Mr President, I need a kiss too
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Yes I do
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Me too
Raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Shondaland
I’m realizing that the reason I’m having a hard time writing a post ep is because i’m anxious about the finale. I don’t trust them to end it well, so i’m mentally detaching. Writing The Firsts feels safer!
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Money money money is a rich mans world
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What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the mornings, what you will do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything
Pedro Arrupe (via mofobian)
Why i keep my heart protected
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Love this picture of him...so sexy
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Happy New Year….
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Heck ya, sometimes we mean it more than to the partners lol
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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Whether it’s Cecil the Lion or American Pharoah, the underlying white supremacy in American culture prefers to celebrate animals that it can subjugate over brown people who refuse to be put into boxes.
Stereo Williams, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/19/serena-williams-diary-of-a-strong-black-woman-in-white-america.html (via katrinapavela)
Why the majority community is so insecure when they have everything I will never understand, how many minority peeps get to be on top? Yet the envy they exibit is astounding, a horse vs. Serena? Really! ! Shame on them....
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Rt there wch u
i’m pretty sure by now “tired” is just part of my personality description
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My favorite peeps but glad no writers in this picture
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Happy Holidays everybody! With love, from the #Scandal fam ❤️
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Check out @glamour_02's Tweet: alway Olitz
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Love love love this man
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Hard to deal, I know me too
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Again I cannot deal with this…..
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I concur
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The Daily Show, December 8, 2015
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Yes I love my secrets
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Yessss homegenie, I'm dwn wch u
Fuck Scandal! I hope we still there.
They in here with the pictures of Teddy (man fuck Teddy) and TonyFitz (man I’d like to fuck him) and I see y’all in here like “oooh” all over again. Y’all better not fuck around. Until that reptile of a ‘woman’ showrunner act like she got some gahtdamn sense y’all better be like Stevie Wonder and not see Scandal. The mood I’m in right now I ain’t spose to be on no social media, least of all Tumblr, where I let my ignant flag fly high. I got a couple rants in me I need to get off my chest though. But I ain’t even gon Tumblr them hoe ass thoughts. I’ma kick it old school with them hoe ass thoughts. A bish be alright and shit but a bish be mad as hell. Let me get my notepad and pen to vent. Pen and paper. 
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