supplychainmang · 20 days
Leveraging Social Media for SMEs’ Success
In today's digital age, establishing a robust online presence is crucial for the success and growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). A well-designed website combined with effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies can significantly impact a business's visibility, credibility, and reach.  We will delve into the key aspects of building an effective online presence for SMEs through thoughtful website design and smart SEO practices.
Importance of a Well-Designed Website
First impression Is the best impression A clean, visually appealing, and user-friendly design can create a positive first impression, capturing visitors' attention and encouraging them to explore further.
User experience (UX) A well-designed website focuses on providing an exceptional user experience. Easy navigation, intuitive layout, quick loading times, and mobile responsiveness all contribute to a seamless browsing experience.
Brand identity A website is an opportunity to convey a brand's personality, values, and unique selling propositions. Consistent branding elements such as logos, colour schemes, and typography create a cohesive and memorable brand identity.
Content presentation Compelling content is the heart of a website. Well-organized content, including high-quality images, informative videos, and engaging text, keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to explore deeper into your products or services.
Role of SEO for SMEs
Keyword optimization Incorporate relevant keywords related to the SMEs’ business and industry into the website's content, titles, headings, and meta descriptions to improve search engine rankings and attract organic traffic.
Quality content Regularly update website with fresh, valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience. Blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos not only provide value to visitors but also enhance website's authority in the eyes of search engines.
Technical SEO Optimize website's technical aspects, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, and proper URL structures. Search engines favour websites that offer a smooth user experience, contributing to higher rankings.
Backlink building Earning quality backlinks from reputable websites in an industry can significantly boost website's authority and search engine rankings. Focus on creating shareable content and building relationships with other businesses and influencers for potential link-building opportunities.
Local SEO For SMEs with a physical presence, local SEO is crucial. Optimize website for local searches by including accurate location information, obtaining customer reviews, and utilizing Google My Business to appear in local search results.
Integrating Website Design and SEO
The synergy between website design and SEO is pivotal for SMEs aiming to establish a strong online presence.
Mobile-friendly design A significant portion of internet users access websites via mobile devices. A mobile-responsive design ensures that the website looks and functions well on various screen sizes, enhancing user experience and positively affecting SEO rankings.
User-focused navigation Intuitive navigation helps visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily. A well-structured menu and clear internal linking contribute to a positive user experience and better SEO.
Visual appeal and content readability Aesthetic design elements and legible typography make content visually appealing and easy to consume. Visitors are more likely to stay on a website that offers a pleasing visual experience, reducing bounce rates and potentially improving search rankings.
Image Optimization Large, unoptimized images can slow down the website's loading times. Properly compress and optimize images to ensure fast loading speeds, which is crucial for both user experience and SEO.
Call-to-Action (CTA) Strategically place CTAs throughout the website to guide visitors towards desired actions, such as signing up for newsletters or making purchases. Well-placed CTAs can improve conversion rates and contribute to a positive user.
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supplychainmang · 3 months
‘Crossing the dock’ Rapidly
When you want to minimize handling and storage time, reduce overall inventory holding costs and improve efficiency in the supply chain, cross docking is the saviour. Companies take advantage of cross-docking to consolidate products from multiple suppliers, break down bulk shipments into smaller lots and reorganize items for efficient delivery to retail stores, fulfilment centres, and customers.
Initially, incoming goods are received at the warehouse or distribution centre where they are usually pre-sorted and labelled for their final destination. Upon arrival, the goods are sorted based on their destination and staging areas are designated for each outbound transportation route or customer. Goods are then moved directly from the receiving dock to the outbound dock without being stored in the warehouse.
By bypassing storage and directly transferring goods from inbound to outbound transportation, cross docking accelerates the order fulfilment process, optimize transportation routes / capacity, and reduce transportation costs.
To make the process accurate and seamless, digital logistics platform can be deployed. Here, the orders can be placed manually or automatically through integration with suppliers' systems via application programming interfaces (APIs). The platform manages inventory in real-time, keeping track of the items available for cross-docking. It monitors stock levels and ensures that the necessary items are available for cross-docking as per the incoming orders.
As goods arrive at the cross-docking facility, they are sorted based on their destinations. The platform helps in managing this process efficiently by providing guidance to warehouse staff on where to place items for consolidation. It generates necessary documentation such as packing lists, shipping labels, and manifests for the consolidated shipments. This ensures that each package is properly labelled and documented for easy tracking and tracing throughout the supply chain.
Once the goods are consolidated, the platform optimizes the routing of shipments based on factors such as delivery deadlines, destination proximity, and carrier availability. The platform facilitates the selection of appropriate carriers based on predefined criteria such as cost, service level agreements (SLAs), and carrier performance. It then books the transportation services with the chosen carriers.
Throughout the transportation process, the real-time tracking and visibility of shipments allows stakeholders to monitor the status of their orders and anticipate any delays or issues proactively. Once the shipments reach their destinations, the platform captures delivery confirmations and feedback from recipients.
Finally, the gathered data from various touchpoints helps to identify trends, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.
However, implementing cross docking requires careful coordination and synchronization of inbound and outbound transportation schedules, as well as efficient sorting and staging processes to ensure timely transfer of goods. Additionally, not all products or industries are suitable for cross docking, as certain goods may require storage or additional processing before being shipped to their final destination.
Cross docking can offer significant benefits for perishable goods, such as food items or flowers, by helping to maintain freshness and reduce waste.  As they have limited shelf life, so minimizing the time spent in storage is crucial to maintaining freshness. Cross docking allows perishable goods to move quickly through the supply chain, reducing the amount of time they spend in storage facilities where they could spoil or degrade.
By evading traditional warehousing processes, it ensures that fresh products arrive at retailers or customers in a timely manner, maximizing shelf life, and quality. Cross docking facilities can implement rigorous quality control measures to ensure that perishable goods meet quality standards before being shipped to customers. Additionally, with proper tracking and monitoring systems in place, it's easier to trace the movement of perishable goods throughout the supply chain.
Cross docking facility can quickly adjust its operations to prioritize the handling and distribution of that product, helping to prevent shortages and minimize waste, if there is a sudden increase in demand for a particular perishable product.
Multiple handling steps can be avoided, minimizing the risk of damage or contamination, helping to preserve the quality and freshness of perishable goods throughout the supply chain. By reducing the number of handling and storage steps, the process helps minimize energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and environmental impact associated with logistics operations.
It is particularly beneficial in industries with fast-moving consumer goods, perishable products, or time-sensitive shipments. By leveraging cross docking strategies, companies can enhance the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of their perishable goods supply chains.
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supplychainmang · 6 months
Lean Manufacturing: Trim Waste, Boost Efficiency
Lean manufacturing is a production philosophy and management approach originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS) created by Taiichi Ohno. The primary goal of lean manufacturing is to eliminate waste and optimize efficiency throughout the entire production process. The term “lean” refers to the idea of minimizing waste while maximizing value for the customer.
Principles of Lean Manufacturing:
Value: Recognize the aspects of the product or service that hold significance for the customer.
Value Stream Mapping: Map the entire value stream for a product or service. Identify every step involved, from raw materials to the customer.
Flow: Ensure a smooth and continuous flow of work through the entire process. Minimize batch sizes and work in progress to prevent bottlenecks.
Pull: Use a pull system to produce only what the customer demands. Avoid overproduction and excess inventory.
Perfection: Continuously strive for perfection by eliminating waste and improving processes.
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement): Implement small, incremental improvements on an ongoing basis.
Just-in-Time (JIT): The strategy of producing and delivering products precisely when they are needed to meet customer demand. Minimize inventory and storage costs.
5S: Sort (Seiri), set in order (Seiton), shine (Seiso), standardize (Seiketsu), and sustain (Shitsuke). A systematic approach to workplace organization for efficiency and continuous improvement.
Single-Piece Flow: Aim for a production system where one product moves through each step of the process at a time. Reduce waiting time and defects.
Standardized Work: Establish standard processes and work instructions. Ensure consistency and identify deviations for improvement.
Visual Management: Use visual aids such as charts, graphs, and signs to communicate information clearly. Facilitates understanding and quick decision-making.
Jidoka (Autonomation): Incorporate automation with a human touch, allowing machines to stop when a defect is detected. Empower workers to stop the production process if they identify a problem.
Benefits of Lean Manufacturing:
Cost Reduction: Eliminating waste leads to cost savings in terms of materials, labour, and time.
Improved Quality: By focusing on value and eliminating defects, the overall quality of products or services is enhanced.
Increased Efficiency: Streamlining processes and reducing waste result in more efficient production.
Shorter Lead Times: The term often leads to faster production cycles, reducing the time it takes to get products to customers.
Flexibility and Responsiveness: Lean systems are more adaptable to changes in customer demand and market conditions.
Space Utilization: Lean principles often lead to a more efficient use of space in production facilities
Why Lean Manufacturing Should Be Adopted?
Competitive Advantage: Lean practices enable companies to respond quickly to customer demands, giving them a competitive edge.
Customer Satisfaction: By delivering high-quality products efficiently, the process helps enhance customer satisfaction.
Resource Optimization: It minimizes waste, making more effective use of resources.
Adaptability to Change: In a rapidly changing business environment, lean manufacturing allows companies to adapt more easily to market fluctuations and evolving customer preferences.
Long-Term Sustainability: The principles of lean manufacturing support long-term sustainability by promoting efficiency and reducing environmental impact.
However, adopting lean manufacturing principles can lead to improved efficiency, reduced costs, increased quality, and a more responsive and adaptable production system, ultimately providing a competitive advantage in the marketplace
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supplychainmang · 6 months
Inside Bonded Warehouses: Trade's Secure Hub
A bonded warehouse is a facility where imported goods can be stored, manipulated, or undergo manufacturing operations without payment of duty. These warehouses are supervised by customs authorities, and they play a crucial role in international trade. Many major ports and logistics hubs have bonded warehouses to support the flow of goods.
There are two kinds of bonded warehouses - wet and dry. Wet bonded warehouses allow for the storage of alcohol and goods that are subject to excise duty, such as tobacco and fuels while dry can store goods subject to customs duty and VAT but not excise duty.
Why bonded warehouses are essential?
Temporary storage without customs duties: When goods arrive in a country, they are typically subject to customs duties and taxes. However, if the goods are moved to a bonded warehouse, they can be stored there without the immediate payment of these duties.
Delayed duty payment: The payment of customs duties is deferred until the goods leave the bonded warehouse. This allows businesses to manage their cash flow more effectively, as they can defer duty payment until the goods are sold or otherwise disposed of.
Value-added services: Bonded warehouses often offer various value-added services, such as labeling, sorting, and repackaging. This allows businesses to customize their products for the local market without incurring customs duties until the modified goods leave the bonded warehouse.
Re-exportation: Goods stored in a bonded warehouse can be re-exported without paying duties if they are shipped to another country. This is beneficial for businesses engaged in international trade and transit.
Duty exemption for certain goods: Some goods, like those intended for manufacturing or processing, may be exempt from customs duties while in a bonded warehouse. This encourages businesses to engage in value-added activities within the host country.
Facilitating trade: Bonded warehouses facilitate international trade by reducing the financial burden on businesses and streamlining customs procedures. They promote efficiency in supply chain management.
Benefits for goods
Cost savings: Businesses can save on immediate duty payments and use the funds for other purposes until the goods are sold.
Flexibility: Bonded warehouses provide flexibility for businesses to adapt to market demands as they can hold and modify inventory without incurring duty costs.
International trade facilitation: Bonded warehouses promote international trade by simplifying customs procedures and encouraging the re-exportation of goods.
Compliance & Regulations
Bonded warehouses play a crucial role in international trade by providing a secure storage facility for goods before they undergo customs clearance.
Documented Goods: Proper documentation of goods is essential for customs purposes. This includes accurate records of the type, quantity, and value of the stored items. Thorough documentation ensures compliance with customs regulations and facilitates the smooth movement of goods through the import/export process.
24/7 security monitoring: The presence of security personnel around the clock adds an extra layer of protection. Security professionals are responsible for monitoring the premises, responding to alarms or suspicious activities, and ensuring the overall safety and integrity of the stored goods.
Detailed assessment and auditing: Bonded warehouses undergo detailed assessments and regular audits to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This not only includes security measures but also involves verifying the accuracy of documentation and adherence to customs procedures.
The specific regulations and the number of bonded warehouses can be found in the customs laws and regulations of each country. It is advisable for businesses involved in international trade to work closely with customs authorities and logistics experts to navigate the complexities of bonded warehousing.
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supplychainmang · 9 months
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supplychainmang · 10 months
Freight Forwarding: Embracing the Digital Era
The global digital freight forwarding market is projected to reach $22.92 billion in 2030, registering a CAGR of 23.1% as per Allied Market Research. Factors such as the expansion of the e-commerce industry and the rise in free trade agreements are giving impetus to this industry.
Freight forwarders have access to a wealth of data, including information about shipments, transport routes, customs requirements, and more, which the carriers often lack. Yet, forwarders are currently struggling to communicate and connect with their partners. The lack of interoperability between systems and inconsistency in data quality and standards is a real challenge for the industry.
To address these challenges, freight forwarders are partnering with technology companies to develop customized TMS solutions that meet their specific needs while also enabling seamless communication and data exchange with their partners.
Digitization in freight forwarding Services involves automating and streamlining the processes in transportation and delivery of goods. The shippers can book their shipments online, eliminating the need for manual booking processes, speeding up the process, reducing errors, and provide real-time tracking and visibility.
As seen during the recent crisis, digital tools can avoid complete business setbacks for MSMEs. Many small businesses, which illustrated their willingness and ability to alter their business survived while others perished.
With Aurobees, SMEs can streamline processes, reducing the time and resources needed to manage freight forwarding. This can result in cost savings for SMEs, who may not have large budgets for shipping. By using our platform, SMEs can automate many manual processes, reducing errors and improving accuracy increasing the efficiency of the supply chain.
Aurobees provides greater visibility into the supply chain, enabling SMEs to track shipments and manage inventory more effectively helping to reduce the risk of delays or disruptions. They can provide real-time updates to customers, improving communication and building stronger relationships.
With our platform, SMEs can foray into new markets by providing access to new shipping routes and logistics providers, increasing sales and grow the business. In order to reduce the time and resources required, Aurobees helps in automating the creation and management of shipping documents, such as bills of lading, commercial invoices, and customs declarations.
For SMEs, digitization can provide real-time tracking and visibility of shipments, allowing shippers to monitor the status of their shipments at all times. It can facilitate compliance with customs regulations by providing automated screening, classification, and declaration processes, resulting in the reduction of delays, fines, and penalties.
Moreover, an SME can also receive valuable insights into shipping data, allowing shippers to optimize their transportation routes, modes of transport, and inventory management.
Overall, digitization in freight forwarding can provide numerous benefits to shippers, including increased efficiency, transparency, compliance, and data analysis. Hence, providing a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
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supplychainmang · 10 months
A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software solution designed to manage and optimize warehouse operations, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping
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supplychainmang · 10 months
How Digitalisation Can Make SME Business Models Viable
Digital tools and platforms have streamlined many business processes in this era, reducing the need for manual work and increasing productivity. This help SMEs save time and money, enabling them to compete more effectively with larger businesses.
By leveraging digital platforms, SMEs can improve their business models and achieve sustainable growth over long term. They can collect and analyze data about their business operations, including customer behavior and preferences, sales patterns, and supply chain performance allowing them to make more informed decisions and optimize business processes.
Adopting Aurobees, a cloud-based storage solution can streamline internal processes and improve efficiency. Thus, SMEs can manage customer data, automate repetitive tasks, track projects, and collaborate with team members, resulting in time and cost savings.
Today, digital platforms enable SMEs to expand their reach beyond local or regional markets. With international shipping and online marketplaces, they can sell products globally, accessing a much larger customer base and potentially increasing revenue.
Our platform offers cost-effective alternatives to traditional business practices. Additionally, digital marketing methods are more effective compared to traditional advertising channels, allowing SMEs to allocate their limited resources more efficiently. In digital marketing, by leveraging tools such as search engine optimization, social media advertising, and email marketing, they can expand their customer base and increase sales.
To achieve the dream of $5-trillion economy, the MSME sector in India needs to part of a bigger picture. Hence, it is important for SMEs to carefully plan and execute their digitalization strategies, considering their specific business needs, target market, and available resources. Embracing digital technologies can help SMEs overcome limitations associated with their size and resources, enabling them to compete in today's digital-driven business landscape. Technology upgradation, innovation and digitisation, if done artistically, could prove to be a revolution for MSMEs in India.
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supplychainmang · 11 months
How SME companies can set digital transformation right
Digital transformation has become a critical issue for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) leaders to remain competitive and relevant in today's ever-evolving business landscape.
Before embarking on a digital transformation initiative, SMEs should evaluate technology solutions that can help bridge the gaps and achieve their business goals by researching and assessing available technology solutions, such as software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based solutions, or any other digital platforms. They should start with quick wins, such as automating data entry, implementing digital signature solutions, or digitising invoices and receipts.
Digital transformation is not just about implementing new technologies; it also requires a cultural shift in the organization. SME companies need to create a culture of innovation where employees are encouraged to experiment, take risks, and learn from failures. They should not just invest in any technology, but in the ones that are most relevant to their business which focuses on streamlining operations, enhancing customer experience, and improve overall business efficiency.
SMEs should involve customers and stakeholders in the digital transformation process to ensure that the solutions they are developing meet their needs and expectations. They need to carefully evaluate the technologies they are considering and choose the ones that are the best fit for their business objectives.
The firms need to develop a long-term plan that can accommodate growth and changing business needs, as well as ensuring that the infrastructure and systems in place can handle the increased demands. It should establish clear metrics for success and regularly measure progress towards those metrics such as monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) and using data analytics to identify areas for improvement.
A successful digital transformation requires a strategic approach, the right investment in technology, a culture of innovation, continuous measurement of success, and flexibility and adaptability. By following these best practices, SMEs can navigate their businesses forward in the digital age. They can build a tech adoption strategy that is tailored to their business goals and needs, resulting in increased efficiency, productivity, and growth.
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supplychainmang · 11 months
Levelling Up Sustainability in Warehousing Operations
The goal of warehouse sustainability is to minimize the negative environmental impact of operations in a warehouse or distribution centre and promote a more sustainable supply chain. By implementing sustainable practices, warehouses can improve their environmental performance, reduce costs, and improve their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.
Warehouse sustainability is the practice of designing, operating, and maintaining a warehouse in an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient manner. This involves reducing waste, conserving energy, using sustainable materials and improving operational processes to reduce their impact on the environment. Additionally, it can also include measures to improve the well-being of workers and reduce the carbon footprint of the supply chain.
Digitization in logistics can have a significant positive impact on sustainability. Adopting a paperless transaction can eliminate the need for physical paper documentation in warehouse operations. This can be achieved by using digital systems such as warehouse management systems (WMS), electronic data interchange (EDI), barcode scanning, and mobile devices. Aurobees’ WMS integrates with other systems such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, providing real-time information and automating tasks including receiving, put-away, picking, packing, and shipping, as well as inventory management, space utilization, and labor management.
Digitization in logistics can help to reduce the amount of paper used, which can lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions and less deforestation. For example, electronic documentation, such as electronic bills of lading and invoices, can replace paper-based processes. It uses barcode scanning for inventory management, and digital record keeping for tracking and reporting.
With our WMS, embracing paperless transactions can give impetus to increased efficiency, improved accuracy, reduced costs, increased transparency, and improved data management. By eliminating paper-based processes, warehouse operations can become more streamlined and automated, leading to better decision-making, improved visibility throughout the supply chain, and reduced errors. Additionally, real-time data and updates can be easily accessed and shared, improving collaboration between departments and streamlining communication.
WMS provides real-time visibility into the inventory, and order status, supports multi-channel fulfillment, automates and streamlines warehouse processes, and helps optimize the use of storage space and resources. Overall, it aims to improve efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction in the storage and distribution of goods.
By going paperless, additionally, digitization can contribute to sustainability in warehouses as below:
Improved transportation efficiency: By using digital tools, logistics providers can optimize their transportation routes and reduce the number of empty miles driven, leading to reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions.
Better inventory management: Digital tools can help companies manage their inventory more efficiently, reducing waste and minimizing the amount of excess stock that needs to be transported and stored.
Digital tools can provide real-time visibility into supply chain operations, allowing companies to identify inefficiencies and areas where they can improve sustainability.
Enhanced visibility and transparency: Digitization can provide greater visibility into the entire supply chain, from raw material sourcing to final delivery. This can help identify inefficiencies and opportunities to reduce waste and emissions.
Increased collaboration and resource sharing: Digital platforms can facilitate collaboration and resource sharing among logistics companies, reducing the need for duplication of resources and improving efficiency.
The best warehouse management software can result in less staff carrying out the essential duties of a warehouse. More can be picked in less time, picking errors can be greatly reduced and orders can be fulfilled swiftly. Overall, digitization can help reduce the environmental impact of the industry while also increasing efficiency and improving customer service.
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supplychainmang · 1 year
Aurobees | Supply chain and financing platform for SMEs
Aurobees is a platform designed for small and medium enterprises dealing with multimodal transportation. We cater to the industries such as Freight Forwarding, Warehousing, E-commerce Fulfilment, Transportation, Manufacturing, Trading, and Distribution.
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supplychainmang · 1 year
Digitalising Supply Chains to Unlock Trade Inefficiencies
During the pandemic, countless supply chains have been crippled around the world due to their outdated systems. Traceability falls apart when certain aspects of the network have to be forcefully shut down due to unprecedented events. Many processes that revolve around deliveries still run with a face-to-face, paper-based signature. Thus, using a digital approach can eliminate the need for face-to-face interactions, improving business both during and after Covid-19.
In line with the government’s agenda of bringing down logistics cost to GDP to 8% by 2030 from the current 14%, Aurobees is participating to uplift and transform the way SMEs work. As SMEs lack the bandwidth to acquire the required working capital and compete with established industry players, Aurobees platform ensures them a complete makeover for their business by creating a website, webstore and establishing their footprint in the right marketplace. It enhances business automation by providing end-to-end supply chain fulfilment from order management, B2B /B2C warehousing and last-mile distribution.
When looking to improve a business’ supply chain, there are several digitalisation options available to help automate each step in this process. Before digitalisation, every step in the supply chain had to be performed manually, as very little was able to be tracked digitally.
The increasing adoption of Industry 4.0 continues to sweep across the world bringing never-seen-before innovative technologies that can completely transform the operations of a supply chain network, company, or procurement process.
The supply chain is demanding digitisation across all industry verticals, including manufacturing, retail, food, and beverage, energy, medical devices, and healthcare.
Supply chains have generated a lot of data over the years, but this has not been analysed to determine its real value. Now, with supply chain databases, analytics is a must. This will help reduce congestion and speed up decision-making, transforming the supply chain by optimising resources and making systems more efficient.
But the story is different for SMEs. As per the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, India has more than 7.9 million MSMEs, which will be the major contributor to the country’s success stories. The government in July 2021 announced the inclusion of retail and wholesale traders as MSMEs to strengthen the sector and boost economic growth. Giving more vent to the sector, in the same year in November, the government launched the Special Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (SCLCSS) for the services sector. This scheme will help enterprises in the services sector meet various technological requirements.
Along similar lines, Aurobees’ Business Payments Platform (BPP) facilitates invoice financing and commercial card payment, a form of short-term borrowing to the customers, shortening the days’ sales outstanding. The platform facilitates businesses to collect cash immediately without waiting for the customers to pay against the amount due on invoices issued which keeps working capital stable. Thus, avoiding credit and cash flow problems.
Healthy deliberations among policymakers and industry players on revitalising India’s logistics industry are much needed to enhance its contribution to the economic growth potential of the country. The performance of the logistics sector in India has never been more compelling. A robust logistics sector can go a long way in boosting India’s quest for being a manufacturing giant given initiatives like ‘Make in India’. Increasingly, companies across the world are looking at the world for a unified production base and a market that a competitive logistics sector can successfully tap into.
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