superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ewan relaxed glad that Tethys seemed to believe him. He frowned also wondering why these things always seemed to happen to them. Maybe fate? Not that he believed in that, but just because you didn't believe in something doesn't mean that it didn't exist.
He tilted his head at the question and wondered if she had came from the same time as Gerik who had told him the war had ended almost two years ago.
"Before I woke up here? Only a couple minutes, you were talking with Marisa the last I saw. It's been a while since I got here, I wasn't really paying much attention to time so I'm not sure how it's been after I got here." Ewan shrugged. "Why do you ask Tethys?"
Sibling Meeting [Tethys/Ewan]
Well, considering all the weird things that had happened to Tethys recently… Ewan’s theory didn’t actually sound absurd to her at all. She wasn’t very knowledgeable in the ways of magic, so she couldn’t be sure if something like that was even possible; but something or someone had transported them and others here by mysterious means - could they really exclude the possibility that they could have been taken from different points in time? It certainly would explain why Ewan looked so young to her…
“You know… you might just be right”, Tethys replied after giving his words some consideration. “It’s too strange though, why all these things happen to us…”
It also brought a different question to the dancer’s mind: if Ewan was taken here from the past, would this action have any influence on her own time? Maybe even the outcome of the war… 
“Say Ewan… in your time then, how long has it been since we last saw each other?”, she asked reluctantly. Hopefully her question wouldn’t raise to much of a suspicion in her brother; she didn’t want to worry him with these things. After all, somehow, they were here now and together; everything else was of lesser importance to her.
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
So the General had arrived the same as he had? Perhaps others were whisked away to this place in their sleep as well. Something to think about when he had the time.
"No this doesn't look like any part of Magvel that I've ever been to. Of course, I haven't been everywhere but something tells me this is definitely not Magvel."
Ewan considered the question for a while but eventually decided to to be as honest as he had been with him.
"I'm not really sure how I ended up here, but I think it was the same way you did. I woke up here not that long ago. I wonder what is going on?"
Ewan glanced up at the sky and noticed the dark clouds above.
"It looks like it might rain soon, maybe we should find some cover before it gets too bad?"
Ettavia Open [ Seth / Ewan ]
Ewan. He nodded, making a duly mental note to remember it this time. As much as he wanted to answer the boy’s query without making himself look like a fool, the circumstances of his arrival were much too odd… He couldn’t keep to himself for long. There must be a reason for this. He shook his head.
“No, I just woke up here.”
He frowned. Odd that he had not even considered that possibility, it was more that he was worried for their safety and well-being while he was away. And it was for that reason that he had to go back.
But Ephraim and Eirika being in this island did not even cross his mind. It was entirely possible, he supposed, if other people were being brought here without their knowledge or consent. Could it have happened to Ewan, as well?
“We…are not in Magvel, are we? This place looks too different. How did you end up here?”
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
"Nice to meet you, Elincia. He's as smart as he is beautiful huh?" Ewan replied with a grin. The women seemed to share the same trait, being beautiful but quick-witted. He could tell she was no commoner but made no mention of it, deeming her trustworthy, not to mention wanting the company. He made a passing comparison to the Renais Princess though the women appeared to be older than her.
The grin slipped from his face and he gave her an apologetic look. "I'm afraid I'm new here myself Elincia, but in my experience most inns look the same. Should be easy enough to spot one once we get in the village proper."
He took a cursory look at what she was wearing and realized it was nothing like the clothes people in Jehanna or Cael Pelyn wore. He wondered where she was from.
"What about you Elincia, are you from around here?" He asked curiously. 
Ettavia Open [Elincia/Ewan]
Well, this young man certainly didn’t appear to intend to do harm. Elincia smiled upon being greeted by the red-haired boy’s energy and enthusiasm, and she couldn’t help but compare him to the memories she had of a younger Rolf. It was a little surprising that someone his age was walking around alone (and in the mountains, at that!) but perhaps he was simply a responsible youth of the area.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ewan. My name is Elincia,” she replied with a smile. Gesturing to the horse behind her, she added, “He is indeed a fine partner. I haven’t known him for very long, but he’s already gotten me out of several tricky situations. It was a bit of a stroke of luck that I got such a smart horse as a steed.”
Figuring that this boy would probably be willing to answer a few questions about the area, Elincia added, “So Ewan, are you from that village there? I’m rather new to this area, but I’m looking for a place to stay overnight.” To be honest, she wasn’t expecting any substantial answers, but she was fairly certain that at the very least Ewan would be honest.
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
I think I got all the replies done, but if I'm missing anyone let me know. Either here on this post or drop me an ask. Also if you want to start a closed rp with Ewan just drop me an ask or contact me on Skype. [click the contact button on the sidebar]
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ewan watched Gerik as he answered and came to the conclusion that he was alright; he was able to follow the conversation and gave concise answers. He also noticed his sharp eyes taking in details and could see him connecting them together to come to a conclusion. All in all, not the behaviour of a sick or delusional man. This, while relieving that his friend wasn't sick or hurt, made him a little worried. Was he the one that was delusional? He felt fine... came from the past? Maybe that was it. He wasn't very familiar with that particular branch of magic but it certainly made the most sense, if anything about this situation did.
"I feel fine. A little tired maybe." He reached up to rub his face. "Maybe I did come the past. Who knows. Magic doesn't always work in the way you think it should, even for mages. All I know is one minute we were making our way to the Darkling Woods and th' next I was waking up here." He vaguely gestured around them at "here".
"Standing around talking about it isn't going to change anything. Let's just drop it for now and come back to it when we have more information?"
Ewan rubbed his arm, feeling uncomfortable about not knowing what was going on but know that there wasn't anything he could do about it. 
"Have you seen anyone else from Magvel?"
closed [Gerik/Ewan]
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Sibling Meeting [Tethys/Ewan]
“Ewan!”, Tethys exclaimed and pulled her brother into a hug as soon as she was close enough to get a hold of him. “I’m so glad you are safe. So… the chief is here too?”, she asked and released Ewan from her hug. He’d only complain about being treated like a child again if she held on any longer… But wait, was it just her imagination or did he really look younger than when she last saw him? No… Her eyes must be playing a trick on her, but she could have sworn… “Say, did one of your spells backfire? You look like you shrunk quite a bit…”
Ewan squirmed a bit as Tethys hugged him, grumbling good-naturedly before returning the hug knowing she wouldn't let go until he did. He rubbed the back of his neck when she let him go.
"Yeah. Good to see you're okay too, Sister." He grinned at the mention of Gerik, knowing about her crush on the chief. He supposed he could deal with it if they ever got together. He would still kick his ass if he hurt her though, that was his job as the man of the family after all. "Yup! He's doing mercenary work I guess."
"What?!" Ewan puffed up trying to make himself look taller. "No I didn't shrink. Hmmph. I just... I don't know Tethys. Something weird is going on here. I think..." He hesitated not knowing what she would think of his theory but ploughed on ahead. "that we might be from different points in the timeline or well we were sent? here at different points but arrived around the same time. It might be magic but I don't think it's anything I did."
He just hoped that she didn't think that he was joking with her or gone around the bend.
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ewan peered up at the General, noting that he looked much older than the last time he had seen him. Odd. Perhaps whatever had sent him had taken him from an earlier time than the others? Time travel was a subject that had few written documents; the few that did exist were tightly guarded. He knew very little, if anything about it. Something he distinctly didn't like.
He offered a smile. "That's okay, my name's Ewan. What are you doing here by yourself, I figured you'd be with the Princess or Prince. Are they here too?"
Ettavia Open [ Seth / Ewan ]
“…Yes. I was afraid I’d be mistaken, but you are a familiar face.” And what a relief that was. Perhaps the boy had an idea of where they could be. It was a shame to think he could not remember his name, though.
“I’m sorry. It’s been a while, and my memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Your name is…?”
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ewan looks up as he heard someone call out to him. A green haired women leading a horse who looked closer to his sister's age than his own. She seemed friendly enough so he waved to her with a grin.
"Sure! That's sounds great. It was getting a little lonely out here. That's a beautiful horse you have there. Oh! Name's Ewan, what about you miss?"
His sister often scolded him for talking too fast, but he had so much to say and so much to do. If he didn't talk fast how was he suppose to get everything out and still get everything done?
Ettavia Open [Elincia/Ewan]
The smell and sound of the sea were the first things Ewan noticed when he woke. He eyed the jagged mountains and sparsely populated tree line with curiosity; he last remembered heading towards Darkling Woods, how had he gotten here? Furthermore, when had he fallen asleep, the Prince and Princess seemed determined to get there as fast as they could, they hadn’t taken a break in a long time. This was strange, yet somehow he found himself getting a little excited; he did like to travel.
He stood up pulling his robe closer to ward off a lingering chill and felt the familiar weight of his tomes in his bag. He looked around wondering if there was anyone else from the army or Gerik’s mercenary group here. He frowned, I hope their okay, he wasn’t worried about his teacher though, Saleh could take care of himself he knew. Still a familiar face would be nice. No such luck it seemed.
In the distance he spotted a village. The only mountain village he knew of in Magvel was Caer Pelyn. He hadn’t seen all of Magvel, but somehow he doubted that he was still there. No sense in worrying about it, let’s explore!
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Looking up from studying the land, noticed a familiar face down the road. That's one of princess' knights isn't it? He looked rather lost, so he probably wasn't much help in figuring out where they were. He figured he would greet him anyway, just to be polite. 
"Hello! Uh," crap what was his name it started with a S, Sam? No. Steve? No. Se-seth! That was it. He the General wasn't he? "General Seth, isn't it?"
Ettavia Open [ Seth / Ewan ]
The smell and sound of the sea were the first things Ewan noticed when he woke. He eyed the jagged mountains and sparsely populated tree line with curiosity; he last remembered heading towards Darkling Woods, how had he gotten here? Furthermore, when had he fallen asleep, the Prince and Princess seemed determined to get there as fast as they could, they hadn’t taken a break in a long time. This was strange, yet somehow he found himself getting a little excited; he did like to travel.
He stood up pulling his robe closer to ward off a lingering chill and felt the familiar weight of his tomes in his bag. He looked around wondering if there was anyone else from the army or Gerik’s mercenary group here. He frowned, I hope their okay, he wasn’t worried about his teacher though, Saleh could take care of himself he knew. Still a familiar face would be nice. No such luck it seemed.
In the distance he spotted a village. The only mountain village he knew of in Magvel was Caer Pelyn. He hadn’t seen all of Magvel, but somehow he doubted that he was still there. No sense in worrying about it, let’s explore!
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
"I'm glad you're doing okay," he replied with a grin. "Making a living, huh? Man, you move fast! Let me know if you find a way back to Magvel."
The grin fell from his face and Ewan looked equally confused and a little concerned.
"The war?" the mage shook his head. "It hasn't ended yet, we still have to find the Demon King. Are you-are you feeling okay Gerik?"
Ewan stared at him a little while longer feeling uncomfortable about the sudden subject chance but answered nonetheless.
"Tethys? She was doing okay the last I saw her, but I haven't seen her here."
He bit his lip unsure as to what to do with his clearly delirious friend.
"Be honest with me, are you sick or maybe injured?" Ewan leaned forward as if to take Gerik's temperature.
“Ewan, is that you? What are you doing here too?” -Gerik said surprised, yet happy, to see his old friend around.- “Um, how’re you doing? It’s been a long time since I last saw you.” (ooc: yay Ewan! Hi there and welcome to our group!)
“Oh! Gerik! Sure is!” Ewan replied with a grin. “Not really sure how I got here, but I’m glad to see that you’re here too! I’m doing good, what about you? But umm,” He looks a little a confused. “What do you mean ‘it’s been a long time’? I just saw you before I woke up here.”
[ooc: Thanks! Sorry for the wait. I’m new at this. haha.]
Gerik smiled back at Ewan, still with some concern in his look. “I’m glad you’re doing fine, although you’ve been whisked up here too. Eh, that seems to be a common problem around this island, but I’m alright at the moment. Trying to make a living and hopefully get back to Magvel sometime…”
The hero tilted his head and expressed a confused look. “Just saw me before waking up here? What do you mean? I haven’t seen you since the war ended about a year ago; you went on to travel around the continent.” Did I really see Ewan the other day and didn’t notice him? What is going on here? 
“Oh, that reminds me, how’s your sister? Is she here too?,” asked Gerik. The surprise of finding Ewan in this remote island almost made him forget about Tethys. Not sure how she’d take me forgetting to ask about her. 
(ooc: Hi Ewan from the past, meet Gerik from the future! hehe moving this to post form so we can talk more easily. And no worries there, feel free to ask if you have any questions.)
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ewan stretched and decided to start exploring the area to see what he could find. He picked a direction at random, going away from the cliff of course, and starting walking. 
After a while he spotted two cloaked figures in distance. His curiosity peaked he changed directions and headed towards them, taking the time to observe them before they noticed him. They both looked older than him, but young enough to take him seriously. One looked like he might be a shaman, wearing dark robes like Knoll, but he didn't look half as depressing as him.
"I mean, I like Knoll, he's nice, but wow what a downer!" Ewan mumbled to himself.
The other looked familiar, was that Lute? Oh. No. That was definitely not a Lute, he was male for one. He winced and quietly agreed to never tell her that he mistook a guy for her; she likely would set his shorts on fire... again. Something about seeing if she could control the temperature of her fire spell; personally he just thought she didn't like him. He did put a spider in her hood so he supposed that was fair.
"As insulting as it is, I'm glad that she doesn't consider me a threat to her "greatest mage" title. I saw what happened between her and Knoll." He continued to mumble to himself.
The mage he initially mistook for Lute had the same stiff posture, but the hair was the wrong colour and length, as was the robe. He wasn't entirely sure how he had mixed them up. Perhaps he was just hoping to see someone he knew? He seemed friendlier than Lute at any rate, so maybe he could ask for directions or something.
"Hello! I'm a little lost, maybe one of you could help?" He called out, putting on his best 'cute and harmless' look, unsure if they were as friendly as they looked.
Curiosity Entices the Mage
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superpupil-blog · 12 years
"Ewan, is that you? What are you doing here too?" -Gerik said surprised, yet happy, to see his old friend around.- "Um, how're you doing? It's been a long time since I last saw you." (ooc: yay Ewan! Hi there and welcome to our group!)
"Oh! Gerik! Sure is!" Ewan replied with a grin. "Not really sure how I got here, but I'm glad to see that you're here too! I'm doing good, what about you? But umm," He looks a little a confused. "What do you mean 'it's been a long time'? I just saw you before I woke up here."
[ooc: Thanks! Sorry for the wait. I'm new at this. haha.]
0 notes
superpupil-blog · 12 years
Ettavia Open
The smell and sound of the sea were the first things Ewan noticed when he woke. He eyed the jagged mountains and sparsely populated tree line with curiosity; he last remembered heading towards Darkling Woods, how had he gotten here? Furthermore, when had he fallen asleep, the Prince and Princess seemed determined to get there as fast as they could, they hadn't taken a break in a long time. This was strange, yet somehow he found himself getting a little excited; he did like to travel.
He stood up pulling his robe closer to ward off a lingering chill and felt the familiar weight of his tomes in his bag. He looked around wondering if there was anyone else from the army or Gerik's mercenary group here. He frowned, I hope their okay, he wasn't worried about his teacher though, Saleh could take care of himself he knew. Still a familiar face would be nice. No such luck it seemed.
In the distance he spotted a village. The only mountain village he knew of in Magvel was Caer Pelyn. He hadn't seen all of Magvel, but somehow he doubted that he was still there. No sense in worrying about it, let's explore!
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