survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
Episode 16: "She's in her COMP BEAST ERA."ā€”Trinica
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The emotional part of me feels guilty voting for Jinx tonight but the rational part of me knows you gotta get rid of the ones who are trying to get rid of you šŸ˜•
OooOOOOUUUUU if i pull this off? i can call myself a survivor player
Okay uhhh I won the last immunity challenge so I was safe, yay! But bestie Brandi was not, boo! But then Jinx idoled herself and I was like damn RIP Brandi. But then it TIED between Brandi and Colin! And then Jinx SAVED BRANDI thank GOD. And now it's 2-2 or 3-1 if we can convince Zo that Jinx now has to go oop
Aaaaand Colin is gone which like I really did need to happen because they could have collected like 5 jury votes AT LEAST if they played their cards right. And now this FIC is made up of a ton of challenges I did really well at teehee so hopefully I have this in the bag despite the fact that I'm in NYC for a work trip and busy as FUCK. We'll see. I have way less time to do this than I normally would. But we'll see.
I thought for sure I was going last night and jinx saved me. JINX. we have never been able to get in the same page and J I N X S A V E D M E
also Brandi asked for my Guess Who spreadsheet and, fully cementing my role as villain, I am indeed falsifying it before sending it to her ;___;
ok look I cannot figure out that damn dolphin game. trinica got 7 mil, jinx 10 mil???? brandi 300,000. and that was an accident.
im back bc zo has 100000 BEADS. BEADS. B WORDS. BEADS.
I got that puzzle in 27 minutes and I kinda regret cheating so hard last time lmao like imagine we used that cheat code this time...... I need it
Somehow Someway I have convinced Trinica to take me to FTC šŸ‘€ I sometimes am amazed at my own powers of persuasion and absolute LUCK that falls into my lap! Had Colin not given me the legacy advantage, I would probably not be sitting where I am today but I trusted the process and didnā€™t go as hard as I could have on Final Immunity knowing that the legacy would somehow get me to FTC. Ok I need to go take a walk Iā€™m still holding my breath from tribal wow
Hoooooooly shit. The jury said I'd have to win out to make it to the end, and I've fucking done it. I can't believe this. She's in her COMP BEAST ERA.
So last vote saw Colin out, which I did need to happen but couldn't convince Brandi to do, and I'm so glad, but it did give Jinx 2 flashy moves at the forefront of the jury's mind when they played an idol. Then Jinx almost beat my ass at a challenge and I had to win in a tiebreaker (which I demolished at, 1000 to Jinx's 500, but WOOF I was scared). I would LOVE nothing more than to go to FTC with Jinx for a second time- the poetic justice!- but I Fear. They could very well win. I've come too far and gotten too much blood on my hands to let my sentimental heart lose me the game. No matter who's at the end, this is going to be a BATTLE.
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
Episode 15: "Not me making up a fake idol at the 11th hour"ā€”Hairie
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I knew the idol was in one of two places-- at the merch stand for the 3rd time, or in the captain's room. And I got the keycard to the captain's room yesterday, so I decided to go there and gave Brandi coins so she could go get merch just in case it was there again. And my hunt was a bust, but she got the idol.
I need that idol so desperately and had I had it, I think I could've made my way to final 3 with that, my challenge advantages, and my general go-getter attitude (and propensity for bluffing/lying). BUT NO, Brandi has it! And tbh if anyone BUT me in the game had to have it, I'm glad it's Brandi. But also Brandi doesn't need it! Nobody saying Brandi's name! I think people don't realize how hard she's playing and think she's just a goat so they're happy to take her to the end! Meanwhile *chuckles* I'm in danger!
Anyway it's quite possible I could convince Brandi to give me the idol, buuuuut... I doubt it lmao. Maybe I can bluff that I have it to avoid votes on me though?? idk if not I think Brandi won Marieta Islands? Maybe? AND GOOD FOR HER
1. I am stealing coins 2. I have an idol 3. I have a passion for graphic design and think my flag is rad
feels like jinx and I are breaking up right now and i'm like actually genuinely upset with them. I've said over and over again that I don't care about winning this one, and I say that because I didn't think I would make it to merge, let alone to FTC. I STILL don't think I'll make it to FTC. But they're using me saying that to say that I'm bullshitting them about wanting to go to the end with them, or that I only want to go to the end because I think I would beat them. And I'm like screaming myself hoarse here that I actually DON'T think I beat Jinx at the end. I don't think I could beat anyone here. There are people I think I've played a better game than, but I think everyone here has a better relationship with the jury members than I do. I had a hand in almost everyone going home, and I think they'd rather vote for someone who didn't piss them off over me.
Anyway, feeling very frustrated and upset with Jinx right now so I'm just backing off of that alliance at this point because she's like coming at me really hard right now and idk why. Like if I come to you and ask your opinion for the vote and every round I get "well nobody listens to me anyway" how am I supposed to work with you?? She seems mad about last round when I literally told her AND Hairie that I wanted to split the vote. Like, sorry Raffy had an idol and if I told anyone I was at risk! But I told them that I may vote Raffy so why are you now mad at me for voting Raffy???? I feel like they get upset that they can't control the vote and tbh it's been really hard to work with them this game for that reason, because they're always so stubborn about who they think should go and it feels like they don't listen to me when I say someone else should go, like they laugh it off or make a joke and I'm like...I'm serious, I'm worried about this player, I'm worried about my safety if they stay in the game. And then if I do something different, despite the fact that we discussed not always having to vote together way back at merge, they get really upset. And it feels like constantly having to do damage control and apologize for just...playing the game (even while being as communicative as possible)! Like my entire game feels like it's been managing Jinx's feelings and idk maybe it's time for me to just be super selfish and villainous and just do what I want and vote out who I want and fuck everyone else! Because nobody here seems to care to bring me to the end or care when I'm clearly laying out how I'm not the big threat at the end that everyone says I am! So why should I consider anyone else's feelings!
lmao this is so dramatic but listen!! we're this close to the end and i'm probably going home at 5 or 4 and will never beat my cursed placement and I'M UPSET!!!!
if people don't vote Hairie tonight they are DUMB.
Trinica is pushing this narrative that the jury is too bitter at Hairie and we should keep him but I'm like... no. that's dumb
I have a f3 with Zo and jinx bc Jinx has had ENOUGH of the other people, but idk how stable Jinx is with us.
i'm gonna make a fake f3 with Brandi and trinica to try and convince them to definitely vote Hairie
Made it further than I thought I could. Yay me. Final 6.
Of course I lost the creative challenge but I had fun doing it!
Not me making up a fake idol at the 11th hour and spread it like wildfire. That last 100 coins was a bummer.
Potential moves:
- force rocks with Trinica/Hairie/Jinx or Trinica/Hairie/Brandi hoping the others flip - Fake idol and get them to scramble
Potentially I do see myself getting voted out here. Bracing myself.
Also Trinica shared to me about their jury conference call. Off spicy. Highlight word of the day "Unbearable" ... lmao ya'll did that
I'm at peace with whatever the outcome may be.
Hairie leaving means I'm going home next if I don't win! Oopsies! I did tell Hairie and Brandi that I thought Jinx was splitting the vote in order to control the vote but nobody else seemed concerned.
Also I did encourage Brandi to play her idol and she did and I think I could get the idol at the merch stand BUT I will in fact be on a flight all morning and will miss first chance to idol hunt so I'm definitely at risk tomorrow. Oof.
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
Episode 14: "AYE YO WHO STOLE MY ONE (1) COIN!!"ā€”Zo
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I dipped out of the endurance challenge because A) I have ADHD and chronic pain when I sit still for longer than a couple hours, B) it's day-time for Hairie who, historically, NEEDS immunity, so there's just no way he doesn't win this unless Raffy can stay up all night, and C) I just don't care about immunity because I think I just royally fucked my game.
To be clear, I think Jinx royally fucked my game. She got on a call with Raffy and all of a sudden Raffy started with "oh maybe I'm gonna vote Arvin instead" so I just know in some way, shape, or form Jinx leaked the split vote plan I came up with to make it so hopefully Colin stood a chance of going instead of Hairie. Which made them switch to Arvin, which made Arvin leave. And Arvin leaving is whatever, right, like RIP prince but it's whatever. EXCEEEEPT after the vote Raffy and Colin were such little shits, like the braggy "that's why you don't mess with Old School" shit is sooooo obnoxious and if they're in FTC I'm campaigning against both of them lmao. And I am historically very good at poisoning a jury so WATCH OUT PALS.
Anyway, as I sat doing nothing for that endurance challenge for 42 minutes, I was crafting my responses to people. First plan is to talk to Jinx and figure out how badly she just fucked me over. Second plan is to get Brandi to realize Colin and Raffy never had any intention of working with us long-term/to the end and left her in the lurch as the only Hairie vote just now. Thank GOD I told her I was gonna vote Colin last minute tonight so she's not mad at me. If I can repair the Brandi/Hairie relationship and somehow guilt Jinx into voting with us, we stand a chance at getting most likely Raffy or Colin out next vote. I def can't pull Zo any more because I voted for her bestie Colin. So there's a lot of social maneuvering I'm going to have to do this round and I don't think it'll work tbh so I'll probably go next, especially if Hairie does win immunity.
As for Raffy, I think I'm going to tell him an absolute bullshit story that he absolutely will not buy LMAO but I'm going to admit to the Colin vote and say that right before tribal Arvin sent me cryptic messages about being "ready to play" and "huhuhu" and other Arvin-isms and said I should vote for Colin. And since Colin was going around saying I'll win if I make it to the end, I just straight-up didn't trust him and thought if anyone was going to get idoled out, I'd rather it be Colin who nobody seems to want to vote out and is in a really good position over Hairie, who can go at any time. Or idk maybe I just say I switched to Colin at tribal lmao he won't believe it but whatever
Last tribal, I told Jinx the whole split plan because I thought Trinica was betraying Colin and I. I also called out Hairie and Trinica at tribal. This apparently made Trinica switch to Colin. Trinica never backstabbed. Hairie is just very smart and highly intuitive. In this vote, I want Zo because she has been pushing the Trinica v. Raffy narrative. I really wanted to win immunity, but I didn't and I am vulnerable. However, Trinica, Brandi, and Jinx seem to all want to vote Zo for some of her shenanigans this round. She tried to pin a non-men alliance on Jinx and Trinica even though it was just a Losers chat created by Jay for the challenge. But Colin doesn't wanna vote for Zo which creates complications. I also believe that Colin is trying to get me out soon based on what Jinx and Trinica are saying he's been doing. He created a F4 alliance with Jinx Brandi and Zo in the hopes to secure a path to the end. Well no way Jose. We are getting out Zo and you will have to play with me! Sorry this is a bad summary.
Okay I take it back, it was absolutely Hairie's own damn fault that everything fell apart. Hairie I swear to God can you keep ONE THING!!!!! to yourself!!!! I decided the perfect plan to tie up a vote and you ruin it by going and leaking that I'm leaking to you! And for what purpose!? To brag that you know what's going on!? Like I'm ACTIVELY TRYING TO SAVE YOU and you're making it more difficult! I'm trying to hoist Hairie off the cliff he's fallen from and he's stabbing me in the hand while I'm doing it! It's the very definition of don't bite the hand that feeds you, my love! My headache!
Did I buy something powerful? Ya. Did I use it to cause chaos in the tribe chat? SURE AS HELL DID.
What if........I get the vote to split. I can't tell anyone about Raffy's idol bc it WILL get back to him and then he'll simply vote for me. I think Zo and Colin are also voting for me, so that's an issue. Raffy could also be fucking me over and voting me, so I need to prepare for that.
I'm turning people on Zo pretty easily because she leaked the losers chat Jay put us in, making it sound like an alliance that someone made, and claimed I was pushing Raffy when I wasn't teehee. So Jinx and Brandi are annoyed about that. But now Raffy is feeling overly confident and may not play his idol. I could get Brandi and Jinx and maybe Hairie to vote Raffy... me and Raffy vote Zo... and if Raffy idols it ties on me and Zo. It's a risk but may be the best thing to do ?
Ok so hereā€™s the fun pickle thatā€™s happening rn: The names on the street are Raffy and Trinica. Thereā€™s a solid group that wants to make a Big Move and take out Raffy and the other camp is gunning for Trinica. Ideally Iā€™d like to keep my numbers with the olds and vote Trinica but when are we ever going to get a chance to vote out Raffy again? Decisions decisions yā€™all! At any rate this round is going to determine the final act of the game for sure. Whomever goes home tonight sets the tone for these last few rounds and I for one have my popcorn ready to watch it all unfold šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼
I WON THE IMMUNITY !!!! Finally a win!!!!
It was a long and hard battle fought ... went up against the best for 9 hours.
Priority is to keep Trinica safe. Thank you Trinica for waking me up by a single Skype call at 7am telling me shit hit the fan and the vote is on Zo.
Well there isn't much to say because I woke up with 0 messages from everyone except Jinx and Trinica.
i sat and stared at a wall for over 4 hours just to get third place. don't like that!
I don't really think i'm a target this round, even though I got votes last night, mostly because I finally had a call with Hairie, and because Trinica told me to my face that people want to take me to the end, implying my goat status.
and you know what?? she's so right. like I'm literally their goat rn
you know the best way to lose your goat? call them a goat!
Hairie, Trinica, and Raffy are the 3 big players left. it's final 7, if they make it to final 4 then we're all screwed. We will officially be the goat at ftc.
SO NOW i'm putting in the work to make a final 4 pact with Jinx, Zo, and Brandi.
I think we need to ride that out to the end. Those 3 gotta GO. I don't wanna vote with my heart anymore.
I did make up with Trinica on a lovely call and Jinx and I had a good call reaffirming our loyalty. I do not think I have to use my idol, but if I leave then so be it. It was fate. I'd rather trust at this moment than live in painful paranoia.
raffy is going to be SO pissed at me
I believe I've made it this far without a single vote against me! Would ya look at that! In other news I am most definitely heading out in the next round or two!
Raffy, when you read this later...sorry. If it helps, I went back and forth on this for like an entire hour before tribal. But I gotta stay true to my girl Brandi since I've already lied to her once in this game.
The reason I did end up voting for Raffy is becaaaaause I didn't think I was any safer with him in the game vs with him out of it. I was hoping he would play his idol tonight and I would just vote Zo, but it became increasingly obvious that he wasn't going to play it. And I could NOT leave in the game a challenge beast WITH AN IDOL who today told me that he wasn't going to the end with me. True definition of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Queen stays Queen
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
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I think we can go ahead and end the season here- hairie wins
Well, despite Jinx lowkey ruining the illusion that she's not working with Hairie by telling the rest of OS that they were voting for Hairie instead of for Arvin, the plan last night worked. OS is super suspicious of Jinx, and probably a little of me, too, but I think I've played it off well enough that I didn't know Hairie had an idol.
I feel SO UNBEARABLY GUILTY about lying to Brandi, though. I considered coming clean today but I think she would be really upset with me for conspiring to get Amy out (especially over Hairie). But I had to do it! Hairie NEEDED to play his idol if we were going to have any chance of getting him out later. And after last night, he does need to go soon. Especially considering that mysterious legacy advantage we have. Hairie has just played too flashy and high-profile of a game to stay.
HOWEVER, once Hairie is gone, people WILL start looking at me next I think (along with Raffy perhaps). So I'm walking a tightrope, bless up Janelle Monae. We're at 8 now, and I think I'm a swing vote, though I can't quite logic out in what direction yet.
Hairie better not pull out another idol at this tribal council. Also, I don't trust Jinx or Zo at this point as I think they were being shady by not voting for Arvin like the plan was.
A friend today, may not be a friend tomorrow.
So we're down to 8. The challenge was a lot. Didn't want to sacrifice life too much just to go ham and win it. Raffy using an item to not let me get any ADV applied is so wild lmao.
As it stands, the rest thinks Trinica and Jinx are against me which is good. As for the votes go, they're 6 vs me and Arvin (2).
I suggested to Trinica some possible options:
- 4 vs 4 votes and force a rock draw - Or get the 6 to split 3 on me and 3 on Arvin while me and Arvin place 2 votes on someone. But in reality Jinx and Trinica will vote with me and Arvin making it a 4-2-2 split. This will draw lines
Zo is the highlight here and wants to make a move. Definitely scoop me up here Zo. Capitalising on the duo of Zo and Colin.
I broke it down:
- Raffy Brandi Trinica are a 3 - Zo and Colin a duo - Jinx is in the middle - Arvin and me are interchangeable
When me and Arvin are gone, at 6 who's at the bottom? Ya'll gonna play FRIENDVIVOR? Someone is gonna get upset for being the bottom and not realising it and too late for making moves. Why not use me and Arvin while we're still here?
Zo wants to get a Colin, Zo, Jinx, Hairie and Arvin voting bloc to make a move. I admitted to Zo that if there was no plans, I'm writing Colin but if you're wanting to make a move, I can respect your duo and ride with you. So I'm pushing it to Brandi. Sorry Brandi (if you're reading it) It's all game.
I want to protect Trinica a little here but not too much because we're sticking to the narrative of it being Trinica is not with me.
Zo is gonna run by Jinx to see what they're thinking.
On the other hand, Trinica is telling me Zo hasn't be truthful to her and also mentioned wanting me gone quote "Can we take Hairie out next?!" almost after last tribal.
One can hope that this plan works. There's like 3 plans so let's see which one works.
I wasted my extra vote using it last round as a safety net but it's okay.
Now these group want to take out Raffy as soon as he doesn't win immunity. I guess I'm hopping on that train.
I hope Raffy calling me all these superlatives is just part of the game and can understand my game at the end of the day.
Meanwhile in terms of idol hunting, I've just been exploring the ship and opening more paths and shopping list.
Going to sleep now and wake up at 6p EST for a call with Zo to see iron out the plan.
I am starting to get suspicious of Zo and Jinx. I don't think they want Hairie out, but I do. So, Colin, Trinica, Brandi, and I agreed to all four vote Hairie and tell them that we are voting for Arvin. If Jinx will be mad at me, let them because I've already lied to them multiple times. I just don't think I can trust Jinx to want to vote my way either through their own volition or through me trying to convince them.
everything has changed a million times this round.
like I think it's finally time for Hairie to go but idk.
i've been trying SO hard to make things work with Zo and Jinx but I think i'm getting played hard by them. Trinica told me that they've been throwing my name under the bus and that Zo has been secretly in COHOOTS with hairie.
idk if I really believe it but I don't not believe it. like it all makes sense. I just don't know who to continue with rn. Raffy and Trinica will beat me in the end, and I don't know if i can trust the people i actually wanna go with
it feels really rough because i've invested my entire game into Zo and now it feels like Zo is going to be blowing my game up
5:41 PM est I am scared
WHEN I GET THRU THESE VOTES I WILL HAVE BROKEN THE MID GAME CURSE!!!! did it in north sea and we gotta do it AGAIN!!! im so sorry for the lack of confessionals usually iā€™m talking way too much and even started strong but iā€™ve been trying to play the game more šŸ«¶šŸ½ missing JG and Maddison (sexy as hell) rn and forever
I'm struggling tn!!! Colin admitted he doesn't vibe with me and Raffy like he does with Zo, and Raffy admitted Amy was his F2, so the villain f3 alliance was a lie on all 3 sides lmao. Brandi doesn't seem to realize (or perhaps just has other plans idk about) that if hairie or Arvin goes tonight, it's us next. The smart move would be to get zo out tonight. But we don't have numbers for it, and it's starting to feel like we'll NEVER have numbers for it. I'm planting seeds with Colin but if they don't "vibe" with me then why believe me? Zo may win this game if we don't get her out tonight akfjsjajjfjs
Anyway, played myself into a corner has been my theme this entire game. IF I COULD TUUUURN BACK TIIIIME I'd work with zee and adeline smdh
I'm so happy I made it this far, my first season I was 9th place, I'm so proud of myself.
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
Episode 12: "might get idoled out for fun tonight"ā€”Amy
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So an hour before tribal, Colin and I discovered that Hairie had an idol. So we managed to pull in Zo and Amy to try to send Hairie home with an idol in his pocket. We didnā€™t wanna tell Jinx because Trinica had told me that Jinx was the one who gave coins to Hairie. And we get that Jinx was too close to Hairie and would rat out the plan. The problem is that Hairie was asked a question about his idol, revealed it, and promised to play it. Also Adeline self-voted which means we never had a chance to vote any other way. Perfect storm of bad things happening. I still voted for Hairie when I really shouldā€™ve just voted for Adeline. And now Iā€™m in hot water with Jinx because I think they figured that the old schoolers left them out. And Iā€™m in hot water with Hairie. So now Iā€™m working overtime to fix things. Idk if I can repair my relationship with Jinx because Zo or Colin could easily rat out that it was my plan (which is a half truth since it was Colinā€™s too). And I gotta re establish a relationship with Hairie. And I upset Trinica a little for not telling them. A whole mess. So now my plan is to just cry my eyes out and vote out Arvin as an easy vote so I can skate by another round. Hereā€™s hoping things go well lol. Trinica, Colin, and I re established our connection and allegedly want to get to F6 with our most loyal allies (Brandi, Zo, and Amy respectively). I donā€™t know how much I trust that to happen but I do know I need to hide behind Trinica for the time being.
I like this immunity challenge since it's so chill, we don't have to do stuff, we just need to answer questions. I didn't win immunity and I know that my name would be written again. I could be voted out tonight but I'm gonna give them a fight.
Jay won't give us real touchy subjects so I'm doing my own to channel my rage at being left out of the vote. šŸ˜¤
Biggest Snake: Raffy/Colin
Biggest Move: Hairie announcing and playing his idol even though he didn't need to.
Biggest Blindside: all the people on Old School claiming they want to work with me then lying about the vote
Biggest Flop: Adeline's self-vote; Colin wasting their extra vote
Most Vengeful: Trinica
It's the way Brandi told me earlier that hairie bought all that šŸ¤£ whoopsies I forgot. Doomed plan from the start. I wish I had thrown a vote on trinica like I KNEW hairie wasn't going anywhere so it wouldn't work then Adeline really said lmao what if I self voted šŸ¤£ and Colin wasted the extra vote SILLY GOOFY ROUND INDEED
Anyway had I just said "what if no" to the plan i would have been sitting pretty in this game but here we are ahahahahahaha I hope that was entertaining
Also I feel like the ppl I voted with think I wrote the question directly to hairie but it was Brandi but when I was immediately like I bet it was Brandi! I simply forget I think Brandi might actually tell me stuff she doesn't tell other ppl? Idk šŸ¤£ silly silly little me. Anyway gonna sit back and hope the next round is trinica hairie or Arvin šŸ¤  and not me
The way I accidentally forced an idol play I think??????? Holy crap- my mind
Tbh if trinica doesn't win this whole thing I'll be shocked. Idk how there could be numbers to get them out and everyone reports to them lol. If the season title isn't changed to "trinica said" then it's not a true representation of the season lol
Iā€™m feeling panicky realizing like.. we are mid game
The reason I love text chats is I can just scroll to know trinica either lied Saturday or is lying now lol
Anyway I'm going to stir stuff up bc I'm bored and I want a hairie trinica fight lol also idk when this game ends but I'm traveling to Europe next week?
Turns out what if we just vote everyone out? Maybe then I will know peace šŸ¤£
Hairie to Amy: I only asked you and Brandi for coins because I wanted to see if you could be trusted. I already had the coins I needed. I only asked you two!
The 4 individuals he asked for coins, also affectionately known as Hairie's Coin Purse: šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘
Y'all are entertaining me that's for sure thank YOU
Brandi is so FUNNY šŸ¤£ Me: Wait so he didn't just ask us for coins like he was still telling me this morning lol tbh I'm tired of the lies about the coins this is silly no wonder he wants to leave it in the past
Brandi: omg did another person come forward and say he was asking for coins? Me: I mean- Yeah lol jinx said they talked about it w you? Lol Brandi: Trinica talked about it with me! Me: Jinx said you directly asked them about the coins lol
silence šŸ¤£ Like jinx literally had just told me Brandi had asked them directly šŸ¤£ I know I'm so out of the loop in this game that it's FUNNY the game of telephone. Also lol I told Trinica "not another"trinica said" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£" and they were like lol I did say that and they confirmed they all knew about the coins collectively so confirmed raffy's plan really was so silly šŸ¤£ but!!! If I can continue to be absolutely clueless I can maybe survive a few rounds because trust me I am šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but we're having FUN and I'm entertained šŸ¤£
The only people not annoying me rn are Jinx and Brandi and Arvin. And Arvin isn't annoying me only because he literally never talks.
Also for all of you reading this later, saying Arvin is my "little pet" is so dehumanizing and rude and icky!!! Don't talk about my sweet prince who never talks to me that way!!!!
Anyway uhhh okay context: Amy is being newly messy, Hairie is always messy (king), and idk who to trust. At this point I would happily vote out Raffy (but can't bc he's immune), Amy, or Colin because all of them lied to me last round and are generally sneaky and messy.
Also, can I just say....everyone keeps throwing "well you lied about the AJ vote" in my face like Y'ALL!!!! Were you openly working with AJ?? NO!! It's not like I targeted someone's known ally the way they targeted Hairie! It's not on the same level at all! ALSO THAT WAS RIGHT AFTER MERGE HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHO I COULD TRUST WITH INFO!?!?!? Like you wanted me to successfully idol someone out by telling half the tribe what I was about to do? GOD FORBID A NONBINARY WOMAN HAS ONE (1) SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a different situation than lying to someone you've been working with for several rounds!!
Anyway I'm in my unhinged era
Me: what if we voted hairie? All: I've only heard Arvin Me: same but šŸ‘€ what if šŸ¤  All: let me know if you hear a second name
šŸ’ƒšŸ» Slay
I thought I would wake up in a better mood but NOPE!! Still rotten!!!
Today my annoyance is that Amy and Raffy are like "waaah last round you agreed to vote out Arvin next!" I'm sorry, why am I being held to an agreement I made before y'all literally blindsided me last round?? Did I agree to vote out Arvin next? Sure. IF Y'ALL VOTED ADELINE. Did you vote Adeline? NOPE. So in my opinion, the terms of the agreement are null and void. And my lawyer WILL be hearing about this!!!
my confessions are usually 1 sentence but it is 9:20 am on the day of tribal and my head is SPINNING.
amy: is playing two sides of the fence and pitting hairie and I against each other... which she doesn't need to do because we are both weary of each other lmao
hairie: sent me 1 million messages while i was sleeping
arvin: haven't heard from him in days
raffy: i feel like he is lying to us and draggin us along. he has not publicly voted with host pet alliance since the beginning
colin: a sweetie but is saying arvin's name is the only one out there?
jinx: feels like they are being bossed around in the game and aren't in control of their own destiny
zo: hasn't talked to me in days and I know they are ride or die for hairie
trinica: idk perf ily also kinda paranoid rn
BRANDI: I AM LOST IN THE HAZE, CONFUSED, and trapped between a rock and a hard place.
we plan, G-d (old schoolers being quirky goofy for no reason) laughs
Hairie I've always wanted to be a part of a fight in the tribe chat you really know how to make a woman feel special šŸ„¹
Why is round after round I get some attention that I don't even want, need or be a part of? #obsession
Amy appreciation post:
1. She has a cool job. 2. I've never played with someone that has her communication style. Very interesting. 3. She's my number 1 fan. 4. She loves coins :)
Amy all that silly goofy callouts and arguments are for fun. Hope you don't get offended (one can hope).
Brandi, I lied for you and the fact that you're going to vote for me. Hmm kinda upsetting. I'm done lying for people. This was the second time.
Tonight the votes are all public with my cursed idol so enjoy everyone.
I woke up today wanting to target Arvin. Trinica told me that we shouldn't and instead target Hairie because Hairie is sus as hell. I agree cause Hairie is sus as hell. Hairie drops Amy's and Colin's name immediately. I tell Colin immediately. Hairie fights Amy in the tribe chat. I tell my Golden Gworls alliance (me, Colin, Amy, Zo) to target Hairie cause he's coming for the old schoolers. They agree. I talk to Trinica. She has Brandi. Also confirmed with Jinx to vote for Arvin to split the vote. Working on getting Zo to split the vote on to Arvin. Let's hope this goes well. I don't want Hairie to use an idol.
The idol would benefit only if the move is to idol out Amy.
So the vote breakdown should be 6 for Hairie, 2 for Amy and 1 for Arvin.
might get idoled out for fun tonight
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 7 months
Episode 11: "we plan and G-d (the new schoolers inability to keep it together) laughs"ā€”Jinx
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not jinx saying they felt abandoned at merge (aka when I left for my roadtrip) and that they were hearing things I was saying (mostly hairie lol from what jinx relayed) but I'm also like huh what did I say lol like the only one who knows anything of worth is raffy tbh like I haven't been online enough to be too messy but I have now today learned that talking to people generally counts as leaking information? Idk but I think jinx's worry was when ppl were asking me who I was close to I wasn't saying jinx every time but also I wouldn't? I don't give complete info to ppl I just start talking to but it's actually so funny i was just saying huh I don't think I've lied in this game like sure left out info but I have been so busy it's hard to like sit down and speak to each person in the unique ways for each personality. But *flips hair* I'd love to hear what the people are saying about me.
Hairie got an idol šŸ˜­ and here I am, once again holding info I feel obligated not to share. Raffy will probably want to vote for Hairie or Arvin next I could tell Hairie if it's him and get him to idol out Zo maybe? We'll see.
I'm lowkey hinting to Brandi and Raffy that Hairie COULD have something just so they're like not overly confident about voting him out. But now they want to pool money to buy merch and I don't necessarily want to give up my money to give Raffy an idol...but I gotta be a team player!
Iā€™m so bad at hunting in this idol hunt.
Now, Iā€™m just fearful that Hairie has an idol which probably means heā€™s gonna idol me out cause I called him out in the alliance chat. Ah well. You do it to yourself sometimes. My plan now is just to target Arvin and see where that gets me. I donā€™t have the confidence to flush something out at this moment.
jinx threw a vote when where ahahahahahaha
anyway earlier I was just messing with hairie 's mind for entertainment talking in circles asking "how do you define leaky šŸ¤”"
entertain me y'all šŸ˜­
I didn't do well on that challenge but I tried lol
Congratulations Brandi and your husband's film degree šŸ‘
Anyhoozits wouldn't it be fun to just stir up some chaos and see if I can survive
Now that Clefford is gone it feels like mayhaps we shall be returning to old yellers vs new kids on the block. With the even split iā€™m worried nobody will be organized enough to try and shake things up in time for tribal and weā€™ll end up with a tie vote. Maybe iā€™ll go start some drama for fun šŸ˜˜
I am STUCK in the middle with YOU!!!! You being Hairie, Brandi, and Raffy. My F4 that splintered because Hairie leaked so much then lied to Raffy about it (allegedly).
As we speak, Raffy is telling me to approach Jinx about voting for Zo. BUT Zo is finally talking game with me pre-tribal and wants to save Hairie. Who, incidentally, just got a SECOND idol, only this one is a cursed one and will reveal all the votes at tribal council when played. So he'll probably play it tonight, because Zo told him his name is out there. Which means tonight, I will be EXPOSED if I don't play this so so carefully.
I truly don't know what I'm gonna do tonight. I'm trying to put the vote back on Hairie, because if Zo is willing to work together for a bit, that's a good thing. And if Hairie has a successful idol play, and I need to vote him out, it'll be all the easier to do so later once he has a(n even bigger) target on his back. Plus I'm not ready for him to go now that he's being honest with me again. Then I vote Hairie, he plays his idol, he takes out...idk, Adeline maybe? And we move on from there, with me not looking like I'm playing both sides.
I wasn't trying to play both sides! Why do my allies always turn on each other!
Scene It Challenge
This was the challenge I knew I could not win because it's just a tough one for me personally. What I did want out of this was to be in the top half so I can get some coins. AND THAT I DID.
Post Clefford vote
He gave me his snow globe, 35 coins, and some heartfelt words. I was genuinely shocked with the goodies and even more with the final words. Clefford I know you're a good person and I hope we can reconnect post game about this. Love you Kuya <3
Idol hunting
I already managed to snag an idol from the festival stand. So all that's left to do was find the other idol that is not in the marketplace. Today (5th September) got on call with Trinica to catch up and that we were worried no names are out there yet. While doing idol hunting live, I took a risk and it was REWARDING because I FOUND AN IDOL on my 4th hunt attempt. Like woah !!
And right on queue even when Zo (we've both not talk game at this point) came to me and said she's heard my name and wanted to keep me and work together. She also told me she's heard Arvin's name and that her name was also circulating out there. I was shock about her name.
Raffy then told me they've also heard Arvin's, my name and Zo's.
Oh I also bought a festival merch from Raffy and gifted it to him to repair our trust.
Quoting Zo's word: "Adeline is the one who told me and sort of alluded that trinica said it but i donā€™t think that would be true? "
Quoting Adeline from a couple of rounds ago: "I honestly hairie just donā€™t know whatā€™s going on, and i feel pretty much like i canā€™t play with you or trinica individually because youā€™ve made it clear that you are a strong duo regardless of the tension, and that things will be leaked in between yā€™all. It doesnā€™t make me wanna be honest with either of you, it doesnā€™t make me feel like a valued number at all. And i said the same to trinica but i feel like Iā€™m floating on a boat rn lol"
I of course immediately exchange notes with Trinica. We've discussed about us not having any game talks with Zo but there was never a mention of pushing Zo's name. In fact other people were telling us to watch out for Zo. (I can't remember who I heard it from).
This round:
Jinx prefers Arvin but Arvin is a number for me and Trinica (we've made it known to people).
I think Colin going is better for my game and Trinica's. The problem with that is that nobody but Jinx is receptive to the idea (for this round). Plus I don't want to make Raffy mad at me or us.
Knowing this, it would be good to convince Jinx that keeping Arvin here would be beneficial for them too because Arvin will be a number to vote for Colin when Jinx wants to.
Adeline wants me gone and is very anti Hairie and Trinica - According to Raffy and what his POV is from convos with Adeline in DMs.
Zo has shown that she want me around and sharing this information.
The middleground that we all can meet at this point is to vote for Adeline. And I'm not oppose to the idea so I hope it works.
I have not heard from Amy, Colin, Brandi, Adeline or Arvin (3am 6th September SGT).
I have to catch a call with Zo and Jinx separately. Then a call with the host pets chat.
We're gonna get it, get it together, I know I'm gonna get it, get it together somehow
Trinica and I have landed on an Adeline name because Adeline is throwing Trinica under the bus AND they are getting close with Zo and Colin, which has us concerned. We do not want a powerful trio to be able to topple our own. I think I got Amy on board and we are working on Jinx. We were gonna do Zo, but we decided against it since Jinx gave some push back. And next round we are just gonna do Arvin to appease people and get out a goat. We shall see how this all ends up.
Ugh raffy said a move on Adeline? šŸ‘€ Bc apparently Adeline is closer w zo and Colin and I'm like isn't that good? And I was chatting w zo and she was like Adeline said my name? And then I went to Trin like these are the names I've heard and they were like Adeline made up that they heard Zo's name from trinica? And can I be SO HONEST HERE there's a GLARING PATTERN of EVERYONE hearing things from trinica that are "made up" and then trinica just votes them out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it's giving creating your own villain character so others aim that way, the classic move. But anyway apparently trinica was talking with Brandi and raffy about the Adeline vote. Personally I'm fine with voting Arvin here take a number from Trinica. And tbh I'd also be fine voting hairie out with his nonsense of reporting directly and immediately to trinica who is openly trying to make me distrust him. Tbh I might just throw a vote on trinica here "rumors only grow" but like I'm glad I look clueless and out of the circle and out of the line of fire but y'all I guess we just have to wait and see until raffy and trinica fight it out??? bc at this point I feel like those are the puppet masters. I want Trinica OUT I'm scared to SPEAK to ANYONE and have them make me a villain for funsies. I want hairie reporting to ME not Trinica!! Like listen Arvin is a cool dude but he's clearly just a goat for Trin like at least I'm doing a little more while being raffy's goat.
But anyway I might step back and let this be an Adeline v trinica fight.
we plan and G-d (the new schoolers inability to keep it together) laughs
I really hope it's not me tonight, Its sucks to always be the back up vote just in case there would be an idol play, but I'm gonna give it my all that I'm not going to be voted out tonight.
not a secret plan that can go very wrong!!!! Raffy killing me bc even if (when) this blows up it will be hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Anyway apparently hairie has an idol and zo, Colin, raffy, me, and an extra vote are blindsiding him. Like the extra vote just gets us to a revote??? Ahahaha anyway silly goofy fun fun times let's ROLL
very concerned jinx will just flip after this šŸ˜… but hairie needed to go anyway and also zo mentioned trinica next maybe which yes šŸ˜€
Y'all???? How??? Are??? We??? Doing??? This??? Bye. (Also if it's me this is a hilarious last confessional you're welcome)
(mid-tribal confessional) You're all a bunch of dirty scheming liars!!!!!!
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 10: "I blame Hairie for all of this"ā€”Clefford
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well that was a lot and for what lol
Not Brandi with the copy paste "Tomorrow is a holiday in the US! So weā€™ve been in Austin all weekend"
Basically, an hour before tribal council Trinica comes to me and is like, "I don't want Arvin to go because of Clefford's idol. I have an idol. What if I idoled Arvin and sent out AJ since I know she has an extra vote and has been saying shit about me to Hairie?" I was very unsure of this plan since it would require a) AJ not to use her extra vote B) Adeline to actually vote Clefford and C) Arvin to vote AJ With them. Trinica wanted me to vote with them, but I had no intention of doing that. I did not want to blow up my spot with the new schoolers and expose my hand in this game. If I went along with it, and I warned Trinica about this, everyone would figure out who was in on the plan and we'd be seen as such massive targets. And look what happened. Now Colin's eyes are definitely on Trinica and whoever Trinica has as a group and I highly doubt any eyes will be on Clefford after this. Sure we saved Arvin, but the target has shifted so dramatically. And now Clefford does not trust me at all in this game. And I need him gone because of that, but I highly doubt anyone outside of Trinica's core (Hairie, Brandi, and Arvin) will want anything to do with that since there's bigger fish to fry. At the very least, I am not involved and do not plan on getting involved. If the target lands on them, then that is their business. I am trying to make it to single digits. And Zo is still the best positioned person in this game!!!
MY plan for right now is to just chill and not be involved in much of the conversation. Hopefully Clefford is more mad at Hairie and Trinica than he is me and I can move on. Let the new schoolers implode on themselves. I'll be sitting pretty.
Iconic idol play by Trinica (shoutout to me for inspiring her to say those lines) I loved it! AJ got the boot because of it. (Sorry I wasn't able to uphold my end of the truce to you till single digits) but Trinica felt you were throwing her under the bus.
this vote was genuinely too much and now I just want to vote out trinica and hairie like why lie for no reason when y'all know no one would be against your vote on AJ lol and the whole "I can't reveal the fourth person" please hairie. But at least hairie is explaining. Trinica just said they were in a mood and couldn't trust ppl. And then everyone else is playing dumb lol like one of y'all voted AJ too and I don't care who like that's the things I don't think anyone cares who lol all that two idols to get AJ out it's so much for what an extra vote lol that's what I was told anyway hahahaha keep doing all that against each other then I guess I'll be here šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
One word that can describe what happened last round was CHAOTIC.
I blame Hairie for all of this, but it's also my fault. We were on a call and he spilled me some teas that concerned my game. He told me about Trinica throwing my name out here trying to break me and Adeline. Of course, as someone who's now concerned, I got to ask several people if they heard my name. I confronted Trinica about these allegations and they denied all of them. I didn't know who to trust between Hairie and Trinica, but what I did was just me to protect myself and to really know what happened, unfortunately it only made me look like a delusional and became a target of my own doing. I'm really disappointed by Hairie.
Actually this is fun. The season is not giving so far, that's why I had to (not really) be in the front. Imagine the two most chaotic tribals so far involved me. As what Raffy said, I bring the drama. Well, thank me later.
In this point of the game, I see myself alone in this battle. I don't really know if I have any allegiance left. By using the idol last tribal council, I needed the immunity challenge win, because I don't know if people still trust me and I feel like anytime soon I'm gone.
Pray for me.
so if hairie, trinica, and arvin were in on the idol play, but there were 4 votes on AJ, and both Brandi and Adeline are saying they were clueless, and hairie said he had to fill in Brandi after, and raffy is bringing in Adeline to join the olds.... who is lying?
also Jay updated the idol hunt and I just took 80 coins at a 1% disadvantage each šŸ¤ šŸ’ƒšŸ»šŸ¬ so I got 20% disadvantage for 4 rounds (f7) but like.... My scores are so bad it won't make a difference. I told Raffy and we gonna buy up the store with my 80 and his 25 coins since Colin told him where the store was. I also told Raffy about one of the advantages I have to cancel out advantages since clefford originally won an advantage but raffy used his fire opal idol to steal immunity but that's wild I wish he wouldn't have used that yet but also sounds good to me to get it out of the game too lol
Oh and Brandi asked me if I had coins and gave me a path to an advantage. I trust Brandi more than Adeline but tbh hairie and Brandi could easily just be lying to me lol who knows but as long as I look clueless and doing terrible in challenges (joke I AM clueless) we'll probably last a while more lol
Clefford won immunity. Now, normally I would just let him have it, probably target like Arvin, and then move on with my life. However, Hairie done pissed me off. Why did he reveal our alliance to Jinx, Adeline, and anyone who would listen? Why did I have to hear it from Colin who heard it from Adeline? He's spilling every secret that he has and every secret that his allies have. And I do not know if he realizes half the shit he says. It feels like he just says shit just to say it. There's no strategy in this. His whole game has been exposed at this point BY HIMSELF. He is the master of his own demise. So, I knew that Hairie would have been voted out here if Clefford still had immunity. And I do not want Hairie to go because I do not think he would vote for me. So I called Hairie out in our alliance chat explaining the whole thing and stole Clefford's immunity so that he would go instead of Hairie. But Hairie just keeps lying to my face which makes me think either a) he's literally insane or b) he doesn't remember ratting on us. And I don't know which is worse. So, I started a new alliance with just Brandi and Trinica so that we do not have to tell Hairie shit. He only needs to know as much as he needs to. No more strategizing with him. No more sharing details advantages or idol hunts. Nothing. He needs to regain my trust.
On the bright side, everyone is probably just gonna vote for Clefford. Next round, I want Arvin gone because he does nothing for my game and, honestly, probably does more for Hairie's game than anything else. Hairie is definitely giving 9th boot in my dreams.
Trinica and Brandi have been collaborating with me on the idol hunt. So has Amy and Colin. So I pretty much am able to map out a lot of it and figure out where the items are. Amy and I mistakenly bought something for 100 coins so RIP us, but I still have the coin pool with Trinica and Brandi. Hopefully, one of my allies or I can possess some of the more powerful advantages because I will be damned if Hairie or Clefford get an idol in this game
Colin and I pretty much think we should stick with old school till Final 5. And honestly that sounds like a good plan for Colin. For me, I'm a bit more open, but the old schoolers aren't turning on each other anytime soon based on the mess the new schoolers are bringing. I hope Colin still trusts me, but if his suspicions of Trinica are anything to go by, he doesn't.
I cannot believe I lost the challenge to an ADV that Clefford had. Raffy came in clutch with that immunity necklace steal with his ADV.
Raffy was yelling in our alliance chat "HOST PETS" because I leaked it out. I only told Jinx but he's under the impression I told several other people which I did not.
From my POV, the majority votes are landing on Clefford. Everyone should be secure because even if Clefford has and plays something, it is probably me that is going home anyways.
Also, it seems way too quiet at least for me. So that's a sign. If people aren't talking to you as much, then you're it.
If it is me, at least I improved my placement by 1 from last season. I did better both for tribe challenge and individual challenge.
Episode title suggestions - Leaky Cauldron
Ok look idk what Hairie is up to but he asked every person on the cast for coinsā€¦ suspicious
Hairie, my messy KING!!! I just want to vibe with Brandi but instead I'm working with pure chaos in the forms of Raffy and Hairie, who are currently catfighting because Hairie keeps leaking things.
The thing is, I see what Hairie is doing. He wants to share info so he's the most valuable of the new schoolers while holding onto his mostly new-school allies. But it is backfiring because everyone KNOWS he can't be trusted now. Any time I even THINK something about Hairie in someone's direction, they tell him. It's annoying af tbh. I'm looking at you, Amy!! Why would you immediately tell Hairie that I told you he's asking people for coins! Why would you tell Hairie that we're talking "in depth" about the idol hunt when we're not! Literally what are you doing! Amy can go tbh but I know Raffy would throw a fit.
Honestly feel like I've played myself into a corner here. Hairie is a bigger target than me, maybe?? But he's so messy that I think people might keep him as a source of info, whereas I mostly keep people's secrets (*cough* AJ) so am seen as more secretive/less open. So I think I go before Hairie. But if I take Hairie out I won't have any numbers. I have a group I trust in Raffy and Brandi but 3 does not a majority make. What a mess tbh!!
I bought a pearl necklace which is nothing for 100 coins LOL and took 20 of Raffy 's coins bc I thought I didn't have enough turns out I had 20 extra oops anyway hairie apparently asked me Brandi and trinica for coins except he didn't ask trinica but trinica told me he did and LOL trinica told me he's asking everyone so I said hairie be careful ppl are saying you are asking everyone and then next I know Trin said hairie said you said be careful to not ask everyone. And I was like oh the INSTANT report to trinica Lol anyway it was funny bc eventually hairie called me bc I was like straight up your allies are trying to have me distrust you and he was like idk why trinica said that when he didn't ask. And he said Trinica said me and her were talking in depth about the hunt and I laughed like why would we and we literally haven't. Anyway it would be funny if they don't trust each other now but tbh I wouldn't be surprised if somehow this gets turned onto me I forgot to tell hairie trinica said he's panicking and I'm over here like can we just vote trinica out at this point I can deal with hairie being silly but to just say I'm saying stuff lol like at least found it in truth I really think trinica is just saying whatever to uphold the pre-existing belief of whomever they are talking to but I don't talk like that. Lol I wonder if they are like caught ya! But I'm just like hehe what if these allies don't trust each other šŸ˜€ and if it's me it's me
everyone in this game is a little RAT. like info is getting SPILLED everywhere. imagine the info is a huge jug of milk, that milk is all over the floor and no one knows how to mop it up.
this round alone, i've learned: people are telling hairie i dont trust him theres an alliance of raffy, trinica, hairie, and brandi that no one told me about amy was in an alliance with jg and jinx pre merge clefford and trinica have legacy advantages trinica gave her legacy advantage to hairie and theres a ton else i'm probably missing
idk. tribal has been very quiet. i've only heard cleffords name. i'm gonna vote arvin just because i dont trust whatever is happening.
I'll have to vote Clefford, he's so paranoid.
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 9: "clefford is trying to idol raffy out with a disappearing candle"ā€”Amy
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[Editor's note: This screenshot from Raffy's confessional perfectly encapsulates this round.]
Wowie. What a tribal. #stopbeingmeantoAJinyourvotingmessages
Throughout the day, I was taking last round very chill and I think it worked great for me. I did not honestly care who went between Maddison and AJ. Of course, the vote wasn't exactly how I expected, but it's whatever.
After tribal, I told AJ I voted Brandi at the behest of Brandi. Later, I found out Jinx was the one who did that and they swore to not bring it up to AJ. Jinx and I rekindled our relationship which I LOVE. I hope they trust me again and we can work together moving forward. I did agree with taking out Colin, which I kinda am being honest about. Colin and I seem to be moving in different directions and they've been going behind my back to leak the oldies chat to Hairie. I don't know if I'm done with Colin, but I think I'd be ok if they left since I have a lot of other strong allies backing me too. Amy is a little sneak, but I hope I can still trust her. She's kind of been my goat since the beginning so I need her lol. And Jinx wants to trust Amy, but hasn't felt close with her at all. We need to rekindle that because it's important for my future. So I am prioritizing talking to Amy and Jinx this round. Amy has helped plant seeds against Clefford which actually works for me since I am targeting Clefford. Trinica and I also wanna target Colin and AJ eventually. Jinx wants to start an alliance with Trinica, Hairie, and I which I love.
I am once again probably going to be taking a backseat this round to avoid the mastermind label, but I have put in the WORK for a Clefford target so I hope that comes to fruition.
I am fairly confident that I know who all voted for me. Iā€™ve guessed their voting messages too. Colin was crumble, crumble. Raffy was the other crumble message Iā€™m pretty sure. Zo was the twin one. And Amy was the longer, kind of catty gonna need more from you if you really donā€™t want to go home message. Which like, the way that message, no matter who gave it, has rubbed me the wrong way is insane. I was being friendly and trying to toe the line of talking game while not forcing game into a conversation, but also if you want to have an effort made, make one yourself too. This isnā€™t a one way street.
Itā€™s like theyā€™re blaming me for being on the chopping block. Like ok but who is making the effort to initiate ANY conversation? Me. Who attempted a bit of game talk? Me. Who was the one trying to keep the conversations alive? Me. Today itā€™s been the same too. Whichever of them wrote that, Zo or Amy Iā€™m assuming, both have dodged my attempts at talking game today. So like? Idk maybe Iā€™m just too much about all of this.
Anyway tribal is tonight. Iā€™m not entirely sure whatā€™s happening. According to Hairie and Clefford this morning, Cleffordā€™s name is the one out there. According to other people Iā€™ve talked to, they've heard ā€œno namesā€ and ā€œitā€™s been super quiet.ā€ Clefford is suggesting Raffyā€™s name, and Hairie and Arvin also seem to be on board. I said fuck it and told Hairie about the extra vote, but honestly I think the best thing going forward for me is going to be keeping shit to myself. Iā€™ve got to start playing a more selfish game but itā€™s so difficult for me.
Also Hairie and everyone else seem to be in so many alliance chats and Iā€™m in like, three. One is a GC for the tribe NS stuffs. One is a GC created for Trinica, Hairie and I, and then only today was Timezone Hell revived. So Iā€™m not feeling so hot in my gameplay right now. I need to evaluate what to do. So I guess this confessional will just be a list of things I know(ā„¢).
Alliances I know of: Brandi, Trinica, Hairie || Clefford, Trinica, Hairie || Raffy, Trinica, Hairie || Timezone Hell (Me, Arvin, Cleff, Hairie) || Do Not SS (New School Chat) || Me, Trinica, Hairie
Which worries me because I am in one (1) alliance thatā€™s not a larger group, and thatā€™s with Trinica and Hairie. At this point I honestly trust neither of them. Iā€™m harboring a hunch that Trinica has an idol, Iā€™m getting sheā€™s got an idol vibes. I learned she didnā€™t mind if I went home last round, which like, Iā€™m a little annoyed with. Maybe itā€™s BS but like. Her vibes were definitely off last tribal. She didnā€™t want to vote for Colin, and didnā€™t care about if Maddison used an idol or not. And allegedly she knew the whole time that my name was seriously out there and like, didnā€™t tell me. Am I a bit hurt? Honestly yeah a little bit.
Idk weā€™ll see what happens later today. Maybe I go home. Who knows.
Good day! I'm just here giving you updates.
So, it was a successful tribal council to our side. The OG Sin Sazonar voted together to get out Maddison, except Arvin who voted for Jinx. That pretty much the sign that we only worked as an OG for that round. I'm so open to work with others, that's why I'm putting a lot of effort to get on Amy, Raffy, and Jinx's good side. I also got to talk with Colin, him proposing that we should work together. Hairie and I also had a deep-game talk where I kinda told him that I'm willing to go to the end with him even though he's a threat to my game. Amy on the other hand asked me who are the people to be included in our group and I mentioned Adeline (I don't know but I trust her solely because we worked together back on Raccoon City) and Arvin (an instant connection because we're both Filipino) who keeps sending me coins.
I used all of my coins to buy advantages.
Commemorative Snowglobe: 20MIC
This snowglobe depicting the Antigua Resort will always help you remember your time in the game, which means it will aid you later on. This represents a Legacy Advantage, an advantage which will stay secret until the final 4. If you are voted out, you give it to someone else.
Colorful Guadalupe Candle: 15MIC
Lighting this candle will aid you in your trials during this game by canceling out any negative energyā€¦or votes. Congratulations, you have found a hidden immunity idol! This can be played through the Final 5. For more information, please consult the rules.
Also, I'm just laying low and hopefully people will not see me.
three things 1) I swear my schedule is somehow opposite of every single person somehow 2) I have given up idol hunting šŸ¤£ 3) I have been driving too much and honestly I knew I wasn't in danger so I didn't put much energy into the vote.
Anyway I want to turn it onto Clefford bc it's funny. And new school all claim they don't want to stick to tribe lines lol but I don't believe it. Also I may be enacting the gabler strategy.
I'm trying to get ppl to actually work w me lol bc genuinely I had to ask the Olds for a name to send before I lost service for this vote. I'd rather not do everything last minute. The new ppl only trinica even told me it'll be between Maddison and jinx lol. So far trinica Brandi hairie and clefford all said they want to work w me but I don't believe they will actually flip. Hence why I'm going to really make myself a nonthreat and a "tell me what to do" person. Really I'm raffy's goat though.
My goal for the challenge is 5 photos.
I finally got to call with Jinx and I think weā€™re on more or less the same page now??? Iā€™m not even going to tell Trinica or Raffy about it bc I want it to be a genuine moment of connection just between us
I feel like this game is soā€¦. Deep. Like so many powerful connections are being made. Iā€™m so excited to see how this all plays out
Granted im not voted out tomorrow ā€¦. Weā€™ll see. Idk whoā€™s going yet. No oneā€™s said anything yet. Immunity results were just posted
Not me FULLY thinking i had that in the bag hdjsjdjsj I will say Iā€™m really happy Trinica won though because I really like them as a person and we are vibing on a game level so this is a win for me in a way. Hoping we can switch up the tribal lines this time like people keep saying but we shall see!
Im happy trinica got the immunity!! Feels good for it to be someone from my group.
I am so fucking gutted with the results. Trinica knows what I had to go through and what happened with my photos ā€¦ and this happened.
She really said she wasnā€™t doing it and ā€¦ tbh Iā€™m speechless. I donā€™t even know what to confess.
Oh no Hairie's mad at me for winning this is DEVASTATING. Honestly??? Go ahead and fuckin cancel me my life is over bc sweet prince hairie is upset with me :( this will read as sarcasm but I'm so serious, someone shoot me
turns out being read busy makes playing this game super difficult. I'm shocked I didn't have the lowest score in the challenge.
Tbh I don't even know what I wrote in my last confessional. Instead, I do plan on targeting Clefford. I have put in work with Hairie, Trinica, Brandi, Colin, Amy, and Jinx to land this target on him. Hopefully, it will come to fruition. Now Jinx is not only turning on Colin and Zo (which might be a good thing for me and if not good then just alright), but they are slowly turning on Amy for not being active enough. Listen, with Colin and Zo, I KNOW they are active and sneaky. With Amy? She's just a little inactive here and there. But I learned my lesson. I am not getting involved. If Jinx wants to target Amy, who would be 100% loyal to them no questions asked, then that's their business. I will have no hand in it. I have so much else to be worried about rn, like getting out Clefford. I also think Trinica is slowly turning on Adeline which would be good for my game cause I hear that Adeline is close with Clefford from Trinica, Hairie, and Amy. Rn, I think the next three to go that would be best for me is Clefford, Adeline, and AJ in that order. I will think about other things as they come up.
Clefford messages me every single day saying that he heard his name and hes worried about being voted out but little does he know he really needs to worry this time.....
Jinx hardcore distrusting Amy feels like a mistake. Like, tbh, Amy has never once said anything to me about targeting Jinx or feeling bad about Jinx. If anything, I've said that to Amy in the past. The thing is, which is what I genuinely believe, is that Amy and Jinx have incompatible schedules and just can't get around to talking to one another. But I'm not going to say that to Jinx because 1. I don't think they'd believe me since unless Amy does something to prove otherwise that is the mindset they are going for and 2. it really isn't my problem. All I need for right now is to keep my allies together. If they wanna cannabalize each other after we get to single digits, fine. But we all need to be on board to target Clefford, Adeline, and AJ. And what's frustrating about that is that I bet Jinx likes Adeline and AJ and I'm going to either a) have a hard time convincing them or b) just have to blindside them. I really just have no time to meddle in the relationships between people. I don't know how to do it well lol. All I have to try to do is steer them into the direction that I want which is Clefford.
I love spreading info and being placed into new alliances šŸ¤  thanks clefford
Jesus. No idea who to trust or where alliances are at this point. Seems like Hairie was maybe lying. Again, I donā€™t trust Trinica or Hairie at this point. Kind of just want to throw my lot in with Adeline at this point. Maybe thatā€™s the best course of action for me.
I don't believe this candle story šŸ¤£ Apparently it was there yesterday and instead of saying 0 remaining it's just magically gone but I saw the list. Before and it wasn't there ...
But I am entertained thanks Clefford!
Clefford: Update me on who you guys will vote.
Me: who's you guys? Clefford: because I will vote with you Me: Clefford I thought we were working together šŸ¤£
Clefford: Yes, we will work now for real.
Me: It wasn't real before šŸ˜­
clefford is trying to idol raffy out with a disappearing candle
no but genuinely I'm so lost I will not be surprised if it's me today lol
Messy. Chaotic. Not sorry if you're going to be reading this at the end Clefford but you do you.
I have defended you and protected you on several occasions and rounds we went to tribal. You threw me under the bus. "You can't Sarah Lacina, Sarah Lacina"
Plan is to vote Clefford. Other's plans well read their confessional lmao because it's either Arvin or AJ I think. This vote split is wary but I'm at that stage of I don't care.
Episode title suggestions:
Holy Forking Shirtballs! - The Good Place ( The F is for the challenge) "You can't Sarah Lacina, Sarah Lacina" If I'm the rat, you're a weasel. Welcome to Zootopia.
new school is so fucking messy. the children are IMPLODING. it's great for us honestly.
no one was saying SHIT to me last night but suddenly trinica started calling people out in the tribe chat this morning. apparently clefford is deluding himself and saying trinica has been saying she wants to vote him and adeline. but thats just a straight up lie.
found out he has an idol ??????????????? i guess the plan is to split between arvin and clefford
i've been calling a lot with aj trying to smooth things over after i voted her last round
jinx and i wanna do a fake fight where we pretend to fight over clefford
this is a mess.
Today was my day off work. I'm also immune. [backstreet boys voice] TELL ME WHYYYYY THIS CAST CAN'T CHILL TF OUT FOR TWO SECONDS
Aight so this morning I wake up to Clefford saying he needed to talk to me and Adeline saying they heard I was gathering votes for a Clefford/Adeline split. Clefford then puts me and Adeline in a chat to clear things up and says Hairie told him I was saying their names and saying they're a duo etc etc etc. So I go in the tribe chat to talk shit and Hairie acts like he has no idea what I'm talking about. So I get on a call with Hairie ready to rip him to SHREDS but he says he didn't do that. Do I believe Hairie? Eh, barely. He's got loose lips. But this is EXACTLY the kind of nonsense Clefford would pull, so I decide to stick with Hairie.
We were talking for like 3 hours with Raffy trying to do some math to figure out how to finagle this vote because, oh yeah, Clefford has an idol. And then Hairie suddenly wants to leave the game and I was like ??? but it turns out he also leaked my idol to Clefford. Also Clefford made Hairie realize that I had a legacy advantage, which yeah, my b, I didn't tell him about. So sue me! Can you blame me for wanting to keep one (1) secret in a cast that leaks as much as this one!!!
So anyway a lotta bullshit happened in-between, AJ told Hairie I "instructed" her not to tell anyone about the extra vote, which I was ONLY KEEPING SECRET FOR AJ lmaoooo as a show of faith of working together. So as soon as I heard that I was like, fuck it, AJ can go. AJ, if you're reading this later, you did this to yourself. Like come on!!! Did I take all of AJ's coins to get her the extra vote pretending like I didn't have enough money? YES but I honestly was just gonna take like 10 coins and she offered all of them. Which I think is a fair trade considering I literally gave her an advantage. I shoulda fuckin kept it for myself but I'm not that evil. If AJ is throwing me under the bus with Hairie, she's throwing me under the bus with others. And if you throw me under the bus, you gotta go.
So anyway now the plan is for me to idol Arvin LMAO which will put an even bigger target on my back but I'm ready to live my OTT dreams baby. I've never played as a meat shield before, maybe I can do it this game. Realistically I'm gone in 1-2 rounds but I've had a blast <3
I really hope I'm not going to be voted out tonight, I trust the people I am working with. I hope this risk will pay off.
So Trinica told me the whole plan about voting AJ before tribal. So I knew all of that was going to happen. Feels good.
me crying every time I vote AJ out? it's more likely than you think
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 8: "this blonde bimbo barbie is about to go home!!"ā€”Maddison
Tumblr media
AJ's idol: flushed Tanner: gone Me: a snake
I used my idol :c. Sad. Didnā€™t find it today either. And so my hunt begins. I doubt Iā€™ll find it again but one can hope. I have a suspicion that Trinica has an idol but I canā€™t be sure. She says she doesnā€™t and that sheā€™d tell me if she had one but I just do not know if I can trust that. Anyway I was violently ill last night so it is what it is.
In other news this challenge looks like the bane of my existence. I really really hope I can find some good loteria because it is not looking good for me if we lose.
Final 14
Title: "Word fucked"
After a round of many VICTORIOUS VICTORY VAGANZA, Sin Sazonar has suffered another lost pre-merge. It was anticipated for sure. With 5 people there was little room to hide. Thankfully I had good working relationships with Trinica and Clefford (3 person chat created by Clefford). It was tough because there was 2 options either voting Tanner to keep the tribe strength for challenges and remove someone that is 100% loyal to us (well me at least) or voting AJ out and risk potentially losing the next challenge (which what could be the last tribe challenge before merge, OR SO WE THOUGHT) but having a threat at merge phase.
Discussions with Trinica and Clefford were definitely had and we went back and forth. ALWAYS MAKE A FAILSAFE PLAN which in this scenario was to ensure that neither of us got votes in case of any advantage(s). Since Tanner has been bringing up AJ's name, making sure that's what Tanner did getting AJ to vote for Tanner. I stand by my decision that Tanner does not deserve a 4-1 vote so I placed my vote on AJ. LITTLE DID WE KNOW AJ PLAYED AN IDOL (Gooped).
what the fuck
Oh wow. A surprise merge! What a twist.
Hey there, I'm back! So, a lot happened.
On New Sin Sazanor, Hairie, Trinica, and I lost the Chain Reaction challenge so we went to tribal council. Hairie wanted to vote out AJ, because coming to merge she would be unpredictable. I decided Tanner, because we needed AJ for the following challenge, so Tanner's gone with AJ wasting an idol for herself.
The four of us worked together for the True Cost challenge, because we don't want to comeback to tribal. Surprisingly, we merged and I won the challenge together with Raffy and Adeline and are safe from the upcoming tribal.
I told everyone in my OG Sin Sazonar that we should stick together for atleast 1 or 2 more tribals against OG Antigua. They all agreed, so I created the Do Not SS alliance consisting of Adeline, AJ, Arvin, Brandi, Hairie, Trinica, and I.
I also had game talks with Amy and Raffy. Both hosted my first season here on Stings, Raccoon City. I'm trying to get to work with them in the future. Hopefully. Jinx and I are talking and clearing the air between us. I'm honestly most scared of them. When I saw the cast reveal, they were the first person that caught my attention. I even said to myself that I'm doomed.
On the good side, I am happy that Jay approved my suggestion for our merge tribe name, Sin Tiempo, meaning Timeless.
Firstly, Clefford is so bad at being fake lol. Tell me why he promised a Final 2 with Amy and with me separately saying how we should work together and protect him. And in the same breath was like "I don't talk game with anyone except you and Amy." Then what about all of pre-merge??? You worked with no one???? Such an obvious lie and for what. Not to mention Trinica telling me that Clefford starting a new School alliance? Fuck outta here man. He's a snake in the grass that can't even slither right. I definitely want to get him gone as soon as I am able to.
Trinica and I had a lovely call. I explained everything on my side and Trinica explained how she doesn't trust Clefford and is tired of juggling between Hairie and AJ. We agreed to work together and wanted to start taking out the people who are just numbers for Clefford. Trinica thinks AJ is close to Clefford so we wanna vote AJ. But apparently Hairie and AJ made up for whatever reason and they wanna stick "tribe strong" (whatever the fuck that means). I also offered up Arvin and Maddison since Arvin is just a number for Hairie and Maddison is just a number for Zo (two people we also wanna start restricting power from). I just do not want Clefford to have control of these people's brains. They have to know that he will cut them at a moment's notice for any reason
Well anyway I made merge and jury which was my goal hahaha so I wonā€™t be surprised if Iā€™m the vote here. I wish that we had one more swap vote to even out numbers tbh. Someone should play an idol for me.
Final 13
Title: Shop till you drop
Jay was so real for that twist and made it an individual challenge instead of a tribe challenge. Skip to results, we merged and 3 people won individual immunity. I'm so mad I shared some cheaper cost items because I was under the impression that we needed to, I REPEAT ... WE NEEDED TO WIN AS A TRIBE because going to tribal with 4 of us was going TO PROBABLY BE THE TRIBAL OF ALL TIMES.
Title: Mergatory or Mergeddon
Shit I'm going to do bullet points here
- 6 old schoolers, 7 new schoolers. - 13 people, 3 immune. - Both idols on both camps are not found (at the time). - Tres Leches Cake is potentially an extra vote if you can find a pen or ink to write it on. - The market changes its product?????. - Jinx mentioned targeting Clefford. - Hairie mentioned targeting AJ. - Raffy and Adeline has beef. - Clefford has been going around making F2/3 deals with several people, one being Raffy which Trinica told me and I heard it from AJ as well but then Raffy declared to me. - OG Tribe chats were created. - Arvin told Clefford about Jinx targeting them, but Trinica ASSUMES it was me LMAO. - 4 person chat of myself Brandi Raffy and Trinica was created. - Me and AJ made up and called it a truce. I do believe her here and IF SHE SCREWS THIS UP, I'm going to be so mad AJ (YES I BOLD IT SO WHEN SHE READS IT SHE KNOWS HOW I FEEL POST GAME). - Trinica said Raffy and old schoolers want AJ gone but I do not want that. I need AJ around as a shield because if AJ goes, I'm probably next. So we need to work together. I told AJ her name was going around and not to mention it to anyone. Did she do that? Nope, as soon as she have conversations with people, it gets leaked what she says. Raffy told me Trinica and Brandi this. AJ WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? I TOLD YOU TO LAY LOW. If this goes wrong, you went home because you can't keep a tight lip. - I told Brandi Raffy Trinica that I would prefer if AJ stays for a few more rounds, and that we should take out some one else. The name was Maddison. - In hopes of wanting to work with Colin, I learnt it the HARD WAY THAT COLIN IS A RAT - Told by many others. I should have listened. So what had happened here was that I told Colin that I heard Maddison's name > who then WENT RUNNING to the old school's chat and said I am leaking information. UHM HELLO ?! The one time I decide to be honest and show some trust to new people I'm meeting, they did that. - Adeline then told me that Colin told Adeline. Surprise surprise Colin, I'm not the only leak here. - At least from that, I learn I cannot trust Colin this game. - Perhaps because of this I may get voted out, perhaps not. We shall see. I'll be upset if I go but whatever.
Clefford opened up more about how he got into Stings and what happened during his first season.
Zo is just a fucking epic human being and so fun to talk to. The boat story LEGEND.
Trinica has an idol, worked with me to get this.
Raffy has shown interest in working together.
AJ and me have made up and at the moment, we have called it truce till we get to single digits.
Amy has the coolest job ever.
Brandi is someone I hope I have placed right trust with. She's trustworthy and I hope she feels good to share more with me than to Raffy and Trinica.
Jinx is vibing. I do see they're communicating more to me this round.
Adeline I appreciate as she's been honest enough (or at the right time) to tell me things. However, I do not know where we stand long term.
Maddison - Not applicable
Colin - Great vibes until I gave him cheese (literally a picture of French fries drenched in cheese)
Arvin is as loyal and purest cast we have here. Loyal to a fault.
Hairie - That's me. Still unhinged.
Until next time ~
I did want an AJ vote, but it seems like the people we would need (namely Hairie) do not want to get rid of her just yet. I will deal with it. Instead, I want a Maddison vote, but Colin said he doesn't want to vote out Maddison. It's tough because when you force Colin to do something he does not want to do then they will turn on you. Somehow I have to either placate or convince him. I think placating by having him choose someone to vote out next would be best, but that wouldn't really work for my game since I know they'll pick someone I plan on working with (namely Brandi). Honestly, maybe working with Colin is not worth it? We seem to be going in very different directions in this game with who we like, who we want to work with, etc. They told me that they actually liked Clefford (because they flirt) and like AJ's chaos. I am certainly sweating lol. It's time to put some distance between us in a way that won't affect my game. I do kind of have a boot order planned already which is insane I know. Phase 1: AJ, Arvin, Maddison. Phase 2: Clefford, Zo, and Adeline. Phase 3: Hairie, Colin, and Trinica. I think I could safely get to F3 if the F4 was me, Jinx, Amy, and Brandi. But this is just an ideal boot order. I'm sure there will be many bumps in the road. Right now, Phase 1 is active. Get rid of Arvin and Maddison, two goat-ish people who aren't my goats nor are loyal to me. And then start the train of big threats by getting rid of AJ. Honestly, maybe getting rid of Adeline early would be good too since I think Colin might work with Adeline and Zo. Nip that in the bud. Phase 2 is really just get rid of all the big threats that aren't my allies. Phase 3 is get rid of my allies until it's just my goats. I wonder if I'd have enough sway power in that case lol.
I told Hairie all about my suspicions of Clefford. I don't know if he bought it. But I felt it was fair to expose a lot of my hand to reveal trust with Hairie. He and I mutually exposed the tribal lines alliances we are in as well. If I can get Hairie to turn on Clefford, that would be such a good move on my part. I'm putting in the work early.
The way I am so relieved to at least have options. I mean fucking finally right. Best that would have happened if we went to tribal at 4 is rocks unless Trinica or Clefford flipped. Iā€™m so glad to be back with Jinx and Raffy and also everyone on Antigua seems friendly for now but I have to keep in mind theyā€™ve been at this a lot longer than I have.
So far I feel good that Raffy will have my back, idk why but I trust him. And hell maybe I shouldnā€™t but I do for now and weā€™re at jury so I feel like I can be a bit more chaotic now. Also JINX! Iā€™m so happy weā€™re merged together like aaaaah. Didnā€™t know about Colin but Iā€™m feeling alright about him having my back too. Clefford Iā€™m on the fence about. Boi literally said heā€™s keeping me around as a shield so thatā€™s never good.
I have a massive suspicion that I canā€™t trust Hairie. If Trinica is right, and I believe she is on this one, then Hairie was pushing for me to go home instead of Tanner. Which makes sense bc, why else would Tanner have put my name? There was nothing to distrust before this. Clefford said he was voting Tanner, which he told Hairie and Trinica. So the only way Tanner would have heard my name is from someone he trusts (read: Hairie).
Anyway Iā€™m hoping I can make enough connections quickly enough that come Tribal Council I donā€™t go home. I really have no idea whatā€™ll happen though. So far Iā€™ve not heard from Amy or Maddison. I donā€™t think I can trust Hairie or Brandi at this point, sad as it is. Also my other concern is, I have no idea where the lines in the sand are. Like who is and isnā€™t working with who. Have a feeling weā€™re about to find out though at tribal. I just hope Iā€™m not KOā€™d in the crossfire. Being Mayor of Ponderosa is fun but not THAT fun.
This merge tribe is going to be an interesting one for me. Firstly, Iā€™ve been reunited with Zo and Maddison, two people of which I have never actually worked with in this game since I was shut out immediately by the self-proclaimed ā€œwomanā€™s alliance.ā€ Colin said that he trusts Zo and Maddison, but I donā€™t. They wonā€™t necessarily vote me out, but theyā€™ll play around me which I donā€™t care for. However, theyā€™re not the people Iā€™m targeting early cause Colin needs them for votes and by extension me too. Secondly, I think I made Adeline a little mad with my joke about them winning in the tribe chat. Hopefully I didnā€™t make an enemy, but, if I did, at least I have a first target lol. Thirdly, Jinx has reunited with Colin, but also with Clefford. I wonder if theyā€™ll forget about Colin and just go after Clefford. Or if after Clefford is gone, start going for Colin again. Tricky situation for me. In any case, keeping Clefford around may make him my shield so the rivalry between him and Jinx can take the heat off of Colin and I. Fourthly, Iā€™ve reunited with Hairie and he does not want AJ in this game lol. He said as much on a tribe call. So thatā€™s another rivalry that could work to my advantage. Lots of rivalries in this season! Fifthly, we had a tribe call where not only did Hairie said what he did, but Jinx also admitted to be targeting Clefford to an audience of Trinica, Hairie, Colin, and Arvin (maybe Zo, idk if she was there at that point). Iā€™m sure that information will get back to him at some point today. Sixthly, Clefford immediately came into my DMs being like ā€œyou have to protect me.ā€ But, like, I know you Clefford. You probably already have a Final 3 that youā€™re going to cut at Final 5 in favor of two goats. You wanna win as badly as I do so will never take me to the end. However, he can believe weā€™re working together for the moment. I just have to find the right time to take him out. Idk who my target is gonna be. Maybe Arvin, maybe AJ, maybe Clefford, maybe Maddison. We shall see.
a raffy/trinia/brandi/amy alliance? too soon to tell but we will see.....
New information means new thoughts. Allegedly - according to Adeline who heard from Colin - thereā€™s a mutiny pact from OG Antigua to basically not vote each other out and only vote out us new schoolers. Iā€™m not sure how much of that I can trust. Colin was on the bottom of his tribe, Adeline was on the bottom of the new tribe. It may just have been his way of sowing distrust against the Antigua members and making himself a place at merge. Idk. I donā€™t really know Colinā€™s MO. Which isnā€™t great.
But the issue here is, if we vote as Sin Sazonar Iā€™m not in a good position in the end. Hairie, Arvin, Brandi, and potentially Clefford will all work together. Clefford might rope in Adeline too. That leaves me and Trinica as a F7 and F6 elimination. At best F5 and F6. Though thatā€™s doubtful. And who knows maybe Clefford will vote with Trinica and I in that eventuality. If Trinica and I even work together that far. We promised weā€™d attempt to make merge together and actually work together. But of course now that weā€™ve done that all bets are off potentially. So I need to see where she and I stand.
I have more friends on Antigua then on Sin Sazonar. Which is good if Hairie truly is/was gunning for me. He might have changed his tune with the new mutiny pact brought to light but who knows. It sucks since I wanted to work with him, but idk if our play styles in this game are compatible. Jinx allegedly fears that she, Trinica, and I will be automatically assumed to be working together. Unsure where sheā€™s getting that idea from but I definitely want to get to the bottom of it. Raffy said ā€œIā€™d love for you to stay in the game for as long as possible uwuā€ so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s a good thing.
But yeah still unsure where everything stands. And I could very well be merge boot. Waiting to see what my merge feast results are and maybe Iā€™ll find an idol today who knows. We shall see, we shall see.
Ok so merge! Kooky crazy of you Jay but I love that I made it this far always my goal every season. Itā€™s really interesting playing with the new schoolers because I find us olds like to make jokes about who weā€™re targeting like as a joke but itā€™s actually started some paranoia among them and Iā€™m not gonna correct anyone! Because the more paranoia not around me the easier it is for me to slip by undetected. I think my social game has been pretty peak so far (given that I literally didnā€™t even submit for the challenge one week and my bonds kept me in the game) so Iā€™m hoping that can carry me through a few more rounds at least.
After a very very long chat with Hairie I feel like weā€™ve come to a somewhat agreement. At this point if it bites me in the ass it bites me in the ass and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it. But I think weā€™ve got a good thing going. Apparently contrary to what I thought, it was not Shawn and Brandi (I mean we all knew Brandi was fibbing, let's be real) but it was Trinica and Brandi sharing things with Hairie. Which makes me think Trinica isnā€™t playing as closely with me as sheā€™d like me to think she is. Do I trust her for now? Yes, in part. But who knows what the future holds.
Omg not the live unfolding of Adeline and I finding out we used to go to the same homeschool group as each other in the tribe chat. TIL the world is a small place and Stings is where we all come together.
Ok so I think it's gonna be Maddison vs. AJ. I am voting AJ to keep good with the old school tribe. Though I've successfully planted the seeds to turn people against Clefford so that's a good thing. Most of the day was chill until the old school started their plan to scramble the vote to split the new school votes. It isn't gonna work, but it was cute to try.
I am not hehe hahaing right now. I feel like I could potentially go home tonight. It seems from what Iā€™ve heard collectively that if my name is out there itā€™s because of Hairie. Which he even point blank admitted to. It seems to me as though maybe he was pushing for me when he thought it was a good idea, but is backtracking now that the news of a mutiny pact came out from Adeline. Now according to Hairie my name was gaining traction among the old schoolers. He allegedly heard it from Raffy; who said to me that he wanted to keep me around ā€œas long as possible.ā€ But how long is whatā€™s possible, yk?
Now according to Trinica Raffy wants to work with us, Jinx wants to work with us, and Colin also is open to working with us. But unfortunately it seems like none of them want to work with each other. Jinx seems to want Colin gone, Colin is scared of Raffy, Raffy I havenā€™t heard from in that regard and might not know either of these things. Which makes me nervous. The new schoolers seem to want Maddison gone. Which is understandable since sheā€™s very MIA. I liked our little conversation but if itā€™s her or me then Iā€™d prefer it to be her to go.
Idol hunt business. Unsure whatā€™s happening. I went on a path last night that didnā€™t get finished since Jay sent the response to my path request at like 3am (understandable). Iā€™m hoping that I can finish that one today and itā€™ll not count for todayā€™s hunt. Kind of hoping I can find an idol, but allegedly this spot has coins if not an idol, so I could potentially get coins and then get to that pen that I need before tribal council. Iā€™m just crossing my fingers and toes that I get SOMETHING before tribal. Because I really do not want to be merge boot.
We shall see as the day progresses and I talk to more people what is actually going to happen. Iā€™m just really hoping Hairie is wrong about my name being seriously out there. If I were the old schoolers I would have taken that crack and ran with it too, so I donā€™t blame that for spiraling if it did. Though I would prefer to not be a name allegedly under consideration at all. Something that makes me uneasy though is that when I was on a call with Trinica she said Raffy was saying, paused, seemed to search, and then said it was Adeline he was saying.
Like ok they have beef, that tracks. But then I was like, oh but Adeline is immune. And idk Trinicaā€™s pause after that made me a little suspicious. Was it my name Raffy was saying? Who knows at this point. But I will say if Trinica is playing me again, after the big trust each other thing she said earlier in the game, Iā€™ll probably be upset on a more personal level. Something about that moment is giving CTC, sheā€™s heard my name but didnā€™t tell me, wonā€™t vote me so technically sheā€™s not voting me out, but is complicit in me going home sort of vibes.
Again who knows who I can trust. I think Trinica no longer trusts Hairie, which is potentially a good thing. Though after the Zee elimination allegedly Hairie, Brandi, and Trinica had a group chat together. Which I accidentally gathered from my conversation with Hairie. Hoping to have another convo a bit later with him, and really right now just hoping I donā€™t go home. But as always, what happens happens, and I have some time to make sure what happens is that I donā€™t go home. God I really donā€™t want to go home.
I am being SUCH A MESSY BESSIE during this merge!
This is such a different game for me compared to the last time I played Stings. Throwing names out there like nobody's business, spreading people's secrets like wildfire, etc etc. We're here for a chaotic time, not a long time! The funny thing is I don't even think I'm *that* much of a target this round. Like maybe I'm gonna eat shit and I'm the name going around, but I actually think most people think I want to work with them and are willing to keep me.
So what do I actually want to do? WHO KNOWS. I feel deeply terrible about potentially voting AJ, but AJ simply barely talks to me. We fall into this in every game we play together now: She holds her cards so close to her chest they may as well be in her rib cage because I blindsided her ONE TIME, and then she maybe is actually working with me but I CAN'T TELL BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T TELL ME SHIT. She won't ever throw out a name to me or tell me who she's working with because she's worried I'm going to use that info to make her look bad, but like, I was actually open to working with her this game! But then I hear from Hairie that she's bringing up CTC and North Sea as reasons why she's having trouble trusting, and like okay, valid (except for CTC-- I barely did anything there, just let her dig her own grave)... but it also makes me feel like she's holding onto a grudge if she's bringing those games up to other people. So AJ if you're reading this later and I ended up betraying you, I'M SORRY OKAY!! YOU JUST DON'T TALK TO ME!!! Like I lowkey feel like AJ and I can never play another game together because we're both soooOOOOoooo wary of each other.
Hairie is my love but also a chaotic king which makes it hard to work closely with him. My one true love, F2 is probably Brandi. And then I also really would love to work with Jinx again, we just vibe so much. I haven't spoken to Jinx in ages like pretty much since North Sea but we just pick up again like nothing and are having our lil kiki. But Jinx doesn't trust Colin, and I would love to work with Colin. And then Jinx also doesn't trust Raffy??? But I wanna work with Raffy :( Meanwhile I also wanna work with Adeline but Adeline hates Raffy's guts (this is an exaggeration) and I wanna work with Arvin but he doesn't talk to me and I wanna work with Zo but Zo's like apparently the kingpin of Antigua soooo girl idk. Back in the classic Trinica conundrum of everybody's cool, I wanna work with everybody. Idk what my way forward is! Hopefully one of my options just gets taken out and then I don't have to make a choice askdjflakdjfal
I have no idea whatā€™s going on. Maddison has an idol? Adeline has 3 DAs? I canā€™t attend because itā€™s my anniversary? šŸ¤”šŸ˜“šŸ„²
this blonde bimbo barbie is about to go home!! major flop but iā€™m throwing shit at the wall rn and seeing what sticks
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 7: "I was out having a #hotgirlsummer"ā€”AJ
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Antigua 2.0
Okay because is it literally criminal offensive for Antigua to catch a break one time???? Wish we would!!! Iā€™m so annoyed that we had to vote Shawn out and annoyed we had to go to tribal in the first place AGAIN!! Praying we can get this bag this time though because if i have to do a fifth tribal in a row iā€™ll pass away (respectfully).
okay so!!! barbieā€™s and ken stayed together last vote which was MUAH beautiful! and thank u good lord above that we arenā€™t back at tribal tn!! feeling pretty ~ okay ~ right now with how things are going. not sure what my strategy is moving forward tbh i just hope we can ride out a few wins and not worry abt tribal for a lil min
okay so I've been kinda planting seeds with adeline.
last round, adeline was kinda playing the whole "I didn't really talk to anyone on my original tribe" thing, and honestly I kinda don't believe her, bc she was definitely giving me insider tea on the alliances and drama that was going on over there. but I think it was just a ploy from her so that we'd vote out shawn over her. it worked? maybe?
HOWEVER I was also planting my own seeds, saying that I was the next to go on OG Antigua, I barely survived our last tribal, and I don't have any undying loyalty to them. All true, but definitely played it up more just so that I have an in with some new school players going into merge.
I think if a merge happens I wanna work closely with Zo, Adeline, and Raffy. Those are the three that I feel like i can trust right now. I don't trust Jinx at all, and being on a tribe away from them has been good. I don't know why but they have been COMING for me for several rounds. I wanna trust Amy but shes giving me nothing and i'm giving her everything. it's a two way street and I don't think she's offering as much as she could as an ally.
ultimately, I have my eye on the PRIZE and i can't make the same mistakes I always do, so i'm gonna just play SMART.
Iā€™d like to thank not only g*d but also jay for believing in us to secure this win FINALLY!! The curse is broken bitches watch out for these barbies!!!!
after last round, my goal this round was to do the absolute least. I checked in with Raffy & Brandi a few times, barely checked in with jinx, I don't think I've spoken to Arvin since the first night of the swap. I saw "idioms" and said nope I will not be doing this challenge if it's only 3 running it. I've completely forgot or had wild scheduling so just haven't don't the idol hunt in like 4 days. Just chilling over here ā›±ļø was gonna try to get an advantage for the team but looks like they were absolutely fine without it.
I don't know if I've written a confessional for this round tbh. Brandi seems to agree that Arvin should go if we ever went to tribal. I'm hot and that's why I should win.
We won another challenge! I hope Trinica, Hairie and Clefford stays.
Sin Sazonar 2.0
Word chain challenge is Trinicaā€™s challenge to lose. Theyā€™re so iconic for that.
We are at 5 tribe members. My alliances here are with Trinica and Clefford as a trio so the choices are limited with it being AJ or Tanner.
Do we go with strength going into the next challenge?
Or do we potentially cut AJ here because of a potential game threat at merge?
This is a tough one especially when there are just 5 people and there is not much room to hide.
Wowie I canā€™t believe this. I sat out because I was out having a #hotgirlsummer and was away from my computer. Aaaaandā€¦.we lost. This will be our second tribal and I honestly have no idea whatā€™s going to happen. Considering if I should give my idol to Trinica before tribal or not, maybe I be chaotic and give it to Clefford and tell nobody about it. Though I know if I give it to Trinica sheā€™s the most likely to transfer it back. Well, decisions decisions. Seems like the vote is Tanner but honestly idek at this point.
Well, we lost. Which is not at all surprising given the challenge and our tribe's limitations around English idioms and timezones haha.
But that's okay, this is an eventuality I expected and almost wanted in a way. Hairie wants me, Clefford, and Tanner to vote AJ. But Clefford doesn't want to vote AJ because she's better at challenges than Tanner. So the vote will very likely be on Tanner instead. Buuuuut I called AJ and told her Hairie had been saying her name so she'll potentially play her idol, which will HOPEFULLY leave me as the only Sin Sazonar holding an idol. I tried to hint to her that we could idol out someone who's more of a threat but she seemed really uninterested in strategizing because she's sick. Like she was about to just give me the idol and part of me wanted to be like yeeeeah I'll hold it for you but also I think if I had agreed she would've gotten sus.
Sooo idk who will actually go tonight but I'm hopeful it won't be me and an idol will be put back in the hunt (maybe).
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
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Sin Sazonar 2.0
Okay we won the challenge blah blah amazing. Colin/Raffy/Jinx survived tribal, whatever, cool. But SHIVER ME TIMBERS, IT'S A MUTINY BABYYY
and it completely backfired. I mutinied with a QUICKNESS because I wanted to be separated from Tanner (because I don't want to be on a tribe of 5 with someone who tends not to perform as well at challenges), Clefford (because we haven't spoken game and he's closer to AJ and Hairie than me), and AJ (because...idk I feel like I'm more inclined to work with others over her and if we were separated it would help me feel less guilty and also be able to play the middle longer).
SO GUESS WHO I END UP WITH. Tanner, AJ, and Clefford. And Hairie, which is good!! But I am so scared because there is no way Hairie doesn't IMMEDIATELY target AJ, and AJ has an idol. Which could potentially send Hairie home. Unless I can get her to vote Tanner or Clefford? Idk. There are moves to be made but I fear the middle isn't a spot I'll be acquainted with for long.
Old people underestimated us so much that they got comfortable with the challenges that led them to consecutive tribal councils.
I'm proud of what YOUNG players can bring to this season. We're strategic, social butterfly, and have the capacity to face everything that will be thrown to us.
Unfortunately, swap came. Perfect timing to eliminate one of us. Thanks to Jay. Those people from my OG tribe is now on the minority namely: Adeline, Shawn, Brandi, and Arvin. I wish them the best and hopefully survive.
I'm still with AJ, Hairie, Tanner, and Trinica. I'm actually thankful, because I know that they're good in the challenges that will keep me safe.
This is so new to me. I don't really have an alliance so far. Compare to my first game back in the Racoon City that on Day 1 I already formed an alliance with MJ and Zukiswa. Our trio dominated the game that season. Now, I'm just taking my time to really assess everyone to what I am to them and hopefully find a common denominator to really align.
Wait for me, but first hopefully survive. This is Survivor after all.
Sooooooooooo. Iā€™m a little bit baffled at everything that went down. I woke up this morning very confused and despite knowing what happened now Iā€™m still kind of like, well that was sudden. Now AJ, I hear you wondering, what are your thoughts and feelings about this?
In short, Iā€™m a bit upset.
I feel like I missed out. I feel like Iā€™m the only one who didnā€™t get a choice in that matter. And like itā€™s not just because I was being inactive or I went to sleep early knowing something was happening last night - because I was planning to stay up late tonight after tribal since I thought tribal was going to be tonight (and I knew something was happening after tribal). So I had no way of knowing, and no way of doing anything about it, and no way to make a choice. But I also feel like since itā€™s really just me who wasnā€™t online, thereā€™s nothing that can be done about it. Because everyone else is most likely fine with the way things shook out - or at least had a bit of a say in it. So it just kind of sucks on that level.
If I had gotten a choice, this tribe makeup would NOT have been it. This is probably one of the worst layouts of a tribe I could have possibly ended up on. Why? Because itā€™s very much me on the chopping block if we end up going to a tribal council. Hairie and Clefford will work together, Trinica will probably work with me, and Tanner is the middle vote - though heā€™ll maybe be more willing to vote with Hairie. Which means I go home. Unless I use my idol. Which I REALLY did not want to use yet.
Also how do I know Iā€™d be on the chopping block? Hairie. Boy is in my DMs trying to guilt me about being in a 4 person alliance chat and not telling him about it. (why would I tell you about every alliance Iā€™m in? that is not how you play this game.) Apparently two unnamed people who got swapped out, which means Brandi and Shawn, or maybe just Brandi idk, told him that the 4 person chat existed before they left. They also said it was my idea. Which it wasnā€™t entirely. I asked Shawn if theyā€™d think a GC would be a good idea and they were like yeah I was just about to bring that up. And then they were working so I asked people if they were interested. But I made sure to mention Shawn each time.
So yeah Hairie entered my DMs trying to ā€˜clear the airā€™ (guilt trip me about an alliance/imply Iā€™m on the bottom of this tribe), and then turned around and wants me to vote for him to get this reward? Youā€™re gonna make me feel even worse about everything and then expect me to give you a reward for it?
This just sucks so much because I really went into this game and have stayed in the mindset of wanting to actually work and play together with Hairie - but he seems to think that anything he learns that I didnā€™t tell him means Iā€™m actively working against him. Like, if I have to tell him every little detail of my game in order to be in an alliance with him then it isnā€™t really worth it to work with him. So thatā€™s another level of how this sucks.
Also I was really really excited to potentially meet some players from Antigua, or maybe see and chat with Jinx again (itā€™s been so long and I miss them), or Raffy, or Colin or any of the cool people who I know nothing about over there. That's what I was most looking forward to in a swap. That and getting away from the drama that happened in Round 1. But like, that didnā€™t happen.
TL:DR; Iā€™m a bit upset because Iā€™m in a terrible position on this tribe, and that could have been different if the swap happened when I thought it was going to happen (tonight) - which I already planned to stay awake for - instead of being a surprise instant and live tribal last night. Not doing too hot gang. Wish me luck.
A 48-hr creative challenge while I'm on a tribe with only 2 members in a close timezone and everyone else being 6-14 hours ahead is my personal hell. The one person in my timezone (Tanner) barely responds to messages but says he wants to act, which requires him to be on the same page as everyone else. AJ is busy all day but at least is getting her clips done. Hairie and Clefford are just so far ahead that we only have a few overlapping hours (and I think they're at work so it's not like they can be online and responding all the times that I'm online anyway). The tribe is so quiet. Is this going to get done? Is it going to look good? YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE
There was a brief brief moment last night, in the height of my frustration when it took us hours to decide on an idea even though we had an idea very early on in the evening...where I considered throwing it. I don't have it in me, though. But if we lose, I won't be that upset. Hopefully we could send home someone less active like Tanner, maybe AJ would play her idol and send home someone I talk to less like Clefford, etc etc. Hopefully it wouldn't fall on me if we lost. But at this point I've taken over so much of the control of this project (or at least the organization) that I could be an easy scapegoat. Especially since I've performed well in challenges so far and we're nearing a merge. IDK WE'LL SEEEEEE
The challenge was really fun. It was made for us to really get together and bond. Making the music video, which was AJ's idea by the way, was brilliant. Trinica led the challenge and make things organised. Hairie was the one who edited the video and it was great!
We did amazing on making the music video and got the highest score on the challenge. I also wanna commend Elegida's children book. They're smart and it was good.
We've been winning challenges conservatively, that's why we've become so comfortable. Trinica, Hairie, and I decided to make a trio. I think it's good, because at this point of the game that's what I need, an alliance.
Hopefully I reach merge and get to play again finally.
Oh man, thank goodness for challenge advantages! After reviewing the other tribes' projects, I don't think the scoring of ours was PARTICULARLY fair (I would have rated ours above the picture book, even or below the song). I did expect to be docked on creativity, I did mention that as a con to this idea, BUT at the end of the day we put together an amazing video and I'm super proud of it (and the supplemental materials)!
Anyway. Shawn and Adeline are in danger, which sucks. I'm hoping Colin WASN'T working with Zo and Maddison and Shawn/Del can pull them in. But if one of them has to go home, sorry Shawn, I hope it's them. They're too likable!
The round started as mutiny which me and Trinica wanted. We managed to get others on our tribe to mutiny but we were late. There were so many people that wanted to mutiny and the first 5 got to be on the same tribe. The rest were randomised. and guess what?! Sin Sazonar and our tribe was completely old tribemates.
The upcoming challenge was a creative comp which thank god we had the 20% ADV which helped and we won YET AGAIN! I'm loving this era of being safe from tribal hahah.
Me and Trinica found the idol at the resort with our purchase and we're ready to flip shit up.
My trust rankings: 1. Trinica 2. Clefford 3. Tanner 4. AJ
Me and AJ's relationship at the moment is kinda on the fence because clearly we cannot trust each other. I mean I tried but there's just something amiss about it.
There is like a 0% chance I play this correctly simply because I'm a big target (or will be if I'm not already) and will probably get blindsided... and because Hairie KNOWS I have it, which, oof, I was on a call with him when I purchased the items. I wish I hadn't been. I can lie well, but not if I don't have time to process first. When Jay sent the idol message I literally said "OH MY GOD" and couldn't think of an appropriate way to walk that back to like "oh it's an extra vote!" lmao
If Hairie knows, I do worry that Clefford, Arvin, and/or Tanner will soon know. Which is why I never tell people about idols. Buuuut it is what it is. AND! I have a legacy idol, I don't know what it is but it's good until Final 4. I'm honestly more excited about THIS than I am about the idol because at least there's no downside to me going home with this in my pocketā€”I just will it to someone else. And Hairie doesn't know about this item (wish it was the other way around where he doesn't know about my idol but OH WELL)!
okay in retrospect if it wasn't a live tribal I probably would have voted Colin out lol that's my emotions bc I spent time with Colin irl but they haven't talked to me since I voted Ellie šŸ˜€ but then I still saved them over JG who I had like legit convos with daily. šŸ¤  How does one play survivor, really? Don't meet these people irl they'll give you feelings in your cold, dead, aquarius heart šŸ–¤
So. Much. Happened. So, after the challenge, the oldies decided to do a live instant tribal council for drama. I immediately went to Jinx and Amy because I knew they will not write my name down even if we vote opposite ways. I explained that the only real choices would be between Colin and JG. And I was straight up and said I was leaning JG. Amy didnā€™t want to vote for Colin because she somehow trusts and wants to work with Colin still even if everything sheā€™s done up to that point proved otherwise? In any case, she was just concerned about the numbers. Our saving Grace though was Colinā€™s deep connection with Zo. Apparently, they grew really close which meant that Zo didnā€™t want to vote for Colin either. So Colin was able to successfully push JG and we sent JG to the VL in a 4-3 vote. While my confessional was iconic, I must admit that JG was tough in this game to get rid of. He definitely insulated himself well on this tribe. If only we couldā€™ve won one more challenge then he would have been able to skate through to the merge unscathed. In any case, there was a wrench when Colin tried to switch the vote to Jinx, but I told him to vote JG and he did. It was the only way. 1. I canā€™t get rid of Jinx. 2. No one would have voted Jinx. And then the mutiny came and I knew I needed to get Jinx away from Colin and that I needed to get away so we wouldnā€™t be pinned as a duo and targeted within a tribe. And Amy was already inclined to go. So Amy Jinx and I all agreed to mutiny so we have majority. And there is still a majority old people when we leave. So theoretically, no matter what, we will send a new school person home and even the numbers out before merge.
Mutiny tribe iconic! I really like Brandi and she is going all in on this challenge and told us all where advantages are probably bc she would be in Dangerā„¢ļø if we lose. Arvin is invisible but also I want to win and keep someone invisible and thankful around, even if he has the SEA connection. We are making a children's book and somehow I'm on illustration I really gotta start lying about liking to draw on my iPad but thank god we agreed on stick figures in a children's style lol! But I won't be sleeping bc it's still like 13 pages plus activities pages which is originally all I thought I was making. Anyway apparently I had 40 coins, Gave raffy 20 who bought some pearl necklace thing and conveniently forgot to tell me so I'm assuming he has an idol. It's funny bc I thought I had 20 otherwise I would have just gone and bought it myself šŸ¤£ regardless it will be hilarious if he idols me out with the coins I gave him which are half eman's coins. Anyway sitting in a majority on our swap tribe and really no matter what the results are of the challenge, a new school player should go home but I've seen wilder things happen. Also I just love creative challenges so I'm excited to see our final product and excited to see the other tribe's project. Originally I was like I could print a hard cover of our book! But that's my grand idea side not the practical side that knows I'm about to stress over a deadline lol. Vibes are back up šŸ™Œ
I told the Mutiny crowd about the DA so hopefully they will see me as trustworthy but also willing to share things I learn about the idol hunt.... so maybe they will share with me, too....
I think I just messed up my game with the "mutiny thingy". Now I'm in the minority when it comes to tribal lines. I hope to create more bonds so that they can trust me. Amy is the only one I didn't play with before and she's so sweet. Raffy is someone I worked with during my first season, and Jinx said we should talk more this season. Brandi is in my only alliance chat in the game. I love our tribe. I think we are a strong tribe that can win challenges. Mutiny tribe ftw! Ahu! Ahu!
Iā€™m liking my new tribe a lot! Obviously Jinx Amy and I are going to be in control, but Brandi is here! I can definitely rekindle a relationship with her. Arvin is sweet too. It just feels like a less dramatic and tense tribe than my original. Itā€™s a breath of fresh air and I feel like my game has been revitalized!
Ahhhhhhh, it's my dreaded creativity challenge. So I did my part while im at the hospital. Huhu. I did voiceovers and it was very hard for me because I have tubes attached to my neck and I have a cough so I had to cut the recordings for every page. I hope Raffy could minimize the background noise since I cannot find a quite corner in the hospital. I hope I contributed enough for the immunity challenge. At the end of the day, creativity challenge is sooooo FUN. Wohooooo!
It's me spending hours doodling fully expecting to lose this challenge unless our advantages come through. šŸ˜… But hey I haven't drawn in a while so it felt good.
Me and Brandi: spend hours putting this book together Jinx and Arvin: spend 5 minutes reading the story šŸ¤ 
We may not have gotten the highest score, but we shared where advantage locations were to make sure they would carry us! That's probably how the new-school tribe got so many challenge advantages. That is very new-school behavior. Most people in the old days would never reveal that information.
I think Brandi wants to boot up an alliance with herself, me, and Hairie like we did in The North Sea. I wouldn't be opposed. But, I don't want to promise too many alliances so I'm not stuck in a situation like I was on my original tribe where everyone felt good about me and I'm stressed on who to vote out.
tbh I think we deserve to go to tribal but thankful for those maxed out advantages haha!
I was so so so worried we were gonna be rated low after seeing how good all their stuff wasā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ I think we did a good job but also missed some music memo LOL
Antigua 2.0
I already don't like Colin. He's really bringing nothing to the table but telling us how to do everything. Honestly, he reminds me of every other white man. I don't need a man to tell me to do all the work writing everything, and for him to make one mood board and call it a day. Thanks but yeah, no.
Okay maybe I judged Colin too quickly. I've heard about him from before the switch and didn't love the vibes I got. But maybe I have to go into this with an open mind. He did a great job with the bracelets, and I think I judged too soon. Let's hope no one makes the same mistake I did, especially not towards me.
those judges are WACK. like our submission was just SO much better. maddison created a FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND FLESHED OUT WEBSITE. adeline WROTE, RECORDED, and MADE A LYRIC VIDEO TO a completely original song for this. ALL of us contributed to fleshing out AntiQua and all of us fell in love with her. i can't believe we lost. challenge advantages honestly have fucked us over so many times.
I'm really upset. We created an entire person, but nothing came out of it. I don't understand how we could have done anything more impressive for them to judge. But I guess we have to take their criticism and roll with it. We're going to tribal, and I don't even know who I want to vote out. I'm confused honestly, ours was so creative, that was the point wasn't it? And everyone contributed, it wasn't just the song. Idk.
honestly LAME iā€™m so sick of tribal lmao pls can i just šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø not go to tribal for a second i s2g. iā€™m so sleepy let me circle back tmrw but for now boo this is not swag! could keep the barbie ken bit going but what if barbie and ken arenā€™t planning on keeping the bit going šŸ¤” the two new members just need one person to flip and they are on the bottom so iā€™m sure people are considering it? basically i donā€™t know how this is gonna go!
For the first time in this game I don't really have anyone I want to vote for. Adeline and I are close, we are a team. But Zo and Maddison are useful, they're from the older tribe, they have experience. They also are good at challenges. Colin is really nice, and he's reached out to me first. I'm confused and really don't wanna vote for anyone šŸ˜­
going to tribal AGAIN is so unfortunate. like I really like this tribe. adeline and shawn honestly just fell in with us so naturally. it's unfortunate because I could see this 5 going together strong in merge.
i kinda spoke into my alliance with maddison and zo that we should keep adeline. she really vibed hard with us and I think she's here to play. it'll be important to have strong allies on the other side going into a merge, where old school will likely still have the minority.
it sucks because shawn is so cool and nice. but i think it should be an easy vote out??? maybe i'm getting blindsided idk
Collin tells me itā€™s Shawn and ALSO that raffy made this whole plan to give them all majority on their respective tribes w the mutiny. i need him tf out of here whenever its an optionā€¦ that brain works too well and i donā€™t like it one bit. And somehow while being the clearest strategic person in the entire cast, everyone wants to work with them. Danger danger danger tsk tsk tsk. Just noting for later
Shawn confirms itā€™s me to me, Collin says heā€™s telling Shawn itā€™s me. I shrug and do not know what to trust but.
i have Alfredo pasta so i really donā€™t care if i get voted out bc i need time to savor that.
Shawn says ā€œIā€™m so sorry queenā€ i cry a single tear for them or a million tears of embarrassment for myself
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 5: "I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people."ā€”Raffy
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I simply couldn't do rocks like that
So unfortunately for everyone i am somehow still here šŸ˜Ž
tribal days are so stressful PLS i need some reprieve lol. i feel bad for the ellie vote out but! i don't like to be two timed. it also could be someone else doing the two-timing but that's the game. last time i played in an ORG there was the biggest rat of all in my alliance and i was sooo caught off guard sooo tryna not let that happen again. also just so y'all know i actually am great at spelling and grammar but this forum is legitimately a giant brain dump. i hope i didn't ruin my chances to work with colin or raffy but if so, so be it. chat soon!
okay but for real I can only play with who really wants to work with me at the present and I have the ability to readjust if something goes awry. tell me about alliances that exclude me and I'm tempted to work my way in and correct that. and I don't have the energy for last minute info. i do feel bad for not telling Colin Raffy and Ellie that I wasn't going to do rocks but Ellie was jinx target last go and even Colin said last go that they would vote Ellie but they were in alliances and wanted to go to rocks. Simply my plan became to remove options from Colin and Raffy but also still protect us three, though I also was mess bc I could have just told them whoopsies. They are mad and this could still easily flip onto me but I feel good in my group with jinx and JG and honestly I love other ppl doing the work for me while I sit back and wait. Though yeah I shouldn't have blindsided not going to rocks here šŸ˜¬ and I do love rocks so it's a tough loss but I told Raffy and Colin from the start i wouldn't vote them but jinx really tried to switch the vote to Colin last minute so I had to stop that lol not happening even if they blindside me next šŸ˜… tbh this vote didn't even need to happen and if raffy would have kept the vote on zo I probably would have voted with that side and got someone else to do so too bc girlie was living her best life when I was working for hours on that puzzle. Anyway I lost some info access but I want to keep the game interesting šŸ¤  (for me) and give myself space to move when I need to.
I need to win this tribal immunity or I am going to be a pre-merge flop. I guess I made too many mistakes these past two rounds. First mistake was trying to target JG during the Steven round. That made him not trust me and now I lost an ally. Second mistake, was then trying to work with JG on the Zo vote which gave him ammo against me so that he could throw me under the bus to Zo. Third mistake was even going along with the plan to flip the vote to save Steven as I should have just given Steven up the wolves and not reveal my position. Fourth mistake was actually voting JG instead of Ellie which cements him not working with me. Fifth mistake was not revealing all the info I had to JG about that woman's alliance so that JG would actually trust the info. There definitely could be more, but that's just what I can come up with.
Where do we go from here? I have no idea. I think Amy and Jinx are protecting me, but, at this point, does it really matter? Looking at whose on the tribe, even if they wanted to vote out Colin, Zo is definitely going to want to vote me out more since apparently Zo and Colin have a really tight relationship and JG doesn't trust me at all. So, that's like two people who would most likely push for me to go. Idk if Colin is even going to try to salvage this or throw me to the wolves since he must also be feeling it's either me or him. I think I'm just in a "wait and see" sort of phase since I don't have power, sway, or even a voice on this tribe. So, I have to wait till a tribe swap or merge to even re-establish myself on the social hierarchy.
I don't even really wanna talk to Zo or JG since I don't even know what to say. They obviously both know I came at them at some point and anything I say to them would just be twisted to take me out. I don't really wanna talk to anyone on this tribe either. Cause it's just too difficult. Feels like I'm groveling and I'd rather die than grovel to a group of white people.
Jay youā€™ll be hearing from my lawyer for that tribal because the literal cardiac arrest i am in still!!!!! But seriously what a rush the passion it was truly incredible I am so sad JG is gone tho :( Hereā€™s hoping for no swap fuck today babes!!
Tonight was a LOT. What just happened?? Guess who with a disadvantage, then deciding on a live tribal??? I almost voted Colin out but when zo said she couldn't I said oh I guess I'm voting JG out then bc I just couldn't vote Colin. Sucks though the JG Jinx Amy alliance was iconic. Anyway a live tribal while I'm running around in public straight into a mutiny swap?? I just went for it bc I have never mutinied and it sounded fun and chaotic. In the end it's 3 olds to 2 news on 2 of the 3 tribes! Me raffy and jinx together (so jinx and Colin aren't fighting lol) like this is WILD???? Olds control 2 tribes and the other is all Youths. And I think I won Raffy and Colin back over from being mad at me.
But I gotta say the funniest thing of the night. Turns out I thought AJ and Adeline were the same person.
Sin Sazonar
Girlllll idk what's happening. I thought JG would be going, instead Els is gone. I *think* that Raffy and Colin and Jinx are working together? Maybe? And they were some of the votes on Els? But I also think I'll need to drop all my preconceived notions because past relationship does NOT equal current alliance. Anyway, bummed to see Els go, they seemed cool šŸ˜­
Wow Hairie really pulled through with the puzzle challenge. I was fully ready to go to sleep and wake up to defeat but goddamn. If that round wasnā€™t a rollercoaster I have no idea what is. But also, I have no clue what the voting sitch is on the other tribe, and that scares me with us potentially going into a swap. Jay turned off chat history today which is like, mmm not sus at all. But I digress. I feel both better and worse since Iā€™ve got this idol in my pocket, but weā€™ll see how today goes. Trinicaā€™s got a handy dandy spreadsheet but the other tribe has people whoā€™ve been super fans much longer than I have. Wishing us all the luck because I have no idea whatā€™ll happen if we lose. Pandemonium probably.
So I may have just made the biggest mistake of my entire game butā€¦we shall see. Iā€™ve told Trinica about the idol. This might bite me in the ass, but honestly I feel better having someone else who is informed who can help properly use this idol. But also, could bite me in the ass if thereā€™s an attempt to flush it. So honestly who knows. This is either the biggest mistake of my game or a good move. I really hope itā€™s the latter.
Okay not only did AJ find the idol right before me, she also TOLD ME ABOUT IT. Sometimes when I play with AJ I feel like I have to talk to her about security precautions in the same way I had to talk to my old social work clients. Like no, you should not give your new hookup your social security number! No, you should not go buy an iTunes giftcard to send to the stranger texting you! No, you should not tell other players you have an idol until and unless absolutely necessary!
But hey, I'm glad she told me. It's a sign of trust, which is good. Now the question is... do I honor that trust? Or betray it?
In an ideal world, I'd have an F4 with me, Hairie, AJ, and Brandi. But Hairie and AJ are on a "I don't trust the other" spiel with me and Brandi in the middle. I could try to repair that, but idk if that's to my benefit at this point. And it feels irreparable tbh. I really want to tell Hairie about AJ's idol, but I don't think that's a helpful move right now. We will keep that in the back pocket.
Brandi has said she wants to work until the end with me, which honestly was a little unexpected but it's good news. And although I'm definitely working more CLOSELY with Hairie as far as strategy goes, he's not somebody I would necessarily want to sit with at the end.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, surviving this round.
I'm really worried about my chances after this. If our tribe doesn't win the next challenge, I feel like my head could be on the chop. Im sitting out this next challenge because I genuinely don't know survivor that well, I liked it as a kid, I like this game. But Im so bad with names and I haven't watched it in years. I hope my tribe understands how badly I want to participate, but how I have NO knowledge. I hope our tribe wins again, and we don't have to go to tribal.
I have never known peace like getting to sit out of a challenge. I am just vibing. There are no responsibilities that I have to tend to. No stressing or freaking out. I am just chilling
I think I didn't contribute that much to the challenge because I was preparing to go to work. I took a bath during the challenge, so it's hard for me to keep up but yeah, we did it again. We won another challenge and so nervous for the swap. 3 tribe of 5 is a pretty small group and there's no hiding place. I hope I get into a strong tribe that can win challenges.
We are about to merge and all I can say is I hope I'm with Trinica I really like them here we go I'm scared !!!! I hope my shhhh! Team can stay together through this time of - oop you posted!
I have lots of feelings because my number one alliance member mightā€™ve lied to me eek big feelings but ima keep my head up
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 4: "Tell me why i power nap for 6 hours and wake up to the vote being for me"ā€”Ellie
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Sin Sazonar
Adeline seems to be on my side if we lose challenges but I donā€™t think we will
Iā€™ve tried to be a little more active recently but itā€™s v hard hehe. Got some talking in today tho with Trinica, hairie, and tanner
Okay I don't know I'm not loving how everyone wants to bow out. Like puzzles are fun, this is supposed to be a fun game. And people want to bow out instead, because they don't feel confident in it. Like that doesn't matter, have some confidence, we can't all sit it out. I understand I HAVE to participate, but I said repeatedly before that I was so down to do this. I play online puzzles for fun, I feel good. It takes me around 3 min per puzzle but I can get that down further if I concentrate.
My tribe is truly driving me nuts with challenge strategizing. Why did Shawn suggest I sit out after I did so well in the other challenges? Why would we not sit out someone like Tanner who has already shown poor challenge performances in the past? Why, when I suggested we rate ourselves and simply sit out the worst two, did everyone AGREE and THEN ARGUE ABOUT "WELL TANNER REALLY WANTS TO PLAY"??? okay but i really want to WIN y'all ;___;
Puzzles? In a Raffy Season? Madness.
In all seriousness though I do believe weā€™re going to lose this challenge. Current normal tribe time is around an hour - I have heard nothing from Tanner and I do worry about that. My only hope that we win is that someone is mysteriously super good at this puzzle and finishes it in under ten minutes otherwise weā€¦.we lose. I mean I feel like weā€™ve already lost - this really and truly was and is our challenge to lose. But Iā€™ll go to sleep, and what happens when I wake up happens.
I sat out of the challenge because I'm not really confident in jigsaw puzzles, and it seems like everyone is not gonna sit out so I volunteered. But if it's a slide puzzles, I'm gonna play 100%.
I'm gonna sit out. I really enjoyed my time in the sit out bench. I even asked Jay if they have something for me in the bench, like an advantage or something, but yeah, they got nothing for me. Hahaha. But yeah we won the challenge. I didn't know what the strategy was but it worked. New school strategy rules.
I was at my highest high from the win and my lowest low when I thought we lost for .5 seconds.
Now sin sazonar are back babyyyyy!!!!!!
Ps. Jay is the best host and they really helped me feel welcome and it makes me sad when they say they are crying or others arenā€™t being very nice to them. They are putting on this entire game! We are so lucky they put in all this effort for us. I hope people learn to be nicer.
Trinica really helped us out with the puzzle thing. Our host got a lil bullied because of that, but what can we say, everything is turning out new school. No tribal tonight again for us. I hope we keep winning like this, maybe there won't even be a merge after all. Ps still hoping I make it to merge. I won't be able to win, I know that, but id like to make it to merge. Just to say I did.
First of all, stream Unreal Unearth by Hozier gays!!!!
Second of all, we WON THE PUZZLE CHALLENGE!!!! In a way I actually hate but listen you gotta do what you gotta do, and if you gotta game a puzzle platform, you gotta game a puzzle platform. Sorry to that man (Raffy) because no way was I beating your 18 minute score. But you're the true winner of this challenge.
Tanner got 174 minutes, and Adeline didn't submit and got 178, so if it wasn't for our 10% AD we would have lost this one thanks to those 2. I would sooner vote out Tanner if we get a chance since he has done poorly on every single challenge and this is the first Adeline flopped on (and she was not in top form as she was sick).
Anyway, Hairie said he doesn't want to write my name down ever and I'm hoping he means that šŸ’“
There wasnā€™t enough social battery to get on video for confessional so this time itā€™s by text.
This challenge was ours to lose. A jigsaw puzzle. At first we couldnā€™t decide on the sit-outs which led to a randomiser.
Then, the tribe was clearly struggling with 174 mins and then the rest ranging from 30+ - 60 mins ā€¦ Deadly indeed and it was probably going to someone that did not perform well going home had we lost.
I knew I had to step in and share the strategy that I learned from an ally from a game shout out to you !!!
Reducing most of our times and we ended up clutching the win thanks to the challenge advantage because that was a close one.
With that, sending the old school tribe to another tribal and hoping they shake things up. (I donā€™t even know whatā€™s going but yeah) šŸ˜‚
The idol hunt is interesting. People are interesting. So I decided to fake a message for shits and giggles. Maybe it sent someone spiralling? I donā€™t know and do I care? Also no. Iā€™m in my unhinged era and Jayā€™s here for it so am I. Actually Iā€™m THE calmest person on my tribe (or maybe Iā€™m delusional) well maybe I am also in my delulu era because who says we cannot be in two eras concurrently. I should have been on the old school tribe since they say theyā€™re calm and not chaotic or messy (or behind the scenes). Then I came clean about the lie of the idol hunt the next day and called people out (stop lying too much) and making stuff confusing or cryptic and to pay it forward, told more truths about the idol ground (probably more than anyone) because I did publicly. Nobody knows what game I am playing ā€¦ even me LMAO
Trust rankings 1. Trinica 2. Arvin 3. Clefford 4. Tanner 5. Adeline 6. Brandi 7. AJ 8. Shawn
no but it's the way the other side had a strategy where people were finishing under 5 minutes and they just let someone on their own tribe do that puzzle for almost 3 hours.
I know everyone on the tribe is hung up on the other tribe doing so well, but I need them to understand that if Zo had participated, like AT ALL, then we would have won the challenge. All Zo needed to do was complete the puzzle ONCE under 51 minutes and we would have won regardless if they had some super secret strategy. Not only that we BEAT them without their advantage. I am so upset with Zo right now, but I can't even do anything about it because she has a whole non-men alliance protecting her. Without it, I could probably make a very successful push to eliminate her, but alas. I am at the whims of those on the top of the food chain and I have to exist as a second-rate tribe member.
god im so tired of LOSING i dont wanna VOTE ANYONE OUT ANYMORE i just want to REST
So, on this call with Ellie, we both agreed we need to cut our losses and take out Colin. They are being entirely too messy with that last vote. And it's dragged both our games down as a result.
But what do I even do? I guess just survive until a tribe swap, survive until merge. My whole ORG career and life is just about survival apparently. I gotta keep being in the good graces of Zo since she is fully just controlling this entire tribe. Hopefully, Amy, Jinx, and/or Ellie can put in a good word for me with the people who actually control this tribe. It's not the worst position to be in, but it is not ideal either.
I really just don't know what more else I could have done in this game. Like, it seemed like everyone liked me, but I guess I'm just not in-group material for these types of things. Oh well. That's enough wallowing for now.
I am now shifting the target to Zo because the challenge performance makes it easier to target her. I talked to Ellie and Colin about it. Ellie seemed to want to do it. Colin seemed hesitant. I talked to JG. He seemed ok with it. But, according to Amy, he was just saying what I want to hear and placating me. Amy also seems hesitant since she doesn't seem to think the numbers are there. I'm tired. I'm not doing this anymore. People can just vote me out or not. It's not like anything I say can convince anyone.
HEY PARTY PEOPLEEEE. iā€™ve been MIA visiting my parents but here we are at tribal again :) not live laugh loving the fact that we keep losing but it iz what it iz. i suspect a swap or a twist of some sort after this given the number discrepancy between the tribes, but who knows. iā€™d like to keep the barbs together for this vote and make it easy with 5 on whoever we choose, barring an idol. honestly iā€™d love for colin to go home because he is a self-professed ā€˜messyā€™ player, but raffy is also a threat down the line. jg seems like an easy target but i donā€™t think heā€™d be a social threat at swap/merge. the barbs are a whole other set of considerations but why ruin a voting block at this point in the game? we will see how it shakes out ig!!
Iā€™m sensing some woman on woman crime this eveningā€¦
barb on barb violenceā€¦ stay tuned
JG is throwing me under the bus to Zo about how I am spreading her name along with Ellie. I'm so tired of this man. I could literally give him all the information in the world and he still would rather shoot himself in the foot, dive off a cliff, and swallow a gallon of bleach before ever thinking, maybe, JUST MAYBE, that Steven, or Colin, or Ellie, or I are telling the truth. Get your head out of your ass and maybe you'd be able to win this game. But as it stands, JG is dead to me in this game because he cannot see what is right in front of him, he cannot keep his mouth shut, and he has some sort of vendetta against me and my friends. But we'll see how that works out for him.
so theres TWO major alliances (that im aware of) on this tribe. the first one was me + raffy + steven + ellie. the other one is zo + jinx + maddison + ellie. zo told me that maddison made this alliance round 2 when her name was going around. it was a huge reveal because ellie was in our alliance and didn't say ANYTHING about it. and jinx is working closely with raffy and hasn't said anything about it. thats what my perception of the two sides are.
So thereā€™s a Secret Plan happening to vote out Zo because of the challenge (she didn't submit), but I think itā€™s mostly because Raffy wants to make a move against the other alliance. I like Zo a lot and donā€™t wanna vote her, except Zo has that alliance and I'm not in it, so I have no idea if she even actually wants to work with me, we've just had a few one on one game conversations.
meanwhile, I want JG OUT. like he has no intention of working with us and it's so obvious. I get Zo is a scary social player but I don't think that it's worth it to vote her out rn, we need allies heading into a likely swap next round.
my name: *is on the chopping block* me: but what if i took a nap until tribal?
i TOLD Raffy not to trust JG. like I've BEEN saying that. he threw him under the bus last round, and he's doing it again. So last round it was me, Raffy, and Ellie who decided we wanted to go vote JG. But Raffy told JG that it was Zo who put his name out. JG promptly went to Zo and was like ā€œHeard you were throwing my name outā€ when she literally was not, that was just a lie said by Raffy.
NOW JG is going to Zo again, telling her that Raffy and Ellie are coming for her, and is i guess trying to orchestrate a blindside against Ellie it seems?? now I'm in the corner over here like OK NOW CAN WE VOTE JG?! I think raffy is finally getting the message that keeping him is NOT smart.
I talked with Zo and it sounds like she and Jinx were already playing with the idea of voting ellie last round. i think she thinks i can be a part of their voting block. I believe that me and Amy are smack dab in the middle of this and can realistically join either side
heres how i THINK the vote is gonna go tonight:
Ellie + Raffy + me + Amy voting JG JG + jinx + zo + maddison voting ellie
so....... did someone say rocks? :)
So the funny thing about me is I can go away for a nap for an hour and a half and come back and my name is off the block hdjsjdjjs
honestly I just want to have fun so I'm being messy telling everyone everything šŸ¤£ I will not be shocked if this gets flipped onto me but apparently Ellie Colin and raffy want me to vote out JG with them and jinx JG me zo? Maddison? will vote Ellie? I mean here's the problem I've played with Ellie enough to have assumed from the start they are with everyone (as I am šŸ¤ ) but the whole being in two opposing alliances wasn't grand with some people even though they chose to vote with the girlies but there's a concern about a swap and then being closer to Adeline than say I would be which would immediately put me more at risk of going home especially down numbers. Anyway tbh if raffy didn't flip his idea I would have voted zo out 100% and I already had my voting confessional planned.
Let's see though bc Colin wanted to make a group of me Ellie raffy and Colin to "fix communication" and force rocks lol and it hasn't been made so.... Would be a funny way to go
Oh also I can go on the other side of the idol hunt and made it directly to the other resort and was immediately barred from entry lol whoops where are these wristbands?
okay so tribal is in 50 minutes and everyone has been SO quiet today. like to a very stressful extent. i'm needing to take a step back and remember that as long as it aint me, i'm fine. I'm planning on voting JG, and honestly just because I think that everyone is so quiet, I don't see an actual organized effort happening against Ellie this round. JG and Zo seemed like they wanted to take her out, but no one's putting in the work to do so. i hope that means that ellie survives this round and JG gets out, which is what i've been trying to do since last round.
Tell me why i power nap for 6 hours and wake up to the vote being for me
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 3: "i'm a 26 year-old man but, like, please feel sorry for me!"ā€”Steven
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Sin Sazonar
So we started an alliance chat consisting of Trinica Adeline hairie and Brandi and we donā€™t know where we stand with Aj she has played against me in the past so Iā€™m not knowing where I stand with her she might look to sketch me out
I didnā€™t get Skype notifications for like a day while we were safe but! I was added to an alliance, Trinica and i have been talking a small amount but a good amount, i like Brandi and hairie and tanner expressed liking me hairier and Trinica good things good things :,)))
There are so many alliance chats rn and I legit have two names BATH/BATTH Iā€™m very concerned
I wanted to play a game less in-the-middle than I typically play so that I have a chance of making it farther and not being sniped as a social threat, but I can't help that I'm so damn charming and sexy and funny and cool!
I'm currently in 3 bigger alliances, with Brandi as my fellow overlapping MOR player. We have BATH with me, Brandi, Arvin, and Hairie; BATTH with me, Brandi, Adeline, Hairie, and Tanner; and Shhhh!!! with me, Brandi, AJ, and Shawn. So by necessity, I'm working a bit closer with Brandi this game than expected. Which is fine by me, it's very nice not to be the only person in the middle like this. And Brandi, who I thought would be closer with Hairie, seems to be only sharing hunt specifics with me, which is a good sign. Just gotta eventually tell her I have a hunt doc with Hairie too, or Hairie might let it slip and she'll distrust me.
Hairie definitely wants to go against AJ, probably sooner rather than later, which is tricky for me. I really want to try to play a loyal game with AJ for once, but something in me wants to cast doubt on her whenever we play. I think it's because she's genuinely a little shifty in these games so I simply lack trust! She thought I was lying to her in the idol hunt when I was telling the truth and she lied to me SO transparently, and she did admit to it but it was just weird vibes. She also made some comment like "that is, if you're telling me the truth" about info I had given her about the hunt and it kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Have I lied to you twice in past games? YES. Am I lying to you now? NO. But maybe I should be!!
Hairie last night told me he feels like he could never write my name down. Which is very sweet, but Hairie is also kind of a big mouth with telling other people things. He keeps telling the tribe things about the idol hunt, or confronting people when he finds out they're lying or talking about him. It is SO HARD for me to ally with someone if they can't stay chill when they hear their name's out there. Like I need people to trust that I'm handling it and things will work out. Which is a lot to ask, maybe. I do want to work with Hairie, but I also do worry about us being two anti-heroes/occasionally villains and how long an alliance like that can last. We both know what big threats the other is so it's hard to work in that environment.
Meanwhile, I think Shawn is very tight with AJ because they're not giving me much about the idol hunt and they told Hairie AJ is sharing info with them. I could see Adeline, AJ, and Clefford having a trio.
This hunt sucks btw it's such a bust! I'm honestly sharing my info with everyone which is silly and I hate it but also feels necessary in some ways. Plus Hairie and Del set the tone by sharing info in the main chat about the hunt, so it is what it is.
OH AND IN OTHER NEWS I volunteered for and won the hero challenge! Go, me! I hate putting myself in a singled-out position like that and I've never done it before, so I'm glad it worked in my favor and hopefully shows my tribe I'm someone who can perform in challenges.
Trinica KILLED it as I knew they would!!! They're very smart and I am so proud to have them on our team. They really stepped it up. This is Great for team moral, two wins in a row. I hope we can keep this up! Our team needs it, we need this bonding and morale.
I knew trinica would win! They are so talenteddddddd Iā€™m happy to be working with them ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
I'm glad Trinica won the Hero Challenge. I've been Inactive for days now. I'm just gonna send this as a confession so I won't get a strike.
We're so luck to have Trinica on our tribe. She made us safe from winning the Hero Challenge over Ellie and granted us the immunity.
We're trying so hard to win more immunities as our first tribal council was chaotic and we don't want it to happen again.
Wow ok I think I only have one confessional this round. I did really short confessionals after a certain point last time and I feel like that was kind of a let down when I read back through episodes last time I was like :c what was I thinking. Anyway, an end of round long confessional? Who is she? An icon thatā€™s who.
I feel like on our tribe not much has really happened. I found the idol, duh, I kind of want to find the other tribeā€™s idol because that would be fun but also their entire area is a landmine and so far weā€™re without DAs to my knowledge so fingers crossed we can just stay that way. Idk what Iā€™ll do though.
I also just finished watching their R2 tribal council and? Gurl? They clearly have some sort of drama going on and unlike Sin Sazonar - #BestTribe - they didnā€™t communicate this in the tribe chat. Which is booo, kind of boring. All I can say is eman is an absolute icon and I canā€™t wait to see their next tribal. (And hopefully the one after that too ;) )
The Eman vote went over pretty well. I found out from Jinx that Eman was trying to test Colin by throwing him Maddison's and Ellie's name. And that Eman wanted to target Steven and I for being big threats. I told this to my 4 1/2 brain cell alliance and it reaffirmed out decision of taking out Eman.
What has me worried is that Steven or Colin is going to be targeted next since Jinx is stuck on the idea that they are either boring (Steven) or untrustworthy (Colin). AND, Colin told me that Zo said there was an alliance made with Maddison, Zo, Ellie, and Jinx. Neither Jinx or Ellie has told me anything about this. It seems my Day 2 analysis of where the sides would be came true. I knew Ellie, Zo, and Maddison would get together eventually. So now Jinx has an alliance that seems like they would just go after Steven considering Zo told me that she doesn't talk much with him and I already know Jinx's opinion on the matter. Ellie probably has no intention with playing with me forever and this just makes me a little sus of Jinx. Jinx and I seem to be going towards different directions in this game and I don't know if we'll find ourselves working together when the dust settles.
I am a little disappointed that I didn't get close enough to Zo to have her tell me about this. I want to work with Zo, but it seems she's already closer to other people.
Right now, I think the target should shift onto like JG atm in terms of alliances. But then again JG is also someone I can work closely with. I just don't think voting out anyone on this tribe would be beneficial to me atm. Like, I don't need to start snipping connections. I think JG would be a good vote though cause he's not in any alliances presumably and he's not in any opposing alliances to me. He's just sort of there which means it'd be easy to take him out. But would we need his vote for taking out, say, Maddison? Tough decisions all around.
Ah frig we have to go to tribal again and now I REALLY donā€™t know what to do. I feel like iā€™m back in the swing of it now after the last one but we really donā€™t have anyone thatā€™s made themselves a target this round yet. Hereā€™s hoping some cwazy drama happens in the next 24 hours to add some spice and also give me any idea of who to vote šŸ’…šŸ¼
So we are going to tribal again, and I am not nervous for myself. I think I am positioned incredibly well to survive until a tribe swap. What I am nervous about is for my allies. I am pretty much working with everyone and have no idea who to even vote for. It could spell the end of my game. The person I am least attached to is Maddison, but I know from Colin who heard from Zo that they are in an alliance with Zo, Ellie, and Jinx. So I have no idea if a push for Maddison would even work? I would need Amy, JG, Colin, and Steven to be on board. It's way too nerve wracking to be making decisions and splitting votes this early. So, I am going to just wait. If by like 5, no one still has said anything then I will just vote out Maddison. I'll push it only to Colin and JG and see if it takes off from there.
Anyway Colin wants JG, and Jinx wants Steven. I would rather Steven and break up that Raffy - Steven - Colin alliance, forcing them both to work more closely with me. But I also have a weird feeling for this one.
you know what i LOVE is when no one is talking strategy with me :-) like yā€™all we have tribal in like seven hours!! at least feign interest in working with me pls i beg of you. thereā€™s no easy target tonight (unless itā€™s me ofc given my name was making the rounds last time) so iā€™m unsure of the move. iā€™d be happy with a JG vote since heā€™s ā€œnot going to be upset if i go homeā€ but iā€™m not sure who is tight with them. i have zero interest in working with colin because thatā€™s just a shady situation and iā€™d prefer to play with more predictable players, at least as long as possible. rumor has it steven might have an idol but i donā€™t think he would play it this early unless he was an obvious vote. UUUUGH WISH THIS BIMBO LUCK
Lowkey wouldnt be shocked if its me tonight but im just gonna vote whatever name im given
I had a short chat with Colin where I tried to push for Maddison, but he wants to vote out JG. I relinquished. Then, I had a short chat with Ellie where they agreed with JG. I also confronted them about their alliance with Zo, Maddison, and Jinx and they confirmed it. However, when Ellie tried to push for JG in that alliance, Ellie said that those three want to vote out Steven which is not good for me. But what can I do to help Steven? If he's not going to be active and social with the tribe, then there's not much I can do without sticking my neck out. However, Ellie also told me Zo started this alliance even though Zo was the one to tell Colin about it. So, Zo is a little strategist queen over there trying to mastermind the tribe from the shadows. Now I am on red alert with Zo since it seems pretty clear at this point that I am not in her long-term plans. If I get tribe swapped with her, she would happily feed me to the wolves. I don't want to do anything about it right now though. I told Ellie that they are deciding who gets power in this game: Zo's Alliance or Colin's/Raffy's Alliance with this vote. I'll follow their lead on this one, since I do feel I would not be next out if we went to tribal again (though I might try to splinter that Zo alliance).
It's too much rn I don't want to be in three alliances already.
Personally I'm team vote Steven, work with JG solely based on general conversation flow. But Jinx (social icon award, doing all the heavy lifting rn) wants the back up to be Colin which ... I cannot do. I can blindside him with a Steven vote but I will not vote Colin after he told me about his trio alliance then I may have spread that a bit generally speaking. Also bc I know Colin won't vote against me. Let's leave my 10000% numbers OUT. OF. IT.
Ok. So, I told both JG and Steven their names were out there so they still stick by me. Zo and Jinx seem like they are going to be pushing Steven. Ellie is in the middle. I tried to steer JG away from Zo. And Steven towards putting out Maddison's name. Too many people trust me with info and talking strategy with them. It is stressful. I am trying to juggle everyone so they don't see me as a threat.
I think Steven is going to get the boot here. But my strategy moving forward is to get an alliance together with Amy, Colin, and JG so that the Zo alliance does not just steamroll us in case we go to tribal again. Hopefully, if I expose the information Ellie gave me regarding this alliance, then I can form an opposing faction.
last round was easy because eman went unanimously. except eman voted me.
eman gave me a """""loyalty test""""" the first tribal we went to???!!! absolute WILD plan. like that's so weird to me. WHY put out names if you DONT want them to spread?! especially the first tribal when no other names are happening!!!! like i'm glad it blew up in their face. we were planning on voting them beforehand but no one needs to know that!!! as far as anyone else is concerned, eman shot themselves in the foot.
now it's like 2 hours till tribal and i dont know what the fuck is happening. im doing my best here. jg and steven are the names going around
but Zo told me about an alliance that was made of her + jinx + ellie + maddison? and that seems like its taking over! they swapped it onto steven when jg was going to be the vote. obv I don't wanna vote steven because he's one of my biggest allies.
i trust zo the most out of that alliance. but amy, raffy, and steven are my biggest allies (in that order)
right now there might be a blindside happening? we'll see! im calculating!
This has gotten to be such a mess because of Colin lol. I got on a call with Colin and tried to explain that maybe letting Steven go would not be the worst thing in the world. They said Steven cannot leave. So, now we exposed the Zo alliance to Steven and are trying to flip the vote onto Maddison by telling Amy and JG. Idk about JG. But Amy is hard to convince. I don't think she wants to be this messy this early. And if Amy isn't flipping then I am not voting incorrectly. Sorry Steven. I'd rather that alliance mad at Colin than me. Plus, now I'm in such a shitty position since it could very easily (by JG's mouth most likely) that this was attempted and I'm sure my name will go around.
So I think itā€™s getting messy now?? The vote is between JG and Steven but I really like donā€™t want to vote anyone theyā€™re both nice I wish we could just have cookies instead :(
oh god oh fuck. i think steven is just doomed tonight. i hate this. i dont wanna vote him but it'll make everyone else upset if I don't
listen i know ive flopped but someone hit and run my car and this game has had the adrenaline rush that that experience gave me too so WHAT DO U WANT ME TO SAY????????
maddison is sexy btw and i'm serious about that. just because she told me to put that there doesn't mean its not true and it's absolutely completely true. i swear. thank you. my next targets are the ones who don't think maddison is sexy bc that's just not smth i could trust.
Fuck me. So Ellie told me there is another alliance with Zo, Amy, Jinx, Maddison, and Ellie. Now what tf do I do about that? NOTHING. I guess I should just trans my gender so I can get into a good alliance this season.
the we're all talking in the girlies alliance like ellie didn't leak it. kinda living for it
Did I need to submit my vote early? No. Did I want to make sure raffy and Colin voted Steven bc I šŸ˜® could not change my vote? Yes.
Is there a 'girls (loosely defined) alliance' that doesn't include me? Yes. Do I care? No.
Were ppl messy and I collected lots of info? Yes we love it. Am I still hilariously solid? Yeah babes. We chilling and thriving.
I love barely checking in and knowing I have ppl šŸ˜­ I feel bad and tbh I know some of them will turn on me but also ppl like Colin and Jinx are loyal to a fault and I love them for it. Ellie I'm good with and I straight up told them Colin is lying to you and about you šŸ¤£
But also let's be real the moment Colin told me about their alliance with Raffy and Steven, and Raffy is being sneaky sneaky witholding info (as he should) while being in other alliance with me, that trip alliance needed to end asap thanks and now raffy and Colin have less options, jinx and Colin don't trust Ellie, and I can just sit back and be busy. We love this. Lay low and stay out of drama.
Well I have tried everything I can to try and stay. Tried to get Raffy and Colin to flip a vote. Begged Amy to see me as a number she can use, try and talk game to JG who probably had no intention of working with me, and as of just now got off a call with Jinx who I felt had the most influence over this game. As of now my best hope is that an idol is played on me and hopefully when people see that Iā€™m not a dead man walking anymore they will realize that I can be a tool for their games. If not then I canā€™t say I didnā€™t go out fighting.
pours out the bottle of tequila i got from the idol hunt in stevens honor
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 2: "that way lies ruin - and all sorts of Greek tragedy type shit"ā€”eman
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Sin Sazonar
Before I go to the most chaotic tribal so far, let me just say that I'm so sorry for not giving any updates for the past few days.
Having this set of cast with me, I know that this will be hard as I don't really know most of them and know that we all played in this ORG.
Immediately, Hairie, Arvin and I made an instinct alliance that as Asians, we must stick together. Tanner on the other side, we know each other outside this org, had discussions about Survivor and such. I don't really have to put much effort on Adeline, because we played together in my first season, Racoon City. I had to put effort into getting to know Brandi and Shawn. I think I have enough connections for them to work with me. I think Trinica knew that they needed me here as their shield (how assuming of me). Same with AJ.
Now let's get into the exciting part, our first tribal.
A lot of names had been thrown around including mine: Tanner, Hairie, Adeline, and Zee's.
I was the one pushing Tanner, but when I opened the discussion to some, they didn't want to, especially AJ. And then, this was so funny. Tanner came to me that AJ's the one pushing his name. I also tried to lowkey push Shawn's name, but then again, they didn't want to. I was trying to make the first tribal an easy vote but they didn't listen.
The next day, Zee and Hairie came to me. They spilled a lot of tea including AJ's spreading misinformation about Zee, Hairie's theory that Adeline was the one pushing his name, hence making a conclusion on that call that we must eliminate Adeline. I also confronted Zee on that call if it was true that she made a non-men alliance (Trinica spilled it to me) and she said that she tried but didn't push through.
Loving people like me can't go with the Adeline plan, so I immediately told her that I was hearing her name. I talked to almost everyone that I don't want Adeline out.
Surprisingly, Adeline put AJ and Zee on the hot seat in the main chat. It was chaotic. I was loving the drama. Adeline was blaming Zee for pushing her name and trusted the non-men alliance, but as far as I know it was Hairie. Good for him. On the confrontation, they also talked about who ratted the information about the non-men alliance (which Trinica's doing telling me). Hahaha!
AJ and Zee tried to put me in that conversation by telling everyone that I was telling that they were a threat being twins. Which was actually true, by the way, but well, nice try to you both but I handle that very well by saying that it was more of an appreciation.
In the end, all the heat went to Zee having 9-1 and her voting for me.
I'm gonna be honest, ever since Zee got voted off, everything has been a LOT more chill. Our team is taking the time off we deserve and relaxing while the other team has to vote one off. The new challenge seems to be one we'll be good at! We have a few people saying they can help already. Also, everyone seems to still really like me, which is good. I'm trying not to get on anyone's bad side.
Well that was chaotic. After a lot of drama I think I may actually be in an alright position? The Shhhh alliance makes four. If I can keep Tanner with us thatā€™ll be five. And maybe thatā€™s good? Iā€™m probably a swap boot but honestly I just didnā€™t want to be the first boot. Now I am hoping to make jury but also, who isnā€™t. Goodnight, hopefully we donā€™t have to attend another goddamn tribal council.
Ok some more thoughts. Last round got crazy, some people seemed to think the Zee and I being twins thing was a joke, some people were like, why vote for Zee sheā€™s ur twin just work together. Zee made a non-men alliance and didnā€™t ask half of the members if that was a good idea. Like hello clearly anything said there would be leaked to Hairie bc of Brandi like??? Theyā€™re obviously tight.
Anyway I was trying to get Zee out because I was trying to treat her like a stranger Iā€™d never played with before instead of allowing twin sentimentality to kick in. And if she were a stranger I would not have trusted her one bit. She was willing to turn on anyone even if they were an ally in order to save herself, she was leaking information from an alliance that she made (but letā€™s be real the real leakage is definitely Brandi I mean cmon), and was just generally playing messy and untrustworthy. So I wanted her gone - twin thing be damned.
(Zee if ur reading this ily and no hard feelings, ur a threat ok you were eliminated bc u were playing too hard <3)
Now idk what the actual fuck is happening this round. This challenge is deceptively simple and I have a feeling weā€™re going to lose. Unless thereā€™s some miracle weā€™re absolutely fucked here. My only hope is idol hunting - I really really want to find an idol at some point, Iā€™ve never found one in any ORG before and itā€™s a bucket list item ok. Trinica says her tunnel was different than mine, not sure if I can believe her or not (probably not), but we shall see. I think I might know where an advantage or potentially the idol is, so Iā€™m gonna grab gear from a place Hairie said gear was and pray that tomorrow I can idol hunt and find a friggin idol.
My current score is 740 something in my practice for this challenge. My fingers hurt and my skype hates me. Nevertheless we persevere. Trinica got like 900 though and thought it was a low score, we agree that Raffy probably got a crazy high score. (Read: we stand no chance against that tribe in this type of challenge with the kind of tribe that we have) - but one can hope. Iā€™ll probs have another update after my challenge and after the results.
Wohoooo! We won the challenge. I'm gonna enjoy the night off since I've been busy at work and some errands to attend to. I'm glad that we pulled off a win, I really had a hard time doing the challenge since don't have a computer but yeah, we did it. So proud of our tribe. Huhu. Thank you. ā˜ŗļø
Okay I really thought we were gonna lose the typing challenge, I was very concerned. Also it broke my Skype lol
I helped my tribe Win immunity and Iā€™m relaxing and getting to know some on my tribe
Well, well, fuck me well... we actually won! I'm a little nervous still for future challenges because we VERY nearly lost and Tanner's score was way lower than anyone else on the tribe. But who knows, maybe we can make this a winning streak?
As far as the idol hunt goes, it's a bust so far. I went to the mine shaft and all I got was a gear pack and this lousy tribe callout. AJ has finally learned to be a little less forthcoming, but it's to my detriment. I think she's lying to me about where she's gone and I had to give her a stern talking-to about trust earlier. Did it work? Only time will tell.
Hairie continues to be chaotic, he's sharing idol hunt info in tribe chat for literally no reason. But as of now we have a tentative trust. I'm in an alliance with everyone but Adeline, Clefford and Tanner at this point. I really wanna work with Adeline but I think she's close with Clefford so I'm keeping her at arm's length.
Anyway, I'm as excited as a pig in mud to have the day off from tribal tomorrow.
Okay so i made a whole video confessional that Iā€™ll post soon about last round, but TDLR: non men alliance fell to the ground immediately as it so often does, i am trying to gain back hairie and Cleffords trust as well as get in with Trinica and Brandi whoā€™ve both expressed liking me but idk how much further that goes
BATH alliance forever šŸ› but also likeā€¦ā€¦. Iā€™m glad to have people to talk through the idol hunts with. There are so many options and Iā€™m so nervous
I simply can not even (read: I just found a hidden immunity idol)
Having the day off is actually so boring! I'm going to make a prediction about the other tribe:
I think Raffy, Steven, and Colin will be working together. eman may or may not be in the mix there. Amy and Raffy may be working together too. And Ellie! I'm gonna say Maddison or JG is going home tonight.
So Ellie created the ā€œchaos CREwā€ alliance which includes Colin and I. Weā€™re definitely not the Final 3, but I figure between the three of us we should be able to make it pretty far. I trust that these two will at least help me make it to merge for the time being.
JG and I had an hour long call just getting reacquainted. He affirmed to me that he would like to work with me in this game as he thinks we work well together. I believe thatā€™s true, but I donā€™t know how JG is going to benefit my game in the future. Iā€™ll keep him close for now as itā€™s always nice to have a number, but Iā€™m not sure how close or loyal Iā€™ll be. Maybe he can be fodder if people start coming after me.
Right now, it feels like Maddison is the easy vote on this tribe which sucks. I hope I can push it to Eman because I want to see what Maddison can do in this game. Hopefully I can help her out if we go to tribal.
Iā€™m so shocked Zee left. Definitely not who I expected to be first boot. Not sure what type of tomfoolery was happening on the other tribe. Maybe thatā€™ll set the tone for the rest of the game.
I am finding myself too comfortable here, which means that I can't be comfortable because something's obviously going to go wrong - that's just the way it is. I'm Sibyl, prophetess of doom & gloom. Things can only go well for so long. You can never be comfortable.
And we certainly can't gloat. Oh, we will not gloat. Because that way lies ruin - and all sorts of Greek tragedy type shit.
Anyway, I also got to thinking about horror films and stuff because of the tribe chat, and I don't like monsters (unless it's Wednesday and then I'm all over it). But I'm certainly all over inner demons.
And I'm also a huge fan of Hitchcock and psychological torment, which is even more fun when you realize that my mom started showing me his films when I was a wee child of 10 (and we can unpack that at a later date, okay folks).
Anyway, all of this got me to thinking that this game is "Rope." It's a closed set - all of the drama, all of it is taking place in a single rome, but we are being manipulated by phone calls coming in from outside. Our illustrious host.
And I'd like to imagine myself Jimmy Stewart.
That is all.
I love being a bitter little bitch I do it every day ;)
Yesterday, Jinx and Ellie decided that they already want to give me anxiety. Jinx has been suspecting that Steven has an idol from doing Survivor Trivia since it was a hero challenge. And now they just straight up asked Steven if he had one. Meanwhile, Ellie is straight up asking Colin about where to find the metal detector (despite the fact he could only search once like the rest of us). Listen, I love them to death, but I want to win this game and those two are just going to keep doing off the wall things. And Iā€™ll automatically be associated with those things since Iā€™m sure people already see us as a duo. So I hope that in any upcoming tribe swap, I can be put on a different tribe so that I can build relationships outside of that so I have some cushion when they inevitably self implode their games and get voted out. And also I really donā€™t want to have to vote them out.
Also I found a ring in the idol hunt that I have to keep until merge so wish me luck.
hell fire light the matchesā€¦ yā€™all ever heard that saying
Not us losing when they had someone score 80 ā˜ ļø
tbh I have been so not online idk where to even begin. At this point I just hope it's not me.
I would like it known that I counted to a respectable 650!! but got bumped because I was the median!! Anyways now we have to go to stinky tribal and iā€™m not too happy about it because who tf do I vote for? This whole tribe has been a vibe so far everyone is very fun and chill and also very good at being old! Iā€™m feeling really good about my connections right now with most people so I donā€™t think itā€™s me going but thatā€™s kind of a famous last word round these here parts so I guess anything is possible. Stay tuned for more funny little ramblings with Zo!
I woke up and in my delirium named the alliance of me, jinx, and raffy "cabbage patch birthing tree" so that's where we're at.
Last night, so much happened. Colin Ellie and I decided that we should go after Eman since Colin and I donā€™t trust her to have our backs at merge. We feel she would just work with the New School people immediately. Then, I talked to Steven just casually on a call. He brought up working with Colin and Ellie. And thatā€™s all I really needed from Steven. So I made a four person alliance called 4 1/2 Brain Cells. Steven also agreed that Eman should be the one voted out. Meanwhile, I talked to JG and Jinx separately confirming their votes for Eman. I already dropped her name to JG on our call. And Jinx brought up suspicions of Eman. They felt that Eman is the leader of a huge alliance with Colin, Steven, JG, and Zo. Obviously that isnā€™t true, but I sort of egged it on only so Jinx can target Eman. I tried to get Jinx to trust Colin, but it seems they just donā€™t. Colin is going to have to work on them. But, I do have an alliance with Amy and Jinx that Amy created. This is a solid alliance for me outside of the 4 1/2 brain cells group. But Iā€™m sure Colin probably assumes that this group exists so I have to show so much loyalty to them so they donā€™t rat me out. Anyways, I egged Jinx on and now they might be targeting Eman. Ellie says they can get both Maddison and JG on board. What they donā€™t know is that JG is already on board. All thatā€™s left are Zo and Amy, but I think Amy would be down if Jinx brings it up and Zo would be down if everyone was doing it.
You listen to someone talk about their ww2 novella and suddenly they call you inactive and want to vote you out. tsk tsk
I think I've chilled a lot from last night. Last night, I was making moves against Eman left and right. Today, I am just sort of letting my allies talk to other people for me and getting the numbers. Now, before I even talk to people, they are already bringing up Eman's name. I think the plan is set atm, but anything can change. I do not think I will be the one getting votes tonight regardless.
Jinx told me that Eman was testing Colin by telling him that the vote was Ellie or Maddison. Colin failed, but it is interesting that Eman would have worked with Jinx, Colin, and Amy. I basically want to be Eman in that scenario. So, I think Eman going is good for me game now because we kind of want to be in the same spot but we can't both occupy that spot.
Jinx is starting to distrust Colin and Steven a lot. I hope in a tribe swap scenario, they are separated so that I do not have to worry about them turning on each other. I can't have my allies make me choose a side too early. Plus, I don't even know what side would be best to go on.
I made some inroads with both Zo and Maddison today. I think I am in a really good spot now. If my tribe does go to tribal again, I really need to sit back and have them choose who to go and not fight it. Otherwise, I leave myself open to being exposed. So we have to activate chill Raffy from now on.
Time to play my favorite game, am I stressing out and overthinking OR am I right about everything. Sadly I won't find out for another couple of hours so I will just sink into my anxiety-induced stress.
So one of the fun things I've done is get into an alliance with Colin, Ellie, and Raffy. One of the main reasons that I'm doing it is because of my previous game and people assumed that I was working with my friends when all of us were trying to actively not do that. Since that was one of the reasons the target went onto our back we decided to actually make it a reality. Why not if they bring it up and have them be right instead of us getting an unneeded target onto our backs. This also leads us to our main target for this round since we flopped and lost the challenge by 10 points, Eman. I wasn't planning on targeting them at first but from the info that I have been told and based on previous results of the last few times we have played, there is no reason for me to not target them. Raffy informed me that she was throwing out both his and my names as people "that shouldn't make it far since they will probably win the game". I find that hard to believe for myself since I haven't been able to make it past early merge in the last couple of games and I am really good at being a losing finalist then a winning one. Whatever though cause whatever their reasoning is doesn't matter to me cause the moment you decide you want to put a target on my back is the same time my sights get locked onto you.
Despite that new info, it doesn't seem like my name is being thrown around. It seems like the main ones are Eman, Maddison, and Ellie. Found out though that the Ellie and Maddison target was actually a test for Colin from Eman. I find that to be a pretty weird thing to do for our tribe's first tribal. It seemed to be a test before she makes an alliance of Amy, Colin, Eman, and Jinx. Guessing that isn't happening anymore. Cause Colin failed the dreaded test it means that supposedly now Colin is the target for Eman. Not sure how much I trust that since now Eman has targeted every member of my alliance in some way. Hopefully, we can get 2 more votes for a majority and take Eman out.
I am hoping we are in the majority and voting correctly, but if not I think I aligned with a group of people that would be more chaotic and larger targets than me. I'm hoping to shrink myself into a little man and just bob and weave my way into a swap or merge situation. Like the tribes are pretty even when it comes to comps so once we get over this hump we can just start getting on a roll and win. If I do leave tonight I don't know how I would feel. I don't want to get into that mindset so I will just leave that there. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully, it has me being in a better situation.
hi hello party people, today was full of stress frfr?? but also, fun!! survivor ilysm, brilliant game concept. okay anyways, uhhh lowkey jay came out subtly swinging with the tribal questions bahah. i need a better poker face i legit cannot stop grinning during tribal. today was wild i will reassess tomorrow and provide an update. this bitch is exhausted okay byee
Because I like to put things in little boxes
(little boxes made of ticky tacky)
RIDE OR DIE Amy, Colin, Jinx
WISH THEY WERE CLOSER, DUDE, WHATUP? Steven, Zo, Maddeline, Ellie
Which means that there's no GOOD way this vote can go.
No good way.
Albeit, I am kinda tempted to subdivide that last group a little bit further, but I shant. (yet)
Boxes and compartmentalization are good.
And safe.
Says the person who likes a movie about people who put people in boxes during cocktail parties.
0 notes
survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Episode 1: "Why do I hear Boss Music?"ā€”Zee
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Hey yā€™all!!! Iā€™m just your average line cook that is sweating his ass off in the summer heat. If Iā€™m not working then Iā€™m probably watching reality tv or playing something PokĆ©mon related.
HIIII have y'all missed me?? the original idol and immunity giving snake queen has returned to her throne of ninth place. I have missed this omg, I haven't been super active bc of college and shit but thankfully i am in an alliance (hate the feeling of not being in one) with my bestie baes Raffy and Colin called chaos CREw (see what we did there) I genuinely want to play with them and have us be f3 just bc i think it would be fucking hilarious!!! bye party people, ttyl
AUGUST 10th, 2023 (2:22PM) CURRENTLY: Watching two GAY PEOPLE play Phasmophobia while queueing a playlist of 557 KPOP songs. BACKGROUND: This season Jinx wants to try to focus more on written confessionals as itā€™s what is most accessible for the majority of people and they did tell people in their intro that theyā€™re a writer, afterall. In an effort to bring some humor, honesty and flair to their Survivor Stings ORG experience they are trying to adopt their detective persona from Raccoon City in the voice of Noir Spiderman from Spiderverse (with some Barbie energy tbh). It is very very likely that theyā€™ll abandon or forget or just be completely against this persona fearing it is cringe beyond measure ā€“ but they may also keep it up as itā€™s kinda fun. Either way, theyā€™re writing and that is a feat. A writer who doesnā€™t write is simply a flop.
LMAOO ANYWAYS I donā€™t know how to be serious in this type of way completely but I was feeling myself when writing the above so I will accept it and move on. If Iā€™m not consistent with it, at least I tried! Which is really what this season is about on a personal level for me. Itā€™s about meeting myself where Iā€™m at. I expressed to Jay in my confessional that Iā€™m frustrated at the current state of personal affairs even if it is temporary.
Coming into this season of Stings, I feel like I have a lot to give back and a lot left to express. Two seasons in a row, while I have nothing to regret about the games I have played ā€“ I have regrets about the personal relationships I have failed to maintain and the ones I failed to cultivate. I remember everyone from both seasons, I actually do care about them, I also know that these personal feelings may not align with others personal feelings about me. That it might not be what other people feel from me due to my absence. Due to my inability to have a good social game particularly last season. Saying yes to Stings this season, I was optimistic about the direction my life was heading and still am. More so, about the environments, the time Iā€™d have, the attitude Iā€™d come in with. It wouldnā€™t be burdened with the same struggle I have come into the last two seasons with and in a way ā€“ it isnā€™t.
In a way, I am simply sick of my own shit which may add to the judgment I am placing on myself. Not only judgment but the idea that my presence was really of THAT much importance to anyone in or out of game. I wanted to be much more confident and self assured that I would be different this time, not just disappear post season because of life circumstances as if not everyone has life get in the way. I know now I am still being kinder to myself than I have in the past ā€“ I do not write this with actual anger towards myself, striking disappointment, deep frustration but with a heavy sigh of here we go again. Though, with this awareness I know I can change my actions for the better. Even if I fail, I can try again. Thereā€™s an air of compassion that Iā€™ve cultivated with and for myself. Itā€™s definitely different than over a year ago when I first played Stings.
When I first played Stings ā€“ it was because Amy begged me to. Around six people had dropped out and she just needed a body, someone to play and be there. Paired with Raffy hosting ā€“ it was an easy sell. When falling down the rabbit hole of Survivor Stings, I didnā€™t expect to love an ORG or an environment or cast this much. I had just moved out, I was a mess on a level I knew of but never was allowed to investigate due to not being in a safe environment for so long until then. As I investigated, I was playing Survivor Stings. Itā€™s weird to think that I am such a different person than I was even a year ago because as Iā€™ve written this I donā€™t think Iā€™ve given myself any faith, credit or hope that I am. I donā€™t even think Iā€™ve expressed the changes and turns my life and myself have taken. I am so used to the disappointment that comes with failing that I forget how much Iā€™ve succeeded and how far Iā€™ve come. These are old narratives we sometimes tell ourselves when we donā€™t know how to write new ones. When we donā€™t know what the new ones will be. When it feels too scary to step into the greatness that we have earned because we are scared we are not worthy of it.
See me? I like knowing. To jump into the unknown always seems like a step back, even if I am of the risk taking variety, I like to take risks that are calculated. Moving cross country the way I have was the most uncalculated risk I have ever taken in my life and while it paid off ā€“ for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This oversight has caused me to feel a fear I havenā€™t since I moved out, I have seen as I have fallen into old patterns that are just really indicative of what my comfort zone is and why I need it currently. Even though I sometimes sit in doubt thinking I cannot break the cycle, I know I already have many times before. I know that I will, again and again. I wanted to come into Survivor Stings this time without thinking of all this. I guess that was my mistake, to think that playing an online Survivor game wouldnā€™t unearth something in me as it always does. This time though ā€“ I am the least certain of what it (the unearthed) will be than I ever have been. For once, Iā€™m not really sure who Iā€™ll be at the end of this game (because yes, I hope and plan to be at the end of this game) and it doesnā€™t completely scare me to not know. Maybe Iā€™ll let myself down. Maybe Iā€™ll surpass my expectations more than I could have ever imagined. Maybe Iā€™ll be first boot. Either way, I donā€™t know and I am not trying to control it. Thatā€™s how Iā€™m coming into this game.
Iā€™ve only played one other ORG this entire calendar year ā€“ which is a feat for me. I go into ORGs with a lot more intentionality now, though it may seem so serious to me to be writing this all ā€“ itā€™s just how I am as a person. Hyper verbal, overly invested, able to detach quickly and grateful for the opportunity to be attached to an ORG I admire so much. I love these games, no matter how many bad experiences I have (which are plenty), no matter how many times ORGs have made me abuse my Xanax prescription, I will never say I will retire. They connect me to a part of myself that I felt was long gone, they connect me to so many people who have changed my life for the better. I think sometimes the point is to show up for yourself where youā€™re at when playing these games and not detach from it because we wonā€™t take much from these games otherwise. For me, ORGs are a practice of being present with myself, learning other people, playing a game that is fun and brings out parts of me to overanalyze and understand. To win doesnā€™t mean getting first place to me ā€“ though that would be nice this time around ā€“ to win would be to at peace with myself. To know I played the best game I possibly could, that I am proud of the game I played, that I know I rose to the occasion and didnā€™t shy away from it.
During FTC last season, in my closing speech I quoted something along the lines of: Faith isnā€™t free ā€“ it costs us our cynicism and demands we spend a lifetime practicing it. I have been in constant practice of feeding my cynicism to the abyss, hoping that the faith I cultivate from letting go of it is no longer blind but earned. No matter what, this is what I aim to practice this season. Faith. In myself, my decisions, my intuition and my gameplay. I think itā€™s time for me to let go of the fears, the imposter syndrome, the trauma and move forward because this is a chance to practice. We donā€™t get enough chances to practice this delicate process in everyday life. This is what I am protecting, this is what drives me to get to the end of this game. In this current life transition, the knowledge that this isn't permanent and I have the honor of shaping my game, myself, my future in however way I want to. I want to lead with faith. As I write that, I cry. Because I am so scared to put this into practice but thatā€™s exactly why I have to. I deserve to give myself the chance. XOXO, Gossip Jinx
I know I say this every time but this time I really mean it.
It's vibes.
No plans.
I'm gonna let the game carry me.
What happens happens.
the game started last night and i'm LOVING this. so many old jokes to be made. and made they shall be. some of these people are so old that I don't even know them, and i've been around since the birth of christ.
pre season i said that if I didn't have a night one alliance then i would have failed. and unfortunately i failed. but i do have the groundwork for several partnerships. Ellie broke the ice by saying f2, so that's a thing. I love working with Ellie but sometimes they're too chaotic for their own good.
I had a great lil game talk with Steven last night. we agreed that we're gonna play this game naturally, and just accept that previous relationships are going to be a factor (i mean its a fucking all stars game). Usually we try to avoid each other because everyone just EXPECTS us to work together, but none of that this time. I'd love to work closely with Steven, I've never gotten the chance to before.
I spent like 45 mins on the call with jinx after everyone else left, we bonded over past org trauma and both of us living in missouri. it was a nice lil meeting. I think I can see myself wanting to work with them. they're very interesting.
and ofc I wanna work with Amy. Amy is an absolute treasure to the community. AND WE LIVE LIKE 30 MINS FROM EACH OTHER??! so we've already planned to attend some tribals together and meet up for some coffee. it'll be such a gag. i'm excited.
thats what I got for first impressions. gonna spend the rest of the day playing flash games and seeing what else I can learn about people and how they feel about the game.
bye bye
The Olds tribe is ICONIC and I literally do not want to go to tribal so I hope we win. I am also currently playing a two day mini right when this game started so I haven't been great with initial connections. Just banking on the fact that I know most people to get me through for now. This whole cast is iconic. Gonna be a fun one!
oh i have GOT to rethink playing orgs and working full time. thinking i need to quit my job -- thoughts? bad idea, right?
There is a lot of people from T&T here which is kinda stressful since it literally just happened. Will there be drama from last season going to affect this one? Who knows but itā€™s definitely not what I was hoping for when signing up for this game. I will say that I am thankful to be old. The last few games I felt a need to hide my past in orgs and play down aspects of it but since everyone on the tribe has played them for years I donā€™t see a need to lie about it. Hopefully with being able to be more free to talk about my past I will be able to connect to everyone easier. Also there is a decent amount of stings winners on the tribe which is also a benefit and since I donā€™t think I need to hide that I have won in the past as a worry for putting a target on my back. My biggest worry right now is im busy today so im not as social as I want to be. The plan is once I finish work tomorrow is to put my social game into full gear and get everyone to love me. I just need to do it before results are posted so it doesnā€™t look sus and im just doing to not get booted. From the looks of it though we are up a point (thanks to me) and are on track for two more. Cross my fingers and wish me luck
HI HELLO SLUTS (not derogatory) Let's seeee what's goin on. I'm doing a MID job at socializing with everyone tbh I have a total of zero (read: zero) alliances at this point which is ~ not awesome ~ but I've been a busy adult sooooo anywho. Lots of people on this tribe with pre-existing relationships which could play out in a multitude of ways. Raffy is hella consistent with reaching out and is defo social butterflying through this thing right now. Jinx is CUTIE absolutely love them. I'm currently pretending to semi-care about Taylor Swift (i do not) but I think I'm doing a decent job heheh. I've talked to several other people but honestly haven't gotten too far into any discussions and I've had not one single strategy conversation yet. :-) flop era activated. This is so chaotic but I've had three cups of coffee and am just pretending this is my journal. What else uuuuhmmmm one of my biggest mistakes during TDF was not talking to everyone on the tribe at the top. I need to rectify that this go around but haven't gotten there yet. Maybe this evening I can dedicated some time to networking lmfaooo. Okay that's all. Stay tuned folks happy Sunday <3
Remember how I said on day one that it was no strategy only vibes and that I was only gonna see where the game took me.
And how swear to god this time I was serious.
I was a lying liar who lied.
Day two saw me up at the buttcrack of dawn to go to a National park and also trying to get a photo of an alpaca.
It still didn't do any good. We still lost the scavenger hunt.
Thank god we still won as a team for other reasons.
I'm all crankypants about losing the scavenger hunt though.
But at least we're still winning as a team.
And hopefully other team vibes will carry me through. I'm not willing to name names yet.
WOOO WE WON THE CHALLENGE. i'm so glad because I feel like if this tribe of icons was going to tribal so soon, it'd be an absolute toss up. everyone is really formidable and I don't think anyone would be leaving without a fight.
i've been talking game a little bit here and there. i talked with raffy today and we came up with a little plan for securing our spots on the tribe.
we both LOVE amy and jinx, so we're gonna try to align with them. honestly I was wanting to make a missouri alliance with amy and jinx anyway, and i'm certainly not opposed to working with raffy.
i was talking to ellie yesterday and they mentioned the cursed idea of us + raffy + steven. except I dont think it's that cursed. I think i'd actually love to work with all of them. I really wanna make it work between Steven and I, we've never gotten a chance to work so closely before.
SO we're also gonna try to set up a side alliance with those four. I think the raffy + amy + jinx will be my main alliance, but covering all my possible bases is great. the tribe is still pretty big so working with a lot of people is smart, otherwise you'll get blindsided by the people you're not working with.
hi hello WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING BACK HERE IN SURVIVOR I really and truly am a chicken with my head cut off this round I forget how to play BUT I do feel that I'm building good social bonds with a few people which could make for me being an excellent gƶat xoxo Also thank heck we didn't have to go to the first tribal because I'm positive I would have been voted out lol
Feelings and all . . . where would eman be without feelings. I dunno, man.
Idol hunt started and I found a backpack that had a metal detector and because I'm a Scorpio who can't keep a secret I went running. Why'd I go running to Amy, I don't even know, something told me to and that SOMETHING was right . . .
Cuz Amy had already been idol hunting and she got somewhere that said she needed a metal detector and whadaya know she's now let me in on her idol hunting.
So . . . maybe something's gonna happen . . .
We'll see.
It's weird that I'm pathologically incapable of carrying on a simple conversation IRL and yet incredibly good at the social game in Stings.
This tribe is nice.
Soup to nuts.
This game is going to be intense from start to finish. I can feel it. I'm going to have to be extremely strategic to navigate through this mess. Here is my first impression of the cast:
1. Colin: We have never really gotten the chance to work together deep into a game. I feel like when we work together we always end up never going far together lol. Maybe that means I should not work with them, but I will try to feel them out. I can definitely see them being able to play more low-key and navigate easily through this tribe. Definitely not a name that can be thrown out easily.
2. Ellie: It is not a question of "if"; it is a question of "when" Ellie and I will work together. We always manage to get backed into the same corners in games so we also end up being forced to work together. I know if I need someone to flip or give me information, I can rely on them to give me what I need. What will be interesting is if we land on different sides. Though I can see Eman adopting Ellie and Ellie working with Maddison, Jinx, and Zo. Honestly I think Ellie has the most open game on my tribe so I think I want to get on their good side for the time being.
3. Eman: I don't know where I stand with Eman. I'm unsure if they will come for me for being amazing. I'll have to feel them out and get to know them more. However, currently, they are on my shortlist of people to get voted out of this tribe only because I am really unsure where I would stand.
4. Jinx: Jinx is going to be loyal to me 1000% if I am loyal to them back. However, I really don't know if I want to work with Jinx in this game because I like to shake things up and I don't know if our goals will align with who we want to work with. I wanna see who they get on with. I also worry that Jinx will be a late pre-merge boot if they get swap screwed. Though it is incredibly hard to turn down a guaranteed number and safety.
5. Maddison: A person I've never played with before! Her and Zo are the wildcards of the group. I just have a strong feeling they will work with Ellie and Zo. Those 3 kind of give off similar energy. But, I might want to be the fourth in that alliance. I really don't wanna vote her out, but she would be on my shortlist if it came down it.
6. JG: JG is a great guy. He's very loyal which is good. He hasn't been too online for the premiere which is always a worry since people might see you as inactive. But, he has a board game night with his friends so we'll see. I just don't know how JG will fit into any combination of alliances with people so I think he might already be on the outs? But that's just my worry since I do wanna work with him, I just don't see who would want to work with him with me. I'll put him on the shortlist of people too only because I feel like everyone would.
7. Steven: I love Steven so much. Do I want to work with Steven this game? Honestly I am not sure. I love talking to him so would love to get the chance to work with him again, but idk I get the vibe we might be on different sides. I think he'll definitely try to work with Colin and Amy. He might even bring in JG. Maybe that's the side that opposes the Ellie, Maddison, Zo (and maybe Eman) side that I've already conjured up in my head.
8. Zo: I want to work with her so bad. I've only talked with her for like 10 minutes, but I can already tell she's great and will be beneficial. Seems like an easy person to get along with and will be a way in for people I don't talk to. Very social butterfly. Very much how Ellie and I work together. I just hope she vibes with me. I would hate to be on opposite sides.
9. Amy: I fucking stan Amy so hard. I would love to work with Amy in this game. I kind of want to push Amy as my shield and cut her near the end so that I can win. A little bit of role reversal on my part. We'll have to see what her schedule is like though for this game as that kinda determines her activity lol.
Overall, I feel pretty good about this tribe. I think most people will see me as helpful rather than detrimental for the pre-merge phase. I think if I just chill and not game too hard that I'll be able to survive at least all of pre-swap. I'm too valuable during the pre-merge to let go at this point in time.
The other tribe definitely has some characters and threats. I do not trust Clefford, putting that out there. He's a devious little scamp. Trinica is an icon and would love to work with them, but I think we need to work together in pre-merge first because I wanna establish a rapport with them before I work with them in this game. AJ and Zee are definitely on my shortlist only because they are literally so chaotic that I think Ellie would be swayed into joining them. If they made it to merge, it's gonna be Ellie, Maddison, AJ, Zee, and Zo. Oh and Adeline is probably ALREADY working with AJ and Zee so add them onto that alliance too lol. Ellie is foaming at the mouth to work with Adeline again. I already know. Just watch. Love seeing Hairie and Brandi back. I feel like they are going to work together.
Sin Sazonar
First impression: FUCK Second impression: DOUBLE FUCK
Basically, all the cool cats are on the oldies tribe, so my little babies tribe is screwed in this first challenge. Clefford wasn't around to pick a category so got put on pro gamers when he doesn't have a freaking computer and then immediately submitted super low scores instead of talking to his teammates about it, Shawn asked to do Popularity but seems to have only posted on social media instead of in VLs, Hairie was on trivia because he was quite literally the only one of us willing to do it who seemed to have seen a ton of Survivor but he lost because Steven is a superfan, and Tanner has now been moved to the scavenger hunt, a challenge he historically flopped on in Trinidad & Tobago. Like he only submitted 2 items and didn't do them correctly so didn't get any points for it. The ONLY section I think we have a chance at is 3-2-1.
It's honestly just hard to fight against the other tribe! They've been playing orgs longer than us, they're more familiar with Stings as a series, they likely have some challenge know-how/strategy that we don't. I have never played these flash games in my life. You know who probably has played them for hours and hours? Colin and Raffy. And maybe JG but I don't know them.
Not just that, this season is basically North Sea Reunion, which puts me at an immediate disadvantage. Maaaybe I'd have a shot if I was with Jinx and Raffy (or Colin and Steven since I've hosted them). But no, I'm stuck on a tribe with Zee who has seen me blindside AJ, AJ who has been blindsided by me, Hairie who has been blindsided by me, Clefford who has been blindsided by me, Arvin who has been blindsided by me, and Brandi who I never played with but who knows I won. Plus Tanner, who is tight with Hairie and AJ, and Del, who has connections to Clefford and Hairie. I just don't see a world in which A) we don't lose, and B) I'm not first boot.
Some may say I'm being defeatist (*cough* Jay *cough*) but I think I'm being realistic. This is a season I am simply not destined to go far in. My only hope is to convince people I'm good at challenges so should be kept until merge, and I'm a good meat shield.
Iā€™m feeling connected to Adeline others there isnā€™t game talk
Ok so right now I'm kind of feeling like a kid on their first day of school in a new school, I donā€™t know anyone and I want to make friends but it seems like everyone already knows each other and Iā€™m just the new kid on the block. I am however taking this new game as a new leaf, since I want to play this game the way I should have played my last one, more trusting, giving, and openhearted. Imma slay the same though, the slay levels are remaining how they are now. Oh and I found that little clue in the rules for the idol hunt so Iā€™m interested to see what that turns out to be :p
Starting this off with an early round one confessional bc why the hell not. Starting out Iā€™m definitely not in a great position, if for the sole reason of Iā€™m on Zeeā€™s tribe. Which is not good. Yeah we say we donā€™t want to play with each other in the chats and everything, but Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll still be a general assumption/rumor that weā€™re gonna work together. Given, yk, the whole twin thing.
To be honest Iā€™m not sure if I will be working with her, but weā€™ll see how alliance making plays out. I think the important thing for me is that she believes Iā€™m playing with her. Given how chaotic she was last season and the somewhat generally negative perception she had, I really donā€™t think openly being an ally of hers is beneficial, but again, weā€™ll see what happens.
Also sidenote: I am scared about how many people I do not know on the other tribe.
I think this season Iā€™ll start ranking peopleā€™s threat levels to my own game, because again, why not? At this starting point Iā€™m going to just list people, my general vibe and thoughts about them at this point in the game, and also their threat level to my game right now and why I have put them there. (Itā€™s a 1-5 scale - the higher the number the more dangerous)
General thoughts so far. Iā€™m hesitant to work with Trinica bc sheā€™s turned on me in two games now, weā€™ve got a hesitant thing going with working together for jury but idk if itā€™ll hold. Worried about Clefford since I didnā€™t speak to him for 10 months which is literally since we blindsided him. Hairie and Arvin Iā€™m hopeful about. Hairie is a king and we stan. Arvin I kind of lied to constantly last game but he worked with us in the end. Heā€™s probably closer to Trinica or Hairie than me at this point though. Shawn, Brandi, and Adeline I really donā€™t have any idea about - so Iā€™m hoping to connect with them.
Tanner is the shining light in all of this, because I feel like with a little bit of work I can definitely have him on my side. Heā€™s probably closer to me than anyone else in the game at this point, though Iā€™m not sure who else heā€™s played with. But he seemed to be on good terms with me when we last spoke so. Fingers crossed we donā€™t lose and I donā€™t end up as first boot.
Talked with Trinica some more, I think maybe we can have a solid Jury pact, I hope so. Hairie I canā€™t quite trust I donā€™t think, heā€™s defs a villain esp given what Trinica is saying from watching his host chat. Him and arvin are an alliance to keep an eye on, and also him and Tanner who are apparently closer than I thought. Hopefully I can get a lot of people close to me. It would be really nice to win one of these things. Esp Stings, esp after last time lol.
Hey Stings Fam. I'm back! I am so excited to play again, There's a lot of players from my original season and I wonder who's willing to work with me this time, since we all know how we played last time. I feel confident with our tribe that we can win the first immunity but I'm a bit worried that we haven't lock in our tasks yet. I also don't feel confident doing any of the challenges, so if I have to pick one it would be the TikTok got it challenge but it seems like the twins (AJ and Zee) won't let go of it because of the so called twin telepathy. My other choice would be the Stings classic first challenge, scavenger hunt. So I hope I end up doing it. I just hope for the best.
My tribe is obviously The North Sea reunion. I was expecting this tribe to have unfamiliar faces, but I just got disappointed. Well, what can I do? Let's just face them.
Good thing is that I have my co-Pinoy here, Arvin. I also know Hairie and Tanner in the ORG community. I'm actually shocked to learn that Zee is AJ's twin. They're both pretty and fun, so I'm putting extra effort to connect with them. I also had a chat with Trinica that I'd like to work with her this time. I'm happy to see Adeline, my Racoon City sister, and hopefully consider working again with me. I'll try to get into Shawn and Brandi's vibes, so hopefully they'll be around soon.
Seeing OLD TRIBE (yes, all caps) is pretty exciting. I would love to stay longer, so that I can interact with them. Unfortunately, Jinx is also playing this season. I don't know, but I'm kinda scared of her just the thought of she'll target me if we meet. I'm too kind to be treated that way *cries*. I wish that it's a clean slate between us.
Since I was late in the marooning, I got assigned to be in Pro-Gamers category where I had to play 3 challenges under that, and unfortunately, the challenges weren't designed to be played on mobile and I don't have a Laptop (Dear Santa, kidding) so I had to look an hour for a computer cafe to rent in my area. Premerge, I'm a tribe strong kind of player so challenges are really important for me to win to keep me and my tribe safe.
Day 2 and Iā€™m already somewhat concerned. I thought I was doing alright, had some decent conversations with Hairie, Arvin, and surprisingly Clefford. However, I was informed by Zee that both today and yesterday all three of them had already been saying how Trinica and I are tight. Iā€™m not sure how true that is/if thatā€™s true - but it does leave me somewhat worried because I donā€™t want that to be a general perception out of the gate.
Also according to Hairie a lot of people are speculating about the twin thing, and Iā€™ve straight up confirmed to Brandi that Zee and I live together. Which is another thing that concerns me because like, people are going to think weā€™re working together so much and I really donā€™t want that. When weā€™re together weā€™re always ā€œthe twinsā€ and I really donā€™t want that to be a thing.
Now, despite my concerns, Iā€™m in two alliance chats. One that Trinica created with Zee and I - jokingly titled the same thing Zeeā€™s host chat was called last season. The second one is titled Timezone Hell, and it is just a trash fire (lovingly.) In it is me, Zee, Clefford (who we blindsided in North Sea), Hairie (who I lied to at team captain, and in amethyst, and at merge and then blindsided him), and Arvin (who I lied to throughout the entire swap and merge, up until I eliminated him.) I trust zero of these people.
Do I think Iā€™m first boot if we go to tribal? I worry that thatā€™ll be the case. I hope not, but itā€™s my fear. I think my only hope is a swap where I can reunite with Jinx (we stan, I miss them), or Raffy, or even Colin and Steven. Eman is also someone I really want to work with, esp with us having a good connection from DnD. But gah, I just donā€™t even know what to do or who Iā€™m going to work with. It feels like weā€™re gonna go to tribal already so Iā€™m trying to make a game plan but goddamn if Iā€™m not struggling.
Why do I hear Boss Music? Thatā€™s whatā€™s going through my head right now. Before we got into the challenge we were all like ā€œoh cool Old School vs New Schoolā€ no, not cool, mission abort. What we failed to realize was that this now means we are most likely going to get pagonged due to the sheer amount of experience in these games the Mega-Time Returneees over on Antigua have. I can feel it, The Pagonging is among us. As far as people go, AJ and Trinica are fun but it does kinda feel weird talking to them considering they DID host my last game. Iā€™d love to talk to Shawn and Adeline more, hopefully we vibe when theyā€™re both back from vacation. Brandi also seems really nice, and like always Iā€™d love to try an all female alliance, but probably gonna hold off on that a bit.
So far, the game has already begun and it's starting fast. Everyone is already getting to know each other or they already know each other. I feel like I missed a huge chapter and it hasn't even been 24 hours. I think I might vote Tanner as my least connect. He doesn't seem to put in the effort. But who knows, the game just started.
There is no chance of us winning the games part of the challenge no matter who is playing on sin sazonar- if I remember anything Raffy is amazing at the games
So I wake up this morning from a text from Hairie saying "you've been away awhile, home you're enjoying your vacation šŸ’•" which maybe it's the passive aggressive in me that read that as passive aggressive. I respond everyday, I'm working on my part, I haven't really been away THAT much. Maybe I'm reading into it, maybe it's just a nice message, but those are my morning thoughts.
I may have turned something around?? I told Hairie what Zee said about him spreading shit about Trinica and I, I also told him about Clefford being weird this morning. It seems like heā€™s now super sus of them (hopefully) and may want to get one of them out if (being real probably when) we go to tribal. Which is very good for me. No I donā€™t have any reason to feel bad about potentially voting Zee out. This is an all star season and that means big moves and taking risks. If that means leaving your twin high and dry so be it.
One of two things is happening. Either sheā€™s being truthful, Iā€™m an idiot, and I go home first. Or sheā€™s doing what was done to her by Kaleigh last season and making stuff up to purposefully keep me close to her. Thereā€™s a probability Hairie isnā€™t spreading Trinica and AJ are close propaganda, and even if he is, knowing Zee isnā€™t tight lipped about it will definitely make her a bigger threat than me. If I can get him to want to go against them, which he already proposed, Iā€™m golden.
To seal the deal, add a little cherry on top some might say, I also let him know what Clefford said about Tanner as a potential vote, which I already knew Hairie wouldnā€™t like - since Trinica had already told me about his soft spot/soreness on the topic of Tanner being first boot. I also donā€™t want Tanner to go - heā€™s closer to me and Hairie than heā€™d be to other people, and he willingly tells me about his connections. I also let him know that Zee flat out said we need to eliminate Tanner, which again, had the desired outcome. Now if everything goes well with it - and assuming we attend tribal council, hereā€™s what we could do.
Hairie, Arvin, and I, vote for Zee - we can figure out how to get Arvin on board somehow. Maybe just say she canā€™t be trusted? Thatā€™s a different bridge to cross.
We can tell Shawn that their name got thrown out by Clefford for being inactive despite them being on vacation. Shawn was second boot, and hasnā€™t played since - thus thereā€™ll hopefully be some, ok well what do we do now. Theyā€™ll potentially vote for Clefford. Brandi might still be close enough to Hairie to vote for Zee or Clefford. Trinica will defs be on board to vote for Clefford, because at this point it seems like neither of us trust him. Tanner can get told that Zee and Clefford are both wanting to vote him, and Clefford thinks he can control Tanner.
Adeline knows and worked with Clefford in Racoon City, and knows a lot of people on the other side. Thatā€™s definitely something to look out for. We probably canā€™t tell her about the vote.
Tanner has stated he really dislikes being controlled, by Sam in particular, and will most likely want to eliminate the people spreading his name. We could probably get Clefford out using this method. Thatā€™s 4-3 (Clefford-Zee) and is majority either way, even if the other 3 votes are Tanner.
Now this is good because if Clefford manages to find an idol with his early idol hunting access, then he either uses it and Zee goes home in a revote, or he doesnā€™t use it and goes home. Will this probably change after I have other conversations with other people? Yes. Does this mean that I could potentially get out Zee/Clefford if we go to tribal if I need to? Also yes. So yeah. Feeling tentatively okay about the inevitability of us losing.
The more I think about it though, the more sense it makes for Clefford to be the one out of the two to go home. Adeline doesnā€™t want a femme/them to go out first, and I honestly agree, so new idea is finding a way for it not to be me, Zee, and potentially for it to be Clefford.
Weā€™re almost definitely going to tribal so. Time to start scheming.
Well results are out. So much has happened since then. Our tribe heard tribal council and really said ā€œbet.ā€ So I guess weā€™ll go in chronological order of events.
First Zee created a chat for all the non-men without asking half of the people she placed in it. She seems close to Adeline who has mentioned she wonā€™t vote a non-man out first. Which means I should be safe but also means she wonā€™t go along with the plan thatā€™s slowly slowly coming together. Anyway back to the order of events. So Zee has this chat. Shawn and Brandi both say theyā€™re already thinking someone to vote. They say it on three. Brandi says Tanner (big surprise everyone knew he was a name going around) and Shawn says Hairie. HAIRIE. My boy. Anyway I obviously canā€™t have either of those things. So Iā€™m like oh Shawn idk Iā€™d be more wary of Clefford bc he mentioned your name. Shawn thinks I mean Hairie. And everything hits the fan.
So while Iā€™m running interference of pushing Cleffordā€™s name while trying to look like Iā€™m not pushing Cleffordā€™s name, and making sure Tanner isnā€™t the vote, and making sure Hairie isnā€™t the vote - Iā€™m also trying to figure out on the fly how Iā€™m supposed to deal with Hairieā€™s cryptic but definitely worrying messages in the tribe chat. Shawn seems to have decided to confront Hairie, and clear the air or something, and Hairie was like Iā€™m sorry wtf is happening. Telling Hairie the tea and that his name is out there turns from a soon thing to an even sooner thing out of safety for my own game.
I make it seem like I only said Clefford because he was fine with it earlier and it was that or Arvin who no one would believe. And I made it seem like I wasnā€™t actively pushing for Clefford. Now, after thinking Clefford was a good choice and telling Tanner it might have been a better choice than voting for Zee, I thought to myself. What if I told Clefford his name was out there. Then I thought, well who would the target be? Zee. Hairie would be on board, Iā€™ve since talked to him about it.
Trinica is allegedly on board. Tanner is on board. Brandi is on the fence but when Hairie wakes up and if he can convince her then that there is five. If we get Arvin thatā€™s six, seven if we have Clefford on board. We may get Shawn - Hairie has mentioned speaking to them about it. If we pull this off it will be iconic and really improve my game in terms of not being seen as a set. Twins are a problem the longer theyā€™re together seems to be the general consensus, if I can play without that being an issue that would be ideal.
And if I get screwed by this oh well. At least Iā€™m attempting to make a big move. At least Iā€™m playing the game. A femmes and thems alliance getting Clefford out is a repeat of North Sea, and Iā€™m not looking to replay that. If this bites me I canā€™t really be mad though. Hopefully it doesnā€™t.
TL;DR - Am I the drama? Maybe.
So Hairie just caused some D R A M A in the tribe chat which is wild, and now apparently my name is out on the table coming from Tannerā€™s mouth. Weā€™ve also got a Yellowjackets alliance which is very interesting. After the drama I got a pretty passive aggressive message from Hairie and that confused me because I thought we were on good terms, and I didnā€™t really do anything to him so that kind of made me a bit sad. Iā€™ve really just been trying to be friendly with everyone so thatā€™s kind of very interesting.
I have Alex as a guest in my VL! Very exciting, since I feel like his insight is going to be useful, and itā€™ll be nice to have an outside opinion on everything thatā€™s going on. I think Iā€™ll talk to him about the Hairie situation and see what insight he has.
Ok so Alex provided good insight, I was wondering if it seemed strange, how Hairie was acting and all, and apparently he thinks itā€™s out of pocket too so at least Iā€™m not reading into things. Sadly I really like Hairie he seems like a fun person to work with so I hope I can get to the bottom of all this. :((
Wowie. So I just found some big news out from Hairie. I woke up to a message with an apology, but then the boston teaparty of teas happened. SO. Apparently he pushed my name due to some misinformation that was going around. I originally got the assumption that it was Trinica, as AJ suggested that too, and since Trinica did something similar to AJ in North Sea I believed it. HOWEVER my dearest Hairie has said that it was AJ, my own twin, who is spreading the rumor and has been spreading it for days that Iā€™m telling people that hairie is spreading a twin thing and Iā€™m not ok with that. Meanwhile me and Hairie havenā€™t talked any game, and I never heard a twin convo from anyone. So me and Hairie are now comparing notes, and itā€™s opened my eyes A LOT. Weā€™re now discussing a vote after our comparison of notes.
Iā€™m honestly kind of nervous about tribal. I feel like there could definitely be some pull for Zee going home. Hairie, who I do actually want to work with, doesnā€™t know who to trust. Which is honestly valid but alsoā€¦man itā€™s just so tough. I donā€™t want to lead the charge, but I also feel like it may help me be more trusted? Also as always Iā€™m worried I might go home. I learned last season that itā€™s so easy to get absolutely blindsided, so these may be my only confessionals of the season lmfao.
Current vibe is, Shawn, Brandi, Trinica and I could have a potential little alliance chat on the horizon. Iā€™m not sure - but if we four work together and pull in Tanner we at least have 5 for a Zee vote. Hairie is allegedly down for that too, which would be an easy six. Seven if he pulls in Arvin. IF - and itā€™s a big if - Iā€™m not being lied to. God Iā€™m about to be OTT in edgic for SURE. Iā€™m gonna be surprised if Iā€™m not.
Crossing all my fingers and toes that I can pull this off and Iā€™m not bit in the ass because of it.
So it would seem that the vote has shifted to Adeline. Hairie and I had a call after we compared notes, and we talked it out too, he said I seem very chill and fun, when before he couldnā€™t tell the tone. We added Clefford to the call and now and just like with Hairie I just decided to be like fully honest. I mentioned how I spoke with AJ about wanting an all non-men alliance, and how she was like ā€œyeah lol create itā€ and how tbh it was actually my bad because I forgot that one step is actually ASKING everyone if they wanted to be in an alliance so thatā€™s a whoopsie daisy on my part. I have also learned that AJ is HARD PUSHING my name, like girly calm down. I also learned that Trinica apparently asked Hairie to do the trivia since nobody else would step up, which was surprising because when Adeline said that he wasnā€™t putting effort and he was putting pressure, Trinica didnā€™t say anything in his defense, so she seems ok with that perception of him out in the gamesphere. Hairie, Clefford, and I all ended up comparing notes, and it seems like weā€™ve made an alliance, calling ourselves the Chopping Block. I spilled literally all the tea I have to them, so I hope that doesnā€™t bite me in the ass. I told Hairie that I 100% am voting with him, and for this, I told him to prove it that Iā€™d write a specific phrase as my voting message. This is the one I told him ā€œI just realized that, when it's dark out, the stars shining looks like little jellyfish populating the ocean of the nightā€. I think Iā€™ll send that in the ChopBloc alliance chat. We need to convince the others to vote for Adeline too, otherwise itā€™s probably me, Hairie, or Clefford going home.
Clearly everyone is popping off. Everyone is losing their shit and like I don't even know. This game definitely didn't go like last time. Zee is.. completely unreliable. Not trusting Clefford either. I feel like I've been a little messy too in my Dms and stuff. I'm not sure what to think of this but I know Brandi and Trinica are trustworthy. And my sweet jay, but they are the host. Honestly I'm just hoping my name don't get said, and that I can finish my work day in peace.
i'mma do a tier list of most dramatic/chaos-inducing tribe members to least:
1. Zee (duh, who's surprised) 2. Hairie (i actually am surprised) 3. AJ (surprised about her causing chaos, not surprised at her already being a target, we love a predictable queen) 4. Adeline (instinct is to be chill but went to the tribe chat to bring things to the open when she found out zee was saying her name so that's why she's higher on the list) 5. Brandi (leaking everything to Hairie) 6. Clefford (being surprisingly chill for Clefford tbh but also made the first alliance chat i'm pretty sure and also saying lots of names to lots of people, zero loyalty) 7. Me (mostly telling jokes to help defuse tension, also a little bit stirring pots here and there as i get the whim but mostly trying not to say a lot because these people never listened when taylor swift said loose lips sink ships all the damn time) 8. Tanner (literally pre-voted yesterday despite the rule being we can't change our votes lmao, very much outside the drama but also telling a few lies) 9. Shawn (just doesn't want to be boot #1 or 2, staying out of things otherwise) 10. Arvin (calm king, literally sleeping)
OK SO SHIT LITERALLY HIT THE FAN. While I didnā€™t want Adeline to go home, I was willing to vote her if thatā€™s what it took. Ever since the alliance was created it was getting leaked, and I was told that Brandi, Shawn, and Trinica all complained to Hairie about it being made. But regardless, the chat got messy and I think things were being leaked from every alliance chat that existed, so, yeah. Due to this I think itā€™s highly unlikely that Iā€™ll be kept in this game, but Iā€™ve said that I do want to work to rebuild trust, because tbh I never really meant to break anyoneā€™s trust, and I really did want to work with a majority of the people in those chats. I do think that I could use a good nightā€™s rest though, so Iā€™m going to prevote for Clefford since his messy behavior is what caused all this mess in the first place. I am very interested to know who was leaking information in the beginning-middle of the alliance though, but I guess Iā€™ll see that when all these confessionals do get published in the end. I did end up leaking things when comparing notes, but it was after the alliance was already basically leaked through to entirety, yet still Iā€™ve accepted and acknowledged my part in the alliance chat, soā€¦Anyway this is probably my last confession but weā€™ll see.
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survivor-marieta-islands Ā· 8 months
Final Tribal Council & Winner Reveal
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