superjail-tinted-lens · 10 months
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He's angry because you spilled the cereal on the floor. Now he's going to get you, you have 1.3874298749 seconds to run
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superjail-tinted-lens · 10 months
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literally 4 hours later and a whole bag of goldfish later..
i based all of these from observations i made in the show and personal headcanons <3
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superjail-tinted-lens · 10 months
And if dreams can come true, what does that say about nightmares?
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superjail-tinted-lens · 10 months
a superjail animatic storyboard ive been working on ❕❕ luv david wain, bobs burgers got me through what was possibly the lowest point of my life, n i wanted 2 mix two of my fav medias 2gethr. the song is “not that evil” from the bobs burgers movie :o)
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superjail-tinted-lens · 10 months
So Superjail is possibly alive
Warden has all this 'power' - but he doesn't always utilize or use it - even when he deeply wants something to be fixed. He doesn't have complete control over it - instead, it's something he sometimes can use and rely on - and sometimes can't. Like a tool.
When the Warden was gone from Superjail and taken away to time jail - the place aged by generations. Like the jail itself missed him - like his absence made the jail feel like time was going on forever.
The warden doesn't use his abilities inside Timejail. We don't see him stretch or shapeshift. Instead - he has to rely on the tools he can find in time jail to get out.
This is.. actually something we see pretty consistently in the episodes. The Warden needs Superjail - and can not shapeshift or do any reality-bending outside it. He can bring his creations outside superjail with him - such as Jailbot, his fantasmal machines, and flying ships. But he can't bring his godly powers with him. That's only in Superjail.
When Mistress 'took over' Superjail, he was genuinely upset. He genuinely thought he lost it - to the point he made his own mini version of it. He didn't have his powers since he was on his vacation and had been away from superjail - and we don't see him getting his powers back until later.
He was angry and annoyed when Stingray took over - but he wasn't scared. He only saw Stingray as a loathsome annoyance - he never saw him as an actual threat. He got the inmates to team up and take over easily. Because Superjail was on his side.
But during vacation - and really just in general in the series - we see Warden viewing the Mistress as competition. Another warden, seeking to be the best and change the nature of jailing.
It makes me wonder how much the mistress taking over was due to the opening the Warden left -- and how much of it may have been Superjail's doing. Like - what if Superjail was upset with the Warden and that's why he didn't get control of it back until later. It was petty and was upset Warden had left it to go play on a ship with the inmates.
Actually - that's not the only time we see Superjail subtly punishing the Warden. At the end of the smoking episode - the episode after Warden set Superjail on fire with Ash - the Warden does a whole ban on smoking and tries to shift the blame of the fire onto the inmates basically -- ONLY for the episode to end with him and the inmates getting wrapped up and smoke like cigars by terrifying creatures.
Superjail is very much willing to punish the Warden if he does it wrong. In very terrifying ways.
It also will reward the Warden too - when he's feeding it ideas and helping it grow - that's when he gets the most power. When he gets lost and finally returns to superjail in the last episode with an army to terrorize the inmates - we see him be rewarded and healed when he returns.
Superjail doesn't just belong to Warden - Warden belongs to Superjail too.
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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pss pss pss
here you go :)
Pssst pssst superjail peeps if anyone’s got character playlists nows your chance to show ‘em, I would very much like to find some.
I usually make my own playlists for characters but I’m a little dry this time around, although if I do end up building a decent one or two I’ll link them here sometime
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This line right here
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This little scene/moment raised two questions which I have put an obscene amount of thought into:
1) What language is this? Ozzal and Hunter can both speak English, but it’s only in this moment that we see these two speak this alien language, something we never see the twins or the triplets speak. Is it a formal language? Is it universally known to their species/planet? Because when the twins talk to the triplets, or Ozzal to either of them, it’s in English. So do they not know it, or do they prefer the dialect of English? Or are they all just naturally multilingual and their planet speaks both? This is one of those things that probably shouldn’t be thought about too hard methinks.
2) This line makes me wonder what is defined as “beauty” for Ozzal and I suppose their species. Also if they see anything human as ugly that’s a fucking burn to the twins since they are more or less human in appearance. They definitely ARE NOT once you get into their alien biology, but on the surface they look pretty human. Makes you wonder why they look more human then anyone else in their family though, hmm…
Do with this drivel what you will
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so I watched superjail
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Let me explain 8)
I have a little personal headcanon that if the Warden smells blood, he's like a piranha. It's just that he's good at masking it as 'being a professional prison warden' when everyone is being massacred around him and he has everything he wants.
One thing I noticed on a rewatch of this episode. Remember that whole bit where, without Jailbot helping him get ready in the morning, the Warden ends up looking like this?
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Well, he's perfectly well-dressed. He did his own bowtie, put on his own shirt. Literally the only issue he actually had with his morning routine involved shaving. And he went NUTS on himself with it.
This is why I headcanon that he actually is perfectly capable of getting ready in the morning, even if he is a little rusty and dopey about it. But don't let him put a blade to his own throat, because those violent tendencies don't care which way they're pointed.
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Adult swim gods please bring this show back I’m begging
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I wish we could’ve seen more of The Wardens psycho side lol
(Creds to @self-made-madman for the idea that Wardens eyes go red due to his glasses! Also thank you so much for the constant love-You’re so sweet and talented!! ❤️❤️)
(Also also of y’all want to join a SuperJail discord check out @jellybubbleart and say hi!!)
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not to be a hedonist but. pleasure IS the whole point, my loves. we are made for pleasure. humans have not survived out of spite or sheer grit or simply to make more humans. we live for pleasure. the pleasure of licking the last delicious crumbs off your fingers and feeling sunlight on your skin and massaging a loved one's shoulders. we're made to fill our bellies with delicious food, to nap in soft grass, to touch each other in joy and comfort.
there is no shame or guilt in our bodies doing what they were made to do. and we are made for pleasure.
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Saw this on r/LGBT and figured my aspec followers would enjoy.
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casual transphobes are TERRIFIED of everyone secretly being closeted trans. not only the way they think of gender as some sacred ritual suddenly being stolen away from society but this most hilarious notion that trans people all desperately want to be cis passing and rigidly will only identity as strictly either male/female. I get that they're trying but it's so funny to watch cishet society fail to grasp basic ideas
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The Warden deserves so much more than just a bust doodle, but this is just an insomnia-scribble. He'll get more some other time, because he is still my favourite villain of all time.
For anyone who doesn't know, Superjail asks the question 'what happens when you take an adorable little boy, raise him to be a serial killer by making him kill a puppy and beat the human kindness out of him, then give him omnipotence, a jail, and millions of criminals to rule over?'.
Superjail! will forever be one of my favourite shows of all time. It's a comedy that looks like someone doodled on the back of a textbook during detention, but all the characters have a crazy amount of psychological consistency, to the point where I will absolutely tumblr-sexyman The Warden beyond all reason. Also, his design is utter genius for reasons I could write a whole essay about.
He's my most problematic blorbo.
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song: i hope you die in a fire - grand commander
drawings, edition and literally everything: ME YAASS
the video in the end (my inspiration) is from “patrykasf” (actual username) on instagram.
sorry if it seems too lazy, this hasn’t been the best week and i haven’t been like yayyyy let’s draw, actually it was like “bleh… let’s draw yay….”, anyways hope ya like it 😻
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