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It’s been a hectic 39 and some days but we’ve finally gotten to the final tribal council! Tonight, one of you will be crowned the winner of Survivor Supreme Island of the Dolls!
Congrats to all 16 Contestants, I’m proud of all of you!
HERE! is the Final Tribal Council as well as catfish reveal!
Kara was Stevie.
Shiloh was Isaac.
Bryan was Drew.
DJ was Ryan Teddy Palmer.
Carver was Monty.
Angelica was Karen.
Claire was Kevin.
Madeline was Lily.
Thank you to all the catfish and i am so sorry none of them were Jordan Pines!
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Dani:  hi!!! im legit just a fucking flop at challenges BDJAKFKKWFK there was no strategy in that at all i just dont have much time to play flash games LMAO IM A MESS
Matthias: us not being contacts is not 100 percent my fault. i didnt worry about social game as much because i was in a solid alliance
Claire: I can't believe you're alive whew. A queen is never later though, everyone else is simply early. So onto ur question: I'll be honest in that at least part of it was probably a fluke. Why did they choose DJ first? I don't know, it probably could have equally been me. But luck is a part of every game, I guess. That's not to say I didn't work to get here. Like I've said, socializing was the crutch of my game. Reaching out to the newbies even when they didn't reach out to me was probably an important aspect of my gameplay that kept me here. And just being like...nice I guess. And making the other catfish look like bigger threats like I did with Bryan when I lied Dani. So yeah, I didn't really need immunities (I mean I won the final one but idk if I would've needed it), I just needed to talk to people, which worked out I think. Hope that answers your question <3
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congrats f3, im proud of yall icons and wish u all good luck in  ftc. claire- at merge the numbers for the catfish started to dwindle quickly, do u think u being the only catfish to get to ftc was a fluke, or is there a reason why u managed to outwit, outplay and outlast the rest of us catfish dani-kween of flopping at challengesn kjdgbfukid ill be honest with you i didnt pay too much attention to the game, but when i was in i did notice that u werent the best in challenges, i wanna was being bad at challenges part of like ur overall strategy for this game. matthias-listen ily as much as the next person but dude ur social game was mediocre at best, to me at least like we didnt even add each other until later in the first round of merge. so i wanna know was the social aspect of the game not that important to u compared to the other aspects
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ANSWERS TO MICHAEL: Hey Michael! Sorry i didnt have time to make another video, i really apologize :( If I have to compare my game to an animal, i think it'd have to be a cat. I was comfortable with certain people, and stayed far away from others. I was always on my toes, and apparently i was somewhat likeable somehow? So yeah! A kitty
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ANSWERS TO CARVER: YOU WOULDNT TOLD ME WHO U WERE!!!! cracking the fuck up omg i have no clue who you are. very nice person tho! And to answer your game question, My biggest mistake was not talking to the veterans more, it might lose me some jury votes because they have no idea how I played and I was an easy person for them to try to vote out which made the game A bit harder!
ANSWERS TO DOM: i love dani too wtf!
ANSWERS TO DJ: I have a disadvantage here, we don't have dominos where I live!! BUT! that being said, I will try my best. Maybe a buffalo chicken pizza with coke and  a Chocolate Lava Crunch Cake
ANSWERS TO DUNCAN: I was in control in this game firstly by being aware of what needed to be done. I was well aware that I needed a set of newbie allies to help me through, so I jotted that down by alliging with Dom and Dani, and keeping you and michael very close. That group and I helped control the votes and through them I got what I wanted. Anyone who tried to mess with me got voted out eventually starting from Sara and ending with Dom. One move I had to make to get here was flipping at final 5 with Carver and Claire to get out Dom because I knew he was never a 100 percent with me over Dani.
ANSWERS TO BRYAN: As I said multiple times I never connected with the veterans as much, if i thought I needed to during the game I would have but I felt very comfortable. I'm well aware that in your eyes you have no clue how I got here. I think I deserve your vote because during this whole time I was level-headed and part of a clique that called the shots, I did well at playing the "oh ye let's do that YOU have a great plan" concept in my majority alliance so they think they can drag me around with them but there ideas were really my ideas, No one likes to be control so it's good to let them think they control you
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ANSWERS TO DJ: After extensively looking at the Domino's menu...and learning they serve desserts...I'm gonna say deluxe pizza, coca cola, and the chocolate lava crunch cake.
ANSWERS TO BRYAN: Since the catfish twist was put out in the open from the very beginning, I didn't have to worry about only being conspicuously online at the same time as my real account. Which doesn't mean I didn't put in effort, I just didn't have to worry about being too subtle. The hardest part of maintaining a catfish account is socializing. I can do a challenge without this and can submit it with my real skype account, but without a doubt when it comes to the most important part of the game--socializing, tribal council, voting, all that jazz--there's no roundabout way. Especially in the beginning of the game, I put a lot of work into this. I made sure to talk to everyone on my tribe at least once, and I tried to leave no person ignored--they might not have been in my plans at the time, but I couldn't count them out as future options. Socializing as a catfish became harder when we met the newbies. Or maybe not harder, but just more important. So during the beginning of the merge I did my best to talk to the noncatfish people as often as I could, and that's probably when I kicked it up a notch and put even more effort in. Another hard part of being a catfish was making yourself a believable character. Parts of Claire's character weren't at all qualities of who I really am (I won't say what because surprises make it more fun. Vote for me if you want to know! ;) ). So a lot of the times just for the sake of it I would tell stories that were just straight up lies just to get used to it to build Claire's character, and both for being a catfish and for playing the game (and also for fun, because it is). Sometimes this bit me in the ass and...certain people...would catch me in my lies. I'm not gonna name any names but...you probably know who you are👀 But I had fun doing this.
ANSWERS TO DUNCAN: For the first part of your question, I'd like to think for the majority of the game I was good with all the catfish. I would say I became closest to Bryan and Angelica due to our time in hell on the Santa tribe. Bryan would probably be my closest ally because he would just be relentlessly honest about how he felt and that made me feel comfortable in this game which was something I needed. I did try to talk to them daily on the initial catfish tribe, tho once merge hit we kinda quickly united so the need to wasn't as great tho I still tried.And for stepping out of the catfish circle, I did what I know best: talking to people and using my um...charm, I guess. Seducing you could call it. I initiated a lot of the conversations with people, which was a crucial part in showing that even tho we're on opposite sides I'm willing to interact with you and work with you. This was important because like...I got reached out to from the non-catfish during the merge maybe...twice. So I kinda took the first step a lot of the times. I also always threw my ideas for who I wanted to vote at the people I talked to and didn't try to deceive them, because if I did and then I ended up on the bottom of the vote, I'm just booboo the fool and my ass is grass then. So basically just making them feel I'm trustworthy enough to mix up the game with which worked.
ANSWERS TO MICHAEL: Umm I guess I'll say dolphins bc according to this article that Google gave me they form really strong bonds with each other, though I guess it could be any animal like that like a wolf, and like I've said that's been the focus of my game whether individually or in alliances to get me forward.
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1. thx to jose for this question, if u could relate ur gameplay to a animal what would it b and why
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Claire!!!! You iconic bitch, I'm honestly shook that you made it! When I left, I didn't sign into this account for two weeks, and when Pippa messaged me saying it was time for the jury to do its thing, my response was "I'm not coming back unless there's at least one catfish and/or Duncan in the final four" so the fact that you and Carver made it, and that you're in the finals, is unexpected and wild. Doesn't mean you have my vote, but I'm impressed. My question to you is on the nature of being a catfish, because until you've done it, you don't know how hard it is to manage. Maintaining two accounts, possibly juggling games being played in both accounts, remembering to always check it, to stay active. I want to hear from you how much work you put into maintaining Claire as an active person, against two people who didn't have that same burden to overcome. Matthias and Dani, I'm proud of you both for making it here, clearly you both have some fans in the jury as well. But we never talked. Matthias, our entire conversation can be captured in one screenshot, and Dani, we never even got to "hello." And I'm not putting that all on the two of you, communication is a two-way street, I could have just as easily reached out, we only spent like five days in the game together because we were always on different tribes, and all that jazz. But the way the season ended up, I'm the one who has the vote. So my question is what about your game is powerful enough that it could make me overlook the fact that I don't know the first thing about either of you, or either of you about me.
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Okay so Congratulations to the final 3 for making it thus far im so very proud of each of you for accomplishing this. Claire, my question for you is: what was your relationships with the other catfish and how did you manage to step outside that group in order to get where you are. I commend you on being the last catfish standing, but want to know why other than that what you did to make your game the best out if the final 3 Matthias, my darling, my sweety. Just because you were the only one not to flip on me, doesn’t mean you automatically get my vote. I want you to show how you were in control of this game and how you got your way. What relationships were important, what moves were imperative in order for you to be where you are tonight? Dani, I think you’re such a gem and such a lovely person. Although I did enjoy playing with you, I feel like I didn’t really connect with you on a personal level as much as I wanted to. I feel like everyone knew you and Dom were an inseparable duo and I feel like you pigeonholed yourself into only having close ties with him. Can you please explain your social game to me from your perspective, id very much appreciate it Once again congratulations final 3, I didn’t think I’d enjoy this game as much as I did, and I want to wish the 3 of you the best of luck <3
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OK well we all know DJ is a sock. But how well did you get to know him. Make DJ an order from Dominos. I want a pizza, drink, and dessert. The person who most closely replicates my order gets my vote.
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Dani: I'M SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU! I KNEW YOU COULD MAKE IT ALL THE WAY (heart) (heart) (heart) YOU MADE ME SO PROUD. My question for you is: What was your favorite moment in this game? Matthias and Claire: love y'all great job
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Hello all, thanks for making this a pretty fun game. I have a statement for one, and a question for two. Let's start with my statement from Claire. Simply put, I'm pissed off. I trusted you to the moon and back, and then you ground it up and threw it back in my face. Let me be clear, I'm not mad at you for actually voting me out, I'm mad about how you did it. I have a good friend named Steffen who has a tendency of blindsiding people into becoming the final member of the jury, leaving them pissed off, and then ultimately losing the season. If you had given me a heads up "Hey, it might tie" "Sorry, but I think it's best for me to vote you out" I wouldn't be as pissed as I currently am. But instead you, after winning immunity, lied to me about the last vote. I couldn't play an idol, I couldn't vote for you. Nothing would have changed, except I would have been a lot less pissed off. After AJ left, we said we wouldn't write eachothers' names down unless one of us was in FTC and the other wasn't. You went back on that promise, so I'm gonna take an eye for an eye and go back on it too. That leaves Dani and Matthias. Tbh, if either of you win, I will be really happy. I think you both played good games. I have a few questions for you two. In this game, it is impossible to get to the end without making a few mistakes, so I want you to share what your biggest mistakes were and how you recovered from them. My second question is more just a curiosity, who do you think I am? I won't be mad if you get it wrong I'm just curious :P Anyways, good luck to the two of you!
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Hi guys! This game has been a lot of fun and I'm a little shook to be here so...yeah. Hopefully you'll hear what I have to say and um, you like it and yeah idk how to do introductions. I played a mostly social game in this game. That's how I regularly play: make relationships and build upon them, make myself likeable and nice and charming and all that, and make sure I have a minimal target on my back and puffing up others' around me. So I guess I expected some other catfish to be in the game, but what I didn't expect was to be placed on a tribe of 8 with them and to be completely exposed. That threw a wrench in my plans immediately, but it was okay. Being on a tribe of people who all knew we were catfishes made it easier to fit in. For the early part of the game, I played nice, I talked to everyone, but I tried not to make myself stick out, at least strategically. My social charms and likability seemed to be working pretty well already because I managed to get myself into a majority alliance with Bryan, Carver, and DJ. We voted off Kara, and then we had four in a tribe of seven. I made sure to make up and still talk to Shiloh and Angelica, because I didn't want to ignore other possible paths that early in the game. The power on Barrera was very temporary, though, because there was the swap. Things looked dim because on NuSanta we were down 4-3. Here was when I felt like I had a solid, ideal alliance with Bryan and Angelica...which didn't really last that long, but I had found some reliable, trustworthy alliances, even if it was just at the time. And all three of us managed to step out of that tribe in one piece despite being in the minority. When the merge came, we were tied 5-5 in terms of original tribes. Though all the catfishes had united into one alliance, I knew I couldn't stick just to the people I already knew, especially because, well, soon the catfish were down in numbers. Primarily I focused on Dani, Dom, and Duncan--Matthias hadn't talked to me and Michael was the one we all wanted out. Socializing with them helped me in a couple ways: it opened up the doors for a possibility of someone flipping, made me an open number for them if they wanted me, and it made me less likely to be targeted if I made myself nice and likable. Judging from how I've been told I'm super nice from a couple votes and Touch Subjects, I think it worked. Or at least I hope so :x So then after the merge vote, I was on the bottom with the catfish alliance. I wasn't in the position to make ~big moves or anything--that would just be shooting myself in the foot and digging myself a deeper grave. I had to be more subtle with my strategy. One part of that was again being forward and talking to people, making myself likeable and wanted. Another example was at the f9 vote, I told Dani her name was being thrown out by the catfish. That was a lie, but it served me in a couple ways: it would send a big threat from my own alliance home, who I couldn't and wouldn't flip on myself; and it would make me look like I trusted Dani more than the catfish if I would snitch on them to her, and though that didn't help me that vote it could help me in the future. Getting close to people and being trustworthy was an important part of my strategy. It was especially important when my initial, closer allies were going home--if I wanted to survive, I had to adapt and find new allies, and that's what I did. Eventually after a slaughter of catfish it paid off at f7, when Michael went home. This formed a new coalition of me Dani Carver and Dom, a temporary majority. Duncan went home as the next biggest threat, and then Carver and I both flipped on Dom, because Matthias really wasn't the person we wanted to vote out ever. And then came f4, aka yesterday... I flipped on Carver for a couple of reasons. First, he was my primary competition for the catfish jurors' votes. And second...well, he and I were the the last two catfish standing. We worked together and we both made it to f4 together; but out of that duo, Carver was the more proactive player. I don't mean I was like, a sitting duck, but perception is reality, and I felt like if I sat next to Carver at the FTC, he would be perceived as the better player. Maybe that's just insecurity, but still. That's my case to win. I know I betrayed some people though, and I know they're pissed at me. I'm sorry, I just want you to know it was a part of a game. I'm willing to plead my case to you if you're willing to listen; if not, fine. I just hope this doesn't soil our future relationship outside of the game (or maybe preexisting if I know y'all behind the catfish masks). I played this game to win, but also to have fun, and I don't want to permanently ruin any relationship at the cost of winning an online game. So yeah. I didn't play the flashiest game, out of common sense and a need to survive. But I still played the game to my advantage. I made strong social bonds to carry myself through the game and built upon them throughout, I did my best to be likeable nice trustworthy and all that, and not to appear like the most imminent threat. I hope this speech is good cause boy am I shaking!!!!!!!! I'll do my best to answer your questions😘
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Hello Jury, It's me the person you failed to vote out like 3 times y'all wanted me out so bad nnnnnn. It's ok, No hard feelings. Obviously going into this I lacked survivor knowledge and experience that competing against veterans was already a struggle for me but I managed to come through. The first tribal I was targeted but after causing some chaos, lying and doing the most I managed to get the votes out for Sara to go, that tribal set the tone for my survivor island of the dolls experience. After that tribal I earned a trust worthy ally called Dom, and had a good connection with Duncan because Sara is someone he wanted out and I got votes for her to leave. I didn't go to tribal for a while after that so I used the time wisely to build connections in the game after the swap. I got very close to Dani and Dom and we got into an alliance that had a big say into who got voted out. Our next tribal I noticed how insanely messy Madeline was being so she was easily picked off by the Alliance of Dani, Dom and I. Coming into the merge I had poor connections with the veterans aka the catfishes so I was an easy boot for them but my connections with newbies was too strong for them to flip votes on me so anyone who tried voting me out, lost their chances of winning the game or lost an ally. There was only 1 tribal in this whole game where I had no clue what's happening and that's the tribal Duncan left on. It was the only blindside I suffered but after Dom and Dani flipped on me but then I realised that perfect revenge for that would be me turning on Dom and voting him out with Claire and Carver. I did this because 1. Don't blindside me and expect nothing back and 2. I knew dom would never choose me over Dani I was always 100 percent sure their connection together was bigger than any connection me and dom could ever had. Also I knew dom could beat me both in final 3 because he played insanely well and also could beat me in final immunity (Even though in the end everyone beat me in that, I got last) Overall, win or lose I am very proud of myself I didn't expect to go this far honestly. Whoever wins out of me/claire/dani deserves it! I'm not here to throw anyone under the bus I think any one of us would be a deserving winner
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By a margin...
of only 700,000 points.....
Dani has won the tiebreaker and Carver has  become the last member of our jury! IF ITS POSSIBLE PLEASE TRY TO GET OPENING STATEMENTS IN TONIGHT!
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Hello and welcome back to tribal council! No questions were asked but after tonight, the final 3 will be decided! 
First Vote
Second Vote
Third Vote
Carver - I love you, you're amazing, but you're my biggest competition. Thank you for doing so much and for being a fantastic ally. Xoxo <3
Fourth Vote.....
And last member of our jury....
Dani - I have a feeling one of us is leaving tonight. It's been so fun playing this game with you. You've played a really good game and I'd be terrified to go up against you at FTC. Love you so much <3
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