Why the Kingdom of God Must Be Your First Passion
But seek ye first (PROTON) the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
God wants the first part of everyone’s life.  The first part of our lives is the season of productivity.  It is the period in which people abound in faith, hope, love and fertility.
Seek the kingdom of God before you seek your personal kingdom of wealth, comfort and security.  There are many reasons why the kingdom of God must be sought first and in the first part of your life.
1. The kingdom of God requires an early start.  The kingdom of Heaven also requires a lot of time and attention.
The commonest characteristic of large churches is that the pastor has been there for many years.  It takes a long time to grow a congregation from the fellowship stage to the mega church stage.  If you think that the work of God can be done in a few weeks, or months, you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you.  It takes many years for something substantial to be accomplished in ministry.
Let me give you an exercise.  Take any well known and large ministry and find out when the pastor really began his ministry.  Jesus Himself began His preparation for ministry as a child.  Samuel the prophet was brought to the temple as a child.  The preparation takes many years.
This is why Levites became priests only by the age of thirty.
From THIRTY YEARS OLD and upward even until fifty years old, all that enter into the host, to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.
Numbers 4:3
This is why Jesus started His ministry by the age of thirty:
And Jesus himself began to be about THIRTY YEARS OF AGE, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,
Luke 3:23
Because the work of God requires so much time both for preparation and actual ministry, it must be the first thing in your life.
Many people put off the ministry because they actually despise it; they feel that it is something that can be done within a short time.
2. The kingdom needs young people.
There are many things that only young people can do.  There are things I did when I was younger that I cannot do today.  For instance, I remember when I was in secondary school, I fasted for almost one school term.  I wonder if I could do something like that today.
I used to hold “dawn-broadcasts” (open-air preaching at dawn) in many places.  As a student, I did many exciting things for the Lord.  All night prayer meetings, dawn broadcasts, twelve-hour prayer meetings, seven-hour prayer meetings etc.  Although I basically do the same things today, there are obvious changes in the intensity and style.
I really cherish the more youthful years I spent in Christ.  In those years I memorized entire chapters of the Bible.  It is the verses I learnt in those days that form the basis of my Scripture knowledge today.
Perhaps you do not know why God wants you to take Him as the first thing in the first part of your life.  Perhaps you want to give God your years of weakness and trembling.  The first part is the best part: when you are strong, energetic and zealous.  That is the part that God wants!
3. The kingdom of God needs faith, hope, and love.
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
Ecclesiastes 12:1
The kingdom of God needs energetic people for the ministry.  There is a lot of stress and strain in the ministry.  Contrary to what people think, pastors are often very stressed and very tired.  They rarely have time for themselves and their families.
In the first part of your life you are full of faith, hope and love.  Watch the older people and you will notice that they have less “spring in their gait”.  Tiredness and weariness has set in.  Bad experiences have made them weary and suspicious of everyone.  They trust no one and are unwilling to try new things.  The spirit of adventure is gone.  They are hardened by their lives’ experiences.  Older people have seen pain, bitterness and death.  Yes, they believe in God but it is a little different from a younger person’s faith.
In the first part of your life, you are not yet broken-hearted.  It is this part that God badly wants.  God wants the first part of your life.  The book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 12, aptly describes this.
Keep your creator in mind while you are young! In years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, “I don’t enjoy life anymore.” Your body will grow feeble, your teeth will decay, and your eyesight fail.  The noisy grinding of grain will be shut out by your deaf ears, but even the song of a bird will keep you awake.  You will be afraid to climb up a hill or walk down a road.  Your hair will turn as white as almond blossoms.  You will feel lifeless and drag along like an old grasshopper...
Ecclesiastes 12:1,3-5 (Contemporary English version)
It is said that King Solomon wrote the book of Song of Solomon in his youth, the book of Proverbs in his middle age and the book of Ecclesiastes in his older years.  You will notice that the mood of each of these books is different.  In the Song of Solomon, he is excited and in love.  In the book of Proverbs, he shares practical wisdom for regular life.  But in the book of Ecclesiastes, his mood is quite different.  He describes many of life’s experiences as inconsequential, vain and futile.
Nothing makes senseI have seen it all––nothing makes sense.
Ecclestiastes 12:8 (Contemporary English version )
This drop in mood greatly affects the work of God.  It takes faith and hope in Heaven to take up your cross and sacrifice for an unseen God.
I enjoy the company of the younger Christian leaders in my church.  They seem to enjoy what I preach more than the older ones.  Many times they crowd around me after church just wanting to chat with me.  They seem to believe everything I say, no matter how hard it sounds.
I remember one day in particular, I was talking to a group of older pastors.  The younger university folks gathered around me as usual.  As I continued chatting with them, I noticed as the older ones slunk away one after the other until I was left with only the young people.  I wasn’t saying anything in particular that pertained to young people, but the older guys were just not interested.
In the first part of your life you are very responsive, zealous and teachable.  God can reach out to you and turn you in almost any direction.  As you get older you become uninterested and disillusioned.  There seems to be a teachable and humble spirit in the first part of our lives.
4. The kingdom of God cannot be despised.
There are many jobs that require job-seekers to be below the age of thirty.  Why do you think many companies recruit people below a certain age? Because they want to get the best out of them!
Don’t despise the church.  There are people who say they will work for God when they retire.  Which occupation can be compared with the high calling of ministry? Medicine, law, engineering, architecture, carpentry, computing, banking, journalism, research, pharmacy, mining, management, acting, singing, dancing, plumbing, masonry or piloting cannot be compared with the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for ChristYea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
Philippians 3:7-8
The priesthood is the high calling of God.  And that is what I am involved with.  On this earth, the priesthood is despised.  I once had a pastor who couldn’t find a wife because he was a pastor.  The mother of his would-be bride, refused to allow her daughter to be engaged to a pastor.  She felt that a pastor was an aimless, jobless man without prospects.
On one occasion, she even sent an emissary to find out if he really worked with the church as he claimed.  She also wanted to find out what kind of work he could possibly be doing.  The bride’s mother’s envoy could not hide her surprise when she found out that the church actually had offices and that there was a lot of work going on in these offices.
5. The kingdom cannot be delayed.
Some people think their marriages cannot be delayed, their schools cannot be delayed and their work cannot be delayed.  But let me tell you what cannot be delayed: the kingdom of God! Jesus said we should not say that there are yet four months till the harvest.  In other words don’t say that there is more time.  Don’t introduce delays for the kingdom of God.
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest?  Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
John 4:35
Unknown to many people, this earthly life is very time- related.  Every instruction or opportunity is time-related.  Hear this and hear it very well: every instruction that God has given to you has an invisible timer on it.  A countdown begins from the moment God speaks to you.  The available time to perform that duty reduces with every passing hour.  Many think they are just biding their time and will take God seriously later.  Do not be deceived! The expiry date of your grace period is fast approaching.
When Princess Diana was going out with her Egyptian boyfriend, she didn’t know that she had a few more hours to live.  She was oblivious to the fact that she was to be the subject of the largest funeral of all time.  She didn’t know the time.  Do you know the time? Do we know the time?
If God has called you to the ministry a clock has begun to tick.  A time will come when you will no longer be able to fulfil that instruction.  Sometimes God speaks to you, “Finance my Kingdom.” Perhaps that comes along with a five-year period wherein you can obey Him.
Perhaps He tells you, “Go out as a missionary.” Maybe that has a ten-year period wherein you could fulfil it.  Some people spend seven years of that period doing other things and then in the last three years attempt to obey God.  But their time is almost up.  Nothing effective can be done in the remaining three years.
6. Jesus rejects all those who put their family, business or personal wealth before the kingdom of God.
And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I HAVE BOUGHT A PIECE OF GROUND, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I HAVE BOUGHT FIVE YOKE OF OXEN, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I HAVE MARRIED A WIFE, and therefore I cannot come.
Luke 14:17-20
Many decent Christians hide behind their families or legitimate businesses to stay away from obeying God.
Unfortunately, Jesus specifically mentions these things as reasons that will not stand before Him.  Nothing and I mean nothing is more important than God and our service to Him.  When God calls you, you have no right to use your wife, husband or children as a reason to stay away.  When God calls for you, you have no right to use your business or personal wealth as a reason to stay away.
Read it for yourself.  Contrary to what many dignified and self-righteous people think, your service to God is more important than any of these things.
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church had major problems with his wife.  She did not want him to continue corresponding with some of the congregants in his parish.  John Wesley preached on Sunday, got married on Monday and preached the next day.  In less than a month, he was on the road again.  Neither wife nor family could stop him from doing what his heart loved most.  Today, the Methodist Church stands as a veritable testimony to the unyielding commitment of John Wesley to the things of God.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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How to Recognize and Receive Different Fathers at the Different Seasons of Life
God will send you different fathers at different times.
For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.
1 Corinthians 4:15
God is going to send a number of different people to father you. The first of these is your earthly father whom you must receive properly. You must not see your earthly father as an “ancient of days” who is out of touch with the realities of modern life. Seeing your biological father as outmoded hinders you from receiving his great wisdom.
This biological father will have his limitations in fathering. Soon the relay will have to begin and the next person sent by the Lord to father you will arrive on the scene. Through his ministry, you will receive the fatherly care that you need to go through the next stage of your life. Then another person may arise who will play a fatherly role in your life. A relay of sorts is in motion! The baton of fatherhood has passed from one person to the other.
There are many things that your biological father doesn’t talk to you about. Maybe he should talk about everything, but he doesn’t. For many of us, our parents did not give us step by step counselling on choosing a wife or a husband. Most biological parents just made comments about different things in marriage.
That is often as far as their marriage counselling goes. Thank God for the pastors who often take up that role and guide children into marriage. Pastors often become the next father in the relay.
One day, my daughter asked me a question, “Daddy, how do people become pregnant?”
I was taken aback by the question but I answered, “God makes them pregnant.”
But she insisted, “I know God makes them pregnant but how does it happen?”
I mumbled some answer and managed to change the topic.
Later my wife said to me, “You have to talk to your children about sex.”
I answered, “Why should I? You talk to them about it.”
We began to argue and she said, “You are the head of the house so you are the one who must talk to them.”
But I answered, “You are their mother and you are always talking to them, so why don’t you talk to them about this as well?”
She continued, “It is your duty and you must play your role!”
But I didn’t agree. I used my authority as the head of the house and delegated her to talk to the children about all these things.
You see, we had reached the place where our fathering and mothering abilities were wavering. We wished that God would send others to minister to our children as we had ministered to other people’s children. We were praying that the next father in the relay would appear on the scene and help guide the children to safety.
Among the hundreds of instructors and teachers, it is always important to recognize who the fathers are. Fathers have a wider scope of concern for your life. Their input goes beyond even what they say. You will discover that their ministry cares for you totally. Their ministry has an uncanny wide-ranging effect on your life.
One of the keys to recognizing a father is to recognize the love, care and direction of our Heavenly Father being transmitted through him to your life.
Many people mistakenly think that the verse says you have ten thousand teachers but you have one father. The Scripture says that you do not have many fathers. It says in other words that you have a few fathers.
Jesus said, “Don’t call anyone father.”
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Matthew 23:9
This is because no human being could truly be all that a father is supposed to be. All men fall short of this role and only the Heavenly Father truly exemplifies what a father is.
Have you not noticed how earthly fathers often compete and fight with their children? Even biological fathers can inflict a lot of pain and suffering on their children.
Many people hate their fathers. And there are many whose lives are distorted because of their fathers. This is ample evidence that fathering by the natural man is fraught with imperfections.
This is the reason why there is a need for what I call, “the relay of the fathers”.
The relay involves God sending one person after another for different phases of your life and ministry. It is important to recognize the different people as they walk into your life.
This is what Jesus was illustrating with the parable in Matthew 21. Indeed we will be judged by the way we receive the different fathers God sends to us.
Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: and when the time of the fruit drew near, he SENT HIS SERVANTS to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it.
And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. Again, he SENT OTHER SERVANTS more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.
But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance.
And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.
Matthew 21:33-39
God sends fathers into our lives whom we often do not recognize. People even fight with their fathers! We must learn to receive the fathers God sends into our lives.
What Is the Difference between Receiving a Father and Receiving an Instructor?
Receiving an instructor involves receiving the lessons he gives from the Word. Receiving a father involves receiving someone in such a way that a vital life-giving ministry will come to you.
In the natural, your biological father affects you in many ways. He teaches you how to eat, how to dress and how to live. He gives you wisdom, advice and little lessons for life. He sets an example for you to follow and serves as a source of inspiration and direction. 
Compare this with your school teachers. These instructors often do not guide as comprehensively as fathers do. When you come across someone who has a wide-ranging influence on your life, you have probably met one of the fathers God has ordained for you.
Don’t Make the Mistake of Receiving a Father as a Mere Instructor
Some people make the mistake of receiving their fathers as mere teachers. They do this by not embracing all the fatherly input coming their way. By receiving only a part of the input of these fathers, we often reduce the role of fathers to mere instructors. There are people God has called me to father. But I relate with them as an instructor because that is what they want.
The parable in Matthew, Chapter 21, clearly shows that God will judge us for the way we relate to the people He sends us. There are fathers that God has sent to me.
One day, I was enjoying a message by a man of God when the Lord spoke to me. He said, “I sent this man to you as a father. I want you to receive him as a father from now on.” From that moment onwards, I regarded those tapes differently.
I opened my heart to receive all aspects of the ministry that were offered to me through this minister.
Suddenly, this person’s books and CDs were of greater interest to me. At first, I just enjoyed some of his teachings but now I wanted everything. I knew that I was to be birthed into a new level of ministry through this man.
That was really when I understood that you can receive someone as an instructor but then you can go higher and receive him as a father.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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1. Know that when you marry a person you marry him with his background, family situation, financial situation, health situation and all.
2. Your in-law is closely related to your spouse. They are his parents or guardians.
3. The Bible admonishes your spouse to honour his/her parents or parent figures and you must do the same.
Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3
4. Your in-laws are like adopted parents to you.1
5. You must believe God to love them unconditionally as in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 even when you think they don’t like you.
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
6. No spouse should make the home of his parents his real home. The Bible admonishes the couple to leave and cleave to each other.2
7. Try not to discriminate between parents as to care, upkeep, finances, etc.
8. Recognize the reality that not all sets of parents have the same needs, so do not try to make their needs identical. For example, one parent may need remittances but the other may need to be remembered only on birthdays.
9. Do not complain about your spouse to your parents. They are likely to be biased against him/her. Let love cover the multitude of your partner’s faults and seek pastoral counsel when you need help.
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covers all sins.
Proverbs 10:12
10. Usually, the woman may prompt the husband on care for the home. He should provide these needs with love.
11. Remember that your newly created family comes first: He who does not care for his own household is worse than an infidel.3
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
1 Timothy 5:8
12. Know that your in-laws can do unacceptable things just like your parents. The difference is that you may not be able to tell your in-law your real sentiments without stirring up trouble; so learn to overlook certain things.
13. Be yourself with your in-laws so far as you are not offensive.
14. Do not allow your parents to develop a habit of saying bad things about your spouse to you directly or indirectly. You are one.
15. Your in-laws can pronounce a blessing on you depending on how you treat them. Naomi blessed her daughters-in-law when she had to return to her own people.4
And Naomi said unto her two daughters in law, Go, return each to her mother's house: the Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt with the dead, and with me.
Ruth 1:8
1. Margaret Hardisty, Forever My Love (Irvine, California: Harvest House Publishers, 1975), 114.
2. Gary Chapman, Towards a Growing Marriage (Chicago: Moody Press, 1996), 165 -171.
3. See also Gloria Call Horsley, In-Laws: A Guide To Extended Family Therapy (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1996), 59 - 60. Gloria says that the couple who wishes to build a strong marriage, should, in their early married life, invest time and effort into cementing the marriage bond, while redefining their connection to their original families. While old loyalties to both sets of parents continue in the lives of the couple, they ought to redefine these, so that their new loyalties to each other come first.
4. Ibid., 213 - 214. If you desire a better relationship with your in-laws, work on yourself first. As you become a better in-law, it is likely that you will relate better and achieve better success with your in-laws; Norman Wright, An Answer to In-Law Relationships (Irvine, California: Harvest House Publishers, n.d.), 29 - 47.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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The Official Recognition of a Relationship by the Church
Every church should have a register in which is recorded pertinent details of its members who are intending to get married. This serves as the official recognition of the relationship by the church, and should be done at least six months prior to the intended marriage. Why register?
I. To ascertain if some people are married already
Some couples may already have children from the current or a past relationship. In some cultures, it is customary to have what is known as a traditional wedding ceremony. It is important to know if the couple have performed the said rites or not. Any such ceremony, tradition or rite must be brought to light. Failure to disclose such information may lead to a termination of the relationship.
II. To ensure that all such relationships are not hidden
It is imperative that all relationships be open before God, the pastor and the church congregation. Carrying out the relationship openly also helps to promote a healthy and wholesome relationship.
III. To get to know the couple better
By registering the couple, you will learn about them in a more personal manner:
1. The couple’s full name (for completing the register).
2. You can better assess their Christian commitment.
3. Know the church of your member’s beloved, if not from your church.
4. Probe their church activity levels.
5. Confirm any past relationships.
6. Ascertain, if any, incidence(s) of fornication both past and present. It will also allow you to know if they are virgins.
7. Confirm whether present relationship is smooth or stormy.
8. Know how soon they intend to marry. Unduly long relationships are not encouraged.
Ten Facts to Discover through the Official Recognition of a Relationship
1. Name and age of both the man and woman.
2. Date the relationship began.
3. How long they have known each other.
4. Sickle cell status of both the man and woman.1
5. H.I.V. status of both the man and woman.2
6. Any other medical condition eg. epilepsy, blood pressure, high fever, etc.
7. Educational background of both the man and woman.
8. Working experience of both the man and woman.
9. Parental knowledge and consent.
10. Tentative wedding date.
Sickle Cell and HIV Tests
The relevance of this lesson is to place the request by the church for a sickle cell test and an HIV test into proper perspective.
Sickle Cell Test
If the couple have a result of “AA” (sickling negative) and “AS” there is no real problem.
If both of the beloveds have an “S” somewhere (that is, sickling positive), the counsellor should advise a break-up of the relationship for the following reasons:
There is a 25% chance of having an “SS” child, which means that any or all of their children could be “SS”. It could also mean that none may be “SS”.
This situation could also be compared to having a boy or girl. There is a 50% chance of having a boy or girl. This means that one could have all children as boys or all as girls.
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Fig. 1: Possible Sickle Cell Test Results
Medically, the “SS” child can have problems such as:
1. Frequent admissions to the hospital.
2. Numerous expenses relating to medical care.
3. Many hours will be spent at the hospital.
4. Possibility of sudden death of child.
5. Time otherwise to be spent at home will be spent at the hospital.
6. This will be an extra strain on the wife (mother) in addition to all her roles.
7. This could lead to quarrels at home and a possible shortage of money.
8. There is likely to be a morbid fear of pregnancy, which could also affect the sex life of the couple.
9. The child itself will be a very unhappy one.
The counsellor may ask the beloveds to recall whether they are acquainted with any sickler. The acceptable situation is that they both be sickling negative or at worst, one negative and one positive. If both are positive then the situation could be dangerous. Medical advice is against such a marriage and so is the church, however, the decision is theirs.
If a couple decides to go ahead in spite of all the medical and church counsel, their marriage will still be blessed. They will be supported in prayer so that, by God’s grace, they will not have any sickness-prone children.
HIV Test
If either partner is positive, they should be strongly advised to break up the relationship and forget about the planned marriage, for obvious reasons.
1. Geoffrey Chamberlain, ed., Turnbull’s Obstetrics. 2nd ed.(Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingstone, 1995), 262; Robert Shaw, Patrick Soutter and Stuart Stanton, ed. Gynaecology, 2nd ed. (New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1997), 107; Margaret F. Myles, Textbook for Midwives (Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1986), 215; E. A. Badoe and S.K. Owusu, ed., Health and Disease: A Layman’s Guide to Good Health (Accra, Ghana: University of Ghana Medical School, 2004), 66 - 69.
2. Geoffrey Chamberlain, ed., Turnbull’s Obstetrics, 2nd ed. (Edinburgh, Scotland: Churchill Livingstone, 1995), 485; William F. Ganong, Review of Medical Physiology (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003), 533; E. A. Badoe and S. K. Owusu ed., Health and Disease: A Layman’s Guide to Good Health (Accra, Ghana: University of Ghana Medical School, 2004), 101 -7.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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Baby Dedication Ceremony
The dedication of babies is similar to the Naming Ceremony. This is usually conducted during a service in church.
The dedication takes place after the birth of the child. The minister’s role in the Baby Dedication is to pray over the child and dedicate it to the Lord. This is done with the hope that when the child is of age he himself will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Minister commits the child into the Lord’s care and presents the names and their meanings to the congregation.
1. WELCOME THE FAMILY TO THE ALTAR (Officiating Minister introduces the family to the congregation).
MINISTER: We are gathered here today with our brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ...(Last name of parents)... for three reasons:
i. Rejoice over what God has done for them,
ii. To give a name to their newly born baby and
iii. To dedicate this child unto the Lord.
MINISTER: As the Bible teaches, we will call on the father of the child to give us the name(s) of the child and the meaning(s) of the name(s).
3. ASK FATHER FOR THE NAME [Father mentions the full name of the child and the meaning(s) of the name(s).]
• Minister takes the baby and asks all to join in prayer for the baby.
• Minister lays his hand on the child and prays.
MINISTER: Father, in the name of Jesus, thine only begotten Son, we thank you for the name(s) that has been given today. We sanctify this name and we declare that this child shall be called [name(s) of child] From today I pray that he shall live up to the meaning of this name(s).
(The Minister makes reference to the name(s) and prays for the child to fulfil the purpose of the name(s), e.g., “John means ‘Jehovah is gracious’, May Jehovah God be gracious unto this child always.”)
MINISTER: Father, we thank you indeed for a good and perfect gift; the gift of a life. Thank you for blessing this family with this child. I reject every curse and every expectation of the enemy concerning the life of [name(s) of child].
I bring down the walls of frustration that are lifted up against the life of this child. I superimpose the will of God for this child, over and against every plan of Satan.
I speak the blessing of God over this life. May the goodness and the favour of God be your portion all the days of your life.
May you live to be a blessing to your parents.
May you live to be a blessing to your generation.
May you become what God has destined you to be.
In Jesus’ mighty name.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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What It Means to be Married to A Relentless Accuser
Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?
Proverbs 27:4
Marriage to a “Relentless Accuser” is the same as marriage to a “Prison Officer”.
A wife can become a Prison Officer with her chief weapon being her accusations! I call it a prison because the wife you have married can keep you in confinement. This confinement is caused by your Prison Officer wife who prevents you from interacting with people in the “outside world”. To overcome in this kind of marriage, you need Joseph’s anointing. It is Joseph who successfully came out of prison in Egypt.
You will be unable to relate to people that your wife does not like or does not want you to relate with. If your wife has the anointing of a Prison Officer she will use relentless accusations to keep you in confinement. The basic power that drives the Prison Officer is fear and jealousy or envy. Jealousy is a very powerful force. Jesus Christ was crucified because of envy. In the scripture above, jealousy is compared with anger and wrath. Jealousy is more powerful, more cruel and more outrageous than anger and wrath! A jealous and envious wife will use cruelty to eliminate nice people from your life.
John Wesley
John Wesley complained about being married to a prison officer. In his letter to his wife, he described the marriage to a ‘prison officer’ in great detail.
He wrote to his wife;
“I do not have a command of my own house.
I am not at liberty to invite even my nearest relative without angering you.
I dislike my chamber door being watched constantly, so that no one can go in and out except those you approve of.
I dislike being a prisoner even when I am away because I have to give an account of everywhere I go and of every person I ever speak to.”
In the same letter, he asked for freedom from the prison. He wrote:
“Allow me liberty so that anyone who wants to, can come to me.
Let me go where I please and to whom I please without giving an account of it!
These are the advices I will now give you in the fear of God!”
John Wesley
The first step towards imprisonment involves soft-spoken, subtle but negative comments about unwanted people.
The second step of the Prison Officer is to manipulate for the removal of people that she does not like or want. These people are forced to lose their positions of favour, their positions of closeness and even their jobs because of the manipulative powers of the ‘Prison Officer’ wife. The cruelty of envy is seen in the way people are mercilessly removed from their positions, no matter who they are. “Let them go to hell” is the unspoken cry of the ‘Prison Officer’. Once she does not see them in her life any more, she is at peace.
The third step for a Prison Officer manifests as violent accusations, violent quarrels and open confrontation about people who must go. One pastor said to me, “I’ve been accused of being interested in so many ladies, including my children’s nanny. I have had to get rid of so many women who play important roles in my life.”
He continued, “But I am also accused of being interested in men. I have had to get rid of several men in my life.”
The Fearful Woman
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.
1 John 4:18 (NASB)
If you marry an insecure and fearful personality, you have entered the grounds of a Relentless Accuser Be careful of a woman who is only conscious of the presence of “other nice ladies”. Beware of a wife who is always thinking, “He could have married her. He wants her! He likes her! He prefers her! He is thinking about her! He wants to be with her! He likes talking to her! He is always on the phone to her! It’s all about her!”
The accuser is preoccupied with “other women”. Instead of being preoccupied with ‘ other souls’ who need salvation, she is preoccupied with ‘other women’ who “like” her husband! Usually, there is a reason why the “other woman” is of concern. She is often said to have a bad attitude towards the wife. She is usually accused of talking to the man of God but not to his wife. The Prison Officer/Relentless Accuser wants to get rid of this “other woman”. She thinks to herself, “Go and get your own husband! Stop liking my husband!”
Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! He said, “This is wickedness,” and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed the lead cover down over its mouth.
Zechariah 5:7-8 (NIV)
I remember a Kenyan lady who married a man from Ghana. Instead of being happy and enjoying her husband’s love, she continually accused him of wanting to marry someone from Ghana.
“You want a Ghanaian lady,” she would say. “Is that not so? I know you want to eat your Ghanaian food.”
“Go and get one of those Ghanaian girls”, she would say.
You see, a Prison Officer, constantly makes references to girls from your country, your tribe or of your colour. She is not sure of your love! She senses the need to keep you for herself and she senses the need to keep you away from ladies she thinks are more suitable for you.
Why bother to take yourself through such emotional turmoil? Why marry someone you suspect does not really love you? Why live your life fearing that your husband loves other girls? Never marry someone whom you are suspicious of! You cannot be happily married unless there is absolute trust.
The Prison Officer and the Widower
It is not easy to be the new and second wife of a widower. Marrying a widower, means that you will have to step into the role of your husband’s previous popular wife. Not everybody has the ability to become “the second wife”. If you are insecure, you will always think about the first wife and what she did.
Your insecurity as a woman will manifest in you cleansing the world of supporters and lovers of the first wife. A new and insecure second wife is a sure candidate to becoming a Prison Officer.
Watch out for a woman who marries a pastor and feels that she is not accepted by the church. Such a person can turn into a Prison Officer.
I remember a pastor whose wife died suddenly. He married a young lady from the church and the trouble began. This new wife was so insecure that she fought against members of the church and even the children of the first wife. In the end, she drove the pastor’s children away from him. The pastor’s children were no longer welcome and could no longer work in the church.
Several key people in the administration of the church also had to leave. In the end, a very small fraction of the church was left. One of the pastors said to me, “We were blind. We had a Relentless Accuser in our midst and we did not deal with her. We now know that our pastor’s wife was a Prison Officer. We should have fought and resisted her. We should have risen up when we could and put an end to the powers of this woman even though she was our senior pastor’s wife.”
He lamented, “By our lax attitude towards the Prison Officer, we lost all our members.”
The Prison Officer and the Devoted Husband
Many women exhibit fear in one way or another and many become “Prison Officers”. If you are a devoted “A1” husband (handsome, responsible, principled) you could be imprisoned by the Prison Officer!
The good qualities of devoted husbands are rare and the beautiful Prison Officer knows that she has a good thing. Unfortunately, a good and devoted “A1” husband may inspire fear and not love in his partner. Many people respond to love by being afraid.
I remember a pastor who attended an important four-day conference for ministers. He and his wife usually attended this conference with other pastors, friends and their wives. In the middle of the conference, the pastor abruptly decided to leave. Everyone was shocked that the pastor would leave before the conference ended. He gave no reasons and just departed, leaving his wife and other friends behind.
Two years later one of his friends asked him, “I remember how you mysteriously left that conference. What was the reason?”
He hesitated and then answered, “I couldn’t take it any more, I was not enjoying the conference at all. Every time we came back to the hotel from the conference sessions, my wife was not happy with me.”
“She was not happy because I was friendly towards your wife and other ladies. I don’t think she likes it when I relate with any other ladies.”
He continued, “It has always been an issue in our marriage.”
“So what exactly made you leave?” he was asked.
“Well, one night whilst I was asleep, I opened my eyes and found my wife laying hands on me and casting out the spirit of adultery. I froze in the darkness of the hotel room and listened to the prayer that was being prayed over my head. I could not believe the prayers that were being said over my head.”
The pastor continued, “My wife thought I was asleep so she took the liberty to administer deliverance to me whilst I was asleep.”
This pastor continued lamenting and describing how he was constantly accused of unfaithfulness in spite of the fact that he had been faithful to his wife throughout their marriage.
He sighed, “That was the limit! After the laying on of hands and the midnight deliverance prayer I decided to leave the conference.”
Such is the unfortunate lot of the man married to a Prison Officer. She cannot stand his interaction with any other female. She wants you for herself absolutely and totally. No gaps allowed! It is not easy to be in a prison, no matter how nice it looks! Even house arrest is a difficult thing. Every prisoner wants to be free. John Wesley had the same amazing experience in marriage. Please note these words he penned to his wife.
John Wesley
John Wesley’s wife was completely focused on other women. She constantly accused him of having affairs with a string of other women. Mrs Wesley even accused John Wesley of having an affair with his brother, Charles Wesley’s, wife.
Some “Prison Officers” become even more fearful at celebrations. Celebrations of the marriage and of love may provoke even more negative responses of fear from this type of person. The declaration of love to a Prison Officer frightens her even more and reminds her of how great a blessing she has, and how terrible it would be to lose it!
Why would a handsome man marry a beautiful lady full of fear, insecurity and jealousy? The answer is simple. It is very difficult to see a Prison Officer from the outside. Most of them do not wear uniforms. It is also difficult to imagine the torment you will have when you are married to a Prison Officer.
As a young unsuspecting man, you may notice her jealousy and feel that you are really loved. Only a discerning person can see through the disguise of a future Prison Officer.
I remember a beautiful young wife who made a comment to her husband after he finished preaching. She simply remarked, “I am sure Felicia enjoyed your sermon.” Instead of saying she was blessed by his sermon, her mind was on Felicia who was also in church that day!
It is amazing that a beautiful lady can harbour vices like insecurity, jealousy and hatred. All these vices exist within the beauty but are completely submerged beneath the charm. Only the trained eye will notice the signs of looming trouble.
A gentle, soft-spoken personality is the perfect camouflage for the Prison Officer.
Stay in Prison
The main effect of this kind of marriage is to keep you under control by accusing you about every possible lady. If you employ someone, your wife will be against the person ; male or female. If you like someone, your wife will dislike that person. If you have a good relationship with someone, your wife will not have a good relationship with that person.
I remember a pastor’s wife who fought all the employees and relationships that her husband had developed in order to keep him to herself. Perhaps she just existed to accuse! This beautiful pastor’s wife attempted to change the records on the telephone bills to fabricate evidence that her husband was having affairs with some church members. She was desperate to prove that her husband was calling young girls at midnight. Fortunately, she was unable to get the telephone company to change the telephone records for her to justify her false accusation.
The Control of an Accuser
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Romans 8:14
You must be led by the Holy Spirit and not by a woman. The most dangerous thing about a Prison Officer is her ability to control your life. The most deadly danger of a Prison Officer is her ability to “take over” from the Holy Spirit. The Prison Officer takes over from the Holy Spirit and leads you into the path she has chosen. Many curses were released into the world when Adam turned from following God to following his wife.
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast HEARKENED UNTO THE VOICE OF THY WIFE, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: CURSED is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Genesis 3:17
The mind of your beautiful Prison Officer wife works like a character in a soap opera, constantly discussing and analysing different affairs and scandals. The dangerous thought patterns of the soft-spoken beauty are seen in her comments and innuendos. She has a strong awareness of the ever-present love affairs, scandals, adulteries and betrayals that exist in the world.
Indeed, the Prison Officer fights for control and dominance with every possible tool. She threatens her husband with the consequence of having sex with other ladies. I remember one lady who said to her husband, “If you dare fornicate with someone you will lose your anointing.”
Some “Prison Officers” use hysteria to threaten the poor pastor. A certain wife was known to throw herself on the floor, screaming and rolling all over the living room floor. Outsiders would run into the house to find out what was happening, only to find the man of God’s wife on the floor, screaming and rolling.
Indeed, what an embarrassment and indictment on the pastor. What did he do to make his wife scream and roll? What was happening? What evil was going on between the pastor and his wife? Outsiders would naturally think, “This must be a bad pastor to have caused such a gentle beauty to scream and roll all over the house!” Obviously, the pastor would back down and try to do everything to prevent the screaming and the rolling.
The Prison Officer also has a political mind that instantly sees things in groups and parties: my friends-your friends, my relatives-your relatives, my staff-your staff, my people-your people, my mother-your mother, my father-your father!
A Prison Officer’s political mind is constantly searching and suspiciously diagnosing the likes and dislikes of people. It is revealed when she describes her opinion of your likes and dislikes. She is always suspiciously looking out for whom she thinks you like.
For instance, she will say things like; “You like chicken”. “You like rice.” “You like fair people.” “You like boys from Spartan College.” “You like girls from Victoria Girls’ High School”.
Such a person will notice the different tribes or groupings within a group. For instance, such a person may say, “Everybody in the new government is from the Western Region.” “Everybody in the new government is Yoruba.”
In the same way, the Prison Officer will quickly identify the people that she thinks her husband likes. Then, with her sick mind, she will proceed to accuse, intimidate and harass the poor man about these people. “You like Freda. You like Samantha. You like Jessica. You like Vanessa. You like Esmeralda. You like Winifred ” !!!!!!!
Usually, there are some names of people that the poor husband is accused of being interested in. The presence of these prominent names makes the accusations seem valid. In the case of John Wesley, his wife constantly accused him about two or three particular ladies. Names like Betty Disine, Sarah Crosby and Sarah Ryan are mentioned as women that John Wesley is supposed to have been interested in.
What You Can Expect
The Prison Officer will frown upon the kindness and attention you show to any other lady in your life. Initially, it may be a mild frown. As time progresses and as respect diminishes, the frown will develop into open disapproval characterised by pointed questions.
If the soft-spoken aspersions are successful in curtailing relationships, they will continue. As and when a new girl shows up, these accusations will be revived. Most of the time, the manipulative power of accusations is strong enough to control a principled young man who loves the Lord and wants to have a good marriage.
There are, however, some ladies who are not prepared to stop at subtle comments, suggestions or even direct accusations. Such women break out into openly aggressive and violent accusations. If you have married such a woman she will openly confront people she does not like.
I remember one lady who went to the home of her husband’s assistant with a team of supporters to confront the lady whom she suspected of being in love with her husband. They arrived with a warlike team to warn the lady to stay off her husband.
One pastor said to me, “My wife has had so many confrontations with so many women in the church. I have to bow my head in shame because of my wife.”
Such a lady will openly confront church members, relatives or even bystanders whom she suspects of having even the faintest interest in her husband.
I remember one wife who would confront parents from her children’s school on the school’s car park. The bewildered parent would stumble away not knowing what the confrontation was about.
From the very beginning the Prison Officer will find something wrong with many external friendships. She will find something wrong with the choir leader, the worship leader and all other people that you worked happily with before she came on the scene. As time goes on, more and more people will be added to the list of unacceptable relationships.
You can expect to have many quarrels with your wife over the different people you work with. If one were listening outside the window of this couple’s bedroom, one would think that you had stumbled into arguments about a real affair. In reality however, it may be just an argument about a Prison Officer’s suspicions, imaginations and delusions.
Kathryn Khulman and the Prison Officer
In the life story of Kathryn Khulman, we see how she travelled with her sister who was married to an evangelist. She had a first hand glimpse into her sister’s marriage. A stormy marriage is what we read about but the details are even more revealing. Kathryn Khulman’s sister, Myrtle, was constantly accusing her husband of consorting with other women. She became more and more hard and unyielding with time. Kathryn Khulman said her sister reminded her of their mother who had been equally hard and unyielding to her father.
I have met several pastors who have had to relieve different ladies from positions of importance to appease their wives. In his quest to walk in love towards his wife, the pastor will agree to get rid of “suspected lovers”. The first one will go and the second will follow soon. One after another, the different ladies will be removed from every place of importance. Soon, you will have a long list of ladies who have been removed from every position of importance.
One such lady was rebuked by her daughter. She said to her mother, “Is the list of women that you claim Daddy to be in love with, not too long?”
Amazingly, this pastor was accused by his wife of being in love with ladies who even belonged to other religions.
Another daughter said of her mother, “My mother has accused my father of being in love with so many women including our aunties and other relatives. Even people who could be aunties to Daddy have been included in the list.”
One pastor remarked to me, “I have been accused of having something to do with both ladies and men.”
It is not a small thing to spend your life with someone who believes that you are having an affair. You will never have a certain kind of happiness from your relationship and marriage!
One day I was standing with a great man of God whose wife had been accusing him of having affairs with a long list of ladies. He said to me, “Can you believe that my wife called me tonight to warn me about an eighty-two year old lady who was attending this programme?”
My jaw dropped in disbelief because I knew the lady he was talking about. This woman was a jolly round great grandmother.
He continued, “She said to me over the phone, ‘Don’t forget I have warned you many times about that woman. I know she is after you. She wants to have sex with you. She will not stop chasing you till she gets you.’”
Even though she was miles away, this Prison Officer was controlling her husband through warnings, accusations and suggestions. The Prison Officer earnestly seeks to keep you in confinement, even though she is far away.
The Dangers of Being Married to a Prison Officer
1. Accusations: You are in danger of becoming an accuser yourself. You may respond to the accusations with an equally matched accusation. Many people feel that they are justified in getting divorced or separated from a Prison Officer. They say, “No one would be able to endure what I am enduring in this marriage.” Be very careful that you do not respond in the wrong way. Notice this amazing scripture:
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Proverbs 26:4
2. Strife: You must watch out for the dangers of strife. The Bible warns that the fruit of righteousness must be sown in the midst of peace by those who make peace.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
James 3:18
3. Bitterness: You must also watch out for the dangers of bitterness and hatred. It is natural to dislike someone who accuses you constantly. It is not natural to love someone who accuses you. Only the supernatural love of God can make you love your accuser and that is what you must pray for.
4. Lust: You must watch out for the dangers of lust. Everyone notices things that are pointed out to you. When your wife accuses you about a lady, you will notice her more than the other ladies. One day you may say, “Since that is what they are expecting of me, I might as well do it.” You may become a fornicator although you never intended to.
5. Divorce: You must watch out for the dangers of divorce. As your home turns into a place of bitter contention, you will desire to be away from it. You may find solace and peace in the company of trusting and loving people. Through this forced disassociation with your wife, you may develop other relationships. You may have an affair you do not intend to have. You may separate from your wife and you may end up divorced. Remember that this is satan’s ultimate plan and you must ensure that it does not happen.
I declare you to be an overcomer in every prison you find yourself in. Receive the anointing of Joseph who overcame in the prison!
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
Warning: The Balance of Power Changes in Ministry Marriages
All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, BUT I WILL NOT BE BROUGHT UNDER THE POWER OF ANY.
1 Corinthians 6:12
It is interesting to watch the shifting of the balance of power amongst animals. Watching a herd of elephants and a pride of lions interact will give you a great revelation about how the balance of power can shift from one group to another. In the daytime, the elephants can see clearly and will kill any lion that comes near them. Elephants do not take nonsense from lions during the day.
But as the night falls and darkness descends, the lions can see clearly whilst the elephants cannot. The balance of power now shifts to the lions, which can attack the elephants and actually kill them. Lions have been known to bring down huge elephants in the night when the balance of power has shifted. It is an amazing thing to watch a pride of lions eat a full-grown elephant!
Marriages also experience a shift in the balance of power. There are two ways in which the balance of power can shift.
In a marriage to an unbeliever (or an “X5” husband – with “A1” being the best), the balance of power shifts to the man. A non-believing man, or an “X5” husband, is not bound by the Word of God. He is not obedient to the Bible. He will do whatever pleases him. The devoted Christian wife will humbly try to please him to make him change his behaviour. The world is full of stories of husbands who have mistreated their wives. Most laws on divorce favour the woman because women have been mistreated for centuries by unbelieving men.
This book is not about that kind of marriage. This is a book for ministers. If you are not a minister you should not be reading this book because it is not intended for you. Do not criticise what you do not understand. I am also not saying that people in the ministry will have bad marriages. I am saying that the balance of power shifts. The woman has a greater capability to harm the ministry of her husband.
In a marriage to a dedicated pastor and husband (an “A1” husband), the balance of power shifts to the woman. A devoted man of God is bound to obey the Word of God, and so his wife can do almost anything without being divorced. As a result, the balance of power has shifted to the woman, and she can inflict many evils on her “A1” husband. This makes the wife very powerful.
The “A1” pastor has vowed never to divorce or to separate from his wife, no matter what happens! Amazingly, his commitment to marriage gives his wife great power to misbehave. That is the way an employee who can never be sacked behaves. No matter what he does, he will never be dismissed and so he grows in his power and rebellion.
Art thou bound unto a wife? Seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? SEEK NOT A WIFE.
1 Corinthians 7:27
Why would Paul advise a Christian to “seek not a wife”?
Because there are clear dangers involved in giving such power to a woman. Any “A1” man who gets married is giving great power away to his wife. Indeed, it is “A1” devoted men who desperately want to marry. They are usually marrying in an effort to flee fornication and stay morally pure.
Unfortunately, the expectations of devoted “A1” brothers may not be met.
Before marriage, the man of God is powerful and the prospective wife is humble, sweet, gentle, pretty, pleasant and hopeful that she will become the bride of choice.
For the devoted (A1) man of God, when the marriage actually takes place, the balance of power shifts to the woman which is unfortunate. The wife becomes a very powerful force in the minister’s life because the balance of power has shifted almost totally into the woman’s hand. She can do almost anything to him and he will be forced to endure it if he does not want to become a divorcee or the husband of two wives.
His wife may not bath, she may not give him food, she may not look nice at home. She may not have sex with him, she may act like a dead body during sex, she may shout at him, she may be rude to him and there will be very little he can do about it! Perhaps, he may give her some persuasive teachings and some counselling. But it is up to her to decide whether she will obey or not. After all, she knows that her “A1” husband will never punish her, never sack her or divorce her!
Why Jesus Did Not Marry
Marriage is a great and risky step for any man of God to take! Marriage by an “A1” pastor is the act of handing over power to a woman who may be far less spiritual than him. That is probably why Jesus did not marry! Marriage by an “A1” pastor is the act of giving power to someone who may not understand your life’s mission.
Do you think Jesus would have died on the cross if He had a wife? I do not think so! The wife of Jesus would have opposed the cross. Even Peter opposed the idea of Jesus dying on a cross! If Jesus had married, He would have had quarrels and misunderstandings that would have lowered His anointing.
In spite of these realities, it is not easy for a man of God to remain unmarried. Unfortunately, most unmarried men of God are also suspected of being immoral.
There are many wives who are actually wicked to their devoted (A1) husbands. The wickedness is practiced in secret. It is not easy to see the wickedness of a woman, because it is not the wickedness of committing adultery. It is the wickedness of secret opposition, secret accusations, secret deprivation, secret lovelessness and secret neglect. John Wesley called his wife a wicked woman!
One day, John Wesley said goodbye to his wife Molly. According to his wife, his parting words to her were:
John Wesley
It is amazing that somebody like John Wesley did not experience the best of marriages. Such an “A1” husband should have had the best of marriages, but that is not the way it was. A devoted (A1) husband will never think of divorce. No matter what he experiences, he will remain in the marriage till the bitter end.
For consider him that endured such CONTRADICTION OF SINNERS against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Hebrews 12:3
Marriage for an “A1” husband may be the receiving of “contradiction of sinners”. When you receive the opposite of what you would expect, you are experiencing the “contradiction of sinners”. Jesus also experienced a contradictory response to all His good deeds. He experienced negativity in response to the great love that He showed to mankind. This is why it is said that Jesus received the contradiction of sinners.
Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
Daughter, You Have Tender Eyes
Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured.
Genesis 29:17
Apart from striking external beauty, there are many other things women are endowed with. It is not all about physical beauty; it is about the tenderness in the eyes.
God endows every woman with beauty or with tender eyes. God has designed some women to be tender beings. No one wants to marry a wooden pole. A man is looking for something that is warm and friendly.
Daughter, you are endowed with many other gifts. Ask any married man. “Beauty is vain,” they will tell you. There are many other things that make people happy. Decide to learn the things that will make you attractive.
Because I am a pastor, I have attended many weddings. Certainly, it is not the most beautiful women who get married every Saturday! There are many beautiful girls who are sitting on the pews waiting for their turn. If it were just beauty, they would all be married by now!
God may give you beauty or he may simply give you tender eyes. Most definitely, he will give you something! Daughter, you must have something. Use what you have!
Different Kinds of Tender Eyes
Tender eyes come in many different forms. Rachel was beautiful, but Leah had tender eyes. Perhaps your tender eyes will come in the form of a friendly disposition. Perhaps your tender eyes will come as a gift of cooking and homemaking. Perhaps your tender eyes will be in the form of enchanting sexual energy. Yet still, your tender eyes may be in the form of your financial input to the marriage.
Your tender eyes may also be in the form of your exciting sanguine personality. Your tender eyes may be in the form of your cool, calm phlegmatic temperament. Yet still, your tender eyes may come in the form of your strong leader’s choleric personality. Again, your melancholic neatness and loyal nature may be the tender eyes that God has given you!
Daughter, thou hast tender eyes. God gave you something. Do not be filled with self-pity. You have tender eyes. Use them and be blessed!
by Dag Heward-Mills
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The Daughters
Naturally speaking, daughters are not full of bitterness and unforgiveness. There is some sweetness and innocence that characterizes a daughter. Above all, there is a special trust and confidence that a daughter has for her father. Unfortunately, the faith, the hope and the love of daughters fade away as they mature into adult women.
Jesus did refer to some women as daughters. I believe it was because of the faith that they had in him. He noticed the pure love that they had toward him.
Let’s look at this group of women whom Jesus ministered to. This time, we notice how he addresses them differently.
In one of the greatest miracles that Jesus ever did, the healing of the woman with the issue of blood, we see Jesus referring to her as a daughter! This woman had been able to tap into the anointing even though others around could not feel anything.
...and she felt in her body that she was healed…
Mark 5:29
And Jesus said, SOMEBODY HATH TOUCHED me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.
Luke 8:46
There is something I want you to notice about this daughter. First of all, she had great trust in Jesus’ ability. In her sickness and weakness, she pressed through the crowd until she touched the hem of his garment.
It must have taken great faith for this woman to press through the teeming crowds. That is precisely what made her a great daughter: faith and trust. Her twelve years of bitter experiences with different people were not enough to quench a heart of faith.
Wary Women
Sometimes, a background of sinful experiences with different men makes it difficult for a woman to trust any man. She has little confidence in her father, her pastor or any man of God. She simply cannot believe in the existence of goodness and purity. Sometimes, just by growing up in a culture of suspicion and gossip, the seeds of mistrust are sown forever. Such women tend to be perpetually doubtful, unbelieving, sceptical and suspicious. Typically, a woman who is unable to trust is unable to love. She is full of fear. Perfect love casts out fear. The Bible says love
…believeth all things…
1 Corinthians 13:7
Daughters Receive the Anointing of Their Fathers
The other outstanding mark about this daughter, (the woman with the issue of blood), was the fact that she received the anointing of Jesus. This is the only record in the Bible of the anointing flowing from one person to another in which both parties literally felt it. Jesus felt the anointing leaving him and the daughter felt the anointing coming into her body.
You see, it is children who receive the most precious gifts from their parents. It is children and not equals or colleagues who receive an inheritance from their fathers.
There comes a time in the life of a woman where she tends to challenge the authority of a man. I do not blame her because many men are irresponsible and untrustworthy.
However, fighting against men and campaigning against their authority may easily keep you from the anointing. You will have a perpetually resistant attitude towards God’s gift. You see, many of the vessels that God uses are men.
When you receive someone as a father, you open yourself up to receive the ultimate gift from him. Perhaps, that is why Jesus referred to her as “daughter”.
…DAUGHTER, THY FAITH HATH MADE THEE WHOLE; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.
Mark 5:34
Daughters Are Forever
On another occasion, when Jesus was on his way to the cross, a large crowd of people followed him. In this crowd, there were women who were unhappy about the injustice that was being done to him. They supported him openly and publicly identified with him.
In the hour when all the men and apostles deserted the Lord, the women stood strong. Jesus turned to them and ministered words of prophecy from his heart. He did not refer to these supportive ladies as women, but as daughters.
…DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.
Luke 23:28
Decide to be a woman whom Jesus would see as a daughter. Someone who is open to the anointing! Someone who is supportive of the man of God! Someone who is prepared to identify openly and passionately with the vision!
by Dag Heward-Mills
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The Lord’s Prayer Test
Now, how can you be sure that you have forgiven somebody? Often we say, “I have forgiven. I have nothing in my heart against him.” However, you will find that there is still a grudge you bear somewhere in your heart.
As a pastor, I have stood in the pulpit and said that I had nothing against anybody. But in reality, I had something against someone. I thought that I had forgiven the person. Unknowingly, I had not. Later into the year, I realized that I really hadn’t forgiven this person.
Through my search of the Scriptures, the Lord showed me what I call “The Lord’s Prayer test”. This is a test to prove whether you have truly forgiven your offenders.
The Test
Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Keep praying. When you get to the point where you refer to those who trespass against you, you should specifically mention the name of the person who offended you. It is important to specifically mention the name of that person.
So the prayer becomes for example, “...And forgive me for my trespasses, as I forgive Araba Lucy.” In other words, “If I have not forgiven Araba Lucy for her sins against me, please do not forgive me!!!”
If you are able to pray like that, asking God to forgive you specifically in relation to your forgiveness of certain people in your life, it is very likely that you have forgiven them. However, if you cannot mention the person by name in this prayer, then you have not forgiven!
Think of that man who promised to marry you. You waited for him for six years. But he deceived you and ruined your life. Remember, you need to forgive even him. Insert his name into The Lord’s Prayer, to see whether you have really forgiven him.
Apply The Lord’s Prayer test to every ugly or unpleasant situation you have ever encountered. This will help you to determine whether you have truly forgiven the person, because you need to do so!
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
Bible Descriptions of Backsliding
 Exchanging Fountains for BROKEN CISTERNS
…they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.
Jeremiah 2:13
When I was a medical student, I was sent on a working visit to Danfa, a Ghanaian village, for two weeks. Once, during a field trip, we came across another remote village that had no running water. Since the village had no running water, they had dug a large hole in the ground where water gathered; often, this water was dirty and brownish.
They Drank the Dirty Brown Water!
The people in the village bathed, defecated and urinated in it. At the same time they drank from it and used it to cook. This water obviously gave them various diseases and sicknesses.
In the Bible, backsliding people are likened to people who have access to clear running water, but exchange it for dirty smelly water - just like what I saw in that village.
I am sure you would wonder why someone would leave sweet, fresh, infection-free water, for sickness-infested and dirty water. There are believers who have had access to a life of holiness and godliness. However, they have rejected that to live a sinful and demon-controlled life.
God has given you an alternative to the dirty brown water. God is telling you that when you backslide you are going back to something terrible which will eventually kill you. He is telling you not to do something as absurd as drinking that muddy water again.
Becoming a Degenerate Wild Vine
...art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine...?
Jeremiah 2:21
The next Bible description of backsliding is that of a good plant which has degenerated into a thorny and strange vine.
Here, God shows us how a farmer's plantation from which he was expecting a good yield turned into a field of thorns and useless weeds. You, the believer, are that beautiful plant of the Lord. Why on earth would you want to allow yourself to degenerate into a thorny and worthless shrub? This is how God sees you when you backslide.
God's problem with Israel was that He had invested so much love, care, tenderness and time into their lives. Yet they had turned into disobedient, hardhearted and wicked people. Will you allow yourself to become a worthless creature before God? The answer should be a definite "No!"
Becoming a Wild Camel
...thou art a swift dromedary traversing her ways.
Jeremiah 2:23
A backsliding Christian is also described as a swift dromedary traversing her ways. A dromedary is another name for a camel. It is a wild and swift creature, which strays anywhere.
The heart of a backsliding person is as unrestrained as a wild camel. It is not under the control of anything. It is loose and wild. I remember some years ago I went to visit a backsliding Christian in London.
My Friend Had Gone Wild
The best way I could describe this person was loose and wild. I was trying to bring him back to the Lord. It took me a long time to locate his house. I eventually got to his flat after midnight. He was surprised to see me, and welcomed me into his home. As we got to talking, he realized why I had come. Being a one-time mature Christian who had backslidden, he knew all the Scriptures I intended to quote.
So at a point he interrupted me and said, "Listen, I know what you are going to say, and I know all the Bible verses you are armed with tonight. But I want you to know that I don't really care."
So he took out his cigarette and started smoking right in front of me. He said, "I want you to see me smoking. Because I am not under any restrictions."
Then he took out an album and showed me some pictures he had taken with his girlfriend. Some of these pictures were quite suggestive and lewd.
He said, "I want you to see me as I really am. This is how I am now. This is what I do. And there is nothing anyone can do about it!"
Once again he was making the point that he could do anything he wanted to, and that no one could control him. You see, backsliders are like wild camels which have no restrictions and boundaries anymore. Your Christian life is supposed to be governed by God's Word.
When a person backslides he begins to do what he wants to do, and not what God wants him to do. He's like a wild animal with no checks and controls. God's Word gives us guidelines that are for our own good but a backslider chooses to live outside God's law. What a pity!
Becoming a Wild Ass
A wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind at her pleasure; in her occasion who can turn her away...
Jeremiah 2:24
I prefer the Berkeley translation of this verse, which says:
Like a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness, in the heat of her passion snuffing up the wind: in the time of her mating who can turn her lust away?
Jeremiah 2:24 (New Berkeley Version)
Many backsliders are like wild animals heated up with passion looking for a mate. The Amplified Bible puts it this way: No males seeking her need weary themselves; in her month they will find her seeking them.
She Told Me, "I Have No Time For You!"
I remember one time going on a visit to search out a backsliding sister. I went with a good friend of mine, with whom I was doing some pastoral work. When we got to this backsliding sister's house, I told her that we had come to find out how she was doing in the Lord. Her house was in a part of the city I didn't know very well and it had taken us about three hours to find the house.
When we got there she looked at me with a straight face and said, "I cannot talk to you now because I am cooking."
Then I said, "We have come a long way to see you, and won't you even offer us a seat?"
She insisted that she had no time for us. So after mumbling a hurried exhortation to stay with the Lord, we scurried off. This young girl, who had no time for us, found time for an unbeliever boy who was 'chasing' her. She had no time for the Christian brothers who wanted to help her in her spiritual life. But the unbeliever boyfriend had no problem gaining access to her.
The Moffatt translation of the Bible elaborates further: "No male need trouble to search for her; all can find her at mating time."
When you become a backsliding Christian, the Bible says you become prey to unbelievers. Unbelievers can easily lead you away to sin.
Show me a backsliding Christian, and I'll show you an easy prey for the devil and his cohorts.
Satan capitalizes on the fleshly passions of backsliders, and has little problem finishing them off.
A Lady Who Forgets Her Ornaments
Can a maid FORGET her ORNAMENTS... yet my people have forgotten me…
Jeremiah 2:32
According to Jeremiah, the backslidden person is like a woman who forgets to put on her ornaments.
Many women are attached to their earrings, necklaces and make-up. Some women will never appear in public without adorning themselves with these accessories. (Unfortunately, many ladies substitute outer beauty for inner beauty. They have no time to pray, or read their Bibles but they spend a lot of time putting on all sorts of ornaments everyday!)
I must say I have rarely seen a lady who is not attached to her trinkets. God compares the backslidden person to a young lady who has forgotten to beautify herself with her numerous dresses, shoes, necklaces, earrings, mascara and the rest. How unusual!
Jeremiah realized that these things were part and parcel of every normal woman, and that women were very attached to these trappings.
He likened this bond between a woman and her ornamental accessories to the relationship that exists between a believer and God.
God describes the act of backsliding as a woman forgetting her ornaments.
In other words, backsliding and going away from God is a very unusual thing.
It may not look unusual in the natural, but in the sight of God and the angels it is a very strange phenomenon indeed.
Some people remind me of this very thing. Once upon a time they used to sing, praise, worship and even lead other Christians.
Today, They Are Just Nominal Christians
Today, they are just nominal Christians. One thing I am sure of is that some Christians do not even know that they are backslidden.
If a vibrant charismatic Christian leader becomes just a nominal principled individual in society, he must understand that he has backslidden. Although people may consider him a good person, in the sight of God he is fallen from the high state that he used to be in - leading people to the Lord, exhorting them, sharing the Word, laying hands on people and so on.
One person comes to mind every time I think of this scripture. She was a vibrant, witnessing and fruitful Christian.
"Oh Pastor, We Still Go to Church"
Now and again, when I see her I ask, "How is your Christian life?"
She smiles and says, "Oh Pastor, we still go to church."
All I can say for her is that she is a good and moral person who does no harm to anything or anyone. But there used to be more to her Christianity than that! Can a person who was so attached to the active, fruit-bearing Christian experience be separated from this state so easily? I wonder how the heavenly cloud of witnesses feel when they see this happen. Jeremiah could only describe it in one way - a woman separated from her ornaments.
A Bride Who Forgets Her WEDDING GOWN
Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a BRIDE her ATTIRE...
Jeremiah 2:32
Many brides are in love with their wedding gowns. Before the wedding day, they hang them in their wardrobes to ensure that they don't get stained. Often, the gown is prepared in advance for the great day (and some gowns cost more than a year's salary!).
The bride's gown is worn for only a few hours, but the bride spares no expense when she is buying it. Many women are thrilled to be the bride - the star of the day, the most beautiful woman of the day, the princess of the moment. She walks down the aisle in splendor!
No Woman Forgets Her Wedding Gown!
God is saying that when you go away from Christ, you are like a bride who forgot to wear her wedding gown on her wedding day. I think if this were ever to happen it would enter the "Guinness Book of Records"! If anyone reading this has ever heard of a bride going for her wedding forgetting to put on her wedding gown, please write to me immediately!
This is why God is so horrified when Christians forget their God and backslide. It is simply implausible, inconceivable, and beyond belief. The Bible maintains that a bride cannot be divorced from her wedding dress. No! And that is why God was horrified when you first showed signs of backsliding.
A Lover Playing the Harlot
...thou hast PLAYED THE HARLOT with many lovers…
Jeremiah 3:1
God compares the backslider to a woman who is married to the man of her dreams, but then decides to go after other men. She jumps over the wall at night, leaves her dear, beloved, charming prince in bed and goes to hunt for “fresh blood”.
I know that many people find the profession of prostitution horrifying and repulsive. They cannot imagine how people can abuse their bodies for a living.
I remember a lovely woman who had a respectable husband. After some years of marriage, this lady began to have affairs with other men. She would climb over the wall and run away at night, when her noble husband was asleep. Can you imagine that?
But let me ask you something else. If your wife not only left you, but went out into the streets to become a prostitute, would that not even be worse? How would it feel like to pass by the “red light” district and discover your wife busily trading her wares?
You would be shattered!
This is exactly how God feels when He sees the children He so loves standing out there in the world and selling themselves to the works of Satan. How sad!
Eating Your Own Vomit
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.
Proverbs 26:11
When it comes to food I am very particular about what I eat. My mother always gave me piping hot food, so I am not used to eating food that is not very hot. I have decided not to eat anything I don't want to eat.
I remember once during a visit to the Far East, I sat at table with some dignitaries.
I must admit it was a very difficult experience for me having to swallow a few morsels of what looked like eels, snakes, clams and so on.
God knows how difficult it is for us to eat things we do not like. For most of us there are things we just wouldn't eat, even if we were starving. For example, your own vomit.
I recall one particular day when I saw a dog in my house vomiting some disgusting, pudding-like substance.
The Dog Ate the Strange Pudding
It was so smelly I just avoided that area of the house. About an hour later, I passed by and I was very shocked to find the dog eagerly lapping up the pudding of vomit. How utterly disgusting! I wondered why the dog was eating it. Was there no other food?
Some of you must have seen this phenomenon before. Well, that is exactly what you look like when you go back to your old ways, old boyfriends, old girlfriends and old habits you once vomited out. God is utterly surprised at you.
This reminds us of the prodigal son who ended up eating pig feed.
The prodigal son is another description of the backslidden believer. He demanded his share of his father's property and walked out of his father's house. He journeyed to a far country and wasted all his substance on riotous living. In the end he had to feed with pigs.
And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat...
Luke 15:16
And that is what it means to backslide. If you have the opportunity to eat at table with your Christian family, why must you end up eating with pigs?
Dear Christian friend, I have tried in these last few pages to describe the horrors of backsliding as graphically as I possibly can. What else can I say? If this message is not clear to you, you may either be deaf, blind or simply dishonest. God is telling us clearly that once we have come to know Him, we will do well to stay with Him. There is no turning back and no falling away.
But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition...
Hebrews 10:39
…No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.
Luke 9:62
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
Don’t Be Surprised That You Must Be Born Again
What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
John 3:1-3, 7
In this passage, Jesus had a discussion with a man called Nicodemus. Jesus was at home one night when Nicodemus came to Him. Nicodemus was a very important person in town. The Bible says he was a ruler of the Jews, a master of Israel, a leader in the synagogues. Nicodemus went to see Jesus at night, so that all the people who respected him would not see him.
This prominent Jewish leader said something to Jesus, which prompted Him to give an interesting reply. Nicodemus told Jesus that he recognized Him as a great man of God.
Jesus saw right through him and replied, "You must be born again. You are a good person. I know you pay tithes and fast often. You are a Pharisee, and a ruler of the Jews, but you still need to be born again!"
Now, the questions we have to ask ourselves are these: “Why did Jesus tell Nicodemus that he had to be born again?” “Why did He launch out into this sermon?”
The word "born" means "to be produced or created". Therefore, to be "born again" means "to be produced or created again".
There are lots of people doing all sorts of religious things. These religious activities make people look like and feel that they are Christians, but actually they are not. Being religious does not make you born again. Such people are not born again.
Indeed, apart from Christianity there is no religion that requires a person to be born or created again. All the major religions of this world give instructions for their followers to obey. There is, however, no religion that claims an inner new birth. Christianity stands alone in this claim!
To understand what it means to be born again, we can look at what being born again is not! To understand the Bible better, I often try to look at the opposite of what is written. This can be very revealing. For example: "...Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). The opposite of this is: "...Do not seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall not be added unto you." It is as simple as that.
If you do not seek first the Kingdom of God, you cannot expect God to give you the things you need.
So, to understand the concept of being born again, we are going to look at twenty things that are NOT the same as being born again.
Twenty Things That Are Not the Same as Being Born Again
1. Admiring miracles is not the same as being born again.
Whenever there is a miracle worker, large crowds gather. These crowds are often not stable crowds; they only gather for a reason and for a season. The large crowds who gather to experience miracles are not necessarily born again.
When Jesus himself organized miracle crusades, large crowds gathered but when he began teaching certain hard truths, he was deserted by all, except the twelve disciples (John 6).
A deep admiration for miracles is not the same as being born again.
2. Befriending a man of God is not the same as being born again.
Nicodemus got acquainted with Jesus and became His friend. In the same way, there are many who have become friends of pastors and men of God. Jesus did not say, "Except a man has a pastor as his friend…." He did say, "...except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3).
3. Giving money to a church is not the same as being born again.
Giving money to a church is not the same as being born again. Some people have given money to churches for many years, but that is not a substitute for being born again. It will not result in the giver receiving special treatment at the gates of Heaven. Though it is good to give to God, no matter how much money you contribute to the church, you still need to be born again.
4. Joining a church is not the same as being born again.
A person may join a church by registering as a member of that church and still not be born again. I have been in church all my life but I did not get born again until I was a teenager. In "religious" countries such as many African countries, you could easily be a member of a church, and not be born again.
5. Playing a role in a church is not the same as being born again.
It is possible to play a prominent role in church without being born again. For instance, during an altar call in our church, some choristers responded to the call to give their lives to Christ. They were members of the choir, but were not born again Christians. A person who is not born again may get involved in church activities and even become a priest. There are priests standing behind the "sacred desks" in many churches who are not born again! Playing a role in church is not the same as being born again.
6. Praying every day is not the same as being born again.
Praying every day is not the same as being born again. When I was a child, I approached a priest and asked him, “Sir, how can I go to Heaven?”
He said, "My son, pray 'Hail Mary' three times a day, and 'Our Father' once a day, and you will go to Heaven."
I thanked him, and began to pray every day, reciting The Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary.
Oh, how I prayed! But, that was not the way to salvation! I diligently followed my priest's instructions but I was still not born again.
You may be very religious, but if you are not born again, you will die and go to Hell.
7. Reading the Bible is not the same as being born again.
Reading the Bible and quoting the Scriptures is not a guarantee of salvation. You may be able to quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This does not mean that you are born again. There are theologians who have degrees in all sorts of theological studies, but are not born again.
8. Being baptized is not the same as being born again.
Baptism is not the same as being born again. Jesus Himself commanded us to be baptized, but He said baptism should follow salvation.
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved...
Mark 16:15, 16
You have to believe before you are baptized. It has become some people’s tradition to baptize little babies when they are a few days old. How can you believe when you are eight days old?
Baptism is immersion in water: a sign to the person being baptized and to all witnesses that he is now born again. The "old man" of sin goes down into the water and the "new man" recreated in Christ emerges.
We know that baptism is a sign of what has happened on the inside. This is because when you are born again, nothing actually happens physically for those around to see. So, being baptized becomes a physical sign of what happened inside but is not the same as being born again.
9. Being “confirmed” in a church is not the same as being born again.
In some churches, a person is baptized by the sprinkling of water on him when he is a few days old. It is expected that when he grows up he will come back to the church to confirm his Christianity. This is what is known as “confirmation”.
I think that what really happened is this: At some point in the development of Christianity, people felt that they were "big-shots", too big to be immersed publicly in water. It was humiliating for them to be put into water publicly, so I believe it was arranged for people to be baptized as children. Then, when they grew up, they were confirmed. The result of this has been the creation of a large sea of confirmed sinners and unbelievers who are deceived that they are born again. Being confirmed is not the same as being born again.
10. Taking Holy Communion is not the same as being born again.
Taking Holy Communion is not the same as being born again. It does not matter how much of the communion wine you drink, or how much of the bread you eat. Taking Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper is actually meant for born-again Christians, who eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Christ's death. However, it is now common to find Reverend Ministers serving communion to die-hard sinners who come to church on special occasions. Pastors also serve Holy Communion to unbelievers who are on their deathbeds, approaching the gates of Hell.
But eating a big loaf of bread and drinking a whole crate of communion wine cannot save your soul and does not make you born again.
11. Being in a Christian family is not the same as being born again.
Being in a Christian family is not the same as being born again. I was brought up in a "Christian" family. I was baptized as a baby, and then confirmed later. I was also given a Bible and a hymn book by my godmother in England, but it just gathered dust on the shelf. I was in the church with my family for years until I became born again. There was a definite point in my life when I got born again.
I find that religious people are surprised (like Nicodemus), when they are told they must be born again. They believe they have been devoted "Christians" all their lives, probably singing all the hymns, songs and doxologies they know.
If some young man comes along to tell such religious people that they need to be born again, you can understand their surprise. Indeed, a "Christian" upbringing is no substitute for being born again.
12. Using Christian jargon is not the same as being born again.
Using Christian jargon is not the same as being born again. Examples of these are: "Praise the Lord", "Hallelujah", "Glory", "Be blessed", and "Amen, brother!"
I have worked with people in various Christian groups. There are times I have felt that some of these people were not really born again. I doubted if they were really Christians, yet they were so rich in Christian jargon. When they met you, they knew exactly what they were supposed to say.
13. Denominationalism is not the same as being born again.
Denominationalism, or "Churchianity", is not the same as being born again. Being a member of one of the great denominations of our day does not make you a born-again Christian.
You may be in the Lighthouse Church, but be an unbeliever. In the same way, you may be in the Methodist Church, but simply be a Methodist unbeliever.
The Catholic Church is a very powerful denomination, which I really respect. In my estimation, many churches are not as devoted and as charitable as the Catholic Church. Many Charismatic and Pentecostal pastors have a lot to learn from our Catholic brothers. When I was in the medical school, I had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the Catholic Relief Services. They offer wonderful social, medical, and relief services. God bless their hearts for all their efforts.
However, it is my duty to inform all Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, Pentecostals and Lighthouse members that they must be born again. Being part of your great denomination does not mean that you are born again.
14. Being a moralist is not the same as being born again.
Being a moralist is not the same as being born again. There are some people who have very high morals. But having good morals is not the same as being born again.
For instance, there are some people who would never break their marriage vows. I once spoke to an unbeliever, who belonged to an occult group. He told me he had been married for seventeen years but had never been unfaithful to his wife, even though she could not have a child. This is a test many born-again Christians may not be able to pass. Many people go outside their marriages and break their wedding vows in order to have children. But listen, being such a moralist does not mean you are born again.
I congratulate you for your morality. I respect you for the fact that you never commit adultery or fornication. I am glad that you are not into pornography or prostitution, but I must still inform you that you must be born again! Nicodemus was a moralist, that is why he was so surprised when Jesus told him that he needed to be born again. “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
15. Being principled is not the same as being born again.
Being a man of principles is not the same as being born again. Some people are very principled and will not cheat you, even if they have the opportunity to do so. Sometimes people cheat in examinations, but such principled people will not have anything to do with it!
I have found it more difficult to bring principled, moral people to Christ. Hard-core sinners are more aware that they need God. A very principled person sees no reason why he must be saved. His excuse is often, "Why? I am a good person, why should I change?" “Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you” (Matthew 21:31).
There are principled doctors who are not born again, who simply refuse to do abortions. To them, abortion is murder. Yet, even such principled doctors need to be born again.
16. Being respectable is not the same as being born again.
Being respectable is not the same as being born again. Indeed, you may have been respected in society for many years. All your life you may have been singled out and given leadership responsibilities.
Perhaps, you are a person in authority now. You could be the President of a country, a parliamentarian, a Minister of State, a King, a Chief, a headmaster or headmistress. Such positions are held in high esteem. Do not be deceived. That respect accorded you does not mean you are born again. Jesus says to the President, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
17. Being popular is not the same as being born again.
Being popular or famous is not the same as being born again. I remember a particular short young man who was extremely popular in my school. Whenever he walked in or out of any school gathering, there was a great uproar, as everybody cheered him on. He was a very popular guy but he still needed to be born again! You may be popular. People may hail you wherever you go, but you still need to be born again!
Popular politicians need to be born again in spite of their popularity. In spite of their popularity they must still be born again! People may like you. Everybody may be pleased with you. Yet, being popular is not the same as being born again. Marvel not that I say unto you, you must be born again.
18. Obeying a new set of rules is not the same as being born again.
Being born again is not the same as obeying a new set of rules. When you join a club, such as an Old Boys’ Association or a Keep Fit Club, you may be presented with a new set of rules. My wife's school, Wesley Girls' High School, had as its motto: "Live pure, Speak true, Right wrong and Follow the King". This set of rules may be your guiding principle. But you still need to be born again.
There are also people who are rich in wise sayings. In Ghana, one of our popular wise sayings can be translated as, "The animal without a tail is protected by God". The deeper meaning of this is, "God takes care of the fatherless". How wise and impressive this sounds! Another wise saying goes like this: “The old man who is sitting at the foot of the irokko tree sees further than the young man who climbs to the top of the tree.” Wow! How wise and how deep! Another wise saying is, “A stranger has eyes but he cannot see.” This is fantastic. These sayings are really deep.
Such deep wisdom does not mean that you are born again.
Throughout your entire life you may be guided by these nice-sounding wise quotes. However, Jesus says to you, "You must still be born again.”
19. Being a good spouse is not the same as being born again.
Being a good wife or a good husband does not mean that a person is born again. You may love your husband, look after him, submit to him, support him and pray for him but it does not mean you are born again. You may be living happily together, but it does not mean you will go to Heaven. Good family people are often surprised when you tell them to be born again.
They will say, "Look at me! What is wrong with me? I am a good person, and this is my happy wife. I have a good life, a good family and nice children. We are living happily ever after! What could be better than that?"
I agree to all that you have said, but you still need to be born again.
20. Being rich or poor is not the same as being born again.
Being rich or poor is not the same as being born again. Being poor in this life is all the more reason why you must be born again. Your poverty and suffering in this life should not deceive you into thinking that there will be peace after death. If you are not born again, your poverty will not save you. You still need to be born again. Otherwise you will go to Hell and live in torment for eternity.
If you are very rich and everything is going well, you may think you don't need to add anything to your life. Jesus says to the rich and the poor alike, "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
In Luke 16:19-31, we read about the rich man. He was a fool, not because he was rich, but because in his rich state he did not acknowledge God. Often, rich people forget about God. Do not be just a rich man; be a wise and rich person.
When the rich man found himself in Hell he became a virtual evangelist urging people to rise from the dead to take the message to his brothers. Mr. Rich Man, do not be surprised that you must be born again. You need to believe in God. You need to believe
by Dag Heward-Mills
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Ten Reasons Why Tithing Does Not Work for Some People
… all things work together …
Romans 8:28
Many things work together to create the blessings we need. Success is often the result of several things working together.
Tithing cannot be studied in isolation. Obeying God in the matter of tithing is just one of many commandments of the Lord. It is good that you would obey the Lord in paying your tithes but you must also obey the Lord in other areas.
When the apostle Peter spoke of bearing fruit and being useful to God, he mentioned several things that would have to work together to make you fruitful. “Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:5-8, NASB).
You can see from this Scripture that it takes many things to make a person fruitful.
In this chapter, I will share with you things that need to work together with tithing in order to produce the blessing.
Ten Reasons Why Tithing Does Not Work for Some People
1. Tithing does not work for some people because they do not recognize God’s provision when it comes.
God’s way of rewarding you for tithing may not be what you expect. There are many things which are “priceless”. Their value exceeds any amount of dollars you could put together.
God often gives His children things, which are beyond price only for them to turn around and say He has not blessed them.
Naaman, the Syrian, expected Elisha to heal him in a particular way. He almost missed his blessing because he expected God to work in a particular way. It was a little child who gave him much needed advice.
“My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean? Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean” (2 Kings 5:13-14 ).
Do not become ungrateful because God’s blessing has come to you in a slightly different way from what you expected.
2. Tithing does not work for some people because it is not the first thing they give.
Also that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced: for God had made them rejoice with great joy: the wives also and the children rejoiced: so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.
And at that time were some appointed over the chambers for the treasures, for the offerings, for THE FIRSTFRUITS, and for THE TITHES, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for the priests and Levites: for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites that waited.
Nehemiah 12:43-44
THE TITHE IS THE FIRST FRUITS OF YOUR INCREASE. IT IS NOT THE LAST FRUITS OF YOUR SURPLUS. The tithe is a ministration of respect and honour to God. Perhaps the greatest show of respect and honour to God is in the fact that it is the first thing you do with your money. The tithe changes in its very nature when it is not done first. This may be the reason why somebody may give ten percent of his money but not see the increase. Years ago, when we began our church, we called our tithes the “first and best fruits.” Giving the first and the best of what you have is foundational to proper tithing.
3. Tithing does not work for some people because it is not ten percent of their income.
The tithe simply means ten percent. Nine percent is not a tithe! Eight percent is not a tithe! Seven percent is not a tithe! Six percent is not a tithe! Five percent is not a tithe! Four percent is not a tithe! Three percent is not a tithe! Two percent is not a tithe! One percent is not a tithe! THE TITHE IS TEN PERCENT.
I believe that even someone in class three would know how to calculate ten percent. Do you think that God and His angels are able to calculate ten percent? Begin to give at least ten percent of your increase and God’s blessing will come upon your life. The tithe is ten percent of your increase. That is what God honours.
4. Tithing does not work for some people because it is not an acceptable offering.
The fact that your money entered the offering bowl does not mean that it was accepted in Heaven. Some tithes are also unacceptable because the tithe is a special type of offering.
There are three types of offerings that are unacceptable to God. Offerings are unacceptable to God because of the unrighteous lives of the giver, the secret worship of idols and thirdly not having given in proportion to what we received. Notice these three times the Lord warns us about unacceptable offerings.
a. In the book of Isaiah, the Lord rejects the offerings of the people because of their unrighteous lives. Read it for yourself. He tells them, “Learn to do well. Relieve the oppressed. Help the fatherless and widows.”
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I CANNOT AWAY WITH; IT IS INIQUITY, even the solemn meeting.
Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
Isaiah 1:11-17
b. In the book of Amos God rejects the offerings they bring because they were secretly worshipping the gods Moloch and Chiun.
THOUGH YE OFFER ME BURNT OFFERINGS AND YOUR MEAT OFFERINGS, I WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.
Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel?
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.
Amos 5:22-27
c. In the book of Corinthians, Paul shows that offerings are accepted when they are in proportion to what a person has. God always looks at what you have before assessing what you have brought to Him. You may bring a hundred thousand dollars to the altar but because you have billions this amount may not impress the Lord.
[Your offering] is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.
2 Corinthians 8:12
5. Tithing does not work for some people because they do not have patience.
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Hebrews 10:36
You need patience to be successful in every field of endeavour. Even in the secular world, patience is important. There is almost nothing you are going to get in this world without patience. It took me seven years of hard labour to become a medical doctor. I had to wait patiently and allow the years to roll by until I was finally declared a doctor. If you want to see the powerful effect of tithing, you will need patience.
Why do you think I have written about the wealth of the Jews in this book. It is a testimony to the powerful effects of tithing. Thousands of years of tithing have produced an important pattern that is difficult to ignore. Years of tithing by Jews, has produced the wealthiest ethnic group in America (of all places). What else could be a greater testimony to the powerful effect of tithing? Tithing will seem not to work for you when you do not have patience. Indeed, with patience you will discover for yourself that tithing truly works. It produces wealth. It produces blessings! Allow patience to work in your life and you will see the blessings. “For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36).
6. Tithing does not work for some people because of their negative confessions.
Tithing does not work for some people because of their negative confessions. It is important that you maintain positive confessions about your life. What is the point in paying tithes and canceling the blessings of tithing with your negative confessions?
The principles of tithing work together with the principles of faith. “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; HE SHALL HAVE WHATSOEVER HE SAITH” (Mark 11:23).
7. Tithing does not work for some people because they have wrong desires.
Having wrong desires contradicts other principles that are set in motion by tithing.
If you have desires to kill and to fight, God cannot bless you. In fact He may send His angels to oppose you. What is the point in paying tithes to open the windows of Heaven only to have angels fighting you from another angle? Do not forget ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER for your good!
Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
James 4:2-3
8. Tithing does not work for some people because they are not at peace with the brethren.
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by peaceful men. Strife with the brethren is not something God will bless. The Bible teaches clearly that faith works by love. All the things you want to do for God must be done by and through Christian love. A humble loving person looks deceptively weak, but in actual fact he is strong. Love is the foundation of every spiritual thing we want to do because God is love.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
James 3:18
9. Tithing does not work for some people because they have bad marital relationships.
Many Christians have troubled marriages. Love is often replaced with strife. Hearts once filled with love are now charged with unforgiveness and bitterness. The challenges of marriage cause many Christians to walk out of the will of God and into the domain of Satan.
A combination of strife, bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred often serve to neutralize the prayers of the saints. Blessings should fall on people who pray but because of marital conflicts many prayers are not heard. These are not my ideas. Read it for yourself: “Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).
These problems neutralize the blessings that pours out on someone who pays his tithes.
10. Tithing does not work for some people because of hidden sins.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
Proverbs 28:13
He that pays his tithes shall prosper. This is what we believe. But he that covereth his sin shall not prosper. This combination of “thou shall prosper” and “thou shall not prosper” reveal how a blessing in one area can be cancelled by a curse from another area. Many things work together. Hidden sin in our lives will fight the blessings that we invoke on ourselves by tithing.
Dear friend, to the making of many books there is no end. By these few words be admonished and be blessed! What else can I say to convince you to pay your tithes? This is a book God told me to write and I am sure the words I have shared so far will help you and your followers to find the perfect will of God. May the Lord bless you and may you find many blessings and fulfilled promises as you honour the Lord with your tithes and first fruits.
1. Mark Twain, “Concerning the Jews,” Harper’s Magazine (September 1898).
2. Thomas Sowell, Ethnic America (Basic Books, 1981), 5.
3. Steven Silbiger, The Jewish Phenomenon (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2000), 5.
4. Ibid., 8.
5. Ibid., 14-15.
6. Ibid., 42-43.
7. Ibid., 39.
8. Joshua Halberstam, Schmoozing: The Private Conversations of American Jews (Perigree Books, 1997), 16.
9. Alan Dershowitz, The Vanishing American Jew (Simon & Schuster, 1997), 16.
10. Jack Wertheimer, “Current Trends in Jewish Philanthropy,” American Jewish Yearbook, 1997.
11. Steven Silbiger, The Jewish Phenomenon, 40.
12. Ibid., 40.
13. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Thou Shall Prosper (Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002), 297-298.
14. Ibid., 299-300.
15. Ibid., 302.
16. Ibid., 304, 306.
17. Ibid., 312-313.
18. Ibid., 313.
19. Naomi Mauer, “Tithing” The Jewish Press, September 7, 2001).
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
The Curses That Follow Non-Tithers
Not paying tithes activates several different curses. Many people think that not tithing only sets in motion the “curse of Malachi”. But not tithing sets in motion much more than the curse of Malachi. It sets in motion several other curses which have devastating effects and that is what this chapter is all about.
What is a curse anyway? A curse can be defined in many ways. These twelve definitions of a curse will help you to understand what it means to be under a curse. I cannot imagine what it means to be under multiple curses.
The Twelve Definitions of a Curse
1. A cursed person is someone who will experience persistent frustration.
2. A cursed person is someone who is behind and below in everything.
3. A cursed person is someone on whom a specific evil has been invoked.
4. A cursed person is someone who is plagued with mysterious freak incidents.
5. A cursed person is someone who is a persistent failure.
6. A cursed person is someone who is persistently rejected and set aside.
7. A cursed person is someone who is never chosen.
8. A cursed person is someone who is unable to redirect his life in a positive direction.
9. A cursed person is someone who is bereft of critically important information.
10. A cursed person is someone who is constantly assigned to the bad option.
11. A cursed person is someone who only encounters bad people.
12. A cursed person is someone who is always last and ends as the loser no matter how he starts.
1. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curses of Malachi the prophet.
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Malachi 3:8-9
One of the specific curses in the Bible is Malachi’s curse for not tithing. This curse involves the release of the devourer, the destroyer and the failed harvest into your life. The devourer, the destroyer and the failed harvest are discussed in the previous chapter.
2. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse that comes on thieves.
The Bible shows us two interesting curses that relate to people who steal. One is a general curse that God has declared on thieves in general and the other is a specific curse for stealing from God Himself.
Did you know that there is no need to curse someone who steals from you because there is a general curse on anyone who steals? A thief is already an accursed person! The curse that will follow every thief was declared by the prophet Zechariah.
In this curse, the Lord declares that He will enter the house of the thief and consume everything including the timber and the stones. After this curse comes to pass, the thief will be left with nothing, not even a place to live! The thief may steal millions but this curse will turn the millions into “smoke”. The thief will not be able to use the things he has stolen and he will never truly enjoy them. Imagine what this kind of curse would do to a non-tither. He will never benefit from all the tithes he stole from God.
Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
I will bring it forth, saith the LORD of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
Zechariah 5:3-4
3. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse that comes on those who dare to steal from God.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Proverbs 15:3
It is bad enough to steal but do you really want to steal from God? God has declared in His Word that not tithing is stealing from Him. God sees the non-tither as a thief. All the curses that are due thieves are therefore determined on non-tithers.
But a further debilitating curse is determined on non-tithers for stealing from God Himself. “Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation” (Malachi 3:8-9).
You may get away with throwing your shoes at your dog or even your spouse. But throwing your shoes at the American president could get you into jail! You may steal from a mere man and get away with it. But you will not get away with stealing from God. Stealing from God will get you into big trouble. The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, beholding the good and the evil. He sees every penny you take away from His house. You cannot escape when you steal from God. Stealing from God is a very bad idea and I would advise you not to do anything like that. Pay your tithes so that you do not become a doubly accursed thief!
4. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curses that come upon all who break the law.
Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, Amen.
Deuteronomy 27:26
The curses on those who break the law are outlined in the twenty-eighth chapter of Deuteronomy. The curses on people who break the Law therefore affect those who do not pay tithes.
For breaking the Law, there are fifteen curses upon children and material prosperity, thirty curses of sickness, crop failure, war, captivity, business failure and poverty; and twenty-six new and repeated curses of defeat, captivity, sickness, persecution and insanity. You must watch out for this long list of curses when you do not pay tithes (Deuteronomy 28).
a) Fifteen curses upon children and material prosperity you must watch out for when you do not pay tithes:
1. You will be cursed in the city (v 16)
2. You will be cursed in the field (v 16)
3 Your baskets and storehouses will be cursed (v 17)
4. Your children will be cursed (v 18)
5. Your crops will be cursed (v 18)
6. Your herds will not increase (v 18)
7. Your flocks will not increase (v 18)
8. You will be cursed when you come in (v 19)
9. You will be cursed when you go out (v 19)
10. Jehovah will send cursings upon you (v 20)
11. He will send vexation (v 20)
12. He will send rebukes (v 20)
13. You will fail in all you do (v 20)
14. You will be destroyed eventually (v 20)
15. You will quickly perish (v 20)
b) Thirty more curses of sickness, crop failure, war, captivity; business failure and poverty you must watch out for when you do not pay tithes:
1. Pestilence cleaving to you (v 21-22)
2. Death consumed off the land (v 21-22)
3. Consumption (v 22; Lev. 26:16)
4. Fever (v 22; Lev. 26:16)
5. Inflammation (v 22)
6. Extreme burning (v 22)
7. Sword (v 22; Lev. 26:17, 25, 42)
8. Blasting (v 22; Lev. 26:19)
9. Mildew (v 22)
10. Heaven as brass (v 23; Lev. 26:19)
11. Earth as iron (v 23; Lev. 26:20)
12. Drought, dust - no rain (v 24)
13. Destruction because of long drought (v 24)
14. Smitten before enemies (v 25; Lev. 26:17-39)
15. Going out one way, fleeting seven ways (v 25)
16. Removed into all kingdoms of earth (v 25)
17. Bodies eaten by fowls and beasts (v 26)
18. No help in driving them off (v 26)
19. Botch of Egypt (v 27)
20. Emerods (v 27)
21. Scab (v 27)
22. Itch (v 27)
23. No healing (v 27)
24. Madness (v 28)
25. Blindness (v 28)
26. Astonishment of heart (v 28)
27. Groping at noonday (v 29)
28. No prosperity (v 29)
29. Oppressed and spoiled forever (v 29)
30. No man will save you (v 29)
c) Twenty-six new and repeated curses of defeat, captivity, sickness, persecution and insanity that you must watch out for when you do not pay tithes
1. Betroth a wife and an enemy shall capture and ravish her (v 30)
2. Build a house and an enemy shall take it for his own (v 30)
3. Plant a vineyard and an enemy shall take it (v 30)
4. Your stock will be slain and eaten before your eyes (v 31)
5. Your work animals shall be taken (v 31)
6. They shall not be restored to you (v 31)
7. Your sheep will be taken away by enemies (v 31)
8. You will have no man to deliver you (v 31)
9. Your sons and daughters shall be given to other people as slaves (v 32)
10. You will long for deliverance for them which will never come (v 32)
11. You will be powerless to help them (v 32)
12. Enemies will eat your crops (v 33)
13. They shall enjoy the labour of your hands (v 33)
14. You will be oppressed and crushed always (v 33)
15. You will be mad when you see your own helplessness (v 34)
16. You will be smitten with a sore botch (boils and ulcers) that cannot be healed (v 35)
17. You and your king will suffer captivity to a foreign nation (v 36)
18. There you will serve idols (v 36)
19. You will become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations (v 37)
20. Your crops will be destroyed by locusts (v 38,43)
21. Your vineyards will be eaten by worms (v 39)
22. You will lose your olive crops (v 40)
23. You will not enjoy your sons and daughters because they will become slaves to foreign nations (v 41)
24. The strangers that are among you will be exalted and you will be humbled (v 43)
25. You will borrow from strangers (v 44)
26. They shall be the head and you shall be the tail (v 44)
Indeed, the breaking of the Law is a frightening prospect. Tithing is therefore important for anyone who does not want to experience these wide-ranging curses. As you can see, not paying tithes brings upon you much more than the curse of Malachi.
5. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse that comes on those who repay God’s goodness to them with evil.
How did you come by the health you have? How did you come by the strength that you have? How did you come by the job you have? How did you come by the intelligence and opportunities that you have? What hast thou that thou didst not receive? If you did receive all these things from God how come you do not return to Him and honour Him with the first fruits of your substance?
Throughout the Bible, curses are spoken over ungrateful people who return evil for good. Perhaps, the most severe and frightening of these is found in the hundred and ninth Psalm. In this Psalm, you discover twenty-seven different curses that follow the ingratitude of those who reward good with evil and love with accusations and suspicion. You learn about the future of those who repay good with evil:
“O God of my praise, do not be silent! For they have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue. They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause. In return for my love they act as my accusers; But I am in prayer. Thus they have repaid me evil for good and hatred for my love.
Appoint a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand. When he is judged, let him come forth guilty, and let his prayer become sin.
Let his days be few; Let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless And his wife a widow. Let his children wander about and beg; And let them seek sustenance far from their ruined homes. Let the creditor seize all that he has, And let strangers plunder the product of his labor. Let there be none to extend loving-kindness to him, nor any to be gracious to his fatherless children. Let his posterity be cut off; in a following generation let their name be blotted out” (Psalm 109:1-13, NASB).
But why would such things apply to someone who does not pay tithes? The answer is simple. God has been good to you. He has blessed you and provided for you. The tithe is an act of worship, an act of remembrance and an act of thanksgiving! Failing to give your tithes is the same as not saying “thank you”. Failing to pay your tithes is the same as not remembering and not worshipping God! Not tithing is a manifestation of nonchalance and ingratitude! If you do not tithe, you fall into the category of ungrateful people. You must therefore expect all the twenty-seven curses of Psalm 109 to be your portion from now on. Read the following twenty-seven curses that apply to people who are ungrateful and repay evil for good. They equally apply to people who do not pay tithes nor say “thank you” to God for His blessing.
Twenty-Seven Curses on Ungrateful People
1. Set a wicked man over him (v 6)
2. Let Satan stand at his right hand (v 6)
3. Let him be condemned (v 7)
4. Let his prayer become sin (v 7)
5. Let his days be few (v 8)
6. Let another take his office (v 8)
7. Let his children be fatherless (v 9)
8. Let his wife be a widow (v 9)
9. Let his children be vagabonds continually (v 10)
10. Let his children beg (v 10)
11. Let them seek their breads in desolate places (v 10)
12. Let the extortioner catch all that he has (v 11)
13. Let strangers spoil his labour (v 11)
14. Let none extend him mercy (v 12)
15. Let none favour his children (v 12)
16. Let his posterity be cut off (v 13)
17. Let their name be blotted out (v 13)
18. Let iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the Lord (v 14)
19. Let not the sin of his mother be blotted out (v 14)
20. Let them be before the Lord continually (v 15)
21. Let the memory of them be cut off from the earth (v 15)
22. Let cursing come to him (v 17)
23. Let blessing be far from him (v 17)
24. Let cursing come unto him like water (v 18)
25. Let curses enter him like oil into his bones (v 18)
26. Let curses cling to him like a garment (v 19)
27. Let curses cling to him like a girdle (v 19).
6. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse of closed heavens. The heavens over them are become brass.
And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
Deuteronomy 28:23
A very significant curse that follows non-tithers is that of a “closed heaven”.
“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).
A specific difficulty that comes upon non-tithers is that the heavens above them are turned into brass. The heavens are usually made of the wind, the clouds and welcoming showers of blessings. Unfortunately, there are no such blessings coming out of a heaven made of brass. The sister curse to the “brass heavens” is that the earth will be made out of iron. “And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron”
(Deuteronomy 28:23).
Things are difficult as they are anyway. The earth is already cursed because of the sin of Adam. A heaven of brass and an earth of iron will only combine to make sowing and reaping even more difficult. The seeds cannot enter the iron ground below and there will be no rain from the brass heaven above. The curse of the brass heavens and the iron earth is therefore the curse of having an acute shut down of all business and money-earning activities in your life.
Dear friend, why would you want to bring upon yourself such difficulties? It is time to pay tithes and honour the Lord with your substance. Do you want God to take away your ability to earn money? Certainly not!
7. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse of those who forget God.
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all THE NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD.
Psalm 9:17
A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN THE LORD THEIR GOD.
Jeremiah 3:19-21
There is a curse on all who forget God. According to Jeremiah, you must expect weeping and supplication because you have forgotten the Lord your God. When you do not pay tithes, you demonstrate that you have forgotten that it is God who has given you all that you have. This forgetfulness may be very costly. When you do not pay tithes at the end of every month, you demonstrate on a monthly basis that you do not remember or acknowledge God in your life.
Recently, there was a presidential election in one of the richest nations in the world. The presidential candidate was an outsider and from a minority group in that nation. It was a historic victory which stirred up emotions around the world. I watched with keen interest as the impossible became possible. However, I was greatly disappointed when this new “underdog president” gave his victory speech and did not acknowledge God. I was expecting him to thank God for helping him to achieve his election victory. Instead, he thanked his campaign manager, his wife, his vice-president, the team that worked with him, and even his little children. He even remembered to mention to his children that he would reward them with a new pet.
At the beginning of the speech, I thought that he had forgotten to mention God because of the euphoria of the moment. I thought he would thank God at the end of his speech but I was wrong! The “thank you” to God never came! He never thanked God or even acknowledged that God had played any role in him becoming the president.
I thought it would be even more obvious that he needed to thank God since his victory was won against the odds. His wife seemed to know that they were an unlikely couple to become President and First Lady. In a speech at a post-election event she said, “There is nothing in my background that should make me stand before you at this time.”
I honestly thought this president’s failure to thank God was a very bad sign and perhaps even a bad omen. Notice what Isaiah said, “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass; and FORGETTEST THE LORD THY MAKER, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth…” (Isaiah 51:12-13).
Dear friend, it is time to remember the God-factor in everything you do. It is time to pay your tithes and say, “I remember God. Every time you pay tithes you say, “All that I am and all that I have comes from God.”
8. People who do not pay tithes are cursed with the curse that comes upon idol worshippers who would put money before their service to God.
Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the Lord, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen.
Deuteronomy 27:15
Worshipping idols is the number one sin that brought the wrath of God on the children of Israel. All through the Bible, we are warned against worshipping idols.
The Rat god
What if I pointed to one of my associate pastors and said, “This is you: Rev. Jack Toronto. I am writing your name under the rat in this picture and I will put it in my office. Anyone who comes into my office will see this ugly rat and ask, “Who is this rat? Why do you call this rat Rev. Jack Toronto? Is Rev. Jack Toronto not one of the senior pastors in this church? Is Rev. Jack Toronto a rat?”
Do you think Rev. Jack Toronto will be happy with that picture? I do not think so. That picture would be an insult because Rev. Jack Toronto is not a rat. He is far greater than a rat. He is far more intelligent than a rat. He is far more handsome than a rat.
God is far greater than a piece of wood or stone. God is far greater than a snake, an eagle or an antelope. Yet, men make images of these creatures and call them God. How could you make an image of an animal and call it God? You can imagine why the wrath of God comes upon idol worshipers.
People who do not pay tithes are equally guilty of worshiping idols. They have made money their god. They obey money! They sacrifice their lives for it! They get up early in the morning for it! They travel long distances for it! They even kill other human beings for it! They have sex with anybody for it! In fact, the modern “money idol” has a stronger control on people than traditional idols of eagles, crabs or lions.
The exhortation from the apostle John was not out of context. “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen” (1 John 5:21). Paying tithes is one of the best ways to keep yourself from idols. The one you pay ten percent of your income to is your God!
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
It Is a Great Thing to Serve the Lord: All Things Shall be Added Unto You
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:25-33
Being a servant of someone is to seek and serve his interests and not your own.   Seeking God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness is the same as serving God.   You must seek to become a servant of God.  Therefore you must seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  As we have already learnt, it is possible for anyone to become a servant of God.   It is possible for anyone in any profession to be a servant of God.  It is important to seek that status – the status of being God’s servant.  Becoming God’s servant is far more important than becoming a doctor or a lawyer.  
To serve someone is to seek his interests.  To serve God is to seek God’s interests.  To seek God’s interests is to seek His kingdom and His righteousness.
To serve someone is to contribute to and promote the person.  To serve God is to contribute to God’s work and to promote God’s kingdom in your life.  
To serve someone is to be useful or of service to him.  To serve God is to be useful or of service to Him.  
To serve someone is to be obedient to his wishes.  To serve God is to be obedient to his wishes!    
It is important to seek to be a servant of God.  Most people do not know or understand why seeking God first is so important.  Seeking God is the most profitable activity you can ever engage in.  Seeking God is the one thing that will cause all other things to be added to your life.  All other things that people are dying for are simply added to your life when you seek the Lord.  
Matthew 6:33 is the master secret to your prosperity in this life!  The secret to all things that people are seeking for is to seek God first.  As you seek the Lord, everything else will be added to your life.  
When you truly serve God, eating, drinking and clothing will be the easiest things for you to acquire.  God gives all things that men seek for to those who seek His kingdom first.  What you shall eat, what you shall drink and what you shall wear shall no longer be something to think about in this life.  It is taken care of by seeking God first.
Matthew 6:33 is unlocked by letting your mind be on God’s work and not on your own work.  The key to receiving the wages of God, is to let your mind be on God’s work and not on your own work.  “Take no thought for your own life”!  This is a direct instruction from God.  Yet most Christians simply take thoughts for their own lives.
Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
You have to give Him your yoke, the burden of your life and the burden of your work.  Then, you have to take up His burden and His work.  That is the secret to the prosperity hidden in Matthew 6:33.  Seeking the kingdom of God means, “Do not seek your own kingdom.”  Once you set about to seek your own kingdom, you have broken the law of Matthew 6:33.
Through the secret in Matthew 6:33, you will have a house to live in and a car to drive.  When you follow the prosperity key hidden within Matthew 6:33, you will never have to take a thought for your own life.  To eat, to drink and to dress up will be taken care of.  This means you will have money to buy food, a place to cook it and a car to go and get your clothes.  Matthew 6:33 is a very wide-ranging scripture with wide-ranging implications.
To fully trust in the promise of Matthew 6:33 is to become like the lilies of the field which were more prosperous than even Solomon.  Through the secret of Matthew 6:33, your prosperity will eventually be compared to the prosperity of Solomon.  God can clothe you better, feed you better and care for you far better than you can do for yourself.  
Uzziah (also called Azariah) is famously mentioned by the prophet Isaiah when he said “In the year king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord.”  Isaiah was called in the very year that King Uzziah died.  Uzziah came to the throne when he was only sixteen years old and reigned prosperously for fifty-two years. He was one of the most outstanding kings because of the things he achieved.  He is one of the few kings who lived that long and prospered so much.  He invented weapons, strengthened himself and was able to build even in the desert.  
Zechariah, the prophet urged the king to seek the Lord.  As he sought the Lord, King Uzziah prospered and became very strong.  You may wonder what is the connection between seeking God and “prospering”.  Indeed, there is a great connection.  The Bible is plain.  You cannot add to the truth!  You cannot subtract from the truth!  You can only accept the truth!  
a. As long as King Uzziah sought the Lord he prospered.
Sixteen years old was Uzziah when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty and two years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name also was Jecoliah of Jerusalem. And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father Amaziah did.  AND HE SOUGHT GOD IN THE DAYS OF ZECHARIAH, who had understanding in the visions of God: and AS LONG AS HE SOUGHT THE LORD, GOD MADE HIM TO PROSPER.
2 Chronicles 26:3-5
b. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, people gave gifts to him.
And THE AMMONITES GAVE GIFTS TO UZZIAH: and his name spread abroad even to the entering in of Egypt; for he strengthened himself exceedingly.
2 Chronicles 26:8
c. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, his name spread abroad.
And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah: and HIS NAME SPREAD ABROAD even to the entering in of Egypt; for he strengthened himself exceedingly.
2 Chronicles 26:8
d. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, he strengthened himself.  
And the Ammonites gave gifts to Uzziah: and his name spread abroad even to the entering in of Egypt; for HE STRENGTHENED HIMSELF exceedingly.
2 Chronicles 26:8
e. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, he built towers in the desert.
Moreover Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate, and at the valley gate, and at the turning of the wall, and fortified them. Also HE BUILT TOWERS IN THE DESERT, and digged many wells: for he had much cattle, both in the low country, and in the plains: husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel: for he loved husbandry.
2 Chronicles 26:9-10
f. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, he had a host of fighting men.
Moreover UZZIAH HAD AN HOST OF FIGHTING MEN, that went out to war by bands, according to the number of their account by the hand of Jeiel the scribe and Maaseiah the ruler, under the hand of Hananiah, one of the king’s captains. The whole number of the chief of the fathers of the mighty men of valour were two thousand and six hundred. And under their hand was an army, three hundred thousand and seven thousand and five hundred, that made war with mighty power, to help the king against the enemy.
2 Chronicles 26:11-13
g. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, he made engines invented by cunning men.  Seeking the Lord made him wise.  
And HE MADE in Jerusalem ENGINES, INVENTED BY CUNNING MEN, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong.
2 Chronicles 26:15
h. As King Uzziah sought the Lord, he was marvellously helped.  
And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for HE WAS MARVELLOUSLY HELPED, till he was strong.
2 Chronicles 26:15
It is a great thing to serve the Lord because when you are a servant of God, you will be blessed with every good thing.
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.  The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but THEY THAT SEEK THE LORD SHALL NOT WANT ANY GOOD THING.
Psalm 34:8-10
Your wages for seeking the Lord and doing His work know no limits.  This amazing scripture now adds “every good thing” to the long list of things you can expect to receive from the Lord as you serve Him.  Truly, prosperity is one of the greatest mysteries of our world today.   No one really knows what makes one person prosper and the other turn into nothing.
... he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a REWARDER of them that diligently SEEK HIM.
Hebrews 11:6
The principle is the same and the scriptures are saying the same thing.  Seeking God is a master key to great rewards.  Seeking God and becoming a servant of God is the key you have been looking for.  
It is a great thing to serve the Lord because when you are a servant of God, He will reward you. Instead of seeking jobs with mere men, seek to be a servant of God.  Your job with God is more important than your job with men.  
Expect great rewards for seeking God.  God is a God who rewards!
Expect a reward of God’s blessings as you seek Him.  God is a God who blesses!
Expect a reward of great protection for seeking God.  God is a God who protects!
Expect a reward of great prosperity as you seek God.  God is a God who makes you prosper!
Expect a reward of peace as you seek God.  God is a God who gives peace!
Expect a reward of multiplication as you seek God.  God is a God who multiplies things under your hands!
Expect a reward of great miracles as you seek God.  God is a God who does miracles!
Expect a reward of healing as you seek God.  God is a God who heals!
Expect a reward of great deliverance as you seek God.  God is a God who delivers!
Expect a supply of your needs.
Expect a reward of pleasures forever more.  
Expect a reward of abundance.  
Expect God to make you shine in this life and in eternity.  
God actually wants you to see Him as a rewarder.  Expect a river of rewards and nothing else!  Expect to be blessed as you serve God.  Walk forward and fulfil your ministry, expecting God to reward you for being His servant.    
Most people think that there is something wrong in expecting rewards from God, but God’s word teaches us to expect rewards.  God actually loves it when we expect good rewards for serving Him.  We are quicker to believe that God is a punisher of people who make mistakes.  God likes it when people think nice things about Him.  
I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I SAID NOT UNTO THE SEED OF JACOB, SEEK YE ME IN VAIN: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.
Isaiah 45:19
It is a great thing to serve the Lord because you will never seek God in vain.  
The seed of Jacob will not serve in vain.  God is a righteous God.  No one serves God in vain.  To serve in vain is to waste your time.  To serve in vain is to do an activity that is to no purpose.   To serve in vain is to serve without having and seeing the desired outcome.  
Do not think of God in a bad way.  Do not think of Him as someone who will leave you penniless at the end of all your hard work.  
You will not serve God in vain!  To serve in vain is to engage in a fruitless, worthless and useless activity.  Serving God cannot and will never be a fruitless, worthless and useless activity!   You will be glad you served the Lord.  He has not asked the seed of Jacob to serve Him in vain.
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
Jesus and the Tree Eaters
The people who fought against Jesus Christ were not irreligious sinners. The people who crucified our Saviour were the most established religious leaders of the day.
They knew what was right and what was wrong. They fasted, they prayed, they paid tithes, and did all that was right in their eyes to the exclusion of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
On the night that Jesus was betrayed and crucified, prostitutes, drunkards and murderers were asleep in bed and did not rise up to harm our Saviour.
The “good” people who knew all about God and whose profession it was to write the Scriptures (the Scribes) were at the forefront of the mob that could not recognize the Messiah.
The pastors of the day, the highest Priests, invented charges and accused the holiest and the best. They made Him out to be the worst of scum and declared Him unfit to live.
This reality should send chills down the spines of long-standing Christians or religious persons who claim to be in the service of God.
Please learn this truth: Serving God for a long time puts you at risk of depending on the tree of good and evil rather than depending on God.
The tree of good and evil actually blinds you and prevents you from seeing God. This is why Jesus said that sinners and publicans will enter the kingdom faster than Pharisees and religious leaders would. They were too religious and knew too much.
…Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.
Matthew 21:31
The lesson is simply this: We must not depend on what we know. We must depend on God. We must love God and know God. We must follow God and get close to Him.
God cannot be substituted for a set of rules or principles. God is not a book. He is much more than a book. Loving God and focusing on God is a hundred times greater than knowing many things about God and religion.
That is what Paul meant when he said the love of Christ surpasses knowledge.
And to know the LOVE OF CHRIST, which PASSETH KNOWLEDGE, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
Ephesians 3:19
The Tree and the Church
It is this same tree that turns ministries into centres of desolation and rivers of death. Churches that once breathed life into the whole world often become the enemies of God. Observe carefully how churches that once ministered life to thousands, become institutionalized centres of opposition to the move of God. The power and the life of God that led to the Reformation can hardly be found in these reformed churches.
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, is one of my favourite people. I visited his home in London and toured the church that he built. I was shown the different rooms of John Wesley's house. I then toured the church that he built and visited the museum that stands to his memory. Finally, we stood in the little cemetery behind the church where John Wesley is buried and read his epitaph.
It was an interesting tour but the final comment by my tour guide saddened me and set me thinking.
He said, "Unfortunately, the Methodist church today is much in the same state in which John Wesley found the Church of England."
The revival which he brought to the Church of England and which gave rise to Methodism is much needed in the Methodist church today.
I thought of myself and the church which I have pastured and nurtured. I wondered what would become of this ministry in some years to come.
The Tree and the Minister
When God calls you to ministry, you have a passion to follow Him and to do whatever He says. After a season of obeying God, you discover for yourself how true the Word of God is. You discover how prayer works. You discover the importance of the Bible and the truths of the Bible.
After a few years of serving God, it seems that you know everything and there is a silent but deadly assumption that you have found the keys to life and ministry. It is easy to stop seeking God and to rely on the knowledge that you have acquired. You may be filled with the knowledge acquired from your experiences and years of serving the Lord. Amazingly, it is this knowledge of good and evil that brings about an overwhelming desolation in the life of a minister.
Staying Fresh
I have found myself having to seek God all the time in order to stay fresh. Seeking God does not just mean having extended times of prayers. It also means fighting to know the mind of God for your life today.
It means not depending on what you know already but being open to know any fresh revelation and guidance from the Lord. That is what will ensure the intensity, vividness, clarity and newness in the spirit of every minister.
Unfortunately, the intensity of the ministry diminishes as preachers depend more and more on the knowledge of good and evil that they have acquired over the years. They lose their sharpness, their vividness and their cutting-edge appeal.
After a while, many can see the dullness, the dreariness and the lifelessness of the pastor and his ministry.
I Watched It Happen
I have not been in the ministry for so long, but even in the few years of my ministry, I have seen people who started out very powerfully but after a while could not keep up with what God was doing.
Some pastors, who were involved in the work of ministry at the early stages of our church, simply could not transition when God was doing a new thing.
Somehow, they fell behind and became offended by new things and by the appearance of new people in the ministry.
My best people are always my oldest people. The longer I have known someone, the more relaxed I become with the person. I would always prefer to work with those who have stayed around longest but unfortunately that was not to be the case. As I moved on to different phases of the ministry, some of the older people felt the good old ways were the best ways.
Dear pastor, the good old ways are not always the best ways. Perhaps, you feel that way because you are stuck in your ways. And being full of the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, you are unable to transition and rise to the next level of your calling.
There are many things that I did in the early part of my ministry which were good and biblical. Surprisingly, God does not want me to do some of these good and biblical things anymore. The fact is, these good and biblical things do not work anymore today as they did yesterday. Your church may have been independent for years, but becoming part of a denomination may be God's will for you today.
Perhaps independence worked for some years, but will not work anymore from henceforth.
Perhaps being a lay person worked very well for years, but now it is important to be full-time in the ministry.
Perhaps insisting on your rights may have brought you far in your marriage and in your life, but now yielding and obeying may be the key.
Parting with God
It is at this point that most pastors part with God. God continues in one direction and we go on in another direction based on our knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.
Parting with God is silent but deadly, like cancer. Samson did not know that he had parted with the Holy Spirit.
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. AND HE WIST NOT THAT THE LORD WAS DEPARTED FROM HIM.
Judges 16:20
In many cases, good pastors part with God when they have to choose between doing something they have traditionally known to be evil or good.
In order to follow God, you will have to do things that everyone considers to be “not good”. At other times you will have to do things that are traditionally evil in order to follow God. At this point, God tests whether you owe your allegiance to Jehovah or to a set of rules and principles.
It is not easy for a good person to forsake what he knows to be good in order to do something else which is known to be evil or not proven to be good.
This is probably the greatest test of all ministry. Will you continue to follow God in the truest sense of the word or will you follow rules and ideologies just because they are good and proven.
by Dag Heward-Mills
0 notes
How You Can Amplify Your Ministry through Miracles and Manifestations
You need to fortify your mind with a set of convictions which will stabilize you on your journey into miracle power. It is very easy to stay away from the miracle side of the ministry.  It is also easy to start and to stop operating in the ministry of miracles and manifestations of the Spirit.  Look around you and you will see that there are few ministers who continue to persist in this type of ministry.  Many ministers are teachers and preachers of good things.  Few ministers venture out into the realm of the miraculous and the supernatural.  Without a fortified mind and a powerful set of convictions about the power of God and its relevance, you will not get far with this kind of ministry.
This chapter offers you a series of convictions which will help you to enter and to stay in the ministry of miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  Each of these convictions will help you to amplify your ministry through miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
1. You will amplify your ministry by believing that your ministry is only validated by miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
Acts 2:22
Without thinking in a certain way you will never go forward into the miracle ministry.  You must believe that miracles, signs and wonders are God’s sign of approval on your ministry!  How did God approve of Jesus Christ?  Through miracles, signs and wonders!  How was Jesus’ ministry validated?  How did John the Baptist know that Jesus Christ was really the Messiah?  John the Baptist recognized Jesus Christ because of the miracles He did.  When John the Baptist sent a message to Jesus asking if He was the Messiah, Jesus sent back a message saying that the blind were seeing, the deaf were hearing and the dumb were speaking.  He said that lepers were being cleansed, and the dead were being raised.
He knew that John the Baptist would understand that the healings were the sign of Christ.  He knew that when that message was delivered to John the Baptist, he would know that a new era had begun.  
The Old Testament ministers predicted the healing anointing on Jesus but none of them actually ministered healing.  Miracles, signs and wonders are a true validation of a New Testament ministry operating in the anointing of Jesus Christ.
2. You will amplify your ministry by believing that a bible-based minister cannot do without miracles and manifestations.
Once your mind is made up that miracles and manifestations of the Spirit are a scriptural part of ministry, they will be included in your life and ministry.
For instance, take a pair of scissors and cut out all the pages and parts of the Bible that talk about miracles.  You will find out that you are left with a completely different Bible.   The pages of the Bible are replete with miracles and manifestations of the Spirit.  God is a God of miracles and power.  You cannot separate the work of God from the power of God.
In this modern age, people have gradually moved away from the “power side of God”.  People have withdrawn from these things and become sceptical.  As people have become more and more educated, they have moved away from the supernatural.
Unfortunately, people who believe in miracles are seen as weird and unbalanced.  Some have taught that it is poverty and backwardness that make people believe in supernatural power.
Because medical science is so advanced, many have thought that miracles are no longer needed.  Most Christians do not call for the pastor to lay hands on them or to anoint them with oil when they are sick.  We more naturally go to see a doctor.
God is not against medicine. Neither is he against common sense.  God is fully aware of the development of medical science and common sense.  But He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  That means that He is still a healing Jesus, ready and capable of miraculous power demonstration.
3. You will amplify your ministry by turning away from those who deny the power of miracles and manifestations.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, BUT DENYING THE POWER THEREOF: from such turn away.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Unfortunately, there are some people and some churches that do not accept, recognize, preach about or mention the power of God.  There are many good ministers who would talk about good Christian virtues like love, patience etc. but do not go on to talk about the power of God.
The Bible has warned that in the last days there will be some people who will have godliness but without power.
According to this Scripture, people who deny the power of God can be godly.  Such people will preach about the love of God and will extol Christian virtues but will be silent about the power of God.  They may even be against miracles and the power of God.  It is important that you turn away from such people if you are to experience the power of God. It is not easy to perform miracles in the presence of scoffers and mockers.  The presence of doubting and questioning people is the strongest neutralizing force that kills miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ could not do many miracles in the presence of questioning and mocking people.  This is why many ministers start out performing miracles but end up without a miracle ministry.  The questions, the mocking, the scoffing and the doubting of the people around bring an end to every miracle ministry.
And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue; and the many listeners were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things, and what is this wisdom given to Him, and such miracles as these performed by His hands?
“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?” And they took offense at Him.
And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household.”
And He could do no miracle there except that He laid His hands upon a few sick people and healed them.”
Mark 6:2-5, (NASB)
4. You will amplify your ministry by believing that you must follow the example of Jesus Christ in miracles and manifestations.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luke 4:18
Jesus Christ has had the largest and longest standing ministry ever.  If you follow Jesus Christ, your ministry will be amplified a thousand times more than what it is today.  So what exactly did Jesus do?  Jesus came to this world to save humanity.  He was planning to reach everyone with the good news.  
Follow the example of Jesus and you will accomplish your goals.  You will fulfil your ministry!  Follow the example of Jesus and teach the Word of God.  Remember that the Word of God is very important no matter how you minister to people.  The Word of God must always be taught and spoken.  The Bible says that the crowds came to hear Jesus and to be healed.  They did not just come to be healed.  They came to hear Him and to be healed!  “And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases” (Luke 6:17).
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
Psalms 107:20
You must follow Jesus’ example of ministry.  Jesus’ ministry was amplified until it reached the whole world.  He always sent the Word first and the healing followed.  Jesus Christ preached about deliverance.  We need to preach certain things if we are going to have them.  That is why you must preach about the power of God during miracle services.  The Word of God is a seed.   The kind of response you get depends on the kind of seed that is sown.  You do not get any response before you preach.  If I don’t preach about it, we are not going to have it.
5. You will amplify your ministry by deciding to walk in the New Testament anointing.
You must believe in your heart that miracles and manifestations of the Spirit are a peculiar gift for those under the new covenant.  The manifestations of the Holy Spirit and the miracle healing anointing are peculiar to the New Testament.   It is a special anointing that God has available for His church.   The healing anointing is a peculiar anointing made available to His church.
Many people think that both the Old and the New Testaments have many miracles.   However, a closer look at the Old Testament will reveal very few healing miracles.  
The miracles of the Old Testament had to do with the preservation of the nation of Israel.   Of all the prophets, Elisha was one of the few who ever ministered to someone who was sick.  Abraham also prayed for Abimelech to receive healing under some special circumstances.  The rest of the miracles of the Old Testament were miracles of preservation in time of war.   Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Elijah never ministered healing to anyone.  Isaiah and Jeremiah came around preaching and teaching.  Healing did not occur in their ministries.
Miracles and manifestations of the Spirit are characteristic of the New Testament.  Walk in the New Testament anointing and accept that you are living in the New Testament era of miracles, signs and wonders.  
6. You will amplify your ministry by believing in the prophecies of miracles and manifestations of power.  
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;
Malachi 4:2
Do you want to walk in the fulfilment of prophecy?  Or do you want to live your life trying to disprove the prophetic word of God?  I would like to flow with the prophetic will of God.
The last prophecy of the Old Testament was a prophecy of coming miracle power.  The prophecy of healing was the closing prophecy of the Old Testament.  The Old Testament closed with a prediction of healing.
The prophet Malachi saw hundreds of years into the future and predicted that there would arise the Sun of righteousness who would be the light of the world.  Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”  But how would we know who the real Messiah was?  The prophet said He would have healing in his wings!  Is it any wonder to you that the main characteristic of Jesus’ ministry was healing?  The main characteristic of your ministry must be healing.
7.  You will amplify your ministry by refusing help from the devil.      
The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me (or equipped me) to preach the gospel to the poor.  He has equipped me to heal, to preach deliverance, to set the captives free, to set at liberty them that are bruised and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
Luke 4:19
Many ministries are using worldly and demonic methods to reach the world.
Jesus Christ knew that He had something that would help Him save the whole world. Miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit!  Even the devil knew this and tried to sidetrack the Lord with an offer.  On the mount of temptation, the devil offered Jesus a fast and easy way to achieve His goal.  The devil said:  “Listen, let’s make a deal.  I will give everything to you right now.  You can have it all now.  There is a quicker, shorter and simpler way.  You do not have to go through all the struggles with the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
But Jesus totally ignored the devil and refused Satan’s suggestion.  He wanted the help of the Holy Spirit and not the help of the devil.  Jesus walked away from the mount of temptation and immediately announced how He was going to reach the world with His wonderful message.  He announced that He had been anointed with the Holy Spirit to do miracles, signs and wonders.  He said, “The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me (or equipped me) to preach the gospel to the poor.  He has equipped me to heal, to preach deliverance, to set the captives free, to set at liberty them that are bruised and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord!”
by Dag Heward-Mills
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