supraoteempaol · 6 years
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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Ancient Civilizations: Lost & Found character design by Silviu Sadoschi
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjay_Gandhi&ved=2ahUKEwjAxp6ixKjbAhVHuo8KHXFbA-oQFjAVegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw3F1lXOm3NETHarngtWoX2B ******************************** #What he was and what he was not — is a subject which will be debated heavily ? # Ignorance is the cause of many believes — it may be for / against. # Belief without reason is blind faith — the drawback / demise of every entity; be it leader / common man / religion / culture / humanity / civilization / language / status / education / … … … etc. # His inexperience made him rash to the people. # He is gone and let him go. # BUT I DO APPEAL TO THE POPULATION OF AKHAND BHARAT — a victim of 1300 yrs of foreign rule and before that inhuman exploitation of the forced bonding of doing the occupation one’s father does; in respective of language / religion / culture / colour / monetary divide / social status. # If one observes the Middle East regions, why there is less population? # One can not conclude that the males & females in those regions are infertile ! # The population, there, got the good teachers who gave them the right meaning of QURAN as compared to other parts of the world. # The books which have golden words from great humans like KRISHNA, BUDDHA, MAHAVIR, MUHAMMAD, JESUS, NANAK & others are first to be understand but never crammed. ******************************** ### ••• Education to earn money is a necessity as well as the education to be a good human is never less than the former. ••• A couple should produce that much children to whom they can feed properly, educate properly, care properly, love properly … … … ••• Plantation is a necessity. No other living entities harm the plant life except the huge population of humans and to some extent scientific development which supports the huge population of humans. ••• Eradication of exploitation by males over hapless females and vice versa is very meaningful and foremost. ••• To realise the fact that surnames / titles / profession is never a binding and hence should be abolished under the law. * They are related to profession / education and sometimes donated/bestowed by the entity in power. •••### ******************************** ### ITS A FIGHT AGAINST THE MINDSET; be it own or others; be it between friends or enemies; be it with elders or juniors; be it with educated or uneducated; be it with religious or unreligious customs; be it against rich or poor; be it for exploited or exploiters; ………. be it between any entity OR within any entity. ### LIFE IS A TOUGH JOB and it sinks into the soul when it stands before the SUPREME ENERGY after the soul exists from its life form. # Of course, LIFE IS A TOUGH JOB and SUPREME ENERGY never takes birth. # A fallacy had crept into & is killing SANATAN DHARMA. # My thoughts dedicated to the SUPREME ENERGY; it’s simple words from no one like me; it’s not worthwhile but I should put my best and learn with reasons BUT NEVER CRAM #— Supraoteem Paol ( UIDAI - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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●The SUPREME POWER never have any form of Emotions. ●It never spares the truest saintly humans. ●It is laughable when unwise behaves that they can play with the SUPREME POWER. ●PUNISHMENT followed by REPENTANCE for any type of SIN but THIS never meshes with GOODNESS a human earns ~ "2" DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS # Please REMEMBER ---> the "goodness", the SUPREME POWER understands, which most of the times DO NOT SYNCHRONISES with the humans. ●I again repeat ->》it's laughable when the unwise thinks it can play with the SUPREME POWER. ●It's always a fight between the evil and it's opposite _ within self _ within family _ within society _ within the living domain _ within the after- life domain. - Supraoteem Paol ( UIDAI - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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… ●I TRUSTED HIM … ●HE DID NOT FAIL ME … ●HIS INNOCENCE FAILED ME … ●Can the people of the country asked the government ? — What is the true estimate value ( in the year 2018 ) of all the scams that happened in our truncated BHARAT since 15 august, 1947 ? — How many are undergoing legal punishment for all these scams ? — Who are the persons behind the murder of HAREN PANDYA, AARUSHI TALWAR, HEMANT KARKARE, LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI … to name few ? Why the lives of such persons went off in unnormal / unnatural circumstances - SANJAY GANDHI, HIMANSHU ROY, RIZWANUR, SHYAMAPROSAD MUKHERJEE, ABDUL KARIM TELGI, HARSHAD MEHTA, SUNANDA PUSHKAR … to name few ? On paper 》 suicide / accident / terrorist attack / medical problems etc but VERY VERY SHADY IN NATURE depending on the circumstances and whom they were ? ●" AKHAND BHARAT “ is not a comedy which will happen without CORRUPTION BEING ELIMINATED. ●The level of monetary & administrative corruption is directly related to the no of corrupt people in law enforcing agencies which includes the armed forces. ●If the reality of BLAST 06 SYNDICATE is hard to grasp because of innocence but for the previous statement, it should not be - ” NO THANK YOU “. - Supraoteem Paol ( UIDAI - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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●The RELATIONSHIP can not be what it was in PAST but the OBJECTIVE can be achieved. ●LET US BE MINIMUM TO TRUTH. ●It is not the SEAT OF GOVERNANCE but it is cleaning the DIRT whether in MIND / HEART / SOCIETY / truncated MOTHERLAND / any sphere OFFSPRING OF THE SOIL's endeavour. ●HIS SAGA ENDED AS " a failed effort ... ". ●IT'S OVER. ■•■•■•■•■•■•■ ●The biggest loss of 21st century is the loss of the 'original & real' NARENDRA MODI. ●His mind, His self, His vision, His hardwork, His intelligence, His wisdom . . . etc are not in ??? but the ILLUSION created by some WRONG ENTITIES.■•■•■•■•■•■•■ ●" They know he stays, it's end for them. " ●BLAST 06 SYNDICATE IS A REALITY - a fact which the PM / CITIZEN / LEADER / POLITICIAN / ... NARENDRA MODI failed to realise _ _ _ ●The fact that such syndicate exists. - Supraoteem Paol ( aadhaar no - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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We each need to find our own inspiration, Kiki. Sometimes it’s not easy. Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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literature posters ≡ we are the ants, shaun david hutcherson
“The universe may forget us, but our light will brighten the darkness for eons after we’ve departed this world. The universe may forget us, but it can’t forget us until we’re gone, and we’re still here, our futures still unwritten. We can choose to sit on our ass and wait for the end, or we can live right now. We can march to the edge of the void and scream in defiance. Yell out for all to hear that we do matter. That we are still here, living our absurd…lives, and nothing can take that away from us. Not rogue comets, not black holes, not the heat death of the universe. We may not get to choose how we die, but we can choose how we live. The universe may forget us, but it doesn’t matter. Because we are the ants, and we’ll keep marching on.”
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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# ▪It was a master strike on behalf of blast 06 sync to put me in VARDHAMAN HEIGHTS. ▪I again do suspect that VISHAL TUPE is not a property dealer because as I was moving through the deeds of transfer of sale of flat I saw that in the signatory section there as the name of one of the signatory there is DINESH JADHAV.  ### ▪▪▪ deeds of VISHAL TUPE : --- ▪he diverted me from Raj ... construction to this VARDHAMAN heights. --- ▪He and MANDE g showed me a flat which was mid way in the apartment - not the top most floor. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the flat I am going to get. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the biggest flat of in the apartment. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE conveyed to me that the GORPORE g was a influential BJP person in badlapur; he also said corporate or some post. --- ▪They give me the top most flat. --- ▪Blast 06 sync which is operated by a group of unwanted characters in LAW ENFORCING AGENCIES do have some members staying in this VARDHAMAN HEIGHTS. --- ▪The main players of this drama in vardhaman heights stay in D block of this apartment. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE promised the flat in 21 lakhs including the registration fees and brokerage. --- ▪In the next meeting, VISHAL TUPE produced his associate DINESH JADAV who demanded the commission. --- ▪I argued with them but then one can not draw back the lines. --- ▪VISHAL TUPE said this is the biggest flat in the apartment - 1bhk flat. ▪On the contrary, all the flats are of same size - only one flat was big which on discussion ( 1 month back ) MANDE g said is a 2 room flat. ▪That may be but you can not deny that you showed me a flat in between the apartment. --- ▪One the 1st day, I was toying how much a person VISHAL TUPE was - just a brainwashed local property dealer / more from the blast 06 syndicate. --- ▪while telling little bit of what happened to me including the attempt to murder me on 3rd Jan, 2001 - ASHOK KUMAR SINGH, AMIT AGGARWAL & CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH and all of them linking their daughters to me and the intelligent ploy of blast 06 syn ( CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH ) to get married to my own brother - because brainwashing of my family and social circle becomes very much comfortable. ▪Ayesha & Iqbal do came out of my mouth and the "made up story / real story" of Malwan did I speak up.  --- ▪As I enquired that it's MALWAN / MALHORE; he said it's MALWAN. --- ▪I said I will go there. VISHAL TUPE said - "YOU WILL GO THERE ALSO"  --- the tone, the voice etc told me that he was not a person who was briefed for few hours or brainwashed for few days. --- ▪Check it out VISHAL TUPE is connected to that part of law enforcing agencies which forms the blast 06 syn ~ by job or by profession or through any type of relation. --- ▪MANDE g''s behaviour was very peculiar - he happens to be an important part of the GORPORE circle and he did not utter a word. His behaviour showed that he was briefed an introduction about me. The 1st day. --- ▪Please do not forget that at Raj ... constructions the lady gestured VISHAL TUPE and VISHAL TUPE started changing his tune .... all had been emailed to you respected people; and the hand gesture by GOPAL SINGH etc. ▪And also the youth whom VISHAL TUPE briefed before bringing me to the GORPORE g' office - undoubtedly, he was brother of JEETU GORPORE - cousin / real. --- ▪as the incident folded out; after I knew the top most flat was sold > I was in confusion that the key of the drama was in whose hands > VISHAL TUPE / the youth at the hotel. --- ▪It was VISHAL TUPE who manipulated the youth and then JEETU GORPORE said you will take the flat or not ? > 1 / 2 such lines which startled me. --- ▪I also conclude that MANDE g and the GORPORE g do think that CHANDRASHEKAR GHOSH is my well wisher - had he been seen then he would have directly contacted me and my mother PRATIMA PAL would not have kept her mouth mum when I told her that it was attempt to murder on 3rd Jan, 2001 by the persons mentioned & the wife of my own brother SHUBHROPRATIM PAL is a relative of GHOSH. --- ▪Beside this, one day VISHAL TUPE told me my friend live there in A apartment; she is marathi.She is married / have kids / whatever is the position but SHE DID THE YAWNING SIGNAL DIRECTED AT ME - 2 / 3 times. She stays in 6th floor. --- ▪You have few unwanted dirty creatures among law enforcing agencies - THE TRUNCATED MOTHERLAND IS FOR SALE.  --- ▪If I am not wrong the female which was impressed on me as MINAKSHI is younger sister to the degraded female with whom I supposed to have an affair. ▪She got missing from the badlapur electric office, Ambedkar chowk. ▪I was looking to catch her photograph and send it to you respected people. ▪Another one who might be MINAKSHI whom once I saw in dadar railway  station and doing the finger touching the cheek is the real one. ▪Yesterday, I saw her again at the book store in badlapur from where I bought the calendar - it was late night and I was talking to the shopkeeper and she strolled behind me. ... ON PURPOSE. --- ▪BLAST 06 SYN is run by criminals in law enforcing agencies - to tackle them, one need brains and courage also. --- ▪otherwise my respected PM sahib will never took the initiative to stop SUHAAG sir from going to the court. --- ▪Why these females ( to whom I am being linked to ) and their social circle start shivering in the name of "mutual verbal narco test" - majority I do not know who the he'll they are ? & I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE AFFAIRS WITH THEM.  --- ▪Actually, I should realise that I LIVE IN A LAND WHICH WAS UNDER FOREIGN DOMINANCE FOR 1300 YRS - people living here are less normal humans but behave more like SLAVES; in respective of language / religion / any other human demarcations.  --- ▪I appeal to the fellow citizens of my truncated motherland - PLEASE BEHAVE MORE LIKE SLAVES and less as "SON & DAUGHTER OF SOIL" - you will get hooked up by these pimps left by the bad elements of BRITISH EMPIRE. --- ▪THE HUMANS WHO CAN GAMBLE THEIR DAUGHTERS TO SAVE THEIR DOMINANCE / POWER can do anything for themselves. --- ▪PM sahib and the others to whom I am sending the email and the public should remember that AKHAND BHARAT is being destroyed. ▪I HAVE GIVEN ENOUGH MATERIAL BUT I AM FORGETTING you respected leaders are leaders of SLAVES so you respect people can not act as "son & daughter of the soil". ▪If you did so then the blind people will not vote for you.   JAI BLAST 06 SYN VANDE BLAST 06 SYN SUPRAOTEEM  PAOL ( aadhaar no - 9870 0323 5720 ) ●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●●□●● this is an email sent to PMO, and few imp leaders of BHARAT calls right wing parties, RPI ( A ); AIMIM; AAP; an actor who AITMC former Rajya sabha member, CPI, CPI (M) main offices. If the public judge the problem on the basis of religion, language, political parties or any other human demarcation - it's gone. 1300 YRS OF SLAVERY IS HAVING ITS PREMIUM EFFECT & DO NOT FORGET THAT INHUMAN EXPLOITATION ON THE WRONG INTERPRETATION OF CASTEISM. The terms written is not an insult to the people or the leaders but it might open up the sleeping people in public or in any organisations.
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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Welcome to the domain of "ETHICS, PRINCIPLES, JUSTICE and TRUTH" - it's a treacherous domain ---defination varies from 'time to time' # 'place to place' # 'culture to culture' # 'religion to religion' # 'political entity to political entity' # 'human to human' # monetary demarcations # linguistic divisions # any human segregation BUT HARDLY THAT ONE WHICH THE "FINAL TRUTH" RECOGNISES - Supraoteem Paol ( aadhaar no - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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—–Once I send it as an example to MNS chief that BLAST 06 syn consists of many divisions; just like TATA group which do have many division’s. The blast 06 syn was throwing a ring around MNS chief so that my hard work goes to drain. I will not be surprised that blast 06 syn used that example to get an opportunity to investigate U and put their propaganda that I sent NON SENSE inf to MNS chief. ●●● Supraoteem Paol ( UIDAI - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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●The suggestion of non profitable hyper-market super-market chain like D - Mart is a serious one. ●Please do not relate it to anything personal of mine. ●The profit going for set - up and running of institutions rendering educational and medical needs of BHARATIYA citizens with less monetary power and in rural areas will be a milestone to follow and easily adopted by other persons who do have the wish & will to stand by others in need. ●"MOKSH" indicates the selfless activities which stands for support to the legal needs of others ~ legal needs never means needs / desires formulated in mind. ●It is not entering into competitions with others. ●IT'S A DESIRE FREE CONTRIBUTION TO THE REVOLUTION WHICH "AKHAND BHARAT" NEEDS. ● - Supraoteem Paol ( UIDAI - 9870 0323 5720 )
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supraoteempaol · 6 years
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‘The Apparition’. James Tissot.
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