superthatsoldier · 2 years
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superthatsoldier · 2 years
not to give pirates of the caribbean too much credit but it really is the only major franchise Ive seen that was able to pull off the “historical and mythical exist at the same time” with any sort of success
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superthatsoldier · 2 years
im just built different (unstable)
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superthatsoldier · 2 years
girls night ! first activity is getting buried alive
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
This might be a wasted wish in the era of ultra-expensive, limited-season prestige TV, but as someone who grew up around network shows like Xena, Hercules, The X-Files, and even later shows like Supernatural, The Witcher could really learn from them. The budgets were lower/more spread out, which made some of the effects and action hokey, but what they had on their side was time. Episodes upon episodes in comparison to now. Main characters had a variety of experiences to develop their personalities, relationships, and stories organically; other characters and plots recurred over seasons; callbacks and symbolism were established.
Think of what The Witcher could do in a 22 episode season (I would also gladly take 13 episodes). The show wouldn’t need to rely on destiny as a hammer to make things move at a breakneck speed. The whole plot could breathe, stabilized by subplots. Small choices could pave the way for big choices. Yennefer and Geralt could see each other more than 3 times, making their connection deeper and more believable. Ciri could spend time slowly blossoming at Kaer Morhen. Eskel, even if he dies, could be a person instead of a red shirt. Secondary and guest characters could have their moments to shine without feeling jammed in. There could be monster of the week hunting adventures!!
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
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Looks like meat’s back on the menu boys
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
writers can have a little italicised oh. as a treat
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
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No middle gears in THIS 6000 year slow burn.
They’re both romantics.
Snek Snooch.
Snooch the Snek.
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
GOD I just want to be CREATIVE but all my energy is being used to survive
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
Not to self diagnose but something is wrong
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
the thing is, also... every discussion about Whether The MCU Is Garbage or Is Disney Irredeemably Evil or Has Star Wars Gone On Too Long or Why Does It Feel Like There's Been Just Three Shows On American TV For The Past 3 Decades inevitably ends up at "hey but don't shame people for wanting to have fun and escape the continuous nightmare of late capitalism for 2 hours a night" and like. fair. being effortlessly entertained is a valid desire that deserves to be fulfilled. but the thing is. and I really don't wanna be That Guy but. if you're coming back home from your soul-crushing corporate job into your alienated nuclear household, tired from a busy day of doing some bullshit to make a living, and you feel dead inside, and your idea of escape is to tune into the next installment of something that's not really cinema as much as like, a long serialised commercial for the fast fashion items with the popular character of the month, then I'm sorry bro but you're not really going anywhere. you're not escaping, you're sinking deeper in. and look. it's your god given right to watch schlocky TV and then go read fanfic about it. but if you're wondering why all this dazzling entertainment still leaves you feeling so empty you just wanna scream and scream and scream, then you might actually have an acute case of going too long without consuming any media that has an intent beyond draining your money and time and a formula beyond regurgitating what sold best last year
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
I can fix him [drill sound] [screaming] [chainsaw revving]
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
writing can’t be that hard. all it is is just putting words in front of each other, right?
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
we need more female characters who are deadbeat losers
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
is anyone else like....... exhausted? just way too tired? mentally and physically? and you look at other people your age who seem to be doing fine and you feel so dysfunctional and broken because normal adult tasks and responsibilities just feel way too overwhelming and you can’t cope and
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superthatsoldier · 3 years
no more recovery im going to walk into the ocean and turn into sea foam
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