super-bl00m · 23 hours
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super-bl00m · 3 days
"I think optimism is out the door at this point...maybe we can try it out again tomorrow." The thought alone of their pair of them interacting beyond a group gathering once every few weeks felt like a reality he wasn't quite ready to accept. "It's still a joke, but it's a joke we've gotta live with." A sigh escaped his lips as he weaved his fingers through his hair if only to distract himself.
"Stable's a bit better." Despite the revolving door on his apartment, Theo's life was surprisingly stable. Plus, Julia was right in defending herself - when it came down to it, what Theo knew about her life was limited to what their mutual friends had told him. With what they were about to embark on together, maybe tonight was the start of changing that. Following her lead, he settled into the passenger seat before turning to look at her. "I think we both know you need more one. There's a decent bar a few streets North. Never too busy and they've got a pool table. Or...y'know, we could always go back to yours and drink there."
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"I was trying to be optimistic Theo." Clearly, doing a terrible job of it. He was right. They both knew that baby Sophia's relatives were not a sound choice. Perhaps Julia was still working through her denial. "And you're on board with this all of a sudden?" Whatever happened to him saying this was a joke?
She shook the attorney's hand, saying goodbye, before shooting Theo a look at the mention of the bar. "Dude seriously," she muttered under her breath. So much for good impressions. Julia knew they probably wouldn't get anything done today. It was late already. The afternoon breeze was welcome, a breath of fresh air, almost helped with the overwhelming feeling in her chest. "Boring? You mean a stable life." Julia unlocked her car, turning back to look at him, a defeated sigh falling from her lips. "I guess you're not wrong. We need it. Fine, fine - only one drink. Get in, and tell me which way to drive," she said with the smallest smile, before opening her car door and getting settled into the driver's seat.
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super-bl00m · 4 days
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MARGOT ROBBIE via Pati Dubroff's Instagram (March 10, 2024)
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super-bl00m · 7 days
guess who finally has her life back kinda 🥹
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super-bl00m · 7 days
Ayla's pulse quickened as she gathered her thoughts, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup. A cup of what she could only hope was still her former friend’s go-to drink sat untouched across the table until her arrival. It had been a month since their sad attempt at a date, and even longer since they had seen each other before that. "I know our date wasn't exactly smooth sailing, but I need a favour, and as much as you’re the last person I should be asking, I feel like you’re kinda perfect for this." She looked up, meeting Ivette's gaze with a mixture of apprehension and hope. "You know me and my family have a shit relationship...well they think I'm still engaged," she confessed, her words hanging heavy in the air. "I’ve got my brothers wedding next weekend and I need someone to stand in as my fiancé. They just have really fucking high expectations and if I show up having fucked up something else in their eyes, it’s going to be miserable.” Ayla's heart raced as she waited for Ivette's response, her breath caught in her throat as she braced herself for a response that would likely be punctuated with some sort of mention of how unhinged this request was. “I’ll owe you.”
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closed starter // @super-bl00m
The list of tinder dates gone wrong was growing to an embarrassing level. This girl was her latest one. She had met her a few weeks ago for just a casual lunch. The lunch was eventful to say the least. They found out so much, including that they had friends in common. Yet, they couldn't get through the lunch without bickering, and Ivette was left wondering how they could possibly share the same friends. So, of course, Ivette was intrigued by the girl's text message asking to meet once more. The coffee shop was pretty deserted, not a popular place to be at 3:00 pm. "Any particular reason we're here? Did you have a change of heart about our date?"
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super-bl00m · 8 days
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Pınar Deniz (b. 1993, Türkiye)
Lebanese and Arab descent
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super-bl00m · 14 days
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Simone Ashley for the Valentino fashion show via Nikki Wolff
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super-bl00m · 17 days
"Ah, come on...we both know relatives aren't an option." He knew the question wasn't directed at him, but the attorney didn't know Mark and Lucia's families like the two of them did. And despite the state of extreme denial he was still in, Theo knew that they couldn't talk themselves out of their situation. "If they chose us over anyone else it's pretty obvious there were no other options."
Between the pair of them, Julia was likely going to be the one to take this more seriously for the time being. When things got tough, Theo leaned towards denial and irresponsibility. Running away from his problems and avoiding facing them head-on always seemed to work out for him. "To the bar, right?" He wasn't quite ready to deal with the prospect of moving into their house yet. Finally, he stood and reluctantly followed Julia out to her car. "Seriously though...we're going to the bar. I know you enjoy living a boring life, but we need it. I'm buying."
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Somewhere in the back of her mind, Julia knew that her comments were out of line but she had so many conflicting feelings. Frustration being one of them. Unleashing it on Theo seemed like the easy thing to do. It's not like she could unload it on her friends anymore.
The attorney's voice stopped her in her tracks, no amount of pacing would help with the news he kept dropping. Her eyes widened, and she felt the growing pit in her stomach. Theo asked if this was a joke, if that was the case - it was sick. "That's not possible." These were too many changes at once. Responsible for a child, leaving her apartment for a place in the suburbs, and even worse - having to share all of this with the one she couldn't stand. They had gotten slightly better over time, even cordial sometimes, but neither were getting ready to make friendship bracelets for each other.
Julia was still standing behind her chair, glancing down to meet his gaze. "Well, yes..no. Sort of. We have to take her, she can't stay with CPS. But, if we find a reliable relative, then..we can? That's an option, right?" She directed her question to the attorney, who only nodded. That man did not look convinced, but honestly no one in this room did. She rolled her eyes at Theo, way to show responsibility. "He's kidding about the drink. We really should be going," Julia said, nudging his shoulder in an attempt to get him out of his chair. "I can drive."
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super-bl00m · 18 days
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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“Oh, for sure.”
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super-bl00m · 1 month
On any other day, Theo might have defended himself or made an attempt at giving it right back to her, but something in him kept him silent. It had been a while since they had been in the same room together, or at least interacted while they were in the same room together, and she was just as condescending as he remembered. In his moment of internal panic though, Julia happened to be the only person in the room who understood how he was feeling. Sure, they were polar opposites when it came to most things, but right now it was just them and the unhinged wishes of their late best friends.
He had almost forgotten that the lawyer was present until he continued on about Lucia and Mark's wishes for Sophia. "They want us to raise her in their home? What the fuck were they thinking? This is a joke, right?" His gaze didn't leave the lawyer, and for a moment he considered apologizing for his tone. "You thinking clearer now, Jules?" His gaze finally lifted to Julia, his brow creased. "'Cause all that's clear to me right now is that I need a drink."
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Typical. Julia could only roll her eyes at his response, though she at least admit that it was a change of pace from all the crying. "Oh, such a brilliant plan. You running, can't say I'm surprised." Her words felt harsh, even as she spoke. But, so many conflicting feelings were bubbling. Lucia had mentioned it once or twice, then mentioned it again when they became the godparents. However, Julia always believed it was far-fetched. Surely, there were family members ready to take that on. Hence, the conflicting feelings. She was honored that her friends trusted her to care for their child, upset that this situation even became a reality, and mildly annoyed that it involved Theo.
It didn't help the situation that Julia was not ready for children. Children were a distant thought, hell she didn't even have a partner. So, to be entrusted with one - it was skipping several steps. Aimlessly, she walked around the room as if a few trips around this office would help her think of a solution. "I don't know if I can do this," she admitted quietly. Not that it changed anything. The attorney had spoken to them after their families filed out. None of Mark or Lucia's relatives were fit to care for Sophie. "We need to figure this out before we leave this room. Mark and Lucia, they must've had a reason to do this." Or so she kept saying in her mind in an attempt to convince herself.
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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super-bl00m · 1 month
Ughhh why is 9-5 in office so damn tiring!! Don’t they know I just wanna write??
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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📸: mcphotog & katpage ( 2019 )
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super-bl00m · 1 month
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