superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
You know what? I admit it. I'm not smart enough for AP Biology, Christian enough to be in the church choir, pretty enough to get a date. I not enough. That's all.
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
Cool Questions for Cool People
I know I am nobody's definition of cool, and that's absolutely fine with me, but I like doing question things. It makes me think about myself. 
1: If you were of the opposite gender, what name would you want to have?
If we were going by my reputation, I'd become Sherlock by default. However, if I could choose a name, I'd like to go by Brain or Storm. There is a story behind that. Brain, I honestly looked down the editors list of the poetry review to which I am currently submitting and went with the weirdest name I could find. Storm was an awesome kid in my elementary school who moved away. 
2: If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and why?
I would like to witness the... crap everything I'm thinking of didn't actually happen.... I don't know, seeing the inventor's reaction when they invented sticky notes would be pretty awesome. 
3: What kind of sandwich best describes your personality?
I think my normal Subway order expresses me best. I order a ham on wheat with lettuce, American cheese, and extra pickles. It's a pretty straight up sandwich. You don't know why its awesome, but you know it tastes good. 
4: If your crush or significant other were to turn in to a ferret, what would you do? Would you still like/love them?
I am currently on hiatus from romance, but I would still love a guy if he turned into a ferret. I'd make sure he had a loving home. 
5: If you became dictator of your country, and you can enact one law that could not be repealed once you are forcibly removed from office, what would that law be?
Due Care of Internet Posting
If a citizen of the United States misspells a word or fails to use correct grammar in any internet communication, the communication in question shall be deleted and the violator will be subject to a grammar re-training course. 
(If you want me to elaborate on that, message me.) 
6: What is your opinion of Canada?
Canadians are the kindest people I have come across in a while. Kudos to Canada, their hockey, beer and peculiar bacon. 
7: What is your spirit animal?
I score equally with crow and owl. So, I can definitely fly. The quiz I took says:
As a Crow, you are analytical, adaptable, and exceedingly clever. You like solving problems, sharing a hearty laugh with friends, and most of all, enjoying a good meal. Your inquisitive, philosophical nature leads you to constantly question authority and the status quo, sometimes just for the sake of asking, "Why?" 
as well as 
Owls are keen, perceptive and skeptical. You're adept at getting to the truth, making you an ideal investigator or attorney. Your insights into the less honorable side of human nature can make you a bit cynical, but your numerous friends appreciate the dark sense of humor it brings.
  8: If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?
I would like to choose Green. I capitalize it because I live in Greene County in Greeneville, so I'm used to it. That being said, my high school colors, are... green. 
9: What was the last movie you chose not to watch?
Yesterday evening I chose to watch The Love Bug, which meant I simultaneously chose not to watch Les Miserables, Pitch Perfect, and Planes.
10: If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
I live on a ginseng farm, so I'd probably go for that. 
11: What do you miss the most?
I miss when none of my friends cared about guys and we honestly thought we could move in together after high school and have a thousand cats. Now, I am the only one of my friends that is not seeing someone or talking to someone in a romantic manner. 
12: What is your favorite sequel film?
Lion King 1 1/2. 
13: Rural area, small town, suburb, or big city?
City, please. I've lived in suburbs for the first 13 years of my life, and it's terrible. I've lived in a small town for 3 years, and I'm sick of the bickering and gossip, and we're close enough to a rural area. Our school gets the rural area grant. 
14: What's your favorite branch of the military?
I'd prefer the Navy, because that's where many alumni from my school go and where I would have went were it not for issues in my past. 
15: What year of school was best for you?
So far, sophomore year has taken the cake. I took too many challenging classes this year (senior), and I'm really regretting it. 
16: What is your favorite month, excluding whichever month contains your birthday?
I'm going with December, because you forgot to exclude Christmas. 
17: What is your favorite type of pie?
Whatever my mom makes is fine.
18: Do you enjoy being single?
I enjoy being single when I have single friends. Then its a blast, but everyone is talking to someone right now. 
19: Do you prefer rivers, lakes, or oceans?
I prefer oceans because it feels like the world is right there with you. That water could've been in Africa. 
20: If you had to have one feature on your body changed to a canine version of said feature, what would you choose?
I'd like dog ears, simply because I'd like to have one ear go up and one flop like my neighbor's dog. 
21: What is your favorite font?
I'm currently on a Baskerville kick. Aside from the obvious fond associations, it is very clear, yet sophisticated. It is also very easy to read. 
22: What is the highest number of cats you can imagine yourself owning?
That's infinite. If the cats in my house were a population,  like we study in biology, it would have an exponential growth pattern. 
23: What was your last date like?
I have not had a date since December of 2012. I honestly do not remember. 
24: Who are you?
I am the walrus, Sherlock Holmes, the Doctor, the Impala, and your worst nightmare. 
25: What is your least favorite illicit substance?
Considering I have never taken any, I will stick with pot for now. My reasoning is that if the leaf is displayed on UT transit, it has to be doing something right. 
26: What is your opinion on 80's music?
It's okay. Our Dessert and a Show last year was 80's themed, so there's actually some cool stuff there. Livin' on a Prayer- Bon Jovi and Jump- Van Halen would be my favorites from the DNS set. (My picture is from said DNS) 
27: If you could add something to the high school curriculum, what would you add?
I would add a common sense test that each 8th grader had to take before being allowed to register for high school. 
28: What is your favorite album artwork?
That's a hard question, but Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a very interesting cover. 
29: What is your favorite non-social networking website?
Ultimate Guitar Tabs 
30: What is your favorite boy band?
The Beatles
31: What is your least favorite casual dining establishment?
A certain Hardees 
32: You are allowed one beverage and one candy for the rest of your life. What would you choose?
Lemonade and Bottlecaps 
33: If you had to be stranded somewhere on Earth, miles from civilization, what biome would you choose and why?
Temperate Broadleaf Forest. I live in one, so I would know how to survive 
34: What is your preferred projectile?
4.23 m/s-1 
35: You have inherited a nightclub in a major city. What modifications would you make to it?
I'd make it into a book store. I'm for intelligence, not whoredom. 
36: What have you done recently to dismantle the patriarchy?
I spent the majority of last night trying to solve a peculiar, real-life mystery. 
37: What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?
I didn't like We Can't Stop (Miley Cyrus) anyways, but since the twerking incident, it has been very overplayed. 
38: What is your favorite piece of clothing?
My jeans are great. 
39: What was the most awkward moment of your romantic history?
When I accidentally kicked my previous boyfriend in the nuts, it was very awkward. 
40: What brought you to Tumblr?
A break up and a very good friend. 
41: What product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?
I find medical care overpriced. 
42: Why did you send the last anonymous Tumblr message you sent?
I haven't sent one yet.
43: Who is your favorite one-hit wonder of the last twenty years?
Pat Benatar was probably more than twenty years ago, but she's still my favorite. 
44: How many people, outside of your immediate family, do you know the birthdays of by heart?
getthesaltat221bdoctor and my cousin 
45: What is your favorite speech?
It isn't published, but I prefer the one my chorus teacher gave the women's choir about not being a whore. 
46: What is your least favorite song from your favorite musical?
Some people will want to murder me for this, but I am not fond of One Day More from Les Miserables. 
47: How do you feel about dating exes?
Just don't do that. It can't turn out well. 
48: What is your favorite vegetable?
I'm partial to okra. 
49: Who is your favorite fictional villain?
I feel like this question is designed to make me appear heartless. I honestly don't like villains. I want the good to win. 
"Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them."
50: What is your favorite police procedural?
I haven't read anything other than Sherlock Holmes and my textbooks for a while, so I'm not sure. (I'm also assuming we're talking about the literary genre) 
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
To my Watson: 
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This is John Watson. He’s adorable, right? 
He’s also maddeningly tricky to write. 
When I started writing Sherlockfic, it was Sherlock who intimidated me, Sherlock I avoided at all costs, for thousands of words, because he seemed like this complex little enigma. But there’s something about Sherlock, once I started writing him, that I found endearingly straightforward. You almost always know where you stand when it comes to Sherlock Holmes. 
It’s John who is the tricky one, John who is so maddeningly unpredictable. He seems so dull and unassuming, but, once you’ve written him, it takes roughly two sentences before you realize exactly why Sherlock is so fixated on him. He could be every adjective in the book, really. He is loyal and devoted but he’s also stubborn and independent. He follows Sherlock—as all Watsons must—and he tries to blend into the shadows cast by that overdramatic coat, but if you’ve spent any time at all thinking about him—and Sherlock has—then he’s really the star of the pairing. He is superhumanly tough, cool and calm under pressure, uncowed and unintimidated, but he is also very comfortably human at the same time, friendly and smiling. He likes to laugh and has a good sense of humor and people like him instinctively but he’s essentially a loner at heart and has few close friends, not that any of his acquaintances—other than Sherlock—would ever really stop to consider that, because John is mainly affable and easy-going and can fool anyone into thinking that he’s the most popular person there is.
Almost every time I write John, he manages to have some reaction, some line of dialogue, that surprises me. He’s so very good at rolling with all of Sherlock’s punches, until the moment when he isn’t anymore, and I don’t think I know that line any more than Sherlock does. 
He’s with Sherlock because Sherlock attracts him irresistibly, exerts a magnetic pull over him, keeping him in orbit—and, again, that’s how Watsons are—but he’s also with Sherlock because he wants to be with Sherlock. And how Martin Freeman embodies that so beautifully has impressed me more and more and more the more I go back to the canon to check up on my John. Sherlock may be an undeniable hurricane-strength force whirling through John’s life but John also chose him. He wasn’t just pushed around by the fate of it all, he likes Sherlock, he likes his life with him, he’s there because he wants to be. 
At least, that’s how I read John Watson. And that’s how I write John Watson. And I like my John, I really do, but it’s taken me several hundred thousand words to figure out what I think Sherlock saw as soon as he looked at him: that it’s John Watson who’s the complicated one. 
I guess that’s why Sherlock’s the genius. 
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
Maybe I do get too attached for people.....
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
why are girls like “oh it’s december i need a boyfriend to keep me warm” no you can buy a coat like the rest of the single people
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
But where's the coffee?
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See More Daily Life Hacks Here
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
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I’m a grade 12 in high school who just happens to wear a K-cup bra. I live a fairly normal high school existence, except for the fact that my bust size often gets me in trouble with teachers, especially female teachers. Now, my school has a uniform that involves a blouse. Being a busty person, I need to undo three buttons in order to have it fit right without it being undone to below my breasts. Even then, it’s a bit of a stretch. There is literally no way to disguise my breasts. Even when I’ve bound them for crossplay, they still look like really large pectoral muscles. I’m also really confident with my body, so I don’t see why I should have to hide what my body looks like at school. So you can imagine how angry it makes me when a teacher pulls me aside and whispers “you need to do your top up,” as if my life depended on it. “You know what? You need to mind your own business,” is what I want to say. Most of my bras don’t push my breasts together that much, anyway, so most of the time, you’ll see my sternum before any cleavage. If you’re so offended by a bone that protects the heart or a whopping whole inch of two bags of fat on either side of it, then I suggest you get a life. The way the neckline of my blouse is cut also covers the centre of my bra (most of the time), and I have to either spread it apart (like in the picture), sit or kneel below someone, or lean forward for anyone to actually see it. Now, notice the little white bow right at the top of the bra’s centre in the picture. Most bras have some little ornamentation there, like a bow or a crystal. I think that’s there in case the bra accidentally peeks out from a shirt or dress; to make it look pretty as opposed to something with a purely industrial purpose. It almost glorifies the sternum and the rest of the bra, which is how I think every inch of someone’s body should be treated. Bras don’t see anything offensive about a bone that shields the heart. Bras are smarter than people.
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to hunt and eat and live a certain way and now we all are forced to live in cement buildings and sit at ur job from 9-5 and u wonder why everyone seems to have a psychological disorder
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
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Mental health pledges by Time to Change Campaign on Flickr.
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
I hate that. Happened yesterday :/
is no one gonna talk about when you wear shorts to a restaurant and you sit in a booth and your lEGS STICK TO THE BOOTH AND YOU GOTTA RIP YOUR FUCKING SKIN OFF TO GET UP
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
The most popular song of the summer is about how consent is boring and women are just animals and they just need a good hard dicking from a real man to sort them out, with a music video featuring empowered men running around in suits while naked women are relegated to literally holding livestock and acting as sex objects and I just do not have the words to express how upset and angry that makes me
Robin Thicke Is An Asshole Douchenozzle Pisslord Fuckerman
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
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The moments that melted our hearts. The stories that changed our souls.
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
Lol! I said that the other day!!!!
Can you imagine a TumblrStore?
a store where you can buy all the things you see in tumblr
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do celebrities count
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
My mom's birthday is tomorrow. I didn't get her anything on purpose. I don't want my present to get to her on her birthday. I have something up my sleeve. 
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
Random act 1: vacuumed floor without being asked for people that hate me that I have to live with
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superwholock-kaz2y5 · 11 years
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Lets keep reblogging this…..She needs to be home with her family…
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