superscnic-blog · 6 years
ECLAIRE: i mean i was going to offer a double shot of espresso
ECLAIRE: and the pleasure of my dazzling company
ECLAIRE: but i'm reconsidering
KIT: what about an irish coffee
KIT: hair of the dog & all that shit
KIT: pls reconsider reconsidering
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. finn
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finn couldn’t help but roll his eyes, blocking his body from the pillow. “i know your dick is has probably been on every girl’s phone in la at one point. don’t get all shy now,” finn joked. he reacted in fake shock as the joint was snatched from his hand. “my precious bud,” finn dramatically cried out. following the boy out, they ended up in the alley that had copious cigarette butts. joint filters and glass pieces covering the ground. kit and finn could say they were definitely a contributing factor to the mess. he grabbed a lighter from his pocket, passing it off to kit. “i need to find a fucking JOB,” finn groaned in frustration. kit knew of finn’s job troubles and truth be told, finn wouldn’t blame him if he was sick of it. “i was late three times to that froyo place and they fire me? jesus.” he grabbed the joint from kit, inhaling the herb. “anyways, what’s up with you? any new stds?” finn joked.
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'  hey,  i  don't  just  send  dick  pics  to  ANYONE.  only  a  very  select  few.  '  kit  grins,  waggling  his  finger  with  a  smirk.  it  was  the  truth,  his  nude  pictures  had  only  been  sent  to  people  he  knew  well  enough  to  keep  them  private   (  besides  his  drunken,   late-night   grindr  antics  ).  once  outside,  kit  presses  his  back  to  the  wall  as  he  lights  up  the  joint,  taking  a  hit.  '  dude,  why  are  you  so  shit  at  keeping  down  a  job   ?    '  he  can't  help  but  laugh,  his  head  tilting  back  to  rest  against  the  wall.  '  nothing  interesting.  for  once.  i  haven't  got  laid  in  like,  a  WEEK.  maybe  i'm  finally  growing  up...  '
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
ECLAIRE: from the bottom of my heart
ECLAIRE: yikes
KIT: was that supposed to help
KIT: because it didn't
KIT: pity me
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
PRIYA: wow it's a shame u used my bra to dry the floor the other day.
PRIYA: or else i'd help u...
KIT: it was convenient !
KIT: it looked like it had seen better days anyway
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
* / KIT 📲 LINK
LINK: and if i DON'T bring food? 🤔
KIT: i'll die from hunger and a broken heart from the betrayal
KIT: so there'd be no point coming
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
* / KIT 📲 EM
EM: did you... go out without me
EM: how rude
KIT: it would be rude of me to keep the people waiting
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
* / KIT 📲 LINK
LINK: i was LITERALLY just abt to text u and ask to hang out
LINK: ........ thats probably a no-go, then?
LINK: or ... a maybe? ;)
KIT: hmmmmmmmmmmmm
KIT: if u bring food its a yes
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
* / KIT 📲 OPEN
KIT: i have a hangover from hell
KIT: send help
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. rainier‌
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“gross indeed, by dear friend,” rainier agreed, nodding along as the two wandered up the stairs. “‘m definitely not one to kinkshame, but i will… absolutely never understand the whole… pee thing. definitely not my thing,” he chuckled, giving a dramatic shiver. at the description of clem’s day, one of rainier’s arched eyebrows shot up questioningly. “work and… the library? mate, how fuckin’ borin’ can y’ get?” glancing back at the quiet male, the prince pursed his lips slightly. “y’need to get laid ‘r somethin’.”
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he pulls a face at the mention of watersports   ,   and shakes his head in agreement.   he’s not about to get into a conversation about kinks with rainier though.   he’s sure the guy has a fair few from what he’s heard at night.   ‘   the library isn’t boring.   they have some pretty good books available at the minute...   ’   he defends   ,   though he knows he’s probably just making himself sound lamer.   ‘   i   ...   i don’t NEED to get laid.   i mean   ,   i’m not saying i don’t want to but ...   ’   clem could barely remember the last time he’d got any action.   he knew it must have been around a month ago   ,   when he first moved to america   ,   got very drunk and woke up next to a random guy who he’d never seen since.
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. joey
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 A SOFT SMILE is present towards the male .  there was never a reason for her not have one with clem .   joey truly thought he was adorable and a good man - even if the two weren’t very familiar ( yet ) .   ‘ oh - don’t worry about it . ‘ shrugging off the fact that it could be awhile ,  she didn’t feel like leaving the male all alone .  it just didn’t sit well with her .  she lightly chuckles at how he stiffens by her touch .   maybe joey should’ve learned personal SPACE. ‘   i wouldn’t want you to be all alone though .   i mean - you could join me . ‘ she tells him with her asking him in the end .  the redhead was curious as to how the other would react in a exotic setting .  ‘  it’d be alot more FUN than just sitting around waiting . ‘  giving him a reasoning as she looks over at him. 
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he shrugs,   ‘   where were you planning on going   ?   ’   he asks.   he’s torn between accepting the offer or just staying where he is,   until he realizes that it would be RIDICULOUS to choose to stay sat in a stairway instead of joining joey   ---   regardless of what she has in mind.   ‘   am i even dressed okay   ?   ’
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &.  naomi
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‘   sorry for me?   i’m living my best life.   ’   she stated, rolling her eyes when he had bumped into her. finally reaching her floor she walked up to her apartment door.   ‘   if you got laid everyday you wouldn’t know how to act.   you already think you’re so great.   plus i would never hear the end of it.    ’   as she looked into her purse to take out her apartment keys she couldn’t help but laugh. ‘   if you got to say you’re a skilled and passionate lover your are most definitely NOT.   ’
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‘   but i’d be HAPPY,   and that’s the most important thing.   ’   he grins,   placing a hand on his chest.   ‘   uh,   i’m defending my honor   ?   if i wasn’t,   why would i have people hitting me up for rounds 2 and 3   ?   ’    he smiles smugly.   ‘   i’d offer to prove it to you but   ...    bleh.   ’
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
incoming → 𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶
ODESSA: i'm sure you do clem
ODESSA: IF you can even go to sleep
CLEM: oh
CLEM: thank u :(
CLEM: i usually just lie there until i'm exhausted and eventually pass out.... lol
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
i think i have like 2 ( ??? ) more replies to do which i’ll get to in a bit !
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. heath
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           the other’s concerns are reduced to noise that didn’t quite break the barriers of heath’s unwavering focus on the lock. with a couple of jolts to the left, he heard the familiar ‘𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤’ he’d been waiting for, lips curving into a smug flash of pearly whites as he pushes the door open.          “           you always this      …       ANXIOUS ?  i can only imagine how frazzled you’d be had i not walked by           &           saved the day.  𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧’ 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭   you owe me.         ”  a quip. mostly.          “           do i strike you as a  tea drinkin’ bloke ?  beer’ll do me in, thanks. unless you’ve got somethin like APPLE ORCHARD or somethin’. i’d take chamomille tea over THAT shit,        ”          he laughs as he follows clem into his apartment, though reluctant at first until he notices the male doesn’t verbalize any objections over his spontaneous company.          “           i can wait outside while you grab whatever it is you’re plannin’ on bringin’ t’ me, mate.           &           no, i won’t pick the lock t’ get back in.        ”
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he watches with wide eyes as heath eases the door open   ,   somewhat impressed.   ‘   uh.   i mean   ...   kinda   ?   i guess...   ’   he’s slightly taken aback by the comment   ,   and he can feel himself getting flustered.   he often wishes he was less   ...    HIMSELF.   ‘   i didn’t know there was a type of bloke for drinking tea.   everyone drinks tea   ?   ’   (   at least they did back HOME.   )   he steps inside the apartment and expects the other to follow   ,   and he’s almost surprised he doesn’t.   ‘   i don’t mind if you come inside.   probably looks SHIFTY me handing you a beer like that.   though   ,   i guess if anybody just saw the lock-picking they’ve already contacted the police by now.   ’   he smiles softly   ,   a hint of humor to his words.   he holds out the opened bottle to him   ,   ‘   but don’t feel obliged to stay if you have elsewhere to be.   ’
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. naomi
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if there was anyone in the complex who could set off a NERVE on the brunette it was kit.   he knew exactly when and what to say just to tick her off and for that she always found herself arguing with him.   ‘   a personality transplant?   i thought the only reason you talked to me WAS because of my sparkling personality   ,   you must have forgotten.   ’ she stood in front of the elevator   ,   pressing the up button she waited on its arrival.   ‘   wait a second i’m feeling sort of a deja vu moment … wait it’s because this is exactly the same routine you do everyday   ,   you should’ve really tried to squeeze in a shower in that schedule   ,   you know   ,   spice it up.   ’   grabbing the letters from his hand she couldn’t help but laugh at his comment   ,   ‘   jealous of what?   mediocrity?   ’
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‘   nah.   i just feel sorry for you.   ’   he smirks   ,   bumping her lightly with his shoulder.   he enjoyed naomi’s company a LITTLE more than he let on.   ‘   uh   ,   i wish i got laid every day.   that would be the life.   ’   he huffs dreamily   ,   ‘   and i smell amazing anyway   ,   have a whiff.   ’   he leans closer   , lifting his arms with a childish laugh.   ‘   i’ll have you know i’m a passionate and skilled lover.   ’
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &.rainier‌
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“completely fuckin’ exhausting. y’know the drill w’ that,” rainier admitted, letting out a tired chuckle. “‘ad to clean piss off of the floor ‘cause some drunk girl decided ‘at she couldn’t wait in the queue any longer.” the male’s feet dragged as the pair went up the flights of stairs together, rainier all too willing to whine and complain about how his night at the bar went. “what about you? whad’you do today?”
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he scrunches his nose at the detail   ,   '   gross.   ’   he shakes his head.   he never understood how people could completely lose ALL self control the minute they had some alcohol inside them.   ‘   i   ... worked   ,   mostly.   then headed to the library for a while.   nothing as uh   ,   interesting as your day.   ’   he chuckled.   ‘   i just wanna collapse for like   -   a week.   ’
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superscnic-blog · 6 years
*+:。.。 &. joshua
이준수 — closed starter ft. @superscnic !
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they had been absolutely wonderful poems, writings in general, that had graced the notebook in lost and found. joshua had never really taken any interest in any item in the lost and found, but this notebook in particular had sparked his interest. not only because he had spotted a guy walking around earlier that night, hugging it tight to his body, seemingly anxious to leave it out of his sight. which was also why it came as quite the surprise that it was now in the hands of joshua. but also because he - even in the flashing neon light of the night club - had found the stranger somewhat familiar. 
the club owner raised his clenched fist and knocked a few times on the wooden door. surprisingly enough the owner of the book lived in the very same apartment complex as himself. nothing but a few floors down. shameless of him to take it home and read it, he knew that. but the writing was just so beautiful once his eyes had glanced over the first few words.. he hadn’t been able to stop. that, and he had been severely intrigued by the very familiar name written inside of the book. the korean male put on a friendly smile when someone answered the door. “ hi.. are you clement? i’m joshua. i live on the seventh floor. um, you forgot this at my club the other night, “ he held up the notebook for the other.
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clem’s entire day had been chaos   ,   his stomach in knots and his mind racing as he tried to recall where the FUCK he’d left his notebook.   he wasn’t the BEST at keeping things safe   ,   entirely accident-prone   ,   but he never would have imagined he’d lose his most prized possession.   he’s spent most of his day sulking   ,   laying on the sofa acting like the WORLD was ending.   when he hears the knocks at the door he considers ignoring it so he can carry on being miserable in peace   ,   but he manages to force himself to the door.   when he sees WHO it is he almost does a double-take   ;   and nearly passes out when he sees what they’re holding.   he probably looks like he’s seen a ghost   ,   and he can’t tell if he’s gone entirely pale or if he’s blushing.   he slams the door shut before he even knows what he’s doing   ,    taking the moment to BREATHE before he opens it up again a crack.   ‘   i   ,   uh.   yeah.   that’s mine.   ’
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