surface-concept · 5 days
Are Israeli people just…not allowed to make art anymore? Or just exist?
Boycotting Eurovision is a ridiculous way to “support” Palestine. Maybe people can be from a certain place without supporting everything their government has ever done. Some people are just from Israel. Racism won’t save Palestinian lives.
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Remember your daily click!
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surface-concept · 5 days
Terrorist state? Genocide? COLONIZATION?
I swear sometimes I think I’m talking about a different country than you guys. Israel is committing terrible violence that I personally don’t agree with. But they have never been trying to wipe out Palestinian people. They have been using resources to send aid into Gaza, something unheard of in war! This does not excuse the violence, but is that the actions of a group trying to commit a genocide? NO!
And this isn’t an issue of colonization. Jewish people have been torn away from their homes for nearly all of history. And after the literal genocide of Jewish people, when Britain gave the Jewish people land that they’ve been taken from, they’re COLONIZERS?? My god you think they chose to leave their homeland? You think they chose to leave Europe?? They were killed in every place they went!
people have been calling this portrait very befitting considering the amount of blood on the british empire's hands, and i absolutely agree (i also don't want to know how much this was commissioned for because i think of how many British people are struggling with food and fuel poverty):
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[photo: @/WorldTimesWT with caption "Britain's King Charles unveiled the first official portrait of himself since his coronation last May." May 14, 2024.]
in one direct action response to the portrait's reveal, Palestine Action activists did this:
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never forget the British royals' support for a terrorist state -Israel, and never forget that king colonizer has personally voiced support for the bombing and genociding of Palestinian people.
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surface-concept · 19 days
I understand why people are criticizing Israel right now, but publicly shaming ANY Israeli person? That’s not in any way helping Palestinian people and is only being openly racist. She is a musician, a singer, not a representative for the Israeli military. It’s ridiculous how people are shaming anyone Israeli or even Jewish now as if that’s okay. She was extremely brave for preforming in the face of everything. It doesn’t matter your political opinions - racism is not how you share your views.
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surface-concept · 1 month
the trainful travellerrrrrrrr
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surface-concept · 1 month
Power lines and wind turbines battle it out for angelic status
@electricalpylon <3
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surface-concept · 1 month
Do you remember how we used to run
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surface-concept · 1 month
But we recover
when I eat a bacon egg and cheese I feel like a disney princess to whom animals flock, singing and bearing gifts, in this case those animals being a cow chicken and pig, the cow brings me milk wgich it turns into cheese, the chicken brings its eggs in a pretty little basket, and the pig kills itself which usually brings the mood down a little bit for like a moment but we recover
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surface-concept · 1 month
if society actually cared about autistic people they'd give me a microphone and let me talk to a crowd i held hostage about the transgender and anti-capitalist messaging of the children's game Sneaky Sasquatch, particularly in the final storyline chapter of the game, which revolves heavily around identity, secrecy, friendship, and acceptance, but they really can't stand to see a guy win and anyway what i'm saying is society sucks
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