survivalhunterangus · 2 years
Marvin may be a one-off, but he's still canon, UNLIKE A CERTAIN SURVIVAL HUNTER whom had 10 VIDEOS.
It’s all in the creator’s hands. And here’s Marvin thinking, “This guy got ten videos and Jack still didn’t care enough about his arc to make him fully real? Wow...”
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
Angus: Bear! Quick, play dead!
Angus: *plays dead*
Chase: *Doesn't move*
Bear: *Sniff Chase and leave*
Angus: Wait, why did-
Chase: Because I'm dead inside
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
Angus The Adventurer (Angus X Reader) Minecraft AU
I have been churning these out a lot, though that could be because I’ve been hit with so many ideas for this AU. Again, big thanks to Clanwarrior_Tumbly for being the inspiration behind these fics.
You arrive in the village to check on how the villagers and Henrik were doing when you noticed the small ground surrounding the well. Curious, you join the crowd to see a man standing on the edge of the fountain, making extravagant motions with his arms as he tells a daring adventure.
“-And the creeper exploded before I could react, sending me flying into the hole I was just investigating! I was barely alive, but with sheer will power and a single shovel, I managed to dig my way out before any monsters found me. Lesson of the story, always watch your back. Creepers are nasty creatures that will not hesitate,” The crowd cheered and clapped, the man bowing with a grin. The crowd disperses, murmuring amongst themselves about the tale the man had told.
With a smile you approached the man who was getting off the fountain. He turns to you and blinks in surprise.
“Well, hello there! Is there anything I can help ya with?”
“Well, not exactly. But I do want to help you! Here,” You hand him a basket of some extra food you carry.
“I always carry extra in case I’m lost or someone else needs it! And being an adventurer means you have to stock up on a lot of food, right?” He stares in shock before a grin spreads across his face.
“Well aren’t you a smart cookie. Kind too,” You grin sheepishly from the compliments. He holds out a hand.
“Name’s Angus. Angus the Adventurer,” You take and shake his hand.
“Y/N! It’s nice to meet you Angus!” Angus smiles as you both let go.
“So what brings you to the village?” Angus straightens produly.
“Well, to share my adventures and get some more supplies, but thanks to you, I won’t have to do all that much and get back to adventuring that much sooner!” You couldn’t help but smile at how passionate he takes his job.
“Well, it’s clear you enjoy it. Good luck out there and stay safe, okay?”
“Of course. And I hope we meet again soon, you’re quite pleasant to talk to,” And with that Angus walks away. You shrug and start making your way to Henrik to tell him what happened and give him more food. Even though he INSISTS he has enough, you just want to make sure he does.
As an adventurer, Angus never really liked to stay in one place. But ever since he stopped by that village he’s been feeling… off. Like something was missing. That’s what’s been bringing him back to the village, to see if he left something behind or maybe see you again. 
Every time he visited, he didn’t see you but he did feel… comfortable staying in the village for longer period of time. So comfortable in fact that he asked the mayor of the village if he could set up a temp home whenever he wanted to take a break from adventuring.
A little birdy told you that a certain adventurer decided to stay in the village. So you decided to stop by the village to welcome the newish resident. When you arrived, you spotted a big ol white tent near the outskirts of the village. You smile and approach it, knocking on your basket of goods when near the entrance.
“Come in?” A confused Australian calls out. With a laugh, you enter the tent to see the adventurer himself sitting on the bed, sharpening his knife.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you again!” Angus greets, standing up and approaching you.
“Nice to see you too Angus! I got you some stuff,” You hand him the basket, he smiles.
“You’re far too kind, mate,” You smile.
“Want me to introduce you to the villagers or have you already met them?”
“A few, so I’ll take you up on that offer,”
“Great! The first one we’ll visit is Bridget, they-” As you talked, you and Angus left the tent and off you two went to introduce Angus to the village whilst he nibbled on the stuff you gave him. 
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
ooc. tryin to work on daily challenges for april 2023 :> hopefully will have it posted in either feb or march? and i'll try to get stuff backlogged for then too lol
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
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Angus the survival hunter pride icons
Weirdly this is the first time I have ever drawn him which is quite odd considering I've been in this community for around 5 years and I'm quite passionate about non cannon egos like shawn and Robbie. If the flags you want are not here send me an ask and I will make one especially for you.
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
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We got a bunch of Angus for the request, how’s about that! (I’m drawing a Robbie too for this anon and another hehe) but in the meantime here’s an ego I’ve never drawn human before :D he was fun, though I did originally have other plans I wasn’t able to get to so I hope just a normal design suffices ^-^
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Handsome survival lad for you all
(Tagging @glass-trash-bab and @bondedostae since they so kindly asked for the man)
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
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Egoshiptober day 7!! Orange!!
oh, look. Angus in his villain arc jdhgfbhjb
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survivalhunterangus · 2 years
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ooc. hello :> happy iswm day but ALSO happy angus day. 9 years old. yye -- extra pics below qwq srry for dying for 2 years ;; this blog prolly isnt used to that LMAO;;;;;
fonally finished at 04:00 qwq
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
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day 29: glitch
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
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what, this? doesn't hurt at all
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
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ooc. 24
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
Sev furrows his brows - the odd feeling in his hands had left the minute he stopped touching the controller, but Jade got shocked when she did grab it? Hm.
"Still, that is very...not good," he murmurs, staring down at his hands. "That looked like it hurt. Is it because of me?" the brunet asks, looking from his hands to the woman beside him.
"A-angus...?" Jade looks at him with worry.
The brunet tilts his head, leaning forward just the slightest bit. "Who's Angus?" he qustions.
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
sev: do you ever just...want to stick a long pointy object through your face?
angus: what the fuck
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
Sev hums as he plays, though he gets tired pretty easy. For a relaxing game, it seems to give him the opposite effect in as long as he's been playing. He holds the controller out to Jade.
"It is a nice game," Sev says, "and I can see why it is a Favorite. I think I have gotten tired playing it, though. I'm sorry." A frown forms on his face as he finishes talking, eyes cast down toward the controller.
He should probably say something about the tingling in his hands as he held the controller. He was pretty sure it wasn't normal, but - well, he didn't really have a reason to not say anything. He didn't need a reason.
"A-angus...?" Jade looks at him with worry.
The brunet tilts his head, leaning forward just the slightest bit. "Who's Angus?" he qustions.
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
Sev nods slightly and sits the cup down. "I do not want to waste anything, but thank you." He sends Jade a smile before looking back at the game.
The brunet touches the controller and flinches as a shock goes through his hand. His face scrunches up as he looks at his hand, then the controller. That's okay. He picks the controller up - no shocks - and starts to play again. "Learning is odd," he states.
"A-angus...?" Jade looks at him with worry.
The brunet tilts his head, leaning forward just the slightest bit. "Who's Angus?" he qustions.
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
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ooc. day 23
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survivalhunterangus · 4 years
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