From ancient trooper on the battle field to digital world warriors on the gridiron heat stroke or sun stroke has long been a serious issue. Unlike classical heat stroke which affects vulnerable people such as infants and the elderly during heat waves. Sun stroke is caused by maximum exposure in the sun. This is one of the top three killers of athletics and soldiers in training. When you exercise nearly 80% of the energy you use is transformed into heat. In normal circumstances this is what known as compensable heat stress. Your body can dissipate heat as quickly as it is generated. Your body is helpless to lose enough heat due to over exertion or high temperaturein humidity which boost the core temperature above normal levels. This causes proteins and cell membranes to denature creating cells that no longer action properly and start to leak their contents. If these leaky cells proliferate through the body results can be devastating including liver damage, blood clot formation in the kidneys and even failure of vital organs. So how do you diagnose heat stroke the main criterion is core body temperature greater than 40 degree Celsius observed along with physical symptoms such as low blood pressure, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, or loss of consciousness. The most accurate plan to access full body temperature is with racial thermometer. As other common temperature taking methods are not accurate in these circumstances. As far as first aid remedy goes most vital thing to remember is cool first, transport second. Human body can resist core temperature above 40 degrees Celsius for around 30 minutes since cell damage begin. It’s essential to initiate rapid cooling. Place them in ice water tub while stirring water and monitoring vitals continuously. If this is not possible dousing in ice water and applying wet towels over body can help. Before you start anything emergency services should be called. As you wait it’s crucial to keep the patient cool. Moreover you can follow some prevention to keep yourself from the stroke. Like limit your exposure to sun in summers, keep hydrated, extra careful with children and keep your living area cool. Sun is known for giving life but it can also take life if you aren’t careful about healthcare.
keywords : Health care, education, society development, youth development, humanity, healthy environment
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By now everybody knows smoking causes cancer. We see advertisements about it everywhere. Even society pretty much shuns you if you do it at this point. Cigarettes are small tiny cylinders made up of thin papers that wrapped around in tobacco leaves and over 4800 other chemicals. Sadly for smokers out of those 4800 chemicals 69 are known to cause cancer in humans which is the reason why smoking is considered very bad for healthcare. Unfortunately one third of the world population addicted to smoking. At a combine rate of over 15 billion cigarettes a day. That number is still growing. Research shows that over 69% of smokers want to quit all together but num of factors do stop them. Some chooses Monday as the day to start the smoke free lives but sadly that Monday never comes. So if you are willing to quit. Any day is best for you. It doesn’t have to be just Monday. In 2010 a boy in Indonesia found to be addicted to smoking. At least 40 cigarettes in a day but believe it or not that wasn’t shocking part of the report. It brings out that the boy was just 2 years old. That is clearly a shocking and controversial question. Although smoking is surely bad idea and you should never ever do it but believe it or not there are some benefits from it. For instance the study shows that daily smoking habit reduces your risk of needing knee replacement surgery and can even help certain drug such as anti clotting medication. Even cigarette have been known to prevent obesity. Making weight gain the second biggest reason people are refused to quit. The first obviously being you know addiction. Feasibly the most uncommonly is that smoking can even shorten the risk of dying after a heart attack which would sound much more beneficial if cigarettes didn’t increase your chance of having one by you know 200-400%. So if you are a smoker. You should keep in mind that it contains nicotine that is highly addictive in nature. Research shows that it can be deeper addictive than heroine. Even if you want to quit you may find it difficult because you are addictive to it. So never start smoking as it is irritating to stop later. If you already smoke stop this habit as soon as possible and tell others to do the same. Life is better without smoke. Create a smoke free and healthy environment for living things. humanity
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There is a curse that has playing to humanity since ancient times. The Greeks fought it by chewing herbs rather Chinese resorted to egg shells. In the ancient Jewish is even considered fair grounds for separation. This horrible curse is halitosis otherwise known as bad breath. Do you notice what creates it and why it is so universally horrible well assume of some of the unfavorable odor you can figures. Like garbage, feces or rotting meat. All of these stinks come from the motion of microorganisms. Particularly bacteria and as horrific as it may sound identical bacteria live in a watery area of your mouth. Don’t panic the presence of bacteria in your body is not only normal it’s actively vital for all sorts of things. Like digestion and disease security but like all living things bacteria need to eat. The bacteria in your mouth feed of mucous and dead tissue cells. In order to ingest nutrients over their cell membranes they must split the organic matter into much smaller particle for example they will break proteins into their basics amino acids. Then split those down farther into different compositions. Some of the false smelling by products of these reactions such as hydrogen sulfide and cadaverine escape into the air and waft their way towards unsuspecting noses our sensitivity to these odorscan interpretational them as a bad smell may be an evolutionary mechanism. Warning us of rotten food in the existence of disease stink is one of our intimate and leading senses playing a huge role in our charm to likely companion. In one call 59% of men and 70% of women said they would not go on a date with someone who has bad breath which may be why Americans alone spent 1 billion dollars a year on various breath products. Fortunately most bad breath is easily treated the worst smelling by products come from cram negative bacteria that live in the spaces between gums, teeth and on back of the tongue. By brushing and flossing our teeth using anti bacterial mouth wash at bed time gently purifying the back of the tongue with the plastic scraper and even just eating a healthy breakfast we can remove many of these bacteria and their food sources. In few cases these measures may not be sufficient to the dental issues, nasal conditions or rare elements such as liver disease and uncontrolled diabetes. Behaviors like smoking and excess of alcohol consumption also have very recognized odd odor and bad for healthcare as well. Regardless of cause the bad smell almost all these emerges in the mouth and not the stomach or other where in the body. One of the enormous threats lies in actually determining how our breath stinks in the first place and it’s unclear why. There is one easy but humanly crucial form of finding out how your breath smells. Just take a deep breath and ask your friend. Probably you won’t be friends any more. As it may not be the healthy environment for others.
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Suppose if there were substitute to cigarette smoking. Suppose this substitute could help individuals quit smoking. Well you don’t have to imagine it. It exists. Electronic cigarettes are the most inventive and promising smoking sensation product yet invented. Vapes or E–cigarettes are battery powered machines usually recommended to smokers as alternative for cigarettes. They hold liquid containing nicotine with other chemicals which leads to emerging of side effects. The American lung association advised there is no way for healthcare experts and consumers to know what chemicals are hold in e liquids. A study shows that around 10% of American adults use electronic cigarettes and this culture in transmitting in almost every part of the world. In a research Dr Frank Leone associate professor of medicine of the University of Pennsylvania says the appetizer of chemicals in e cigarettes vapour could be exclusively spoiling human cells. He further says those chemicals have injurious effects on the body that may be totally distinct from the carcinogens in traditional cigarettes. Than a 2015 study the Harvard University found that chemicals in vaping liquid damages the lungs creating scar tissue that can block air passages. This can lead to the fatal condition. In severe cases surfs of this irreversible disease must undergo lungs transplant as their ability to breathe become restricted. The devices themselves can be very dangerous as well. In Jan 2017 a man lost 7 teeth and suffered second degree facial burns when his vape exploded. Another victim lost an eye when his e cigarette exploded. Despite all these facts health scientist agreed that vaping is much better for us than tobacco smoking. It may be that vaping has not been over long enough for us to have seen its long term threats. youth development
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See a model on twitter with fit and hot body and feel jealous. Now that’s the story we have all lived. So if you are craving for perfectly sculptured body as well. Go hit the gym for healthcare. Oops sweating in the gym is not your cup of tea. So what’s the plan? Are you going to be stuck with that punch for life? Go easy guys you can help yourself out with a cheeky cheat here. The only thing you need to do is drink sufficient amount of water to get rid of those excess pounds hanging from your belly. Human body is made of upto60% of H2O molecules or water. It is the rich nutrient in the body. Making it pretty obvious to getting in the right amount can benefit your health. It increases resting caloric expenditure. In a study 2 groups were separated. One group drinks water before meals and other group didn’t drinking water since meals. 44% body weight lost by the group who drinks water before meals. In fact people resting energy expenditure has been showing the increased by 24-30% within 10min of drinking water. So drinking water naturally increases resting caloric burn. People eat less when they drink more water. Since water is free of calories. It is generally related to lessen the calorie intake. Water is muscle fuel. Your muscles are about 80% of water and that surprisingly key for lean muscle grow. Seeing as the more lean muscle you have on your body. The higher your resting metabolism will be. This is another way that water helps u lose weight. So don’t need to worry at all. Stop saying that I have been on diet for two weeks and all I have lost is fourteen days. Now you can actually lose your weight by this simple trick for your healthcare. And live a stress free life. society development
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In human body there are billions of cells who have different function. Cancer or cancer cells are normal body cells that have lost the ability to follow the normal control that body exerts in our selves. It is a complicated process under incredibility phenomenal control. If something goes wrong and lost the control. The particular cell may escape the normal control mechanism and continue to grow and spread.  That’s what actually called cancer. These cells gathered and make a tumour. Specifically cancer is a malignant tumour. It not only invades into different organs but unfortunately cancer can spread to other tissues. Which can be life threatening. Cancer can occur anywhere in the body because there are cells everywhere in the body. In females one of the most common is breast cancer. While lungs cancer is very well known in both genders. It is very important to understand. Cancer occur in one individual is completely different to cancer of another individual. Just like those individuals are different. Cancer treatment is complex. It depends upon the type and stage of cancer is in. Stage of any cancer is determined by how much tumour has grown and spread. There are three primary therapies Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery works by directly removing the tumour or infected organ. Radiation therapy provides rays to kill the cancerous cells and prevent them from spreading. Further chemotherapy provides strong chemical that kills those individual cells for patient care. In few cases all these methods are applied to cure completely. The real cause of cancer is not yet known. There are some conditions that are attributed to the causes of cancer.  Like smoking has been found to be associated with cancer in mouth, lungs and throat. Consumption of alcohol can cause cancer in liver, stomach and gall bladder. Excessive use of dyes and chemicals can cause cancer as well. Though the real cause of cancer is not known but these substances are mutagens which can cause mutation in genes. Mutant genes don’t have control over normal functioning of cell. So they may lead to cancer. In Islamabad Doctor Akbar Niazi Teaching hospital is providing the best services to cancer patients for healthcare in Pakistan. They have dedicated teams of doctors and nursing staff who deliver the message of hope to their patients in hospital. They maintain pleasant atmosphere in hospital so patient can feel comfortable and recovers fast to the healthy life.
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Everyone needs little bit stress in life to perform. Think about guitar string (musical instrument). Without enough tension, it goes seriously off tune and too much stress or tension in the string could snap. It’s the same thing with our body. The trick is to keep stress in control and balance.  Stress is basically anxiety, mental tensions or emotionally unpleasant state caused by problems of life. It affects many people each and every day and disturbs their fitness and diet. For some people it is very common and a way of life. Stress can be helpful and harmful. People think that stress happens in mind but research shows that the full body can be affected. When you encounter a perceived threat or placed in a stressful situation. It can lead you to life threatening health issues such as high blood pressure, heart problem, diabetes and depression. On the other hand stress can motivate you to perform well under pressure. It can help you to concentrate better in any task. Moreover you have a lot of control over stress. You can control it at your home by different ways like listening to music, sleeping, exercise, laughing and ask for help. Every person is different from others so figure out which strategy will help you. In some cases you must consult a psychiatrist to minimize the intensity of stress. In Islamabad, Pakistan Dr Akbar Niazi teaching hospital is providing high quality American standard healthcare. They have specialised doctors with latest equipment throughout the hospital. They are committed to give ultimate comfort and make patients feel like their home. They think if you feel better you will heal better. They bring quality of life to their patients. So stress is part of life. People have different ways of reacting to stress. A situation that is stressful to one individual may be motivating to another. Who use stress as a motivation can accomplish great things in life.
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Organic Way to Release Anxiety (Foods to Avoid If You Have Anxiety)
Anxiety is feeling of worry, nervousness or an emotionally unpleasant state. It commonly caused by the perception that threatens the security of an individual. It is different from fear as anxiety is expecting the future threat. Person can’t be able to focus on his normal life routine. In some cases one just can’t sleep properly and don’t want to talk to other people and simply stay at home. It can involve serious physical symptoms like nausea, trembling headaches. When normal anxiety becomes aberrant and begins to interfere in daily life. It is classified as a disorder. It’s time to go for a doctor or psychiatrist for your healthcare. You can deal with it by yourself at your home like concentrate on positives things happening in your life. It can be cure by organic way or balanced diet as well. Like you need to avoid these foods to reduce anxiety caffeine, artificial and refined sugars, gluten, processed foods, alcohol, dairy products, soda, fried foods, fruit juice and foods high in sodium. Scientists have proved that these foods have properties which can make user feel nervous, nauseous, light headed, jittery, and yes even anxious. So people with anxiety are highly recommended to avoid these foods. Find alternatives like avoid tea and coffee and use herbal tea or green juice in the morning and there will be no more anxious behaviour.
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Obesity is a condition in which too much fat gathers in the body. That may have a negative effect on individual health. That ultimately leads to increased health disease and reduced life expectancy. People who die every minute across the world due to cigarette smoking are exactly one fourth who dies every minute because of obesity. This fact that obesity kills four times as many people as smoking was released by world health organization (WHO). As this is a huge problem of healthy society. There are some solutions as well. Basically your body gain fats on your body parts. You simply need to burn them. This is done by proper exercise daily. You can start any sport and secondly very important thing maintain a balanced diet. Obviously you don’t need to stop eating but try to eat quality food rather than junk food to speed up your metabolism and help burn your calories faster. In few cases weight gain is related to anxiety, stress and depression so for you there is nothing more important than controlling your anxiety rate. The best solution remains the sport which allows you to relax the pressure and therefore lose weight.
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Malaria is a serious infectious disease. It is caused by unicellular parasite called plasmodium. When bitten by infected female mosquito. There are more than 100 species of malarial parasites. They are capable of infecting humans, reptiles and birds. Nearly one million people losing their lives every year and eighty five percent of deaths are children under 5 years of age. It is a global issue but most cases are found in Africa. World malaria day is annually celebrated on 25th April. It was established in May 2007 by 60th session of World Health Assembly. It aims to provide awareness, treatment, prevention and control of malaria. It is curable disease. When diagnose in early stages of infection. Victim will start feeling symptoms from week to month after bitten by infected mosquito.  Typically malaria produces symptoms like fever, headache, muscular and back pain, skin sweating, dry cough and vomiting. The parasite will start affecting red blood cells and liver cells. Further it is carried by blood to the brain and to other vital body organs. Moreover if patient do not get treated within 24 hours. The disease can be worse leading to seizures, impairment of brain and death. Malaria is not contagious diseases. It’s mean you can’t be affected by contact with an infected person. Diagnose of malaria is done by blood test. Sometimes it is required to repeat test a number of times as parasites can be difficult to detect.  There is currently no vaccine in market to prevent against malaria. World Health Organization WHO recommends two forms of malarial control for healthcare mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying. Insect repellent creams and lotions should be applied on exposed body parts to avoid mosquito bites. Since 2010 increased awareness about prevention and control measures have led 29% reduction in mortality rates.
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