supergirafe · 2 months
Pollution numérique : sommes-nous à blâmer ?
À l'ère du tout numérique, notre dépendance croissante à la technologie s'accompagne d'une pollution invisible mais bien réelle pour notre planète. Pourtant, en faire porter la culpabilité au citoyen moyen est simpliste. 
Bien sûr, nous sommes tous responsables de nos choix en tant qu’individus. Mais on peut aussi voir les choses sous un autre angle et considérer nos usages du numérique comme le résultat d'un phénomène orchestré par le modèle économique dominant et les grandes entreprises. En effet, ces derniers nous maintiennent dans le mensonge quant aux véritables impacts de l'usage du numérique, et ce, dès la petite enfance.
L’ignorance programmée, ou les enjeux de l’éducation numérique
Ainsi, la transition du papier à l’ordinateur nous est souvent présentée comme une démarche écologique. Sous prétexte de sauver des arbres, il n'est pas rare de voir des écoles, lieux de formation des citoyens du futur, fournir des ordinateurs aux élèves et favoriser des plateformes comme Google Classroom pour la réalisation des activités d’apprentissages. Parallèlement, le nombre de photocopies autorisées aux enseignants et enseignantes est limité. 
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Cette année, avec mes élèves, nous avons estimé les rejets annuels de CO2 de l’usage du numérique du Lycée français de Taipei : environ 48 000 kgCO2, pour une école d’environ 250 élèves. Si on considère qu’un arbre adulte absorbe 25 kgCO2 par an, il faudrait donc planter plus de 1900 arbres dans la cour de l’école pour compenser ces émissions, ce qui est physiquement impossible. En comparaison, un seul arbre produit jusqu’à 8333 feuilles de papier, donc si un élève du secondaire utilise en moyenne 2188 feuilles par année, seulement 65 arbres par année seraient nécessaires pour toute l’école.
Les grandes entreprises technologiques ont tout intérêt à faire croire qu'en ayant recours au numérique, on préserve des arbres, l’emblème de la lutte écologique, alors qu'en réalité il s'agit d'une ressource renouvelable et que nous possédons les modèles forestiers adéquats pour en faire une gestion efficace. De plus, ces grandes corporations s’assurent de garder sous silence le besoin d'autres ressources, comme les métaux rares, dont l’extraction est extrêmement dommageable, pour la fabrication des composants informatiques et des centres de stockage des données.
Actuellement, les programmes éducatifs actuels laissent peu de possibilités aux enseignants et enseignantes d’aborder ces enjeux avec les élèves. Même les plus conscients se retrouvent confrontés à la contradiction de devoir utiliser les outils numériques imposés par la direction scolaire ou les directives de l'éducation nationale.
Que remettre en question ?
Il serait donc pertinent d’élargir nos discussions quant à la pollution numérique et de l’aborder de manière plus holistique. Cela implique certes de considérer la responsabilité individuelle du citoyen, mais aussi d’aborder de front ce qui ne dépend pas de lui mais d'entités auxquelles nous accordons beaucoup de confiance, telle l’école et les grandes entreprises numériques. Cela permettrait d’ailleurs d’ouvrir une réflexion plus large sur l’infiltration par les intérêts privés du système éducatif et de la lutte pour l’environnement. Sources
ECOTREE, 2024. Combien de CO2 absorbe un arbre ? Repéré au https://ecotree.green/combien-de-co2-absorbe-un-arbre
GREENPEACE, 2024. La pollution numérique, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Repéré au https://www.greenpeace.fr/la-pollution-numerique/
KEUNIGS, A. et GEISSMANN, L. Le papier, la planète et nous. Bruxelles environnement, Institut bruxellois pour la gestion de l’environnement, 72 p. Repéré au https://www.transition-durable.eu/uploads/fichiers/outils/eleve.pdf 
RADIO-CANADA, 2016. Planter des arbres pour compenser sa consommation de papier. Repéré au https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/797105/plantation-arbres-ipe-commerces-charlottetown-environnement 
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supergirafe · 5 years
Why the hell is tumblr all about Balbusur (whatever that is) today?
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supergirafe · 5 years
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“i really hope to see melanie djds on the worlds aa podium this year, she truly deserves it”
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supergirafe · 5 years
Coline was robbed.
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supergirafe · 5 years
Please, I don’t want to scroll down my feed, I don’t want spoilers... Where can I watch American Cup 2019? Does anyone have a link? Please private message me :) thank you so much!
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supergirafe · 6 years
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How much a deduction is this?
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supergirafe · 6 years
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It took me just the loooooongest time to figure out who the heck was Christine Lee!
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supergirafe · 6 years
Best gymfanconfession
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“It’s the year 2028, the Olympic team sizes are down to only 3, with 1 per country in each event. Simone is still here, she has been the AA champ since 2013, missing only the year after each Olympics, her medal count has surpassed 100, she Vaults the Biles (triple yourchenko) and Biles (Half on, 2.5 off) her floor tumbling passes are, front 2.5 to Biles, Biles to front tuck, Biles to stag and moors to Biles as her last pass. No one calls her passes Biles though, too many of them, instead Biles is a name for any crazy skill where you can’t even count the rotations or flips, and most of the time you are right about the name anyway. Aliya is here too, she has 3 kids, all Olympic hopefuls, and is still the defending Olympic bars champion, far exceeding Khorkinas record. Of course Oksana is there too, at the age of 53, she is a grandmother. She sticks the produnova and receives the gold medal on vault, not beating Biles though, the Olympic committee created a vault and floor platinum medal, earning it doesn’t make you vault or floor champion, it makes you Biles, a much greater honour.”
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supergirafe · 6 years
I'm sorry, I obviously didn't follow all this horror movie show, but I thought Jane Doe was Jamie Dantscher (sorry for the spelling, I know there is a z somewhere but my French ass can't figure out where)
The article on IndyStar regarding Alyssa Baumann is, and I know this is a cliche at this point regarding all these cases, even worse than the ones before. Click to read but be aware it’s very disturbing.
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supergirafe · 6 years
Tokio is not a typo it's the way it's spelled in some languages. Don't forget that the only "most correct" way to write Tokyo is 東京.
is there a reason why you don't edit confessions? like for example small typos like spelling a gymnasts name wrong, or like a piece of equipment(bean instead of beam) or a location (tokio instead of tokyo) just a question as i notice it a bit.
we keep confessions exactly as they were submitted to us both to avoid accusations of tampering and because it’s easier for the admins not to have to edit everyone’s grammar/spelling/etc.
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supergirafe · 6 years
I’m not in USA, where can I watch WAG team finals please? 
I was trying to download on Mega.nz but they ask that I upgrade to Pro. too cheap to pay... thanks!
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supergirafe · 6 years
If anyone is looking for a free stream, no VPN required, check out this website (the Alkass website).  One the horizontal menu at the top of the page, the first drop down has a list of channels: Alkass one, Alkass two, Alkass four, etc.  Gymnastics is being streamed on Alkass four!!!
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supergirafe · 6 years
I am confused... no podium? How is that a World Championships?
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The venue looks…meh. But I do love the quotes tought. Isn’t the arena for World cup in Doha usually very nice?
Apparently the floor is hard. Please gym gods no more injuries.
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supergirafe · 6 years
What is it then?
Lol am I the only one who reads TF as team final
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supergirafe · 6 years
What’s the start value for Biles’ new vault?
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supergirafe · 6 years
Québec just elected it's own Trump. Where should I move??
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supergirafe · 6 years
About #5. It comes from a misunderstanding of a French homonym for glass. In the original version, she wears "souliers de vair" which is a shoe covered with a specific type of fur. But since "vair" sounds just like "verre", and that the stories were mostly transmitted orally, "soulier de verre" (or glass shoe) stayed and that's the version Disney adopted too.
Cinderella “plot holes” I am tired of hearing about
“Why didn’t her step family recognize her?” Because royal balls were basically the candle lit equivalent of clubbing in terms of both lighting and sheer numbers. Even if they were right next to her, they probably wouldn’t get a good look, especially since it would have started after sundown. Also, she was the help; they probably hadn’t looked at her in years.
“Looking for someone based on their shoe size is stupid!” See above.
“Was he going to have every size seven in the kingdom try the slipper on?” Prior to industrialization most garments were made by hand to fit the buyer’s measurements, including shoes. It’s why poor people only had one pair. It’s a lot smarter when you consider that they would’ve fit her like a glove.
“You can’t run down stairs in heels!” I know this is a misconception resulting from historical revisionism and disneyfication, but high heels were not originally women’s shoes. They were worn by men. Women wore slippers, which were basically ballet flats. So it’s debatable.
“Glass shoes don’t make any sense!” Okay first of all, it’s called the suspension of disbelief, and secondly, they’re gold in every other version but Perrault decided to change them to something else expensive.
“She just went to the ball to find a man!” I know this isn’t a plot hole but listen. As the daughter of a widower Cinderella would’ve been running the household finances and acting as hostess if he hadn’t remarried. By demoting Cinderella to a servant, her step-mother essentially guaranteed that she would never escape the house, because the only way for her to escape and maintain her status was to marry well, and no one was going to marry a servant. It was essentially the historical equivalent of your mom stealing your college acceptance letters out of the mailbox.
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