survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #15: Do I Think I'll Win? No. Will I Still Try? Hell Yeah -Heather
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i just witnessed a murder tonight. JAKE I'M SO SORRY. although giving shoib the merge idol is probably worse than just voting you out, it felt less personal to me i guess and it fits in well with my UTR gig im doing. i hope you know it really was a hard decision, and I didn't wanna do it but ultimately you were a threat in my eyes if you made it to FTC so I figured this might be the best way to send you home without getting the proverbial blood on my hands.
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Guess who prob failed immunity. This bitch wooo
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C’mon miss Autumn, whip out a legacy tonight! 
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I fucking hate typing this shit up but i'm gonna have to. So my options tonight are shoib/Autumn. Two huge ass threats. These two hoes would beat me for damn sure. Brb gonna call trixie lol 
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I think the vote is Autumn, which sucks cuz I finally grew close to her in this game and she is so sweet. However, she has the most friends in jury and will definitely win if she gets to ftc. I do think the same about Shoib tho since he has played a great game. asdhjkasfhjkasf
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God I am so nervous for this tribal, Julia and Trixie have said they're 100% not voting me while Autumn thinks they are both voting with her. I know for a fact that Trixie wont vote me but I have no clue about Julia and tbh I don't know how the hell Heather is going to vote. I hate this.
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I think I am voting Shoib oops
I voted shoib to cause paranoia of who is lying but it will prob bite me in the ass, who knows.
Me forgetting confessionals, love life. So I have the decision to take the easy route and vote out shoib or vote trixie and possibly force firemaking. hehehe evil thinking cap. I prob wont figure out what I am doing until tribal but I am leaning toward firemaking.
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i am doing a timed midterm exam and i'm very close to ending it all. I am also absolutely DREADING tribal council because the love of my life and also my F2 is going to be so mad at me when he realizes I voted him out. But he has the best shot of winning this game and I know that this is what I need to do if I want any chance at winning in the end. ;___;
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I MADE F3!! Im so happy you dont even understand. I haven't ever made a finale im so shook. I knew for fact that i couldnt loose pressure cooker to shoib because do i trust him? No. Would he beat me? Yes. Would he deserve to beat me? No. He and heather are the biggest flops of this game. I didnt even know that they were here half the time. Heather and shoib followed this bitch the entire game. And this cunty ass jury better not be angry/bitter with me either. Like if they are really mad bc i sent them out, than thats THEIR PROBLEM. LIKE SORRY THAT YA LOST! i beat all them fake hoes HAHAHA.
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How in the hickity heck did I make it to the end. Its been a wild ass ride and I am so happy to be here. The hosts were amazing and even though they hated me I know deep down they have a small sliver of love for me. This cast was amazing even if most of them are SNAKES. Do I think I will win? No. Will I still try? Hell yea. But no qualms or worries if I don't because Trixie and Julia deserve it just as much as I do. EWW THIS WAS PURE but its my last confessional so. I hope the jury doesn't rip me apart akhdksh
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #14: I’m Going To Hell -Autumn
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Me laughing at the jury because they're mad at the same people i am even though "i don't care" about this season anymore: https://m.popkey.co/fa7308/DYlMx.gif
These links are a post-tribal tribe call. https://youtu.be/LJ9UcEgBOI0   https://youtu.be/_NUNvAFi8qs
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Two rounds later AKA TWO SHIELDS LATER https://pa1.narvii.com/6191/e2e4039d94ed5fb23fca27cf1ad010f5ae95711a_hq.gif https://78.media.tumblr.com/006229c7f6e7daf8a83e86ddd7d14620/tumblr_inline_p5av0mfzzw1u91fpe_250.gif http://replygif.net/i/562.gif
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Wow. What a round. So I was going to target Shoib at the beginning of the round and me and Julia ended up having calls with Eddie and Mitch seperately to talk about it because I knew something was up with Shoib and didn't trust him. The problem is that Julia wanted Heather and Trixie to know about it because she didn't want people to blame just her for it, and when we told Trixie she wasn't feeling it that much and tried to have us clear things up with Shoib. I still didn't trust Shoib fully but Trixie pushed hard for me/Julia/Heather to flip and when Julia and Heather flipped back to voting Mitch, I wasn't going to tie it because I felt that it would ruin my relationships with Trixie/Julia/Heather. So Mitch ends up getting voted out and Eddie is pissed, which is understandable. Shit hit the fan though because we had an instant tribal after Heather won immunity. First off, I have a lot of feelings about the Eddie thing that are really complicated. He turned on me and tried to get me out at this instant tribal, and I know a lot of it was out of anger but a lot of what he accused me of hurt on a personal level. Because me and Eddie talked decently enough before this game and had a lot in common, so when we got to play together and finally got on the same tribe I was very happy to work with him. As you all saw, we didn't work that well together and things really started to unravel after I kept him out of the Matt vote. He was very angry with me and said that I was trying to use him and that he wasn't going to be my bitch and whatever, and it didn't feel good to hear that from him, but the day after he told me that no matter what happened in this game, he wanted us to be friends in the community afterwards. And that meant a lot to me, because I didn't want this game to ruin the bond we formed before the game. And we still didn't vote together after that vote or after we made up, but I thought he understood it. What was ultimately best for my game didn't include him, but I still tried to keep him safe no matter what. Like anytime Julia suggested targeting I immediately said no and I tried to keep in the loop as much as I could while others on my side ignored him. And I don't know if the past two votes contributed him to being mad, but we talked the most the past two days than we probably have ever because Eddie called a lot just to talk about life or to watch shows, and it was nice, and I felt like I found a genuine friendship in this ORG community. And like Eddie said before, he didn't want this game to ruin whatever we built. So his reaction after the Mitch vote just stung me on a lot of levels. Before we even had the instant, Eddie was PMing me saying that I only cared for myself in the game, and that I only viewed him as a number in the game. I understand why he would think that way but even when I tried to talk to him at the instant tribal he would shut me off or tell me that i was full of shit basically. I don't know if he did all of that out of anger or if he truly feels that way, but I'll find out when we can talk again. I hope everything we talked about outside of the game was genuine to him and not just something he did on a game level to get me to trust him. It's hard for me to decide what the truth is there but I guess I'll see what happens post game. Anyways, back to the crazy ass tribal. Eddie immediately started throwing me and Julia under the bus to Shoib and when Shoib said that he had the idol and that he would vote one of us, I was shook. Once he got Heather invovled and Heather said she wanted to vote for me I felt that it was over. But the real shocker is that Autumn admitted to voting out Eddie instead of me at the tribal, which made Eddie beg for Shoib to idol him even more. It was a fight but thankfully Shoib decided not to, and I somehow managed to survive that tribal and make the final 6. I understand why Eddie decided to flip on me this round, and I always said that I wouldn't take it personal if he did. And I don't. But everything associated with how he turned on me, and what he accused me of sucked. I hope it was just a heat of the moment things and that we're okay after the game, and that he meant it when he said that he didn't want this game to effect our friendship.
Alright now that I'm outta my feelings I have to analyze what happened yesterday and figure out how I can get to the end. At this point, I think my best bet is to stick with Julia and Trixie. Especially since Autumn is the biggest threat to win and because Shoib and Heather tried to vote me out. I don't believe that Shoib got the merge idol. I think it was all a show to make us not vote him and so that we would be too afraid to vote him the next two rounds. I need Autumn this round. If Autumn works with us, I want to vote out Shoib 4-2. If that works out, my hope is to take Autumn out at the final 5, but really I just don't want to sit with her at the end because I do think she'll beat me (again). Soo yeah, I think my best shot at winning will be with Julia and Trixie, even though I think the jury will like Trixie more than Julia and I, but Trixie has never done me wrong in this game and I won't turn on her unless she turns on me.
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fuck. ok. My final 2 is Trixie so i wanted to separate from her so no one suspects us, now we are on opposite sides for info. I know she has the merge idol so I can claim to have it and she wont say anything about having it. so I won't look like a liar, now they will be too scared to vote me final 6 or 5. If I am gonna get votes she will know about it and if she is gonna get votes I will know about it. Now I need to talk to Autumn and see what she has to say, I don't know whether or not it is better to take out Autumn or Jake first. Decisions, decisions.
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Live tribal was too insane for me. Too short lived of immunity. I flipped on Jake cuz to be honest, I tried to get him out two times prior and didn't want Julia gone at all. Sadly Autumn voted Eddie, which is cool too I guess. Now I think Shoib and I are much closer and all so I would like to bring him to at least f4, cuz I dont think many people could win against him at all. My dream f4 would be him Julia Trixie and I but I don't know if bringing Trixie would be good either. UGHH Struggles struggles.
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THAT ENTIRE MEGA ALLIANCE PUBLICLY CRUMBLING IS THE GREATEST THING IVE EVER LIVED TO SEE https://media.giphy.com/media/HSQqpieLQfPQQ/200.gif Like text receipts AND A CALL?? WIIIIIIIGGGG!! Here are some highlights for the kids/ I hate y'all didn't live to see it: Jake: I'm loyal Shoib: tell that to Eddie Jake: BITCH --- Jake: SHOIB URTHE BIGGEST TROLL HERE BITCHH Trixie: shoib acts and looks like a troll Jake: GET THE FUCK BACK TO THAT BRIDGE Shoib: OMG Trixie: GET UNDER THE BRIDGE --- Trixie: shoib please take your teeth out so that you look like how u did that day i saved you --- Francie: there is only one bad bitch here actually Jake: who Trixie: my furby Autumn: Kathy --- Julia @ Shoib: ILL FUCKING HEX YOU BITCH -- Jake: don't use that British shit on me I'm American bitch
Final 6 Cast Assessment
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Maybe she snapped... yeah I popped off on Shoib last night but it needed to be done because he thinks he can fool me with his fake idol? Try again. I'm so annoyed that he won immunity but it is what it is. I'd rather vote Heather out but I don't know if Julia would do that. I feel like they're either actually voting me or pretending to so Trixie uses her idol on me. Urgghhhh. I don't think Autumn or Heather will vote with us, so it's either gonna tie or I go home. I might have to work on Heather to take Autumn out, but I need to know wtf Julia wants to do and if she tries to take me out I'll be VERY VENOMOUS. Wish me luck ladies, I'm not ready to be voted out of a Tumblr Org for the first time.
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This round is the last time i can use either idols and that makes me very sad. I have grown attached to them. Their names are Terrence and Fiesta.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #13: Time To Hustle -Shoib
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BIIIIIIIIIITTTTTCCCCHHHHH https://media.giphy.com/media/xThtaa8QxgyX5D3dGE/giphy.gif Oh it's over for these hoes cause they sure did botch 2 opportunities in a row to get me out. Lemme just let y'all know it takes talent to go from queen of the castle to being overthrown and nearly being punished to death but getting exiled instead and then spin it all round and finesse the anarchists into keeping you. HOW DID I SURVIVE DEATH ROW???!? Actually don't answer that I don't wanna know I'm just gonna live in this cute space where my handiwork of keeping a low profile and making up with Shields #3 and 4 made the difference. Unfortunately my living has come at a high cost.... and when I saw that vote https://78.media.tumblr.com/3c6dbf52b0e2d7594c4f78500edc10f3/tumblr_inline_o0vmn9APBo1qgt71j_500.gif Rebecka deserved better and I'm shoooook. I'm grateful we actually got time to work together this game. Like we've just reached such a mutual understanding and appreciation for each other that I adore her and it's all really come full circle since Himalayas. Now here I am having a lot of Crossroads deja vu i.e. me just waiting to die and everyone I care about dies instead. Like I am going to GRIEVE if Mitch and Eddie go next; either I die and they win or they die and I win out. And considering my track record, I'm preparing myself for the latter https://media.giphy.com/media/JZn1G3vlpHxvy/source.gif What I will say though is I'm at peace cause I looked death in the eye last night at rocks and I lived. Then I just sat on death row all day and lived. So I'm going full Monte Cristo mode- exile's over folks I'm out for blood. And the challenge is Scattegories aka MY SHIT??? The admins really want to see me thrive again huh. A lot of ugliness had to go down for me to be here. I killed Drew, Jacob, and Ben; I lost Tyler, Matt, Mo, and Rebecka; I didn't even get to interact with Katherine, Vi, Tee, Tim, or Pocket. A lot of great people took the ultimate L so the least I could do is not waste it and channel that sacrifice into getting the W
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Late but my og target Rebecka is out, which is perfect for my game. Now there are 4 fans and 4 favs. Everyone is still worried about an idol, which I know where one is, but not the other one. I hope Matt had it and it got flushed. Now I have to focus on winning immunity to ensure that I am safe, but prob won't because WE LOVE FLOPPING COMPS. COULDN'T BE ANOTHER DRINKING COMP.
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https://media.giphy.com/media/angxk41erdQPe/giphy.gif Auttegories came to slay she is not playing with the girls at all. I was having the shittiest shift cause my ginger coworker was being an ass, like more than usual (an Aries btw), so he got kicked out mid-shift and that meant I had to clean our two story Barnes and Noble by myself and got off LATE, like well after midnight. But when I got off work? and saw the good news??? Iconic- greatest day of the game to date. God is real and She sure does listen cause not only am I safe, but they're clocking king of the floaters tonight: Miss Shoib. His own snakes are coming for him and honestly? I'm here for it. Like he's cool and everything but he really believes that group will be loyal to him forever and ever amen all because of fucking rocks and I'm like baby that was days ago and snakes play hour to hour so keep up https://78.media.tumblr.com/2e66fc2744d0adc217f1e450845bba93/tumblr_nre8i9uvQe1uzobd0o2_400.gif Also is loyalty to snakes even real?? Because won't they just... ya know... snake you like they do everyone else? But you were loyal so their entire brand doesn't apply to you? Sounds inch resting but that's none of my business. Me, Eddie, and Mitch making Final 7, me having a guaranteed 1/7 shot of winning Navarino, and me matching my Himalayas placement if shit goes left? Now THAT'S my business. Also if memory serves correct, didn't Shoib throw me under the bus at Final 10 in order to get in with the snakes who are slithering around getting votes for him at Final 8 right now? Looks like it paid off https://media.giphy.com/media/l41YqxpMHPjmyOJGg/giphy.gif
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So the tea is that Julia and Jake want to get Shoib out this round. And that they don't want to target me and keep me around a little longer. Which is a NUT if they're being truthful. And I don't exactly want to pass up this opportunity to be on the right side of the votes this time. Plus I feel like Julia would be pissed if I skipped an opportunity for her to save me, y'know But I also have a feeling Shoib knows this is happening? He's been very quiet everywhere.
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Why is everyone surrounded by drama? Its gross. I guess im voting Shoib? But I feel this is a ruse to get Julia out?
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I hope shoib dies
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These mofos are trying to vote for meeeeeeeeeeeeee, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. TIME TO HUSTLE. Trixie gave me the heads up and I am trying to stay calm and just vote Mitch out and I feel like I CAN survive but it all depends on whether or not Jake trusts me enough to keep me, he is in control right now and I need to flip it on him later on in the game if I survive tonight.
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im trying so hard to save pirate boy i hope it works out
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i really wanted shoib out this round and even convinced julia and heather to flip but i talked to trixie and now i don’t want to do idk like trixie wants to get julia to flip back on mitch i don’t fucking know shoib weirded me out hard core but maybe he’s being loyal for real. idk i just want eddie to be safe on that side that’s all i care about.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Edgic and Winner Picks!
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Here are the completed edgic and winner picks!
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #12: I Don't Want To Jump Ship, but I Might Not Have A Choice -Mitch
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"White Flag" - Dido I know you think that I shouldn't still love you, Or tell you that. But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it Where's the sense in that? I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder Or return to where we were But I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be I know I left too much mess and destruction To come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you can't talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "it's over" Then I'm sure that that makes sense I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be And when we meet Which I'm sure we will All that was there Will be there still I'll let it pass And hold my tongue And you will think That I've moved on.... I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be
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im so happy furbies have big fluffy ears so they were able to hear me praying that i wouldn't get rocked out with 2 idols on my birthday. furbies 4 ever <3
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So Mo gets rocked out and the universe cries a little bit. I am now alone without someone to trust entirely; Autumn is in a precarious position and Shoib turned on us and is now immune. I love Rebecka and I think I'll stick with her, but in the long run, I don't think either of us are smart thinkers. Eddie is in a weird middle spot for me, I don't trust him fully, but now I feel as though we're lumped together by circumstance. Julia is crazy as usual, and her and Eddie keep butting heads, which is something I want to capitalize on in the future. Meanwhile I hope I'm building a slight rapport with the fans. I'm hoping Jake and I can bond over Nintendo, Heather and I can bond over how not cracked we are, and Trixie... I dunno, maybe I'll draw her a furby. Let's see if I can make it past final 7, or ever final 9. With Shoib immune I imagine he's going to go after Autumn; I might have to join him if he's got the numbers, which... he does. I'm now realizing one of those 5 has an idol, because someone on our side absolutely would have played it on Autumn. Fuck dude. I don't want to jump ship but I might not have a choice.
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Wow. Not my ideal choice of going home, but I'll take it. I can't believe we went to rocks. O my Lawd
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I love getting nine votes but surviving, losing an ally via rocks, and then losing immunity by a milisecond in the span of 90 minutes https://i.imgur.com/sSWMk6p.gif I feel awful not gonna lie. Mo died so that I could live and I feel so fucking guilty. He deserved better and that level of loyalty is priceless. The way Eddie, MItch, Rebecka, and Mo had my back just now is not only unforgettable but like a deed that I have no clue how to repay. Part of me wishes I had done things differently and the other part is like nah that was so fucking iconic. Julia and Heather are gonna get what's coming to them so like it's fine. Jake is Jake Idk what else to say- I probably shouldn't have gunned for Jake to my real allies but like I don't regret gunning for Jake to my real allies hahaha. Also Shoib can choke for doing Mitch and I dirty like that. The good news is Trixie and I are gonna call tomorrow and I pray that Trixie will see the light. Also Jake and I are hashing it out?? But Idk they all just wrote my name down so watch me still enter jury tomorrow whew. It ain't over though https://images.hellogiggles.com/uploads/2016/09/21054932/eleven.gif
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Jeeeezzzz what a round! I went from wanting Julia out to working with her to target Autumn. Honestly I don’t think Autumn ever really wanted to go for Julia this round so i’m surprised Julia believed it but it’s good bc the witches coven are my true home. Eddie lied to me before the vote and tried to get me to vote out Julia saying he wanted to vote her over Autumn and I disagreed and i’m so glad that I did because he lied and they voted Shoib. going to rocks was super scary cus i had no idea what would happen but i knew it was best to take the risk cus i ain’t no pussy bitch. it all worked out perfectly with Mo getting rocked out and he deserved it for being FAKE. now it’s the final 9 and autumn wants me to work with her again but no thanks girl it’s done. 
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I drew a Furby to stay alive in this game. I'm trying to bond more with the fans to make it so I'm SO likeable that they won't ever be willing to make a target out of me (: It's going to backfire horrendously, I just know it but I just want to try stuff. I'm desperate after Mo left. http://prntscr.com/iotah2 If this doesn't prove that I want to be in the game, I don't know what will
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Ok so yet again being a comp flop so Shoib won, but like the fans are all working together now??? I still would rather take Julia to the end since she pissed off everyone and I love her. I have to try and make a move this round now. Ill get back to you on how that goes
Jake told me the vote is Mitch but I reallt think that is stupid. Noah fence
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Sooooo aside from my obvious fear of being voted, im afraid of who is gonna vote me. I think I can trust jake and trixie obviously. But aside from this, I am weary of heather all the sudden? She dosen't really wanna vote mitch. But she said she still got my back, so we are just gonna have to see at this point. 
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the king is safe, nothing to fear, I don't care who goes home I just need to focus and go back under the radar. I want Autumn out because I think she is a big threat but will keep her around for now if that's what people want. Everyone rn seems to be down on voting Mitch. Also love my supporters going to rocks for me.
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I'm almost certain Jake has the idol. Trixie only knew of the idol page and not the advantage page, so I don't think she would have known to keep looking... Heather says she doesn't have it, and I don't think Julia is... equipped to find it. Shoib also lives in the UK so I can only guess he was asleep when we merged. I have to play around Jake now... Not something I'm a fan of. I'm going to have to split votes or something to get him out, but I can't do it now, I'm too vulnerable. Heather and I are getting along and talking game. Jake and I are talking, not game. Trixie and I are starting to talk. I briefly talked to Julia, but did anything deep come out of it? eh Shoib says he doesn't want to come after Autumn and I, which I believe. But he also wants to vote out one of Eddie or Rebecka, and my DAUGHTER is NOT going ANYWHERE So Eddie might die. Julia might die. Whom knows
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This little torch of mine, I'm gonna let it shine! This little torch of autumns, I'm gonna let it shine!! This little torch of mitchs, I'm gonna let it shine!!! This little torch of eddies, I'm gonna let it shine!!!! LET EM SHINE LET EM SHINE DOUBLE DOUBLE TOIL N TROUBLE PLS VOTE JULIA OUT AND NOT MY CREW THANK U ALL GOODTNIGHT!!!!!
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So I'm trying to stick with the people who voted Autumn last round to take out another person on the other side. I am fine with Autumn/Rebecka/Mitch going. But we originally had the plan to throw our votes on Mitch and say it's Autumn, but Shoib wanted to flip it on Rebecka which I'm fine with too. Eddie and Autumn have been trying to get me to flip on Julia but I'm not voting her. Eddie is telling me stuff about Shoib and he seems messy as fuck tbh. I want to target him next round if Rebecka goes.
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im shaking idk if jake is voting julia but it doesnt seem like he is and if he isnt im highkey FUCKED. Anyway.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #11: I’m Gonna Beat Your Ass In Massachusetts Bitch -Julia
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ok im rlly high and i accidentally joined this tirbal drama call and now im in too deep to leave and im crying julia is crackdt
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Woo we love plans working out last minute
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So I was just made out to be this terrible person and almost got eliminated, and I remembered how terrifying that is to have people upset with you. I don't think I'm gonna try villainy anymore (what just happened wasn't my fault btw even tho I was trying villainy I had nothing to do with this) it's hard to be a villain when you like everyone so I'm gonna stick to my hero stuff
Tesoro Tribe Call
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Daaaammmnn Matt deserved better..... AND SO DID I WHAT THE FUCK https://i.imgur.com/sSWMk6p.gif How am I not supposed to feel some type of way when I get bamboozled by AAAAALLLL these people? 7 DIFFERENT PEOPLE LIED TO ME yet I'm not on the bottom! Gee thanks I can really tell with all this deceit in the air. Like the only person who would've had probable reason to lie is Heather because we don't even talk. The other 6?? I talked to within 2 hours of the vote aka when all this fuckery was going down so that means they actively lied, actively kept me out, and actively don't trust me. Fucking up my game and my villain edit?? Unacceptable- I worked HARD for both of them but now I gotta pop off just to stay alive... like fuck https://media.giphy.com/media/yKibNueqBiqU8/giphy.gif And is Jake serious right now? The amount of dirt I have on him could bury him in a second but he's gonna blindside me, the person with the power to make or break his game. Eddie and I gave him the world and he just flipped like THAT? Inch resting. And the Drew thing isn't even relevant because Jake got a heads up, did actually have a working relationship with Drew, was indeed down for that alliance that didn't come to fruition, AND actually snitched about the Drew vote to Drew so take a fucking seat. It doesn't matter that I wanted him in the dark because I knew he would snitch and spoiler alert: HE DID #noregrets. This would only be the same if I found out about the Matt vote and blew it all up to Matt, yet I didn't and somehow Jake is no different than me. Save it- the difference between us is I actually treat you like an ally and you treat me like a fucking number. But I am somehow supposed to trust Jake when all I do is give Jake more chances to prove he's reliable and trustworthy and he flops. There shouldn't be multiple instances both from this game and Crossroads of you being a shitty ally- that's ugly and well all know it. Jake enjoys screwing me like the selfish manipulator he is and he cost himself real allies over people who throw his name out all day everyday. I can't wait for him to read all this back, know who really had his back, and just how badly he played himself BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT ALLIES DO!!! AND THE FACT THAT YOU KEEP DOING PULLING THIS SHIT MEANS YOURE NOT REALLY WITH ME AND IF YOU KNOW I COULD EXPOSE YOUR ASS WHY ARE YOU TESTING ME?!?! Big mistake https://media.giphy.com/media/ynxEIAfEyXjzO/giphy.gif https://media0.giphy.com/media/11LARa1r9DA4mI/200.gif And Julia really cut me deep because I thought her of all people would actually be honest with me out of respect. She's essentially saying she doesn't trust me with the Matt vote and that's why I got left out yet it's not what it looks like and I shouldn't be mad. But did we or did we not call earlier so we could "talk everything through?" You left a lot out sis, just so you know. MY FAVORITE PART is me and Rebecka calling her out on call as the Mo source but since she got the vote to be Matt and kiss-and-made-up with Mo, it's all good in the hood. Ummm NO IT'S NOT ALL GOOD and fuck this "do you guys have any more questions?" Get that condescending bullshit out of here- how we a pre-made Final 2 and you running blindsides on me? Keep it- Heather can have your allegiance I don't want it. I can't believe I gave these Crossroads snakes a fair shot and this is how they repay me- by making me look like boo boo the fool. That's ok though: Jake, Julia, Heather, Shoib- they all walking into jury next just watch also I recant from before- I love Eddie and he's the only person I actually ride with (besides Rebecka and lowkey Mitch). Like yes he's probably a bad influence and has Dr. Brenner tendencies but at least he's loyal. Everyone else will flip for anyone and anything and I'm like where is your self-respect. All I know is once I get power it's over for these hoes cause they just made enemies with the baddest player out here so let the games begin https://78.media.tumblr.com/e89499d0128508de7390015ff96fcbbf/tumblr_odd64ysiZI1snzc37o1_250.gif
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Bamboozled- a memoir 
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Ok so last vote I felt like having a little fun since there was no drama and that's boring. Mo came to me and asked me what happened with the Ben vote and I told him that someone told me about a 5 person faves alliance so I panicked and voted out Ben. So the part where I heard about the 5 fave alliance is true BUT I heard it from Jake. I told Mo that Eddie told me about it and I also told Mo that Julia is the one who leaked it to Eddie. So then the vote is between Julia and Mo because Mo starts going around and throwing Julia and Eddie under the bus. Julia gets online and is PISSED OFF, she starts gunning for Mo. Eddie was sitting pretty since he was safe from vote off despite me telling Mo that Eddie leaked to me. Then Julia and Mo make up and turn the vote to Matt and he ends up going home. Out of all the 3 names spread last round none of them were fans names. Now this round we have Eddie and Julia murdering each other and I am just sitting pretty, this is perfection. Eddie and Julia will go for each other til death do them part. This will come back to bite me soon but for now imma enjoy it.
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I’m so over this drama, I’m sure somebody else explained what went down in their confessionals but now there was a huge fight between Eddie and Julia. A pineapple gown with glitter on it, bitch? Girl I just can’t take this, it’s too much, gimme my pocketbook I’m leaving.
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These kids think I'm floating, that's it I have had it. Time to crank it up a notch
Ok so last vote I felt like having a little fun since there was no drama and that's boring. Mo came to me and asked me what happened with the Ben vote and I told him that someone told me about a 5 person faves alliance so I panicked and voted out Ben. So the part where I heard about the 5 fave alliance is true BUT I heard it from Jake. I told Mo that Eddie told me about it and I also told Mo that Julia is the one who leaked it to Eddie. So then the vote is between Julia and Mo because Mo starts going around and throwing Julia and Eddie under the bus. Julia gets online and is PISSED OFF, she starts gunning for Mo. Eddie was sitting pretty since he was safe from vote off despite me telling Mo that Eddie leaked to me. Then Julia and Mo make up and turn the vote to Matt and he ends up going home. Out of all the 3 names spread last round none of them were fans names. Now this round we have Eddie and Julia murdering each other and I am just sitting pretty, this is perfection. Eddie and Julia will go for each other til death do them part. This will come back to bite me soon but for now imma enjoy it.
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i just love to start drama
so julia called me after the mo vote explaining that the whole eddie vs julia fight started with jake shit talking eddie. now i got them on call and hopefully they can work things through because i want them both to target eddie over each other so WOOOO let's see what happens. love you amanda lynn
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ok this is for julia post game. listen BITCH. i only leaked what you said to eddie twice (i think) well two major times so stop thinking that i’m a snake who leaked everything you said like YOU did to me with Ned in Crossroads. i told eddie you told me about your alliance with Rebecka/Matt but that wasn’t to put a target on you, Eddie did that by coming up with the idea to tell Matt you leaked it. Also I told Eddie that you said he was a snake in games and fucked over his friends because I wanted to know the truth. So yeah. I recorded a video confessional that i’ll post soon.
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ok so i pulled out my macbook and im sittin here like xoxo gossip beckka.  so heres the gossip!!!!!!!: a. i have no fucking clue how i won touchy subjects and im thankful for immunity but now it makes me look like i know what the fuck is going on in the game and i DONT i really really DONT!!!! much spook very scare. b. i missed a lot of the drama this round. like really im so confusion.  i accidentally answered the call the other night right after tribal and then had to stay but i was too high so i said see ya later pals!! and went to sleep.  Then yesterday at work the main chat was blowing up and i didnt have the energy, patience, or phone battery to keep up with it.  Now this morning im in my alliance chat with eddie and autumn and theyre like referencing "what happened last night" and im like fuck i went to bed at 9:30 right after cash show like FUCK why am i always high or sleeping???? i should talk to my therapist about that tbh.   c. eddie comes to us with this mastermind plan that we need to get out not jake, not julia, but SHOIB.  what has shoib done? where are these numbers coming from?  how is that not going to come back to haunt us next round? d. ive goat a bad feeling about tonight.  instant tribal? fuck.  i was prepared for it to be a physical endurance comp when amanda asked if we'd all be around with a computer bc i know i can probably win that but its not on cam so FUCK ME RIGHT????? e. im rlly tired f. when i get voted out and put in jury im going to respond purely in cortana suggestions for a day or so and not tell anyone and see if anyone notices g. ok thats it for now tata, cya later alligator, hasta la pasta & all that jazzy stuff bye!!! xoxo gossip beckka
update 5 mins later: eddies heart is telling him he cant vote jake. autumn and i rlly picked the wrong ally huh 
also i miss matt double also i wish heather left instead of ben 
Update: 5 hours before tribal and Jake rlly be coming to me spilling cold dollar store tea with a broken tea bag and there's just gross, cold,  loose leaves floating around 
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I just wanna win man, send em all home.
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happy to be immune bc the chances that we're going to rocks I'll put at like 70% hehe 
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i literally don’t even know how to process what the fuck is happening shit changed every 2 seconds i’m so confused ok so basically i helped flip the vote on matt last round because julia started to think that mo was being used and i knew that matt might have the idol bc eddie told me he probably did so i did that but left eddie and autumn out of the vote obv eddie was wicked mad and started going off on in the main chat and julia suspected that i leaked stuff to him based on what he was saying last night trixie called me and told me that julia was saying that i was a snake so we all called her and she said that eddie threw me under the bus to her and was leaking everything i told him about julia so i admitted it i was upset so i basically confronted eddie and he told me that he never leaked anything to julia and that she actually exposed me etc so i got pissed the fuck off and told eddie autumn rebecka trixie shoib that i wanted julia out julia gets home and immediately confronts me so i know someone leaked and trixie told me she was pretty sure that autumn or rebecka leaked and i don’t think trixie wanted me and julia against each other so we called our chat and i got julia to admit that autumn was leaking stuff to her and telling her that i wanted to vote julia out and that autumn wanted me out and autumn said that all the boys wantrd her out so now i’m fuckign freaking OUT BECAUSE AUTUMN IS A SNAKE AND PLAYING ALL SIDES AND JOW IT SEEMS THAT PPL WANT AUTUMN IUT I OFJT KNOW WHAT THE FICKNTO DO JM LITERALKY FREAKJNG OUT OMG FJQJSJDNSNSBS WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPNING THIS GAME IS LITERALLY CRAZY
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I am very upset rn. I have had the hardest time just trying to survive this merge because everyone is againts me. I first have jake throwing me under the bus to eddie. FOR WHAT JAKE. i am still furious about it because he legit had NO right to do me like that. Like NONE. So ive been calling him back and forth but there is apparently a bigger snake in the game. Hi autumn! She wants to lie and say the boys all want me gone. She only did that to ensure heather and i were left out of the vote. How fucking low of her. I deadass opened up to her and Eddie, and I get done like this. Its a Shame truly. Anyways, i have to now worry about surviving yet AGAIN, and to get autumn voted out.
Im at work and i think autumn will officially be out of season! 
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My mood is Julia and Heather selling me out on International Women's Day as the Julia leak to be with power snake Jake and ugly ass Shoib but doing it in front of Eddie, who told me immediately, so not only am I staying but one of these antifeminist hoes is getting rocked out. Can we talk about that I KNOW Heather and Julia are full of shit so how has no one thought that maybe I forced all this?? Like they wanna clock me for playing the middle but the gag is I'm about to chop the tribe in half and there will be no middle as of 9 PM EST. Me still surviving the strategic mess I accidentally created? More likely that you think- legends never die. I was scared about tribal, sure! And then I remembered who I am so I'm  excited for this messy ass 5-5 vote and why wouldn't I be? I now have 4 strong allies in the other faves, Mitch is turning on Shoib, Eddie is going against Jake, I found the right people who can keep a secret and have my back, and a line is being drawn in the sand tonight. Jake and Julia ain't going to rocks over no damn Shoib and I surely will call their bluff. The snakes are working hard but I'm working harder https://78.media.tumblr.com/4d981ac983bcb46cbba1ef0358d4b27d/tumblr_oq0f7ahXLt1qb87xmo5_r1_250.gif I can't believe Jake and Julia have the audacity to make an enemy out of me THIS EARLY. They thinking about Crossroads when they need to studying All Stars and Himalayas cause Crossroads was the exception in my org career not the rule. I'd like to politely remind everyone that my brand is flipping votes, poisoning jury, forcing ties, and getting shit done. So the way I see it is I'm just getting started- I have enough votes to stay by forcing a power play and I'm blowing this whole tribe up. I cannot wait for Jake and Julia to see who they're dealing with and shut the fuck up for the first time all week. And don't let me win immunity cause it's REALLY a wrap. Timing is everything in this game and I simply don't believe tonight is my time. It is time to take the trash out though and I got my gloves on and my Lysol ready https://78.media.tumblr.com/f28b1221360a1842c17d4a5af90fe6ec/tumblr_op2o8k2P9u1slyfzno1_250.gif
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0 notes
survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #10: I Gotta Try To Mix Stuff Up -Mo
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F11 Cast Assessment: http://youtu.be/3hjwhTlBURs
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HOW IN THE FUCKING FUCK DID I STAY! I WAS SO SURE THAT I WAS LEAVING. I had a plan with Ben to try and get votes on Jake, but that didn't work out so I had to put the votes on Ben. Shoo kith to the core.
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I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Autumn, Eddie, Shoib, Jake and Bec are all in an alliance. Maybe Trixie and Matthew are in it too. Not good. I gotta try to mix stuff up. I'm in the minority.
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Me changing my vote really changed the outcome of the mess I created huh https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwhjxmrQwLXJFgk/giphy.gif On a serious note what I did was wild and my own power scares me I need to chill the fuck out cause if jury is gonna act any way like Ben, I'm in trouble. I DO NOT want to slit every throat and highkey I'm covered in blood already btwn this and the Drew thing and I just like... need a minute. If I stick with Jake and Eddie they could easily benefit off a petty bitter jury and just say I was their gameplay, especially Eddie. Like all the "tea" starts with him but I'm the one using my strategic and social powers to make votes happen. If we're a "we" why am I the only one with blood on my hands? I can't explain it fully but it's come to light that the Drew vote was based on an al-lie-ance, which may or may not have been started by Eddie, and then a day later Eddie's trying to convince me to do a tie vote this round and I'm like lol no it's worth it right now that's too messy. Yet Eddie and Jake kinda make it happen anyway and conveniently need me to step in to get everyone to stop targeting Jake so I do, further implicate myself in that entire fiasco, vote for Heather then change my vote to Ben because Jake is begging, I cost myself a jury vote in the process, and now it's all over and once again I'm holding the bag. Except this time I feel like shit because Ben didn't derserve that but it worked out so Eddie and Jake are happy as can be and are already trying to find ways "we" can further stir the pot. Meanwhile I'm over here shooketh knowing I'm turning friends into jury enemies https://78.media.tumblr.com/80040e0dfe8ba752bd5b545fcb1b26d8/tumblr_of7tfgfboP1velux2o8_400.gif I'm not saying I'm gonna turn on Eight and Dr. Brenner but like never say never. You don't see any of my other allies exploiting their relationship with me and egging me on to be cracked because it's almost like- that's wrong and manipulative as fuck. If I had to pick between the two I'd keep Jeight cause Jeight (Jake + Eight) is my kindred cracked brother who also happens to be a bigger threat lmao. Mitch is literally Hopper and tbh I thought I could kill him and Shoib but the thought of that makes me sick. That's not who I am and the fact that Mitch and Shoib have never asked me to wile out it's very telling. I can already tell shit is gonna keep popping off cause there's a lot of people I don't want to personally kill because jury management and because I'm not that girl. All these moves put my game on the line, not everyone else's, so certain allies need me more than I need them. I went from 7 shields to 4 but at the end of the day if I'm protecting some of my shields more than they're protecting me, what good are they? I can slay all by myself https://media.giphy.com/media/3ohhwLCRptkjfHHiuY/giphy.gif
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Okay bitches it's time for me to explain last round more in-depth because wow I did that. I was really nervous when I merged since Eddie/Autumn lied to me about the Drew vote and I didn't know if they'd still work with me. Me and Trixie played up being alone, and Julia added us to a chat to call where she pretty much listed all her allies and said she'd be with us over them. Me and Autumn have an interesting relationship, we cussed each other out after the vote but after we explained everything we kissed and made up. I was genuinely upset that Eddie lied to me like that so I made sure he knew I was and I think it helped in making him want to keep working with me. So I talked to Autumn at the beginning of the day about the vote and said that I wanted a fave out. She brought up Ben and I agreed immediately bc I don't trust him. She also wanted to tell her alliance with Rebecka that they could do Heather because Rebecka wanted her out. So after that I called Heather and exposed the Julia/Mo/Ben/Rebecka/Matt alliance and told her that we needed to stick together. She ended up telling me that she knew Trixie had the idol because Julia told her, so I acted like I didn't know about the idol, but she pretty much confirmed to me that Julia trusts her the most. I needed the Ben vote to go through and I needed Heather to be the other vote, because I knew that Julia would flip on Ben to save Heather. Things got scary when at like 6PM I heard my name was going around. From what I gathered, Ben, Mo, and Matt wanted to vote me instead of Heather, but Rebecka was adamant about voting Heather and I told Eddie and Autumn to say they wanted Heather to keep the vote off of me. Right before the votes Trixie transferred me her idol and told me to play it if Ben got idoled so um wig? She also told me that she voted for rebecka last minute in case we both idoled the votes.... BUT tribal happened and Ben went HOME! WOOOO I was so happy and I hope those stupid faves who didnt bother talkin to me this round were fucking SHOOK. I'm ready 2 turn up...
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I really want to win this immunity to keep my ass safe, especially from last round. BUT THE GAG IS I SUCK AT FLASH GAMES LSFAKSFIL
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Hi. I've been super inactive this week because I've been visiting friends but it is what it is.  So Ben getting voted out wasn't ideal, I would've loved to vote out heather but WHATEVER. I had to abstain from this challenge soooo I'm gonna be up for elimination and I hope I don't get votes this time! Who knows tho hehe not me 
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lets vote julia OUT... sis you're not about to play this middle in this game!! That’s me and autumn’s job! That’s why I’m throwing julia so far under the bus right now. You can only play the middle in survivor if you have people who have a lot of trust in you from both sides. I’m making sure that matt and rebecca never look at julia as a possible number again because they distrust her and feel like she’s thrown them under the bus. It would be a cute concept if we could just vote julia out this round honestly. Vote julia out this round, somebody who has been playing the middle, but also keep heather in because rebecca and heather will still be a big conflict in this game that autumn and i can take full advantage of. Then next round we blindside matt with that THICC idol in his pocket. I’m going to continue to be a little lowkey though. I just got to keep working on my social bonds at the moment while allowing Autumn and Jake to continue to do most of the leg work when it comes to getting votes and have our plans come into fruition. At the same time I’m always going to make sure that one on one with Autumn and Jake, I’m always putting a lot into our strategy and what we want to do. I need a good balance of doing enough to not be considered a goat, and not doing enough to be considered that binch who will probably win the game. If this works how I want it to, Autumn and Jake should be targeted before I am. They'll be seen has the big threats to win while for a little I’ll just be seen as a number until I have my breakout episode. [3/5/18, 4:35:22 PM] Bec: Yeah it sounds right [3/5/18, 4:35:41 PM] Bec: Honestly I would've voted for Ben [3/5/18, 4:35:45 PM] Bec: If I had known [3/5/18, 4:45:33 PM] Matthew Summers: okay just read all this [3/5/18, 4:45:56 PM] Matthew Summers: yeah i torally get where ur coming from but its just lol to me they’d bring up those alliances [3/5/18, 4:46:33 PM] Matthew Summers: bitches were desperate [3/5/18, 4:46:47 PM] Matthew Summers: i think now more than ever we need each other tho Like if I literally got out of flipping on Matt and Rebecca with them feeling like Julia and Mo are the ones who were screwing them over last round then.... I think the play for me and Autumn is 100% get Julia to be the vote this round, and blindside Matt with the idol next round. Autumn and I will be able to continue playing the middle and eliminate a good social player who has a lot of connections around the tribe. Julia does trust Jake and tells him a lot so while I don't really speak to her I feel like I know where her head is at in this game. Idk, I guess I just hope I can somehow finesse her vote out. That would be iconic.
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Ok so I think I am in a realy good spot right now and am kinda seen as a floater, let me go through each player and my thoughts on them cause why not? Autumn - Love her and kinda trust her, she seems really smart and I feel like she has my back for now and won't screw me over anytime soon, I am comfortable in my alliance with her and Mitch. Bec - Have barely talked to her, don't trust her and don't think I will get on with her at all, she seems to play the game based off personal feelings which is why I want to stay in her good books. Eddie - I love Eddie, he is a paranoid mess like me, he is leaking everything to Jake so like I wanna keep him around for as long as possible so we can gain some info. Heather - I want to keep Heather around so that Bec and Heather are at each others throats, I know they will want each other out for as long as they are here. JakeP - I trust him and he has my back but I want to take him out deeper into the game because he is such a big threat. Julia - Julia is crazy, she leaks EVERYTHING and its sooooooo annoying but I kinda trust her but don't want to tell her everything from now on. Matthew - Barely talked to him, feel like I have nothing in common with him. Mitch - Very quiet and seems like a SUPER loyal player but is a massive comp threat and want to kinda get rid of him at like final 7. Mo - Very quiet but love him and hopefully can build a better connection with him. Trixie - MY IDOL QUEEN, MY FINAL 2. WE MAKING FINAL 2 100%%%%%%%
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So close, I am happy for Autumn though. So my plan now is to talk to everyone as much as possible so no one wants me out (watch me get eliminated this episode).
8th place better stay the fuck away from me
Ok Eddie, I see you going around spreading rumors of an alliance that doesn’t even exist to get Ben eliminated. Not on my gay watch.
I got heated over something that was true but out of context 
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okay bitches here’s the tea. so yesterday eddie told me that he was going to tell rebecka that julia leaked the core 3 and i didn’t want julia getting heat for that but it was too late bc eddie wanted to do it and even with me saying i don’t think it’s a good idea didn’t do anything. so he told rebecka and rebecka ended up freaking out on julia and she came to the chat with me and trixie but she immediately thought Mo leaked it so i ran with it because Mo leaked the 5 person alliance to Eddie before. fast forward to today, Mo told me that Julia leaked the alliance they had and was saying the same to Eddie, so I went to Julia and told her to get her to target Mo because I wanted him out this round tbh. I mean if I can get Mo/Mitch/Rebecka/Matt out i’ll be happy because I think they’re all still close. Julia also doesn’t trust Matt now because Eddie told me that Matt told him that Julia is shady so I spilled that tea to Julia as well. Eddie is worrying me a bit because Matt and Rebecka are still talking to him a lot and trust him.  like bitch what. whatever. i hope the faves continue to turn on each other :3
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so eddie is a MESS. flipping to my alliance, flipping against us, then flipping back? thats circa 2014 matt summers teas. he gotta go soon, but we need him now rip
i dont trust julia anymore. she came to me trying to say she didnt throw rebecka and i under the bus but she def did so i’d love to vote her out butwe’re going with mo bc thats what eddie wants to do. sigh.
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Hello I'm coming at you live from my sociology class hoping I don't get a strike The only names out there are julia and mo. I don't care about voting julia but if mo goes home I will be pissed and on the wrong side of the vote yet again. But that's fine because I GUESS I'm just playing the deception game from this point on. I'm loyal to Autumn and shoib but damn we are bad planners. I think because of how disorganized the merge tribe is I can get away with lying about my vote for a few more rounds.
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I am watching this tribe chat like a fucking hawk!!  but also I wanna see how Kaoh Rong turns out? So if Mo and Julia could not blow up everyone’s game rn that’d be amazing. I’m SO glad I’m immune now God is good all the time
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IM WORKING WITH MO RN AND WE ARE VOTING OUT MATT LMAO HeatherThe vote was Mo for like hours, which I was not really comfortable with, but I love Julia so I had to protecc her. HOWEVER, everything seems like it was a misunderstanding so now its Matt, who doesn't message me toooo much. Plus I am there for Mo since we had to suffer in the drinking challenge together. Sorry Matt kiss kiss.
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So this is one of my last minute right before tribal confessionals! I'm feeling shook as fuck cause something's just not smooth in the buttermilk. Something is up and I think an idol will probably be played tonight. Everyone is saying Mo but nobody knows who Mo is targeting. Like shouldn't he be campaigning to people so why has nobody heard a name other than Mo? He either has an idol, or people are lying to me because I'm getting blindsided.... Neither of those options are good at all because it means I'm most likely getting voted out tonight. I just don't have a good feeling at all and maybe I'm just being paranoid but idk. My gut tells me something is up. I really don't wanna spend time in the jury with Ben. That would be hella awkward.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #9: I’m A Fighter -Jake
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*loud screeching noise* AHHHHHHHHHH omfg i cant believe we just did that #beam 4 life ok so like i feel horrible because i love drew but he was trying to make an alliance and it didnt include me and i had to take him out before it was too late because while it wouldnt be me this vote it probably would next time so like sorry drew i love u im sure this doesnt help my case for like why u should b my friend but like i rlly am sorry.  also i feel bad for lying to jake but it just wouldve gotten back to drew and i didnt want to risk that.  im hoping he doesnt hate me too much for blindsiding his ally but like again, they were trying to have a majority alliance that i wasnt a part of and i just didn't want to deal with it tbh.  maybe jake and i are just doomed to eternally be on separate sides in games idk (sad music plays) umm trixie idk we dont really talk we just kind of coexist UM HOLDUP JESUS CHRIST WE JUST FUCKING MERGED WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WIG ON PLUTO WHAT TO HECK ????? im off to plot heathers demise xoxo gossip beckka
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Woot Woot its merge loves. Time to be a complete mess and be first merge boot. Hehehe
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I MADE IT, MY SECOND ATHENA GAME AND I MADE IT TO MERGE AGAIN IM INCREDIBLEY HAPPY. Let’s hope I don’t get eighth place again, and if I’m gonna be honest I need Drew gone if I’m gonna win. He’s so fucking good at challenges. So eliminating him would mainly be out of fear.
Remember how I’m a dumbass? Me too ok so Drew was eliminated already.
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Excuse me I am stupid and don't get letters are better as numbers... and also reversed. I would like an explanation plzz
words tried in number form and reversed so far that have not worked. Emily-Amanda-Abbey-Francie, Navarino, Survivor, Athena. Im gonna cry I cant find it yet.
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Oh yeah tea, I ended up finding a secret advantage called the deja vote which means I can steal someone’s vote from a tribal and re-use it at a later tribal 
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This was originally going to me a vlog of me screaming after tribal but I busy last night and fell asleep before doing it so now I'm more calm and just gonna type out. Okay so looking back at my last confessional, bitch I'm boo boo the fool. I seriously thought Eddie and Autumn were being honest with me because I trust(ed) them sooo much, but it turns out they were playing me and orchestrating a Drew blindside behind my back. So before I went out last night, EVERYONE told me they were voting Matt. Then two minutes before the vote, Eddie and Autumn message me like "JAKE! Are you here??? SOMETHING is happening" like bitch shut the fuck up something is not happening don't act like this shit just happened last minute. Then they say "Drew is getting voted out tonight!" So...I went to Drew and told him to play the idol if he had it. Because I didn't want Matt staying if I was voting for him. But Drew said he didn't have an idol, and Eddie found out that I told Drew and told Autumn. So after I got home I messaged the group chat with Eddie and Autumn and told them that I was upset by them lying to me bc I did trust them the most. Then Autumn decided to get ballsy and reply "I don't buy that at all since you told Drew to play his idol, you were more loyal to him than me." GIRL STFU yes the fuck I did tell Drew because you told me TWO MINS BEFORE TRIBAL - MEANING YOU KEPT THE VOTE HIDDEN FROM ME ALL DAY. DON'T SAY IM DISLOYAL WHEN YOU WERE THE BIGGEST MFING SNAKE THIS ROUND! ...Anyways. Autumn then tries to come for me by saying "So tell, what's with this alliance between you, Eddie, Drew, and Trixie." And this is when I got more mad. BC Drew proposed this alliance to me, but it was never made, hell I didn't even tell Trixie about it. And when I told Eddie about it I told him I think we should tell Autumn about the alliance (Since he wanted to as well) So it became clear that Autumn was spreading to rebecka and matt that I was in an actual alliance with them to get them all to turn on us. So um Autumn, I wanted to trust you and go far with you in this game, but you're dead to me in this game now and I want you GONE. Autumn has the most connections here. She has Eddie, Rebecka, Matt, Ben, and I've heard that she has Mitch as well. She is a huge threat and if I can find a way to take her out, I will. But right now I need to focus on surviving. After the vote, Trixie added me to a call with Julia. Julia told us all of the alliances she's in (and she's in a damn lot) and said she basically likes Trixie more so she's working with us. Umm okay that's cool. I hope she's being serious because my life in this game is in Julia's hands now. She has all these connections and I need to get her to gun for someone that isn't me, Trixie, or Shoib. I've decided that my ideal final 3 would be with Trixie and Shoib because I trust them the most now, we've been together since day one, and we're all fans. It would be perfect. Sooo yeah. I also talked to Heather and basically blamed Tyler for all the animosity between us. I am trying to repair relationships and hopefully push the target off my back because I am worried about being targeted for 12th. IDK WHAT ELSE TO DO! I am in SUCH a bad position right now and it's so annoying. At the start of this game I had a lot of allies and the two people who trusted me the most (Tyler and Drew) are gone. But I'm a FIGHTER. I will NOT give up! I was in the minority at merge in crossroads and turned it around and made it to FTC so I just have to keep pushing and hopefully I'll get the same results! Woo wig! This was originally going to me a vlog of me screaming after tribal but I busy last night and fell asleep before doing it so now I'm more calm and just gonna type out.
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https://youtu.be/iUDlOxxgtz0 my face in the thumbnail for this video is so funny cause it's when i found out of another to do the idol search. Obviously we know it didn't work adhshjks
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I am pumped for this merge, I feel like I am playing a really under the radar game and it will make people come to me and ask me to vote with them if the game does break down into two sides, which I think it will. I trust Julia and Trixie the most right now and Trixie has two FREAKING idols omg. I also trust Mitch and Autumn but they are my secondary alliance which I will fall back on if I lose Trixie and Julia
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Ok so no one is really messaging me about the vote, which is scary. I don't want to be first merge boot. The only people who have spoke to me are Matt, which he is confused, and Jake, which says no one really spoke to him about the vote yet. I did hear that people thought Ben and I were close, which like we have voted together, but aren't to close. I know now that Trixie has an idol and someone found the merge idol so FUN. I CAN'T WAIT TO BE FIRST MERGE BOOT.
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Me starting a grassroots movement of Ben vs Heather cause I'm not aligned with either? Yep. Me forcing people to show their hands and make choices? Absolutely https://68.media.tumblr.com/41399c7dcc99b69388de05d609f7323c/tumblr_inline_o6ola1oDhw1sso1z7_500.gif Look none of these votes will be easy cause I like everyone and I'm aligned with almost everyone but it's Survivor I ain't scurd. I neeevvveerrr talk to Ben or Heather so I'm just gonna be a swing vote in the mess I created. Also feel free to give me the villain edit that's the one thing I haven't accomplished in Athena, besides winning or beating my placement. If not that's cool too I'll just continue to be my messy antihero self. Ok bye! Time to disappear and let the drama fester while I'm at work
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You know what would be great, if more people would know who the vote is gonna be. Won't be surprised if that is me to be quite honest. Right now I hear Ben and if that is the only name I hear, I'll do it.
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i never thought i'd say this but I WANNA HEX JULIA THE WITCH. okay not really bc i dont want her to read this and think im actually mad. but im wary of what i say to her now considering she told heather about my idol hehe
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The votes for me cuz Beckka is bitter over another game. At least in that game I didn't isolate her. I'm prob just gonna cry in a corner.
This is a mess
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this round has been a fucking mess and a half and im too busy rn trying to save my ass to make it all sophisticated i have a lot to say so if i stay ill explain everything later but basically autumn came to me today saying she wants to flip on ben so im trying to rally eddie trixie shoib julia and heather to get 7 on ben but apparently ben is throwing my name out bc he doesnt want to vote heathwr and immm fucking nervous idek if heather will wanna vote ben now if hes trying to save her what if she flips like this is bad help
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The first merge vote is stressful as fuck cus there’s 12 people. I’m fine as long as it’s not me.
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Don't know what's going on. Voting heather and hoping it works!!!!!
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Good god am I glad I'm immune for this bullshit Let's start with merge. Woo merge! The idol system is announced. I actually make progress on the advantage hunt! Then I finish it. And someone already has it. GREAT So then I try the idol hunt and someone ALSO has it! GREATER. So now I have to worry about that shit. So I won immunity somehow because I guess preparing was a good idea since I blew through the second round. I won't be first merge boot in Athena woo!!! But now the vote is fucking crazy. I want to vote out Heather because, as sweet as she is, she's got a lot of ears listening for info for her and it's better to get someone like that out early before it's too late. But people don't want to because they're the ears! Big surprise. People are between Jake and Ben and Heather and honestly? I want to keep Ben around a little more. My plan for now is to not have one big alliance, but rather to be a part of small trio alliances so people can have my back without the worry of a huge alliance fracturing. I just have to keep the trio members safe. My planned trios are as follows: Ben, Mo, myself Shoib, Autumn, myself Rebecka, Julia, myself (WIP) That's 7 people who have my back in varying circumstances, as long as they're being truthful. I've also been alerted to a greater alliance of Matt, Ben, Julia, Mo, and Rebecka. Hopefully this trio plan will help me get in with those people more, and perhaps in the close future I can take out Matt and get rid of that variable.
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i made merge!! its lit!! there hasnt been a lot going on so far. nobodys really reached out to me and ive been so busy so im just going with what rebecka wants, which is heather. i’m not sure voting heather is a good move for me, in fact i know its not, but unfortunatelt i dont have the time to make another move and im just tryin to survive
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What is going on here on this day? This is a mess and i'm just on the train a long for the ride. I'm hearing Ben, Jake, and Heather, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's me tonight. Like I'm sure they're afraid of Jake having an idol, so why not throw their votes on someone who's irrelevant at the moment and who probably wouldn't see it coming? Anyway, I HIGHLY doubt Ben is leaving tonight, and I don't really believe that the votes are going on Heather or Jake, idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk. I really hope Jake stays, and I really hope Ben goes or I am probably screwed af.
0 notes
survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #8: Stop Worrying About the Kickback and Just Fire Your Shot Already -Autumn
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I was worried for what over that last tribal lol. So Tyler was blindsided and it was kinda heartbreaking espicially when Mitch said "he really loved this game" like I was genuinely sad. But it's time to smile now cry later because holy moly I just fucking did that. I think at the moment, I am golden. I have bonds with everyone BUT Mitch. And I know Mitch isn't going to fall for my tricks if I tried it with him. So my only other option is to kill Mitch. And hopefully we have this last round before we merge because, I really wan't Mitch gone at this point. He is first of all amazing a competetions, and he is smart. And I don't wanna have to deal with it when it's going to be harder to get done. 
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Operation get Tyler out was a success. But now the hosts want to kill me with flash games. HOW RUDE!!
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Okay so Tyler got voted out andddd i'm upset cus I wanted to take it to the end with him. The other tribe is shady as fuck and Heather is clearly with those faves. The fans are horribly outnumbered now so I need to put my trust in Eddie, Drew, and Autumn going forward so that I'm not a sitting duck at merge. If I can stay close with my alliance with Eddie and Autumn, and stay close with Drew/Trixie/Shoib, then hopefully I'll be in a good position. 
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So I am doing Casanova but I don't know what a good score even is.
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I'm starting to become good friends with Julia and I'm really hoping I can get past merge with her, she's super supportive and has helped me out a lot. Also how the flappy flying fuck do I play Wings Over Water?????
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiZsS9sqPiw ________________________________________________________________ did we just fucking tie again
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I love Mitch that’s all I gotta say
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I can't remember if I submitted a confessional so I'm gonna write one just in case!!!!! So today autumn and Eddie messaged me saying that people are trying to form an alliance without me autumn or Matt in it. So the goal rn is to get the 4 of us together on this vote. Unfortunately that means I have to vote drew, who I really did want to get closer with this game but he not against voting me out so I can't feel too bad.  Oh well, hope this works fingers crossed.  Hoping that by the end of the night I'll be in a new alliance called BEAM- Bec Eddie Autumn Matt!! BEAM MOBILIZE ON 3. 1 2 3 big moves only playa playas!! 
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Okay so we lost the challenge sadly. I'm nervous this round just because I think we're merging next and I really want to make merge. My alliance of Eddie/Autumn were indifferent to voting out Trixie or Matt, but I am pushing for Matt to go. I trust Trixie way more than him and I can't have another fan leave pre-merge. I talked to Drew about it and he doesn't seem too close to Matt, which is good. But he keeps bringing up the fact that Autumn/Ben are close, and Autumn somehow knows he was talking shit, so there's animosity there. Matt going is the best outcome this tribal for me. I think he has connections with the other tribe who I do not trust AT ALL besides Shoib. I am not going to let that tribe gain another number if we merge next. It still seems up in the air though, how the others want to vote. So I'm seriously just going to hope for the best and that they listen to my reasoning for voting out Matt over Trixie.
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So we are down to 4 fans and TBH I am not worried. I trust a lot of the faves especially Mitch and Julia. I just hope that Trixie survives tribal on the other side, I trust her 100% and as much as I don't want the idol played I hope she does play it if she is in danger.
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SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED WHERE DO I BEGIN!!! First of all, rip my baby Tyler he was swapfucked and I know that life all too well. Second of all I'm so happy we're going to tribal so I can do what I've been waiting to do for the past 5 rounds and clock Drew haha. Third of all everything is falling into place and I'm so excited I just need everyone to stick to the plan. Ok here we go: Last night, I had a group call with Jake and Eddie; Jake was very adamant that we keep Trixie and Drew. So naturally I didn't talk any shit I was just like oh I know Drew thinks me and Ben are close when we really are not but otherwise he's cool. So we hung up and we said we should discuss tomorrow but it'll probably be Matt. Morning comes and Eddie tells me that Jake and Drew are creating an alliance w/ him and Trixie. So I was like oh really? Well let me fuck it up real quick https://media.giphy.com/media/CpxCYD0Or2Ty8/giphy.gif I then hit up Rebecka, we start talking about the vote, how there's too many men, and I tell her about this new alliance/ that she, Matt, and I are on the bottom. Rebecka is like damn ok well I really like Matt and Eddie is spilling tea so I think we should go for Jake or Drew. This sends at the exact same time that I say "highkey we should split up Jake and Drew." So Rebecka tells the tea to Matt and asks me if I want the three of us to be in a group chat. Obviously I say yes so now me, Matt, and Rebecka are in an alliance called BAM trying to stay alive. Eddie then works to gain the trust of Rebecka and Matt so now they're cool with him and know that he's with us. Now we have a new group called BEAM with Eddie so we out here. The vote is going 4-3 Drew leaving, all 3 women are staying, Jake is being a snake and will fall to the bottom of the tribe, and (with Eddie's help) I did what I always do: THAT https://78.media.tumblr.com/ba82bcc0d2aac3bd1cd4731bb379c2bb/tumblr_inline_odvxu5m7lz1tbz32w_500.gif The only issue is Trixie. We finally bonded last night and had a great convo but then I went to bed and didn't see her say that we should work together and with Julia at merge. So when I saw it this morning I was like YAAAASS let's do it but Trixie hasn't been online yet to reply. Meanwhile, Jake and Drew are hitting her up to work with them and she hasn't replied to them either. SO everyone is nervous about a) what Trixie knows, b) who Trixie will vote with, and c) which deal will she expose (if any at all). Half the tribe thinks Matt is going home while the other half knows Drew is actually going home and I'm nervous that Trixie could blow it all up, especially because we don't need her vote. Soooo who knows what she'll do but if she does vote Matt and rolls with the mens, I'll just do damage control. Anyway, Rebecka and I are finally succeeding at working together, my target is leaving, me and my homies making merge, another man isn't, and I'm one step closer to beating my placement and taking that title. Last night Jake was like I wanna see cracked messy Autumn so bad and I just laughed and here we are a day later. Ask and you shall receive https://media.giphy.com/media/OTbo92zetdsha/giphy.gif
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WOW OH WOW WE WON IMMUNITY. this swap is so equal its crazy but its cool. Gives me time to rest and not worry about being booted. 
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Hey I'm in class but like I'm super glad I won the tiebreaker for our tribe!! Aaaaaaa
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yo dog!! finally some craziness is happening and the game is afoot. I was totally willing to be Nice Matt to merge, just do as I'm told and chill in the background, but for WHATEVER reason these bozos thought it would be a great idea to form a 4 person alliance, leaving 3 people on the bottom, right before merge. Like, the entire point of a merge is to have numbers!! For the my third straight tribal council I do believe I will be getting some votes thrown on me, but I'm down to clown and ready to save myself. The beast has been awaken and the game is on! This blindside attempt on me could actually end up being an ideal situation, given that I can make it out alive. It brings me closer to Rebecka and Autumn, who are without a doubt my two favorite people in this game (along with Julia), and pushes forward the alliance that I wanted once we started. The only thing that's questionable is that my fate is resting in the hands of Eddie. In Emathia, our roles were basically flipped; I controlled his fate, and I'm a big reason he ended up getting blindsided pre-merge. Right now I just have to put all of my trust into him, but I'm hoping that his willingness to work with Rebecka and Autumn will bring him closer to me and prevent any sort of "revenge" vote from happening. If all goes well, we're sending out a big threat right before the merge. I have a great track record with turning the tables back around on Drew after he tries to blindside me, it's actually one of my favorite hobbies, so I'm anxious to see if all of this is going to work out!! If not, rip 2 me, it was litty.
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Eddie: is on board all day with the Drew plan and kicked off the domino that started it all Also Eddie (@ 6:01): "oh btw should i ask jake if he would vote drew?" https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/a/a0/Da%27vonne_6.gif/revision/latest?cb=20170224230229 Naturally I say um fuck no keep your mouth shut and don't tip Jake off cause he will snitch/ if you really want to tell him do it right before tribal. Eddie goes "yeah I just feel like he'll never fully trust us again. idk what to do ._." http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/holleratalex/11490921/84927/84927_600.gif Ok how about STICKING TO THE PLAN???! Like I'm sorry but Jake didn't give a fuck about me when he blindsided Rebecka in Crossroads and sent a novel after tribal explaining himself. And he sure as hell didn't give a fuck about me when he created an alliance behind my back and lied about it. Also Drew would use this entire situation to send me and Eddie out, seeing how WE are at the center of the plan. Sooo Eddie needs to get his shit his together and stop about Jake's feelings and start about the hell that will unleashed if he botches this and Drew stays. Like why have me work so hard to pull this blindside off if you're just gonna ruin it 2 hours before tribal? That's that shit I don't like. He wants to be Aubry Bracco but he playing like fucking Joe and Debbie and I don't have time. Jake is at the fucking movies and the last time someone was at the movies in Athena it wrecked my game so Imma need Eddie to be sedated. Like snap out of it- stop worrying about the kickback and just fire your shot already
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Can somebody tell me how the hell I became the swing vote? All of a sudden Jake, Drew, and Trixie want me to vote with them and Autumn, Rebecca, and Matt want me to vote with them. I'm siding with Autumn Rebecca and Matt and I'm voting out my good buddy Drew and I do really feel bad about it. I was hoping we could either win or I could spare him until the merge cause I definitely wanted to get him there but the cards didn't fall the way I wanted them to. I think this is like highkey messy cause I really don't think Jake is going to trust us anymore after this and it's almost like a damned if you do damned if you dont kind of situation. No matter what I do here there will be some sort of aftermath that comes with it. I just have to hope and pray for the merge because I don't feel comfortable on this tribe cause Jake is going to be pissed and Autumn and I might become targets for playing the middle this round. It sucks that I have to lie to Jake because I consider him one of the people that I am closest to in this game and I really want us to have full trust for one another but now I feel like that's damn near impossible. Autumn wanted to just completely blindside him but I pushed her into agreeing to at least tell him before the tribal because we have a merge coming soon and we can't afford to be making enemies. I really hope that my damage control with Jake will work. But I'm smart enough to know that he's smart enough to know we're bullshitting him. He doesn't seem like the kind of player to give you another shot. He'll definitely play like he's going to give you another shot but once you betray him once, you're over to him. I really don't know how I feel voting Drew over Matt. I kinda really just want to vote Matt out but I'm already way to deep into this plan to blindside Drew that I will be exposed for being a double crossing snake for flipping on both sides at one point nofnfnkls. Matt seems to have a lot of connections on the other tribe which is trouble and I think will definitely bite me in the ass come merge. Autumn seems to think she's 100% totally in with them but we'll see how that holds up come merge. We have know idea if they're just going to ditch us for their old allies, a scenario which could very well be the case. I feel that Drew does trust me and that he wants to work with me going forward in this game but I'm not sure how far he'll let me get into the merge. He knows I'm a dangerous social player and he knows what I'm capable of. I'm ready for the fire works tonight. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I was blindsided, but that's just my paranoia. That's all and if we don't merge next round I'll be fighting one of the hosts!
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So my ass goes to tribal twice this premerge. Both times I vote out a Favorite. They are the only two tribals where a Favorite will be going home premerge. I love being the champion of equality and justice in this world. If you're looking for the reason why a fan won this game, it's me. It's right here. I am doing that and will continue to do that.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #7: I Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb -Tyler
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I didn't look at my phone for 10 minutes and I'm on a different beach 
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I am back with Tyler, who sees me as a threat, and Shoib, who left me out of the vote. However I have Julia with me, who I love, and Mo and Ben who were on my swap tribe. Hopefully I will be able to get through this round or get Tyler out this round. either way seems fine with me.
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Hey everyone, karma got its kiss for me. So the thing is, I'm a little concerned about the original Preciado tribe, especially if we all make it to the final 9 (R.I.P Jacob) mainly because I'm afraid that I'm not really close to some of my OG tribe like Eddie and Drew. One of my many talents is jumping to conclusions so I could be dead wrong on the fact that it'll be about relationships when it comes to the final 9, but if I am right I need to find a way to take out some of the stronger players. So my dumbass is gonna try some shit and probably fail miserably.
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I've never been more humiliated, 420 ruined my game.
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What ass backwards flu is goin around First i'm on a tribe of all winners and then suddenly we start losing everything. Is it because we lost Drew? what the fuck That challenge was fun but I'm sad we lost by a point. And then Ben volunteers both of us to do it when we weren't in sync! like boi I do not TAN on vacation I SLEEP. So we gotta vote someone out. And Ben and Mo and I have made a Woolliance so we can coordinte votes and junk and it seems like they wanna vote Tyler, which I don't... like but hey it's not my ass I hope merge is soon because I really can't risk having to vote out someone else because my next priority would be Julia and I just feel like that would be a problem. ALSO I can't target Heather because people love her too much like... goddamnit
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Im pretty sure I’ve been swap fucked. My entire alliance is on the other tribe. I was put on a tribe with a bunch of people I don’t know, and someone I have bad blood with. The only people I’ve played with previously are mitch who I never really spoke to and shoib who I trust but isn’t very active. I have tried to talk to people but a lot of them are difficult to engage with. They don’t really make conversation, don’t ask me questions back, and don’t seem interested in talking to me. It feels like they know I’d be an easy vote because I’m a fan and I’m from the other tribe. I stick out like a sore thumb. Furthermore, the comp players were randomized and I ended up not even getting to participate and help the tribe. I will try to create better relationships today but I don’t know how well that is going to work. I have my advantage, but again I’m not sure if it will be enough. Hopefully today I can get myself clued into the vote and hopefully it won’t be me.
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We won! Yay! And I'm like medium happy with the tribe swap, I just wish I had mitch on my tribe like dad come back. Anyway since we won not a lot is happening so instead please enjoy this twitter video I found this morning it's pure gold watch until the end YAY 
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So another tribal and I feel safe, my name hasn't come u at all and I really want Ben gone because I BARELY talk to him and think he is a good social player would be a  threat come merge, he is also a fave and like I need the fans to stay or we could be in deep shit. I think rn I will vote Tyler or Benjamin, Tyler wants to vote Julia but I trust Julia and DO NOT want that to happen. ________________________________________________________________ Ok so like now the vote is changing to Tyler, many people feel as though he is playing way TOO HARD, he trusts me but like if that is what people want I have to go along with it
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Oh honey, oh hoooooooooneeeeeeey. Tyler honey? Coming after me honey? I think the fuck not, I didn't get to beat my record of 8th place, I'm not ready to go.
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SKw5ZbzanU8 ________________________________________________________________ So we currently are like just an hour and 18 mins from tribal and i'm extremely anxious. Idk how i can not be worried. Like this is a dangerous and big vote tonight let me tell you. But if this works out in my favor, than i've seriously been playing the game smart. Because I have so many people coming to me at the moment it's not even funny. And if I get to merge, I don't even know if I have to worry at the beginning. I have a shoib, julia, trixie f3 going on, a julia, matt, and rebecka f3, an autumn & julia f2, and a heather & julia f2(?). I also think I am in the good graces of Mo atm for exposing Tyler to him. So HOPEFULLY all my hard work pays off tonight and Tyler leaves. The funny thing about that situation is how once Shoib said he mentioned my name, I went all in. My goal is to know everything that is said in this game. And the moment someone mentions me and I find out, they are my no.1 target. Because honestly, in survivor you shouldnt give out second chances. Ok im rambeling at this point but yeah. Im def anxious. 
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WE SWAPPED! I'M HOME! WE WON! It's like everything is back to normal, but with Jake and Trixie to add to the funderfulness. We just made F13, I feel okay, just a little worried for Tyler. Shoib should be mostly okay but Ty is gonna need some assistance. I'm worried for his ass but I'm really hopeful that I can make merge with this group.
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ALSO I TOTALLY NEVER MENTIONED THIS. I ended up actually TELLING HEATHER ABOUT TRIXIES IDOL. I know you must think i'm dumb, and i'm questioning my decision too, but I think it's a good decision? My entire point was to bring Heather in closer so that she can trust me more. And I do believe it worked SOOOO, with that said, I think I will be gucci. 
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Don't write your confessional last minute challenge. I'm sorry hosts for always writing last minute confessionals that don't really give much of an in depth view into my strategy cause I don't have time to articulate it since I always fill it out last minute before tribal. But anyway, what was happened since the last tribal? a damn swap. I stayed with Autumn, I stayed with Jake, and I stayed with Drew. Staying with Autumn and Jake is soooooo iconique but I hate that Drew is on this tribe because I feel like they will target one another and I will have to pick a side, which is confirmed to be Autumn's side. IDk,,,, love that girl whew. So yea, if that happens and I can't do anything to make it better I will be standing behind Autumn. Drew and I don't even really talk any game and Autumn and I have like lonnnnngg game talk calls. My gut tells me to stick with her, so I'll follow my gut. I have had such a trash social game since we swapped. Catch me literally not having a conversation with anyone except jake and rebecca. Short ones at that. I need to step it up and winning these people over. I definitely plan on sticking with our alliance from our old tribe. Jake and Autumn are probably the people I feel the most comfortable with on this tribe. I think Rebecca wants to work with me and I think she also wants to work with Autumn so it would make sense that we would be able to get her to vote with us. Drew would vote with us too if he didn't decide to just target Autumn. I need to say hey to matt summers now that I'm thinking about it. I haven't talked about anything with him and he was someone who I was hoping to work with on the other tribe. Yikes... I hate myself. That's all I really can think of talking about and I can't type anymore.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #5: WE LANA DEL REY TONIGHT FAM -Rebecka
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Back from exile so here's the happenings ~Immediately cried to Beckka about Tim leaving and being slaughtered in my arms. ~Messaged Trixie, well she messaged me about what happened our other tribal. ~Messaged all the favs cuz idc if Im at the bottom, im obviously bottom of fans or favs so WHATEVER. ~Talked a lot to Julia cuz we have a lot in common (Witchcraft, being 16 y/o babies, getting lit) ~Told all the favs I have no one in this game which is true. FAVS IF YOU LISTENING TAKE ME IN. PLEASE AND THANKS. ~Messaged Vi cuz at least she was with me.
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Honestly what were they thinking with voting out Tee? I guess that's a challenge threat out of the way, so I won't complain.
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https://youtu.be/HepZnpuimhM ________________________________________________________________ https://youtu.be/IJWWj23olkA
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So the bad news is I found out Drew has been hardcore dropping my name since the game started and I thought we were cool but it's fine snakes will be snakes. I think he's a little shook about my at bat (me having won 1/3 games I've played) cause he's hinted at how crazy that is. And that would explain why he's pulling out fake receipts and conspiracies to get me out. Whew game recognize game https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ryans-reality-network/images/6/61/Awright_alyssa_edwards.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150724035546 The good news is Eddie is a real one, we really are Joe and Desi from HvHvH, and he spilled all the tea. And honestly we have a similar playing style so we're really about to go the distance, especially if I never get reunited with Julia or Rebecka. SO we need to slay this lip sync so we both live but on the off chance we lose, things are gonna kick into high gear. I've only seen one season of Survivor (HvHvH) but Tyler convinced me to watch Kaoh Rong and let me just say that has shed some light on things. Voting Jacob? Will always be there. Sending another fan out? No problem. Voting long-term? Now that's not a bad idea. So when I said, "What if we got Drew out?" Eddie was all ears. Obviously this is super early and under wraps BUT between the two of us we can make it happen. The key is Tyler and Jake so if we can get them we have a guaranteed majority. It all comes down to timing and the pitch. This is our best chance to clock Drew and whoever fails the vetting process will be left out. If Eddie says that whenever someone takes a shot at Drew they can't afford to miss and that has to be a blindside, then this plan has to be airtight. I wonder who could pull something like that off https://media.giphy.com/media/QmeB1Hr5fz7a0/giphy.gif
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I volunteered to do the music video since I was a film major and have professional editing software. It puts a good deal of pressure on me because if we lose it looks like I really dropped the ball. However, I’m hoping that my attempts to organize us and edit the entire thing will earn me some respect and points from my tribe. It’s a bit frustrating getting ideas out of everyone. Nobody seems to want to volunteer thoughts or contribute to the brainstorming and we don’t have much time at all to get this done.
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CdgOebQNYEE ________________________________________________________________ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cdsZyoPZe5Q
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First challenge on a new tribe and we lost. WHOOP DE DOO. Im going to try and find an in with the favs and hopefully stick with them. Saying how I have no allegience in this game. Also I keep forgetting that I can idol hunt so Im just casually at level 4 still I think. Ill probably look in the morning. But what were we thinking with Great Balls of Fire. That song is iconic and now that Tyler won he has chances of getting an in with people, but I want him gone Obviously no can do since I am not on his tribe anymore. Might as well dwindle down his numbers from this side then.
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So we lost the lip sync. I had to apply lipstick for the first time so that was fun. Sadly one of us has to go home and my guess is it's either Heather, Trixie or Vi unless me or another favorite is getting targeted secretly. I need Heather and Trixie in the game if i'm being honest, mainly due to Trixie having rumors spread about her on the OG Admirador tribe and I wanna see if I can mess around with that. Then Heather was saying that people on the OG Admirador tribe were being fake to her, and she also told me Tyler got paranoid due to Heather not responding to Tyler's messages. So I hope Tyler makes it past merge, because I can work with paranoia. For those who don't know I'm trying a villainy thing and it's probably gonna fail miserably and I'm gonna look like a dumb fuck but I was the hero on my season and I wanted to try villainy out. I'm not good at long confessionals I apologize I feel like i'm the kid in the class presentation who speaks in a monotone voice and makes everyone fall asleep.
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Me to the other tribe if/when i reach merge and we get to talk: https://desmadrechic.tumblr.com/post/171063789210/oh-god Ignore the caption that came with the video ajsjsjdkjd
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So the other tribe voted out Tee and I'm a n g e r y The challenge was a music video. Still a n g e r y We won. Still a n g e r y!
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So like this is bad for the fans, I feel like the faves will just band together and take the easy vote route, I need to socialise today. I need to just make strong social bonds and make sure people want to keep me around. I wanna act dumb and want them to think I am a free number for them. I like Drew and feel like he will be loyal to me, I am no 100% sure what Mitch and Autumn will do but I feel like they will keep me over Jake and Tyler if we end up going to tribal.
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Well look at that I got added to a new alliance chat...! Autumn added me, Tyler, and Eddie to an alliance and we named it "Keyboard Smashers" and um I like everyone in it but I also like Drew...so I'm gonna protec him! If we lose and we're still on the same tribe I think I'd want to vote out Mitch since he hasn't made any efforts to talk to me individually. It's a shame bc I think we'd have a lot in common, but oh well! Tbh I have a feeling that we're gonna swap into 3 tribes of 5 next round...my psyche is telling me this...and I'm always right! But I hope I'm wrong because I feel like I'm in a really good position on this tribe and I'm scared to swap on a tribe with people from the other tribe because I think Heather and Vi wouldn't work with me, neither would the faves on the other side. Anyways...I'm a bad bitch.
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We just did THAT and I'm happy for it. I've not gotten the chance to be as much if a social butterfly as I would like because my work situation is still adjusting, so if I can keep staying safe until merge that would be highly appreciated. HeatherAs of right now he vote is Vi. I dont agree with it since she is the only one who has been truthful to me in this game so far. But I dont see any way of saving her right now. My only choice I feel in this game is to team up with the favs and get out the fans, which I don't mind as long as that fan isn't me. Plus the fans (minus my loves Vi and Tim) all left me out of the vote. If they think I am going to crawl right back to them come another swap or merge, they have something coming. HOPEFULLY THIS VOTE ISNT ME OR ILL CRY.
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So I'm just like really sad because I love vi and I never wanted to vote her out of this game but I have to and that's really sad.  I don't really have much else to say I just feel super guilty.
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du du du..... another fan bites the dust and another fan gone, another fan gone another fan bites the dust
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Why is it that each tribal gets messier than the last? Well maybe I should back up. We lost... again. Wow what curse have we brought to this tribe. I call bs since we were nice enough to give an upbeat song. The judges are bias smh. Anyways literally no one talked. What vote who? I dunno. It’s super silent which brings bad news. Probably gonna have to expect to be voted out tonight. Oh well. Hopefully heather doesn’t get voted out but I feel like it’ll be another fan that’s gone. The favs know each other and so they’re banding together I believe. Such sadness. I’ll just have to wait until tribal to know tho
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Oh, right, this is a thing I need to do. Anyway, same boring shit as always, I'd put "Drew won an immunity challenge" as my mood message but it could be about anything, really. I think there are only like two tribal challenges I've ever lost in Athena. Bonus points because it was the music video challenge so you know my ass floated by and gave it all of ten minutes of thought, but we had a damn savant on the tribe! I love it when tribe swaps work out well for me. People were expressing all this sadness for Trixie and Vi going to their fifth tribal in a row and I'm just sitting here like listen, any goddamn time someone wants to take my seat at tribal and give me the night off, they're welcome to it. Denise Stapley is a cute look on some people, I guess. I'm just fine over here with my Cirie Fields kickback realness, I don't need tribal council, y'all can wait until FTC to give me a torch as far as I'm concerned.
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What's the haps? Stress, angina, and crippling anxiety. Anyway. We won immunity which I'm real happy about because I can nOT go to tribal council. I absolutely refuse to lose and I'm really hoping I just make it to merge without attending a tribal council. For some reason I feel like I will I will either go to like the tribal before merge and leave at the first tribal I attend or I will make it to merge without losing and I will be merge boot. I really am happy because I feel like if we went to tribal council Drew would have targeted Autumn which is something I am SOOOO against. I literally sold my soul to that girl and that's who I'm riding with for the rest of the game. So because I love ha so much I kind spilled the beans to her about Drew targeting her. I feel like really bad about it though cause I do consider Drew a close friend but for some reason I'm really having a hard time trusting him. I just feel like he's only with me until he doesn't need me anymore and then he'll totally see me for the threat that I am and take me out. I feel so bad about it but I just feel like it's what I needed to do to show Autumn that I trust her and have her back. Because of that I think Autumn would've gone after Drew and I feel like I would've had to pick a side and I really just can't vote Drew out yet njvjsdfkdnsjk. I would literally feel terrible about it cause I usually don't turn on my close allies pre-merge but if he goes after Autumn then I have no other choice. As I'm typing this I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't just tell Drew that I didn't want to vote Autumn out. Maybe he would've said ok we can target somebody else. Why don't I trust him enough to say that? Hmm idk I'm just so on edge. So a 4 person alliance was created and I'm soooooo happy. MY first alliance in this game! I finally feel have something I can maybe rely on and trust for a bit. It includes Autumn, Jake, and Tyler all of which I LOVEEEEE. Like omg this is my dream alliance I'm screaming. If we stick together we at least have enough to tie it. But who knows what will happen. I'm watching you JAKE >.>
0 notes
survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #4: He’s Dead To Me In This Game -Heather
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I want to cry. LITERALLY ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS KNOW THE VOTE. THAT IS IT. I WOULD HAVE VOTED ANYWAY. I miss Tim. but this new tribe thing is happening so hopefully I can get with the other side. BUT IM STILL HERE SO TIME TO FIGHT.
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I'm sad that there's a tribe swap I really like the favorites tribe we all worked really well together. However I'm wondering if this swap will assist in taking out big threats on our team
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that went as planned im glad especially with swap going on so now let’s hope I’m on tribe that wins 
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Wow I can't believe I am queen of getting exiled. Im shitting. I'm upset because I can't build any relationships, but also glad because I was a bottom voter. WELL IM IN F16 SO THATS GOOD. and I have time to recover from the flu sooo. Fun
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-before tim got  voted out- Okay, I want to vote Tim out. Vi told Heather Tyler was throwing her name out there so I don't want the possibility of an idol being played. Tim made an alliance chat with Tyler/Heather, he threw Tyler under the bus to me and then switched it to Trixie. He's playing messy. Also, he's apparently friends with Rebecka and idk how she stands with me, a tribe swap is coming so I need to think about that. It should be me/Tyler/Shoib/Tee/Trixie voting out Tim. ________________________________________________________________ So we just swapped tribes and I am pretty happy with who I'm with. My Zwooper thots Tyler and Shoib were the two from my tribe to come with me and I trusted them the most. As for the fans I'm now meeting, Drew and me are friends and he told me he'd cut bitches to save me so that's good. Eddie and I started talking a few weeks ago bc we're from Boston so we have connections, and I know Autumn from Crossroads. I've never talked to Mitch or Jacob before. I hope that Autumn is okay with me and doesn't distrust me from Crossroads. If we lose again I just hope that I'm in the clear, but I really want to win a challenge for once. ________________________________________________________________ Me getting removed from the challenge:
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me 10 seconds later:
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AHHHHHH WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?! I wanna cry. I’m just super busy this weekend and swap plus tim being voted out. I hope this party ends soon so I can actually help
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not sure about tribe the people i know I like are all on the other tribe so im a little bummed but we’ll see how it goes Rebecka seems really nice and so is Ben but i really would like to win a challenge for once ________________________________________________________________ i envy heather right now being in exile safe for a week with no stress omg 
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Hey not much has been happening and I don't even remember if I made a confessional last round, but we swapped so now stuff is actually happening. As soon as Autumn was added to Admirador, Shoib made an alliance chat with the three of us since we're all acquainted with Ashvika and Duncan and want to do them proud. I'm glad to be in it, cause I'd love to rob Drew of merge just because it would probably be the smartest move, i dunno. Eddie exists in some plane of reality and there's another favorite who I can't remember OH IT'S JACOB sldkslfjn. He also exists. According to Shoib, Tyler is the one who moved to vote out Tim, which is something I can respect. He wanted to take out a threat before he could meet up with the favs and turn on them. smart moving, tyler. I'll keep an eye on you.
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I have missed way too much today. Couldn't get on at all today because of work, so I didn't find out until around 10 that we swapped. I still have Drew and Autumn, so hopefully I can work something out if we lose. Wish me luck.
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I typed an entire thing in my name section instead of the "What's the haps?" Section and now I'm just sad, lazy and tired 
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xhO1nWKSrmQ&feature=youtu.be I'll also throw in the skincare routine I made for my tribe: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=doqWHEPSzaM ________________________________________________________________ First the egg task, then the cheese task. This is rigged against vegans and I will not stand for it! 
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Tbh I hope whichever side Tyler is on win so I don't have to see him. He is dead to me in this game. 
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https://youtu.be/SPKNd_nr-MA I'm sitting at my computer all day tryna win this challenge but eddies got either super speed powers or a very high speed internet connection and either one is fine do long as the FBI agent inside my computer does his job to help me win (we're gonna lose and I'm gonna be voted out for being annoying just watch) 
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https://youtu.be/vhhp9PxGgVA ________________________________________________________________ https://youtu.be/BTpHrHkMY0w
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*late submission*
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Rebecka https://youtu.be/rDOcb19KaHc I just want to congratulate Eddie on his wifi speed 
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im legit crying right now i just don’t seem to catch a break why can’t we just win one time please idk what’s going to happen tribal time but we’ll see if we can do the smart thing and get out inactive so we don’t lose again i tried so hard to get points and managed a few but they were so fast i mean seriously what are they using some super speed internet and extra fingers 
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The admins tried it and put me on this all-male tribe..... OF FRIENDS AND COMP BEASTS THAT KEEP WINNING SO BLOOP!! Himalayas is shaking All Stars could never
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Am I gonna miss Julia, Rebecka, and my fallen son Tim? Absolutely. Will I make the most out of this situation? Oh you already know. First of all, I'm on my Parvati Shallow grind and so far so good- Shoib created an alliance w/ me and Mitch to honor Duncan and Ashvika; Eddie is completely counting on me now that Julia is gone and Preciado is split; and Jake and I kinda sorta had a pre-made Final 2 oops. Also Drew loves me SO we out here. I hope to tighten things up with Jacob and Tyler but we'll see. Second of all, the last time I was on a tribe of all men, I was the last one standing. Me doing the Lord's work and getting men sent out one by one? Yep sounds about right
Third of all, and the most important thing is, Navarino is going great. I'm not a threat yet, I haven't had to be cracked so I'm slipping right on by, AND my social game is solid. Rebecka and Madison described me best in Himalayas when they said I stack everything like a house of cards. I'm doing a lot more socially this time around, but the fact remains: I know what I'm doing. I know when to be smart and when to play dumb, when to lead and when to sit back. We all know I can create targets and blindsides anytime any day but why rush things? It's pre-merge. Less is more so the motto is que sera sera. Jacob wants to be inactive? Cool go right ahead. Tyler wants to leave me on read? No problem. I want them to keep digging their graves so I can be the one to dump the dirt in. My allies want to prove they're comp kings? Perfect. That makes them perfect for my army. Lord knows I could use a fleet of massive targets that'll get picked off before me. Autumn and the Seven Shields is gonna be good I can feel it
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I am loving this tribe swap! We have a really strong tribe and I have gotten to know a few more people quite well - namely Eddie and Drew. My only reservation is that Drew KNOWS I am from Zwooper and that I know Shoib and Jake. I have told all the others that I don't play these Survivor games online. From my conversation with him he told me he adores Jake and would prefer to align with us. We will see how that shakes out. Hopefully we can just continue winning. 
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Oh man oh man. Here we go again. Tribal! Hopefully the new tribe doesn’t slowly pick us swap players off but hey at least we get heather. I believe we’re going with Matt as the vote bc he’s slightly inactive but who knows. This could turn out like last tribal and some how a completely different person gets voted out. Hopefully rebecka will save me for a bit until I establish myself again. I’m not sure how I feel about trixie being on the same tribe but I think we’re banding together. No hard feelings I hope. >.>
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Okay so we swapped tribes and
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I'M SITTING SO FUCKING PRETTY RIGHT NOW!!! I swapped with Jacob and Eddie, who were arguably the two people on the old Faves tribe who would most want to keep me, Autumn who is a good target and also is against Jacob's inactivity, Mitchy my fellow puzzle bro comp beast, and ALL FUCKING THREE ZWOOPER BOYS, THAT VIRTUALLY NO ONE KNOWS THEY KNOW EACH OTHER, AND NONE KNOW THAT I KNOW THEM!!! Like not REALLY, especially Tyler, who was so UTR zwooper that he wasn't even added to an initial Zwooper Boys alliance or whatever. This is a tribe I truly think I could ride to merge, if this tribe goes to merge. Mitchy and I are strong enough to crush almost any comp that could come our way, enough people want to work with me, I see no issues. I love that this is happening in the Admirador camp. It's so goddamn bougie hipster of us. Five elitist favorites who have never struggled a day in their lives, save three poor boys from the slums, down on their luck, and take over their neighborhood, leaving our old home to rot. The gentrification of it all is so real, the almond-milk-only coffee shop is being built on Thursday. Hopefully we can keep polishing up this turd of a campsite until it shines and all the white people wanna move here. I feel bad for Tee, Vi, and Trixie because all three tried in the challenge, but the Faves over there would be absolute idiots if they didn't send one of them home. Considering Heather is joining them tonight after tribal, I can't see how letting themselves become 4-4 is a good idea. But that's gonna be on them, I guess, there are enough people over there that I like but can't see myself working with so bye??? Imma just stay happy.
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my question for tribal says it all pretty much which i can post after this but i am realizing that if you aren’t part of the in crowd then you are left out just like school and I’ve had enough of that to last a lifetime so if this is my end so be it since too many people seem to know each other if i leave i hope Tyler decimates them i hate the fake people here and want the other tribe which actually talked to me and didn’t flat lie to my face ________________________________________________________________ personally activity should be take into account since we want to ensure victory so those that help need to be around somits smart to get dead weight out but i know many of these games are about social game and keeping friends in even if they don’t help exactly known as a floater or a goat since they help with votes and i personally find that unfair but as in life those that deserve to stay end up getting screwed over and those that don’t deserve to stay get to stay but i find that karma always has a way of coming back to work it’s magic  
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It's hard getting information from someone you're about to lie too but that's survivor I guess. I'm trying to make it seem like I'm just tagging along trying to survive.
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I am soo happy to finally win a challenge! drew already said that he’d be fine with flipping and voting autumn out if we lose so hmmmm i’ll keep that in mind. anyways i went on call with eddie for like and hour and just talked we’ve bonded over stuff before but have never played together so i think no one would expect us to be allies. he says he was happy to swap tribes bc he didn’t know where he stood with the faves. so with eddie and drew i see cracks in the faves which is good for me :)))
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Drew and I had a conversation this morning making me feel very good about him wanting to work with. So you can expect my paranoia about whether he’s just playing me or not to subside for about a day and a half but it’ll definitely be back by monday night latest. Cause we love having a character flaw of needing constant affirmation from somebody in order for my paranoia about them to subside ANYWAY, basically Drew and I were talking this morning and we began speaking about the tribe swap and he let me know that he was ecstatic with how it ended up. The key point in this conversation that made me happy was the fact that he almost instantly said he almost kinda wants to flip on the faves since they didn’t make us feel comfortable at all on the last tribe, and he also let me know that he thinks blindsiding Autumn with the fans might be a good move to make in order to split up her and Ben since he believes that her and Ben are tight.And before y’all get shook, NO I do not have any intention of blindsiding Autumn and I have every intention of making sure my queen makes merge. So that’s OFF the table, But Drew doesn’t know that. I spoke to Autumn last night and asked her about her general feelings on the people who were on our tribe prior to this game. She basically said that she really like Drew and Julia, Julia makes sense because of Crossroads and I also know she was being hella social on our pre-swap tribe and Drew also makes sense cause as soon as Drew said publicly that him mo and autumn should make a chat to talk about Drag race, I knew that would be a talking point that will bond autumn and drew together. But then again if Autumn feels like she has to say that just because she might feel like I’m close to drew then it might not be true. But idk how much people are actually worried about drew and i working together cause nobody seemed to care about the crossroads cess pool that our pre swap tribe was. I’m planning to go on a call with little miss drew and tell him that Autumn said she really likes him and that she feels that they’ve bonded over drag race in order to get drew to see autumn more as a number than as a threat. Once Drew see’s somebody as a possible number to advance him in the game, he doesn’t care who you are he doesn’t want you gone, so hopefully I can throw him off of Autumn for a bit because I’m planning on trying to lowkey get something going between Autumn, Drew, and I so that we can be the ones who dictate what goes on, on this tribe. Autumn has a connection to Jake from crossroads, and Drew has a connection to Jake from Zwooper, I have a connection with jake that unless he has mentioned to anybody they wouldnt know, but jake and i actually began talking regularly before cross roads ended because he said he was a charli xcx stan in a vl which so am i so naturally i ran to his pms REAL fast. The reason were making sure miss Autumn gets to merge is because she is going to be a key factor in me playing both sides once the merge comes!! IF she really is close with ben like drew thinks, and has connections to the cross roads people and she feels that i am somebody who 100% has her back i will be clued in on anything that they might be doing behind my back. Rebecca also messaged me when the swap was announced saying that we both need to make merge so that we can kill this game together. The problem with people is they go to merge and then they asked the question of “oh no what am I going to do.” With me, every single thing I do pre-merge is so that when I do make that merge, I am in the prime position to make a long run in this game and have connections from both sides. I would like Drew in the merge to be my meat shield. Although I don’t know if people will actually try to target him because Drew is Drew and for some reason he always does really well in games.  If Drew can shield me for the first few rounds while I do my scheming and plotting and set myself up in a good position that will be perfect. The only problem is that Drew KNOWS that’s my game and I think he won’t be blind to it. This is music to my ears!! Autumn is already perceiving Drew as a threat. I love a meat shield!!! [2/18/18, 2:14:26 PM] Eddie Bracco (Mongolia host): [2/18/18, 2:12:38 PM] Autumn Hill: Like out of all the Preciado people getting swapped onto Admirador I’m glad he’s here cause he’s both strategic and good at challenges [2/18/18, 2:13:24 PM] Autumn Hill: will probably be a problem at merge haha but for now yeah he’s a big help Literally the only reason that I could be reading this situation wrong is if Autumn and Drew are somehow actually really close and planning everything they say to me to see if they can trust me
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I am happy with tribe swap I feel like I am in a good spot and I like Drew and feel like he has my back.
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I've been a busy busy flop. My social game has been pretty much nonexistent, and I haven't been doing well at the challenges that require a big time commitment. I'm lucky as FUCK that the favs have numbers in the swap, I was super paranoid that Ben and Mo might flip but we gucci. I'm in a sort of three person alliance with Julia and Rebecka, but Julia is my ride or die right now. I wanna make some MOVES now that I'm not as busy!!
1 note · View note
survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #3: Homeboy Has A Big Storm Coming -Tim
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Its 5 am and I got results! We LOST ! Im so not excited lol. Also Im everyone skipping over the fact that Pocket is gone....
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SO first pocket leaves which sucks cuz I like him. But Ok What the fuck tyler. Like you had one job and you say you were talking to the host chat when the hosts were in the chat? HE JUST MESSAGE THE TRIBE CHAT THAT WE MADE AN ALLIANCE. HUNNY
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So an alliance was born! The Tres Leches alliance of me, Tyler and Heather but I think one of the milk cartons just spoileddd. Tyler exposed himself in some way? Idk I was away from my phone but Heather is about to spill all the tea, or shall I say milk. 
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LFMAOOOSKZJSJSKA I was taking to Jake about my alliance with Tim and heather and was saying that he should talk to tee and trixie to lock it in with them but I accidentally said it in the main chat instead of my chat with Jake. Rip kinda bummed because I was playing such a good game and was in two alliances but now that I used the wrong chat I feel like it’s prob all over for me lol gg
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So apparently Tyler sent a message to the tribe chat about Tres Leches and claims only Heather saw it but I think Jake did too. Whether this was intentional or not is a different question. I would hope that it was an accident since he deleted it so fast and it would be counterintuitive to expose an alliance literally like 5 minutes after it was made. Tyler may have just dropped down on my align list and up on my threat list. The dude hasn't fell from the mountain yet which is scary if he's doing it daily. 
"I was literally like I got an alliance with Tim and heather and now I need to talk to tee and trixie more" -Tyler. [ If he thinks he's about to play me and get on everyones good side first he'll have to fight me because im doing that first.
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SO this morning was fun. Pocket quit... saw that coming. It's for the better, honestly. I have Jake/Shoib still for that little Zwooper crew. BUT Heather and Tim pulled me into an alliance with them as well. I was in a great position - in two alliances - and was reporting back to my ally Jake. Unfortunately, what I intended to send to him accidentally got sent to the main chat! I had said "just so you know heather and tim pulled me into a three person alliance. now you should talk to tee and trixie to cover our bases." I deleted it all so fast, but Heather saw it and confronted me about it. I told her that I had intended to write it to my host chat as I leave notes to myself, but I don't think she bought it at all. She even asked if I was talking to Jake. I believe only she and Jake saw since everyone else was offline. Jake is going to act like he didn't see anything and HOPEFULLY Heather will keep her mouth shut and just trust my little lie. If she doesn't and she tries to spread my name around I have no problem firing back at her. For one, I have no idea how she could go around explaining to anyone but Tim that I leaked the alliance chat to Jake. She can't incriminate herself. All she would really be able to tell people is that I was saying stuff that I had deleted and I was shady. If she and Tim do start to come for me I think I can turn the tables on them easily. For one, I will be honest with everyone else and tell them that I WAS leaking the alliance chat for the fact that I never wanted to be a part of it. For one, Heather is a huge threat and just admitted to people in the group that she took fourth place in her other org game. She also found TWO idols. Furthermore, I was watching the cast bios for the Favorites tribe and began snooping through this girl Rebecka's Youtube page and found a video declaring that she and Tim are best friends. Jake had told me that Julia, Autumn, and Rebecka are likely to stick together since they are all friends in previous games. Clearly, Tim has connections to the other tribe. And if all else fails - Tim and Heather specifically pulled ME into an alliance chat and failed to include the rest of the cast mates, so that could leave a pretty sour taste in their mouthes. We will see how it all unfolds if we go back to tribal. If Heather and Tim come for me I have a plan. If they don't and want to give me the benefit of the doubt then it will be all gravy.
Then again this could have all been avoided if I hadn't written in the wrong chat... But we love a messy game.
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ok no idea what just happened since i didn’t talk much to pockets but im sad to see him go at least no tribal but we have to win this one omg we need to get some of the vets out though a few of them i think could help me since the people here are hesitant about talking it’s hard to figure out who I can trust so it’s still in progress. 
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I was in class and I tried to help with the challenge then I fucked it uppppp! Im literally so so sick and Im probably getting votes. Rip me.
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Honestly can't even be mad at Tim for screwing up. I typed 1 number bc of New Years celebrations. Hopefully the other team isn't try harding the challenge and got pass 1000. ;-; Tribal coming up and I have no idea who to vote. O my. Been too busy to build up relationships and figure out people's psych profiles. So far a few people have came to me to talk about animals but I think that's screwing up my plans. I can't create my image if these convos are throwing random amounts of various descriptions onto me. Oops. Ahh whatever, I guess I'll have to leave them as a wild card. Time to rebuild relationships and make new ones in hopes to not be voted out.
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i can’t believe we made it to 1000 not sure if it’s enough to win but i think me Tyler jake and Tim secured enough to keep ourselves safe just in case we lose some people only did the one so they can be the ones to go since we did the work and put ourselves on the line to mess up 
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So Tim flopped the challenge, but it's okay. Hopefully we can pull out a W. I'll check back in after the results!
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This is not good, I feel like I am a target because of my comp performances so am gonna need to turn things around this vote, I am just gonna talk to everyone and get them to trust me and have faith in me to get better at comps lool
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So the vote is already being discussed. Jake and I agreed that Heather is the only one right now who can potentially sink our game. It's as if me writing my game plan in the main chat by mistake was a hit gone bad and Heather saw too much... so now we have to kill her. But really - she has an inclination that I meant to send that to Jake (which I did) and has spread it to Tim. I believe Tim bought my story, but I know Heather didn't. I talked about the vote with Tee first and she was hinting at voting for someone who didn't contribute much initially but I made her realize that people were on different schedules and some could not contribute until later. She understood and I switched gears to talk about taking out someone who potentially has connections to the other tribe. This weeded out a lot of players and left us with Trixie and Heather. I was able to make her realize that Trixie seems to be floating along a bit and has done fairly well in challenges, while Heather is much more active, game-y, and social. She is a bigger threat overall. Tee picked it up and ran with it. She went to Shoib and Jake about it and they confirmed with me that she wanted to target Heather. They acted out of the loop but agreed to it too. Shoib believes he can get Trixie and I believe I can get Vi. We are worried about tipping off the wrong person who could in turn warn Heather. Hopefully everything goes as planned and she gets blindsided. I don't think she would see this coming so early. She was bragging about getting 4th place in another game because if she made F3 she would win and she talked about finding two idols. But still - the girl SAW TOO MUCH.
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We won again, I feel like I'm being carried by my team I love them all so much honestly, legit we don't have any issues so far with eachother from my knowledge. But. (Oh fuck there's a but) I am trying a different strategy this game, in attempt to spice things up a little bit, I can't do anything with it at the moment so I need to wait. Let's hope I don't fail miserably. Either way don't c o u n t  me out.
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(had just woken from my slumber and meds hadn't kicked in and i looked a mess, i hadnt yet brushed my hair or moisturized SO if you think im ugly me vote me out shoutout to lukas/cast of isle of skye) 
(PS i use the term bitch loosely so like pls don't be offended if i call u a bitch i call everyone a bitch i feel like bitch is synonymous with person)
(also i have legit adhd and im all over the place in this video so if u think im annoying maybe skip over me being a mess and if you think im funny then maybe watch the whole thing idk its just me DIS JUST ME OK)
(if there’s someone you don’t like I've also included some people i spoke about other than those in the cast and if you dont like them and dont want me to talk kindly of them then skip over their time stamps :)
immunity challenge thoughts: :45-:50, Jodi Engagement Announcement feat. my mom: 2:10 An American Tragedy: 2:45 (literally tragic dont @ me) Times I talk about cole: 3:56, 4:22, 24:55-26:42 Madison Kimrey: 22:40 shoutout to VI about 29:15 in just wanna say ily and hope by the end of this game we’re closer to each other
drew: 1:00 (for like 2 seconds then i ramble) then back at 3:40, 6:30-9:50ish,  14:40-14:50, 30:55-30:38ish autumn: 10:10-16:50 ish julia:11:45-12:00, 17:14-20:50ish (SORRY ABOUT THE ANNOYING TYPING PT 1) mitch: 20:55-21:45ish, 31:00-31:12 eddie: 21:55-22:14, 22:50;22:55,  23:25 ish for like 2 seconds (side note i didnt mean to not talk about eddie? eddie seems very chill id very much like to work with eddie ben: 22:50-23:50, jacob: 23:55-28:20 (sorry for the i love cole rant in the middle of yours idk what triggered that im sorry and im not talking about you being mean to cole at all so if it came off that way that was unintentional!! also you were okay in the circle cast so also not talking about you there) matthew/mo: 23:20 - 28:52 mo: 28:52-30:10 myself: 30:25-literally throughout this video 
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I really feel as if I let my tribe down by fucking up in the challenge which Im sure I did but they claim to not be voting for me which I think may be believable? idk either way this tribal is going to be a very very hard one for me especially. I am going to try and NOT throw any names out so that I dont become an even bigger target than I actually am. And If I get voted out.... (its what he deserves image). Also I learned something about myself. I am a very very very very very very very emotional player as well as strategic player but I'm working onhandling my emotions because just like Widowmaker says "Your emotions make you vulnerableee".
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*This confessional is for after we lost the second challenge, before Pocket quit*
So there's already cracks in this "Zwooper Alliance." Pocket wanted to turn on Tyler because Tyler shot down his strategy for the puzzle challenge, like really? Anyways, I told Tyler because he's my number 1. Tyler was talking to Pocket and Pocket started calling ME shady to Tyler, bitch what? Okay, if that's how you feel then I don't to work with you. No one has said a vote but the Zwooper alliance is dead to me.
*After Pocket Quit*
Okay so Pocket quit. Bye. If he stayed around I think he would've been targeted by people anyways. But I did just lose a number I thought I had before. And to make matters worse, Tyler royally fucked up his game and maybe mine. Tim went to Tyler yesterday and asked him if he wanted to be in an alliance with him and Heather. Okay, first off. Tim says he trusts me a lot but doesn't want ME in an alliance chat??? YOU'RE DEAD TO ME! Anyways, Tyler's DUMB ASS messaged the TRIBE CHAT instead of ME "Okay now that I have an alliance with Tim/Heather we should be good. You just have to be good with Trixie and Tee." AND HEATHER READ IT. I spammed Tyler to delete that shit immediately but she saw and acted dumb saying shit like "I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT" girl BYE. So she went to Tyler and asked him if he was talking to me bc I said "wooo" in the main chat a few mins before he did that. Great. Tim and Heather can't stay around now. I need them broken up ASAP. Jake*After we lost the last challenge* Okay, third loss in a row. Luzon is shaking. I'm gunning for Heather idc. We are going to have a tribe swap soon and I don't trust her. I've heard from others that she does really well in other games and plays very hard. She's clearly close with Tim and I don't know if she has connections on the other tribe. I got Tyler to push for it to people in case it came out that her name was going around, but Tee and Shoib seemed to agree fully. And Shoib told me that Trixie was down as well. If this does happen, I don't want Tim or Heather to find out about the vote ofc. I think they may have an idol. I want them both to think they're safe so that if we do get the votes, it's a blindside and Heather goes. Let's hope this works, it's time to shake the game up.
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So apparently I am piloting the expose Tyler party which I am livinggg for. He is playing a really snake game early on and is targeting players who have played games before and based on their past results which has literally no correlation to this one??? And rest assured that my gameplay peaked in Isle Of Skye. But He is targeting Me, Tyler, Heather, Jake and Shoib. Which is like really really silly of him because those are 5 people and we have majority. Not to mention that Vi played a game and is spilling tea to Heather which is spilling it to me, while I spill it to the other "vets". Its a teaquality around these parts. Anyways he fails to realize that this is the Admirador tribe aka the FANS tribe meaning we are all literally new here in Athena therefore we are on a clean slate. but smh newbies be like that sometime just look at Madison in Atomic Survivor Isle of Skye cough cough. Anyways homeboy has a big storm coming. Now the question is whether we should vote him or Trixie. I can work with him if I need it but why would you target """"""" vets """""""" when your supposed number one ally is a vet. Like... its silly but I might understand that he wants to give complete newbies a chance which is only him and Tee! Shoib and Trixi eplayed Kalos TOGETHER lmaooooo. If you're going to do your search on players at least double check and search deep. 
So I want to tell Tyler this with urgency but I can not, otherwise he will know that I am onto him. But Dear Tyler: I ever so tragically learned that sometimes people know past people from games and there is nothing one can do about that. Yes this puts you at a seemingly bad or severe disadvantage but it is your responsibility to create bonds and trust with those players so much so that your new connections outweigh a possible old connection. Also games change my friend. Sometimes you can work with a player in one game and be enemies in the next. It all changes and its out of anyones control. It is also difficult on players who have played many many times before due to having to repair or maintain m=past relationships where as us newbies have a clean slate. I can tell that you are so ready to play the game and you are actually very strategic and you haven't even fell from the mountain yet which is crazyyy. Keep your head up in the event that you go home this round. If so, Im sorry and I hope that there is no hard feelings but there is no reasoning behind some decisions.
Wait... if Tyler hasn't fell yet does that mean he has an idol? hmmmmmmmmmmmm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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Heather just confronted me because Vi tipped her off that I mentioned her name. Fortunately I had said to vi that I “heard” heather and wasn’t actually doing it but rather filling her in. I told heather I never warned her because she’s been dodging me ever since I leaked our alliance by mistake. She said she felt we both made mistakes and had miscommunication and wanted to work everything out so she and Tim have been telling me to vote someone who isn’t very active like trixie and surely vi will go along. First of all I’m annoyed as hell that vi spilled all that. Now I know I can’t trust her. The vote is likely switching to tim since heather would idol herself at this point if she had one. Meanwhile, tim surely has connections to the other side. I was watching bios and snooped Rebeckas YouTube channel and found a video saying her and Tim are best friends. The fact that he has connections to the other side is SKETCHY. I made sure to tell tee Jake trixie and shoib all about it and they are 100% down with voting tim. Oh and Tim was bad mouthing me to Jake. Oop.
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So Ive been INSANELY busy with my real life and haven't been messaging people first recently. Its been if I see a message Ill sneak my phone out and respond, but apparently Tyler thinks I'm against him now. Like hun. I wasnt against you. And hes thrown my name out to a lot of people. Praise Vi for being there for me and letting me know while I was at rehearsal.  Ughh I dont know why Im a threat cuz of past games. Like sorry I have learned to separate my games thank you very much. Otherwise I wouldn't be working with Vi or Tim
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four, two, one, five -- i see an idol before my eyes!
so I found the admirador idol and the only person who knows about it is shoib. on day one we made a f2 pact that i'll be his jacob if he will be my quil and his rat ass better never go back on that. shoib, if you are reading this now and you've backstabbed future me, i'm boycotting jack sparrow forever
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I'm having such strong flashbacks to Himalayas. Our tribe is really doing THAT just like Parvati. Mind you Preciado is the Walmart version of Parvati but hey. It still gets the job done! Let's start with the positives. Things are still going well with Julia, which makes me so happy y'all have no idea. I'm also really vibing with Drew and Eddie, who I'm now officially aligned with. He seemed sincere and then like an hour later Julia was telling me he approached her about working together too. So well played but not well enough cause Julia and I will compare aaaaalll receipts from him lmao. Also now that Rebecka and I are on the same tribe in 2 games, we are OFFICIALLY allies!!! It only took 4 games hahaha
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Now for the... negatives. My tribe is driving me crazy because I like confidence and direction and good communication and fairness, all of which we struggle with on Preciado. That same energy the men use to argue why they deserve to sit out is the same energy I want to see in the actual gameplay. Like can we talk about that counting challenge and how coming up with a strategy felt like pulling teeth? We spent hours picking TWO people to sit out and highkey it's a miracle that messiness didn't cost us. Basically I'm getting cabin fever with the lack of opportunities to trim the fat. Me throwing a challenge for the greater good? Never say never. At this rate as SOON as we lose my cracked side will come out 
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Also someone come get Jacob cause I can't even with him. I wanted to like him but I cannot stand flops or flop behavior and after last night's stunt?? Issa no from me. Like is this bitch really gonna play dumb about why he got sat out? After ghosting the tribe, making us wait upwards of an hour, and nearly preventing us from starting the challenge?? We won so NO ONE is talking about how sketch that was but let me just let y'all know: that was so sketchy it could break an Etch-A-Sketch. How is Jacob online and aware of what's going on but can't be bothered to show up when it's time to actually start the challenge? But he can suddenly appear out of thin air to act cute and surprised about getting sat out? Boy bye. It's no accident you're showing up a minute after the challenge starts get the fuck outta here with that "oh”
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idk why we keep losing but it gets frustrating and i would like to have one week of no stress it’s so messy for voting right now 
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Me in everyone's pms because of the possible tribe swap: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/285/016/9d9.gif
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So everyone is saying Trixie rn, but according to some people Trixie, Tyler, and Tee have an alliance and Tylers the one spreading past game information about me. He has been avoiding telling me who it is which makes me believe it was him. HES MAD AT ME FOR NOT TALKING TO HIM. LIKE BOI IT WAS A DAY WHEN I DIDNT TALK TO YOU. THE DAY I TALKED TO LIKE NOBODY BECAUSE I WAS IN SCHOOL FROM 6AM TO 7PM AND DIDNT GET HOME TIL 9. LIKE THATS NO REASON TO TURN ON YOUR "Alliance" Ughh. I swear if he ends my game because in another game where idol hunting is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT I played 2 idols, I will actually flip shit. Trixie and I keep trying to talk, but it never grows into a full conversation. If I stay this round, I am going to have to decide to lay low or play hard. UGHH WHY ARE PEOPLE STRESSFUL.
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Does Tyler have an idol fjsksksk.
Why do people always sa "haha" like that upsets me lol idk it just gives me wierd vibessss. Anyways... it looks like its Trixie who's going home and thats ok with me tbh.
This round the votes are up to either vi and jake which I think is very much true.
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So Trixie says she found an idol so I am really HAPPY about that, the vote tonight is REALLY not easy, I am hearing it's between Tim and Trixie. Heather was a fake vote and now Tyler and Jake wanna blindside Tim, I LOVE Tim so it just sucks. I think in the long run this move will pay off massively since Tyler will be a massive shield for people like me Trixie and Tee. I am surprised my name didn't come up since I haven't been doing too hot in challenges but who knows, maybe I'm getting voted tonight :x
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This could in fact be idol paranoia but I feel like im about to be idoled outttt.
Im 100% convinced that I'm going home *sigh*. Ce la vi. Welp might as well say my goodbyes great idol play in advance Tyler.
Guess what else I learned about myself! Not only am I an emotional mess of a player I'm also a defeatist!! I love feeling like I'm going every tribal. Also hosts blacklist me from confessing if I confess too much lmfaooo
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I have a feeling I am getting idoled out. :( Just a feeling.
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so like ive been making sure to talk to autumn and mitch a bit just so that when they talk to ben about a potential target for this round im not one of them because I’m assuming since they’re friends prior they’ll talk to each other more open and freely and won’t dance around the subject. It seems like ben is itching to get something going so if he wants to form an alliance and make me part of it id love iT!!
I don’t trust anybody on my tribe cause they’re ALL shady!! Even DREW, WE LOVE PARANOIA THEY”RE PROBABLY NOT BEING SHADY AT ALL AND IT’S ALL IN MY HEAD. I just want to swap cause I’m flipping like a mother fucking pancake. I hope I end up on a tribe with majority faves but a little majority like maybe 5-3 or something so that I can have options and see how the faves make me feel when once we swap, and if it aint good then a binch will FLIP to the fans JUST LIKE THAT.
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Fan Favorite and Player of the Season Awards!
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Fan Favorite
We decided to split this up into 2 categories: Fans and Favorites. The community had 24 hours to vote, and with 40.7% and 25.9% of the votes respectively, the Fan Favorite awards go to...
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Congratulations Shoib and Julia!
Player of the Season
When it came to Player of the Season, we decided to split this up into two categories as well. 
Our first PotS comes from the original Fan’s tribe. We chose..
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Shoib was a target at the very first tribal council, but with his persuasive ways and charm over people, he was able to play all sides with the majority either always trusting him, or always afraid to try and get him out. If he had made it to Final Tribal Council, there is no doubt he would have won the whole season. Congratulations, Shoib!
Our final PotS comes from the original Favorite’s tribe. We chose...
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Julia was a dominating force from the get go. She was in the know for every vote, behind a lot of big moves, and honesty? Extremely entertaining. She was the center point of a lot of drama, was targeted more times than almost anyone else in merge, yet despite all this, we was able to work her magic and get to the end of the game. Coming so far from her previous games, we truly feel Julia deserves this award. Congratulations Julia!
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Sass and Post-Season Awards!
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Most active - Katherine/Jacob
Least likely to sue us - Pocket
Least confessionals - Tim
Least bitter - Tee
Least confusing strategy - Vi (How do you feel about snakes?)
Least likely to be thirsted over - Tyler
Most successful mountain climber - Drew
Hates balloons and moisturizer - Ben
Always knew what was going on - Matt
Worst puns - Mo
Never accidentally calls the tribe chat - Rebecka
Least loyal - Mitch
Least argumentative - Eddie
Least likely to get his ass beat in Massachusetts - Jake
Least likely to go to Hell - Autumn
Worst liar - Shoib
Least likely to have an idol - Trixie
Would never get in a fight - Julia
Most likely to play for 2nd Place - Heather
Hero of the season - Mo
Villain of the season - Jake
Most robbed (pre-merge) - Tim
Most robbed (post-merge) - Shoib
Most cracked - Jake
Kindest - Mitch
Most improved from their previous seasons - Julia and Mitch
Most improved throughout the season - Shoib
Most heartbreaking boot - Mo and Eddie
Best jury speech/question - “Grab the knife, now grab Fiesta.” -Jake
Dynamic duo - Shoib/Trixie, Jake/Julia, and Autumn/Eddie
Season highlights - F7 Tribal Council, F6 Tribe Chat Fight, Drink Challenge
Comp beast - Shoib
Best alliance - Witches Coven
Biggest mistake - Mo not using the Deja Vote at the Final 10
Best lip syncers - Rebecka, Matt, and Ben
Most entertaining - Trixie
Most iconic tribal - Final 7 “I’m going to Hell, Eddie.”
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survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #2: Shape Up Or Ship Out -Autumn
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Im shook that I'm not the first boot. Now its time to be second boot wig.
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Episode 2 woo! The challenge has been posted and its interesting! I came up with a strategy for the challenge that im hoping will give us an edge over our competition. Also Do these girlies guylies and palies really think I'm about to pick the order? You must be like... silly. Im not making myself into a leader or painting a target on my back lmfaooo.
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2 and a half hour calls with Julia on a school night/ in the middle of the work week? Absolutely
We talk shit about men, relive our glory days in Crossroads, and stay bitter about our dog days in All Stars I love it. Speaking of talking shit, apparently Matt hit Julia up for an alliance?? I don't really mind except it's hitting me that no one's approached me about working together.... so either no one's having those conversations or everyone is and I'm the odd one out. So if we lose, shit is really gonna pop off. BUT maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing- once we lose then we could really start winning
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Preciado is in this cruise control paradox. Everyone is conserving energy until merge and just wants everything to be easy and chill; yet to make it to merge you have to slay and course-correct as shit pops off, which is hard to do if you're not spending time and energy on the game. Do we need to play balls to the wall in Round 2? No not necessarily. But is the way we're playing right now sustainable? No ma'am. I like everyone sure but I'd like them a lot more if they pulled their fucking weight. What does that look like, you might ask? - Contributing consistently and sizably - how often you're online - being active in the tribe chat - being a part of group decisions - not disappearing for long stretches of time without giving context so we're not all spamming you/ praying you check your phone someday - knowing that yes you're bad at puzzles but taking one for the team because 5 people can't sit out - acknowledging that you're busy/ don't have internet for the weekend/ aren't sober YET knowing that we all have lives so yes you're STILL expected to contribute I'm just saying a lot of people are being inconsistent and that is gonna fuck us up sooner rather than later. And you'd think all this would go unsaid on a tribe of veterans but I guess not so let me be clear. Flop behavior will not be tolerated so shape up or ship out
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Everything happens for a threeson.
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Well the vote on Katherine when off without much of a fuss. Was helpful that they weren’t active so there was no drama that happened. New challenge, new day. I swear if I got the hardest puzzle and it’s a slide, ima go slam my head on the desk a couple times. Maybe it’ll help me finish it. Jigsaw puzzle tho. I’m fine with that. Hopefully everyone else steps up their game Bc we only have so many inactive people to vote out. I’m prettttty sure people are already working behind everyone’s back so gotta watch out for that too. Sad. I just want friends ;-;
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"Hey guys! Drew has been climbing the Dientes de Navarino and has fallen!"
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THESE HOSTS OUT HERE LYIN' ABOUT ME!!! The jealousy is so strong, y'all........................................
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So last night I learned that Pocket cannot control his emotions. As the tribe began to discuss ways to approach the immunity challenge I saw Pocket suggesting we do a reverse order and put our best against their worst and our worst against their best. That made absolutely no sense to me so I vocalized my opinion. I did it in a respectful way and closed by saying I was happy to do whatever the tribe decided. Pocket gave a one word reply and dipped from the conversation so I knew he was a bit annoyed that I had a different view. It didn't take long for Jake to let me know that Pocket was already talking to him and Shoib about taking me out of the game "sooner rather than later." The fact that he is willing to sink an alliance where he has numbers just because I disagreed with his approach to an immunity challenge made me realize that he is NOT someone I want to be aligned with for very long. I talked things out with him and he apologized and even volunteered to me that he was talking about me to Jake and Shoib (I guess he was afraid it would get back to me - but it already had). He then want on to talk about Shoib and Jake TO ME. He ranted about how they are shady and not trustworthy. I showed Jake and we agreed to show Shoib when the time is right. Pocket has proven to be kind of messy, which is sad because I liked him initially and wanted to work with him. However, I do not want someone like that to sink my game. I have no problem aligning with tumblr players - and I have already. It was just nice to have that bit of security that the 4 of us knew each other and NOBODY knows we know each other. 
Furthermore, I just did that immunity challenge and WHEW! That was tough. I feel pretty good about my time. It wasn't bad given the nature of the puzzle. Lots of pieces that were curved and abstract and a picture that wasn't too clear initially. Hopefully it's enough. I took a harder puzzle to show my tribe I'd stick my neck out and try things. I think it should speak more. Plus, I still feel like I'm in a good spot because of how much I put into the scav. I think the players will value me and what I bring to the table.
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so I just COMpleted the puzzle! The one from the mountain that is lmao and that in itself took me 20 minutes! Curse that Francie goat! I genuinely suck at puzzles so im gonna play my music and try really hard on the puzzle challenge! I honestly should have chosen a smaller number (I picked 5) but you know I had to do it to myself! I hope I do well enough to where I'm not a potential vote or we actually win something for once lmao!!!
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not sure how i feel about this since its mostly luck lets hope they don't feel the need to really try as they think we all suck so we can win majority of rounds and get an overall win
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When you are usually a queen at puzzles, but you flop. Yea thats me
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Pocket's being way too volatile for my liking right now. We got the instructions for the immunity challenge where we had to number ourselves from best to worst in order of puzzles and I guess Pocket wanted to put our worst on the hardest puzzle but Tyler shut him down. So Pocket came to the chat with me and Shoib and said that he wanted to vote Tyler out immediately. Like no.
Anyways then he went to Tyler saying that I was shady and should go soon so boo if you're gonna talk shit about everyone in your "alliance" then I am going to lose trust in you.
Now he's telling Tyler that he wants to get voted out next if we lose because he doesn't fit in with anyone here. Like jeez, why does one of my numbers have to self sabotage their game? Oh well. If he's going to act like this the whole game then it will probably be better for him to go soon.
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Can someone let me know why I am so bad at idol searching. Please and thank you. IT WANTS ME TO FAIL
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0 notes
survivornavarino · 6 years
Episode #1: I Tried Giving My Heart To Him Once, And He Ate It -Drew
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*Extreme keyboard smashing* I love this cast so very muchhhhh
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https://i.gyazo.com/9496850dcc77a64b212b20a2651ef2c3.jpg Is this where we post or selfie? Also So pumped to get this party started!
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I'm having fun, it feels like everyone knows each other so that's- yknow that's like... it's fun... like 2 people know me
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I’m actually really glad with who is in my tribe so far. Like tim and heather. Hopefully this doesn’t screw over my plan since they all ready know how I play. Isbdownriwkd maybe I shouldn’t have revealed everything to them. Maybe loyalty will perserve and they won’t fear back stab me ;-; This will throw a kink into things. I’ll see how much I can get the loyalty of the others to have a buffer against this chance
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I just got situated on my new tribe and I was absolutely delighted to meet everyone. Everybody seems super friendly and excited to play. Right off the bat I recognized 3 other people from Zwooper, where I usually play Survivor games. Two of them I know vaguely, and another I am actually pretty close with. I know he’s a brilliant player and I have every intention of working extremely closely with him but I also know he is a huge threat, makes great speeches, and wins a ton of games. So I am just checking every avenue at this point. I am making sure not to get too comfortable in my little zwooper alliance. I have been talking to all the other new players - particularly Tim who seems really cool. It will naturally be in our best interests to keep our Zwooper background under wraps else we could easily be targeted for knowing each other. 
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So I'm going to summarize my night one experience!!! The cast seems very very promising ! I love my tribe although I haven't spoken to everyone privately just yet. So inside the rules were an extra search up the mountain and I took it! I'm positive that I'm not the only one who found it though but it did in fact come in handy. The first task was to photoshop a picture of Zach riding a rhino during some historic event and that was hilarious lol. Its not the best quality since I made it for speed. On the second trip, I had to do a puzzle and omg do I hate puzzles why must yall make me suffer. I spent like 20 mins trying to do that puzzle lmao!!! This definetly puts everyone who took the advantage ahead by atleast one step. So the challenge!! Its a scavenger hunt and im happy that we get to do that! I really am stoked about the shakespearean stuff but Tim isnt a fool. This is fans vs faves after all and its important to be aware of the game collectively. Your boy  (partially) studied the cast as of last night more specifically the favorites and I am aware that Rebecka is extremely fond of scavenger hunts so Im going to make sure I put some extra effort into the challenge. I'm super excited for the game to pick up and really start rolling. Hopefully I can be able to make it pretty far and at least past first merge boot. Let the battle begin I guess!
Me and my PC are gonna have a freaking fight because it wont upload my Youtube Video!!!!! Fotr the hunt!!!! But anyways everyone seems to be contributing a bunch and being active in the chat maybe except for Kaugh? If that is their name? I haven't spoken to them yet but Pocket is also afk but I've spoken to him. 
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I finally got to writing a confessional. YAY. I'M IN ATHENA WAITING TO BE FIRST BOOT. FUN FUN FUN. I am super excited that the first thing is a scavenger hunt. I am going to do an impressions thing when I get a better feel from everyone, and when the challenge is not taking up my time.
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omg this game is fun it is a tad much to take in all at once but i am slowly getting comfortable with people and how to maneuver the tasks i think Tyler and Tim are my closest so far even though it is early but we are having fun with the challenge i think it helps us talk some since we just met. 
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I am just beginning my takeover of this game, I am close with Pocket and Trixie and they will be my royal advisers. I will dispatch them to gain info for me tonight.
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Im literally having so much fun filming all of these videos but my data is sufferingggg. Its worth it though because im having fun! Also one of our tribe mates is dead so thats an easy vote in the event that we lose which I see might be likely (Faves are strong man)
Live footage of me after picking path 3 on level 3 and falling, notifying the tribe of my searches:
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I love dodging possible situations that could blow up my game with memes 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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Heather just asked me what level I was on and I wasnt gonna actually tell her I was on level 3? So I told her I was on level 2 and picked path 2? Hopefully the trend of rocks falling on the number that is its path and level is a thing. Or she picked path 2 and saw rocks fall and now she thinks it was her fault. Either way I hope this zooms by everyones head. :/
So Shoib came to me and told me about the extra search which I already knew about but I plaued it dumb and was like "omg thank". This atleast means he is looking out for me or trying to befriend me in some way. Browny points for him but he's a clever one. Also Pocket was like .. did you get anything... NO  lmao! I wish! I hope he doesn't think I have some advantage somewhere.
Ok and another thing! Heather is on level 3 im sure of it and she picked path one know that. She used the same excuse as me after I said i didnt search on day one but she she claimed to be on level 2 and picked path one. Sure Jan. Also I don't think she saved her extra search just yet.
Im going to slow down the rate at which I search the Dientes de Navarino. Im speculating that once you use all 5 paths on level one up you're searching potential is over. Its smarter if I wait foran alliance so we can collaborate on which paths to use, ensuring that we dont run out of searches. I can also use that knowledge to sabotage them mwahahaha.
Shoib told me not to take path 4 on level 2... you know what im gonna do? Take path 4 on level 2 so that I can get back to level 3. Thanks pal you just helped me more than you could've ever known.
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So, first challenge, I haven't done anything to help at all and that worries me. While I'm writing this there is a spider like a couple feet away from me and it's moving.
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Im really enjoying this tribe and the tribe call! Alliance question mark? (Me, Heather, Jake, Tyler????
Can Vi and pocket leave the call so I can form an alliance fksgfhvhb.!
Can Vi leave the group call so I can make an alliance already!! Like sis has said she was leaving like 80 times already but shes still here! LET ME LIVE LOL
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Well well well
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I'm back at it again I LOVE this new pink room with pretty smiling faces at the top. The other confessional rooms could never. Ok so it's the first full day of the game, which feels a lot like the first day of school. You find your friends, see who's in your classes, and come up with a game plan. Obviously I don't know everyone, but I know enough. Mitch, Julia, Rebecka, Benjamin, Jake, Tim, AND Shoib?? Oh it's lit. So far I love my tribe and that will probably bode well for the season but you never know. I know there's beef between Eddie and Benjamin which is PERFECT for down the road, but for now I'm pretty happy and don't plan on turning up anytime soon
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Now we know Mitch, Jacob, and Rebecka are my Himalayas family and I want to work with Benjamin too BUT I definitely have a Day 1 that I can count on and that's Julia. The tea is Julia and I joked about getting cast together and being allies and then it happened haha so we love a premade Final 2. At first I was nervous but Julia is great when she's not pissed and that reminds me a lot of myself lmao. She's literally Cher from Clueless- very high energy, sociable, and smart; which makes me Dionne- very chill, supportive, and strategic. Jules and I are redeeming ourselves after All Stars y'all heard it here first- the cracked queens are sticking together
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Me thinking about the things I said about working with Vi.
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I'm always reminded of the ravages of time while playing these games, i know it doesn't seem like a huge age difference but it def feels like decades between us, though everyone seems nice enough I feel like the camp councilor trying to stay relevant 
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Me af rn
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This scavenger hunt is great. So far is seems really fair and equal. I don't get how the 100 likes is possible ;-; but lipsyncing was fun. I had to practice bc I dunno English *shrugs. Also I feel like there are a lot of inactive members but it usually takes me all the way until merge to learn people's names so... uh hopefully Heather and Tim will lead me. The tribe is so great, the discussion on games and musicals was fun. It really was a destresser. Hopefully we do it again soon!
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Its the final day of the scavenger hunt and its going very well! Except for the fact that some people aren't lipsyncing or making cards! The lip sync is worth 10 points so like YALL GOTTA DO IT OR ELSE WE LOSE. We're gonna lose tho because peeps arent lip syncing but Katherine should be the easy vote. *Squints aggressively at tribe*
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so far shoib and jake and Tyler have been talkative and definitely seem like they are possibly allies as we move forward im not impressed with any of the girls it is really hard to keep meaningful conversation going with them so we will see
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So im pretty sure Rebecka actually went to the zoo to see a real rhino cuz she's a queen lol and I saw on my youtube that Ben made a paparrazi lipsync because he made it public and not unlisted fksksks i love knowledge its power
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ahhhh i have so much to do today
I need to have a good conversation with autumn today and speak to her before immunity results come out an basically hey girly!!! I got your back ;)... but i need to talk to her like a lot this afternoon before i bring that up!'
I need to talk to Rebecca more too and have another conversation with her too and I really need to knock it out of the ball park in terms of making her feel like I’m somebody who she could work with going forward and like who cares if I don't like your best friend!!!
I also need to talk to Julia a lot today too but I’m like trying to wait for a time to message her that’s not like immediately in the morning aka like right now so it doesn’t feel like i rushed to say hi to her just to make my rounds, but do it at a more later part in the day to make it seem a little more relaxed and less like it was a plan to message people first thing in the morning.
Mitch and I had a really good convo last night I think. I mean we talked about candles and his love for them and the normal stuff that I couldn’t be less interested in but a binch needs numbers so you gotta do what you gotta do.
Matt Summers posed on for a quick second and replied to my hello from 10 in the AM. He replied and said hey what’s up and then never answered the message I sent to him immediately after which like ok,,,,, i just hope this is how he’s being with everyone else because if so we sure do love an easy first boot!!!! It also gives me time to really since my fangs into these people and find me some numbers!! (lady vamp)
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I just wanted to say that the GAME SO FAR IS LIT!!!! I LOVE ALL THE NEW FRIENDS I'M MAKING!!!
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Listen I am just here to live a good life as a strong Christian woman, I don't need any attention, and what kind of hell has come down for me...
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Like was casting me and Eddie in the same season payback for casting Amanda, Emily, and Francie together?????? WE BOTH HAVE GOTDAMN MONGOLIA HOST IN OUR NAME???? And you bring in Ben, who Eddie JUST fought with in the Mongo VL, Autumn who is basically his bestie these days...Like if you wanted a bitch to get 20th, you could've at least reached out for All Stars so I could have spared Karen!!!
Like okay listen, I love Eddie like a brother I sometimes flirt with too much and then have to hide from for a month. If we can get past day 6, we could do some great things in this game. I think we're finally ready for that experience. But jesus fuck if those 6 days aren't gonna be tough as fuck...
Highkey do you know what my ass needs??? A SWAP! GET ME WITH THE MENINIST ZWOOPER BOYS. GET ME TO MY JAKE P AND EVERYTHING WILL BE RIGHT WITH THE WORLD, LITTLE BOSTONIAN MUFFIN OF LOVE. TAKE ME AWAY TO SHOIB, WHOSE NAME IS ACTUALLY SPELLED LIKE THAT. AND DEAR SWEET POCKET ROCKET, WHOSE NAME IS AS RHYTHMIC AS IT IS RAUNCHY, IDK YOU BOO BUT WE CAN STILL SQUAD UP. Like I need access to allies people aren't going to know I have. Eddie? Too obvious. Mitchy? Too obvious. Jacob? Slightly less obvious but the boy won't keep it a secret. Rebecka? It's an option??? But she shady as fuck. Matt Summers? I already tried giving my heart to him once, and he ate it. Julia? Lowest of keys one of the better options I have, I'll take the witch, I'm down to clown, but also gotta watch out for that Crossroads connection to Autumn, which is also a through-connection to Ben, so we're in for a clusterfuck of love. (that's all I can think of right now, and if I haven't named you yet, you're probably too irrelevant to consider) (I just checked and the only person I didn't name is Mo, so I stand by the irrelevancy statement)
So if we can't trust in allies, we have to trust in that patented Drewcifer challenge strength! Just get me to a damn swap, I will do all of these ridiculous tasks, and lip sync to Paparazzi of all fucking things, and dress like Jeff Probst (which was actually just my normal workwear with an ugly baseball cap so now I feel gross), just get me to the next round and we can build from there.
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I feel guilty because this is how I act in like a group project at school like pretending I'm helping by little comments but in reality I'm just sitting there because I don't know what I'm doing nor do I have access to stuff that can help. Nobody has messaged me about an alliance yet, so that's fun, I still think I'm getting first boot if we lose this challenge which is why I'm grasping at straws to try to help. I counted how many points we had and told everyone the total like "look I'm being helpful" so people will think "oh he's in it to win it guys" 
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First of all this is adorable http://prntscr.com/idx4yh Second of all HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO VOTE ANYONE OUT??? ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE AMAZING????
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Me looking for results like:
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it isn’t fair we lost after all the work we put into the challenge but that’s the game i guess now we just have to survive a tribal and first vote is the worst 
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Respect to the other team for coming so close, their efforts were admiradorable.
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Pretends to be shocked that we lost. If only everyone did a lipsync. Smh but you cant force people do to things they dont want to I giess but special accomidations were even made to where they had privacy. Anyways Im bonding more I hope aleast with people but this should be an easy vote.
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What an emotional rollarcoaster. Where is my tea? Slightly pissed at the people who didn’t do the lipsync. We could have won. Oh well this means rebecka is safe so maybe it’s worth it. Who knows what could have happened. We shall see who gets voted out but I’m thinking it’s someone who didn’t do anything TimIm feeling extremely sick about the loss in hindsight. All that effort just thrown down the drain? It feels extremely terrible and is definitely a shot to the heart. 
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Sorry im confessing again fjsksks but this is the mood after the first results: the third one is me being upset at [redacted] https://confsnavarino.tumblr.com/post/170818412711/moodboard-after-the-loss
I forgot to confess this but like... im convinced my tribe mate is a model. https://confsnavarino.tumblr.com/post/170818459861 BLEASE
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I'm feeling... ANNOYED. I know I participated a lot to that challenge and I had fun doing it! So even though it didn't result in a win I do NOT regret taking flour to the face or shanking three balloons or any of the other crazy stuff I did. With that being said we COULD have won this challenge if everyone pulled their weight. Four people didn't lip sync. If those four people had taken the five minutes required to make a half-decent lip sync video we would have beaten the fans by ONE point. The four flops are Shoib, Tee, Trixie, Katherine. Tee and Trixie did a lot of photos and seem pretty cool, so they are off the table. That leaves Shoib and Katherine. Shoib is in my Zwooper alliance of four so I have to cover for him... which is really unfair. If he wasn't a number for me I would not at all be opposed to voting him off for this. He really let the tribe down and contributed a whopping TWO things to the entire list. I used his rule-reading video as leverage while trying to point out who contributed more between Katherine and him. Most people seem to kind of agree that Katherine didn't do much, doesn't talk much, and isn't an asset to the team. Hopefully, we can just trim the fat and send her packing. 
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I plan on getting the vote on Kathy because I feel like she contributed the least amount to the comp and I haven't talked to her much.
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Whelp, Guess who lost the challenge. HEHEHE I wanna cry. I put so much into scavenger hunts, but the faves got the immunity. However there were definitely some people who didn't contribute so I feel they should def go first. but here are some impressions
Tim: I love him with all my heart and might actually be able to work with him, which is litty. Vi: She tried in the challenge and I really like that. I get good vibes from her, so hopefully I can get to working with her Tee: Her picture is gorgeous and she seems very sweet. I get REALLY good vibes from her and really want to Tyler: He is very cool and said he admires my contributions to the challenge and would like to work with me going further into the game Pocket: He looks like my cousin and Jesus. He seems chill. Not too active but not too inactive. And he sings and acts so I love Trixie: Haven't exactly talked to her much yet, hopefully chill. Kathy: The 2 games I'm in with her shes inactive. Ill try talking to her again Jake: I love Jake. I love Jake. I love Jake. I love Jake. I LOVE JAKE. That is all Shoib: He came off too strong for me, but he genuinely seems nice. Someone make me stop liking people. Its bad for my game and I will prob cry if someone backstabs me
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I'm disappointed in my boy Shoib's contribution this challenge but Katherine is the ghost around camp and my theory is she is jealous of my body hair and for this reason shes too overwhelmed to compete. C'est La Vie.
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When I saw that we lost I was Wouldiwas Shookspeared that we could've one is everyone lip synced 
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Hi all!! Rebecka here!! Running 20 mins late to my psychiatrist appointment so what better a time than to confess about this game??? Ok so first off this cast WHEW!!! I love autumn and would love to work with her but every time we try to work together in a game it's like cursed so here's hoping third times the charm??? Julia the witch is cool af I hope we can work well together after I voted her out in crossroads!! Lol!!!!!! I hosted circle with drew this past season and he hasn't said much to me/I'm pretty sure he's hated me since day 1 which idk why Bc he's never said anything about it but I just have social anxiety and I feel like he doesn't like me!! Idk here's hoping. He approached me asking if I'd wanna secretly work with him which I'd be incredibly down for because I'd love to work with drew but I just hope he's not fucking with me!! I'm unsure how I feel about Jacob Albright Bc we've met before but I feel strange vibes from him too. MITCH IS MY ONE TRUE LOV AND I BETTER BE ABLE TO WORK WITH HIM IN THIS GAME BECAUSE I LOV HIM???????????? That's how I feel about that. Love him. He slay my life. Idk the other ppl in the game but Eddie seems nice and has been messaging me.   I AM glad we won the scavenger hunt Bc I honestly don't know how a tribal week 1 would've gone down. Lastly I'm just still confused as to how I got picked as a fav but I'll roll with it!!! Ok ya!! Xoxo gossip Beckka 
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[This confessional is for before the immunity results, basically the first two days of the game)
Ahhh yes, time for my 2nd org. Last time I placed 2nd and this time I'm coming for the crown. 
Being on a fan's tribe is kind of intimidating, just because I think that all the players on the favorite's tribe are more experienced than us which could be an advantage. 
So let me just give a quick rundown of the cast. 
I actually know Tyler, Pocket, and Shoib from Zwooper. When we got added to tribes, Pocket & Shoib added me to a chat with them and were like "Zwooper Alliance!" And I was like umm, Tyler is from Zwooper too? Lol. They wanted to create a separate chat with him, so I don't think they trust him. I definitely trust Tyler the most though, we've been friends for a while.
As for everyone else on our tribe, I've talked to Tim and Trixie a bit, and they both like Nintendo so I like them! Heather seems cool too. I talked to Tee for a while as well, but the conversation doesn't feel that exciting. I haven't talked to Katherine or Vi much.
I am worried about the Faves tribe because Autumn, Julia, and Rebecka are there from crossroads. I backstabbed Julia and Rebecka in that game, oops. And I feel like they might form a tight alliance because Autumn told me that her and Rebecka wanted to be secret allies in crossroads, and I know that Julia and Rebecka got stoned every night in Ponderosa so they're def close. 
However, Drew is on the Faves tribe and he is a good friend of mind. He wanted me to play this game with him before we got cast so I think he would be loyal to me if we ended up on a tribe later on. 
Sooo we just lost the challenge, great. And we would've won if these people just did a FUCKING LIP SYNC! How hard is it to fake sing for 3 minutes?? Gtfo. Tyler is GUNG HO on getting someone who didn't lip sync out, and he brought up Katherine's name. And I'm fine with that. We barely talked Day 1 and she hasn't said a word to me in two days. Her name is going around because others are bringing her up to me. I feel like this vote should be more intense since the first vote for crossroads was, but then again that was a starting tribe of 6 and this is a starting tribe of 10, so maybe people are just focusing on challenge threats rn. Either way, I just hope my name isn't going around. That's all I care about.
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sooooo im gonna let yall know whats good with the admirador tribe. so first of all i think i only know three of them BUT i like them. so first they have jake. i love jake price!!!! but like we kinda went against each other in crossroads but we became really good friends after and we got a streak! but honestly if i swap, i want jake on a tribe. i would DEF love to work with him. next they have trixie who i LOVE. she is a feminist and we have worked together and i see it happening here. im just afraid of her and jake being a mess tbh. and than there is shoib. i love shoib but the child has a MOUTH on him. so he is also pretty freaking messy like omfg. its exhausting girllllll! but if i swapped it would be ideal to have them all on a tribe of mine because we could all kick it together. the rest of them I honestly have no clue about like y'all really scouted for them. but hopefully shoib jake and trixie live after this tribal bc i really wanna work with them. but lowkey wouldnt care if admirador kept flopping lol! 
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http://youtu.be/xiJFcgShj1A Woo?
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So far everyone has been telling me Kathy, which I am fine with. Just means an easy round for me and gives me time to take a well needed nap :)
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So miss katherine decides to show up and talk after we lost.LMAO. Sorry but you're a couple days late. Also Pocket joined the club pf falling from the mountain and i love it. I just wonder how far he got up it... Time to vote katherine out.
OMG Heather fell too. PS: Im a smart cookie. I discovered that  if you fall you only fall by two levels therefore all the paths on level 1 and two are safe wig. I also know to avoid number 3 on levels 3 and 4 but im gonna pick it once I get to level 5! Also thanks Heather and Pocket for confirming this.
D*UCK Heather found out you only fall by 2 levels just as i confessed. Well I guess that info was inevitable to discover.
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After tonight we will have 9 tribe members in the chat,which will feel different because, i guess it won't because Katherine doesn't say anything :S oh wait she complimented my beard.
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im going to be second boot
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Im getting weird vibes about this tribal.
Pre-season cast assessment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWtdLG4Hquo&feature=youtu.be
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