sunxana · 10 months
two-faced — jjk smau ;
11. twitching eyes and clenched fists
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yayy new chapter !! next one will b funnier i js need to push the plot along LOL anyway i genuinely have no thoughts typing this rn so i’m js gonna hit post
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sunxana · 11 months
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as you’ve grown older, you’ve discovered that coming home to an empty apartment in the middle of the day is the adult equivalent of waking up on christmas morning. it’s an especially rare occurrence, especially for a saturday, but you’d just dropped megumi at the library, tsumiki at a friends, and gojo was still bothering principal yaga at the school. 
sighing, you can’t help the grin that breaks out on your face as you set your bag down. you have the apartment to yourself. it’s clean and quiet and you have almost two whole hours to do whatever you want. 
the first thing you do is make yourself a cup of tea, humming to yourself as you carry the steaming mug into the living room. then you curl up into the corner of the sectional, enjoying the cool breeze of the open window and the warm summer sun. 
then, after glancing around and ensuring that you’re truly alone, you reach under the couch and pull out your novel. 
shoko had loaned it to you months ago, claiming that it would help ‘grease the wheels’ during satoru’s frequent absences. 
you hadn’t really understood what she meant until you’d gotten to the sixth chapter– a chapter so steamy you’d felt yourself get a little hot under the collar while reading it.
which is why you keep it hidden and only bring it out when you’re alone. 
it’s been weeks since you’d last picked it up, opening the novel up to the bookmarked page with excitement buzzing in your veins at the prospect of finally finishing it. you only had one chapter left!
‘the warm buzz of desire in her limbs intensifies as he kisses every exposed inch of her throat. she pulls him closer, feeling his hands searching for the seam of her dress for a zipper, a button, anything to undo so he can feel her skin on his. his lips find the spot behind her ear that makes her shudder, sucking lightly and eliciting a soft moan from her lips–’
“what are you reading?”
you flinch, snapping the book shut as satoru leans over your shoulder. you hadn’t even noticed he’d come home, a mixture of fear and embarrassment swimming in your gut as he plucks the book from your grasp.
he peers at the cover, obviously amused when he says,
“were you…romanceturbating?” 
“i was not,” you argue, but your entire face is hot and your heart is beating so fast that you fear it may bust through your ribcage.
“you totally were!” he laughs, holding it above his head so you can’t grab it. “does it take place in a shire?”
“is there a lot of sexy bodice ripping and armour shucking?”
you cross your arms over your chest with a huff. “do all of your fantasies take place in medieval  england?”
“we’re not talking about me,” he waves off. “we’re talking about you, and what you’re doing reading this trash when you have the real deal right in front of you. i can be a much better sexy–” he points at the cover, “–uh, construction worker?”
“he’s a handyman, and i doubt that,” you scoff, snatching your book back. 
so much for your quiet afternoon.
that weekend, you awaken to very loud, very annoying banging coming from the kitchen. satoru’s no longer in bed, so you assume that he’s attempting to make breakfast and head out before he can burn the entire apartment complex down.
“you’re lucky the kids are at sleepovers right now,” you say loudly as you step out of the bedroom and head towards the kitchen. “or you’d be getting screamed at–”
your breath catches when your boyfriend sits up, using the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow and allowing you a peek at his toned abdomen.
“morning, baby.” 
“morning,” you reply, clearing your throat as you step over his legs to grab some tea. 
“actually, can you hold this up for me?” he asks suddenly, catching your wrist and pressing a flashlight into your palm. “i need a little light.”
you take it obediently, kneeling down to shine the light into the space under the sink. you try your hardest to keep your gaze focused on the pipes, and not the way his biceps flex with every movement.
“i didn’t even know you owned tools,” you mutter.
“i borrowed them from nanami,” he tells you.
you have no idea what the hell he’s doing - you didn’t even know the sink was broken - but you can’t really find it in yourself to care at the moment. not with the way your squeeze your legs together with his every grunt of effort.
“that should do it,” he hums, sitting up so he’s now face to face with you, playful blue eyes meeting yours as he smiles. “thanks for–”
he doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, not when you grab the collar of his stupid tank top, pulling him in to press your lips over his. 
not when he wraps an arm around your waist, flipping you both over so your back is on the floor, his body caged over yours as he deepens the kiss. 
this is much better than shoko’s stupid novel.
“i think–” he pants between kisses, letting you work his shirt off. 
“shut up,” you mumble, feeling him toy with the hem of your shorts.
“but we need to call a plumber,” he says, lips brushing that spot behind your ear. “because i definitely broke the sink…”
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sunxana · 11 months
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“i’ve got the ice cream!” gojo announces as he steps into the apartment.
despite the urgency conveyed over his call with you, not a soul appears to greet him like the hero that he is. instead, he’s greeted by the perked ears and alert looks of four shikigami wolves lounging under the sun rays stretched across the kitchen floor.
he carefully steps over them to grab four spoons. “where are your summoners?”
your dogs tilt their heads, pretending not to understand him. megumi’s puppies don’t even bother with pretending, turning around and setting their fluffy bottoms down with a huff.
“useless animals,” he scoffs, venturing into the apartment to look for everyone. 
he eventually finds the three of you in the bedroom, you and tsumiki cuddling in bed watching some chick-flick while megumi reads in the armchair. 
“finally,” you grin when you see him, pausing the film to take the bag and spoons from his hands. “thank you.”
“what’s going on here?” he asks as you distribute ice cream pints and spoons. 
“tsumiki didn’t say “i love you” back to her boyfriend,” megumi quips, his sister throwing a pillow and a glare in his direction. 
gojo looks at you, brows furrowed, but you only send him a pleading look.
“well,” he starts, sitting on the edge of the bed. “love is a big emotion, kid. it can take a long time to develop, or sometimes you just know like that,” he says, snapping his fingers. 
“how long did it take you two to say it?” 
this time when he looks at you, you look away. you hate how much he loves this story. 
he can’t help the giddy feeling fluttering in his chest. 
“you tell her,” you mutter.
“why? you were the one who said it first. it also led to our first kiss remember?”
“and as i recall, you didn’t say you loved me back right away.” 
ah, you never fail to remind him. 
“i didn’t get the chance. you just started kissing me and tearing my clothes off. then you immediately dragged me into bed and had your way with me,” he recalls, sighing dreamily as megumi covers his ears.
“i did not kiss you first,” you argue, like you always do. “i don’t kiss on first dates!”
“you did that night.”
“no, i said that i loved you, and then you kissed me.” 
he looks at you for a moment. really looks at you. he supposes that first kiss had been over nearly ten years ago, he couldn’t really fault you for forgetting. he didn’t even remember what he’d had for breakfast this morning. 
“alright, you win,” he relents, shuffling up the bed to sit against the headboard, pulling you into his chest and kissing your temple. 
his first date with you ends up being five years after he meets you. 
by then, he’d already known he loved you. hell, some deep, subconscious part of him had known since he was seventeen years old.
so, two years after he’d made a deal with your father, he asked you on a date. 
the date goes well. a nice dinner at a nice restaurant in roppongi, followed by a movie in the apartment you’d eventually move into. he’d successfully put his arm around you and leaned in to tell jokes that’d made you laugh.  
being with you has always been easy, even back then. there’s no awkwardness on your first date, just the blossoming feeling of something exciting and new growing between you.
(because you were in love with him too.)
“i should head home,” you sigh around 11pm, moving to lift your head from where it’s been laying against his shoulder. “i have lesson plans to prep for next week.”
“don’t go,” he’s quick to insist. “stay. i have two spare rooms. i already have one set up for you.”
you look at him for a moment, like you’re seeing him for the first time. “you do?”
“i wasn’t going to make you go home by yourself in the middle of the night,” he shrugs, averting his gaze and feeling shy all of a sudden. 
“i don’t have any clothes—”
“just wear something of mine.”
that was mistake number one, because when you’d come out of the bathroom wearing one of his shirts, he’s still pretty sure he’d blacked out for a second.
mistake number two was staying up late, chatting. this wasn’t uncommon for the two of you, but for some reason that night had felt…intimate. you’d had your legs in his lap, illuminated by the faint glow of the television as you chatted. 
mistake number three was helping you walk to the spare room, an arm looped around your sleepy figure as you leaned into him.
he still remembers the way his heart had been thumping loudly in his chest as you gazed up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “goodnight,” you murmured. “i love you.”
he’d stood there, blinking uselessly as he watched realization pass over your face. “satoru…”
he says your name back, suddenly terrified. he remembers how the fear seized his heart, because all at once, you’d become someone he could lose. he has a history of people leaving. whether it was by choice or not, it always hurt. he wants you so badly, but he also knows that losing you would break him. 
it must be written all over his face, these unsaid fears and hesitations that were plaguing his mind. that was when you’d stepped forward and gently cupped the sides of his face, pulling him in for a kiss. 
“sometimes you just know when you love someone,” you tell tsumiki, brushing some stray hairs from her face. “i don’t really know how to explain it.”
“it’s just a feeling,” gojo agrees, still looking at you. “a pretty great one, that leads to even greater things of you give it a chance.”
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sunxana · 1 year
Alrighty, based on what you know abt them, what do you think the bllk boys’ rooms would look like? (Just a fun lil ask)
HAHA THIS IS FUN also hi again 🪻 anon!!
i’ll add sendou + oliver to this (not sae bc it’s probably plain asf so it’s not even worth mentioning [even though i just did])
also going super out of order so have fun
isagi: literally a hotel room. his room is so boring bless his heart. probably has a noel noa poster but that’s it
bachira: im pretty sure we saw a peek of his room (i think but i won’t go back to check) and it was super duper colorful and pretty open. without any of that i would’ve said his room would probs be the messiest one
kunigami: has those small weights in his room no doubt, probably even a yoga mat. you walk in and immediately smell sandalwood.
chigiri: i’ve seen a lot of doodles with him and stuffed animals so he probably has a lot. his sister probably visits his room a lot and it shows. a girl could walk in and immediately say “this is so cute!”
gagamaru:🐻🌲🌲🌳🌳 💀
reo: bro’s room by itself is a penthouse. nonchalantly mentions his private kitchen/bar in his room like it’s a normal thing to have.
nagi: yk how sometimes ur room gets a mess even though u don’t do anything. it’s him. choki’s table is clean though <3
barou: hotel part 2. literally nothing wrong with his room, not a thing out of place. not a single dust particle.
shidou: now. 💀💀 bro probably lives in a dungeon dude and he chose his room to look that way
rin: i think we also saw a peek of his? plain, probably pictures of him and sae that he drew over with sharpie 💀
kurona: i know he feels so connected with sharks. i know it. probably has shark posters and a shark plushie
nanase: he has polaroids on his wall and literally every kind letter he has received on his desk, other than that it’s pretty plain
sendou: so many idol posters and i KNOW after the u-20 match he frantically tore them all down like he was having the biggest mental breakdown to replace it with hollywood actresses
oliver: old spice smelling room 💀 has a huge list of numbers that belong to girl’s he had flirted with (has to have a name and description to remember her too) and a bunch of football posters on the wall
yukimiya: probably one of those ✨aesthetic✨ rooms. has a closet but has a rack he prefers to put his clothes on. BEST SMELLING ROOM
karasu: keeps all of his trophies and medals in his room to show off whenever he gets the chance (“yeah, i’m pretty cool” 😏😏) and a bunch of football posters
otoya: think of a cool teenage boy room and there you have it. is a part of the skater aesthetic and shows it off.
hiori: we saw a peek and it was pretty plain as well,, small and the computer is the main attraction. not a single mess in his room
nikko: hotel part 4. lots of skincare products
tokimitsu: actually so plain as well. probably has cute animal posters and magazines (HE HAS THOSE CUTE POSTERS WITH A CAT HANGING OFF A TREE THAT SAY “Hang in there!” LMAO)
aryu: idk the style name but has a lot of pictures like picasso or people posing in weird positions and has a whole wall dedicated to hair care products
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sunxana · 1 year
can u do a drabble/scenario with bllk boys ( nagi, baro, isagi, rin, sae and any other you’d like) where they gift their s/o hand made gifts
like i definitely think kunigami or chigiri would know how to crochet so they’d make their s/o a blanket or book cover
thankyou!! and have a great day!!
hi again!! yes i can do that :) i can definitely see chigiri doing some crochet idk about kunigami though,, he would def learn though!! anyways i hope you enjoy and have a good day!! 🫶
also on my blog scenarios and drabbles are two different things so i’m gonna assume you mean writing with no headcanons;;
characters: nagi, barou, isagi, rin, sae
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honestly, nagi was not one to do crafts. he wasn’t one to do anything at all, really. the only reason he decided to do something is because he saw someone doing origami and the teacher wouldn’t let him sleep. besides, he’s heard you talk about how cute handmade gifts are, so, why not?
he ended up making a cat. a really bad cat. none of it was symmetrical and the face he drew on could give you nightmares. you were careful not to say anything about it when he handed it to you when walking home, knowing this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity.
“you made this for me?” you asked, examining the poorly folded cat. nagi hummed in agreement, hand sliding down to take yours. you made sure to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thanks.
“don’t expect another one,” he mumbled, eyes struggling to stay opened in the bright sunlight.
“i wasn’t expecting another,” you replied, giving him a small squeeze on the hand. he actually might make another one just to get another kiss on the cheek.
the best you’ll get out of barou is him fixing your clothes. he’s never been one for giving gifts, especially one’s that he hand makes. he feels too stupid doing it. he’s always one to give you flowers, just never anything made from him.
however, he will absolutely fix your clothes to how you desire. lost a button? immediately sews it back on. got a rip in your shirt? fixes it like a pro.
he can also make you a piece of clothing if you beg. he would rather not, though. and don’t even think about teasing him for any of this.
you had just gotten out of the shower to retreat back to your room and you were met with the pants you had given up on sitting on your bed. you had been complaining about the button popping off, upset due to losing your favorite pair of jeans. now, suddenly, they were sitting nicely in front of you with a button. you certainly didn’t do that. you know exactly who did though.
“barou? did you fix my pants?” you ask, trudging into the living room to see him wiping down the coffee table. he barely looked up, too focused on the task at hand.
“yeah,” his gruff made you smile, skipping over to sit down next to him. you gave a sweet kiss on his cheek, hugging him afterwards as well.
“thank you.”
he saw you fanning over people making flowers out of pipe cleaners and decided to give it a go. actually enjoyed it so much that he started making more than he needed. gave you a full size bouquet at the end of the day.
your jaw dropped the the colorful pipe cleaners all bundled together to make a bouquet. you excitedly took the bouquet, flashing your boyfriend a huge smile. “isagi, i love these! did you make them all?”
he sheepishly nodded, scratching the back of his head, “yeah, i didn’t realize i made a lot until all the green pipe cleaners were gone.” his confession drew a soft laugh out of you, his cheeks tinting at the sound.
“it’s a perfect amount, thank you,” you drew him in for a kiss, him loving to feeling of your upturned lips against his.
he had to hear nights worth of your gushing over small crochet plushies until he finally decided to try it out. little did he know, he was getting into a lot. absolutely struggled with the hook, muttering cusses every time something didn’t go his way.
rin, however, was not a quitter. he finally finished one, though severely disappointed with how bad it had looked. rin was also a perfectionist to heart. so, he gave it another go, this time paying attention to every small detail. finally, weeks later of hiding his project in drawers you never check, he presented you a small hello kitty plushie.
“oh my god! rin this is adorable! you seriously made this?” you squealed, immediately taking the small plush in both of your hands to examine it.
“yeah,” he spoke nonchalantly, heart secretly jumping in joy seeing you so excited for something he did. you jumped up to give him a big hug, giggling all the while.
“thank you, my sweet boyfriend,” give him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. he loves it when you do it. don’t mind his sigh.
you knew better than to expect a decent gift from the heart from sae. that didn’t stop the leap your heart did once he handed you a piece of paper saying that he drew you. your poor, poor heart.
he drew you alright. just in the worst way possible. at first you wanted to believe he actually tried but was just horrible at drawing, but the more you looked at it the more you could tell he couldn’t have given less of a shit what he drew. he watched your face changes in joy too, seeing how your excited smile turned into a weird squiggle and then to a plain frown.
“sae, you did this on purpose,” you looked up to see his smirk, your heart officially dropping.
“i think i drew you perfectly,” your whine only made him feel better. give him the cold shoulder later and he might just think about apologizing while holding you close.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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sunxana · 1 year
Hellooo, it's 🍓 anon again ^^
Could I request a Bachira and Sae smau of bf texts. (I really liked the Sae bf texts and I want to see more, but Bachira needs love too<33)
I hope you have a good day, tyy!
I'm glad to know you liked the other Sae smau:) Have a good day as well!
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⊢﹒🌙﹒𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵𝘴﹒⬚
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char. Bachira Meguru, Sae Itoshi
genre. crack, fluff
tw. Douma, being held at gunpoint (Sae), Pet names: Baby (Bachira+Sae), My Lady (Sae)
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©2023 myihae do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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sunxana · 1 year
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summary: you couldn't help but remember those memories of your sweet boyfriend and that sweater of his that smelled so good.
warnings/tags: smut, Minors DNI, masturbation, you get off the smell of your bfs sweater idk what else to tell yall, praise, afab, breeding kink implied(?) tbh, humiliation?(theres a question mark here for a reason)
pairing: vash x reader
A/N: am i incredibly down bad for thee vash the stampede pftttttttt....yes....... :P shiiiii like someone gettin preggo in this room and iT AINT GONNA BE ME HOHOHOH,,, okay im sorry i play around too much lmfao I hope yall enjoyed this :D
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You knew Vash and his habits of being on the road for long periods of time, I mean, your boyfriend did mention it when the two of you decided to be in a relationship together.
"I really want to be with you, honest! But I'll be on the road often and I know its not fair to you ya know? I.." He proceeded to tightly hug you, arms at your waist, avoiding your gaze as if it were his punishment "I don't want to leave you behind..."
But that didn't stop you from loving him and he appreciated it. And often times, he would give you a farewells kiss and leave for god knows how long.
At first it was a week.
Next time it was a month.
And the other time was almost half a year.
Wow, where did Vash find such a good significant other like you so patience?
And so you waited for the sweet man. And waited.
Vash had promised to come home not too late(to his standards) And every time he did promise, he went through with it. But those aching nights without him had you doing things you'd never think to do.
Small tads of sweat had begun growing on your forehead as you let out a sigh, relaxing all the tensed, nervous muscles in your body as you laid in the bed the two of you shared. Your figure covered in the long sleeve Vash wore to sleep every night fit you like an oversized hoodie.
Vash, that's all you could smell. His musk yet earthy toned smell with a tint of a sweet scent, one you never minded to intoxicate you whenever both of your bodied were flushed together.
You couldn't help but grip the bottom hem of the the sweater up, uncovering the bottom portion of your bare body as you softly caressed and slid the tips of your fingers across the surface of your stomach, touch deprived.
You remembered when Vash would give you those soft touches of his, the kisses he would lay on your stomach up and down, leaving no spot untouched by his lips. The way his hands moved gracefully as they caressed your hips as his kisses never ended.
How long has it been? A month? 3?
Your fingers slowly made their way to your cunt, the more closer you got, the more shyer you more you felt. You did promise you'd wait for him to come back but here you were. What would he think?
And slowly, you rubbed your clit, imagining Vash's own fingers instead of your own, like the times he wanted to pleasure you.
And it were as if it were just yesterday.
"Just lay down love, I promise you'll be okay." He had reassured you, his fingers making quick work on your clit as he sucked on your inner thighs, marking you up like a painting.
Soft and smooth waves of pleasure ran up to your stomach and up your spine as you let out a relaxed exhale, "V-Vash.." You quietly moaned out as you opened your legs a bit more for more access. Your free hand coming up to your chest as you began softly kneading your nipple.
You couldn't help but remember his touch, the bites and nibbles of his teeth against your neck leaving behind more marks as a trophy of his love and the love he gave your nipples.
You unconsciously quickened your fingers in movement at the memory. Oh how Vash filled you to the brim with his cock, feeling every thrust to your abused cunt as if it were his last day alive, and the bucks of his hips making you dizzier than you already were as he praised how good you felt, and how you had been made just for him, his love.
You missed him, oh your sweetheart, and the blissed fucked-out face he gave you when you rode him, cheeks flushed red as his sweet moans and whines filled the room as you rocked your hips, the tight grip he had on your thighs had gotten you more riled up as you tightened around him, making him gasp out as the blue of his eyes clouded in ecstacy.
God, you loved seeing those marks of his the next morning, and he did too.
damn you really missed him...
"O-oh god.." You moaned out, the familiar tight feeling in the bottom of your stomach getting stronger as you eagerly quickened your fingers, rubbing faster.
You let go of your numbed nipple and gripping the sweater that had bunched up above your chest, you shoved it right into your face, never stopping the pace as you inhaled the scent of his sweater.
You couldn't help but think back to those sinful nights right now, the things he did, the pretty words he whispered and grunted into your ears as he had your knees pushed back towards your chest, promising to leave you full before he left with a pace that made your eyes roll back and your toes curl.
"Just like that."
"P-Please.." You moaned out, your knees trembling as you were close, you couldn't help but open your mouth, almost forgetting how to breathe.
You wanted to kiss his cute mole, the scars on his body, you missed him and couldn't help but wonder if he had missed you too.
You began to see white as you squeezed your eyes shut, your back arching as the hot flash of ecstasy ran through your body like electricity, the toes of your feet curling as your tightly gripped his sweater to your face, muffling the loud call of his name as you kept the kept the pads of your fingers moving at your clit, riding the much needed orgasm through.
"Well, it looks like you missed me huh?"
You eyes snapped wide open as you jolted up into a sitting position, dazed at the sudden disturbance and almost fumbling to the side as the euphoria of your orgasm hadn't completely faded. And there he was in all of his glory, the red jacket and black accents, and the blonde hair you had tugged plenty of times before, clean and spiked as he looked down at your naked figure on the bed, noting the only article of clothing you wore, his sweater.
"I- V-Vash-" You stuttered out, eyes wide at the discovery of your dirty act by your boyfriend "I can explain please-"
You were stumped, and you had no excuse to throw at him to cover yourself.
Embarrassing, how were you going to show your face ever again? You felt like hiding away under the blankets forever.
But Vash's reaction was one of a kind smile, yet you saw something behind that smile, something that got you excited. Taking his duffel bag from his shoulder and settling it down on the floor, he let out a chuckle.
"Aw cmon now, why'd ya stop?"
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sunxana · 1 year
↳ 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 — vash the stampede
wow um this came out way more angsty than i wanted it to be, it originally was supposed to be jealousy headcanons
but enjoy anyway !!
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- im thinking abt that one meme. where when you’re looking away, he glares at the person who’s talking/interacting with you. but then when you turn back around to look at him, hes all innocent puppy dog eyes
- he doesn’t like to show his jealousy? he feels like its kind of embarrassing and unnecessary but he cant help it
- he tries to reassure himself that you love him and wouldn’t leave, but hes got that constant voice in his head telling him that one day you’ll leave
- hes jealous but not in a possessive way, but in a more angsty way? he loves you so much and as selfish as it seems, he doesnt want you to go. he wants you all to himself (but of course he would never admit that out loud)
- he definitely puts up an angry/grumpy act in public when he gets jealous: eyebrows furrowing lightly and his responses are slightly dryer and less hyper. and theres this slight tinge of sadness you could see in the way his eyebrows furrowed if you looked close enough
- but finally when hes alone with you, oh my god hes all clingy and holding onto you and he literally wont let go
- when you ask him whats wrong, he doesnt usually tell you. again, he’s ashamed about it, that its wrong for him to feel so possessive over you.
- but you can tell from the way he wraps his arms around your body and squeezes you against his body, hes trying to keep you close to his heart.
- like if he lets go for too long, youll end up distancing away
- hes scared because he doesnt want you to go
- and you understand: so you reach up and wrap your arms around him, placing a hand behind his head and one over his back hunching over you, you squeeze him reassuringly, im not going anywhere i promise
- you let him hold onto you, you let him pull you in close, you allow him to be vulnerable even without him having to say anything
- and of course he cries. he holds on tight and sniffles quietly, resting his chin on your shoulder as small tears soak into your shirt
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sunxana · 1 year
pairings gn reader ft. rin, sae
tags arguments!! yum!!!! just a lil bit of angst <3 established relationships in both.
notes enjoy <3
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sunxana · 1 year
Hey!!! Remember me from the 'love at first sight' drabble? Let me tell you, it was SOOO GOOD! Literally had me screaming and shouting. Anyways, can you do a part2 where the boys ask reader out and how their date went? Sorry if this is a bother but once again feel free to decline. Thank you and have a great day!
hi again anon! im glad u liked it omg 🤭🤭 and yes i can do a part two!! thank u again for the request <3 i hope u have a good day/night!!
i forgot i wrote this in drabble form last time and started writing so many headcanons 🙃 so i had to delete them all and rewrite it in actually sentences,, so sorry for the wait </3
characters: sae, rin, nagi, chigiri
a mystery allure
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you both had agreed over facetime to finally go on a date with each other. he suggested you both to the cafe where you guys first met and then walk around town afterwards. and so, that’s what you guys did. you noticed he got the same order in between his talks of football. yes, he talked about football. it’s the only thing he really knows how to talk about. you’re going to need start a topic if you don’t want to talk about it, he’s pretty clueless otherwise.
afterwards, you both walked to the beach. at that point conversation started coming more naturally, no longer forced football talk. you both sat down, admiring the view and talking about whatever came to mind. he even goes as far as letting your legs touch. if you don’t retract at that, he goes even farther and let’s his hand touch yours.
it was a calm date and he would undoubtedly, though awkwardly, invite you to another one.
you both finally met a year after the blue lock project. it was a coincidental meeting, really. rin happened to bump into you and shidou during your hangout in town. shidou, of course, needed to tease him in front of you about how he reacted to your picture. feeling somewhat bad, you decided to give him your number.
he is incredibly bad at texting. and he knew. he decided the best way to get your attention was to invite you out to a date with him. and he’s not much better with date ideas.
you both go to a park at first, sitting and giving each other basic questions to get to know one another. it hadn’t been too bad. then, both tired of sitting, you walk around. at that point the conversation got awkward, rin never being one to talk to people in the first place.
it wasn’t until you both got hungry and decided to go eat some place of your choosing that the conversation got easy again. though, it is important to note that the conversation involved rin (jokingly) dissing your food taste. your food taste could literally be the same thing but he will want to diss it. he only does it to create a natural conversation for himself and make it more comfortable. from there on out, the conversation went well.
won’t initiate any touch with you. he’s also too scared to ask you out on another date, your lack of reactions making him doubt himself. if you ask him he would immediately say yes, however.
you guys had actually gotten really close before he had asked you to go on a date with him. so, it was no surprise to you when he wanted you to come to his place for the date. it was also no surprise when he struggled to stay awake during the movie.
i mean, how could he not? with you, someone he found immense comfort in, so close, the lights low. it didn’t help that you let him rest on your shoulder either. he still found it to be a good date, even if he was asleep for half of it. probably tried to kiss you after he woke up too, still in a hazy state.
you guys easily started talking thanks to the movie hangout with his sister. there was never a struggle with conversation and he enjoyed being around you. you had come over to hang out with sister again and he instantly joined you guys. he asked you out when she went to the bathroom, suggesting to go to his favorite cafe.
the date went well, there were no awkward points in the conversation as you both shared a treat of your choice. even after finishing, you both still stayed, conversation still going on. this lasted for half an hour until you both left the cafe and ventured through the city.
you guys had no destination, wondering wherever your feet carried you while continuing to talk. it was late when you both decided to go home. he, of course, walked you home. once you reached your place he asked you to go on another date, expressing how much he liked this one.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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sunxana · 1 year
First of all, love your writing,
Second of all, I hope you’re day is going well!
And third of all, I have a request! I read your work for Bachira and was wondering if you could do some Bachira x reader sleepover headcanons, I just think he’d totally be the face masks and pillow forts type of guy ngl. As of length, do whichever you feel up to writing :>
- 🪻
hi 🪻 anon! this is such a cute request jsjdke bachira is definitely a sucker for sleepovers!! and thank you for the kind words! my day has been ok but i hope yours is going good as well!
character: bachira
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- this man is a MENACE at sleepovers
- he is the guy that keeps everyone awake
- but this guy is also your boyfriend so i guess you’re used to it
- he was so excited when you said yes to his sleepover idea
- literally jumps on you as soon as you arrive at his house and smothers you in kisses to share his joy
- his mom LOVES to see you btw
- you can literally spend hours just talking to her she’s so nice and loves talking to you
- if it weren’t for bachira impatiently waiting for you to finish your conversation you would’ve talked to her the whole time (bachira usually joins but was way too excited this time)
- tackles you to his bed to give you more kisses
“meguru! calm down,” you tried to push him off of you, though he dodged your attempts. thankfully, he stopped with his wet kisses to hover over you, yellow eyes piercing into your own.
“let’s make a pillow fort!” he exclaimed, jumping off of you to start gathering the materials.
- he’s so random help
- but anyways you guys start gathering pillow
- and bro’s mischievous side comes out and he literally just chucks one at you
- you glare at him? he’s acting innocent
- in fact he even points at his stuffed animal sitting on the bed, acting like the stuffed animal threw it (you have one just like it, he bought them so he could have matching plushies with you <3)
- so, you did the right thing and threw a pillow right back at him
- has the audacity to look betrayed
- and that’s when the pillow fight began.
- you ended up knocking his pillow out of his hands so he was defenseless
- and instead of giving in he literally just tackles you
- and starts tickling you.
“wait—meguru please! s-stop!” you struggled with your breaths, trying your hardest to wiggle out of his grasp. he makes sure to keep you down, enjoying the sound of your laughter ringing out.
“say you love me!” he at least stops tickling so you can gather your breath to give him the reply he so wanted to hear.
“i love you, meguru,” you make sure to look him in the eye as you state it. it didn’t help your case though, instead he started tickling you again. “what!? i-i did wh-at you said!”
“now say you love me to the moon and back!” you could only roll your eyes at his antics, glad he stopped tickling you again. you were much smarter this time, slipping your fingers through his so his hands were now occupied.
“i love you to the moon and back!” you sealed your statement off with a kiss, making sure to distract him from the tickle fight. thankfully, it worked.
- after you both separated from your kiss he looked at you, a soft smile on his face.
- “i love you too!”
- you two finished your fort not long after, feeling proud of your shared build.
- it was after you both had time to rest when you brought up face masks
- his eyes lit up
- “do you have the bubble one?”
- you gave him a smile as you nod your head
- he loves bubble masks and i stand by this statement.
- he helps you put yours on, making sure to give your cheeks kisses before doing so
- you both decided to watch a movie while waiting for your masks to be done
- he throws popcorn at you for no reason whatsoever.
- once your masks were done he helped you take your off
- he demands to be the one to rinse your face off
- makes an absolute mess when he does though. water EVERYWHERE
- is so gentle when rubbing your face with water though so it’s okay
- beware he will bite your cheek once done though
- expects you to rinse his face too!
- you both finish and decide to go back to your fort and watch the rest of the movie
- cuddles are definitely involved
- you probably fall asleep before the movie ends though
- he actually lets you fall asleep and is cautious not to wake you up as he turns the movie off
“love you lots, y/n,” he whispers before planting a kiss on your forehead, snuggling into you to fall asleep as well.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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sunxana · 1 year
vash—nsfw alphabet [J-Q]
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welp. this is about the point where ya’ll realize how absolutely feral I am for this man-plant. talk about no self restraint, I wrote this in a stupor of simpery, was guided by the spirit of the horny ghost on this long journey. I also did not edit it, because nobody has time for that. anyways, starting off part two strong with J, for Jesus Christ, I Am So Down Bad I’m Literally On My Knees. it also stands for Jack Off, which is funnier, I think.
warnings/tags; afab, fem pronouns, p in v descriptions, public sex, overstimulation, oral/cunnilingus, edging, praise kink TO THE MAX, pain kink, [we know how I feel about this, but imma be real and say he’s a not-so-closeted masochist] rough sex, hair pulling, biting, BEGGING, so much begging, and probably a ton of other things but you get the point.
word count; 3.6K [lord help me]
part one, [A-I]
J = Jack off [masturbation headcanon]
⍟ Vash may be a Plant, but some might argue he’s more human than he believes himself to be. He still has to sleep, and eat, drink water or he’ll succumb to the tribulations of dehydration, and so he does indeed find himself burdened with the very human ailment of sexual frustration.
⍟ Although opportunities to relieve himself with another happen rather frequently [he’s not blind, he can tell when a woman wants him], he never entertains them. It’s not that they’re not beautiful, or kind, or caring—they certainly are, most of the time—it’s just that he doesn’t really allow himself that easy relief. Something about it just feels wrong, like he hasn’t done enough to deserve it.
⍟ A voluntary celibate, if you will. Besides, the idea of a quick romp in the tattered sheets with some nameless girl rings very hollow to Vash. The connection would be purely physical, and he believes it wouldn’t be fair for either party. If he’s going to let himself be that vulnerable with someone, he has to know them, trust them entirely.
⍟ Countless times he’s brushed off a flirtatious hand on his bicep, excused himself from the sultry, half-massed gaze of a pretty girl to sequester in whatever decrepit motel room he’s in for the night. It’s there that he finds his relief, alone.
⍟ When he’s enveloped in the privacy of a room or even the vast solitude of sand for iles around, the only light being that of a luminescent glow from above, Vash takes his time. His palm smooths down his torso, feeling the ridges of tender scar tissue, the protrusions of metal implants, before passing his belt entirely to press firmly against his groin.
⍟ He waits to shuck his pants down, just enough to wrap a hand around his stiff cock—waits until he’s panting softly, desperately. He has a tendency to tease and inch his way to a point where he can no longer hold back, and sometimes, longer still. But when he finally does, the sensation is strong enough that it feels like the first crack of rapture. His rolling breaths catch in his throat, moaning loud enough that he’s scoring his lower lip between his teeth, harshly stifling himself.
⍟ Vash is both embarrassed and shameful of this, but he tends to favor his prosthetic over his remaining hand. He takes pleasure in the initial contrast of cool metal against the stiff, hot silk of his length, and the sensors are dull enough that he can suspend his disbelief, if just for a moment—imagine that the tight fist stroking his cock belongs to another.
⍟ The guilt nearly ate him up alive the first time he envisioned your delicate hand there, your beautiful face resting against the sharp crescent of his hipbone, lovingly and patiently shattering him to pieces. It does still, but it’s a gnawing thing now, and Vash thinks that this is a guilt he’s capable of bearing; he simply can’t imagine anyone else.
Keep reading
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sunxana · 1 year
Heyy how are you first of all!
Can you do "pranking nagi" in like short fic or smau?
I'm doing great^^ Ty for asking! I don't this is good, I should've done something else😭, anyways-
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!🚈﹒﹒𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘮﹒⪨
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char. Nagi Seishiro
genre. crack
| You call him your friend when you order at a drive-thru |
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You and Nagi were at home watching movies when you both got hungry, craving takeout. So that's how the both of you ended up in a drive-thru. As you waited, you got the great idea to play a prank on him, looking at him while he scrolled through his phone.
"What would you want to get, Nagi?" You turned your head to look at the options on the menu.
"I'll get what you're getting, with some lemon tea"
"Okay," You pulled up after the previous car ordered, turning your head towards the box.
"Hello! What would you like to order today?" You contemplated what you would get,
"I'll get two --."
"Mhm, is there anything else you would like to order?"
"Yes, my friend wants some lemon tea too" You could feel eyes staring at the back of your head now, making you laugh internally.
"That'll be 23.64, pull up to the next window." The worker said. You turned back to the wheel, seeing Nagi staring at you from the corner of your eye.
As you paid and grabbed the food, you pulled out the lemon tea and held it out for him to grab, which didn't happen.
"Are you okay, Nagi?" Looking up to see him frowning.
"Y/N, did I do something wrong earlier?" He spoke up, grabbing the lemon tea
"Not that I can recall, why?" You tried your best to keep a straight face, while Nagi looked at you intently.
"You literally called me your friend. Me, your boyfriend" He crossed his arms,
"It was probably an accident. Here, take your food." You rummaged in the takeout bag, taking out one of the meals. Smiling to yourself.
Nagi kept looking at your face, "Hmmp" He looked away from you, not grabbing the food. You chuckled,
"Why are you being like this, Nagi? It's a prank" You let out of laugh as he side-eyed you, turning and grabbing his food.
"It was a poor idea of a prank, not funny" He shook his head, making you laugh even more.
"Let's go home, I'll play games with you to make up for it."
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©2023 myihae do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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sunxana · 1 year
‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : mildly suggestive at the end. mostly fluff
a/n: happy belated bday nagi ! this is a lil blurb i wrote last night inbetween matches PLS !! enjoy ^_^ !
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nagi never was the type of guy to text people while he was playing games. it was his time and he figured it was too bothersome to try and keep up conversations during it. sure, he’d reply to people while he was in the lobby, waiting for his next match to start up, but never during. that’s just how it was when he first started talking to you.
but then, one time you sent him a message during the game and he felt an overwhelming urge to respond to you. so he waited until he died to do so. he had about 10 seconds before he respawned and would use every moment of it to text you back.
and that was the new normal for a bit. he’d die, grab his phone quickly, respond to you and go right back into the fight.
but his teammates soon noticed his somewhat odd behavior. instead of him always being the first to rush out on the field, he’d sit in his spawn spot for a second too long, almost desperate to finish the text he was constructing.
they thought it was a lag at first. but then when your name started to come up more in conversation, they were able to figure out what had him so distracted.
it didn’t take much longer after that for nagi to figure it out — why his kill ratios weren’t as great as they used to be or how his technique was sloppier, all because he’d rather talk to you.
he didn’t know what to make of it, so he opted for calling you instead while he played. this way he could talk to you and still focus on the game. that is, until you start saying certain things that might distract him even more, making him squirm in his seat a little.
and that’s how you wormed your way into his heart and his gaming time, now happily sitting in his lap while he plays.
even though it was hardly any less distracting.
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sunxana · 1 year
FIRST DATES + blue lock
—- main m.list !
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the first date of yours with chigiri was certainly memorable , because it was during the time cherry blossoms bloomed. he asked you out after scoring a goal in a school tournament , his eyes set on you and so his question was thrown and who were you to even disagree with him. hand in hand — you remember — you and hun walked through the park , the cherry bliss trail a beautiful sight , you do not know of his heart that races within his chest. you were teary eyes when you had also found out that chigiri had set up a small picnic for the two of you , sheet laid on a grassy land as cherry blossoms fell behind , and the view was a sight to see. your first date with him had become a memory you cherished so much.
. ° 𖤐 ₊ ITOSHI SAE !
his pinky linked with yours and he pulls you through the streets of Spain — you were an exchange student. your first date was highly talked about , since sae always bragged about it in interviews and who were you to lie about it — you bragged about it too. it was during the time of la tomatina and you wouldn’t have believed that the silent and introvert sae would put the idea of going on a date to the festival of la tomatina. your feet rush through red grounds , tomatoes squishing under your feet as you and him rush in the bustle , laughter erupts from the two of you and sae was certainly proud of his idea , and this is why he still brings it up in interviews.
your first date ends up with hun and you being at the arcade. his wins most of the games , prizes all dedicated to you , pressing kisses upon your forehead when you win , his hands at all time intertwined with yours. nagi finds the first date to be a success in his mind , for he had been trying to ask you out for the longest time , sat with reo to discuss of places to take you , but it ends up with a small stroll around the city and into the arcade. he takes you to his favourite restaurant , tell you to order ‘anything’ but you had no heart to order anything after looking at the prices , but you do settle for your favourite. nagi seishiro even ends up walking the opposite direction just to drop you home , and scored a kiss to the side of his lips.
the date was a dare , it was you who asked him out ( silently muttering to him to reject you , but he agrees ) and he accepts without a second thought — for it was that very person he had been longing to go out with. the first date with him is at the aquarium , your hands clasped in his , a silence surrounds the two of you , and amidst that you confess to him that this was a dare but he only answers with an ‘i know’. kaiser never had a heart to reject you , after all you were his first ever crush , more of a love at first sight for since the day he saw you at football practice , his heart was already yours. the date turns to be fun , the aquarium becomes a beautiful comfort place and for kaiser — he had come to thank gods for this opportunity.
. ° 𖤐 ₊ OLIVER AIKU !
you never hated his guts , you just found him absolutely disgusting because of his antics , but the day he oh so seriously asked you out , you had no heart to decline. he takes you to the amusement park — you never expected it but he did , he took you to the one amusement park he so dearly loves and never takes anyone else. you joke around with him of how he must have brought his other partners here but he only answers with a ‘you’re first’ , and your heart skips a beat but you control yourself. to oliver , you have been the one thing that he will always desire , so having your arm looped with his , and walking around and doing rides in the amusement park , he feels at ease , he feels like a winner. you realise you had fun and you thank him for that , his eyes soften at you and in the moment you feel to know more about the mystery oliver aiku.
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i love these boys with a heart , that doesn’t beat for real men/boys.
NOIRFLMS 2023 ! All rights reserved. Plagiarism is a crime. REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED!
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sunxana · 1 year
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feat. nagi seishiro x gn! reader
prompt: "you're cute when you're jealous." (requested by anon for the 1k event!)
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"sei, where are you?" you asked as soon as nagi picks up the phone after like a few missed calls. "i'm already in the coffee shop."
"i overslept," nagi replies, his voice still laced with sleep. "'m on my way now. wait for me, mkay?"
you stifled a laugh, but a smile appeared on your face. "okay. hurry or else i'm leaving!" you jokingly say and ended the call before nagi can say anything else.
you sit down on one of the chairs as soon as you got your coffee. you got your phone out and started scrolling through twitter when someone taps on your shoulder.
you turned around to find isagi behind you. "isagi! what are you doing here?" giving him a big smile, you moved your chair a bit, giving him space to walk.
"was just walking around the area and i spotted you sitting here alone. where's nagi? thought you would be here with him." isagi asks, taking a seat next to you.
"you know him," you replied, taking a sip from your coffee. "he overslept and is probably rushing his way over right now." you let out a small laugh at the thought of it.
"mm, that is nagi alright," isagi says with a slight shake of his head. "i wanna order some food. do you want anything?"
"no thank you. i'm going to go get brunch with nagi once he's here." you replied and isagi no. he later comes back with some french toast and some ice tea.
your eyes sparkled as you stared at the french toast, your mouth slightly watering.
isagi notices and stifles a laugh. "want some?"
"love." nagi's voice cuts you off from speaking as you turned around in shock.
"sei! oh my goodness, you scared me!" you exclaimed, putting a hand over your chest to add the dramatic effect.
"hey, nagi. long time no-" nagi immediately flicks isagi's forehead, and wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer. "ow- hey! what was that for?!"
nagi doesn't reply, only giving isagi a small glare. you looked back and forth between nagi and isagi and let out a small, nervous laugh. "okay sei let's get going, okay? we're going to be late for our reservation."
you give isagi a quick glance, with a small hint of apology in your eyes. when you and nagi left the coffee shop, his hand still doesn't leave your waist, which only makes you look at him with a teasing glint in your eyes. "you're cute when you're jealous."
this made nagi stop walking, choking on his own spit. "wh-what are you talking about? i'm not jealous." the tips of his ears turned red, which just confirms your suspicions.
"of course you aren't," you sarcastically say, pinching the tip of his nose. "what's there to be jealous of, hm? isagi's your friend and teammate! he's not going to steal me away from you."
nagi pouts, rubbing his nose. "didn't like the way you smiled at him."
"huh? why?"
"because! you're only allowed to smile like that at me." nagi mumbles, looking away, not wanting to meet your eyes.
you laughed, doubling over as you clutched your stomach. "sei, i have never heard you say this to me ever. like, i've read people in books say it to their significant others and it sounds really hot but when you're the one that say it, it sounds kind of funny to me."
nagi only glares at you in response, dropping the arm that was wrapped around your waist. "whatever. go to the stupid brunch yourself. i'm never taking you out on dates again." he leaves, not even turning back to see if you were going to follow him or not.
"ah-! hey, wait! i was just joking!" you exclaimed, running after him. "don't worry, sei. even if you do sound silly and goofy when saying it, i'll still love you."
"i hate you so much."
"mm, love you too, sei."
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taglist: @hyomagiri @tim-shii @fallenssun @17020 @saetoshi @daiseukiis @inariezaki @venusbby @piichuu @yuansen @egoistcore @seimirii ♡
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sunxana · 1 year
꩜ ── featuring : michael kaiser, shidou ryusei, itoshi sae ft. fem!reader
꩜ ── genre : fluff, mildly suggestive, possessive!shidou
꩜ ── cw : hickies, grammartical error, lowercase intended
꩜ ── a/n : first time writing for kaiser and shidou, pls don't attack me /j. not that sure abt this tbh, but do lmk if yall want pt.2? have fun reading!
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your lover is just a simple man who found happiness in painting your skin with the colour of maroon, lips gently kissing your soft skin, a silent promise of his love for you. as much as you love him, you're dying to see his reaction upon seeing hickey on your skin that isn't from him.
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"darling ~ " he whined for you the moment he stepped into the house, dying to be hold tight in your arms and basking in your warmth. he has just gotten home from his practice, worn out and only seeking for your pampering.
"in the bedroom!" you called out, letting him knows your whereabout at the moment. seconds after your announcement, kaiser kick the door of your shared room open, inviting himself inside. he discarded his shirt, throwing it onto the ground as he launch himself on top of you, lying flat on your back.
"oh, i've missed you, my love!" "ack! michael, get off of me!" "can't! i need your love." he slides his arm under your torso, snuggling closer to you despite his weight pinning you down to the bed. "babe oh my god, are you trying to kill me?" you whined, wiggling around to shake him off of you. "stay still, let me cuddle you ~" kaiser then rolled to his side of the bed, him lying on his back with you on top of him, making you straddling his torso. he eyes you up and down teasingly, a menacing grin stretched wider across his face. however his grin dropped into a frown, dramatic gasp left his mouth as his eyes spotted the shade of purple and red marking on the side of your neck.
"what is this? hm?" kaiser questioned, his hand makes it way toward your throat, thumb pressing against the marks. you bit your lower lips, holding yourself back from laughing at him. before you could say anything, kaiser lets out a scoff at you, mocking you.
"whoever make this is such a loser. how could they leave such ugly hickies on a gorgeous lady like you?" kaiser sassed, finger pinching the fake marks on your skin. you gasped at him, hand slapping his chest. "ow! what was that for?" "are you saying my makeup skill is shit?" kaiser grins widely at you, wrapping his arms around you before tossing you to the side, crawling on top of you once again.
"how is that even close the to hickey made by your one and only michael kaiser, hm? you can never copy the original, darling." you rolled your eyes at his remarks, playfully pushing his face away as he let out a series of chuckle at you, truly entertained from him teasing you. he leans his face closer to yours, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"well then, how about a special signature from yours truly? your neck needs better looking signature."
"how about i punch you in the face, pretty boy?"
"oh my, my lover is a sadist- ow! that hurts!"
"serves you right, baby."
beep beep!
the sound of shidou's car honk caught your attention, causing you to gets off the couch and exchange hugs with your best friend along with "bye!". you had a nice time with your best friend, sleepover at their house, only the two of you were indeed a good way to wind down from the pent up stress building up from job pressure.
shidou leans against his car, arms crossed as smug smirk plastered on his face, eyes looking at you up and down. he let out a whistle at the sight of you, wiggling his eyebrows at you teasingly. you playfully rolled your eyes at his antics. shidou approached you, engulfing you into a hug, sneaking a squeeze to your bum before he quickly moves away from your figure, taking your stuff with him. he keeps your stuff in the car's boot before he rush toward you, guiding you inside his car, to your significant seat which is beside him. "have a seat, princess." he smirked at you right after, closing the door for you as you settled in. he settled to his side as well before he drives away from your best friend's house compound.
"did you enjoy your sleep over?" shidou asked, glancing at you briefly before focusing back to the road. his free hand find its home on your thigh, caressing and kneading your soft thigh. "mm, i had too much fun!" "is that so? did you not miss me? your prince charming?" you playfully lets out gagging sound, teasing your boyfriend to which he only replied with pinching the fats of your thigh. "ow!" "oops, my bad princess." shidou laughs at you, caressing the spot he pinched earlier.
the ride went silent for a bit, shidou humming along the song playing in the background while he drives around. he may be driving and acquired top tiered attention for the road but he can't take his eyes off of you. maybe he just miss you a lot, spending a night alone in the bed is not fun for him when his beloved girlfriend isn't around. or perhaps, his eagle like eyes caught a glimpse of something that boost his curiousity. he keeps on glancing at you, or more like, the maroon spots tainting your neck. had enough of it, he stopped his car to the side of the road, attention immediately on you.
"alright princess. let me have a look at your neck." shidou said, removing his car seat belt. you twist your body to face him, showing him what he demanded for. his hand immediately make its way to your throat, fingers tracing the marks before he moves his hand higher, cupping your chin, moving your face to the side to inspect on your skin. "what's wrong?" "i guess your best friend is asking for a fight with me." you gulped nervously at his words. knowing shidou, he definitely will resort to violence if he feels like it. "nonsense! why would they want that?" he looks at you, eyes gazing yours deeply. "they touch something that belongs to me without permission, princess. that's why."
shidou let go of your face, before preparing to drive. from the way he is acting, it's obviously seems like this man is going to drive back to your best friend's house, definitely is serious on his words about fighting them. before he could begin to drive back into the lane, you quickly stopped him. "babe, wait, look!" shidou looks at you, eyeing you as you wipes the marks on your skin with the wet wipes, smudging the marks in the process, fading its vivid colours. shidou lets out a big fat groan, back hitting the seat as he leans back, an arm resting on top of his eyes.
"oh god you drive me insane, baby. i almost commit a crime." shidou runs his arm down his face, letting it rest on his lap. he looks at you, scrunching his nose at you. "sorry, i was only teasing you babe." "yea right. if someone were to touch you, i'd make sure- " "i know, i know. don't worry, i'm all yours babe." shidou grinned at you, hand reaching for your head before ruffling your hair.
"that's my girl. but, i'm gonna get back at you for teasing my heart, princess."
sae has his back leaning against the bedpost, sitting up in the bed. his tablet settled in his hands as he studied the videos of him playing on the field 4 days ago. he internally cringed over the little mistake he spotted over the screen, mentally taking notes on making sure to improve his flaws. sae's ears perked up at the sound of door opening and closing along with the familiar sound of your footsteps.
"babe?" "in the room." he replied, shutting off the device he had in hands earlier, setting it aside. sae open his arms, inviting you the moment you poke your head through the door, peeking at your boyfriend. smiling, you throw yourself into his arms, drawing out a low "oof!" from him in the process. you snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth as he pulled you into his laps, making you stradle him. he loves it when you would sit on his lap, the soft flesh of your plump ass pinning his lap down.
"quite needy today, hm?" sae questioned, fingers moving away the stray strands of your hair from your face. his hand cup your cheek, squishing your face gently, enjoying how your lips forced into a pout from his action. he leans down, pressing soft kiss to your pouting lips, smirking slightly as he pulls away.
"do you like my new necklace?" you chirped at him, finally bringing the new accessory into the light. sae eyes the thin yet beautiful material hugging your neck, enhancing your beauty tenfolds. "mm, looks good on my baby." sae agreed, liking how it suits you so much.
sae has a habit of kissing your neck as a silent compliment. he leans down, angling his face near your neck but halted the moment his eyes caught sight of something. the sinful shade of red and purple proudly making itself visible to sae's eyes. sae then pulls away, eyes glaring at you while you're trying your best to act as blank as you can.
"i don't remember giving you that." "giving me wh- " "that's too light. i always make sure mine is dark and last longer." you felt your face grew warm at his word, immediately landing a smack on his toned chest. "don't word it that way!" "what? i'm telling the truth."
sae only rolled his eyes at you, pushing you away from him. "wash it off, i'll give some real ones." your face get even warmer than before. "babe!" "don't babe me, baby. i knew it's makeup, i've seen this prank before." you jutted out your lower lips at him. "awh, you're no fun." you scoffed at him.
"i'll give you something fun to do if you wash them off."
"sae, stop!"
"i was talking about watching movie. what were you thinking, perv?"
he is not letting you off the hook by the way. sae teases you the whole day, keep on mentioning your failed attempt of pranking him.
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