suruxukuth · 6 years
[Quiz takes place in the new canon, days before escape.]
Quiz 2 [Retcon]
   1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Oh, we hit the ground running with this quiz! Actually, yes. Sometimes I feel like I'm a character in a video game. It helps with my line of work, honestly, when you don't think about targets as people.
   2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Bitch I AM the dark.
   3. The person you would never want to meet? I don't know, I kind of met them all? I guess if Zra'ha isn't my mother, I might be kinda nervous to meet her (my mother). Who the fuck gives up their clearly awesome in every conceivable way twin boys?
   4. What is your favorite word? Huh ... is there one I use a lot? I know I'm slipping into some bad habits with slang-- oh, right. "Fuck"
   5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Do you remember the tree in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special? That's me. I am that tree.
   6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? You stupid bitch, what the fuck are you doing? You're going to get everyone killed. Also, why do I want to punch myself in the face?
   7. What shirt are you wearing? Like, RIGHT now? None, and I'm too lazy to look and see what I'm going to be wearing in a sec.
   8. What do you label yourself as? Well I thought I was the protagonist ...
   9. Bright room or dark room? Bitch I AM a dark room.
   10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting fucked, probably.
   11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? Being six was fun, that was the least stressful year I've ever had in my fucking life.
   12. Who told you they loved you last? Ussta che.
   13. Your worst enemy? The fucking matron.
   14. What is your current desktop picture? Me, sliding across Bird's desk in a seductive pose while he works. I've knocked everything off the desk. Everything. I may have a rose in my mouth. Wait, what was the question again? Oh, I thought you meant a literal desk top.
   15. Do you like someone? This is kind of a stupid question, doesn't everyone like someone? Also, I'm married.
   16. The last song you listened to? That music sex Bird was listening to last night, holy shit.
   17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? The matron, but that would be too quick.
   18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? The matron, but that wouldn't be enough.
   19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? The matron, who would have to suck my dick non-stop. I'd just. Tie her under the desk and get real interested in doing paperwork too. You could make a goddamn scholar out of me yet.
   20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) My abs. :D My eyes, my hair, my ass ...
   21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? Funny you should ask. Anyway, probably me, but female, and I spend six hours getting violently fucked by my husband who may or may not be actually turning into a monster each time he busts a nut. I then black out. I'm pretty sure he's still fucking me and I think I'm okay with that but I'm going to have to do some more soul searching to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.
   22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? None of my talents are secret, I'm a huge show off.
   23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Ilhars. That answer hasn't changed from last time, so go ahead and look it up.
   24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Obviously I'd get a sandwich with every ingredient known to humankind and then dissect it and eat the individual parts over a long period of time. That's just being smart.
   25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I have exactly no concept of money or how it works. Bribes, I guess?
   26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Is there a plane that flies underground? Because I need that shit if I'm getting out of this place.
   27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? I'd pull it's wings off, tape them to my back, and go cliff diving. Fuck if I know shit about alcohol, are you fucking serious? Also what the fuck kind of heaven is full of alcohol? That's the most boring, useless piece of trash I've ever heard. Heaven doesn't exist, and if it did, it'd be me watching over my husband and fucking smiting the shit out of people that get near him with goddamn lightening bolts. Then he dies and we snuggle on a fucking cloud or whatever until the end of time.
   28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? If you sexually assault ANYONE I will mutilate your genitals and personally flay you alive, making sure you have enough toxin in you to keep you wide awake through the experience. You die when I let you.
   29. What is your favorite expletive? FUCK.
   30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? I'm wearing all my clothes, right? ... That's ... kind of the entirety of everything I own that I love? So I guess I'd go and see if I can grab something Bird wants. If he doesn't want or need anything, I guess I go in and save the preserved heart of my most hated enemy.
   31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? That's actually a way tougher question than you might think. Does erasing it mean I only forget it, or that it never happens? If I only forget it, I'd want to erase my Zra'ha and I getting attacked last. If erasing it means it never happens, as fucked up as it sounds, I'd need to erase the engagement between Bird and Kora, that shit has kept me traumatized for years, and it would help serve to protect Bird as well, who is always my priority first. Zra'ha is tough, but Bird is ... well ... I get stuff stuck in my head a lot, and it's always been about Bird getting hurt this way, and it's the one thing that makes me want to stab myself in the guts until I finally get it out of my head.
   32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Who the hell wrote this quiz? A four year old? I wouldn't fucking bother with sleeping with celebrities, for one, that sounds fucking creepy as hell. Also I don't fucking care about anywhere else in the world, I just want out of HERE.
   33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Well hello there handsome stranger that I absolutely do not know or find familiar what-so-ever. Sorry, but nobody I know is dead right now. Could you give me a rain-check? I want my fucking husband back.
   34. What was your last dream about? Getting fucked by mythological monsters.
   35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? In bed? Fuck no, I just got pounded like that side of beef in Rocky. I LITERALLY only just experienced sex like, twenty four hours ago for the first time. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. At least getting fucked means I probably don't need to figure that shit out immediately.
   36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Nah, but my husband is a doctor, so every day is like me being in the hospital.
   37. Have you ever built a snowman? No, do you wanna?
   38. What is the color of your socks? Realistically speaking I should be wearing socks so my feet don't get blistered in my boots, but I don't think anyone really cares for being super realistic, so ... no.
   39. What type of music do you like? Metal, Jpop/Kpop, Rock...
   40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? You know, I bet I answered this before... Oh, I didn't? Okay, uh... sun... ...set. Seems like that's the more romantic one? Or maybe sunrise-- actually yeah, I like that better. That means we stayed up all night.
   41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? I don't know? Chocolate? I've had so few sweet things in my life that I don't really have a preference.
   42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) The fuck is this? I don't care.
   43. Do you have any scars? No, but I bet'cha I'm gonna just from my sex life.
   44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I've literally never attended a day of school in my life, except when I went with Bird, but he was the one doing the "school work", not me.
   45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My height! Also maybe the length of my
   46. Are you reliable? When it comes to assassinations? Yes. When it comes to dealing with stress? No.
   47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? What's it like not existing anymore, bitch?
   48. Do you hold grudges? No, of course not, but I swear on my life that I will hold the heart of my greatest enemy in my hand before my life has ended. By which I mean yes I fucking hold grudges. I hold them closer than I hold my own fucking husband.
   49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? Well my husband associates with birds (obviously) but he's also revealed a more wolf-ish side, so ... can I get me a winged devil wolf? I don't care if it's black or white.
   50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh, probably a bunch. I guess right now it's when Bird had to stop us in the middle of sex to try to explain some stuff about basic sex ed. I felt embarrassed, because I kinda knew that part and I was referring to something else, but I didn't exactly have the heart to correct him and just went with it.
   51. Are you a good liar? Apparently!
   52. How long could you go without talking? Three seconds on a slow day.
   53. What has been you worst haircut/style? When we were younger, one time when Bird was really, REALLY stressed, I tried shaving it super short because I know my naturally messy hair kind of pisses him off. It was the dumbest goddamn thing I ever did and I looked like a fucking idiot. He ended up having to fix it because it was so uneven. On the bright side, he stopped freaking out. After that I spent like a half a year miserable and looking like an army rookie.
   54. Have you ever baked your own cake? No, but that sounds like it could be fun.
   55. Can you do any accents other than your own? I'm working on my common accent, actually. I guess that'd be "English" for some people.
   56. What do you like on your toast? I kind of prefer it dry, actually.
   57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? I've been trying to teach myself how to draw by tracing my manga so I can draw pictures of me and Bird. It's ... not going well. I should stick to daggers.
   58. What would be you dream car? I don't know, one with wheels that's really low to the ground and kind of pointed in the front?
   59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. I don't have to explain my masturbation to you, you dirty fucker. Also we don't own a shower and I don't jack off. I might get familiar with my new anatomy though. Like, real familiar.
   60. Do you believe in aliens? Aren't aliens basically just sky mutants?
   61. Do you often read your horoscope? We don't actually have horoscopes down here. No stars to really be born under, you know?
   62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? D. Because of this: 8===D
   63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Uh, dragons, duh?
   64. What do you think about babies? I'm going to start crying, I'm so happy and so fucking scared right now. I feel better knowing Bird's onboard, though, I was kind of worried about whether or not he'd even be interested, but it turns out he REALLY is. I hope that means he'll love it as much as I do. I hope it makes him happy.
   65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. Oh, I get to ask a question now? Uh. Okay. I'm just kind of screaming into the void, though. What is the one thing you want most in the entire universe? It can be literally anything. It can be material, immaterial, it can be a power, or the ability to change an event, something on a cosmic or divine level, etc.
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suruxukuth · 6 years
[Quiz takes place in the new canon, days before escape.]
Quiz 1 [Retcon]
Dear Bird, this is like cheating on a test. - Love, Rat
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is sex to you? Well now that I've had a bunch of sex I'll say like an 8? ... Or a ... 9? (Fuck I seem creepy, don't I?)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is non-sexual touch and affection to you? That's something I feel a little more competent with! So probably a 10?
What does sex mean to you? It's fun and in some cases it's a means of reproduction? It can also be used as an expression of intense emotions and also stress relief.
What does non-sexual touch and affection mean to you? Growing up, I couldn't get aroused because I was often drugged, but I think my first 'kink' was this? Seeing romantic pictures in my comics made me feel tingly a little, which is something I experience now when Bird talks dirty to me and threatens to murder fuck me.
How often would you like to make love? Once~twice. Sometimes more. Less if Bird's sick, though I'll still happily do things for him if he would like.
How much time would you like to spend on foreplay? I'm actually really horrible at it? I don't really know how it works or how to do it? The only thing I feel like I really know is lapdancing and I'm not even particularly creative with that. I'm not even super good at dirty talking, but I am trying to be -- I just get too embarrassed and have trouble saying it.
When are your favorite kinds of non-sexual touch or affection? All of those things! I think most of all I like resting my head on Bird's chest while he holds me. I always wanted this, growing up. That's my favorite thing. I also really like hand-holding, though for too long or my hand gets clammy.
What is your favorite part of our love life? Me making you happy and protecting you. You deserve better and I'm happy I can give that to you somehow. I've always worried about you. I still worry about you.
What is one thing you’d like to improve on together in our love life? I wish people would stop creeping on you, that sure would fucking help. This is my biggest issue that makes me sick and keeps me up and unable to sleep. It also makes me angry and violent in a way I'm not comfortable with.
What is one of your favorite intimate memories of us? I really like how we first met and you were threatening me with a gun. <3 Maybe we could re-do this sometime, with more interesting results? Oh, uh, intimate. Right. Well. Our first times together have been great! I guess my super favorite one was when I got you to scream because of my business. Getting a rise out of you is fun. <3
Why is it one of your favorites?  What made it so memorable? Because he's such a mild, proper and quiet boy, and that went out the window. He became my noisy koala.
What are three things that happen outside “the bedroom” that make you most interested in being intimate? Huh? Uh ... In general, you mean? Let me think ... I get pretty excited when I successfully do something dangerous for Bird, protecting him... and ... .... I don't know? Bird revealing little hints of what he's capable of doing get pretty exciting, also. That's only two things, I'm sorry.
What do I do that makes you swoon? Fainting? That's a strange question. I guess when I stand up too quickly and the blood rushes from my head and I get dizzy. This happened a few times, because I am easily excitable and always move very quickly. I think Bird only noticed the one time, though, when he was taking my blood for testing and maybe took too much. It was an interesting experience struggling staying conscious and seeing static in front of my eyes and my head is a balloon. Now that I think of it, he may have done this deliberately.
What turns you off? Certain subjects. You know the ones. I just get angry instead, or scared, or I start crying.
Tell me what your ideal intimate encounter with me would be like?   Umm?? I don't know? I like what we have?
0 notes
suruxukuth · 6 years
Nameless’s lullaby (English version)
May your victim’s death be stark May your daggers find their mark May your strike always be true Know there’s no one else but you
Like a shadow in the night Smooth and nimble, dark and slight Though your life is now the blade May your heart never be swayed
Though you’ll never have a home Though your soul will surely roam It’s no matter who you slew It is this I say to you
You’re the poison in my vein You will only bring me pain But for now you have my heart May we never be apart
May your victim’s death be stark May your daggers find their mark May your strike always be true ‘Till there’s no one left but you
Shaiith's Lerg Linath (Drow version)
Xal dosst ogglin el seke Xal dosst keeshen zotreth quee Xal dosst thrityh elgg jalkhel Dos zhaun er'griff naukhel
Izil natha barra z'hine Vesss saph niar, gulu'daine D'ril dosst dro zhah velvorn Xal dosst xukth mir olt yorn
D'elezz dos yorn neitar v'dri D'elezz dos ph'l'medri Tangis' ka dos phull vreg'nth Nindol usstan telanth
Dos phuul ussta aphyon Dos morfeth ussa kyone Nin dos phuul inbal xukuth Lest neitar tlu noamuth
Xal dosst ogglin el seke Xal dosst keeshen zotreth quee Xal dosst thrityh elgg jalkhel Nin gaer zhah naukhel
(Literal translation of drow version.)
(May your victim die true) (May your daggers strike fast) (May your attack always wound) (You know only nobody)
(As a shadow walks) (Smooth like water, haunting) (Though your life is bladed) (May your heart hold its power)
(Though you will never sleep) (Though you are the death bringer) (Even if you're wicked) (This I say)
(You are my death) (You make me wary) (Now you are my heart) (Lets never be lost)
(May your victim die true) (May your daggers strike fast) (May your attack always wound) (Now there is nobody)
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Memories 1
There was a time, not too long ago… say, thirty seconds ago, when sleep was restful. There was a time when Nameless could wake up and not worry about immediately being attacked by a monster. Today, however, that would change, as dreams of glowing, technicolor mushrooms with long, spindly growths dancing in a breeze sweeping in from unknown crevices in the stone faded slowly into the sound of chittering and scraping from the stone wall at his back.
Nameless raised his head, eyes cloudy and exhausted, and looked around. The first thing he noticed was that zra’ha was not currently visible to him, but was surely somewhere nearby. The thought of being alone made Nameless uncomfortable, but it wasn’t anything he was completely unused to. He also was no stranger to the feeling of something sharp hooking into his shirt, scraping his skin in the process. Normally, zra’ha would’ve just stabbed him, but maybe this time was different. Maybe this to introduce a poison into his system. Nameless turned to look at the offending sharp in his side and noticed that it wasn’t a knife, for once, but rather some kind of curved spike, which was currently trying to tug him back against the stone wall. His eyes followed the spike up to a number of other spikes, attached to some kind of tan, hard, spiky arm, which itself was attached to a very, very large body of similar texture. What stood out to Nameless most, however, was the large face staring at him, mandibles gnashing inches from his face. The creature’s face was something of a mix between something reptilian and something insectoid, and almost thoroughly terrifying in its size, easily three or four times larger than Nameless himself. The creature yanked, attempting to pull Nameless against the cavern wall that it was presently clinging to with all six insect-like legs.
The young boy let out a terrified shriek, pulling to try to get away from the creature, but his shirt is hooked. Thinking quick, he raises his arms above his head and pushes his feet against the cavern wall, slipping himself free of the garment, which the creature easily pulls up to its face to inspect.
“Zra’ha!” Nameless screamed, quickly crawling back from the wall, “help!”
The creature drops the garment and begins descending from the stony wall, now inspecting the tattered cloth on the cavern floor that Nameless had been sleeping on moments earlier. Had he not woken up, Nameless knew he’d be in pieces by now – a creature doesn’t have that many spikes just for decoration, after all.
Again, Nameless called out, his voice growing more panicked, “Zra’ha!!” Yet there was still no reply. Was this some kind of test? Some kind of training? Or had she really left him to die here? Finally, Nameless presses his small, chubby hands against the cavern floor to stand, and observes the monster for a long moment. He imagined multiple versions of himself, each standing on one another’s shoulders, and estimated the creature to be about four hims tall, and a few more hims long. He also observes the creature’s hide, a dusty tan color, appears to be armored and covered in spikes of various size. The creature also has what Nameless thought looked to be a serrated belly. A dagger wasn’t going to help him against this creature, nor would his tiny, stubby fists. Lastly, Nameless considered the number of legs the creature possessed, and compared this to other tinier versions of insects like this that he had seen – they were all very fast, and Nameless felt that trying to out-run it would be impossible. Since zra’ha wasn’t coming, Nameless knew that it was up to him to figure out what to do.
The cavern, however, was not particularly smooth, and possessed many jagged rocks and tiny crevices that were darker than the pitch black already surrounding them. This creature, Nameless considered, seemed slow to notice his presence now that he had put some distance between him, and slowly the young boy began to back up to the opposite wall, feeling with his hands until he could find what he thought would be a space big enough for him to fit in. He turned, crawling into the space, but found he didn’t quite fit. He could, but only if he could find a way to hold himself up further. Nameless turns back around and sits with his back to the hole, and then pushes himself back into it, though his legs still stuck out. The young boy correctly his quickly, pulling each leg, one at a time, up until his feet touched the inside of the short crevice and squishing his torso uncomfortably into the jagged rocks. He knew this position must look stupid, folded in on himself, legs in the air, ass probably sticking out of the hole, but there was less to reach, and even if the creature did find him, all it could do was, he hoped, attack the backs of his legs, and nothing terribly vital. He hoped, anyway, only after a moment of thought realizing that there were plenty of arteries still to sever there.
Nameless was now also in the unfortunate position of not being able to see the creature anymore, and stared at his knees in frustrated dismay as his ears perked to every small scraping sound beyond his poorly thought out hiding spot.
While he sat there, pain slowly shooting through his body with greater intensity as his bare back pressed into a crevice too small for him, into jagged rocks too unforgiving, he considers that he should have probably rolled in the dirt more before getting himself lodged in here, so to try to mask his smell. Well, it was too late for that now, and all he could do is hope that his hiding space was good enough.
Seconds seemed to stretch into eternity as Nameless waited for his ass to be eaten out by this horrifying bug-zard, and at last, he heard the chittering and scraping moving further away. The small boy wasn’t sure when he had started holding his breath, but he finally exhaled. Then, the chittering began moving closer again, and the small, nameless child felt that if he hadn’t already been found, he soon would be from how loud his heart began to race. Now, he could feel something graze the back of his legs.
Nearly four years.
He had a good, long run, but this was it. He never expected to live very long, but he thought he might at least see his sixth year before dying. He wondered what it would’ve been like to grow up, and what sort of person he would’ve become. He hoped he became a good one, or at least one that people would like. He wondered if he would have ever made friends in that time, and if maybe those friends wouldn’t beat on him the way zra’ha did. It was a nice thought that was quickly cut short by a sharp pain piercing his legs as two sharp, curved mandibles latched onto the boy and began pulling, dragging him from his hiding spot. Only now was Nameless noticing that the creature had a mouth, too, complete with fangs jutting both from the bottom and top of its narrow, beak-like jaws. Nameless felt the claws of the monster start to wrap around him, pushing him closer toward the creature’s mouth, which the boy noticed to be big enough to probably rip his head off. At least death would come quick, he considered, and really that’s all he wanted in life.
Then, however, the boy got an idea, and grabbed the creature’s feelers, dangling by its mouth, and then braced his feet in the narrow spot between the mandibles and the creature’s mouth where, he hoped, the creature’s mouth ended, giving him a place to at least delay his demise, even if he couldn’t stop it.
You know, he thought as he stared, wide-eyed at the creature’s face, it kind of looked like the two smaller eyes toward the front of it’s face, and the fold of its armored skin just below the eyes, looked a little like a pouting face. Focusing on this tiny, frowning face instead of the monster’s face as a whole helped him feel a little less scared. It’s just so dumb and sad looking.
Still, Nameless wasn’t sure how long he could hold on like this, using all of his strength to hold himself stiff as a board from the mouth of the creature who was desperately trying to push him closer. If the creature wanted him, it would have to break his legs first. The two were locked into this standstill for what felt like years until the creature’s armed moved, pushing up on the boy’s upper back instead, causing him to slowly fold forward, unable to push back.
Nearly four years. It really was a good run, wasn’t it?
The boy let out one more loud, shrill shriek, feeling his strength start to waver as he was stretched and his knees began to buckle. This creature was going to eat him, and from the way he was starting to crunch in on himself, it looked like he’d be getting his meal dick first. It’s a thought that would’ve probably amused him in different circumstances.
Suddenly, the creature’s mandibles went slack and the monster’s body began to sink to the ground, jaw hanging open uselessly as the proverbial light in the creature’s eyes went dark. Nameless wasn’t about to let the monster get a second chance, and kicked his feet against the creature’s massive face, rolling himself feet over shoulders backward, landing in a pained crouch on his injured legs. The creature slumped fully to the ground, bleeding some kind of white ooze from its neck. The boy then saw the form of his ‘guardian’ standing nearby.
“Zra’ha!” The boy exclaimed again, attempting to push himself onto his feet to stand, but his legs not permitting him this action. Nameless’s eyes welled up and he reached out with a tiny hand, “zra’ha,” he whimpered, clutching at her hoodie when she moved close enough for him to do so.
“Stand.” Zra’ha ordered, her tone devoid of any comfort.
“I—I can’t.”
“I just said I can’t.”
Zra’ha at last reached down, grabbing the boy’s clutching hand and yanking it free of her clothes, using the hand to wrench the boy off the ground and onto his feet. “We must leave before others come.”
Nameless let out a long, pained whine as Zra’ha released his hand, forcing him to bear his own weight on injured, bloody legs. Every time he attempted to sink to the ground, Zra’ha would grab him by whatever she could reach first, hair, neck, shoulder, and wrench him up again.
Zra’ha moved away, grabbing the boy’s shirt and tossing it at him. He caught it, but only after it slapped him in the face. His guardian didn’t wait for him to dress himself again before moving she began walking away. Nameless had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t going to be able to sleep again anytime soon.
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Going back through my old quizzes, I've compiled a new quiz made out of questions I can now answer with some certainty, though I am answering from a particularly stressful time in my life. As a sarn, I get angry in a few answers, but I really get into a deeply heated, angry rant at the end of the quiz. I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry before, and it’s not pretty.
What’s your name? I'll forever be Rat, though more recently Rat d'la'fume. I still maintain if I had a proper legal name, I'd want it to be "Imolin", just now it'll be "Imolin d'Bird d'la'Fume". As always, have fun looking it up.
When’s your birthday? Right NOW it's 14 years at some undetermined point in the calendar.
What’s your favorite type of weather? I've still never really seen rain, and I want to hold out hope that I'll enjoy it, but now I've gotten kind of fond of snow.
What’s your favorite mythical/extinct creature? Fuck, honestly? Now I'm kind of burnt-out on dragons. I've lived with dragons, slept on dragons, rode on dragons, played with dragons, held philosophical debates with dragons -- I know two separate dragons of different species, and I met a third that was big enough to be the foundation of a city. I'm dragoned-out. Besides, honestly? I didn't realize just how scary a dragon can be, they get pretty big, you know?
Favorite sweets/candy/snack? For practicality, I still think yorn cydiuren are a smart snack, but they're not my favorite. There's actually this salty chocolate the village use to make that I ... didn't actually like all that much, but I got kind of hooked on? Eventually I started giving my chocolate rations to my one son when I noticed the developing addiction. Kicking a candy habit is HARD, no wonder I didn't get too attached before!
Ice skating or roller skating? Hey, do you think I've actually managed to do anything like ice skating? We are in an arctic wasteland, surely I could figure out to strap some knives to my feet. Maybe I invented the sport for the village?
Are you single or taken? I'M MARRIED!! Man, this answer changed a lot. In the past I figured I could probably be poly pretty easily, but that's changed. Once Bird and I got together -- finally, after years of waiting! -- I found that I'm super possessive, and so is he, and I'm okay with that. I'm happy, even. I wish our marriage Hal'l was something more special, and I wish that our first times together weren't by necessity, but I'm happy. Or I was, until Bird died... I guess that actually makes me a widower? I hate that word.
Who is your best friend? Bird! Except ... he's dead? So I don't know if he still counts? If he doesn't, I'm pretty close with my son Mouse, and Kitten (Akorithra, go figure!) is kind of like my goofy little sister I need to protect.
Who has broken your heart? Bird. Repeatedly.
Do you hate anyone? I don't know? I think I'm internalizing a lot of self-loathing over failing my one job in life and letting Bird die. No matter how much auflaque ssuu'hha taunts me, or how much I wish I could've enacted some kind of revenge on Taika, at the end of the day I'm stuck with me. I failed. I spent my life training, giving up every sense of self I had or could have been to become a living weapon, and I fucking failed to protect the one. single. person that mattered most to me. What the fuck was it all for?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic in problematic situations? I use to be better at hiding just how pessimistic I can be.
Introvert or extrovert? I actually kind of like being alone (with the exception of spending time with Bird) more than I like spending time with other people. I'm even having a hard time not withdrawing from my family right now.
How high have you ever been up? I've rode on the back of a dragon in flight. I don't know how high up we were.
What is your most precious treasure? The corpse of my husband.
What is your self-esteem like? My old answer: "I’m fucking amazing. I’m not even being ironic or trying to hide a crippling depression or something, I actually think I’m doing pretty well for a fifteen-year-old male of my species. :D" Fuck. I wish I could remember how THAT felt.
What are you most afraid of? I have a fucking list growing. - Being helpless. - Wide open spaces. - Being cornered. - Failure. - The realization there are creatures in this world that are so large that they would never even know I existed if I weren’t in their ear. - My husband being afraid and alone and not being able to communicate or reassure him somehow.
Are you brave or do you easily become nervous or scared? Fuck.
Do you have any pets? What are their names? Duul'sso, although he's less like a pet and more like a new child I have to worry about, but with a bad case of comforting-but-stern dad-voice. He's a hawk.
Favorite desserts? There's this thing I tried in the realm of the damnded, it's like some kind of fizzy, melty, creamy but bubbly drink. There's white firm cream in it, and I don't know what it is, but I really like it.
What’s something that fascinates you? How you can love someone so much that it hurts, and yet you can be so agitated at them that you're not sure you're ever going to forgive them for this, and how you kind of wish you could get them back for it somehow but you can't, because it would go against everything you ever stood for, and besides that, you fucking love them even despite their stupid fucking ideas and the fucking nightmare they've put you through. Also: "If the universe is infinite, fiction doesn't exist."
What do you dream of becoming? I don't know anymore. More powerful, I guess. My failure just means I need to push myself harder than I have been. My marriage has made me lazy and robbed me of precious time I could've spent doing my fucking job.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I'd like to see warmer lands.
Stars or moon? I still love the stars.
What is your favorite quote? "Ussta che, Usstan xun nindol whol udossa" is a quote I both love and hate for the exact same reason.
Favorite song at the moment? I discovered a music box version of my "character voice song". Someone took this very happy, bubbly song, and made it sound sad and hopeless, but also gentle and calming. It also sort of makes me wish I led a lifestyle where I could try raising a baby with my husband. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JTHLcgTV1g
What do you like to do with your family? I loved escaping with them, and I loved all of us banding together to protect our newest member, but I think I appreciate our time alone more. I love resting my head on Bird's chest and listening to his heartbeat, I love when Kitten comes to me with a social problem, I love talking about my stories with Mouse.
What’s one thing you will never throw away? The corpse of my husband.
Favorite and least favorite chore? Protecting my husband. My least favorite is doing dishes.
What was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? The first time we flew together on the back of Notso, and I realized the sheer emptiness of the world around me in every direction, and I started to panic. Also every time I look out and there's nothing but snow for miles. I guess I was also pretty panicked when I missed my period that one time shortly after Bird and I got together, except that never actually happened.
Do you prefer to be outside or inside? Inside.
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? Never-ending korit'al. I don't know the exact mileage, but we traveled for days.
What’s a sound that soothes you? That use to be the sound of my husband's heartbeat for awhile, now it just reminds me that no matter how close we are, we may never actually be together again. As much as I want to be brave, as much as I want Bird to believe in me so he isn't scared, I have no idea -- realistically speaking -- how the hell I'm going to pull this off.
Do you live near the water? There was a big frozen something-or-other back by the village. One time, we pulled a "whale" out of it.
Does it snow where you live? Yes.
What’s one thing you lost that you want back? My husband would be nice.
What would the person nearest to you right now say about you? I don't know anymore. The one I understood best is dead, and I do not know how the others think very well.
Relationship status: Widower.
Most traumatic experience: That night I rested my head on my husband's chest and listened to him die slowly.
My relationship with my parents: Fuck, is it weird I kind of miss zra'ha? I hope she wasn’t anywhere near when the city crumbled. I don’t think she would be, but there’s always a chance.
A random fact about anything: Centaurs have two ribcages. Think about it.
What is the last book you read? Bird missed his birds, I miss my books. The native ones were cool, but not very exciting.
Name the last song you listened to? Right now, it's some kinda ... what's the term ... is it rockabilly? Anyway, it's some melody my new toddler friend made up. OOD&D: I'm just listening to the same thirty-six seconds of music box music on repeat.
What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it? I have some light scratches from my birthday, when I told Bird to just fucking go wild and destroy me.
What are you seeing right now? Actually, RIGHT NOW, I'm seeing a crumbling bar from out of one of my stories. As miserable as I am, as hopeless as I feel, I'm actually really excited to be living my stories. I'm not as excited as I guess I could be, but fuck, give me a break.
Are you a good hugger? Cuddling may be my best skill right now.
Where do you like to get your clothes? Turns out Bird really likes the open jacket thing too!
Last time I cried and why: Fuck. I'm so overwhelmed with emotion all the time that it just never stops.
Tattoos I want: Kinda thinking of getting a blue lo'larox on my upper back. I can still technically keep it hidden so it doesn't interfere with my job, but on the flip side, if Bird ever comes back, he'll be seeing a lot of it and it'll be a further display of my love for him. Also the tattoo sounds badass and feels really symbolic to things right now.
Are you a virgin? I'm too exhausted to make a joke about this or list out everything I've ever tried, but trust me, I'm pretty sure there's nothing left to experiment with sexually except maybe being killed and brought back to life. I was actually really looking forward to that, though I'm not actually sure how I wanted him to kill me. I get pretty turned on by the memory of him threatening to shoot me, so maybe something like that?
Tell us an interesting fact: You'll never actually see your own face, just reflections and photographs of it.
What is your favorite word? I warmed up to "fuck" pretty quick.
A fact about my life: It may not look or sound like it. It may seem like I've given up and resigned myself to a broken heart, but it's been less than twelve fucking hours and I:
- Spent all night listening to my husband die slowly and not be able to save him despite this being my fucking job and I would die for him and gladly take anyone with me to ensure his safety, but he wouldn’t fucking give me that. Instead he gave me some sentiment saying he did this for us, and that just makes it hurt worse, and a task I don’t even want to complete because I’m so fucking traumatized right now I can focus on nothing else. I’ve never experienced aggression toward my husband before but fuck there’s a first fucking time for everything I guess? - My family and I had to flee our home and everyone we came to care about there when they needed us most, traumatizing half the family in the process and that being MY fault because I’M the one that said I wouldn’t let Bird’s corpse come to harm. - Everyone in our family is miserable and becoming distant with each other, and I’m feeling like it’s falling to me to try to fix it even though I just want to be alone right now to fucking mourn. - I think I had a dream about Bird, but I can’t even remember what it fucking was. For all I know, this was the last chance I had to be with him in some way. - My husband sent me a distress signal that I couldn’t answer in time because I didn’t know what to do, and my newest responsibility I’m unprepared for had to fucking tell me what to do next. - I came to a land of nightmares with literal blood raining from a black sky, and the first thing that happens is I was harassed by a giant fucking monster dog who’s so fucking proud of the fact I can’t do shit to him and that he’s torturing my husband’s soul. Forever. For the rest of fucking eternity. And I can’t do anything about it. - I was attacked and cornered by zombies I couldn't beat without someone's fucking pity. How am I supposed to beat anyone or anything else? - I was given a chance to live out my favorite stories and I can’t even fully appreciate it because I can’t fucking calm down. This opportunity to live out a stupid fantasy of mine is ruined. - I befriended a toddler who proceeds to keep interrupting me as I FINALLY get to communicate with my husband in some capacity. For all I know, that was my only fucking chance. I know he’s my new friend, and I know he’s trying to help me, but I just wanted a few damn minutes of not getting stressed out. - I am no closer to rescuing my husband from this literal hell of his own making after he gave his fucking life to go over-the-top on some jackass that almost killed me, after I explicitly told him not to -- after I explicitly made it clear that he was my priority and that I would die for him. Bird is always. my. priority. Bird, I don’t know if I can save you, but you-- you’re smart, and powerful, you could have fucking found a way to save me, but instead you left it to me, and what if I fail? Do you know what that’s going to do to me? But fuck me, right? What’s a little more trauma? I don’t care what your reasoning was, I don’t care what happened to fuck it all up, even if it was as ‘simple’ as bringing you back through necromancy, the fact remains I’m here without you, a crumbling family, and an impossible task. I love you so fucking much, and I don’t want you to suffer, and that’s what’s hurting me most of all. There is no way in hell you’re going to make this up to me you arrogant fucking douchecabinet. Damnit but I still love you, never doubt that, no matter how angry I get. You’ll probably never even know. - I can’t even die now to be with my husband because he’s not even dead anymore. He’s somewhere I literally cannot go without this limited fucking poison to kill me nightly. What fucking happens when I run out? You don’t understand. You don’t even fucking understand. I can’t even die to be with him anymore, he is literally somewhere I cannot reach WITHOUT THIS. LIMITED. POISON. I swear that even if I die, I would just come back, but I’ve been thinking... Bird is the one that invented this stuff and he’s not even dead, he just doesn’t even exist. Even if I reincarnate, or I run out of this stuff, I’ve lost him forever. Moreover, how will I even KNOW about him when I reincarnate? Any hope of him being safe is fucking gone. Any hope of reuniting with him is fucking gone. - And yet STILL, no matter how angry and miserable I am, I want to believe I can save my husband, but I’m facing a nightmare monster that I never even knew could exist outside of my over-the-top fictional stories. A monster that literally emits an aura of pure fucking terror that I can’t overcome, which just brings me back to every nasty thought trapped in my head, and worse, he makes me feel Bird’s pain too.
All this has been in the span of MAYBE six hours, including the time I spent powerless and forced to listen to my husband die a slow and miserable death, and including a flight during which I was stuck in silence with a traumatized family and my own miserable thoughts, regrets and flashbacks.
So, fuck you. Fuck every single one of you that's talking shit about me. Fuck everyone complaining I’m not in character. Fuck everyone saying I’m too emotional about this. Fuck everyone saying I’m obsessing. Fuck everyone saying I’m selfish. Fuck everyone who did this to me in the first place. I know some of you are trying to make it up to me now, I know some of you regret what’s happening, but here I fucking am. I don’t get OOD&D comfort, to me everything is still valid and painful. You can’t take back what’s happened, and even if everything goes well in the end, you can’t fucking ‘fix’ the lasting trauma. You just can’t. I wouldn’t let you, anyway, because every miserable fucking memory is an important learning experience, good or bad. So, I’m being weepy? Fuck. You.
0 notes
suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 15
1. Do you have a passion project? What is it? To drive Bird so insane that he overcomes his OCD just out of exhaustion.
2. How many languages can you speak? Presently I know two and a form of code, I also know a bit of various other languages. Maybe I'll know more. :D
3. What was the last book you read? I'm reading a series called Gunnerkrigg Court, which is a fantasy vs technology kind of story full of mythological characters and creatures, and one girl's interactions with all of them. It's HUGE but super worth looking into. https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=1 (The art style gets better later on.)
4. Where in the world would you most like to visit? The surface seems pretty interesting. If it's irradiated and mutated like they say, then the flora and fauna must be amazing!
5. Top 5 fictional characters? Dante, The Dread Pirate Roberts, Iron Man, L, Zer0.
6. Something you miss from your childhood? Sometimes I kind of miss exploring strange places outside the city, observing the colonies of deep dwarves and hunting monsters.
7. What skill do you wish you had? I'd love to be an artist of some kind, or maybe a singer. I have a creative soul, not a violent one, my job just necessitates it. :/
8. Tell us an interesting fact It would take around 400 average sized men to produce a single long-sword made from their blood.
9. What was your favorite subject in school? Not dying. :D If not that, then I kind of liked studying the different types of poisons. I'm not good enough at it to add to my character sheet, but.
10. Favorite planet? Uranus. Not because it's funny -- well, a little bit because it's funny -- but because it's the color of my eyes. Also because it's funny.
11. Which historical figure fascinates you and why? None are coming to mind presently. I need to study some legendary assassins, I guess.
12. Favorite mythical creature? Dragon, because they're just so big and badass. What do you expect? Me to be interested in flying ponies or man faced lions? I know it's cliche, I know it's boring, but let me have this.
13. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? My world IS conspiracy theories.
14. What is your favorite word? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocus. Or 'fuck', they're both similar: you can literally use them anywhere and still sound like an ass.
15. Do you have any obsessions right now? Trying to learn some magic. There's a few spells I NEED to get my hands on, and Bird is trying to help me. :D
16. Do you play any instruments? I want to learn to sing, or maybe play a mean harmonica. Do you think the future group I hook up with will be down to take a level in bard so we can have a gender diverse band?
17. What’s your worst habit? Sometimes, when I’m nervous, I flip my dagger and catch it, but sometimes I do not always catch it. I also hum when I’m nervous. I don’t typically get nervous, but it happens sometimes.
18. Do you have a collection of anything? Secretly (not secretly) I've been hoarding feathers Bird's birds shed. I sometimes turn them into jewelry if I can. :D
19. What’s your biggest ‘what if’? You don't know how much I want to answer this question, and in detail, but I can't. Not yet.
20. What is your favorite fairy tale? Devil May Cry. Wait, doesn't that count?
21. Have you ever dyed your hair? Is there a color you’d like to dye it? I'd love to, but I need to be able to blend into darkness. It's part of my job. :p
22. If you could learn one language overnight, which would you choose? I know a smattering of Draconic, I'd like to be know that more fluently.
23. What’s the most useless thing you know how to do? I can clasp my hands, extend my fingers, fold my middle fingers, and twist my hands to make it look like I have a long finger held between my two hands.
24. What’s the most important change that should be made to your country’s education system? Maybe don't beat children before they're thirteen. :D Other than that I think the education system is alright. It's rough, but it has to be, our society is rough.
0 notes
suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 14
       The meaning behind my url: "Bird Heart", I was originally going to be "Suru Tsossar", but it didn't have the same ring to it.
       A picture of me:
Tumblr media
       How many tattoos I have and what they are: I wish, but again, I can't be that identifiable. :p
       Last time I cried and why: I associate crying with punishment, so I tend to avoid them unless I am way too overcome with emotion that it takes place of any self-preservation I have, and I haven't gotten to that point since I was a kid. I’m too cool for this. I never, ever cry.
       Piercings I have: I think I have like five in each ear? Bird’s done a few, and I’ve done a few. :D I've gotten pretty good at it.
       Favorite band: Favorite BAND? Hmm... Well I still like RichaardEB's covers. If I had to pick an actual band, I guess I'd say ... That's a tough one, I really like music in general. :/
       Top 5 (insert subject): Top favorite spells, GO: 1st level - Suru'nisha Rei 1st level - Faer Nl'gnos 3rd level - Mul'rin Elghinyrr 3rd level - Malar-wlalth 3rd level - Chathbualeab
       Tattoos I want: It would be cool to have an even blacker-black tribal design up my arms. A little like the mermaid I'm going to meet sometime, but more pointed and less watery.
       Age: Sweet 15 and never been kissed, unless there is something in my past I don't know about. :p Not a concern.
       Ideas of a perfect date: Hot sweaty make-outs in the middle of a rave. I knock over my drink, you can tell I did it deliberately, you slap me. Then we kiss and walk hand-in-hand under sparkly rocks in the cave ceiling. It's super romantic.
       Life goal: (A life goal I don't realize I want right now would be to become the protagonist for a story. To be the badass hero that other kids can look up to.) I don't know, freedom sounds amazing. Maybe learning to play the ukulele. :D
       Piercings I want: I'm good for right now, my ears are already so abused!
       Relationship status: Frustrated.
       A fact about my life: Romance might be the death of me, and I wouldn't even be mad, but I'd worry who the next assassin will be.
       Middle name: I'm not important enough to have a last name, and you expect me to have a middle name? :p
       Height: 4'10". :/ That's average for a wee folk.
       Are you a virgin? I don't think I'm considered special enough for someone to 'waste their time', and I'm okay with that.
       What’s your shoe size? Uhh... I don't know, but if I had to guess it's probably 5 or 6?
       What’s your sexual orientation? Whatever I'm attracted to today. :D
       Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? I don't have the luxury.
       Someone you miss: I don't miss anyone from my past, but I sometimes wonder what my zra'ha is doing.
       What’s one thing you regret?: Not being better at my job.
       First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Aaron Yan. :D Gosh, I just. I can't place why, he's just so cute.
       Favorite ice cream? I think maybe I'd like chocolate ice cream?
       One insecurity: Once I'm surrounded by you common folks and my height is just slightly greater than the wee folk, that's gonna bug me a little, I think. :D
       Give us one thing about you that no one knows.: My biggest secret is the one that could get a lot of people killed. :D So, no.
0 notes
suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 13
   what season has your favorite looks? What, as in clothes or how things look in general? Anyway, I hear Autumn as a season, and as seasonal wear, is usually pretty cute.
   formal or casual? Casual!
   thrift store, boutique, or online? I've only ever gotten stuff given to me, so I wouldn't know, but I assume my stuff is usually gotten from like, a boutique? Or custom made. Mostly custom made.
   what’s your favorite decade for fashion? I have no idea, 00s? It feels like that's when all the fashion of the past several decades went to die.
   do you like to accessorize? Maybe a little too much. :D
   what does your basic outfit look like? Like I just rolled out of bed and the bed was Final Fantasy. :D
   what piece of clothing do you spend your money on the most? I don't have a job that pays, exactly, but I work for someone that likes to get me things, so ...
   do you wear hats? Nah, my hair is too wooshy.
   what is your opinion on wearing socks and sandals together? What the fuck is a sandal?
   what colors do you like to wear? Black and grey.
   what are some of the strangest outfits you have seen? Full plate armor. Now, listen: I live underground, where the humidity is high and the temperature isn't favorable to heavy shells encasing one's body. Wearing full plate armor is like some kind of masochistic torture -- I know some people do, I know some people have no choice, but damn.
   what fashions do you hate? The magic not-leather substance my not-leather clothes are definitely made of. (I don't know, they're probably enchanted or something so I don't die of exhaustion wearing heavy clothes in a harsh environment.)
   what do you think of body piercing? Sure, not my thing though. :D
   do you like dyed hair? Considering everyone and their grandma down here has monochromatic hair color? I'd love to see some different colors.
   can you wear heels? What is the highest heel you can wear? Three inch lifts. :D
   do you have any experience with makeup? Not counting the magical natural eyeliner and eyeshadow every IMVU character wears by default regardless?
   have you ever worn a uniform or traditional clothes? Not that I know of?
   where do you like to get your clothes? From Bird when he gets them for me. I don't wear them ALL though, for example, he's gotten me a few shirts, but I prefer to go open and honest. :D
   what’s your favorite piece of clothing? My jacket.
   have you ever had to wear something you didn’t like? Nah, not really. Even when I was little I had this outfit like what you surfacers picture for yath'sargrahen. So this sleeveless thing, but with fitted pants and boots.
   how do you feel about wearing fur? Bunny fur is a staple around here. It's so soft and amazing.
   do you prefer simple or detailed outfits? Beauty is in the details, and our kind are VERY keen about making highly elaborate, beautiful things.
   how often do you wear jewelry? Literally every day that I'm alive.
   how do you feel about graphic tees? Whatic whats?
   do you have any souvenir clothing from trips or concerts? I've never been on any trips or to any concerts. I did go with Bird to tier breche, but that's not a place you get souvenirs.
   do you paint your nails? Nah, but I totally could.
   what are your favorite pair of shoes? My boots.
   do you carry a bag, backpack, purse, or something else? I have nothing to carry, so none of the above. :D If I HAD to carry something, though, I'd probably take a backpack.
   what does your hair look like right now? A mess. <3 A swooshy mess, but it's my mess. At least it's semi-behaving today.
   when do you change your hair style? Never? I don't change my hair, my hair changes me.
   have you worn something you or someone you know has made? Every day of my life. Everything I own is something someone made. :p
   have you made any clothes/ jewelry? Nah, but I really wish I could. I'm pretty envious of people who can make things. I'd take being crafty over being deadly, under different circumstances. If/When I ever get free, I want to put up my daggers and take up some kind of craft instead. Maybe knitting, the needles can double for weapo-- damnit.
   what are your thoughts on perfume/cologne? I'd love to be able to wear some so I stop smelling rank ass nasty (or like ... I dunno, a person.) but in my line of work, having a smell is dangerous.
   what do you wear to go swimming? Nothing. :D I also don't go swimming.
   what would be your ideal outfit? The one I'm wearing, though I wouldn't mind another version of it in red. I wonder if I could pull off red?
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 12
S i g h t
1. Favorite color(s)?: Red, Blue 2. Least favorite color(s)?: I don't really have any connection to Green, if that means anything. 3. Do you wear glasses/contacts?: Nah, but I could totally pull off the look. 4. Are you color blind?: Actually, I might be? I don't know. 5. What are you seeing right now?: Uh, lots of black and white as I answer a quiz?
S o u n d
6. Favorite band(s) or artist(s)?: RichaardEB's covers of songs are usually always amazing. :D If I had to pick a musician that makes original music, though, I guess... whoever the hell did the kickin' Touhou soundtracks? Like, that is MOST of my 'favorites' list. Also whoever does the Devil May Cry soundtracks, whoever was involved in the Death Note part 2 music, aaand ... man, a lot of others? I don't know. 7. Top five songs?: You come to me upon my throne of eclectic music choices and ask me to play favorites? 8. Favorite instrumental track(s)?: Right now? I dunno, Bad Apple instrumental? 9. Favorite non-musical sound?: Liquid bubbling, like... I don't know, there's this tea room ASMR video that I really like. 10. What are you hearing right now?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV5IheNfK54
S m e l l
11. Are you very sensitive to smell?: Not more than normal, I think? 12. Favorite scent?: Citrus. :D I've gotten fond of it since Bird loves cleaning products. 13. Opinion on the smell of blown-out candles?: Burnt out matches is where it's at. :D 14. What does your shampoo smell like?: Nothing. I can't afford to smell like anything in my line of work. 15. Do you like to wear perfume/cologne?: I wish I could, but I can't. :D
T a s t e
16. Favorite fruit?: Something like strawberry. 17. Favorite non-alcoholic drink?: Root beer float, it's taking the two best drinks and mixing them. 18. Worst thing you’ve ever tasted?: The food my zra'ha made. 19. Do you enjoy any unusual food combinations that others find unappealing?: Enjoy is a strong word, but I'll eat whatever I can get ahold of. :D 20. What flavor gum do you usually chew?: Mint, the odor doesn't last as long, and when it does it's subtle.
T o u c h
21. Do you often rip/cut the tags off of your clothes?: My clothes didn't come with tags. :D But if they did? Yes. 22. Any specific textures that bother you?: Sand. It's all coarse and rough, and it gets everywhere. (No but seriously, sandpaper is awful.) 23. Do you have a high pain tolerance?: I was born to. 24. Softest article of clothing that you (have) own(ed)?: Okay, soft isn't really my thing either. It's not practical. 25. Are you a good hugger?: I haven't had practice, but I'd like to think I'm naturally pretty affectionate?
O t h e r
26. Do you ever feel like you have a sixth sense? In what way(s)?: I'm a magical goddamn creature, of course I do. I have a couple innate magic spells I can cast whenever. :D 27. Any prophetic dreams?: Nah, most of my dreams involve forgetting to pack something for a trip. 28. Have you ever had your fortune told? (did it prove to be accurate?): Nah, but I'd like to, that'd probably be hilarious. :D 29. Has anyone “read your mind” before?: Bird and I are pretty in-synch most of the time. 30. Have you witnessed any “miracles” or strange coincidences?: I don't know, does surviving he underground count?
0 notes
suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 11
Disorder | Rating
Paranoid | High Schizoid | Low Schizotypal | Moderate (Dude, I’m a magical race, of course I have ‘eccentric beliefs’) Antisocial | Moderate Borderline | Low Histrionic | High Narcissistic | High Avoidant | Low Dependent | Low Obsessive-Compulsive | High
URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/disorder/index.html
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suruxukuth · 6 years
16 personalities test
Quiz 10
Entrepreneur Personality (ESTP, -A/-T)
58% Extraverted
54% Observant
51% Thinking
67% Prospecting
81% Assertive
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller
(Random fact: Entrepreneurs are the most likely personality type to prefer kinesthetic learning (through touch or experience).)
Entrepreneurs always have an impact on their immediate surroundings – the best way to spot them at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about them as they move from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a blunt and earthy humor, Entrepreneur personalities love to be the center of attention. If an audience member is asked to come on stage, Entrepreneurs volunteer – or volunteer a shy friend.
Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep Entrepreneurs interested for long. Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.
Strengths -
Bold – People with the Entrepreneur personality type are full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for Entrepreneurs than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.
Rational and Practical – Entrepreneurs love knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake. What’s fun for Entrepreneur personalities is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so they can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for Entrepreneurs’ time.
Original – Combining their boldness and practicality, Entrepreneurs love to experiment with new ideas and solutions. They put things together in ways no one else would think to.
Perceptive – This originality is helped by Entrepreneurs’ ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to Entrepreneurs, and they use these observations to help create connections with others.
Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – Entrepreneurs prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.
Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make a natural group leader in Entrepreneurs. This isn’t something that they actively seek – people with this personality type just have a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities.
Weaknesses -
Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and “reality” for Entrepreneurs. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and Entrepreneurs’ blunt honesty doesn’t help here. These personalities often have a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing their own feelings as well.
Impatient – Entrepreneurs move at their own pace to keep themselves excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for Entrepreneurs.
Risk-prone – This impatience can lead Entrepreneurs to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. Entrepreneur personalities sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.
Unstructured – Entrepreneurs see an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected social fallout.
May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause Entrepreneurs to miss the forest for the trees. People with this personality type love to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.
Defiant – Entrepreneurs won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while they are lectured at – this isn’t how Entrepreneurs live their lives. They are action-oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they’re intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from Entrepreneurs to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 9
What is your favourite kind of weather? Rain, but I also like the idea of snow. :D
What is the last book you read? "Uss Szithrel lu'Uss Nadaren d'Grt."
Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans or obligations? I am obligated 24/7, it's fine, I kind of enjoy my job anyway. =D
Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how? Why would I believe in anything that didn't believe in us and left us to die?
Would you rather be anxious and intelligent or carefree and simple? Compared to Bird, I probably seem pretty carefree and ... well somewhere in between intelligent and simple. :D I could be smarter, but I think dumping a lot of points in a few stats makes more sense than spreading them out. I'd rather be perfect in some things than okay in all of them. INT got the high numbers of leftovers, but leftovers nonetheless.
Name the last song you listened to? Did you know Zetsubou Billy was apparently written for Death Note? There's references to the notebook and Kira in the lyrics, but there's also Billy. Who the fuck is Billy? Was that L's other other secret brother or something? Why does the song want Billy to be sad? Anyway, that's my answer. :D
Do you believe it is vital to everyday life to know what is happening in the world around you? Yeah, actually. The well-informed is the one that survives to see the next day.
Do you still remember arguments or upsets from over 5 years ago? Do they still bother you today? Ohoho yeah.
What did you love most about the place you grew up? What about it did you love the least? Well, I'm still growing up. If you mean my earliest memories place, it changed a lot. Zra'ha didn't like to stay in one place very long.
Are you good at crafting? If so, what can you make? Goddamn I WANT to be good at crafting. It looks like fun to be able to do something -- to make something -- and go "I did this."
What’s the best nickname you’ve ever been called? & what’s the worst? Rat. :D It has a really sweet implication the way I use it now. As for the worst? I don't know, 'Child', I guess?
What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it? I don't know, it's hard to get a good look at me, I'm black. :/
What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Wine. It doesn't make me too fuzzy (depending on the type) and it tastes better than crap like beer.
If you could find out the date of your death, would you want to know? Sure. That means I'd know that I could act completely suicidal for maybe YEARS before hand! I'd have an awesome time cliff diving. :D
What has been your biggest challenge in life so far? Surviving.
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? Well ... I want to ... ah, I don't think you'd know the term, but it's like marriage. As for what's holding me back? Society. :D They're not super open-minded about some things.
What you ever lied about being ill to avoid school or work? If so, how elaborate have your stories been? Oh absolutely, but even when I'm sick I found myself still having to engage.
How did you meet your best friend? I was assigned to him as a bodyguard, and his personal assassin. :D
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 8
Height: 4'10"
Age: 15
Shoe size: I don't know, 7?
Do you smoke?: Nah, but someday. Badasses smoke, right?
Do you drink?: Nah, but I can.
Do you take drugs?: No, I need to stay sharp for my job.
Have tattoos?: Nah.
Want any tattoos?: It'd be cool, but I don't know what, and I couldn't anyway -- my job wouldn't allow it. :D
Got any piercings?: Yes.
Want any piercings?: But I already have them.
Best friend?: Bird!
Relationship status: My heart's spoken for. Well. Not spoken aloud anyway. :D
Biggest turn ons: Intelligence, confidence, being easy to tease but patient enough not to lash out. <3
Biggest turn offs: Douchebaggery, stupidity, a certain kind of selfishness, disloyalty, lying for stupid reasons ...
I’ll love you if…: You're interesting.
Most traumatic experience: I don't know, living? I'm pretty okay, as far as I know. :D
A fact about your personality: I internalize a lot more than I let on.
What I hate most about myself: Once I'm free, I think I'm going to feel pretty short. It's good for my job, but oof.
What I love most about myself: Everything?
My relationship with my siblings: I don't know them. :/
My relationship with my parents: I don't know them, but my teacher was like the weirdest combination of sadism and compassion.
My idea of a perfect date: Just getting a nice quiet moment together to relax. Or maybe dancing. Oh! Maybe a rave? :D
A reason I’ve lied to a friend: To protect them.
What I hate the most about work/school: The beatings.
What my last text message says:  "8====D"
What words upset me the most: Punishment is a word that sucks.
What words make me feel the best about myself: "You're great and handsome and smart and really talented and you're like a movie protagonist but way cooler."
Where I would like to live: Anywhere but here.
My favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate. :D
The last thing I ate: Soup.
Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: ... Heh. Well, I have a list, but.
A random fact about anything: A flock of crows is called a murder, something Bird really, really finds funny.
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 7
Do you believe in mermaids? Haha no don't be stupid mermaids aren't real. :D
What’s a sound that soothes you? The sound of a heartbeat.
Favourite sea creature? I don't know enough about the seas. :/
Cold showers or hot showers? Cold showers. :D Helps me wake up and focus. Hot showers make me tired.
When was the last time you had a bath? I don't usually do baths, but I've had a few in the course of my life. Usually in a lake or something.
Have you ever been sailing? Nah, but it sounds fun. :D
If you had to save one thing, what would it be? Bird.
What do you do when it rains? I think I would. :D
Do you like to be outside in the rain? I'd love to. :D I don't like humidity and I imagine rain is pretty damn humid, but it just seems nice. Like, if there was a 'romantic' weather it'd be rain, right?
What’s your favorite drink? Water with a dash of sugar added.
Do you live near the water? Nah. Well, I don't think so? I think there might be a river around here somewhere.
Does it snow where you live? No. :(
What’s your favorite thing to do in the winter? Wish I knew what it was like to actually have seasons. :D
When was the last time you were on a plane? Aren't planes those old things that the first world use to use to take people from one place to another very quickly? Like a big flying thing?
What’s your favorite dessert food? I don't know, but I think marshmallows are pretty amazing just from a scientific perspective. :D The ability to change shape and texture depending on it's temperature is pretty fun.
Do you wear glasses? Only when I want to do the cute librarian look.
What’s your favorite song to dance to? I don't really dance? But I think anything with a good BPM is great dance music. :D I'll update this is anything comes to mind.
Do you like fairytales? Sure! Most of my LIFE has been me reading stories, and I don't know what the difference between a fairytale and any old story is (maybe fairytales have, like, a moral?) so I think any story is fair.
Do you like to wear dresses? No, but I could, I'm pretty petite. :D Nothing revealing though, I have a pretty solid muscle structure.
What’s one wish you have? To be free with Bird.
What are you most excited for right now? Freedom.
What’s the first thing you think when you wake up? "What now?"
What type of music do you listen to? Dubstep, techno, rock, romantic ballads, jazz, uh ...
If you could fly, where would you fly to? I think I'd just like the act of flying in general.
How long do you usually sleep for? Two hours, more or less depending on the situation. :D
What’s your favorite carnival ride? I think I'd love a roller coaster, but under the circumstances, I've never been on one, or even near one. :/
Have you ever seen an eclipse? Of the heart? Nah.
What’s one thing you lost that you want back? I'll tell you after the prologue. :D
Who is the person nearest to you right now? Bird.
What time is it where you are? Did you know that despite being underground, we actually have the same system of time as common folk do? It's because of the raids. We need to know the best times to conduct our surface business. What times everyone will likely be asleep, what times to avoid coming up ...
What would the person nearest to you right now say about you? "Ele ph'dos saph nindol?"
Do you like to do reckless things? Life's too short not to, and it can get a lot shorter if it goes wrong, but eh. :D Usually I'm only so crazy if I'm upset.
Have you ever burned something? As part of my training, sure.
Have you ever hurt someone you didn’t mean to? As training, I had to hurt a lot of people I didn't need or even want to, but had to. So technically yes and no.
Have you ever been hurt by someone? Ohohoho yeah, ohhhhh yeah. It's pretty much my life.
Do you have any birthmarks/scars? Not that I know of? Probably some scars, I don't know.
What’s your favorite childhood memory? That time I almost died and then I didn't.
Are you afraid of storms? I can acknowledge the terror of a storm but it doesn't scare me enough to really count. :D
Pick one word to describe your life Complicated.
Are you afraid of the dark? Pffffff, no. I AM the dark.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? I've talked back to a few girls in my time with variable results. :P
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 6
What’s your favorite season? The season where everything is slightly less humid than normal? :D
What’s the prettiest thing you own? This random-ass glowing crystal. I bet Bird gave it to me and I have no idea why. I bet it's a tracking device so he can always find me. Or maybe a nightlight. Or maybe he wants to give me a challenge to have something glowing on my person constantly drawing attention. :D
Do you prefer to be outside or inside? So ... hang on, for the common folk you're talking about outside as in being under the sky? Crazy. Right now my options are only inside, and further inside, so ... normal inside?
Have you ever planted something? Mistrust in my enemies. <3
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? The ... what do you call it ... the word for tier breche ... uh ...
What’s your favorite gemstone? I actually really like gemstones in general. :D I guess if I had to choose one, maybe ... ruby?
What’s your aesthetic? Like, as a person? Anime protagonist. Or do you mean as in what I like? Because I like ... I don't know, the look of a productive study or library full of curiosities is pretty great, I guess? I'm also a fan of water, aesthetically speaking, but who isn't?
What, in your opinion, is your best aspect? You commoners don't appreciate just how attractive I am. Puberty kicks in for my kind a lot sooner, and by fifteen I'm almost done with it and damn did I turn out fine. :D
Where are you most calm? In Bird's study.
Do you like to do hands-on things? I feel obligated to make a dirty joke here, but I won't. :D
What’s your most irrational fear? I don't know? Ilhars, I guess? They're regarded the most powerful beings in our culture, just for the ability to create life, carry it for like a year, and then shove it out of their body, often without any kind of medical aid because why the fuck would our kind make it easier for anyone? That's "weakness". Weakness gets us all killed.
Where’s your favorite hiding place? On top of bookshelves or other high, dusty places.
What’s your earliest memory? I don't know, I think I almost drowned once? I don't know if that came before or after, but the clearest early memory I have is back when I was like, four? I was sparring with my zra'ha. I got my toddler ass kicked, and it set the pattern for me getting my ass kicked regularly. I could never beat her, but I could dodge her at least a good chunk of the time. :D
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 5
What’s your sleep schedule? Short naps throughout the day, no real sleep.
Favorite comfort food? What's comfort food?
Showers or baths? Bubbles? Bath bombs? Showers. Bubbles are cute, but I don't really do the relaxation thing. :D
Sum up your style in a few words. Anime.
Favorite party or board game? Truth or Knife Fight.
What do you like to do with your family? Get sold into slavery. :D
Favorite special occasion food? You know the chocolate cake, covered in chocolate syrup, with chocolate chips? I've always wanted to try that.
Favorite tree? I want to see the "redwoods" someday, they sound fucking insane.
What’s one thing you will never throw away? Anything Bird tells me to.
Favorite book genre? Action fantasy, ironically. :D As long as it's well written I don't care what it is, I'll give it a try.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? I'm actually pretty happy with the job I have now, I just wish it was under different circumstances. If I wasn't an assassin/bodyguard, I guess I'd be an artist of some kind?
Have you been to a sleepover? If so, when was your first? Do you like them? Technically I always have sleep overs. Part of my job is watching over someone, and they gotta sleep sometime. :D
Do you like small gatherings, large parties, or one-on-one meetings? One-on-one is way easier to keep an eye on hidden knives.
Favorite meal to make? Sandwich, it's like all the basic food groups in a convenient, mess-free stack of food items. :D
Favorite and least favorite chore? Protecting the young house mage. Any time one of the matron's daughters treats me like hired help and tells me to get them coffee while they're visiting.
Favorite mode of transportation? Favorite car? Dragon!
What was the most nerve-wracking experience you’ve had? Every time I hear the Matron's voice. I bet she's not even all that bad and I'm just falling victim to expecting unfortunate stereotypes or something.
Do you wear makeup? I could, but there may be a limit to just how fabulous I should be. :D
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suruxukuth · 6 years
Quiz 4
What do you dream of becoming? Free. :D
What is something you wish you could forget? Every experience is important, and I don't recall a time where I was forced to sit and watch someone I care about be brutally tortured (that I know of) sooo ... I think I’m happy with my memories right now.
Imperfections you find beauty in? Personality quirks can be cute.
What is friendship to you? Trust and loyalty.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Again, away from here would be good. :D
Would you want the power to read minds? Why wouldn't I?
What color are your eyes? Ice blue-gray. :D
Stars or moon? Stars, more useful and less bright.
What is your favorite book? Nota'man Ul'nusst. You common speaking folks are going to have a fun time trying to figure out if that answer is meant to be a joke or not. :D
Describe your perfect partner. Someone smart, interesting, creative, clever, easily annoyed but incredibly patient ... being cute is a plus but not necessary.
What is your worst fear? Helplessness.
Most embarrassing moment? Every single time puberty kicks me in the balls and my voice cracks.
What is your favorite quote? "Dro 'zil ka dos zhahen ulu el mufo, screa 'zil ka dos zhahen ulu dro mal'rak."
Would you rather be given diamonds or flowers? Diamonds are more useful. :D
What color is your hair? Black.
If you had a hidden magical ability, what would you hope it to be? The ability to use magic at all?
Are you introverted or extroverted? Introvert with the heart of an extrovert. :D
Describe your sense of humor. Referential or sarcastic humor, with lots of in-jokes.
Do you believe in true love? Sure!
Are you more perceiving or analytical? Analytical, my WIS score is shot.
What do you daydream about? Being free. Being able to pursue the kind of life I want, with whoever I want without worry.
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly? Fly, of course.
Describe what home smells like. Humidity. :|
Favorite song at the moment? Popeska - New Kings No real reason. I guess it sounds like a good song to paraglide to and I really want to paraglide someday. :D
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