surunreve-blog · 5 years
“I’m sorry but could you repeat that?”
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“yes, of course. I was asking if you were free tomorrow to grab lunch? i found the cutest cafe the other day when i was walking home from the studio and i think you’d love it.” 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
attina: hey hun
attina: just wanted to let you know that you left your drink tumbler in my car
attina: it's washed whenever you want to pick it up :)
attina: there is also a batch of cookies for you as well, but that's because i made so many
aurora: hey, love! how are you?
aurora: so that's where i left it! and i was about to go out and buy a new one too. you're a life saver!
aurora: attina!!! have i told you lately how much i love you?
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
Nala narrowed their eyes at the other person’s words. “Okay, but do you really think that’s the most helpful thing you could do?”
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aurora paused, momentarily debating her answer before nodding. “yes, i do,” she smiled, “you see, when i’m stuck and don’t know what to do, i bake. it helps me sort out my thoughts, you know. so, if want me help, we’re baking.” 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
the girl preferred gloomy weather as she tucked her oversized shirt that she stole from hook into some shorts, on her way to her next resting spot for the day. the park was usually quiet around this time when she went to visit. sleeping under a tree or just watching the oblivious people would do just fine and since she was planning a bit of a raid tonight and couldn’t do it while she was too tired. rolling up her sleeves, she wandered through the park, leather boots in hand as she quietly minded her own business. that was until she heard a voice from out of ear shot. “uh,” the girl looked strangely at the other. “don’t think you want me to do that.” 
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aurora couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s answer, a curious gaze creeping onto her face. “why not?” she asked, “you don’t even know what i need your help on. c’mon, please? i’ll make it worth your time." 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
A moment of silence passes and leaves Eric with nothing to do but stand still and avoid her gaze. Another moment passes and he can only release a small and quiet sigh as Aurora kneels down back to Max. The dog’s enchanted, tongue sticking out and eyes fixated on her own loving gaze. Traitor, Eric thinks as arms cross against his chest and head tilts to the side. “Can you– ?” He starts, but doesn’t really know how to finish. “I need to get going.”
‘i need to get going’ — the five words echoed in aurora’s mind as she couldn’t help but let out a dry chuckle. “oh, why, of course,” she said, straightening up as blue eyes were pinned on eric. the disappointment in her eyes was present but there was now a hint of anger there. while she’d once been disappointed in him and his decision he made, time had turn that feeling into sadness and anger. for someone with such passion, he turned out to be nothing more than a coward. “wouldn’t want to keep you from busy meeting and important phone calls. heaven forbid the entire barnes empire might fall apart if the almighty heir doesn’t make it on time,” she taunted. 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
It almost happens as if time had slowed down just to make Eric watch in horror as the scene unfolds. Alright, horror might be too strong of a word but the feeling getting a hold of his heartbeat was definitely something close to it. He watches as his four legged creature runs up to the figure. Continues watching as his body gets slightly closer to the scene and her features slowly start to reveal themselves. It’s been a long time since he last saw her golden locks cascading down her back, a long time since he last heard her speak to him in that pretty french. Fate was cruel. With a somewhat cold expression– similar to hers, actually, he nods as he stops before them (keeping a considerable distance still). “ Right, I– I didn’t see it was you, sorry. ” And then he stands there, not sure of what to do next.
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it was a shame ( or maybe a blessing in disguise ) that aurora was too much of a lady, for all she wanted to do was roll her eyes at his response. the fact that he hadn’t seen it was her was more than obvious. she was almost certain he wouldn’t have approached if he’d known it was her. “no kidding,” she quipped almost sarcastically, eyes focused on the once familiar man. she remained quiet for a few seconds with the uncomfortable silence causing her to shift uncomfortably. her eyes falling back to max again, as she knelt back down, petting the dog. “i’ve missed you, my sweetheart. how are you?” she cooed, scratching him behind his ears.
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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marie: ....
marie: no.. i didn't think about it
aurora: i'd ask her. i'm sure she'll know.
aurora: mom's know everything :)
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
flynn had finally gotten off work. it seemed that his shifts were piling up ever since the break up with rapunzel. he had been picking up extra hours to pass the time. it was a distraction more than anything. the park was a quick way to cut across town towards his home, which was only one of the reasons why he frequented it so often. of course, it was also his old stomping grounds for thievery. that was in the past now. nevertheless, the voice calling out towards him caused the male to defensively raise his hands. “what? i didn’t —” he begins, but immediately drops his defensive demeanor. “sure, yeah. i mean…depends on what it is.” 
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“what?” brows furrowed at the man’s reaction as aurora shook her head softly. “i beg your pardon, you didn’t what?” she asked, dismissing the confusion seconds later by his answer. “so i’m trying to come up with a playlist for my class but i’m not sure what would work better, broadway hits or summer favorite’s?”
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
“Not interested,”  Celia said automatically, taking Aurora for a random volunteer trying to get her to sign a petition. However, the clear air and green-ish trees were so nice, that Celia felt bad rejecting someone off-hand like that. “Sorry, uh… what’s this for?” she tried again, attempting a softer smile.
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“oh, okay,” aurora answered, “you have a good day, then.” the blonde smiled, trying to hide the disappointment in her face. unlike the rest of her family, aurora knew better than to keep persisting until she got what she wanted. her eyes lit up a the other changed her mind, the smile on her face growing wider. “really? perfect! i promise this won’t take up a lot of your time. i’m just trying to figure out what the best treat for a classroom full of five and six year old is: chocolate chip cookies, confetti cake pops, or raspberry oat bars?” 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
Berlioz wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on around him. His day has been completely and utterly taken over by a melody that he had had stuck in his head all day; the notes begging to be written down on paper before they were gone forever. Berlioz found that he managed to concentrate better in the open air, he was able to see and feel the music more clearly. Which is how he ended up in the park, his pencil rapidly striking the paper and he worked on his latest piece; his head only raising when he heard someone was talking to him. ‘’Hello..’’ Berlioz raised an eyebrow at the other. ‘’Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention; my opinion on what?’’
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a small laugh left aurora’s lips as she shook her head at his answer. “it’s completely fine. with a beautiful day like this one, i wouldn’t be either,” she said, “but i was wondering if i could get your opinion on something real quick?”
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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marie: i remember them last saturday too
marie: and i swore i put them in the jewelry box mama got me but now they're gone
aurora: did you ask your mama if maybe she took them or has seen them?
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
Let me set the scene: The sun is out, the streets of Carthay are beautiful as ever. There’s a music in the air, or perhaps maybe just in Eric’s head– His eyes wander up to the sky with a big smile on his face, and then they lower themselves straight ahead… and widen in horror. A big mass of white and grey hair charges forward towards an innocent and probably unsuspecting soon-to-be victim ( his eyes can’t recognize a face just yet ). “ Max! ” He yells immediately. Eric squeezes his eyes shut, regretting his decision of never putting a leash on his giant dog and then sprints forward towards the soon-to-be crime scene “ He’s harmless, I promise! ”.
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 the warning comes almost a second too late as the dog pounces on her causing aurora to stumble back a few steps. it takes her a second to place the dog, then the man, before realizing the uncomfortable situation she was about to find herself in. instead of answering, she bent down to the ground, hands running across the gentle beast’s soft fur. “bonjour, mon cherie,” she greeted him. “how’s it going buddy? how are you? i’ve missed you,” she cooed. she enjoyed the moment for a second, watching how genuinely happy the dog was and laughing as he licked her arms. after a moment she stood up, shifting her attention to eric as the smile on her face fell into a frown, her warm tone in her voice becoming almost cold. “yes. i’m aware,” she answered. 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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Marie: SOS
Marie: Have you seen my pearl earrings? I can't find them
Marie: :(((
aurora: oh, no!
aurora: i haven't. the last time i remember seeing them was when you were wearing them last saturday?
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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“i’m telling you, they’re real !” lilo exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air. “how can you sit here and look me in the eyes and say that in the expanse of the entire freaking universe, we’re the only life forms ! i call bullshit. truly, i do.”
eyebrows furrowed as the blonde cocked her head to the side, a warm smile curving on her lips as she looked at the younger girl. she couldn’t help but laugh lightly at what the brunette was saying. “oh but of course not,” she shook her head, “i definitely agree with you on that. i’m just trying to play devil’s advocate. if this is an argument you plan on winning, you need different sources of evidence to back up your claim.” 
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
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hello, beautiful friends! it’s a-me, ellie! your friendly neighborhood trash coming at u very awkwardly bc she don’t know how to do intro’s ✌️ for those that have been here for a hot second, hiya! i used to play anastasia tremaine many moons ago. for those that i haven’t met, hello! i’m so glad to meet you! i’m so happy to be back though, i’ve really missed this place! i’m also very excited to be here with this little cutie. if you want to get to know a little bit about you, click right here, for her headcanons. but a quick recap of aurora: 
she’s twenty-seven, originally from france but has spent almost all holiday breaks in carthay since she was seven. 
she permanently moved to carthay at eighteen when she enrolled at the university. she majored in early childhood education and minored in dance. 
she comes from kind of old money? her family owns a prestige travel agency back in europe but she rarely talks about them or the family buisness. they were the reason she ended up in carthay to begin with after some major family drama went down. what she has, she’s worked for. she refuses to take the easy way out by tapping into her family’s money. 
she’s a first grade teacher at joyce williams elementary school where she’s been teaching for the past five years. she’s also a part time ballet instructor at a smile and a song dance studio. 
give her a cup of chamomille tea and homegirl can fall asleep anywhere. it’s quite impressive but also kind of concerning. 
tl;dr — she’s been in carthay since forever, she’s a teacher at the elementary school. she’s a total sweetheart, always super friendly and cheerful. she’s super passive and lowkey easily influenced. yell at her and she’ll cry, yell at someone else and she’ll turn into a mama bear and defend their honor.
but i’d love to get plotting and i’m totally open for all the connections and plots ! if you want to build a connection/plot/etc. like this post and i’ll send you a message or send me a message. merci beaucoup! ♡
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surunreve-blog · 5 years
warm golden rays brushed against aurora's skin as light bounced off her glittered covered curls. her clothes stained in a rainbow of colors as she twirled and spun around the grass. she was quite the sight for sore eyes, having spent all day in the park filled with a day of adventure that ended with arts and crafts. her last kid had finally been picked up by their parent, leaving aurora with a little over an hour to prepare for her evening dance class. a small speaker played music from a tree a few feet away as journal lay in front of her feet. as the song finished, aurora stopped, jotting down the rest of the choreography on a notebook that was sprawled open in front of her. indecisive eyes scanned what she'd come up with a she bit her bottom lip, not completely content with the dance. a sigh left her lips as she looked up, eyes scanning around the park as she made eye contact with a figure standing a few feet away. a smile curved on her lips as she stoop up, waving as she ran toward them with notebook in hand. "hey!" she greeted, "can i get your opinion real quick?"
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