supernatural7543 · 1 year
Okay so it’s been like a year and I am so fucking sorry omg! I’m thinking about moving my stories to Wattpad because it is easier for me to update on there. I may or may not come back here I don’t know yet, I was just trying to start out here and post a few of my stories on the internet but I think it will work better for me on Wattpad rather than here on tumblr. I am so sorry you guys, I’m going to post my old stories on Wattpad and then work on updating some other ones. My Wattpad name is @MaileJohnson8 feel free to check it out. Love you guys <3
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supernatural7543 · 2 years
loki x oc
Jackie got to her room and plopped down on her bed. She could tell that man was a god but she didn't know which one. There were thousands. She was just glad that it wasn't a Greek god or something, Zeus would bang anything that moved so there were hundreds of gods that were related as technical siblings.The Norse gods, on the other hand, had more control so Thor only had a few siblings instead of 300 or something. At least that she was aware of. This man seemed different than most of the gods she had met. Most gods were more prideful but he seemed to have lower self esteem although he tried to hide it. She heard a knock at the door and looked up to see Natasha open the door. “Hey, Tony was curious if you wanted dessert.” Jackie stretched. “Yeah sure, I’ll be down soon. Hey, can I ask you a question, actually?” Natasha nodded. “Who's the guy in the room across the hall? I've been trying to figure it out but I'm stumped.” Natasha's eyes widened. “How did you get in there?” She asked Jackie shrugged “I've got a key. I go there when I want to be alone, it has a great view of the city. Why?” Natasha looked conflicted before saying. “I've got to talk to Tony about this. I'll see you in a few minutes.” With that she left.
When Natasha walked into the room where all the avengers were hanging out they could all tell something was wrong. Bruce was the first to speak up. “Nat, you okay? What's wrong?” She looked at him with the same conflicted look she had given Jackie. “Jackie knows about Loki.” Tony shot up. “What!? How?” Natasha shrugged. “She said she went into the room and met him, but she doesn't know who he is.” Tony shook his head. “This is bad.” He said. Steve, who had seemed unphased through this whole thing, finally spoke up. “Well good. Now we don't have to worry about hiding him. I wasn't looking forward to trying to sneak him food.” Tony whipped around to face him. “How are you so calm about this!” Steve shrugged “The way I see it, she's old enough to handle herself. I mean she's 23. I know for a fact she can hold her own in a fight. She'll be fine.” Tony looked shocked “This is Loki we are talking about!” Thor spoke up “I am going to have to agree with Tony. Loki is a dangerous man. One on one he could most likely take this woman down. And let us not forget he is a god. Loki is strong and smart. He should never be underestimated.” Steve shook his head “You haven't seen her in action yet, she is a beast in a fight. She is smart, strong and unpredictable. Honestly I think her and Loki are close, if not on the same level.” Tony stood there with his mouth agape. “I'm going to go get Loki for dessert.” Steve said as he stood. The avengers stood in shock at how calm Steve was about this whole ordeal. 
Jackie could hear footsteps outside her door but didn't really care. She was wrapped in her towel and ran over to lock the door. She had just gotten out of the shower and she definitely didn't want someone to come in while she was naked. She went over to her dresser and grabbed some clothing. Jackie put on a black tank top, a green flannel and ripped black short  shorts, even though she knew that Tony had said no wearing green she didn't care. She blow dried her hair and stretched. She grabbed her drawing book and headed downstairs. When she walked in she looked at the table and saw two people she wasn't used to. One was a tall blonde man with long hair. He was extremely loud. The other was the quiet man she had run into earlier. Tony scowled at her as he came over and grabbed her arm. “I thought I told you no green!” He whispered harshly in her ear. “Fuck off dickhead.” She hissed back as she yanked her arm out of his grasp. Tony stared at her in shock as she walked over to the sink to grab a drink. She looked at the dark haired man. “You're not gonna throw a knife at me this time right?” She laughed. The man's expression was funny but the reactions of the other avengers were even better. “Woah how'd he get a knife!?” Tony yelled. Jackie rolled her eyes. “I left it there. That was my decompression room. You should have asked and I would have taken the weapons out.” She shrugged. “Why do you have weapons in there!?” Tony said. “Because,” Jackie said. She was starting to get annoyed by the questions. This wasn't some interrogation! “If there is an intruder I can take care of it. I have weapons hidden in every room.” Then she turned “I should get the other weapons out of his room…” she said to herself. “There's more!?!” Tony yelled. Jackie nodded and got up. Then she turned to the strange man. “I hope you don't mind but I am going to your room to get the rest of my weaponry.” With that she walked off, leaving Tony in shock. “What the hell was that?” He turned to Steve expecting him to explain what had happened. Steve simply shrugged as he said “I told you. She's a badass.”
            The woman came back down and Loki looked at her. He could see a knife at her side and a few more hidden weapons. It made him think ‘how many weapons did she have that he couldn't see?’ He wanted to know more about her. He needed to know more about her, for research and safety purposes ;)      He watched her as she went and sat down. He decided to stand and walk near her. She was doodling in a notebook. As he walked closer he noticed a small symbol tattooed on her forearm. He knew the sign. It was the Norse symbol for strength. 
Humans seemed to like these tattoos. Loki had seen many during his time on midgard but most of them were pictures like flowers or animals. This one clearly had some sort of meaning behind it. Most likely a reminder to be strong or a time of strength. He knew the only way to know for sure was to ask. Then he noticed the picture she was drawing. 
It was a drawing of a girl hunched up with a dark monster overtaking her. It caused him to shudder slightly. He remembered when he felt that way. Like the darkness was going to over take him. Like the bad would overcome the good. He had to steer his train of thought away from the subject he knew if he dwelled on it too long he would go down a dark rabbit hole he definitely did not want to go down, especially right now. He looked away from her and didn't notice that she turned the page. He looked back down and noticed that she was drawing something new. He stood for a moment and jumped when he heard her voice. “Lurking is a perverts sport.” She said and grinned as she looked at him. “Are you a pervert?” She asked in a joking way. Was...was she…. flirting with him? This was new for him, especially among mortals. He quickly gained his composure and decided to flirt back. “No, are you?” She seemed taken back by this. “N-no!” She blushed. “You did sneak into my room.” He teased. “Okay you know that was an accident!” She said exasperatedly. He chuckled. Then she eyed him. “Are you flirting with me?” He smiled in a seductive way. “Maybe I am. Why? Does that bother you?” She shook her head and chuckled. “No I'm just not used to gods flirting with me, or people in general.” Loki cocked his head slightly. “Really? That's surprising. I would expect suitors to be lining up for such a lovely young woman.” The woman's smile wavered slightly and she raised an eyebrow. “Now you're just teasing me. Normal people tend to stay away from me, romantically. Mostly because I'm unattractive and I have a shitty personality.” She winked. Loki decided to raise a little hell.  “Clearly! Who would like you?” Steve had walked into the kitchen after getting ready for bed and heard what Loki said. “What!? Jacklyn is beautiful!” The girl smiled. “You are clearly missing something Steve.” She said, a coy smile spread across her face. “A pair of eyes.” Every single person in the room's eyes widened except the young woman's. She grinned and gave a little peace sign with her fingers before walking out the door.  Loki was confused by this woman. She didn't seem at all insulted when he called her ugly. He had to try harder. He wondered what it would be like when she finally got fed up and blew up at him. This was going to be interesting. 
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
loki x oc part 1
this is just a sample if you like it let me know and ill post more when i get the chance!
Jackie stretched her arms and got off her bed. She grabbed her phone, got dressed, put in one of her Bluetooth earbuds, and went down to the dinning room to get some breakfast. She grabbed some toast and sat down at the table. Scrolling through her phone, she heard arguing and paused her music to listen. Tony walked in on his phone with someone. “Listen, Thor, just no I-” he paused “Jackie?” She didn't answer and Tony continued his conversation “I don't want him coming here. We have someone here and I don't want her to have to deal with him.” Jackie froze. She turned on her power (even though she didn't like to use it because it caused her to get a splitting headache) and listened to Tony's thoughts. - and Jackie doesn't need to know. She shut it off, she had missed the important part anyway. She stood and walked back to her room. She popped a couple of painkillers before grabbing a bag and laying out her gear on her bed. She studied the weaponry and grabbed a gun and a few knives. She took a book and flipped through it, studying the spells inside before putting it in a bag. She threw in some other weapons, extra bullets, and a skeleton key, before slinging the bag over her shoulder. She headed through the kitchen and shouted out to the rest of the building “I'm heading out!” And she even placed a note on the counter just in case. She walked into an abandoned warehouse a few blocks away and drew a sigil on the floor. After chanting a few words, red smoke filled the circle. It took a humanoid form before clearing to reveal a dark-skinned man. He was fairly handsome but Jackie didn't give a shit about that. He spoke, his voice was smooth but had a dangerous undertone and an Egyptian accent. “Ah, a little God hunter. What do you want with me, young one?” Jackie rolled her eyes. “Shut up Set. You may be a god but that doesn't mean shit to me. I know you have been causing all this, the shootings, the odd unexplainable deaths, all the randomized violence.” Set laughed “I'm the god of violence, it's kinda my job! And there's nothing you can do about it.”  Jackie stepped forward “Are you sure about that?” She pulled out a staff and held it in her left hand “tas.” Glowing gold rope bound him and he grunted. Jackie moved to hold the staff in both hands “amax.” Set screamed as he lit on fire. “Do you surrender?” She asked. Set glared at her with fire in his eyes( literally lol). “Fair enough.” She said shrugging and placing the end of the staff on his chest. “Ha-di.” Set practically exploded as the energy given off from the spell sent him back to the Egyptian heavens. Jackie put away her staff and sighed. “Stupid gods, way too prideful.” Her phone buzzed and she picked it up. “Hey Kali, what's the word?” Kali was one of Jackie’s godly friends. She let Jackie know when something new popped up on the godly grapevine. “Hey, Jackie! So I've heard that Thor is coming to earth and-” Jackie cut Kali off. “No, I don't deal with the Norse gods. I have a deal with Odin.” “But Jackie, what if he does something bad?” Jackie laughed “Not my problem, and wouldn't it be good for you if he wreaked a little havoc? I mean you are the goddess of death.” Kali sighed “yes and no. It's complicated.” “Okay kali I've got to go but if it gets too out of hand I'll take care of it.” Jackie hung up and, after dropping by her favorite bakery, went back to the tower. “I'm back!” She called while grabbing a drink. “Where the hell were you!?” Tony shouted coming in. “I went out, I left a note.” Tony was clearly angry “oh you mean the note that said ‘I'm going out don't contact me.’ Yeah, that totally doesn't make us all worried!” Jackie rolled her eyes. “Stark, you don't need to worry. I was fine, I was just dealing with… a business acquaintance of mine. No big deal.” Tony glared at her and they basically had a staring contest, which ended when Bruce came in and took Tony's attention. “Hey Tony, Thor told me he was bringing his brother here.” Tony cursed “I told him no!” And then stormed off to argue with  Thor. “Hey, Mr. Banner?” Jackie said. “Jacklyn, I said that you could call me Bruce.” He said as he turned to face her with a soft smile on his face. “And I told you to call me Jackie.” She retorted. “Touché. What's your question?” “By Thor do you mean the Norse god? And if so, why is he coming here?” Bruce smiled kindly. “Yes the god and he is a part of the avengers. So he is coming to stay for a bit.” Jackie nodded “okay thanks.” She then walked off to her room to put her stuff away. Jackie left her spell book out for easy access. Just in case. Then she laid down and went through what happened during the day. It felt like a pretty average day, she normally snuck out and took care of gods, especially if they caused some sort of trouble for mortals. She decided that this Thor ordeal was like any other case and she wanted to treat it as such. A small knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. “It's open.” She sighed and Clint walked in. “Hey, kiddo! Just curious, where did you disappear today?” ‘Great.’ Thought Jackie. ‘They sent in Clint to gather info.’ “No where.” She said, turning to her weaponry. “Oh come on Jackie! You know I am an amazing interrogator. Just tell me now.” He said sitting on the edge of her bed. Jackie rolled her eyes. “My private life is just that. Private. So if you don't mind, would you close the door on your way out.” She turned to him and gave him a small smile. He sat there in surprise. Jackie turned to her gun and started to clean it. She didn't want her downfall to be faulty equipment. A few minutes passed and she turned to see Clint was still there. “Are you still here? Clint, just go!” He just sat there. “Ugh. You're not going to leave until I tell you huh? Fine. I was on the east side, I found an amazing bakery there and so I got a doughnut and went for a short walk.” Jackie wasn't lying entirely. She had found a pretty good bakery and gotten a doughnut. And she counted the walk back to the tower as her walk she told Clint about. He was satisfied with her answer and left. Jackie laid on her bed for a minute before pulling out a laptop. She searched for any old Norse lore on Thor and his siblings. She studied and took notes on all that she could. She continued this until Steve called her down for dinner. 
    Jackie got off the elevator and walked into the dining room. The scent of pizza practically smacked her in the face as she walked in. Jackie smiled as she grabbed a slice and sat down. While she was eating she heard the avengers talking about a new visitor that was coming to the tower. She had been staying with the avengers for almost a year now and they knew exactly four things about her: her name and physical attributes, she likes 70’s and 80’s rock, she came with her dad, and she knew a lot about mythology for some reason. Luckily her adoptive dad, Steve, didn't tell anyone a ton about her. And Jackie was perfectly okay with this, in fact, she preferred this so if she needed to she could easily disappear. Plus she hated the looks of pity she would get when people heard about her past. She listened to parts of the conversation. “Do we need to prepare for him? Weapons or something? Bruce asked. “Yes, someone needs to keep an eye on him at all times. When he gets here I don't want Jackie coming out of her room. She doesn't need to see him so let's just try to keep them away from each other. By the way, Clint, did you figure out where she went today?” Tony said. “Yeah, she said she went to a bakery on the east side then went for a walk.” Clint responded. “Okay… we will have to keep an eye on her especially with reindeer games coming.” Tony said. “ Hey Jackie?” She looked up at him. “No wearing green for a little bit.” Before she could respond Tony turned away and started talking again. Jackie stopped listening after that. They weren't going to inhibit her freedom, she was going to do whatever she damn well pleased and there was no way in hell they were going to stop her. Jackie stood up. “I'm going to go to bed.” “Really? It's pretty early.” Steve asked. “Yeah, I'm drained from today.” With that Jackie went to her room. Jackie laid down on her bed, her hand absentmindedly traced her scars on her stomach. She thought back to when she got them. It was her first encounter with a god. He had kidnapped her and was using her as a power source. Apparently, the human soul was a lot like a nuclear reactor for gods and it could amp up their powers significantly. But the only way to get to her soul was through her blood. Normally this memory would make her uneasy but it wouldn't show through on the outside, but today she found herself curled up in a ball in the corner of her room, tears streaming down her face. She wiped her tears and mentally scolded herself for allowing herself to get in this state. A small knock sounded through her room and the door opened  “Jackie?” Bruce said. Jackie stayed down. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. He turned around and said to someone “I think she's in the bathroom right now.” “Alright bring him in.” Tony's voice responded. Then a new voice spoke that Jackie had never heard before. “Stark, are you sure about this? My brother can be quite dangerous and you clearly don't want this woman to associate with him.” “Just get him over here point-break.” Bruce closed the door. She waited till she heard them leave then stood up. She changed into some comfy pajama shorts and a tee shirt. She walked over and opened her door. She checked to see if anyone was nearby before going to the door across the hall. She normally went there when she wanted to be alone. It was just a big empty room with lots of books and a bed and some other stuff. She turned the doorknob but it seemed to be locked. ‘Weird.’ She thought before reaching into a potted plant nearby to pull out a key. She unlocked the door and walked in, closing it, she put her back against the door and locked it. Suddenly a knife flew by her face, skinning her cheek and ear before embedding itself in the wall. She froze and reached for her small knife she always kept with her. She scanned the dark room and saw a dark figure standing in the corner.     Loki was already in a bad mood when Thor told him that he was taking him to stay with the avengers then when they arrived at the tower the goddamn avengers put a magic dampener on his wrist and locked him in some room. He had found a few knives in the room and Loki guessed the avengers either didn't know about it or had forgotten. Then while he was reading a book he heard the door unlock and somebody walked in and locked it again but with them inside. He threw one of the knives he found and barely missed her face. He watched as the girl that entered scanned the room. She had barely flinched when the blade hit her and her hand didn't move to touch the small cuts she now had. The only thing that would hint to any fear would be the fact that she froze and her body went slightly ridged. When she saw him she... relaxed? What was happening? Normally people didn't let their guard down around him, especially when he just threw a knife at their face. She walked over to a cupboard and pulled out 2 glasses and a whiskey. Loki was finally able to get a good look at the girl. She wore a grey tee shirt that said ‘ok, but first coffee’ and black shorts. She had blonde hair and green eyes that looked a lot like his. She set the glasses down on the small table near her before turning to him. “Do you want any?” Loki stayed silent, not sure if she knew she was talking to him or if she just acted like this. Who knows she could have been schizophrenic. “You know what, I'm just gonna pour you one anyway. By the way, can we please just have a normal conversation or are you going to try to kill me? I would really prefer it if we didn't have to fight.” Loki cocked his head. What the hell was happening? The girl continued. “Besides, I don't like to deal with the gods here. Too messy. Draws too much attention.” She took a sip from her drink and held up the other cup. When Loki didn't walk over, the woman came to him. He stood stunned at her willingness to approach him without fear, especially since she knew that he was a god. She handed him the drink then walked over to one of the wall length windows. She turned a small handle and opened a little door. “You wanna come?” She asked, laughing at his stunned look on his face. This mortal intrigued Loki. He followed her out the window. He hadn't even noticed the latch and probably wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't pointed it out. He followed her as she expertly climbed up the tower. Suddenly she disappeared from his view. He quickly climbed up the tower and would have fallen when he reached the ledge if the mysterious stranger hadn't caught his wrist. She laughed and Loki was stunned how much it didn't annoy him. She pulled him up with remarkable strength and sat him next to her. She dangled her legs over the edge and looked out over the city. “I think I should formally apologize. I had no idea that you were here. I normally come up here when I want to be alone or just need to breathe. It's… calming. And through your new room was always the fastest way. I won't go that way anymore.” She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Loki stared at her until she turned to him. “Hey, you talk right? I'd be kinda embarrassed if I was just talking to you and expecting you to answer if you didn't talk in the first place. God, I'd feel like an idiot.” He looked at her and tried to show no emotions, he had a reputation to maintain. “Yes, I talk.” He said coldly. She seemed taken back a little at the ice in his voice but quickly regained her composure. “Oh, well, that's good to know. it's nice when you know if a person is just being an asshole and ignoring you or if they have a legit medical condition.” She turned away from him before speaking. “The sun's setting, you should go down before the team gets suspicious.” Loki stayed still before the woman spoke again. “Go.” She said more forcefully. Loki was sort of stunned at the venom in her words and carefully made his way back to his room. He sat on a chair waiting for the girl to come back down and leave but she didn't for a long time. When she did come down all she did was lock the window with a key ( which Loki didn't know was possible) and moved out of his sight. Something was different about her and Loki intended to find out what. 
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
Hey guys! i have been working on a lot of stuff, I was curious what you would prefer to read first! I have a hogwarts x oc, a Five x reader, a Hazbin hotel x oc, a Loki x oc, and I have 3 gabriel x oc, and one Lucifer supernatural crossover thing. let me know what you would like to read first!
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
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Please, remember to respect yourself. You are magnificent, extravagant, and you are trying your best. Everyday you move forward. Some processes require more time than others, but you are getting there. Please stay patient and believe in yourself. -nicole addison
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. this chapter does talk about  suicide. please read at your own risk. also, suicide is not an answer. If you are feeling this way please seek help. i believe that this is the suicide hotline for the united states. please add any more in the comments. 800-273-8255
You heard the quinjet landing. You shuddered as you stood. Loki had decided to leave you alone for a little bit. You walked up to the landing pad. Jarvis had successfully cleaned up the mess you made. You didn't mean to but it just happened. Then you remembered the security cameras. Shit. You thought as you got up. Shit shit shit SHIT! You ran down the hall. You were enveloped in your own mind, so much that you didn't notice until you were on the ground that you ran into someone. It just didn't register for the longest moment. You felt Loki's soft hand reach down and help you up. “Thanks.” You said sheepishly. “Why are you running so fast?” He asked softly, wrapping you in a hug and kissing the top of your head. “I just need to delete the tapes.” You said allowing the god to hold you so lovingly. He smiled. “Already done love.” He said as he kissed you again. You smiled and leaned into his cuddles. Thor walked in and smiled before quietly getting the rest of the avengers to see the spectacle. Tony immediately broke it up when he saw the two of you. “What the actual fuck?!” He yelled. You were grinning like a complete dork. A sudden crash alerted everyone to an intrusion. Smoke started to fill the tower. “Fire!” Steve yelled. “No shit captain obvious!” Tony yelled back before coughing on some smoke. Everyone started to run out of the building. The smoke was so thick that all you could see was the shadows dancing on the walls. Finally, after fumbling around for what felt like hours you reached the outside. “Is everyone here!?” Tony asked loudly. You looked around. “Wait!” You yelled. “Where's Loki?” Panic filled your eyes as you looked back to the tower that was being consumed in flames. You started to bolt toward the burning building. “Y/N!” Steve yelled as Thor grabbed you and lifted you off the ground. “No!” you screamed as smoke billowed towards the sky. “Let me go! I have to help him!” Thor held tight as tears filled your eyes. “Y/N, please, stop. It's probably too late.” Your fears were confirmed when Jarvis’s voice came from Tony's suit. “There are no forms of life in the building.” You collapsed in a heap of tears and regret. Two weeks passed and not much had changed from the fateful day of the Fire. You heard the phone ring and you answered it. “Hello?” The voice of your brother Sam came through the speaker. “Y/N thank god. I'm glad we killed that god, now you can come home.” Horror filled your body as the horrible truth took hold on your brain. Your brothers had started the fire. Your brothers had caused your home irreversible damage. Your brothers had killed Loki. You dropped the phone as tears slowly slid down your cheeks. You could hear the muffled voices of Sam and Dean over the phone. You ran to the roof sobbing. Tony had seen you and followed. You stood breathing heavily as you looked out at the city. “Hey kid.” Tony said as he walked up. “Tony, I gotta be honest. I'm not doing so good.” You said, not looking at him. “Oh no. Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked. “You see that tall tree? I used to love to go there when I was little. I'd love to see it just one last time.” Tony looked out and saw what you were talking about. “Yeah of course kid. We can go right now if you want.” You still stared out, eyes fixed on the tree. “Nah, just promise to plant me there.” Tony realized what you were saying too late. He looked down and screamed as he watched you fall. He jumped after you as his suit started to form around him but he was two seconds too late. You hit the pavement with a sickening thud. Time seemed to stand still. He carried your lifeless body into the building and when the rest of the team heard the news they couldn't help but break down into tears. As far as they were concerned you had become family. But now that was all over. You were gone. They held the funeral service the next day. They took you and loki's bodies and had a funeral service at the tree you had pointed out to tony. The last thing you had talked about. They buried you next to each other. Each person spoke. Tony was the last to speak. “Y/N changed everything. She made me look at things in a different way. She became friends with everyone she met.” He said as he finished his speech. “She even made friends with the most unfriendly people. She and Loki had become close, and, as much as I hate it, they truly loved each other. And now, at least they can be together no matter what.”
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
so sorry for not updating for so long! i had severe writers block and now i okay. i finished the Lokixreader story!! ill post the ending soon. ps its kinda sad
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
Don't ever hesitate. Reblog this. TUMBLR RULE. When you see it, REBLOG IT.
The original post only has US helplines. I’ve added UK helplines underneath. It would be great if people could add numbers from everywhere in the world.
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868, Free and available 24/7
suicide hotlines;
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 391-1270
Brazil: 21-233-9191
China: 852-2382-0000
(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
Croatia: 01-4833-888
Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
Denmark: 70-201-201
Egypt: 762-1602
Estonia: 6-558-088
Finland: 040-5032199
France: 01-45-39-4000
Germany: 0800-181-0721
Greece: 1018
Guatemala: 502-234-1239
Holland: 0900-0767
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hungary: 06-80-820-111
Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
Israel: 09-8892333
Italy: 06-705-4444
Japan: 3-5286-9090
Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
South Korea: 2-715-8600
Sweden: 031-711-2400
Switzerland: 143
Taiwan: 0800-788-995
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
loki x reader
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. this chapter does talk about attempted suicide. please read at your own risk.
Your POV
You awoke from a sleep you never thought you would wake up from. Light flooded your senses. Your eyes adjusted to the light and you could finally tell where you were. You were in the infirmary. Turning your head slightly you saw someone in a chair next to you. It took you a moment to recognize the dark figure as Loki. He was a wreck. His hair was everywhere and he was pale and thin. He looked as if he hadn't eaten or slept in days. “L-Loki?” You muttered. He looked up. His once calm eyes were riddled with worry and had dark bags underneath them. “Y/N? Thank the gods.” He pulled you into a hug “ I thought I lost you.” You placed your hands on the sides of his face. “I-I’m so sorry.” You said, voice breaking. “I shouldn't ha-” he cut you off. “Sh it's alright darling. All that matters is that you're safe now.” You hugged him tightly and sighed a sigh of relief. “Hey” he said “why don't we go get you something to eat and drink?” You nodded and stood with him. He had to support you as you both walked down the hall. You got to the kitchen and got some food and a glass of water. You sat on the couch with Loki and he laid down in your lap. You ate and after a few minutes you looked down and saw that he had fallen asleep. You laughed slightly. He looked so peaceful while he slept. You heard a small crash and your body tensed. Something else was here. You carefully stood and laid loki's head down on a pillow. He was fast asleep. You pulled out a gun that you had hidden and crept closer to the doorway. You knew you would only get one shot at this. You whipped around the corner and the next thing you knew you were disarmed, on your knees with your arm pinned behind your back. You heard a surprised voice  “Y/N?” Your arm was released and you whipped around, kicking the figure behind you. “Ow. God Y/N it's me.” You turned and gasped. Dean held his nose and it was slightly bleeding. “Oh my god, dean I'm so sorry!”  He laughed. “You still have one hell of a kick.” You laughed, picked up your gun and set it on the table before hugging dean. “What about me?” You turned and saw Sam. You hugged him tightly “wow. You have changed so much. Oh my god your hair is so long!” Sam laughed “you've changed too.” You couldn't disagree with that logic. A sudden realization dawned on you. “Wait why are you guys here?” You looked cautiously to the couch Loki was dozing on. “We've come to take you home.” Dean said. Panic flooded in. Your home, according to them, was Lily's home. There was no way in hell you were going to do that. “No.” You said angrily. Surprise spread across the boy's face. “Why not?” Sam asked. “I feel safe here. I'm not going anywhere.” You walked over to the fridge and pulled out 3 beers. You handed one to each of the boys and opened one yourself. Just as you brought the bottle to yours lips it was pulled out of your hand. The boys shot up and pulled out their guns pointing them at the person behind you. “You shouldn't drink that stuff, especially after you lost so much blood.” You heard Loki say. You hadn't even realized he had gotten up. “Please? Just a little bit?” You asked, pouting a little. Loki looked you in the eyes. “No.” You sighed “you're boring.” You said to him. Loki laughed a little. “Love ya too.” He walked over and poured the liquid down the drain. “So Y/N, are you going to introduce me to your friends pointing their guns at me or am I going to get shot without even knowing who decided to shoot me?” You remembered that your brothers were there. Shit. “Sam, Dean, this is Loki. Loki these are my brothers Sam and Dean Winchester.” Sam glared at the god. “Loki, like the god?” you nodded. “Wait! Was this the guy who was on the phone?!” Dean yelled. Loki spoke up “yes. It's a pleasure to finally meet Y/N ‘s brothers.” the boys glared at loki before lowering their guns. “So he's a god?” Dean asked. You nodded. “Wait,” Sam said “are we just going to ignore the fact that he just said ‘after you lost so much blood’ like that seems like a big deal!” You frowned a little. “It's fine, really. I just woke and I'm doing perfectly fine.” You did a little spin just to prove it, but the spin quickly backfired on you and you would have fallen over if Loki hadn't caught you. “Are you alright darling?” He said, leading you to a seat. “Yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about.” You said with a small smile. Loki frowned. “Last time you said that you attempted, and almost succeeded in, committing suicide. Bruce told me what you said. So I don't believe the ‘I'm fine’ lie anymore.” “Loki you care too much.” He shook his head. “You don't care enough.” You smiled at him. “Wait what!? Y/N you attempted suicide? Why? Why the hell would you do a stupid thing like that!?” You shuddered. They didn't understand. You could feel the looks that Sam and Dean gave you. Your hands went into little fists as you tried to keep your composure. Dean continued. “What the hell were you thinking!? God, I knew our family was messed up but that's why we sent you away! So you wouldn't be screwed up like the rest of us but no, you decide to be a dumbass and try to kill yourself. If you're gonna do it at least be successful next time!!” You had heard enough. Anger boiled up inside you. “Loki leave.” You said. He started to protest but you cut him off. “I said leave! Now!” He was taken back by the tone you had used. He had never heard it from you. He backed away slowly and left the room. You looked at the boys. They were grinning, clearly happy that they had gotten a rise out of you. “You are not my brothers.” You whispered. Dean cocked his head. You continued. “I should have known that my brothers wouldn't come here. Now leave.” You heard a crack and turned to see sams head was turned in a very unnatural way. A distorted voice came from his mouth. “What gave it away?” You took a step back. “Well I wasn't sure before but now…” Dean (not dean) laughed in a disturbing way. “We didn't think you would have a god with you. Guess we will have to kill him too.” Anger swelled up inside you. A white hot rage. The creatures that looked like your brothers took a step back. You looked at the window and saw your reflection. Your eyes had turned white. “No.” You said. You tried to calm down but it wasn't working. Sam(not Sam) took a step forward and you screamed angrily. Energy surged out of your body. A bright white light filled the room. When it faded you saw the body's of two monsters in a heap against a wall. Your eyes returned to your normal color. Loki ran in. He froze when he saw the scene. You didn't realize that Loki had come in. “Oh my god.” Your hands flew to your head. “Um Jarvis? C-can you clean this up as fast as possible?” You didn't hear the AI’s voice as Loki led you off. “What happened?” He asked. “They weren't my brothers.” You said quietly. “They were going to hurt you and I just got so mad. I couldn't keep it in. The anger…” you trailed off but Loki seemed to understand. He hugged you.  “Sh it's okay. Just rest, you just got up and you have already worn yourself out.” You nodded against his chest before falling asleep in his gentle arms. 
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
not a new chapter
hey so i have been identifying myself as bisexual but recently i have realized that i am in fact omnisexual due to the fact that i preferance women. honestly when i find someone attractive they are attractive regardless of gender. but i am not gender blind so i am not pansexual. i have just realized that i tend to favor women over men and others. right now this is what i feel fits me best. sorry that this is not a chapter i promise a chapter will come soon i just need some support with this and i thought who better than tumblr.
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
loki x reader
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. this chapter does talk about attempted suicide. please read at your own risk. 
Loki’s POV
Tony was the first one to him. He immediately dragged loki off to a glass case. Loki recognized the case. It was the glass one that the avengers first put him in. shit.  He thought. There wasn’t even a chair in this damn thing. “Tony wait!” thor called “ we at least need to give him a fair trial. Right?” Tony shook his head “no I should have done this as soon as he came!” loki had started to panic. What had they done with Y/N? Was she okay? He had vowed never to leave her side. “Where is Y/N? Please tell me where she is!” loki yelled “ you don’t need to know that!” tony snapped back. Loki looked to Thor and they had a silent conversation. Loki swung his head back and hit Tony in the nose. Tony released his grip on him and Loki ran while Thor held Tony back. Loki went straight to the roof and looked around frantically. He ran across it and finally saw a small opening he hadn’t noticed before. He rushed to it and saw   Y/N and another man. They both looked up in surprise and Y/N rushed up to him and hugged him tight. He stared at the man with golden eyes. “Y/N? Who is this?” Loki asked slowly. Y/N looked to the man and he stood and held out his hand to loki. “Gabriel.” Loki looked at Gabriel warily before taking the hand and shaking it. “Loki of asgard.” Y/N looked at them “umm okay? Loki I have known Gabe for a long time. He has some...special abilities. Gabe, this is Loki. He is super sweet.” Gabe smirked and raised an eyebrow. She just glared at him. “ what?!” she said. He just chuckled “so this is the man? The one you like?” Y/N’s face turned beet red and her hands flew up to her face to hide it. Loki stared at her in astonishment. She quickly ran to her room. Loki turned and followed her.
Your POV
You locked the door of your room. This was terrible, Gabe just told Loki you had a crush on him. Did you? You thought he was nice and cute, and he had this certain charm, whenever you were around him you felt butterflies in your stomach and you actually felt like you could be around him and be yourself without him judging you. Oh Shit. you thought I have a crush on him. This was horrible, not only did you have a crush on him but he knew before you even knew. A small knock pulled you from your thoughts. Normally you would get up and open the door but today instead you said “JARVIS? Can you see who is at the door?” the voice of the AI responded “yes ma’am” a moment later he said “it is Loki ma’am.” “ can you get someone else to come? I really don’t want to talk to Loki right now. Preferably bruce.” “right away ma’am.” as you waited you pulled out a knife and made a small incision in your palm and made a sigil that gabe had taught you. It was supposed to banish all angels including archangels, you hoped. You stared at the blood trickling down your palm. Memories started to come back, memories you tried to keep down. The blood started to drip on to your bed one drop at a time. You pressed your thumb into the open wound. The searing pain made the memories leave for now. A loud knock resounded throughout the room. You flipped over and then heard talking you got up quietly and went to the door. “Loki? What are you doing here?” you heard bruce say “nothing just wanted to talk to her.” Loki said and left for his room. You heard Bruces soft knock. “It's unlocked.” you said quietly. He walked in and closed the door behind him. That's when he saw the blood trickling down your arm and his eyes widened “oh my god Y/N are you okay?!” you looked to him in confusion “huh? Oh. yeah I'm fine, no worries.” he raised his eyebrow. “Fine? Okay? What did you need?” you turned to face him “I wanted to talk to someone who can keep a secret and who doesn’t mind a conversation about loki.” Bruce looked uneasy. “Maybe you should talk to Thor, not me, he likes Loki more and I have you know,  anger stuff.” you  looked  down  “oh… bye then.” Bruce smiled and nodded before leaving. You went to your bathroom and pulled out the knife from your pocket. You looked at your hand and sighed. You put the knife on the counter and took out an old towel. You ripped off a long strip and wrapped it around the cut. A single tear slid down your cheek. You reached out and put your hands on the counter in front of you and leaned forward. You gripped the old pocket-knife in one hand. Your knees failed you and you slid slowly to the floor. Another tear dropped. You couldn't handle this. You couldn't do this any more. You opened the knife and made an incision in your wrist right on the vein. It didn’t even hurt anymore. The crimson liquid spread like a stream down your arm dripping to the floor. You could hear a faint knock in the background and the door open. Who cared? You made another cut on your wrist. It joined the first stream and made a river. A tear fell and landed in the blood. Footsteps came to the bathroom door. Another cut, another tear. Knock and a voice. The blood had started to pool around your legs, turning the once white carpet a shade of dark red. Your vision was getting blurry. One last cut. You thought, making one more cut one last cut to end the pain. The tears had started to flow more freely. You heard the door burst open and faded yelling before your vision faded to darkness.
Loki’s POV
Loki heard yelling coming from Y/N’s room and went quickly into her room to see what was happening. He followed thor's yelling to her bathroom and froze. Y/N was unconscious on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. Loki’s eyes followed the blood to Y/N’s wrist and saw the cuts. He looked to her right hand and saw a small pocket knife. Loki snapped out of his shock and ran over to her, grabbing a towel off the rack. He held it to her wrist and thor helped to put pressure on it. “Loki, I need you to go get help!” thor yelled to him. Loki nodded and ran to the stairs he burst into the main room where the avengers were resting in. “it’sY/N! She's dying!” he yelled before turning to run up the stairs, followed by the others. They all ran up to her room and Nat was the first person there. She picked Y/N up and carried her to the infirmary. Loki stayed with her for two days barely eating, drinking and sleeping. The avengers had come to trust Loki more, and were called on a mission, so they left him with Y/N alone.
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supernatural7543 · 3 years
loki x reader pt 4
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. please read at your own risk. also sorry for the super late update i have been kinda busy. i hope you like it :) Loki’s POV
He heard a small knock, barely audible but still there. He stood and opened the door to see Y/N. something was wrong. “C-can I c-come in?” she asked. Y/N sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Loki nodded and she came in. She went to sit on a chair but loki stopped her and gestured to the bed. Y/N went and sat down and loki crouched in front of her.   “Y/N what's wrong?” she shuddered and loki realized that she was crying. He stood and closed the door before returning to crouching in front of her. “ I looked up my brothers today.” she said quietly. Loki’s face turned from concerned to slightly surprised for a split second. He didn’t even know she had brothers.  “The internet said that they ar- were fugitives and… they… died.” Loki moved to sit next to her. She continued “ so I called an old friend… and he said that they weren’t dead… they were just under the radar. I think they might be looking for me.” Y/N looked at loki and he nearly started to cry after seeing her tear streaked face.  He hugged her and, to his surprise, she hugged him back. She fell asleep holding him and he moved her to her own room.Your POV You woke up in your room and looked around. You didn’t remember how you got to your room but you pieced it together easily. You got dressed and went to get some breakfast. You saw Loki, Tony, Steve, Nat, Clint, Banner, and thor. You had a question and figured tony would be the best one to answer that. “Hey Tony?” you called as you made your way over to the fridge. He looked at you in surprise “are you still getting those phone calls? The ones asking about me?” you asked, turning to him. He sat speechless before answering “Yeah why?” you grabbed a soda from the fridge and looked to him “next time they call give the phone to me.” everyone’s face but Loki's had a mixture of surprise, fear, and concern. “ why do you want to do that?!” tony exclaimed. You sat down across from him and opened your drink. “I just want to talk to them.'' Tony tried to take a step towards you but you whipped out a gun and pointed it at him, not even looking up from the book you had opened. “ just cause I’m talking to you does NOT mean we are best buddies now m’kay? Now sit that ass back down before I blow it off.” you said finally looking up bored. Tony slowly sat down and you put the gun away. “ why do you want to talk to them Y/N?” Tony asked. “I am just curious what they want from me.” you responded “if they call just patch them through to the phone in my room.” with that you walked off. About an hour later you heard a knock at the door you walked over and opened it to see Loki. “May I come in?” he asked politely. You nodded and he walked in. Just then your phone rang and you raced over and picked it up “ please don't hang up!” the voice on the other side said urgently. You put the phone on speaker while Loki closed and locked the door. “Please we need to speak to Y/N!” the voice said again. You knew the voice, it was Sam. Loki took the phone and asked, “ What do you want with her?” you quickly snatched the phone from him and glared at him. “Sir please we just want to talk to her” Sam said “Please don’t hang up” loki piped up “how did you get this number?” you looked at him. Man he was good at asking questions. “Her mom gave it to us, please let us talk to her.” Sam said you could hear dean on the other side asking questions “what are they saying sammy?” you grinned and whispered into loki’s ear he nodded and said “turn on your speaker please.” he looked at you and you nodded. “OK you are on speaker on our side” Sam said. You took the phone and said “ don’t worry samsquach I’m not going anywhere.” you heard a sigh of relief on the other side and then Dean's voice. “ where are you? We called Lily but she said you had been taken by some strangers and that she tried everything she could but they refused to let you go.” you scowled at the mention of the woman who abused you most of your life. liar you thought she didn’t do jack shit. “Who is with you?” you thought for a moment before responding “A god.”  you heard whispers and then sam “WHAT?!?” you sighed “ you heard me. Don’t worry I’m safe” you turned to loki and said “ can you go grab me a soda or something?” he nodded then grinned “As you wish” he winked and left and you laughed. “What the HELL was that?!” dean yelled “ did he just quote princess bride?!” you laughed “yeah. He’s nice” loki came back and gave you a cup of water. “We are out of the soda you like.” he said sadly “thanks '' you said he nodded and then looked at your arm. You had completely forgotten about all the cuts. “ go grab the first aid kit under the sink in the bathroom.” you said. He came back and said“ Take off your shirt.” you went to take off the jacket “NO!” you heard your brothers yell “Y/N DON’T YOU DARE DO THAT!” you sighed “ it's fine he's just helping me with some cuts.” you took off your shirt and Loki started to apply some cleaning alcohol. “ Where did you get cuts?” Sam asked quietly. You were quick to respond “Mostly Lily.”  Loki looked at you in surprise and you could hear Dean getting his gun “ dean NO”  sam said causing you to chuckle slightly. “Listen    Y/N can you tell us where you are?” you looked at Loki but his face was like stone and showed no emotions. You thought for a moment, if they came they would kill loki. You couldn’t let that happen. “ Sam, I don’t think that is such a good Idea.” “why not?” “it's just not safe I-I’ll send a friend to get you or something okay its just… yeah. B-bye sammy.” with that you hung up tears were streaming down your face and you hugged Loki, clutching on to him for dear life. He stood with you and led you down stairs. The avengers saw you, arms folded. You were still wearing a tank top from when loki cleaned your cuts, which were now fully visible, some still bleeding. They saw the cuts, the tears, and the blood. Nat was the first one to you and Tony was the first to loki. They pulled you both away from each other. Nat rushed you off to the infirmary. You pulled off your tank top revealing many more cuts littering your body. Nat started to talk to you but you weren’t listening. “Hey...hey..hey...hey!” you looked up “did he do this to you?” Nat asked “who?” you asked nat looked at you like you were crazy “ who else? Loki! Did he do this to you?” your eyes widened “N-No no h-he didn’t i-it was…” you paused you didn’t know what to tell her, that you did it? That it was lily? Or that it was both? “N-no one. No one did this okay?” you looked at her. Nat could see the fear in your eyes. She could see the pain. She nodded and gave you your tank top “ okay I am going to go get your hoodie I’ll be back in a minute.” with that she left the room. You sat there with your tank top on. You stood and walked over to the window. You looked out at the bustling city you leaned against the window and slid down into a sitting position. You pulled your knees up against your chest and put your head on them. You couldn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks. You felt a hand on your shoulder and glanced up, Nat handed you the hoodie and you slipped it on “ I'm going to get you some water okay?” she left again. You waited a moment to make sure that she was gone then stood and quickly left. You climbed to the top of the building and sat. you found a perfect spot that went into the building like a small cave. It shielded you from rain and could hide you if you wanted but also gave you a great view of the city. There was even enough room for two people. You closed your eyes. It had started to rain. You breathed in the scent of the rain on concrete. What the hell? Why not.  you thought. You took a deep breath oh the amazing archangel gabriel…......fuck this. Gabe? I-I really need you. I’m hurting and- I need you right now… just get your feathery ass down here! You broke down, now that you were alone you let the tears fall freely. Your sobs were covered up by the noise of the city down below. You didn’t know how long you were sitting there crying when a hand landed on your shoulder and the smell of candy filled your nose. You turned into gabe and held his shirt. “What's wrong sugar?” he asked. You shook your head. He hugged you “it's okay you don’t have to tell me.” you sat there for hours just you crying and gabriel holding you and giving you chocolate. It was nice to have an archangel as a best friend.
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supernatural7543 · 4 years
loki x reader pt 3
okay i may have a slight supernatural problem :D but idc because i see it as a beautiful thing.
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. please read at your own risk.
Your POV
You woke up on loki's lap. He was reading and gently stroking your hair. You looked up at him and smiled. He saw you and smiled back. “Get me a drink?” You asked. Loki smiled and said “as you wish.”  He went and got you some water and you sat up. You looked around and saw Tony standing there mouth agape. Shit. You stood up “hey tony. How's it going?” Tony didn't say anything he just stood there glaring at you and Loki. “Tony?” You were getting more and more scared by the minute. Fortunately Steve walked in and broke the silence. “What did you do while we were gone?” He sounded angry. “W-we watched a few movies.” You were really scared. When Steve was mad it was a big deal. Tony spoke up. “Just movies?” His face was serious. “Come with me.” Loki looked at you with worry in his eyes. “It's cool I'll meet you later okay?” You told him. He nodded and you followed tony. When you were in the elevator he spoke up. “We just want to...talk, with you.”  He said ‘talk’ the same way your mom used to say it. You quickly got out of the elevators and into the conference room where the others were waiting for you. You slowly sat down seeing as there was nowhere to run. “Y/N we just wanted to see how you were.” Steve said in a calm manner. “Shut up rogers!” Tony yelled “I thought I told you to stay away from Loki! He's dangerous y/n!” Your eyes widened. You had never heard Tony yell before. “No he's not! Not to me. Maybe he's only dangerous because that's what you make him be in your heads. You're not willing to see him in another light!” You yelled back. “This is no time to be sassing me girl!” Tony yelled, raising an arm. You reflexively scrambled backwards. Steve and nat ran forward grabbing Tony's arm. You stared at him in disbelief and fear before you ran.       You got to your room and snatched up your get away bag. You always had it ready just in case but you never thought you would need it here. You put on shoes and some real clothes. You could hear the yelling below you. They were trying to find you. You hid when you heard someone run by and went quietly to the roof. You were on the helicopter pad now but you wanted to go higher. You climbed carefully up to the very top of the tower and sat there taking in the sun set. You pulled out your blanket and curled up settling in for the night. The sun woke you up. You were sort of surprised that no one had found you. You walked to the edge of the building. This was it. You were gonna jump. You had one foot off the edge when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and pull you back. You whirled around and saw loki's tear streaked face. He pulled you close “don't ever scare me like that again!” You held him and you both sat on the roof holding onto each other. “I'm sorry.” You said through sobs. “It's okay shh. Don't you worry. I will never leave your side again.” Loki replied, bringing you away from the edge.      
 After the whole tony incident you kept your distance and never went anywhere without Loki. That was a little over a week ago. That's when weird things started to happen. First a person tried to break in. Then the tower kept getting a bunch of phone calls asking about you. This was enough to put you on edge. What if your brother's life had somehow seeped into yours. You had no clue what was going on in their lives but you knew it wasn’t good. You felt sort of bad because you never told them where you were. You decided to look them up on the web. You opened your computer Sam and Dean Winchester.  You clicked on the link. It said  “After tragic events in a diner in st louis criminals Sam and Dean winchester, who were presumed dead, were apprehended and taken into custody. Two deputies soon came in and killed the Winchester brothers along with many others. The deputies were never identified nor apprehended.” The article went on but you closed your computer not willing to finish reading. Tears were running down your face. No! “ this can’t be happening.” you muttered to yourself. You stood and walked out of your room. You walked into the main room. The other avengers were there and some stood upon seeing the tears running down your face. Steve came over to you. “ Y/N? Are you okay?” you nodded “ I-I just need some fresh air. I’m-I’m going to t-take a walk.” you were clearly shaken but walked too quickly for anyone to follow and they decided that it was best for you to have a minute. You left the building and made your way towards Central Park. You walked over to a pay phone and popped some quarters in. You dialed a number and the line rang. The voice on the other line responded “Hey this is Gabriel you must have missed me please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. BEEP.”   You talked into the receiver “ hey Gabe its Y/N. please come meet me at the bench on the west side of the small pond in Central Park at 3:00. I really need to talk to you.” you placed the phone back down on the receiver and sighed. 3:00 was in about 5 minutes. You sat on the bench and stared at your watch. Did you fuck up the directions? You were starting to panic a little and placed your head in your hands. That's when you felt a warm hand on your back. “ Hey sugar, what's wrong?” Gabe asked. You leaned into him and looked into his whiskey colored eyes. “ th-they’re dead Gabe. th-they’re dead.” you mumbled as you hugged him. “What are you talking about cupcake?” he asked “ Sam and Dean” you replied “they’re dead. I saw it on the web.” Gabe chuckled “ That's what's bothering you? What? Do you believe everything you read?” you shot him a dirty look and looked back down “Hey they are fine” he lifted your head to look at him “they are just under the radar so to speak.” you breathed a sigh of relief. “ You ever need anything just… call for me by name.” he winked before vanishing. His angel tricks always scared you a little but you were glad to have such a great friend. You slowly made your way back to the tower. When you walked back in you were engulfed in a hug by steve. “ Where did you go?” he asked, “I just went to central park okay?” you replied “ I think i'm gonna go lie down for a bit.” you walked off. 
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supernatural7543 · 4 years
lokixreader pt 2
sorry for the late update. i think its a little shorter too, so sorry.
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. please read at your own risk.
Your POV
   You walked into your bathroom with a change of clothes. You took off the clothes you were wearing and examined the dark bruises that still lined your body. It hurt to touch them. It hurt to move but you powered through. You pulled off the band aids on your arms. You examined the self inflicted cuts. Most of them were ok. It would hurt like a bitch to wash but it was ok nonetheless. You then carefully peeled back the bandage on your left arm and looked at the gash. It had kinda gotten better but it still hurt and was still bleeding. You knew you probably needed stitches. You got in the shower and cleaned yourself. You were right the soap hurt your cuts but you knew that they still needed to get clean. When you got out you dried yourself and placed the band aids back on. “Jarvis?” You called “will you see if anyone can bring me a sewing kit?” “Right away ma'am.” He replied. A few minutes later you heard a knock at the door. “Just leave it there.” You called. You walked over to the door wrapped in a towel. Blood was dripping down your arm. You opened the door and grabbed the kit. As you closed the door a hand stopped it. You froze as you looked at the person. You sighed. It was just Loki. “Hey Loki sorry you startled me a little.” You grinned. But you noticed that he wasn't looking at your face but at your arm. Shit! You thought. He took a step forward.  You glanced down “Loki I'm fine it's just a little scratch nothing serious!” He shook his head “y/n I can see it. It cuts through some muscle. That is a serious cut!” You had backed up to the bathroom door one step and you would be good. “It's nothing I can't handle! Just please don't tell anyone. I don't want them to know.” He nodded. “Promise?” You said. He nodded again. “Good.” You ran through the door and locked it. You heard a knock but you didn't care. You dropped the towel and sat down on the edge of the tub. You heard through the door “y/n please give me the sewing kit. I can fix you up.”  You pulled out a needle and slid the kit under the door. You pulled out some floss and threaded it through the needle. You flinched slightly when the needle punctured your skin. But besides that the patch up went well. You got dressed and bandaged your arm. Pulling the sleeve down you walked out of the bathroom...right into loki’s chest. He delicately took your arm and pulled up the sleeve. “How did this happen?” He asked. You pulled your arm away and started walking away while responding “it didn't, okay!?” You got in the elevator and the doors closed before Loki got there. When you got down he was there. You gasped “h-how?” He nodded to a door “stairs.” You pushed past him (which hurt because of the bruises and cuts) and went to join the avengers. You sat on your couch and Thor pulled Loki down next to him. You were looking at your hand when you happened to glance up and see that Loki was staring at you. Finally you couldn't take it anymore you looked straight at him and said “listen I know I'm ugly as fuck but didn't your mother teach you it was rude to stare?” You got up and stormed away so you didn't end up seeing loki’s astonished look on his face. You laid on your bed reading when you heard a knock at the door. Steve opened it and came and sat down by you. “Hey you okay?” You rolled your eyes “yeah I'm fine!” You said with a huff. He sat with you. He didn't know how bad your past was and he never asked. “I think I'm just tired, imma go to sleep” you said. Steve nodded and left closing the door. “Jarvis activate relax protocol.” Soon the sounds of music and a babbling brook lured you to sleep. 
     You woke up in your old room and walked out to see your mom and dad sitting at the table having pancakes. You sat down and were enjoying the peace when your mom got up. She walked behind your dad and pulled out a gun. You tried to warn him but no sound came out. The gun fired and your dad was dead. Your mom then grabbed you and dragged you to a room. She threw you against the wall. Your head was throbbing. Your mom walked over and pulled out a bat. “You never saw anything!” She yelled as she hit you, again and again. You had bruises forming and you were bleeding from the cuts that the bat had been made. You woke up in a cold sweat. You were breathing heavily. It's just a dream. You told yourself that until you fell back asleep. 
   The sun woke you up eventually and you saw a note that was slid under the door. It said 
We got a mission and didn't have the heart to wake you. Loki is chained to the couch in the living room. We didn't want him to wander. We left the key on the counter if you want to unlock him. If you don't that's cool too. We left about four so he has been there since then. We might be gone for a couple of days so be careful. 
                                              Love, Nathasha
Shit! You thought shit shit shit shit! You raced down stairs. They were not kidding. He was in the full on chains from the mouthpiece down to the ankle piece. He looked miserable. You ran over to him and started to remove the chains. As you removed them you saw blisters had formed. You felt really bad. “How long have you been here?” You asked quietly as you removed the mouthpiece. He rubbed his jaw before he answered “they put me here before I woke up.” Your jaw dropped. “Let me fix you up.” You asked. “Let me fix you up first.” He shot back. Your eyebrows shot up. “Fine you first!” He got up and started to go to the med bay but you stopped him. “We are going to my room.” You said and he just nodded. You sat him down on your bed. “Take off your shirt.” You told him. “people usually buy me a drink first.” He said as he pulled up his shirt. You chuckled as you grabbed your first aid kit and a rag. You turned around and you gasped slightly. Loki was stronger than he looked. You turned around to hide your blushing face. You took a deep breath and faced him. Loki was now reading your favorite book. You walked forward and dipped the rag in some cleaning alcohol. You placed it on one of the blisters and Loki hissed “sorry! I should have warned you!” You said quickly. Your hand went up instinctively. You felt Loki's hand on your chin. you looked up. “It's okay y/n. I am fine. You didn't hurt me.” He gave you a sweet smile. You continued to clean his wounds and told him stories that you had read or heard when you were younger. After about an hour you were done. “That should do it. How does it feel?” You asked “it feels good. Now it's my turn to play doctor. Roll up your sleeve.” He replied. You sat down and pulled off your shirt. You had a tank top underneath so you knew it wouldn't be a big deal. Loki carefully peeled off the bloody bandage and inspected the would. “Ok I'm going to take out the stitches and clean the wound then I'll fix you right up.” He told you everything he was going to do before he did it. Once he finished he looked at you. He scanned your body and his eyes fell on each of your band aids. “May I?” You hesitated then responded “only if you watch what every movie I want with me until the team gets home.” He nodded and cleaned your cuts carefully. 
    When you both were done you went down stairs it was about 6:00 PM so you figured you would just order pizza. You got a half meat lovers quarter pepperoni quarter veggie. You set up the movie and grabbed the pizza. You went and sat down next to Loki. “What are we going to watch today?” He asked. You smiled and said “a childhood favorite. The Princess Bride!” You pressed play and you both watched the movie. 
Loki's POV
He didn't really care for the movie at first but he saw how happy it made you and decided to give it a chance. To his surprise he loved it! He loved the sword fighting the wrestling, the test of wits, the fire swamp, all of it. Y/N piped up “Loki? Would you mind grabbing me a Dr Pepper? It's in the grey box on the counter.” Loki thought for a second before a smile spread across his face and he replied with “as you wish.” The look on her face was priceless; she looked like a deer in headlights. She then blushed and looked down. He got up and gave her the drink. “Would you like some?” She asked “if you will offer.” Loki replied. She smiled and said “as you wish” as she placed the can to his lips. By the time the movie was over she had fallen asleep on loki's lap. This continued for a few days and by the time the avengers had come back Loki had seen all the Harry Potters, scooby doo, jaws, young frankenstein, what about bob, spaceballs, Monty python and the holy grail, naked gun, night at the museum, and what's up doc. This time they were watching dirty rotten scoundrels and she had fallen asleep on his lap again. Loki heard the elevator door open and the avengers voices. He turned around and held a finger to his lips. The avenger went quiet. “She left you there the whole time?” Thor asked, clearly worried. Loki shook his head and gestured to y/n he then whispered “she's asleep.” The avengers stared in astonishment at the sight.  And Loki just grinned. 
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supernatural7543 · 4 years
same warnings as the sneak peek 
It had been two days and you had grown accustomed to your new surroundings. You even started to crack jokes. You didn’t make eye contact as much though. Tony had taken you out shopping and you got some jeans, shorts, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, tank tops, and your favorite, HOODIES!! Today you were wearing some jeans, a black tee shirt and a Five Finger Death Punch hoodie. You mostly wore long sleeves or lots of bracelets to cover up the bruises and cuts on your wrist. You almost always had a new band aid in your wrist as well. So far no one had noticed. You knew you had depression but you didn't want to admit it. You walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch you had designated as yours. Tony came in “Oh   y/n just the person I wanted to talk to. Listen so Thor is coming back tomorrow but he is bringing his brother Loki. I just want to warn you about him. He's trouble so just be careful around him. He's a really bad guy.” You looked at tony with a bored face that just screamed ‘really?’ “Listen tony I'm touched by the concern but I prefer to have a conversation, a real conversation, with him before I jump to conclusions.” Tony looked concerned but nodded “I can respect that. Just... be careful.”you nodded and he left.  The next day you woke up at about 7:30 AM and got dressed. You put on some short shorts, a black guns and roses t-shirt and a purple long sleeve flannel. This was one of your favorite outfits. You put your hair in a ponytail and took the band aid off your cheek. The cut was healed enough so you left it off. You put on a choker you got from your new favorite store ‘Hot Topic’ and went downstairs for some food. When you got there you saw that everyone was awake. They looked intense and sort of scary. You walked over nonchalantly and grabbed a Dr Pepper Ten and a few pieces of bacon. You placed the bacon in the microwave and they were done pretty quickly. You pulled the plate out and sat down on your couch grabbing your favorite book and started eating. The reason you loved this book was that it helped you escape when you were with lily. It was an old book and it smelled like it. It's pages were slightly yellow and worn, the cover was an old leather and the gold print on it that said ‘myths and legends of the ancient world’ was faded. It was fun to read about the different gods and goddesses doing stupid stuff. You wondered if this Loki was anything like how the myths had made him out to be. You were so into your reading that you didn't hear the elevator door ding open. Loki's POVHe hated Midgaurd. But it was better than the dungeon he was in before. Loki looked around the elevator he was in. They were already at avengers tower and on the way to meet the team. Again. The door dinged open and he saw what he expected to see. All the avengers were standing up and had a weapon of some kind in their hands. He rolled his eyes and they fell to a young woman sitting on a couch near the window. She was wearing some extremely short shorts and a black shirt that said something on it, Loki guessed it was a logo of some kind, and a purple flannel. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore a choker. She was reading a book and it seemed to have all her attention. She was completely unaware of the events taking place around her. She was snacking on a plate of bacon and a soda. Loki stared at her in curiosity until Natasha filled his vision “No.” she said coldly. He took a step back and put his hands up in surrender. At least he tried to but the chains holding him made it so he couldn't. “Hello everyone!” Thor boomed “who is this new maiden?” The girl looked up quickly from her book at the sound of Thor's voice. She looked frightened, figures, thought Loki Thor is so loud! The girl stared at Thor and Loki for a minute before responding Your POV    A loud voice made you jump and look up from your book. There were two new men standing in the room. You knew the tall blond one was Thor by the description the avengers gave you. And you guessed the other one must be Loki based on the amount of chains on him. “ who is this new maiden?” Thor had boomed. It took you a minute to respond “y/n” you said slowly. Loki was looking at you weird. He looked like he was in pain and was trying not to show it. You could tell though, the look in his eyes was the look you used to get after your nightly ‘talk’ with your mom. You knew pain well, almost like an old friend. Wow you thought that's just depressing. Nat came over to you while Steve went over to Thor. The avengers had taken you in as one of their own. Tony and Steve acted like how you thought a dad would act and nat acted like how you thought a real mom would act. The others acted like older siblings and you were okay with that. In summary they were super protective of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               you. “Hey kiddo you okay?” Nat asked you nodded “sorry Thor’s kinda loud he acts like that a lot.” She said. You nodded and laughed “he just scared me a little. I didn't know they got here!” Nat nodded and walked back over to Tony and the others. You had heard Steve telling Thor about how loud noises could scare you and to tone it down a little. Your face flushed red. It was nice to have a family who cared so much but you didn’t want your situation to inhibit any of the normal behavior. You happened to glance up and saw loki. “I apologize lady y/n. I did not mean to frighten you.” Your eyes were glued on Loki.  He just looked so sad and hurt. Once you realized that Thor had spoken to you, you turned to him with a smile plastered on your face “There is no need to apologize Thor. It's just nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you!” You stood and walked over to the avengers who looked at you in surprise. You almost never acted like this. You held out your hand to Thor. He took it and kissed it. You were surprised “oh. No no no it's a hand shake. I am definitely not worthy of a uh...hand kiss?” You said. You wanted to face palm and run back to your room and pretend that this day never happened. You weren’t even sure if ‘hand kiss’ was the right word. Probably not. He smiled “lady y/n every fair maiden is worthy of a ‘hand kiss’ as you put it” you blushed. Definitely not the right word. “Good thing I'm not a fair maiden huh?” You said with a grin. The avengers immediately pounced on you saying that it wasn't true and that you were a fair maiden and to stop telling lies to yourself. You rolled your eyes and pushed out of the circle they had formed around you. You caught loki's eye and saw he was staring at you. You gave him a small smile and winked and you saw his eyebrow go up a little. You turned back to the avengers with an exasperated sigh “okay, okay gosh chill out! I swear you guys are like team ‘you can’t have any self-deprecation, only I can do that’ calm down!” You walked back to your couch and picked up your book. You finished off the Dr Pepper and put the remaining bacon on the table. You heard Tony tell Steve “ someone is gonna have to show reindeer games here around.” You almost lept at the chance. You really wanted to know more about this mysterious man. “I'll do it! I mean I'll show him around. I'm headed towards my room so I can start there.” Thor smiled “wonderful!” He boomed causing you to flinch. You walked over to Thor. “Key? I mean he can't really walk or talk. Imma just take the mouth thingy and the ankle chains off.” Tony interjected “y/n I'm not so sure that's a good idea…” you cocked an eyebrow “really stark? You scared of a scrawny greasy man? Huh I thought you were braver than that. Guess I was wrong.” You shrugged and started to walk away. Tony sighed “fine!” You grinned. You knew he would react like that, he was so easy to rile up. You ran over and unlocked Loki leading him off. You walked to your room and opened the door. “you can come in by the way” you called he walked in and you set the book on your bed. “So this is my room. If you need anything just come get me of course knock first don’t just barge in or I'll have to shoot you.” you said with a smile. Loki cocked his eyebrow. Man this was embarrassing. It felt like you were yammering (which to be fair you could have been) because he wasn’t talking. You led him out and to the room across the hall. “This will be your room!” You said. He started to look around. You sighed and he looked at you “I'm sorry about the whole ‘greasy scrawny’ thing but I had to make you seem as weak as possible if stark was gonna let me show you around. I don't think you're greasy or scrawny. Tony is really easy to get riled up. I can get him to do almost anything. I just have to play the ‘are you not manly enough’ card and it does the trick!” You said with a laugh. Loki gave you a small smile and replied “No harm done lady y/n.” His voice was kind and smooth. It was beautiful. You smiled. “So… are you anything like how the myths made you out to be?” he looked up from the bookshelves filled with books. “And how is that?” “the trickster god and deity of mayhem and mischief in Norse mythology. a devious deity known for his many schemes and deceptions. Most of the time evil but at times does things that are good. Killer of baldur. Frankly I think that was Friggs fault in the myths for assuming that mistletoe was harmless but that's just me.” you stated he turned to you. “You know your myths. I’m afraid the myths are wrong most of the time. I am mischievous and...evil. But the rest are, just as you said, myths.”  he said sadly. You could tell that he truly believed he was evil. you cocked an eyebrow and after a moment of silence said  “Nah, I don’t think your evil.” he stared at you in disbelief before you continued. “ I think you are… misunderstood. I also think that you have been manipulated and mentally abused to believe that you are in fact evil. Although you’re not.” he looked at you curiously. “ Sorry. Um let's continue.” You said nervously. You showed him around the rest of the building for the rest of the day. Then you both went to get dinner. Loki's POVHe wasn't paying any attention to what y/n was saying after the conversation in his new room. He was too busy being astounded by how she treated him like he was just another mortal. She showed him around and talked to him without any fear. No one had ever treated him like that and it was kinda nice. He walked with her, fascinated by this fact. He stared at her with a newfound sense of curiosity. Until she led him to the dining room. Y/n sat down in a chair and patted the empty one next to her. Loki had to suppress a smile and went and sat next to her. They all started eating and Loki noticed everyone but Thor and y/n was staring daggers at him. y/n was just eating silently, eyes flicking up every once and a while as if she was afraid to make eye contact, weird, and Thor was chatting away about random shit Loki didn’t care about. He decided to ignore the others and just eat. He listened to snippets of the conversation though and heard Y/N’s name brought up in the conversation. He slipped a small glance to her and noticed that she had looked up at the mention of her name as well. He decided to pretend like he wasn’t listening although he was. “So Y/N, what do you think of reindeer games here. As evil as we made him out to be?” tony asked. Loki watched Y/N out of the corner of his eye. She looked nervous. “I-I’m not sure we should talk about this in front of him. It's a little rude don’t you think?” great thought Loki all that was just small talk and a hope that I wouldn’t hurt her. I should have seen it. No one wants to be friends with a monster like me. “Come on Y/N! He's not listening.” tony said. She sighed and answered “ no.” before going back to her food. “More evil?” Tony said. “Stark stop.” Natasha stated. “I’m just curious!” he retorted. everyone’s eyes were on Y/N. she looked uncomfortable. She finished off her food before answering “No. I actually think that he is misunderstood. He probably thinks he’s evil because it's what he has been told and you think he’s evil based on snippets of what you have seen. So no stark I do not believe that Loki is truly evil.”  As soon as y/n was done talking she got up and went to get ready for bed. Loki finished his food, mind reeling. He put his plate in the sink and went to his room to read for a little bit.  
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supernatural7543 · 4 years
sneak peek
im going to give you guys a sneak peek to my lokixreader fanfic. please please let me know if you want the rest of it. i have like 15 pages right now lol. this is going to be the first chapter
warnings. there is blood and abuse in this as well as suicidal tendencies such as cutting. please read at your own risk.
There was yelling down the hall. You were sort of used to it and hid in your room. You knew better than to get between Lily and her boyfriend when they were fighting. You heard the front door slam and angry footsteps coming to your room. You braced yourself. When she was like this you knew that she would take her anger out on you. She threw the door open and grabbed you by the neck. You were sort of used to this and went along with it. And an hour later you returned to your room. You had bruises lining your arms and on your stomach. Your nose was bleeding and you had a huge gash on your left arm. You walked to your closet and grabbed a first aid kit off the shelf. You put some cleaning alcohol on your arm and bandaged it up. It bled through a little but besides that it was ok. No evidence of the day's previous events. Your brothers had brought you to this woman when you were younger. Apparently, the father was an old friend. They called every so often but never came to visit. Whenever you asked to go stay with them they said they didn’t want you to live the sort of life they were living, whatever that meant. You had come to know the couple your brothers had brought you to as your parents. You loved your adoptive dad, you were a little afraid of Lily who had come to be your adoptive mom.  After your dad died she went to the brink of insanity, that's when the beatings started. You never  told your brothers. You sighed and grabbed your bag. It had clothes, some basic toiletries, money and a blanket. You put on a coat and your warmest shoes and left. Your mom had gone out drinking and told you that ‘there was more where that came from’ if you were still there when she got home. You left and walked down the street. You had retreated into your head and had muffled out the sounds of the bustling city, so you barely noticed the yelling coming from behind you, telling you to look out. You turned around to see a bus flying towards you. Reflexively you put up your hands in defense. You opened your eyes a few seconds later when the bus didn't crush you. The bus was just hovering there as if frozen in time. You blinked in shock at what had just happened and in the split second you blinked the bus came crashing down in front of you. You looked past the wreckage and saw Iron Man looking at what just occurred. You immediately turned tail and ran. You found an alley you could sleep in if you needed, it was nice to have a back up, plus you figured that you would most likely sleep there tonight. You pulled out a few bucks you had saved up and went to a gas station there you bought a piece of pizza and a drink. You settled in the blanket you brought and gripped the knife you had for these types of occasions. Soon you had gone into a light sleep. 
     The sound of a trash can crashing woke you. You got packed up and left. You stayed out for a bit and got some gas station breakfast. Around 10:00 AM you headed home. Your hand was on the door when you heard voices. “You can not take my daughter!” One yelled. You knew it was lily. “Ma’am, I'm afraid we have no choice. We need to take her so we can make her into a hero and so she can use her power for good.” Another said calmly, it was clearly a males voice. “No! My daughter is staying here! End of discussion! Now get out of my house!” Your mothers yells clearly getting more angry by the minute.  You heard a third voice, a woman's voice say “I looked everywhere she's the only one here.” You heard the man sigh. “Ma'am, do you know where your daughter is?” Lily laughed “Probably frozen to death on the side of the road, if I'm lucky.” That's when you decided to go in. It was risky but you knew Lily probably wouldn't hurt you too bad in front of strangers. Probably. You quietly opened the door and walked slowly into the room taking in the sight. There was a man in jeans and a grey top. He had blond hair and was really strong. The woman was wearing black jeans and a brown leather jacket over a black top. She had red hair and had a serious look on her face. “Y/n! You got some nerve coming back here right now!” Lily yelled at you “go to your room while I take care of this. We will talk later.” You didn't like the way she said ‘talk’ and you could tell the strangers didn't either. You nodded and said quietly “May I grab a blanket? Then I will leave. It's just really cold out and…” lily interrupted “no.” You nodded and started to go to your room when you heard from behind you “How old are you?” You turned and looked at the woman who had spoken. “18” you said. “And your ‘mom’ is making you live on the street?” the woman asked. You nodded slowly. “How would you like to come live with us?” The man piped up. Your eyes went wide and you quickly nodded. You ran to your room and grabbed as many things you could fit in your biggest backpack. Which was about 2 pairs of clothes, a box of tampons and a box of pads, a blanket, a small stuffed animal that you got from your dad, and a few books including 2 small journals. You didn't really write in it like a diary but you did doodle some times and you kept some writing of the alphabet in old languages, it was fun to confuse people when you would read and write in what seemed to them to be squiggles. You ran out and quickly left the house. The strangers stared at you for a moment, nodded to lily and followed you out. The man placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a warm smile. Then he lifted his hand to his ear and said something you couldn't quite make out. You stopped when a quinjet came and landed in front of you. The woman put a reassuring hand on you and led you up and on the vehicle. 
      Once you were on the quinjet the people started to talk. The woman piped up first. “I think introductions are in order. I am nat AKA The Black Widow. This is Steve AKA Captain America.” She said gesturing to the man. “I'm glad we found you. We want to train you to use your powers to help others not to harm others. Plus, no offense but after meeting that woman we knew we had to get you outta there.” You nodded. Steve started talking “We are going to bring you back to Avengers tower. We can train you there and you will be safe there as well.” You stayed silent only nodding when they acknowledged you. You made no eye contact and just stared at your hands, glancing up every once and awhile. The jet landed after about 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence. They led you out and nat started talking to you. “Imma show you your room okay? Steve will let the others know you are here. Come down when you are ready.” She led you to your room “just get in the elevator and tell Jarvis to take you to where we are.” She then left you alone so you could get settled. You carefully placed your things on the bed and went into the bathroom. It was huge! You looked at your face in the mirror and sighed. You had dirt covering your face and a small cut on your cheek. You wiped off your face and cleaned your wound best you could. You changed into some semi clean clothes and went to the elevator. The doors closed and you heard a voice “Hello I am Jarvis. I am an AI and am here to help you. Where would you like to go?” You hesitated before answering “can you take me to where the others are?” Jarvis said “right away ma'am.” And the elevator started moving down. You gripped the little rail that was in the elevator as you went down. When the elevator stopped and the doors opened you got out of it as fast as you could. You heard voices down the hall and walked towards them. The voices stopped as you walked in. You looked in and saw people sitting on couches and chairs surrounding a large flat screen tv. “Hey!” Steve called “how ya feeling?” You nodded but said nothing. A man with dark hair piped up “She doesn't talk much does she? Hi I'm tony stark!” He said with a grin. You nodded to him as an acknowledgment. He looked at you then Steve and shrugged before continuing. “This is Bruce Banner” tony gestured to a man with dark hair and a purple shirt with tan pants “just don't piss him off or he will become the hulk! The guy with the bow over there is Clint Barton. He is the best shot we got. And you already know Steve and nat. The only one missing is Thor. He's in Asgard at the moment. You'll get to meet him soon don't worry. So you got any questions for us?” Everyone looked to you. You gulped and quietly said “why am I here?” “I saw the whole bus thing,” Tony said. “Figured that you might need some help with that. And when I heard about your ‘mom’ I knew we had to get you out of there.” A small smile played on your lips. These people you just met showed more care for you than you had ever seen. “I'll give ya the grand tour!” Tony called jumping up and putting his hand on your shoulder. You flinched and he looked at you weird. He led you out and showed you around. The tour took about an hour but when it was done you both headed back to the dining room to have dinner. You and Tony had started talking and before you knew it you were laughing and having a great time. 
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