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Bianca and I on the bus today :)
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Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato is my number 1 ROLE MODLE I LOVE HER!!!
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The awkward moment
The Awkward moment, When you realize thet you're onley true friend is you're dog 
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(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?u=/watch?v=5XIpHrrZbLw&feature=share&a=g9NvTgFe9FwULdSRU5PN2Q)
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When You're Crush say's, Hello too you!
Okay,So today at school i was just sitting around at my locker snd my crush walks up too me and says "Hello Brandi" and then had a cute smile on his face.... Then plays a little flirting game and one of his friends came up too me and asked me if i liked him I mean every girl in the school likes him why did he ask me?? i Is this a joke why??? I wouldn't know what too sat if he dose end up asking me out yes no maybe?? I'm confused I think I might play hard to get and say will see or maybe! to make him want to date me more or i don't know have him try too make me like him try too try harder best day ever! 
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It's the end of the night and i'm bummed and I can;t type it it's stupid I hate it i need some tea it's cold and flu season and yeah its been like this for a while yesterday my snot was clear and healthy todays green so i have a cold and flu catching on night
Brandi Nicole Allison 
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Bus driver story!!!
Okay today I was on the bus and this girl had sunflower seeds and she kept spitting out i'm like I don't give a Shit unless, one of those land on me.... So a few minuts later a couple lad on my bad I mean what ever one laded on my shoulder I juped up and Bitch slaped her and said you Mother Fucking Ratchet Ass Skank... Then the bus driver came back and gose like.... HEY! Whats going on back here?? I said this Bitch has sunflower seed and spit some out on me and The bus driver is like Oh, no she didn't so next time bitch watch who ur spitting at or next time you'll be in the hostbital in stead of a bruse on ur face!!!!
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I don't know why i just use Tumblr as ablog website no one fallows me lol It's like a public diary so i will tell yall all my secrets :)
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(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?u=/watch?v=OG-ONaXLn8Y&feature=share&a=a0en0FLMQJCta-MrZL9KAQ)
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your theme is so cute : )
Aww thanks babe but full credit goes to this lovely blog xx
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