Affordable Surrogacy Cost in Ghana: A Complete Guide
How to know the real surrogacy cost in Ghana? It is simple. Now people can know the Surrogacy Cost in Ghana by the World Fertility Services.
World Fertility Services provide a reasonable cost and even give you counselling over it. The second step of surrogacy is usually counselling. In this a professional consultant tries to prepare the couple for the surrogacy process. At the same time they do their best in providing you all the information about the process and the cost.
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The patients have a right to know everything about the cost. Where the money is going to spend? Which procedure has a high cost and a low cost? What is the success rate of this treatment? Everything, they can know everything about this by World Fertility Services.
Below here are some questions and their answers regarding surrogacy.
What is the process of surrogacy in Ghana?
The process of surrogacy in Ghana is like this:
·         Medical Tests – Every surrogacy starts with the medical tests or the couple and the surrogate. This is to understand the issues and body for treatment.
·         Medical Counselling – To prepare the mind of everyone during surrogacy this counselling is important.
·         Legal Contract – If the parents want to have the baby rights hassle free, then they must get a legal contract.
·         Stimulation Process – To increase the growth of ovaries and the strength too, a stimulation injection, doctors give to the female.
·         Gametes Collection – Both the partners’ gametes doctor collect. For the female is it during her ovulation period. For male anytime suitable.
·         Fusion of Gametes – Once the gametes are here doctor will fuse them together in hope of an embryo.
·         Implanting the Surrogate – Through the vagina the embryo, doctors insert into the surrogate. Next is two weeks wait for the pregnancy result.
·         Surrogate Antenatal care – Once the surrogate is pregnant it is the duty of the couples to take care of her. Antenatal care’s all payment is the responsibility of the parents.
·         Delivery of the Baby – After nine months of pregnancy doctor will know which delivery to perform on the surrogate.
Is surrogacy legal in Ghana?
Surrogacy has always been legal in Ghana. There were not any laws before but there are some now. Those laws do not affect surrogacy in Ghana as much. All the government wants is the legal process of parental rights, so that no one can smuggle the baby.
In the laws introduced in year 2021, was the pre-birth certificate and post-birth certificate process. Parents have to get both the certificates from court. If they do not do this then the parental right will naturally go to the surrogate mother.
For the post-birth certificate parents should apply in one month after the delivery of the baby to get the rights.
What is the surrogacy cost in Ghana?
If you want to know the surrogacy cost in Ghana then you are at the right place. World Fertility Services has the most reasonable cost of surrogacy in Ghana.
The surrogacy cost here is USD 35,000 to USD 38,000. This cost can increase with donor eggs and sperm cost. Donor eggs cost is USD 1,000 to USD 1,200 while donor sperm cost is USD 500 to USD 600. Adding this cost in surrogacy cost the total charges will be USD 35,500 to USD 38,600 for donor sperm.
And for donor eggs with surrogacy cost will be USD 36,000 to USD 39,200.
What can affect the surrogacy cost in Ghana?
If you want to know the factors that can affect the surrogacy cost in Ghana, then World Fertility Services provide you this detail. The use of donor eggs and sperm affects the surrogacy cost in Ghana the most.
Additionally, advance treatments are not behind either. Their cost together with the surrogacy cost can increase the price. The surrogate mother cost in Ghana also affects the price. If your surrogacy is not through altruistic surrogacy then the compensation to surrogate will naturally be large.
The legal framework can affect the surrogacy too. Some surrogacy agencies in Ghana will ask a large amount for providing help with legal work. World Fertility Services never does that.
Can you get a cheap surrogacy cost in Ghana?
Getting a cheap surrogacy price in Ghana is impossible. As everyone knows surrogacy is not some minor treatment that only has one procedure. During surrogacy the total attention of the doctors is important, as much as the high technology. If even a single mistake is done the result will be a failure.
Still, World Fertility Services has the most reasonable cost which is fair and affordable both. World Fertility Services wants all of its patients to be able to have the treatment. And only a low price can let them all start with this treatment.
Other than that to get a low price couples should make sure to increase their gametes’ health.
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What types of surrogacy happen in Ghana?
All types of surrogacy people can have in Ghana such as altruistic surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, traditional surrogacy and commercial surrogacy.
In Altruistic surrogacy you can make your family members or a friend your surrogate. There is no need for surrogate compensation.
In commercial surrogacy, the agencies will find a surrogate for you. They will also need surrogate compensation from you.
In Gestational surrogacy, IVF process is used in this surrogacy. Both the parents can have biological relation to the baby.
Traditional surrogacy is not in use nowadays as only the father can have relation with the baby in this.
Is surrogate mother real mother?
Yes, the surrogate mother is the real mother in Ghana. That means the surrogate has the parental right. However the couple do not have to worry. The surrogacy agencies in Ghana will help you in the legal work to have your baby’s parent rights. The legal work is not that hard to fulfil.
After the birth your baby will be all your as soon as you get the post-birth certificate. World Fertility Services will help you in this process. Contact us now through the chat or the number.
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