Emera (Unknown)
Voedromion (holy month of Hestia 🕯️) - Falls between September/October Theme: Focus on spiritual/religious comfort Festivals for this month are the: Genesia (5th), Kharisteria (6th), Boidromia (7th), Eleusinian Mysteries (15th-21st)
The Eleusinian Mysteries was the most important festival in the Athenian year held in honour of Demeter and Persephone. What happened during this festival isn’t well known so it’s challenging for a modern Hellenic Polytheist but for the ancient Greeks acknowledging the festival was important, acknowledging meant to observe the festival, in the modern sense this can be doing a personal ritual.
A u t u m n / F a l l: 🍂🥧 Season Theme: Tackling hardships, the gods challenge Pyanepsion (holy month of Ares ⚔️) - Falls between October/November Theme: Time for tackling hardships Festivals for this month are the: Proerosia (5th), Puanepsia (6th), Oskhophoria (7th), Theseia (8th), Stenia (9th), Thesmophoria (11-13th), Khalkeia (30th)
Maimakterion (holy month of Artemis 🏹) - Falls between November/December Theme: Time for taking care of yourself through hardship Festivals for this month are the: Maimakeria (unknown), Pompaia (20-end)
Poseideon (holy month of Poseidon 🌊) - Falls between December/January Theme: A time to prove work ethic (or arete) to the gods Festivals for this month are the: Poseidea (8th), Rural Dionysia (last two weeks of the month), Haloa (26th)
W i n t e r: ❄️☃️ Season Theme: A time to recover and revise goals Gamelion (holy month of Hera 💍) - Falls between January/February Theme: Time to reconnect with the gods Festivals for this month are the: Lenaia (12-15), Gamelia (26)
Anthesterion (holy month of Haephestus 🛠️) - Falls between February/March Theme: Time for ingenuity/finding creative solutions Festivals for this month are the: Anthesteria (11-13th), Diasia (23**/28th)*, Lesser Mysteries (unknown)
Elafevolion (holy month of Athena 📜) - Falls between March/April Theme: Reflecting on potential weaknesses and improving Festivals for this month are the: Elapheblia (6th), Asklepieia (8**/9th)*, Greater Dionysia (9-13th), Pandia (14/17th**)*
S p r i n g: 🌷🐣 Season Theme: Strength and Hope! Mounikhion (holy month of Aphrodite 🕊️) - Falls between April/May Theme: Celebrate the progress you’ve made! Festivals for this month are the: Feast of Eros (4th), Mounikhia (6/16th**)*, Olympieia (19th)
Thargelion (holy month of Apollo ☀️) - Falls between May/June Theme: Faith and Divination, working hard Festivals for this month are the: Thargelia (6-7th), Plunteria (Last week with the peak on 25th)
Skiroforion (holy month of Hermes 📬) - Falls between June/July Theme: Making goals for the new year, devotion Festivals for this month are the: Arrhephoria (3rd), Skirophoria (12th), Dipolieia (14th) 
[* means it can be observed on either day] [** means that is the prefered date to observe it]
Each month has an 11 day transitionary period from one to the next called the Neos Minas, each day (except one) has an event that help to fully transition spiritually from the theme of one month to the next.
Day 1: Chthonia 1 - the 3rd day before the end of the old month 🧹 Day 2: Chthonia 2 - the 2nd day before the end of the old month 🧹 Day 3: Hekate’s Deipnon - last day of the old month 👻 Day 4: Noumenia - First day of the new month ✨ Day 5: Agathos Daimon - 2nd day of the new month 🎉 Day 6: Tritomenis - 3rd day of the new month / Athena’s birthday 📜 Day 7: Tetras - 4th day of the new month 💖 Day 8: Rest Day - 5th day of the new month 🥱 Day 9: Birth of Artemis - 6th day of the new month 🏹 Day 10: Birth of Apollo - 7th day of the new month ☀️ Day 11: Poseidonas - 8th day of the new month 😤
M o n t h   1 3 ? Occasionally there will be two new moons in a Gregorian month, this was a dillema for the ancient Greeks as well and their solution was to add a 13th month! Mounikhion has to begin and Elafevolion has to end on the same day but there are two new moons… what do we do? Who do we honour?!
Dionysus would be given a month whenever this issue would arise and it fit his theme perfectly, to come in and cause chaos! This month never had any festivals as it was so sparadic in length or time of year, routine went out the window! In even more Dionysus fashion this month isn’t named after him! It’s called Duo Poseideon and has nothing to do with Poseidon’s month!
Y E A R S 🎉 Years in the Athenian calendar begins in the summer, giving the Greeks plenty of energy to honour and celebrate. The final day of the year was always to honour Athena and Zeus for blessings in the new year
To keep with the theme of four seasons, the years were also grouped into fours called Olympiads 4 years = 1 Olympiad. The way to write the year would go as such: “Year 4 of the 704th Olympiad” Once the year is complete this summer it will become “Year 1 of the 705th Olympiad”
The years also come with their themes, they follow that of the seasons.
I hope this post was helpful! Sorry if I got anything wrong but I hope you can add some of this information to your worship and have fun with it! Don’t worry about trying to follow the calendar perfectly.
Gods bless xx ♥
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Guide to Apollon (Απολλων)
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God of: prophecy, music, poetry, healing, disease, light, knowledge, archery, herds/flocks, protection of the young
Family: twin (or younger brother in some myths) of Artemis, goddess of the hunt; son of Zeus the king of the gods & Leto goddess of motherhood
Birthplace: Mount Cynthus on the island of Delos
Appearance (according to the myths): beautiful youth with unshorn hair & a beardless face, rays of light exuding from his brow, wrathful smile
Symbols: lyre & bow/arrows 
Sacred Animals: cattle, wolf, swan, dolphin, raven, python
Sacred Plants: laurel, larkspur, cypress
Epithets (Greek): 
Prophecy –> Thearios (of the Oracle), Proupsius (foreseeing), Kledones (omen in words and sounds)
Hunting/Archery –> Hekatos (shooter from afar), Agraios (of the hunt)
Health –> Oulios (of sound health), Paeon/Paean/Paeon (healer), Akesios (of healing)
Protection –> Alexikakos (averter of evil), Epikourios (helping), Boedromios (rescuer), Lykios (of the wolves/light), Aguieus (protector of the streets), Arkhegetes (founder)
Disease/Plague –> Smintheios/Sminthaios (of the mice), Parnopios/Pornopion (of the locusts)
Sun/Light –> Aigletes (light of the sun), Phanaios (giver of light), Phoebus (light)
Family/Location –> Delios (Delian), Kunthios (Cynthinian), Kynthogenes (of Mount Cynthus), Didymaios (twin)
Music/Song –> Musagetes (leader of the Muses)
Summary of Notable Myths (Please note that there are several versions of the myths listed below. An excellent source to find some/all of them is on this website)
On the story of his (& Artemis’) birth: Leto roamed the earth, hopping from island to island, to find a place to safely give birth to her twins. However, many turned her down until she reached Delos. The island accepted her on the terms that her children would give back to the island. Leto needed the help of Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth, but her mother Hera was rather envious of Leto (because she kind of did fuck her man)  and most likely wouldn’t let her go assist Leto. Iris, the messenger of the gods, was sent to coax Eileithyia with a beautiful necklace and it was successful! The two goddesses rushed over to Delos and Eileithyia was able to help Leto out. (read full myth here: To Delian Apollo — Homeric Hymn to Apollo)
Apollo & Hyacinthos: Apollo fell in love with a young man named Hyacinthos. One day, the couple was playing discus in a field, and Zephyrus saw what was happening and became angered. Apollo had thrown the plate and Hyacinthos had run to catch it. Unfortunately, Hyacinthos was fatally struck in the head by the plate. Apollo did everything that he could to revive his lover but to no avail. Apollo wept and wished that he could become mortal and join Hyacinthos in death. From Hyacinthos’ blood, sprouted the hyacinth flower. (read full myth here)
Apollo vs the Python: After his birth, Apollo sought to claim his place in Delos and establish a shrine to the island as his mother had promised. However, the Python (a serpent monster) was in the way of that goal. The monster was originally assigned to the island by Mother Gaea to protect the site of the oracle of Delphi. Apollo slew the serpent with his bow and arrow. It is said that the line of priestesses at the Temple of Apollo are named after this serpent.
How To Connect With Apollo (predominantly UPG):
Creative Activities (singing, dancing, drawing, painting, writing, etc.)
Listening to Music (from a dedicated playlist to him would be good too, but it’s optional!)
Being out in nature 
Archery practice
Offerings (physical or mental)
Basically, any activities that remind you of Apollo
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Me: Haha I'm very impulsive and barely think before making a decision but it's fine :D
Today's rune: Think or you're so gonna regret it
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Hekate's Deipnon
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Hekate's Deipnon is a celebration of the end of the month in honour of Hekate. It's the first day of the three-day transition from month to month.
The festival is used to appease Hekate and ask her for her blessing for the next month. You clean your house and make sure to get a good start into the new month!!
When we observe the Deipnon:
The deipnon was observed on the last day of the Hellenic month, so during the dark moon. But the hellenic day starts at sundown the day before. So on the it'd be from evening of the 28th day to the evening of the 29th (the last) day. But I just celebrate the Deipnon on the last day of our modern calender, since its easier for me and also makes more sense in my opinion. It's up to you really!
Things you can do on the Deipnon:
Clean your home and altars
Get rid of old libtations/food offerings you left in the open
Purification of the home and mind
Finish all projects, tie loose ends, pay off any debts you may have
Do a ritual in honor of Hekate (light a candle, recite a hymn)
Pour a libtation in her honour or offer her food if you can (typical offerings are egg, cakes, bread, garlic, leek)
These are just the things that I do!! Do what feels right!
Note: Hekate is a chthonic goddess, don't eat any food you offer her! Bury it or leave it on a crossroad
So to recap, the Deipnon is a festival to close the month. You leave offerings and honour Hekate, through cleaning your house and leaving everything unpleasant behind.
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[thursday, 17th august 2017]🌿 made a moon phases page in my grimoire today!🌻✨
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the twins apollo and artemis
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My evening prayer template
A.K.A. a step-by-step guide on how to do a big final prayer of the day if you want to do it like me.
Clean and cleanse your hands (I use blessed hand sanitizer but rarely do so because I'm most often straight out of the shower).
Light the candles (I always start with Hestia's, then go on to Aphrodite's because it's on the same altar, and then Hermes's. [Optionally, as I light the candles - you may change this in accordance to which gods you have an altar for:] "Dear Hestia, keep the flames burning as I carry out this ritual. Loveliest Aphrodite, fill the conversation between us with love. Hermes, master of communication, please assure that it flows steadily."
"Thank you, my dearest gods, for being in, and influencing, my life, as well as doing things for this world out of your godly nature regardless of my existence in it." Next, I say individual thanks to gods I specifically received favors and aid from when I asked for it if such an event had taken place.
After that, I ask for favors, blessings, or guidance from specific gods if I feel like I want to ask for their help. If I ask gods I am not devoted to, I often "pay" them in advance with an incentive offering. The three I am devoted to often either don't demand it because I give them love and gifts on the regular or have enough trust in me to know that I'll reward them handsomely when the deed is done (Hermes often makes me swear on my life that I'll bring him some strawberry candies :P ).
This is the freestyle part. Good especially for people with good godphone, but a one-sided conversation will do too. Just talk with them casually about anything you want, ask them how they are, etc. Even if they know your inner turmoils or how your day went, conversation deepens bonds and they'll be glad to hear about it straight from you.
Put out the candles in the reverse order to the one in which you lit them. Before blowing out each candle, I say "[god's name], once again thank you for everything you do for me. Good night, I love you. Khaire." When it comes down to Hestia, I also add "Thank you for your service" in reference to her keeping of the altar flame and therefore being the most important goddess in any ritual.
Here's also a shorter prayer for when I have no energy to light the candles (or am in a place where all I can do is think-pray while I lay down in bed) and speak elaborately:
"My dearest gods, thank you for being in my life [+optional individual thanks here]. Please, continue guiding me towards the path that will make me the happiest and you most content with me, and aid me in being the best, kindest person I can be. Khaire."
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Things you could put in a devotional journal
•Their names in Ancient Greek, transliterated, translated, and pronunciation •Epithets (traditional and upg) •Favourite myths •Retelling/interpretation of the myths •Other information about Them •A photo or drawing of how They appear to you or that you think of as resembling Them •Delphic maxims •Key words in both languages and what they mean •An altar page or photo of an altar •Hymns, prayers, poems and stories •Pictures of other things you’ve made for Them •Updates on skills you’re learning in worship of Them •Letters you write to Them about anything at all (could just be telling them about your day or whatever) •Specific tarot spreads •Readings and conversations you’ve had with Them •Sacred animals/plants/colours/food/symbols etc (or just ones that make you think of Them) •Drawings/paintings/collages for Them •Experiences and encounters •Worship days/holidays/celebrations •Ideas for things you could do/make/give in offering (including low spoons devotional ideas) •Playlists •Books and movies that remind you of them •Aesthetic and word associations lists •Places that remind you of Them •Any other upg stuff •Quotes •Any signs or dreams etc you think might have been from them •Checklists for things you want to do for Them or have done and want to do again •Stick in pictures or dried flowers •Charities or other causes you can give to
*I’m mostly posting this for myself just to have the list saved but if anyone has any other ideas please feel free to add to it! I love having new things to add to my journals
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