survivalsts ¡ 2 years
oh my god, they were roommates  … sentence starters
also included some aimed at cohabitating couples
“Did we leave the stove on?”
“Did you remember to unplug that?”
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?”
“Do you wanna just order pizza tonight?”
“You’re slowing down the internet, again.”
“I washed dishes last night. It’s your turn.”
“Seriously? You ate them all? Without me?”
“Do you have to have your music that loud?”
“Oh, don’t give me that! It had my name on it!”
“Scootch over, you’re hogging the whole couch.”
“You made dinner? Thanks, it smells really good.“
“Touch my chips and you’re gonna meet the lord.”
“My Netflix password, I get to decide what we watch.”
“If you touch that thermostat one more time, I swear…”
“Oh, yeah, light’s been burnt out for, like, a week, now.”
“Put down the broom and go to bed, you’re exhausted.”
“I just pulled all these out of the couch. Care to explain?”
“I swear, this place is haunted. The lights keep flickering.”
“No. You can’t solve every household issue with duct-tape.”
“Was that the sound of a pipe bursting? Please, tell me no.”
“You can’t just hoard (trash item). You’re like a dragon of garbage.”
“Well, I would’ve liked to sleep, but SOMEONE hogged the bed last night.”
“Our neighbors keep eyeing our little garden. I think they’re jealous. Good.”
“So, don’t panic, but you know how they say you shouldn’t microwave metal…?”
“Excuse you, you don’t need a pillow. I’m right here, and perfectly pillow-shaped!”
“Did you really write ‘REDRUM’ on the mirror? You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Hey, I know you’ve had a rough day, so I made a quick stop and picked up your favorite snack.”
“Sorry I didn’t warn you that I sleepwalk. Didn’t mean to become your sleep paralysis demon.”
“Yeah, I’d love to do the yardwork… if it could stop snowing/raining/storming for more than ten seconds.”
“I was going to throw out the milk, but it’s been in there so long, it gained sentience and I’m scared to get near it.”
“Since things keep breaking, I think we have a household ghost. And I’m gonna name him Steve. Steve, you’re a dick.”
“Apparently, you can duct tape a person to a wall. We have duct tape. We have a wall. Are you seeing where I’m going with this?”
“Somewhere in this house, there’s a smoke alarm low on batteries. And it’s taunting me with its beeps, because it knows I can’t figure out which one it is.”
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
im making myself be active here again <3
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
black survival servers shut down in december thats so sad what the fuck??
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
i just feel like you can’t play a game with jackie unless she’s winning because she DOES get gamer rage so bad
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
okay so, this amazing anonymous request came in for prompts in which the sender is defending the receiver from a third party, who is being unnecessarily aggressive towards them! and me being me, i decided it was best to not only make a number of lists for this precise vibe, but ALSO to clarify in the list that these prompts are not directed towards the receiver of the meme, but rather to an NPC third party! unless the sender specifies otherwise. in which case, go wild! be sure to copy and paste the prefix (in this case: TO THE AGGRESSOR: ) to clarify with the receiver! i hope you guys enjoy using these as much as i enjoyed writing them!! and as always, DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST!!! i am making MORE lists based on this request!
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " that's enough. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " back off, already! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " you need to think very carefully about the next words that leave your mouth. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " watch your mouth, dickhead! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " how the hell is your response even CLOSE to being proportionate to what they did?! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " come on, man, they made a mistake. that's all. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " hey, hey, hey! it was just a stupid accident, right? that's all. no need to be a dick about it! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " hey, would you relax already?! they didn't mean to! they meant nothing by it! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " talk to them like that one more time, and i swear to you, you'll never talk again. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " if anyone else has something they'd like to say to [RECEIVER], they can direct it to me. got that? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " alright, they get it! you made your point! now shut the hell up! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " how much more sanctimonious bullshit do you intend on heaving on them?! shut up already! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " are you done? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " leave them alone! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " don't make me repeat myself, man. back off. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " pick on someone your own size, asshole! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " do you always have to be such a dick? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " don't go anywhere near them ever again, do you hear me?! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " go take a walk and come back when you're ready to be reasonable. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " i dare you to say another word to them. go on. i DARE you. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " keep going. go on. keep on terrorizing them. just remember, though: actions have consequences. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " how dare you speak to them like that?! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " god, you really do love the sound of your own voice, don't you? it's a shame that the rest of us don't. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " you must feel like a real badass right about now, yeah? yelling and frightening and humiliating someone with more decency and respect than you. except you're not a badass, you know. you're just a coward. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " okay, they get it! message received, asshole; now relax! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " oh, you're a special kind of asshole, huh? yelling at people you deem weaker than yourself for no good reason. how pathetic do you have to be? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " well, if you're done being a whinging cry-baby, [RECEIVER] and i have actual important shit to get on with, so... you better scuttle away, yeah? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " what the hell is your problem?! you don't get to just treat people like that, jackass! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " if making people cry is the only thing that gives your life meaning, you need serious help. now get away from them. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " i will not repeat myself. get. the hell. away from them. NOW. "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " is there a problem here? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " you're teaching them a lesson, is that it?! you like lessons, dumbass? here's one for you; talk shit, get hit! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " you better shut your mouth before i shut it for you! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " i think they get the message, dickhead, okay? loud and clear. now back off!
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " tell me, is it a challenge to be such a relentless asshole, or does it just come naturally to you? "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " quit acting like you've never messed up before, jackass, and leave them be! "
TO THE AGGRESSOR: " this was all just some big misunderstanding, right? why don't you go cool off? take a walk, grab some water, move on. sound good? "
[ PUNCH ]: sender intervenes in a conflict between the receiver and a third party by punching the aggressor solidly in the face.
[ BLOCK ]: when the aggressor begins to invade the receiver's body space, sender pushes between them and shoves the aggressor back, serving as a human shield to the receiver.
[ EVICT ]: after intervening on the receiver's behalf, sender firmly and inarguably forces the aggressor to leave the building, never to return to the premises again.
[ GLARE ]: while in full view of the receiver, sender pins a terrifyingly ruthless glare on the aggressor, engaging in a brief stand-off that ends with the aggressor reluctantly leaving.
[ LEAVE ]: having intervened in the conflict on the receiver's behalf, the sender glances back to make sure they're alright, then leaves the room to follow the aggressor and ensure they leave the building.
[ ESCORT ]: after the conflict is resolved, the sender escorts the receiver away from the building to get some fresh air and a break from the scene of the argument.
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
lads if i ever have to type “pin against the wall” ever again in this lifetime, it’ll be too soon, but i really hope you enjoy these!! if you think of more that you would like to be added, let me know! please do NOT add more in the reblogs, it is VERY likely that i can and will be making a second part to this list! now go drink some water and i hope y’all enjoy the memes!
LAST EDITED: 01/06/22
[ KISS ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall and kisses them passionately.
[ ANGER ]:     sender pins receiver against the wall out of anger.
[ CHALLENGE ]:     in a motion designed to challenge the receiver’s authority, sender pins receiver against the wall.
[ TRAINING ]:     during a sparring match, sender ends up pinning the receiver against the wall.
[ HEAT ]:      while in the middle of a make-out session, sender pushes the receiver up against the wall, unwittingly heating things up even more.
[ SHIELD ]:     in order to protect them from physical harm caused by a third party, the sender shoves the receiver against the wall and shields them with their body.
[ COVER ]:     while hiding from persecutors, sender pushes the receiver against a wall and uses their body to hide the receiver’s face from view.
[ HIDE ]:     while on the run, the sender hastily grabs the receiver and pins them against a wall that’s hidden from public view to avoid being seen.
[ STOP ]:     in order to stop the receiver from walking away, the sender guides them back and pushes them against a wall.
[ FIGHT ]:     while in a physical fight, sender shoves the receiver against the wall in an effort to gain the upper hand.
[ RESTRAIN ]:     sender pushes the receiver back against the wall to stop them from physically fighting the sender.
[ STEADY ]:     sender gently catches and guides the emotionally distressed receiver against a wall in order to physically steady them.
[ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
[ THROAT ]: sender pins the receiver to the wall by placing a hand or forearm against their throat.
[ FRONT ]: sender shoves the receiver against the wall so that the receiver’s front is pressed against the wall.
[ WHISPER ]: sender pins the receiver against a wall in order to whisper something into their ear (either a secret or in a manner of seduction).
[ FEAR ]: in order to frighten or intimidate the receiver, the sender shoves them back against a wall, positioning themselves so that the receiver can’t get out.
[ HUSH ]: as a means of getting the receiver to stay quiet, the sender covers their mouth and ends up shoving them into a wall in their urgency.
[ FALL ]: while pinning them against the wall, a brief tussle results in the sender and receiver falling over, with the sender pinning the receiver to the ground.
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
i like hugs, and honestly i just. i think they deserve more love than they get. so here we go lads. i’m on a one-woman mission to revive the absolute love of hugs. as always!!! do NOT add to this list!! i will curse your crops and possibly your livestock!! seriously tho i might make a new list, so just. don’t do it. add a “+ REVERSE” to reverse the roles of the action!
LAST UPDATE:     10/06/22
[ LIFT ]:     sender, being taller than the shorter receiver, lifts them off the ground mid-embrace.
[ SIGH ]:     sender releases a soft sigh of relief the moment they have the receiver in their arms.
[ CHEEK ]:     sender presses a quick kiss to the receiver’s cheek on their way into the hug.
[ TEMPLE ]:     sender presses a soft kiss to the receiver’s temple while hugging them.
[ CROWN ]:     sender presses a kiss to the crown of the receiver’s head while hugging.
[ NECK ]:     sender reaches up and wraps their arms around the receiver’s neck when hugging them.
[ MIDDLE ]:     sender wraps their arms around the receiver’s middle while hugging them.
[ OPEN ]:     sender wordlessly opens their arms out to offer the receiver a long-awaited hug.
[ CRY ]:     while holding on to the receiver, the sender begins to cry into their shoulder/chest/hair (depending on height difference and whatnot.)
[ HAIR ]:      sender buries one hand into the receiver’s hair while hugging them.
[ CUP ]:      sender gently cups one hand against the back of the receiver’s head while hugging them.
[ ASSURE ]:     sender quietly reassures the receiver that everything’s okay while they’re hugging one another.
[ HESITATE ]:     startled by a sudden hug from the receiver, the sender pauses for a moment, before hesitantly returning the embrace.
[ CLING ]:     sender wraps their arms tightly around the receiver, clinging on to them throughout the embrace.
[ STROKE ]:     sender slowly and repeatedly runs a hand through the receiver’s hair in a soothing motion while they hug.
[ SPIN ]:     while hugging the receiver, the sender lifts them off the ground and begins to spin them both in a giddy, joyful circle.
[ FALL ]:     receiving a sudden and forceful embrace from the receiver, the sender stumbles and falls to the ground while still hugging them.
[ THROW ]:     sender suddenly flings their arms around the receiver in an impulsive embrace.
[ SPRINT ]:     seeing the receiver across the room, the sender sprints across the distance between them to give them a hug.
[ PULL ]:     sender physically pulls the receiver (by the hand or waist or arms, etc.) into a hug
[ SHOULDER ]:     sender buries their face into the receiver’s shoulder/the crook of their neck while hugging them.
[ WAIST ]:     sender jumps up at the last minute while running to hug the receiver, wrapping their legs around their waist and their arms around their neck as they hug them.
[ SIDE ]:     sender wraps an arm around the receivers shoulders and pulls them in for a side-hug.
[ GIFT ]:     while hugging the receiver, the sender slips something into their pocket out of the public eye. (FEEL FREE TO SPECIFY WHAT THIS GIFT IS!)
[ GUIDE ]:     as they go in for a hug, the sender gently rests a hand and guides the receiver’s head to rest against their shoulder/chest.
[ CHIN ]:     sender, while hugging the receiver, rests their chin on top of their head.
[ SWAY ]:     while embracing the receiver, the sender begins to sway in a slow, soothing manner.
[ COAT ]:     as they go for a hug, the sender opens out their jacket so the receiver can “share” it, warming them up as best they can while they hug.
[ HUM ]:     as they embrace, the sender begins to gently hum under their breath to soothe and relax the receiver.
[ CIRCLE ]:     while they’re hugging, the sender begins to rub their hand in slow circles on the receiver’s back.
[ SUBSIDE ]:     an emotionally distressed sender initially shoves and strikes out at the receiver, but collapses into tears after a few moments and sinks against them for a hug.
[ CARRY ]:     the sender pulls an emotionally/physically exhausted receiver into an embrace, then lifts them off their feet and carries them to a sofa/bed to let them lie down and get some rest.
[ COLLAPSE ]:     a weakened sender (either from exhaustion or injuries or whatever!) sinks into the receiver’s embrace, only to collapse in their arms, too weak to move. 
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
Jealous Lovers Sentence Starters
as requested by anon. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Who was that?”
“I don’t like the way he/she/they look/s at you.”
“How could I make you jealous? I melt whenever you say my name.”
“Hi! I’m ___’s girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/etc. Ever heard of me?”
“So what if I’m jealous?”
“You are spending WAY too much time with that guy/girl/person.”
“How come you never do that with me?”
“Hey. You’re mine.” / “Don’t worry. I’m yours.”
“I’m going to kick his/her/their ass! No one can touch you like that except for me.”
“I heard you and ___ had lunch.”
“Are you jealous?~”
“Can I just give you another hickey?” / “Did you really have to give me so many hickeys?”
“I can’t have these people all over you.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t worry about him/her/them, we’re just friends.”
“Don’t you trust me?” / “You’re not the one I don’t trust…”
“I know that you love me, but your jealousy is getting out of hand.”
“You don’t own me…except when you make that face.”
“I don’t remember our hello kiss being a hello makeout. Are you threatened by my friend?”
“Who are you texting? I thought I just saw a heart emoji.”
“Why is your ass so amazing? Everyone is staring at it and I hate it.”
“Hey, pal. His/her/their eyes are up there.”
“I don’t know what that was about, but I love seeing you all riled up.”
“This is outrageous. I demand more attention.”
“Oh you and ___ went there? That’s where we went on our first date.”
“You’re with ME now.”
“What is/are he/she/they doing here?”
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
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                                   LET THERE BE GLORY TO THE PAWNS,                                    WHO REACHED THE END OF DESPAIR.
independent black survival multimuse adopted by mak / kai
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 (a collection of prompts from text posts I saved. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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“You’re such an idiot. I will literally kiss you on the mouth.”
“Not evil anymore, I want to be loved now.”
“Babygirl, you are awkward and do not understand social cues.”
“Sorry about being mentally ill, the sex will be bomb though.”
“What if my best self is a cunt that can’t wake up before noon?”
“They’ve got something gay going on.”
“I’m the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know.”
“I couldn’t fix him. But I could fuck him.”
“I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.”
“If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I, am not.“
“I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.”
“You’re talking mad shit for a guy within kissing distance.”
“I’m sorry I’m hot and funny. Are you mad at me?”
“You make a lot of threats for someone who is short and can’t even do a push-up.”
“My fear of abandonment is so strong, because if I could I would abandon myself too.”
“Your first kill together as a couple is an important relationship milestone.”
“My kink? Knowing all the information.”
“I think Aristotle said that.”
“The Universe has a sense of humor and I can respect the commitment to the bit but, girl, please.”
“Vulnerability is so hard. If I told you anything sappy know that I had a hand to hand combat with seven layers of embarrassment and repression.”
“Please don’t say mean things to me.”
“My hobbies include knowing and being right.”
“I told you a joke and you’re laughing. I love you.”
“I’m covered in blood for sexy reasons. Also I just got stabbed.”
“I don’t identify as “male” or “female”, I identify as a warning.”
“I’ve made a huge mistake.”
“First of all, I didn’t “miss” the red flags. I looked at them and thought: yeah, that’s sexy.”
“I could recognize him by tits alone.”
“I hate when people ask me what sign I am. Like, bitch, I am a sign from God. Start running.”
“Can someone please be proud of me? Like fuck, I’m trying.”
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survivalsts ¡ 2 years
feel free to combine these with dialogue whether it’s something you make up or from other memes your partner has reblogged. 
[ BEND ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller muse down so they can kiss their forehead. 
[ LEAN ]  for the taller muse to lean down to kiss the shorter muse’s forehead. 
[ LIFT ]  for taller muse to lift up the smaller one and sit them on a surface where they can be eye level. 
[ CLIMB ]  for the shorter muse to find somewhere to perch so they can be eye level with taller muse. 
[ INTERRUPT ]  for shorter muse to stop during the middle of a conversation and stand on a chair/sit on a table so they can be eye level with the taller one. 
[ GIVE ]  for the taller muse to place their jacket around the shorter muse’s shoulders,  the garment essentially ‘swallowing them whole.’
[ TAKE ]  for the taller muse to find the shorter one has ‘borrowed’ a shirt/sweater/jacket etc.  which is oversized on them.  
[ GO ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one and carry them away from a potential/just started fight. 
[ RIDE ]  for the taller muse to give the shorter one a piggyback ride so they don’t have to keep up. 
[ SEE ]  for shorter muse to insist on getting to ride on the taller one’s shoulders.  
[ FIND ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter one by the waist so they can reach something. 
[ EMBRACE ]  for the taller muse to lift the shorter muse off the ground when they hug. 
[ CATCH ]  for the shorter muse to run and jump into the taller muse’s arms. 
[ CARESS ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to kiss them. 
[ GIVE ]  for the shorter muse to stand or climb to sit on a higher surface to demand a kiss from the taller one. 
[  PULL  ]  for the shorter muse to tug the taller one down by the collar to kiss them. 
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face. 
[ LOWER ]  for the taller muse to kneel in front of the shorter one so they’re less intimidating. 
[ HELP ]  for the taller muse to use the advantage of their stature to shield the shorter one from something. 
[ AID ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one to lift them over something  (  stairs,  while hiking, a large puddle etc.  ). 
[ INSIST ]  for the shorter muse to guide the taller one to sit so they don’t have to keep looking up. 
[ COMFORT ]  for the taller muse to tuck their chin atop the shorter one’s head while they hug. 
[ MELT ]  for the taller muse to lean down so they can bury their face into the shorter one’s shoulder. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the smaller muse to hug the taller one while they are seated so the taller one can hide their face against them. 
[ BLOCK ]  for the taller muse to stand in front of the shorter one to prevent them from having to see something. 
[ CUDDLE ]  for the taller muse to the big spoon. 
[ HELD ]  for the shorter muse to be the big spoon. 
[ TENDER ]  for the taller muse to kiss the shorter one’s head while they embrace. 
[ GENTLE ]  for the shorter muse to kiss the taller one’s chest while they hug. 
[ REST ]  for the shorter muse to lean forward and press their forehead against the tall one’s chest/shoulder while they stand in front of each other. 
[ TOUCH ]  for the taller muse to lean down and press their forehead to the shorter one’s. 
[ PRESS ]  for the shorter muse to take hold of the taller one’s face to pull them down so they can press their foreheads together. 
[ GAZE ]  taller muse is sitting and the shorter one who is standing in front of them takes their face into their hands while they talk. 
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