surfacescldier · 8 years
She paused upon hearing his words. They rang in her ears, rendering her speechless. For a brief moment in time, he was the only thing she could she. The only thing she could feel… The previous feeling returned with much more force than it had before, taking over her whole body. Curly felt warm…safe…
Coming back to reality, after what seemed like forever, she smiled. Curly brushed some stray hairs from her face and turned back to face Quote. 
“You’re…welcome…heh…you know I’ve always got your back!!”
Not that Quote put too much value in his life... but if there was anyone he’d put it in expecting to keep it safe, it was Curly. Just talking to her in that moment, Quote felt safe. He normally did... a sort of safeness he didn’t have with anyone else.
It made him happy, to say the least.
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“ ... Of course. And it’s the same from me... we’re a team, after all. ”
Quote didn’t believe in himself. At all... but Curly was his partner. And their capabilities as a team... even he could feel confident about that. ... It was no wonder he had these feelings for her. 
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surfacescldier · 8 years
He gave a soft nod at the second statement she had to say, with the intent to take that understanding and leave it at that. Right... she was his partner. His friend. He knew her - of course she would be there for him.
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But still... he could see that look on her face. A certain cadence to her voice... and a general reaction he could tell she was trying to keep for herself. Unlike him, she was expressive - she wore her heart on her sleeve. He could see the little things showing how disconcerted she was after what she said. Was there something wrong? Curly was naturally caring, about him and others. She didn’t see anything wrong... yet she seemed off-put.
“ ... ”
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Despite there not being much shown in his face, he directs a bit more attention to her, squeezing the hand of hers he held just a little tighter. His face gave its usual calm expression... but it was soft. A soft, gentle look toward her. As well as he could, at least.
“ ... Thank you, Curly. I’m... happy I can count on you. ”
“Okay, if you’re so sure! …” Awkward silence followed. What more could she say? …Was there anything more to say? Curly let out a breath, and turned slightly to face him.
“…I’ll still be there if you do need me.” 
It came out in a more worried and nervous tone than she had wanted. Without saying another word, she turned back forward and continued walking. 
Ugh! Curly screamed at herself from inside her mind. Why did she say that?! That is not helping the current situation! She sucked her cheeks in, trying to hide the heated feeling that rose to them. Couldn’t she have let a joke be a joke?
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surfacescldier · 8 years
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“ Actions speak louder than words,
                                     So don’t think my silence
                                                             means I have nothing to say. ”
                                     Independent Quote RP blog | Written by Somari
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surfacescldier · 8 years
quop quop quop!!
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“ ... Quote. ”
At least, he assumed his name was what the Anon was referring to.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
ooc;; *kicks down the door*
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surfacescldier · 8 years
Elrios. Certainly not a place Quote had ever heard of. Though given he’s also never heard of Nasods, that was to be expected. Besides... when it came down to it, there wasn’t a lot Quote knew about the world anyways.
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“ I... see. ”
He took in the information the Nasod in front of him offered, making of it what he could. He certainly knew of magic - he’d seen it first-hand... the primary reason for his existence was to destroy a magical artifact and all, so to believe that there could be a hybrid of that sort wasn’t unreasonable.
And when it came down to it, this... “Nasod” didn’t seem particularly hostile. If anything, it seems she’s eased her attitude somewhat now. She seemed safe. And yet... he had to wonder.
“ What... do Nasods do...? ”
This was an honest question, expressing genuine curiosity more than any sort of suspicion. Human-like androids like himself were rare - nearly all androids he came across had a design more reminiscent of traditional killer robots or the like. So to see an entire separate type of android, with its own name, designed in a similarly-humanlike way (one arguably more human-like than he himself was)... he couldn’t be blamed for his curiosity.
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“…an android?” Well, that got her attention. She seems to stare at him for a moment, connecting the dots… before seeming to soften a bit.
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“That isn’t too surprising. I can tell you’re not from Elrios.” She definitely seems a bit more friendly now. “Nasods are… in a way, somewhere between golems and robots. Partially magic-based, partially technology-based. I in particular could be likened to an android, like you.”
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surfacescldier · 8 years
“ ... Nasods? ”
He echoed the word in curiosity, as he pondered what she said. Her name was Eve, that was fine, but... what was a Nasod? ... Certainly nothing human.
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“ I am simply... an android, Eve. ”
Once again, a short answer. It was hard to give more - his voice wasn’t very well-made... and more importantly, he didn’t truly know too much about himself. Curly was the one with all the memories... and even she didn’t have many details on the matter. The most he could say was that he was a battle android sent to the Floating Island to destroy the Demon Crown... but that was both a long and unneeded explanation. Even referring to himself as a battle android could give off the wrong note to the other, considering he wasn’t fighting anymore.
“ ... I’ve never heard... of a Nasod. ”
Once again, simple - but it implied the question. Which was all he needed. There was a lot that was peculiar about this girl... it was nothing like Quote or Curly themselves, who were built with heavy - but malleable - metals, and who were implanted with advanced personality cores... he himself even had a very simple, strained voice chip, clearly added last minute, unlike hers.
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“Hmph. I am Eve, queen of the Nasods.” She seems to be… inspecting Quote. “What are you? You look human, but your readings don’t match any humanoid races I know of.”
The only ‘organic’ signs she seems to give off are her breathing… no heartbeat, high body temperature compared to humans, electrical activity all over her body, a lot of which is concentrated in that orb on her forehead… plus an unusual energy Quote won’t be able to identify.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
“ ... ”
Well, two things confirmed... consciousness, and awareness. Seeing her hop up and demand identification, Quote stood up straight, answering... while still observing, curiously. She didn’t seem to give off any traditional organic vitals...
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“ ... I'm Quote. ”
His answer was short, simple, and got the point across... the method that was easiest for him.
“ ... I wasn’t expecting... anyone... to be out here. Who are you...? ”
His voice was soft, request simple, clearly having the least objectivity between the two of them. He had his weapons, but... he certainly didn’t want to pull them out. He hoped this... newcomer would be the same.
Naturally, since he wasn’t exactly being stealthy, it didn’t take long for Eve to notice Quote. She immediately hops off her ‘seat’, turning towards Quote.
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“…Identify yourself.” A simple demand, as the wind seems to pick up a little.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
“ ... ”
Luckily for Eve, there wasn’t going to be an ambush. But there was going to be a curious fellow android walking through the very same forest.
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“ ...? ”
... He didn’t say anything yet, but he approached the other android curiously, observing. He wasn’t hiding, he was just wondering just who this was.
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Oh look, it’s an Eve, sitting on a random rock in the middle of a forest, silently observing her surroundings.
Feel free to ambush her. Or something.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
It was of course a given that Quote followed Curly without problems. More than anyone, Curly was someone Quote... truly loved doing things of any kind with.
“ ... Hm? ”
Seeing the wink, Quote was able to dismiss it, allowing Quote to keep from taking it too seriously... he gave a soft smile and all. Of course, as mentioned in the past, it couldn’t come naturally, but he put it on regardless, so she would know he understood.
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“ Ah... no, of course not. I’d say... I can save myself just fine. Hm. ”
... Himself. He could save himself.
That was the one person he truly believed he could protect.
Curly felt his hand tighten in hers, and she smiled softly at his action, but said nothing. She had questions she wanted to ask, but decided to save them for a conversation in the Outer Wall. There was one question she did ask, though.
“Are there any dangerous monsters in the Outer Wall that I’d need to save you from?” Curly looked back at him and winked, to show that she was joking. But she didn’t turn back around. She continued facing him, awaiting his answer.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
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surfacescldier · 8 years
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surfacescldier · 8 years
Ah... well, Quote couldn’t tell what that device the girl was holding was, but if it had the map he needed, that would be more than enough.
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He lightly took the N-gear from her hands, looking over the map offered to him carefully. ... And as he did so, one thing was clear.
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“ ... None of this is right. ”
Where was the floating island? The shore around it? The mountain? Nothing looked familiar.
“ ... Are you sure this is the right map? ”
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“Ooh! That I can help with!” And, as the icon implies, out comes the N-Gear. A bt of fiddling later, and she pulls up her map of Gamindustri, now offering the device to Quote. “Here you go!”
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surfacescldier · 8 years
“ ... Ah. ”
He reacted lightly but sincerely as Curly softly took his hand, knocked back into reality at the touch.
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“ Mm... sorry. ”
His hand gently tightened in hers, allowing himself to be pulled along behind Curly. If there was anything that could get him back into focus, it was Curly’s positivity and enthusiasm. He allowed himself to follow along with her to the outer wall.
Even if it wasn’t love... or it at least wasn’t reciprocated (and it was probably for the better that way)... Quote could be satisfied with things the way they were.
Curly smiled at his response and carefully hopped out of her bed, taking care not to injure herself again. She gently took Quote’s hand.
“Ready to go, silly? You’ve been standing there staring at nothing!” She gave him another playful nudge.
Well, there’s no turning back now… But she wouldn’t have to. Curly was confident that she was going to make the right choice by telling him how she felt. There was no way it couldn’t be.
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surfacescldier · 8 years
... Well, she gave up fairly easy. But... of course, Quote wouldn’t complain. He wanted the conflict over, it was over.
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“ ... Directions would be nice. I don’t know... where I am. ”
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“ ... I... don’t have a specific name... for where we live. But... perhaps a world map...? ”
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“Awww, okay…” …wow, she gave up surprisingly easy. “…do you need help with directions, or anything?”
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surfacescldier · 8 years
(( curly-story: I HAT E YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNFOLLOWS YOUR BLOG BYE ))
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ooc;; ...
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ooc;; ... Yeah, they always come back--
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surfacescldier · 8 years
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“Do you think a drowned Curly would make me happier--”
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