survivor-mindoro · 7 years
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After the long-anticipated wait, Survivor Athena Mindoro: Blood vs Water is finally available on DVD!
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 12: “P.S. I really am sorry I called you scum.” ~ Matt
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WHEW so this game has been an absolute whirlwind and I'm not ready for it to end yet but if I don't win immunity tonight then I think I will be becoming the last member of the jury. It sucks that three people who don't really deserve it will be at the end but that's fate I guess. I've worked my ass off in this game and I think I 100% deserve to win but I'm not sure the jury will see that. My main aim right now is to get Matt and Pat and to see that Julia is a bigger FTC threat than I am and that they should take me which gives me the opportunity to explain everything I've done. Fingers crossed I can do it!
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So i'm honestly probably leaving tonight, and I feel more disappointed than I did in Motu Maha. I wanted to win this season, and I was so close, but it just didn't happen, which it doesn't shock me because its me and I have the worst luck ever but i'm honestly actually really sad/upset about this. And I really can't blame anyone else but myself for this situation to be landing on me where it is, but it is just the absolute worst feeling in the world to have gotten so close to something, and you are almost there to where you can just touch it, but you don't get there. And I am still trying even though I'm so beat down about this situation, I begged Luke for a firemaking challenge. I'm not the best at challenges, but I at least want the chance to make it. A firemaking challenge would at least feel better than just being eliminated, but I have no idea how this is gonna end. I'm just super sad atm, and I don't know how I should really deal with it because.. idk. I feel like I sound soooo pathetic rn but I honestly really did think I had a chance to win but ya know, its the game and I tried my hardest, and I could have done something better, and maybe I wouldn't be in this position right now.
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So here we are. At the end of the game. Unfortunately me or pat didn't win final immunity. This means one of us could possibly be going home tonight. The freaking annoying loser Luke won the last challenge of course. Pat and I had a pretty solid alliance with Julia and now the game has put us against each other. Pat and I will obviously not vote each other so if Luke and Julia vote together that means we go to a fire making challenge. If they vote me then I'm sure I'll lose, but it's cool cause then Pat makes it to the end, and I'm very happy about that. This game as a whole has been a rollercoaster and I wouldn't have my first real tumblr survivor game any other way. Thank you hosts for all you did over this month and a half. If I'm not here for top three, it's been real
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To clarifiy on that last post, I did message Luke a few messages, and I begged him for a chance at a firemaking challenge. I told him i was voting Matt out. The reason I want to vote Matt is because I have talked to Pat, and Pat has more ORG experiance than Matt, so I believe I stand a better chance againts Matt of all people, but we will see. Lord pray for me to keep calm and shut my mouth in my last few moments of this game. Idk im crazy nobody knows what is gonna happen with me Not even myself
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This is it, the final tribal. and me or matt didn't win and we pretty much have to vote for Julia. i like her a lot so that's difficult for me.  I don't know if they'll make it be a tie but i really hope not. I would love to be sitting with matt at the final. and i feel like if anyone was going that it would be me, just because of the voted i received throughout the game. If it's me gone it's bitter sweet due to matt staying, but i really did want to be able to plead my case finally. But if this is how it's supposed to go i'm okay with that. Thank you all for a great game
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me when i wake up and realise and i have to battle two brothers in a final 3 immunity challenge:
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Well Amanda and Duncan I just wanted to say thanks for hosting the game! It was definitely an experience and I wouldn't have had it any other way. And Lucas, I'm pretty sure you're winning this so congrats! Thank you for bringing me to the final 2,  I kinda wish I got the ponderosa experience but that's okay! You were a great competitor and this game wouldn't have been half as fun if it wasn't for you.
P.s. I really am sorry I called you scum. @luke
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Wheeew I echo what Matt said about you guys being great hosts, you made it so fun and I appreciate it! Don't count yourself out Matt, I made a lot of people mad so you could just as easily win this game!! And don't worry about the scum thing, I'm over it, it's chill!
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 11: “Really, cuz Pat made me do it...” ~ Matt
Final Six 
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Honestly a lot has happened. Starting with the last vote I learned that I couldn't trust Ricky at all. He was spitting lies about people and trying to rally troops against Karen and it almost worked but I decided to be a messy heaux and call it out in the trbe chat for everybody to see. Through doing this it allowed me to find out that Ricky was the liar and that I could trust Karen/Julia/Nicole and it was goodbye Ricky (I am Ciera Eastin tbh). Nicole won immunity which is great because she's my closest ally in this good and has pretty much been my partner since the beginning of this game. She came to me and told me that Julia and Karen want me out and Matt and Pat are also telling me this. We came up with a plan for everybody to vote for me, I play my idol and vote for Karen so she goes home. If this is the case, Karen goes home, I have a 3rd successful idol play and a higher shot at winning final 5 immunity. If this isn't the case I waste my idol but I don't really care because I'd be safe and somebody else would be leaving! Hopefully it's the former and not the latter
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So last tribal was insane there were alot of votes thrown around, and i was told to vote pat just incase of an idol play. I used my vote for pat in my advantage so that i could make the jury appeal to me more (@ricky) even though i would have prefered ricky to have stayed. Its whatever.
So its final six, and nicole wins immunity THANK GOD! Luke is supposed to leave tonight. We had done some serious chit chat about it, and nicole, karen and i think its time. He blew up on us for no reason last night, saying we were exposing stuff to ricky about him, and none of us were. Karen did some talking to pat, matt ect and got them on the good side of us. Nicole, Karen and I are bound to be final three, which if it happens than femenisim bitches. But i told nicole to lie to luke and have a fake plan to blindside me/karen which she agreed with me was a good idea to keep up the basis. So yeah! Im super excited and i hope stuff goes well
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On 12/30/16, at 9:06 PM, Zabbey Culpepper wrote:im karen and I’m a snake so I’m gonna flip on my alliance probably
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So, I won immunity and the first thing I said was WE GOTTA GET KAREN OUT, bc I'm safe so tbh who cares lets get crazy, so I said it to Luke and then he agreed then Julia told me they wanted to get rid of Luke but he has an idol so I'm voting Karen cutting this short
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Final Five
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Okay so remember when ....Karen told me to tell Luke to vote her out but I had already told Luke to vote her out AND that they were planning on voting him so for him to use his idol so that Karen would LEAVE? Because I DO. (inlove)
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a little while later...
Soo.. I lost immunity and I haven't felt any more nervous about a tribal yet. I have no idea weather to trust Pat/Matt but I guess that is going to be my last option. I'm personally hoping that Nicole does leave, as it seems fitting for her. I'm praying to god that its me like, that is the last thing I need to happen to me okay like this day dosen't have to get any worse but you know, you have no idea what may happen to you, and it's scary. Like please please please let there be no idol plays, no backstabbing and let Nicole LEAVE. PLEASE.
a little while later...
Pat is saying he is gonna sweet talk luke, and my last option is to just trust him. Its so hard to do, but I have to okay. I honestly would be so sad to leave now, like I couldn't. I told Pat/Matt that i'm really trusting them, and that I really don't want them to blindside me. I'm trying to put my emotion in it, to make them feel more bad if they do think about it, which will make their mind go crazy if they think about voting me. Its real emotion from me, don't get me wrong, i'm just using it for the right reason. Its honestly either me, or nicole tonight. Please be nicole ok
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WHEW SO I WON IMMUNITY AGAIN!!! I'm so proud of myself for the things I've done in this game. Three successful idol plays and now three individual immunity wins is a pretty huge feat. I truly believe that I deserve win this game but I think that if I made it to the FTC, people like Ricky and Karen would be extremely bitter and not vote for me so I'm not entirely sure that I would win the game if I made it to FTC. I'm really conflicted about what to do this vote. I can vote out Julia and have her be yet another bitter jury member against me. I can break up the brothers or I can vote out my closest ally Nicole. Part of me wants to eliminate Julia this round, Nicole the next round and take both of the brothers to the final 3 (if it is a final 3). By doing this, it eliminates the chance of one brother on the jury voting for a brother at FTC so it coule divert more votes in my direction. Taking Julia to FTC is too much of a risk, she would get votes for being an underdog. Taking Nicole is a possibility but again, a risk. I have a lot of thinking to do
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Life at Ponderosa
At this point I'm thinking about voting for Pat if he makes it through. My idol pretty much saved him, and that I was okay with, so that's a big motivator for me. I also think that not many people took the time to get to know him and he sort of flew under the radar a bit.  If he gets voted out then probably I will vote for Matt just based on likability and not so much his gameplay. Third would either be Julia or Nicole. I didn't like Julia's game from what I've seen, she rode Karen's coattails and then seemingly betrayed her last minute. Nicole was good at remaining neutral although I thought she always said weird stuff in chat and was off putting, plus I didn't like the way she used her idol for obvious reasons, and her using it despite me assuring her no one was voting for her. Also screw Luke, he was very fake and got me voted out so no jury vote :) Okay so now you know.
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 10: “Tribal is gonna be crazy and im gonna have a headache” ~ Julia
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ok so after a long vacation I'm back to try and do some damage control. so me matt and pat are targets and we need to separate the majority and I did that. I got into lukes head about me going tonight and I WAS so I "lied" and said Karen and her crew let the cat out of the bag and now I think hes mad. he said hes voting out Karen and my oh my do I hope that's the case because then me mattg and pat will have the numbers and possibly make it to the end if we win immunity
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basically...everyone is ugly. CLEARLY i can't trust karen or nicole or julia because one of them told ricky that i was behind this vote so now i'm recruiting ricky, matt and pat to vote out karen instead so i hope that doesn't backfire. I still have an idol so I can use that next round if I don't feel safe/don't have immunity. If I can just win final 6 immunity then I have an idol to get me through f5 tribal so that I can be at the final 4
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So this tribal is gonna be crazy and im gonna have a headache. Like luke exploded on me karen and nicole for no reason in the tribe chat and honestly, lukes time here is way overdue. Like get out of here, i dont got time 4 you bye. So now i have to deal with the fact that luke is a huge wild card.... ugh and he better not win f6 immunity. If he lost this immunity he would have left tbh.
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Hieeee! So we had break for the holidays and it could not have been at a better time. Last we checked pat and I were the next two to go and since I lost immunity in the zombie mayhem game, I thought maybe it would be me. Luckily Ricky blew his game resulting in a huge argument and possibly Ricky going home. I had just thought I'd still vote for Karen since I have been most loyal to Ricky anyway. After a switch and then another pat convinced me to vote with him thus ending my alliance with Ricky. I feel so bad about it but I'm hoping it was the right move. I see no way of winning this game so it'll be cool to see how far I can actually go. I hope I made the right decision.
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So I've had the flu since the day after Christmas which COINCIDENTALLY is the day we came back from hiatus! So I didn't really get to try that hard in immunity because I was in bed with a 102 fever and had to wake up at 12:00 am this morning to get my hands on the MAC Selena restock (Priorities, huh? But I got a Dreaming of You Lipstick so mhmmmmmmmm!) . So I was in bed most of the day, popped in to vote today and then I popped my Tamiflu, ate some soup went back to bed. WOKE UP TO SEE THIS DRAMATIC SHIT STORM OF RICKY DIGGING A HOLE FOR HIMSELF. I don't know what Karen and Luke and Julia are fighting about or if that is real or whatnot but I'm.......exhausted and just gonna hope nothing goes wrong, I can get through the round.
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I couldn't do the challenge bc my laptop sucks, which really sucks bc a bitch needs immunity! but like its whatever I think I can survive this vote...hopefully. anyway so in the alliance chat with me Julia Nicole and luke, we all came to the consensus about voting for ricky and it all go perfect right? WRONG BITVH!!!!!!! a couple hours later luke decides to call me Julia and Nicole out bc apparently one of us told ricky that he was the reason ricky was getting votes, like it was his plan or whatever but I was literally at the movie theatre so he really thot !! and Nicole and Julia debunked the accusations as well. this leads me to believe that luke and ricky may have planned this entire fight. so we made ricky think that we are switching the vote to matt or pat idk which one Julia told him bc hopefully this makes him think that he'll be safe and wont play any like idols but if luke planned this and he has an idol for ricky then hopefully rickys one vote and julias one vote for pat or matt tie it in case the ricky votes get cancelled out, we need to tie it just as like a precaution. also! I'm pretty sure I convinced matt and pat to vote with me and Julia until f5, like that's what I promised them if they voted with us so hopefully it works! if not? rip me and julia
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 9: “And I decorated cookies. Eventful day” ~ Nicole
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a little while later...
Example a: I was the single vote that got Kyla out. 
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me rn:
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Actually....I caused all of this and had fun doing it. I went to Kyla to make her vote Luke by making up a rumor about Luke and made sure Luke was playing his idol and then I wasn't going to play my idol but I was scared of rocks and so then, that all happened. I lied to Pat and told him that I voted Luke but I didn't and now Pat thinks I'm with him and Matt.
a little while later...
and I decorated cookies. Eventful day.
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I feel as if im an agressive person but like im not truly like fuck u mean bitch But honestly i felt like luke kinda started the fight or it might have been me im too tired to remember but like girl all i know is that tonight my ass feels the need to be a messy ass boss ass no shit taking ass bitch and i dont understand the logic of why i gotta do this like julia listen what ru doing where are you going with your life idk i feel like im gonna get like ran over or like get in a fight and just go 2 jail or like just randomly drop dead like bitch story of my life i have the worst luck like why cant i ever win its unfair i honestly think my bad luck is originating from all those evil witchscraft spells ive been doing lately because idk but i hope that they are working real good 4 me because BOYYYYY. Anyways i wanna be like an iconic grandma winner of survivor and like think of how amazing that shit would be dude
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so it has been an emotional rollercoaster the past 2 tribals, first luke says that hes feeling targeted because he hasn't been around much and hes having family issues so he wont be on for a few days (which was a lie) then being the big hearted person I am (literally) I give him my idol in hopes to find the merge idol or be given in but no I wasn't, then I'm told to vote ting ting as a pawn but being the bb fan I am I should of known pawns go home. geez I feel like I'm at the oprah show (you get screwed and you get screwed) but I wont tell anyone I did that so...... anyway I wake up to my final 4 alliance having a falling out because luke lipped all because he "likes Karen" like come on bruv I would rather cut off my left arm then trust Karen. so now I have to clear my name and make sure pat and matt know I'm with them. so at last tribal we were gonna vote luke out and we got kyla on our side and I'm 10%ok with that but 3 idols are played and 2 are successful (sorry Nicole) and whoop there it is kyla goes home all because on connor who magically appeared again like have u been under a rock? so now the blood brothers are without power without an idol and without the numbers and there gonna start picking us off 1 by 1 and I couldn't be more nervous I just hope  pat or matt win immunity because if not their butt is fried. I'm positive I'm safe because luke "says" I'm not on their list so hopefully I can slide by the next 2-3 challenges and keep 1 blood brother safe while still being on semi good terms with luke.
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 8: “OH I'M YELLING” ~ Luke
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I'm genuinely shook that Ricky gave me that idol because I told him I was stressed from college and he wanted to make me feel better ALDKFNEOFNEODNG
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This was the most insane freaking tribal ever. It totally drew boundaries and honestly im shook. So post immunity, I thought Pat and I were tight. Turns out we aren't. My suspicions with Ricky turned out to be true, and I found out who I can truly trust in this game. Lets start from here. So, Ricky as we all know had asked for Connor to get immunity. My ass was like oh hell the fuck no he ain't since i've targeted him since I know he is againts the me/karen duo. So I was thinking we need to avoid Connor as a target so the 7 person alliance can hold up. But nope, oh no they wanna play the game really hard when they shouldn't have. So I get word from Nicole and Karen saying that Connor and Ting have formed something with Ricky, Luke, Pat, and Matt and they are all voting Karen out. My most trustworth alliance member went againts me. Hm, interesting huh. So Karen, Nicole and I decided that we had to break away from that alliance. And we did. So at this point, I am seeing Ting as a major threat, and it is scaring me. She not only has control over Connor, but Matt, Pat, and Ricky. Then out of the Blue all the sudden, Luke forms an alliance chat of me, Karen, Nicole, and himself. And now we are like holy shit because he is legit EXPOSING HIS PARTNER RICKY AND HIS PLANS AGAINTS US. I couldn't even at this point, and continued on with these three. So Karen and I combined Idol halves, and I was thinking that this is the right decision for me to now make a big move, and take out the threat that will be againts me in this game. And I did just that. I informed Karen that Ting is the head of the snake, and she had quickly agreed with me. So she said she would have the final vote to vote out Ting. And than my alliance had some communication issues and all voted off track. (We were all supposed to vote karen, and leave karen to make the final vote so it would be intense) but we didn't. So, yeah that happened. 
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OH I'M YELLING I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TWO IDOLS I'VE BEEN IN POSSESSION OF THREE IDOLS I'MMMMMMMM- let's not talk about the fact i was listening to Gold by Victoria Justice (a bop btw!) at the time WANFJKWENGJKNEWKSG
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Im atleast gonna tie with my previous ranking or make it further omfg UNLESS IF THERE IS A STUPID REDEMPTION AGAIN THERE BETTER NOT BE
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i'm shook that matt bid 500 dollars for a clue to the idol i already i have wklsfnjkednsgjknversd
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Now that im chilli, i can express my gratitude. Girl im not leaving AND i dont have to play in immunity which is amazing. So, now all I have to do is make my game a whole lot better than it is at the moment, which for sure is difficult but I can manage. Updates soon hopefully.
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but like how does nicole know already??? uhh i told her??? maybe you should ASK me before putting me into an alliance chat. thank you.
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EVERYTHING IS A MESS. Matt hates me. Ricky is turning on me. Pat is a mess even though I love him. It's just honestly enough. Thank GOD I have an immunity idol to get me through the next two tribals. I never get to be a chaos causer but considering I'm flopping I might as well go all out huh?*
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The numbers aren't in my favor. I'm nervous. Basically trying to save my ass last minute. Should I get the idol? Should Pat get the idol? Who knows.
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 7: “I'm eating Cheez-Its” ~Nicole
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Well shit. like actually shit. karen’s got it out for me no one really trusts me because i’m friends with mitch and kyla and if karen gets immunity from this challenge my tribe is screwed because she hates us all for voting her out. like there was a reason we voted you out and it’s because you’re a threat. goodness. but if she doesn’t win immunity this time, i feel like she’ll be targeted because a lot of people see her as a threat in this game. 
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Like i honestly got no clue what is gonna happen, and my alliance is literally straying away from eachother. Its kinda funny how small things like an immunity can change everything. Like my pov of everyone in this game has changed. You know by now that yes my target is connor because of the whole karen incident, but like stress. Ricky is giving me a vibe that he is working with connor because he was saying that we should give immunity to connor. Um hell to the no. Its whatever, im gonna flop at this immunity and i know it.
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this week has been hectic, i got in everyones head about getting mitch out and hes gone. So now we either need to get a big threat out or an easy target.
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I'm eating Cheez-Its
a little while later...
Ok so serious confessional I'm trying to flip this vote onto Ricky, I'm cracked. I think we can get him out and that could really win me trust with Connor and Ting and Kyla even maybe but also I know that's what Karen and Julia might want so yay 
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OK so like i guess people want to vote me out??? why tf i don't understand that i haven't been online at all why am i a threat...wtf...wtf...im mad
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Super SUPER happy that I managed to snatch immunity this round and that I'm safe from the vote. Tonight's vote is looking like it could be Connor but if memory serves me correctly then he's one strike away from being med-evaced? So it would suck to waste a vote on somebody that isn't here. I've talked with Ting Ting and she's a QUEEN. She thinks Karen is a good vote because of much of a threat she is in this game and I totally agree but trying to rally the votes would be hard. Keeping somebody like Karen around is stupid because she can literally win every single immunity until finals and then snatch the win so it's definitely something I'm considering. 
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so i was a little nervous about this tribal and i thought i was going. And tbh i still am nervous but anywho so far ive been the master mind behind sending these people home. I put a bug in their ear and they spread the word around only to find out they're being back doored. Tonight probably wont be majority but a big threat is going. 
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I think we have a majority this time. As long as she doesn’t have a fucking idol then we’ll be good. :)
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Am I really considering voting out my own partner right now? YES EWNFKJEWNGJSDNJREG 
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Honestly with Mitchell leaving I was really feeling targeted, especially with Karen and her "revenge" she wants on our tribe. It's damn good for me though that she didn't win immunity this round, and if my tribe mates have any sense they'll vote her out this time. Just have to hope no one idols with her. Once again I don't feel safe and i'm convinced I could leave anytime now, even tonight.
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
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a little while later...
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First of all, why do people not understand that Zack is literally a gay man and our whole romance is a sham............people are literally asking if I really broke up with this man and giving me emotional support in my time of need this is really awkward hes literally a gay man and our whole relationship is a inside joke from Panem's first tribal council when someone called him my boyfriend. This has been lovely. Also we will become the bread tribe. I love that I'm either first boot or make merge in games theres no in between.
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a little while later...
Honestly feel like i just won this season i came up with the name of the merged tribe WOOOOO
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I...am literally getting voted out tonight if I can't find an idol and it's UGLY because I deserve to be here more than like Connor or somebody like that but anyways.... I just need to work on finding the idol or convincing Ricky to give me the one he already has so that I can stay. Does that mean Ricky could potentially be voted out? Yes. Would I be mad about it.... No. JKWANSJKGNJSHNJKEH
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ok so after merging back together we get a surprise...... karen is back in again like wtf???? Now i have to work extra hard to make sure she's not pissed but i ratted out everything kylas told me and i think were semi good. So karen wins immunity and thats not so.... bad but now we either get out an easy person or a big threat and i say its time for #bigmovez
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I was sad to see Seamus not join the game and nervous that Karen’s back in just because I was wondering if she would target me. But now we’re in an alliance i guess so things are ok. I think she’s going for Kyla which kinda makes me worried just because Kyla and I are pretty close. I hope that this next council turns out in our favor.
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I'm sorry hosts if I get voted out I'll make you a better confessional but I literally have to write two papers tonight, finish a math assignment, and make sure Kyla doesn't go home. I am starving as I write this. Tell my mother I love her.
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Well considering I lost immunity by a tiebreaker question, I'm feeling a little bummed and a lot unsafe. Mitch told me Karen said my name days ago, yet now it seems like we are all voting together another way. At this point I just have to put my trust in that, because using an immunity idol just isn't an option right now. I could very well be going home tonight, especially since my tribe thinks I think I'm running the game. I wonder what I've done to give them that impression
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IM BACK BITCHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! bless redemption and bless puzzles! anyway seaux I'm like kinda out of the loop with how every one stands so I went to Julia and she said that she would work w Nicole, ricky, matt and pat. basically shes thinking what I'm thinking in the fact that kyla and ting prob wont ever want to work w us. so rn I'm super close w Julia and Nicole and I can see them being like my f3 tbh, and rn Nicole is the only one who kneauxs about my extra idol half so hopefully it shows her how much I trust her.
later on I was talking to mitch and I told him to ask kyla why she voted me out and now suddenly I'm on her radar, like she went to ricky and told him that she thinks I'm targeting her, which is literally not the case, I mean it wasn't but like I just asked a simple question. anyway ricky was giving me that tea all the while mitch was proposing an alliance with me, him, Julia, kyla, and ting ting, which I was reluctant about considering what I just heard from ricky but ill play along with it just in case its legit, although realistically theyre prob just using us for numbers like when it gets down to the wire, 3 close people is better than 2 close people so me and Julia could be fuckt if we go with them. 
ive been at work all day so I told Julia to make the chat with me her ricky luke matt pat and Nicole and we were initially going for connor but like someone said a better vote would be mitch and honslee bless that someone else said it bc I don't wanna look like I'm calling all the shots. honslee mitch is such a big threat, challenge wise? dude is too good, and the fact that he doesnt have immunity makes this tribal a greta opportunity to get him out. is it too late to be going after a threat? who knows but ting and kyla would end up in the minority so I can potentially use them for a couple votes to make some big moves, but! I don't wanna think too far ahead, I just wanna focus on keeping Nicole and Julia safe.
so mitch finally made the alliance chat, and I'm pretty sure I convinced them to vote connor, so hopefully they stay true to their word and as long as everyone else is saying con is getting votes then they'll never see the mitch blindside coming. I cant wait to snatch everyones wig >:~)
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Honestly kinda feeling bad about voting mitch, i mean its not official yet but he was so loyal to me, i dont know if this is gonna be the right decision, but lets wait and see
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 5: “She’s being a sneaky sneaky” ~ Mitch
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I definitely feel vulnerable about tribal council. Playing that idol the first round really set me apart from the rest of the tribe so they have reason to vote me out. I'm trying to flip this vote against Ashley right now because I'm a snake and would rather her go than me.
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so this is going absolutely amazing so far....... I have a very good social game. so far I've orchestrated every vote on this tribe without being caught. I tell matt what I'm thinking and he goes and tells everybody else and gets the blood on his hands while I relax. don't get me wrong me and matt are trying to go far were just waiting for merge so I can get back with luke and pat and we have a strong 4 alliance. the only thing that worries me is kylas alliance with ting and her partner mitch. I really want her gone but I just need numbers,
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i think the game is going pretty well. yay for immunity. also i think that the tribe is pretty unified for this next vote… i hope i think we’re thinking zak just because he was the one person that voted against us in the vote where we voted out karen. if this vote successful and if we go to tribal again idk what will happen...
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Honestly I have been so busy this week. I feel so bad that I haven't been able to participate that much. My alliamces are barely talking and tbh Idk what we are even voting. I am so beyond stressed right now, but I will definitely keep trying.
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im scared. im literally getting voted out bc i saved karen. oh well. hasta lavista i hate these people. none of them talk to me. i hate them ALL.
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I DON'T FEEL OPTIMISTIC AT ALL TODAY. I've been trying to push for Ashley since yesterday but now I'm just like....not feeling good. I don't think Mitch and Julia will work with me at all and Pat will probably do whatever the majority does. I've lost all hope on Nicole because she wants to leave so now I'm just.... I feel like I'm the only one actually playing the game and it sucks
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Well I'm a bit nervous/excited for the live tribal tonight, it will be nice to get to see everyone's faces. Seems like most everyone is voting for Zack since he didn't vote with us last tribal (something I didn't even know, I need to step up my game), but you can never really know. I don't feel safe, but I'm just hoping that I made the right choice in trusting Ting Ting since she won immunity. Tonights vote would have been perfect for a blindside but its looking like that might not be the case, but there is still time. Hopefully that blind side isn't me!
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no one talks. no one anythings. its silent. i guess were voting uhh.... zack? but at this point. who knows. sorry its not longer i don't have a lot to say
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Ok so I don't really know what to confess. Dan and Danny quit. Yikes. I won immunity. I probably look like a challenge threat and these people are going to club my ass when merge comes unless I Mike Holloway it and win all the challenges or something. Fuck. At least I'm safe at tribal. Everyone is on board for voting Ashley because she's being a sneaky sneaky and running around in the middle and I don't want to take that to merge despite how nice she is. Have a gorlley evening
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SO apparently Nicole, Pat, Julia and Mitch are all voting against Ashley this round which means the vote should come through as 5-1. If this is the case then YAS GAWD. If this isn't the case then this is my last confessional in this game so RIP.
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So confessional hahah. So this has been a pretty messy round for me obviously. How did I not notice there was an immunity challenge? Seriously get it together u mess @julia. Anyway, I feel like all the tribe did was listen to mitch, and that was that. We literally had all just said "yup ashley got to go" and we were okay with it. I highkey felt bad about lying to her and being like, Luke has got to go ect. But I kinda was paranoid about her/nicole combining idols together. Idk if its just paranoia or whatever, but thats wass up
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0 notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 4: “Like I get that I’m white, but I’m not that white”~ Pat
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listen, I'm playing this game more aggressively than i have played any game since RnR. there were much easier votes that could have happened, but I knew I was on Karen's hit list so i burned it before the ink dried. I suggested her name to people. I orchestrated her vote out. I'm confronting the people who vote for me instead of just trying to keep friends. 
a little while later...
i. am. playing. and its so amazing to feel like i can again.
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Take note, im wearing black 4 karen in this video
a little while later...
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so me and matt are safe once again from tribal. but my dearest luke is in trouble. plus after that stunt he pulled with the idol he probably has a target on his back, so if he does go ill be upset but at least I'm free!!! and not only to mention that me and matt are like 2 peas in a pod. we communicate everything together. my only worry is Kyla, she doesn't trust me because I told con about his name being brought up???? ummmm,,,, hunny that's how you gain trust in people, and I know you have a thing with ting ting and that's ok. you keep thinking your running this tribe your only sealing your fate.
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Do I know who I’m voting for? No. Do I think my ass could be grass? Yes. Honestly if I leave I’m kind of worried Danny will just quit, especially with everything going on. Also, if my tribe votes me out because of me winning Niue or like trying to talk to people about the vote and throwing some names out to see if they stick, I will be both angry, but accepting. Ya know, I don’t really care if I stay or go at this point, TO BE H O N E S T
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Me: so I heard a rumor that you were making an alliance agains- Dan: I'm walking Me: wh- Dan: WALKINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 
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This is a mess. My closest ally and person that saved me last tribal wants to leave the game. Pat and Julia and Nicole and Mitch all want Dan gone and are looking at me to vote that way so I have to please those guys and vote him out. It sucks and it's so sad because I love Dan so much but if this is what I need to do to get through this tribal and move on in the game then...
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Everything is pretty quiet and we’re just kinda waiting for the next challenge. It’s really sad to see Dan and Danny go especially because I was growing pretty close with Danny :( hopefully the tribe is ok and we win immunity
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im so shook that 2 people walked :o but at the end of the day HEY thats 2 people gone and 2 steps closer to my cheque. ca CHING! i hope everythings okay tho <3 i never wanna see people sad or upset.
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I feel really awful about Dan and Danny, Dan an I were pretty close and I am going to miss him being around in the game. But they left for good reasons and I certainly do not blame them. Game wise Idk what I will do now because one of my alliances (Luke Dan and I) is down a person and my other one (Julia and Mitch) is barely speaking. So I honestly don't know if I was going to make it through the tribal had it not been for It being cancelled
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I've honestly never prayed for a tribe swap harder in my life. Get me on a new god damn tribe and get me with some new god damn people immediately!!!!
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With Danny leaving the tribe I'm a little concerned about the next vote if we go to tribal again for whatever reason, considering that Danny voted with Karen, he was probably the next to go. Being it was for emergency reasons I wonder if this is going to change the game in any way, a lot of people have already left. Either way I know I need to think about my strategy going this far so I can adapt to whatever changes that happen in the future.
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Okay so, about last night. That was really wild like seriously. I had so much going on. So I do believe Pat is trustworthy and I am glad that we began to work together. So, Dan was our thought process, after I gathered information that ASHLEY is a serious pairing with Dan. Dan had messaged Pat saying that he had Ashley and she was distributing information about the cuties alliance formed. So I lost all my trust with Ashley. And than Dan continued to say that he wanted An alliance of him, Ashley, Pat, Mitch and I. And later included Luke, who by the way shared idol halves with Dan. So his literal six person alliance ment one thing, because we had seven in our tribe, Nicole must have been his target. So me not trusting or seeing Dan to be very loyal, alongside Ashley, I was going to flip the script and try to get one of them out. I went to go and communinicate to Mitch, who agreed with me that one of them needed to go. The final person to talk to was Nicole, who I haven't talked to alot. So I went ahead, and cut to the chase. And she told me she wanted Dan gone. And I communicated this back to Mitch and Pat, who were glad and set their targets alongside with me on Dan. Later, Nicole asked Dan if he was close to Ashley, and he had apparently got super upset and paranoid. Later, Dan walked from the game with his blood partner, which was a sad way to see him go, but hopefully all is good with him. I hope there is no hard feelings Dan. 💗
0 notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 3: “All I can say is yikes”~ Ting Ting
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Well... this just escalated really quickly. The entire idol twist messed with the game a whole lot, and the one person I was getting very close to and working really well with ends up leaving. Love life. And not even that, I get blindsided. I'm going to have to manipulate the crap out of these losers. Prayers needed k thnx.
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luke you are one sob. I love you stay safe man.
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[6:38:03 PM] Mitch: I cannot BELIEVE I am ALIVE [6:38:47 PM] Amanda Lynn (Mindoro Host): Is that a confessional? ;) [6:41:36 PM] Mitch: ...yeah sure why not
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So Luke is safe. I voted Luke this tribal so I could keep safe with my other alliance, The Cuties. They don't know that I am actually allined with Dan, Pat, and Luke. Seamus going home wasn't my personal intention, but I look as though I haven't done anything wrong and I am in a good position with alliances... Hopefully this will keep me in for a while.
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I hope I gave you hosts a lit a first tribal as tribes!! That was so incredible. Being able to play my first ever idol and for it to be successful was the best feeling in the world!! That being said, I know that I'm being targeted now. They know I don't have an idol and they know that I'm a player so they have even more reason to get me out now. Ideally, Ashley can stay in with the opposite side and tell us what they're doing so that we can vote strategically at each tribal we need to attend.
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Happy Thanksgiving duncan (Turkey)(heart)
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I hope the other tribe is this quiet because Silangang is dead as hell. Am I even playing Survivor? Which is a social game? That requires people talking? And collaborating??? ON A CHALLENGE???? SO WE CNA WIN AND HAVE NONE OF US GO HOME???????????????????????????????????????
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Me slaying Geoguessr? A concept. Also, I really hope that we win immunity this week, because I’m not trying to go home this early. I haven’t really talked to many people since the Seamus fiasco, but Julia thinks that Pat gave part of his idol to Luke, so that’s pretty lit.
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I've really been doing some strategizing the last few days and feel good about the solid alliance I have with Ting Ting, someone I trust. I intend to keep this alliance but have her and I bring in two more people in a separate alliance because we want the numbers on our side. Depending on weather or not  our tribe wins tonight will determine who those people are. I just have to hope that my strong performance in the challenge will save me from votes at tribal and that the same goes with Ting Ting. But if either of us feel like we need it for any reason at all, there is always an idol. I wonder how Mitch and the other tribe are doing...
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I'm incredibly happy that we won immunity and don't have to vote somebody out tonight and that I don't have to worry about being targeted for my crazy move at last tribal. That being said, I'm incredibly worries about Ricky.. I know he's not much a social player and his score wasn't all that great in the challenge so I could potentially be losing my partner tonight. That being said, it leaves me to be a free agent and not be tied down to anybody so I guess it's bittersweet if he gets voted out tonight.
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So the tribe seems pretty okay. I hope to talk to more people but i guess they've been gone for the holidays. Kyla is pretty cool we've formed our own alliance and are hoping to make a bigger one with a majority so we can dominate the tribe but we'll see...hopefully we win this challenge so we don't have to go to council
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So all of my chats have been quiet tbh. Had a good Thanksgiving however! Hopefully the holiday and whatnot is part of the reason everyone is quiet. Woth this immunity challenge things should be getting back in the usual swing. I found out that I suck at Geoguesser.... So Mitch gave me some helpful tips, hopefully he doesn't think I am completely useless, I mean that could be handy for a little while, but oh well. Excited to see who wins immunity, because tribal again with this tribe would probably be crazy.
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so, basically... there have been no alliances made with me in them yet. I'm not talking to anyone too much (rip), and this games been kind of, i hate to say it... boring? maybe its because we haven't gone to tribal yet, but there just doesn't seem to be too much going on yet
a little while later...
I'm going to mother fucking blind side Karen and that's a god damn fact. AHHH I THINK IM KEADING A COALITION I THINK I AM The perfect mix of Kim, Amanda, and Michele
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this game is blowing up faster than the presidential riots!!! First off luke amazingly escaped death thank god!!! And now im walking into death. People are throwing others under the bus So fast. Im just basically staying neutral and trying to vote wih the majority. I hope i make it out of TC alive. (HOST EDIT: A LITTLE WHILE LATER)  so im being told all over the board its karen. But idk i feel in danger. Should i use the idol or no. I probably wont but i just wanna be safe. Uggg god help mai.
a little while later...
ok so as of now aidos karen. But i have 4 alliances so i feel secured (hopefully)
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hehe. i feel ratty. i love feeling ratty. hopefully i don’t go home now but i’ glad karen won’t go either. these people are in for a biggy surprisey hehehehehe. lets see how this plays out.
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So honestly for me it seems like everything is falling into place for me this round. Since I have a solid alliance I was able to take advantage of the fact that Matt was feeling uneasy about his challenge performance. I got him to vote with me in exchange for possibly saving him from the vote. I did this mainly so I could have the numbers and possibly build some trust and loyalty in Matt for a second alliance I'm planning. I told Rick that we were voting Connor or Karen purely to test him and see if he would say anything to them, in which he immediately went and told Connor. So needless to say I don't trust Rick but I wont let him know that for now, he felt bad for blabbing so this round he is voting with us. Because Rick told Connor, Connor messaged me saying he would vote for Karen (of course). So that gave me my vote, Ting Ting's, Matt's, Rick's, and Connor's all for Karen. Zack for sure said he is voting majority with us but I honestly don't know with him. Danny gave me no info at all and Karen thinks we are all voting Connor (hopefully). So the plan is all of us voting for Karen, the decision stemming from her experience in the game, who her loved one is on the other tribe, and the lack of social game seen so far. She wasn't necessarily my first choice but majority wanted her and I didn't want to seem pushy. With so many idols though, you never know who might be staying or leaving
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apparently other people's host chats are lit. < <
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I am so happy that I got to sit out this comp cause I literally have been swamped with homework and school work! But on the other hand I know that if I did play that I would have gotten a pretty high score and our tribe may not have had to evict someone. But now that we had to evict someone it's been really hard to decide on who to send home. I don't really know everyone that well yet and also no one really has done anything for me to be like that bitch gotta go so I'm sad I feel like no one deserves to go home!
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So, I am so glad our tribe finally won an immunity! Geoguessr isn't really my strongsuit but I'm glad my tribe pulled through. I miss Seamus, he was so nice and actually really cool, I didn't want him to leave. My only real ally on this side at all is Luke but we will see how it goes in the coming rounds.
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all i can say is yikes. like seriously. it sucks. i’m super nervous for this vote because if it turns out badly… i don’t know what could happen. ugh.
0 notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep. 2: “Like herding very dumb sheep” ~ Seamus
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I don't like my tribe, they literally all seem like losers. like I will be super shocked if we win anything. at least it will be like herding very dumb sheep when we lose. plus this idol thing will make getting and using idols hella easy
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yay! Me and luke survived....thank god. But now were in tribes,and yes i love being in tribes but i hate missing my loved one. So to start this off i got an idol by combining mine with matts. And lets just say tgat was so fricken easy!!!! He trusts me because its like his first game and we became really good friends. So. After we agreed to combine them he basically said you hold onto it because i trust you. Um.....ok dont tell me twice,but this stupid immunity challenge came and nobodys doing anything. I dont wanna become a target by bossing people around but then again i wanna be safe. And what no reward challange???? That sucks i could really use some comfort items.
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a little while later....
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So........this tribe is alright so far. I really appreciate that we are all for right now being civil and working together to accomplish this lip sync video. I hope that everything goes well and I will be safe this round, I don't really know a lot of people in the tribe but I assume Julia might be the one to go if previous alliances still stand here. I'll check back after immunity results! xoxo 
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So wild losing huh, and its time for the amazing pre-jury stratagizing everyone loves!! Yay!! But seriously, i'm in a very good spot right now. Everyone on my tribe likes me, and my very deep participation in the immunity challenge definantly brought me into the goods with everyone else. Anyways, I have heard Mitch and Lukes names be thrown out, which is because they didn't participate in the immunity. Sad huh. I personally wan't mitch to stay, and so does seamus. But Dan says mitch should leave and im like ahhhh. I'll be back later with more information soon.
a little while later.....
Tbh karen HOW YOU BEEN GIRL u aint gonna see this like ever and i cant talk 2 u so ill pretend im talking 2 u here. Are you still being messy girl??? I KNOW YOUR ASS GOT CONNOR ON YA TRIBE AND HE IS AFTER YOU. PICK IT UP KAREN PICK IT UP.
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So we escaped tribal council which is awesome like thank goodness i spent so much time on the challenge and then IT DIDN'T EVEN UPLOAD LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. but regardless i'm just a little salty at karen because they didn't send me her footage until like 10 minutes before the video was due...like why? but fo real it was way too close for comfort. hopefully the next challenge goes better...
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so it's either Mitch or luke going home tonight, I'm pushing for Luke bc I think he will be better in challenges. But on the other hand I think luke will just do whatever I want so if he stays I'll pretend I voted Mitch and then make an alliance with him :)
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Okay so, im worried about this tribal because PEOPLE are gonna get blidsided, and thats not a great thing to start the game off with. Blindsides on the second tribal?? Not very good. But hey, its not gonna be me atleast. Ill be back soon with a less vague awnser
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I don't want to vote for Luke at all, but I'm actually making really good connections with other people that I didn't think I would, like Julia and Mitch. I think moving forward I'm going to just try to remain social for now and not be the chaotic, bitchy, paranoid gay that I normally am
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Everything is still going okay. Kinda bummed that we lost the immunity challenge but hopefully I won't be voted out. I actually participated and tried to get a video in, unlike some people. Not even trying to be aggressive but hopefully me actually participating will keep me in this game through this tribal. So far I haven't made any great connections, I think that may be important to do soon. I really like Luke, but if what I am being told is true, he most likely going home this tribal, so I am shit outta luck there. I guess we will see how this all pans out, ugh.
a little while later...
Luke wants Dan to put his half idol together with his own.... I mean this could work. I don't quite know wht Dan is coming to me with this information, but he doesn't want Luke to go, and neither do I. So if we could make sure everyone votes Luke, and have Luke use the idol and vote someone else.... We could potentially save Luke and get rid of someone else.
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so I have a super evil idea, I'm going to tell luke an alliance approached me of 4 others asking to vote him out and ask if I can have his half of the idol and ill play it on him tonight... then I wont and ill have an idol :)
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So, I was worried about a blindside, since Seamus and I wanted Luke gone over mitch. Dan and Pat wanted Mitch gone. And honestly I didn't want Mitch to flop and become pre-jouror again in a season, and I know Mitch and I have some sort of trust basis. So I was afreiad for the reactions of dan and pat, BUT I was informed a few mins ago by seamus that Dan is on board to vote Luke, so I got no need to worry.
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Luckily tonight our tribe is safe from winning the challenge, although I'm a little bummed none of the footage I recorded was used in the lip synch video. The challenge was really close, and I wonder if the two tribes will continue to be this evenly matched, especially after tonight's vote. At this point, I'm just worried about Mitch and hope he stays in the game tonight.
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Um so I honestly don't even know what's happening. I'm being told that I'm getting votes tonight but then Seamus wants to merge his idol with mine and keep me so I'm honestly shook. If he did that I'd want everybody to vote for me so then i could vote out Julia with my one vote and blindside Mitch because he thinks he could be safe right now. I just hope that it goes to plan because I do notttt want to be out.
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Hello I might die really early already. 
So I didn't put in a video for the lip sync challenge because I'm not incredibly comfortable showing my face. I did my best to offer help/critique but I slept in until 3PM because of Sun/Moon and I don't think I was very helpful. Long story short, everybody did something except for me and Luke, so that's who the vote has come down to.   
I love Luke. I'm upset that Luke is in the same position as me. I want to work with Luke, but if I want to live, he's gotta die. This is shitty. 
I'm getting freaked out about how easily accessible idols are, too. If Luke gets an idol, I am dead. And I'm going to dinner during tribal. So even if I did fuse with someone, I wouldn't be able to save myself. I'd have to rely on one of my allies to play it on me in my absence.   
Get ready to flop. I hope I get host tea if I'm voted out. I hope Kyla does 12x better than me.
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I didn't even know we won immunity until now whew so I'm popping bottles truly Also Julia? I don't know her? Idk how I'll feel if she gets voted out
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ep: 1- “I don’t trust my own partner.” ~ Karen
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Can't believe I woke up in head. Head same my autocorrect is a Christian  Hell*
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I'm shook that Julia is my partner I'm just blesst that it wasn't Kevin sjdbsjsvwjen whew!!! I think I can work well with Julia
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AHHHH! it's such an interesting idea and bvw is so cool. i love being able to play with someone i know. these people seem really cool. hopefully i'm not first boot.
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what what what up guys I'm back at it again with the white mans!!! me and my loved one are totally gonna rock this game(hopefully). he lives like 50 bajillion miles away so its gonna be hard communicating because of this little thing called "time zones" like who even invented those??? probably the Portuguese(s/o to mom). anyway I'm excited to play but I only wish it was Duncan..... how dare you for hosting!!!
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I literally can't. These puzzles are so fucking hard like they are actually spawns of satan. SATANIC!!! I really wish i could talk to the other people more ...
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Tag Yourself I'm Ricky not talking to anybody and putting me at risk of being a first boot even though I'm being social af
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Whew so I feel like this tribal isn’t gonna end well. me and sydney have both been really busy so I don’t know how social we’ve been. Im hoping the people we have talked to will keep us safe but I have no idea what will happen.
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abbey is my fave host
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There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for this women.  I would even take off my clothes and give her a private show to the tunes of her soul because she's all that I need and more.  I would give birth to 10 of her children without using any drugs to help ease the pain and then I would give her one more just because our love is that insane.  There is not one thing that I would not do for my lover, my best friend, my honey, my Boo.  I can’t wait to meet her.
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no one is PLAYING!!! NO ONE!!! It's annoying. Currently I'm just trying to pull together a five but that's providing to be difficult
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So exactly what I thought was going to happen :D Happened Nicolas is targeting me for personal reasons and I can't do anything without this community literally shitting on my whole being I JUST SIGNED UP TO HAVE FUN
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so much confusion
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Cant wait to leave the game tonight!
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When Karemom comes in clutch and makes an alliance chat to gather votes to help you stay? What a mommy. She's so nice I almost feel bad I had to tell Connor about her putting his name out to get the ball moving on him spilling tea that Julia was trying to turn the tables against me. But it worked out well. I'll write this in a more organized confessional in a bit
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Um so this vote is messy as hell. I think the final decision is that Nic/Sydney will be getting voted out tonight but this is Survivor and anything could happen. I pray that Ricky and I survive this week
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So, first things first Zack keeps saying he is writing cute things about me in his confessional so maybe I should do the same.....but I want to talk about my gameplay I don't want to talk about him so tough luck for him whoops. So coming into this game I have a sneaking suspicion that some people did not like me, but did I really think Julia and Nicolas could try to turn the tables on me that quick? No. I did not. But, it's alright. I had a few tricks up my sleeve to help me stay, or so I hope. I told Connor about Karen throwing his name out and he told me about Julia and Nicolas (I'm not even gonna bad mouth Sydney ever she is too sweet) throwing out mine. So, I went to Karen and told her what her partner was doing and we devised a plan to get Nic and Syd out while I solidified my alliance with Luke
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I feel safe tonight, but I really have Mitch to thank for that. I feel like he will be a powerhouse in challenges. If I know anything about him, it's that if he can win, he will, and he usually can. So while I feel safe from the vote tonight I know that won't last forever. Unfortunately I've being hearing rumors that Nicholas and Sydney are getting voted off tonight OF COURSE because Nicholas and I seemed to be getting along. After tribal I really have to start thinking about my social game, because so far it's off to a slow start. But having immunity this round gives me more time, at least I hope anyway.
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[4:57:37 PM] Karen :~): Kill me btw [4:57:43 PM] Karen :~): I'm literally [4:57:47 PM] Karen :~): This is so messy [4:57:55 PM] Karen :~): I don't trust my own partner [4:57:59 PM] Karen :~): Can y'all believe [4:58:56 PM] Camilla: i can because y'all didn't choose each other [4:59:00 PM] Camilla: hehe [4:59:13 PM] Camilla: what's going on, Karen? [4:59:17 PM] Camilla: i literally have no idea [4:59:36 PM] Karen :~): So at first I said that I'd wouldn't mind voting out Connor [4:59:58 PM] Karen :~): And someone's snake ass told him so he was ready to snatch me this morning [5:00:09 PM] Karen :~): And apparently I'm the one who suggested nic so [5:00:15 PM] Karen :~): Nic is coming for me [5:00:41 PM] Karen :~): And of course I'm suddenly a leader bc no one wants to take that role [5:04:02 PM] Camilla: i'm very sorry [5:04:07 PM] Camilla: people suck [5:04:25 PM] Karen :~): Tea
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First off Karen like wtf? Does she want to be an early boot? Like everyone just listens to her and whatever she says goes. I'm targeting her without a doubt Connor is blowing up his own game and the game has hardly started
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Hey y’alllll, so i’ve been super busy this weekend, but I’m so happy I got cast, I look forward to getting to know everyone, but I also know that I am socially pretty set in this game. I know a lot of people here so that’s super lit. Pat, Luke, and my mother Karen are here, so this is just great so far. And me and Danny shouldn’t be going!!!!
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sooo I haven't been able to be on because I kinda was camping in the middle of nowhere this weekend!! But there are some friendly faces and people that dan know so I'm not too worried about elimination and I think me and dan can have some good alliances! I'm hopeful for this game and the weeks to come!! Kisses!!!
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Hey everyone how's it going I'm back with my friend Kyla and we won immunity and I just got Pokémon Sun and Moon so I'm making a very short confessional because this game is my life rn. Today's candle is Vanilla Cardamom.
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So everything is going well! Talking to a lot of people and getting to know everyone. I like Ting Ting and Seamus, they seem cool so far. They are already friends with Connor so that basically made that go off to a good start. I think for right now I am just going to ride it out and see how far I can float until I really have to get my hands dirty.
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Winner Reveal
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Congratulations everyone on a fantastic season, thank you to all the players for investing so much time into this. We really appreciate it.
First Vote:
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Second Vote:
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Third Vote:
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Fourth Vote:
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Tied at 2 votes Luke, 2 votes Matt.
Fifth Vote:
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Sixth Vote:
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Tied again, 3 votes Luke, 3 votes Matt, 3 votes left.
Seventh Vote:
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That’s 4 votes Luke, 3 votes Matt,, 2 votes left.
The Winner of Suvivor Mindoro is...
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Final Vote:
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3 notes · View notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Pat’s Jury Statement & Responses
Luke’s Response
Matt’s Response
0 notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Nicole’s Jury Statement & Responses
Luke’s Response
Matt’s Response
0 notes
survivor-mindoro · 8 years
Ricky’s Jury Statement & Responses
Luke’s Response
Matt’s Response
0 notes