survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Player Of The Season 1st Place
This season’s player of the season is...
Like Jordan, Lily only went to one tribal pre-merge. However once merge hit, she was in probably the most powerful position other than Drew. She slayed the challenges, was on everyone’s good side, and was consistently calling the shots on who to target. One wrong move at final six ended her game, but she was definitely the jury favorite, the player’s favorite, and if I paid attention to the VL, probably the fan favorite as well.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Player Of The Season 2nd Place
Easily the most...inexperienced player of the season, but with the most Pokemon knowledge, he made it all the way to final four. While he was targeted a lot throughout the game, he was a part of the Nejire Cult, and was one of the only people in the season who made absolutely no enemies. Many members of the jury were even considering giving him the win if he made it to FTC
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Player Of The Season 3rd Place
At this point I firmly believe the top three could all be players of the season in their own right, but 3rd place is...
Zach was in an extremely powerful position the entire merge and until Akito left. Watching him play was so fun and early on I called that he was gonna win. Blind week just screwed him over.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Player Of The Season 4th Place
Jordan Means
I usually refrain from giving any finalists any other rewards since they made the end, but this is an exception. Jordan only went to one tribal council premerge where he voted wrong, but he picked it back up at merge. He saved himself with Mesprit and then got Akito out with his 2 double votes. Sure, he stumbled a bit in the middle of the merge, but by the end he was in a power position and almost won the whole game.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Player of The Season 5th Place
Jenna went from being the second voted out to being in a pretty strong position on Nejire and after the swap. She created a tight enough bond with Jacob that he gave her his idol instead of using it on himself. An integral part of the Ghostie Alliance, she got robbed at merge when Mesprit and Azelf were played.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Final Tribal Council Votes
All the votes are in! It’s time to crown a winner of Pacific Islands: Sinnoh! Tonight you want to see your name. I’ll read the votes.
First vote...
im voting for drew to win
Second vote...
You said it was just a game and that we be friends afterwards. If that's true then lets be friends otherwise, I'm voting the person who stabbed me in the front instead of the back.
Third vote...
I vote means and no I’m not bitter cus I don’t care cya in reunion
That’s one vote Drew, one vote Logan, one vote Jordan Means. Eight votes left.
Fourth vote...
my final vote is drew im leaving the chat
Fifth vote...
Vote: Jordan Means ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
Sixth vote...
Hi sorry for taking awhile, but i vote for Drew
Seventh vote...
I'm voting for Jordan to win.
Eighth vote...
Ninth vote...
Jordan: pretend your name is superimposed over that tropius picture we both know about 👀
That’s four votes Drew, four votes Jordan Means, one vote Logan, two votes left.
Tenth vote...
I was always debating voting between two people but not only were you the person I was closer to in the finals, you were the most upfront person with me. That's why I maybe unpredictably vote for Jordan Memes.
Eleventh vote...and the winner of Pacific Islands Sinnoh....IS TO BE REVEALED!
I'm voting for Drew. Although his alliance with the two other finalists screwed me over I wouldn't have gotten this far without him
How this will work is the person who voted for Logan will be the ONLY person to cast a revote. Please do that ASAP!
Winner of Pacific Islands: Sinnoh....
Congratulations Drew!!!!
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Logan’s Jury Answers
Steven: Hey Steven! So I do think my game plan did work, especially in terms of doing better than I did my original season. Staying under the radar may have seemed a bad move sitting here at the end, but I’m here and I reached my goal, and whatever else happens is a happy ending. I do think my plan was flexible enough to work through any problem. While I did have limited social contact with several people, I still had strong enough ties to at least one person who was in power outside of my core alliance to shift the course of the game had I wanted or needed to. Thanks for the question <3
Zach:   1. One of the moves I made was flipping on Rob. I was very dead set in working with Rob until the end, but as time went on, unfortunately I realized that if I stayed with him, I’d stay in the minority and eventually be voted out, probably around final 7 or so. So, unfortunately, I had to break that bond. Another, while I did not vote for Akito myself, was helping in his vote out. I knew that when he said to me he was afraid of Drew, that if I took that information to Drew he’d “do something” about it. I was not shocked when I saw Akito left in the blind tribal. Akito was the best ally I’d had up through pre-merge and the first few votes of merge, and that’s why I didn’t vote for him, but my leaking was his ultimate cause of death. 2. I said a lot of things this game and didn’t say other things, and that is naturally perceived poorly. I’m not going to name names, but I know who I’ve upset. That eats at me and I’m extremely sorry about that. Every move I make is not personal, but I understand that some things I’ve done were perceived that way, and I’m sorry. I won’t apologize for game moves - that’s things I had to do to get here - but anything I’ve said that has hurt you is on me. 3.     I also triggered the blind round, for funsies! I didn’t want to die before I had a chance to play Uxie, so I been did that.
Rob: Eric and Jordan - I voted for Eric because he had a good social game. I knew that with his social game, it would be hard for him to be voted out with his good relationships later on. I voted for Jordan simply because we didn't really talk so that’s about it. He’s here with me now though and I wouldn't have it any other way <3 Steven - I really thought this was the way the vote was going. That’s about all I can say. Zach - So this one hurt. I did not want to vote for Zach, I was in an alliance with him, and then nobody would budge. I voted with the majority only because I had to, but I wish I hadn’t. Rob - When Rob left, I don’t remember what was going through my head. I voted for Rob because I knew our time working together I was hoping for a tie, I wasn’t expecting our plan of getting two votes on Lily to actually work, and had it come to a tie, I would have flipped.
But it didn’t. Billy -  I voted for you because this is how my alliance wanted to go. I was a team with them. Steven - We didn't chat <3 I’m sorry 2.0 Mitch - I voted for you, Mitch, because I couldn't trust you 100%. Drew had lied to me, but always owned up and come back to it. We had a good bond, but it wasn’t where my gut told me to go. I’m sorry. Lily - Lily was going to win. I knew if I wanted any chance at anything, ever, I couldn’t sit at the end with both Drew and Lily. So that’s the reason there. Steven - I knew it would happen and I should have actually pushed fire making with you, but I made a promise to Drew and Means to be with them here at final 3, and that’s why I voted for you.
Mitch: I can use someone as a meat shield while simultaneously being loyal to Drew. He was the one person I was consistently loyal to, which is why I ran to him at final 6. And you’re right, he and I really did have a mutually informative relationship. That’s why we are here together! I was truly loyal to Drew and that I won’t have regrets for, especially because it got me here. Billy: What I did beside use people and throw them away was I kept close connections with people who would feed me information. Do you know how forest fires can spread underground? My reach was like that. I was very very close to Drew, and we had a mutual relationship of sharing information. While I didn’t talk to everyone, I talked to enough people to be able to flip anything, as I said. As I said in my response to Zach, while I did not vote for Akito, my sharing information with Drew about Akito played a large part in him being voted out. So my background movement had a hand in many votes. If that’s not doing enough for you, I can’t change that, it’s in the past. Thank you for consideration :)
Akito: I’ve never been perceived as the snake before so… thank you for that. I played differently and that I’m happy with, even if others aren’t. Don’t be afraid of some change!
Lily: My favorite color is sunset red. It’s the fancy way to say red orange.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Steven's Jury Question
Jury Stuff: Well done all three of you despite how salty I feel. I'll be basing my vote on who I think played in a way that I respect.
Logan, we had little contact until final four where you quite sneakily tried to get on my good side and possibly wanting to vote with me towards going to firemaking. Do you think your game plan worked since you flew under the radar of both the large alliances and made it all the way to this point? I do respect your method as it's one that I use myself. Secondly, do you think your plan was flexible enough to work through any problem that could've come your way.
Jordan, I didn't really talk to you at all throughout the entire thing so I do want to ask what your game plan was altogether? Secondly, What moves did you make that could be deemed as game changing even if only slightly? (sorry this is so short as I don't really have much to ask)
And lastly we come to Drew. You were definitely a big threat throughout this entire game but a mixture of idols and immunities saved you from the chopping block multiple times but I do have a question. Your game plan this time around especially towards the end was to make deals and promises to different people and obviously you couldn't keep them all, hence why i'm here and not in final 3. While you were a power player I wasn't a fan of how you handled some of your alliances. Another question I have is If you kept a ghostie in for FTC do you think you would stand a much greater chance since you were the puppet master throughout this game? My final question to you would be, If you weren't aiming to win then wouldn't it be more fun to make the final few tribals more interesting?
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Zach's Jury Question
I want to begin by saying congratulations to all three of you. Despite what some may say or whatnot, you three are the ones at the end and us, the jury, are not. In addition, i’d like to also note that my vote will not be based on friendships, but who I think is deserving or played in a way that I most respect.
Logan. I love you as a person outside the game, and as a friend, am extremely proud of you for getting to the end! As mentioned above though, I will be voting for who I think played the hardest/the best, and i’ll be excluding any personal relationships when casting my vote for a winner. I feel like your game consisted of not making big moves, but making sure you’re not the one being voted out. Although it’s not my preferred strategy since i’m more of a bold player, it’s still a method I respect because in the end you’re there and i’m here! I want to ask you two questions. First, explain moves that you’ve made or participated in within this game and identify moves perhaps where you strayed from a majority decision and spiced things up. Secondly, some of the jury is hurt by things you’ve said or done in this game. I want you to defend those actions/decisions you made, and do some damage control in a way. This question is fairly broad so it’s up to your interpretation on how you answer!
Next up is Jordan Memes. You seem like a fine person, and I have nothing against you. Some of the jury feels like you’ve had to work to get where you are, but I don’t see it. That being said, I have two questions for you. My first question is what was your strategy? Explain perhaps in thorough detail or provide examples because i’d love to know (not being sarcastic or bitchy, i’m just curious because we didn’t work together so i’m lacking knowledge as to how you played the game or the bonds you’ve made). That leads me to my second and final question; why should I vote for you despite our lack of social connection? Of the three, I talked to you the least, and the only day I talked to you was the day I left. I understand communication is a two-way street, but I can’t fully be blamed since i’m the one on jury and you’re not, implying you did something right.
Last but definitely not least, Drew. Similar to Logan, I love you outside the game and I consider you a friend. We have this pattern where we kill each other in the games, and I very much expected to leave in a landslide vote. Love Lily’s extra vote hehe. But, that won’t be what it takes to get my vote. I think I have 3 questions for YOU in particular. My first question stems from the jury’s view. A lot of people say that you mentioned you only wanted second place, so why should the jury award you the win if your intention wasn’t to win? Was it a strategy? Leading to my second question, who were you playing for if you didn’t want to win? My last question for you is explain your game and why the jury should vote for you. I see you as one would call “a puppet master”, but unfortunately others think that should be viewed negatively due to moves made in this game. Convince them otherwise - or in other words, defend your moves and the decisions you’ve made in this game.
Thank you to all three of you, and I mean no offence by these questions. I just wanted to be extra and give thoughtful questions. You all are great people and should be proud that you made final 3 out of a ~24 person cast. Good luck, and i’ll be looking forward to reading your answers!
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Rob's Jury Question
Speech Hi, I would like each of you to go list every vote you made during the merge and explain the reasoning why you made them.
Also, shoutout to Zach. I love Zach and this is a PSA that he won Kuang Si!!! King (party)
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Mitch’s Jury Question
Logan: I just want to mention that from my perspective and everything I've heard, YOU were the one feeding information to Drew, not the other way around. You told Drew Akito was scared of him, you ran to Drew at final 6 when we were TRYING to take him outm and you've depended on him for the whole game. Not the other way around. The meat shield strategy requires you to take out the meat shield before they can make it to the end. Guess who's still here? Jordan: I can appreciate a person who laid on the minority of things and played semi-under the radar. No one wanted to go at you until it was too late, but for the majority of merge you voted wrong. You still bounced back though. I give you props. Drew: I remember when you told me that you just wanted to win because "I'll be damned if eight of these assholes make it farther than I do" and that you were "just seeing how this would play out." That still a thing?
My question to all of you: What's the best N E W relationship you made because of this game? If I have any reason to believe you're lying, bye.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Alex’s Jury Statement
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Eric's Jury Questions
Hey Guys! Congrats on final 3. I'm going to get right into so first I am going to go with Jordan.
Jordan, we never talked, and that isn't something I hold against you. The only problem is as of now I have no reason why I should vote for you, since I have no clue what you did in the game strategically or socially. Thanks, and hopefully during this FTC I can understand more about what you did throughout the game since I didn't get the opportunity to learn.
Drew! I'm so happy to see a fellow Nejire member make it to the end. I knew a lot about your game in the beginning, and had a feeling of where you stood with others and that seemed to be the only thing I was right about in this game. I know that you lied about me when I was out, including my double vote. I don't really understand why, but I guess it would make sense to lie about the person who can't defend themselves. Thanks, and I would like to hear what you have to say to everyone else!
My question to everyone: Say 3 nice things about EVERYONE (including prejurors). You can't say the same quality for more than 4 people. You also have to say 3 negative things about the people sitting next to you.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Logan's Opening Statement
I’d like to start off my opening statements by saying thank you to Jay, Allison, Sara and Andrew for hosting this amazing season, and by thanking everyone who played the game - nothing could have been done without you. I think I should win, not because I was the most social or won the most comps, but because my strategies, caution with who I shared information with, and drive to get here kept me going until, once again, I sit at the final 3 in a Pacific Islands Pokemon season. This time, however, I fully intend to win. Entering into the game, I had one goal in mind - beat my placement in Hoenn. As most know, I was the final juror, killed after a tie-breaker challenge where Steffen won final immunity and chose to take Carson to the end instead. I did not, however, think that I could actually pull this off. The cast of this game was formidable - specifically seeing Billy, Mitch, Zach and Lily. I knew they would all be dangerous opponents for one reason or another, be it competitions or sociability or both. Then, to make the icing on the cake even thicker, Neijre was revealed and I realized my greatest opponent would not be the aforementioned, but instead the notorious Drew. After this, and going into the swap, I knew I needed to find good allies, and find them I did. Most notably, my connection with Akito, finding and giving and discussing information, kept me alive throughout the pre-merge phase, as did a fairly strong social bond with Lily and Eric, where secrets were swapped on a factions Minecraft server. All of these things led into merge with a strong surrounding of people around me, and despite the falter of losing Willa instead of Jacob with the use of the super idol, I felt confident in my allies and my place on the tribe. Once merge came, it was clear I needed to form more bonds to keep me alive. I decided that for my strategic sake, I needed to align with Drew. Not only was he a power player who could protect me and feed me information like a baby bird, but if there ever came a time where need be, he would most always be a target over me. Through this, he accidentally became my closest ally, and we ended up here together. With several alliances during merge, I knew I had a solid connections to carry me to at least mid-merge. When mid merge did come, however, it was time to start making painful cuts. The first was Zach, who was a good ally to me and always attempted to keep me informed. Next came Rob, who predictably and loyally had my back throughout the entirety of the game. That was a big regret and something I could have changed, but didn’t for my own benefit. Fortunately, cutting off my closest allies proved beneficial in getting to the end. While these decisions were hard, they were absolutely necessary. I look forward to answering all of your questions, and thank you again for giving the effort. Sorry for the late opening speech - college is a Good Time™.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Jordan’s Opening Statement
First of all, I just want to thank the hosts for casting me and for everyone in the cast for a great game. Above anything else you all have been a great cast and I seriously look forward to talking with all of you after this game is over - regardless of the decision made by the jury.
Coming into this game I was looking forward to being challenged, but not as much as I was in this game. When I voted in minority the first round, I figured I was just going to be booted pre-merge, just like other games I have been in. However, we swapped and due to other circumstances (like the ghost tribe) I was able to make connections with others, specifically Drew. I worked with Drew for a while and he was a very valuable asset to my game. He told me when I was in danger and really was my right hand man. Me making a connection with him really gave me momentum going forward.
However, Survivor is always changing and I had more obstacles to deal with. Chrissa and Alex got voted out, but I knew I had to work even harder to get to the end. When we had the double tribal, I was so relieved to have the legacy advantage. I thought things were going my way but, to my dismay, Drew blindsided me by voting out Eric instead of Billy. Instead of getting mad at Drew, I used the information he had told me about the 6 person alliance to get them out using one of my vote doubles.
As time progressed, I knew eventually that people who I have aligned with (Billy and Lily specifically) needed to go in order for me to have a chance to win this game. Billy was very close to Lily, and I felt like he would always choose them over me even though Lily was a huge threat to win the game. Personally, it was a very hard thing to do but I had been fighting since the beginning to win - I had to do what was necessary and that's why I voted for them.
People may judge me for Drew's inconsistency with me, but I always felt like I had an upperhand over him. Although he lied to me on 3 separate occasions, he always had information that he gave me in order for me to recover and stay in this game - whether he wanted me to or not. People may think he controlled the game, but he was never able to control me or my game.
I want to close my speech by saying that I adore the Final 3, I think we all have played separate games that can all be argued as "winnable". However, I do think I deserve to win this game. Since the beginning I have had to work extremely hard to get to the end - especially since the odds were against me multiple times.
If you were already planning on voting for me, I hope this speech helps confirm those thoughts. If this speech hasn't helped you lean my way for your vote, I look forward to answering your questions so I can explain my game even more. Good luck to my fellow finalists, and thank you all for taking the time to read my speech.
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Drew’s Opening Statement
Coming into this season in the way that I did, both as a part of the ghost tribe and with the reveal of my Mare Island placement, I was dead convinced I’d never be able to make it to this point. Having been accused of being bland in the past (I’d start listing names but I like to keep speeches less than two pages), I chose to play this game a little recklessly. I felt I would probably hear my name every time I didn’t have immunity so I didn’t have anything to lose by trying to be the person that dictated the path of the game. I really went for broke this season, and I hope it shows in the outcome.
First off, let me just say, I’ve vented at several of you about this over time but it bears repeating. It was a ROUGH life to start off on a tribe that no one knows exists, to be the redemption island beach for the main game, to bust in unannounced and tell everyone they’re actually six spots further from the end than they thought they were. I tried telling m’lil ghostie family this going into the swap when we were gonna be revealed, and while I’d like to think it sunk in, the reality was that it was always going to be harder still for me than any of the rest because of my reputation within the series. I was fortunate enough to never have to go to tribal on a post-swapped tribe, but it left me to the whim of the game in terms of how far my ghosties could make it. I did everything that I could to help them, but Scott withdrew and I lost Jacob along the way.
When merge hit, I was afraid that my existence would draw too much attention and tried to stay low. With five people immune, a double tribal, and the threat of like 8 different powers, I contented myself to sit back, let everyone know about my idol, and try to let it play out. Huge mistake. Half my ghosties were decimated in one fell swoop in a last minute power move by Akito that had nothing to do with my best interests. That tribal woke me the fuck up to the fact that the game would happen whether I wanted to take part in it or not. So I took charge. Having been informed of a six-person alliance on a tribe of eleven, I gathered up the five remaining people (Jordan, Lily, Billy, Steven), with Jordan’s two extra votes and Lily’s one, told them all about the power group, and created a majority alliance from a minority of people, to take out the person who killed my ghosties, and break the “perceived” duo of Zach and Rob. When I felt as though I was losing a little control in this group,  I made a new chat with Mitch/Logan/Gaston and worked the numbers in my old alliance to pull off two more tribals in a row in which people were voted out without a true majority. I then switched back to the Jordan/Lily/Steven trio, knowing that there was a crack between Jordan and Lily that didn’t exist in the other group.
F6 is where I felt the safest because I’d made it to this point with two idols, so I knew I was making final four. Still, when I lost immunity to the queen of Orisinal birds, I knew I’d have to deal with the target shifting to me. When Lily tried it, however, Logan, Jordan, and Steven all came to me within an hour of each other to warn me that it was happening. I let Jordan and Logan take point in the plan to save me and laid back from it completely. Their plan in their chat with Mitch/Lily was to get the votes split in case of the idol Mitch knew I had. No one still in the game knew that I also had a topaz idol in Giratina, so if they were lying to me, I’d still get my way, but I’d know they lied. Amazingly, they carried through with the plan to save me, and to vote Lily out as well in some of the worst 60 minutes of my org life. Despite how emotionally hard it was to get to that point, I got the final four I’d wanted for quite some time. Two ghosties, ensuring someone from original Nejire would be in the finals, and Logan and Jordan, who had been the final jurors in previous PI pokemon seasons, who I wanted to see make it one step further (Billy, before you start and say you were a final juror too, we already had Johto, and you did that in Midway too).
As with any Pokemon season, this game was riddled with advantages. As far as the tribal idols go, I figured out Jay’s game in where he was hiding them very quickly from the post about catching Pokemon and discovered the locations of all three tribal idols. I claimed the Nejire idol for myself, and once it was revealed the ghost tribe got to decide where we were swapping to, I set Jacob up to get the Hoseki idol and Scott to get the Paru idol. I’d already caught Giratina by then as well, and decided I would rather my two closest allies have some assurances for themselves that I had their best interests at heart, rather than hoarding all the power for myself. As it happened, Scott removed himself from the game and gave me back the Paru idol, and Jacob gave it away before being eliminated, but those were both out of my control. I also proved to be a magnet in terms of people telling me what resources they had. Jordan told me about the Arceus Super Merry-Go-Round idol and then GAVE it to me instead of a Hoseki ally, so I decided it was the property of the ghosties now, and passed it to Scott and then Jacob, who needed it to survive. I was also informed of Jordan’s two extra votes. Lily gave me the clue for Carnivine and then told me it was an extra vote, Jordan told me about his legacy advantage, Logan told me about his blind week, Alex told me about Dialga and the reset (or maybe Jordan did, I actually can’t remember), I was told Shaymin and Regigigas had nothing, Gaston eventually told me about Palkia and the tribe split. The only power I didn’t know about before it was played or removed from the game was Zach/Rob’s lake guardian idol. Knowing all of this and being able to plan its use or navigate around it gave me all the flexibility in the world to work my way through the game, make moves when they needed to be made, and keep things in check when they didn’t. In terms of the three powers I held, I played them all when they didn’t need to be played because at the end of the day, there wasn’t a time when they NEEDED to be played. Every time I might have needed an idol to save me, my connections and alliances did the job instead.
I know I talk about the numbers a lot, and I stand by the moves that I made from the perspective that I made them. The order from F11 to now happened exactly as I needed it too. I made sure that the voting order removed the three people I wasn’t aligned with, then the move to sit in the middle of two 3-person alliances, the breaking of what I deemed to be the stronger alliance, and the two people who tried to get me out. When an alliance I was in was going to make a move that didn’t benefit me, I pulled together a new group to make sure the outcome I wanted happened instead. At times leading up, I worked with Jordan against Logan, then with Logan against Jordan, and at the end with both of them, but in every vote I was working to get myself in the best position. All of this is not to say that I went through like an emotionless gamebot, these votes hurt. The votes for Billy and Gaston waited until 8:59 despite the decision being made hours earlier because I couldn’t believe what I needed to do, and obviously the Lily vote shattered pieces of me, especially to have it go down the way it did, without the benefit of time. I’m anticipating some negative feelings toward me for this season, and I own everything that I did. As friends, there wasn’t a single person in merge that I didn’t care about deeply. It would have been impossible to make decisions based on who I love and wanted to keep playing with, because it would result in a self-vote every time. I stand behind the choices that I made for the game, because they were my dominant path, and I’ll take what comes with that. I played the fuck out of this game, every angle, every second, and while I’ll obviously take whatever decision you all come to, I earned the win in this game. I love you all, please never doubt that fact, thanks for reading my rambling thoughts. I look forward to any questions, comments, and anything else that comes from your jury statements. Thank you for this season, as my last Pacific Islands season for quite some time, if not forever, it’s been an honor. <3
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survivorsinnoh · 7 years
Rites of Passage
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Drew - you didn’t deserve what you got Jordan - Matt I love you so much I wish this game wasn't ugly and you weren't first boot <3 Logan - I never got to play with you, but I hope you’re doing lovely!
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Drew - The only ghostie to die when we were still ghosties, the game never even knew you existed. RIP Taylor….. <3 Emma and Salem Jordan - idk you Logan - I hope you’re having a great day, sorry we never got the chance to play! Steven - an okay team member but didn't really do much to stand out
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Drew - ngl I was glad you weren’t in the game anymore after Aegean, playing with you is a trip, but I’m sorry for whatever was going on in your life that you couldn’t commit yourself to this game Jordan - I was sad you left but you didn't even vote so there isn't much I could have done to save you Logan - Dani, you my favorite cracked child. I loved playing with you, I’m sorry it ended homie. Steven - fun while they lasted
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Drew - idk you Jordan - idk you Logan - I also never got to play with you, but obligatory have a great day!
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Drew - KING OF AEGEAN SEA we could’ve secretly raised hell huh, no one would’ve seen us coming Jordan - idk you Logan - I never got to play with you but I love you my sweet son. 
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Drew - Sorry you went from F13 to F19 and then got voted out, that must have been a rough life to get a worse placement than the number of people you thought were in the season Jordan - you are so sweet and funny just not the most active Logan - YOU WILL FIND YOUR SHEBREW, HAPPY NEW YEAR Steven - I wish I got to know you more
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Drew - the winner of the season and we all know it Jordan - ugh I really wish you would have stuck through this game because I really wanted to work with you and make it to the end with you love you queen
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Logan - I hope you’re doing fabulous lovely, and I hope the reason you felt you had to go has resolved or is doing better. You deserve the world, hun. Steven - you were a fun tribe member to have around
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Drew - Listen I’m aware that you will probably never see this but I’m about to get super emotional so I’m sorry to everyone else who has to read this. Getting to play a season with you two years after Malaysia, when I thought you’d never come back to the community, and seeing you a little in Hosts, and then through the entirety of Circle, and finally getting to go through a little of what we went through here in Sinnoh was a huge deal to me and felt like some closure I didn’t know I wanted from that era of my org life. I fully support your reasons for leaving this game, and from the little I see from your snap it looks like it was the right decision for you, but I broke down and cried when you told me because I thought we’d have more time. This game was not ready for the both of us, and if you’d stayed??? Babe I’ve managed to raise some hell in this game but together we would have had this whole place wrapped up like a puppet show on strings. These kids are lucky they never had to see what we could pull off….I love you, kid. Jordan - I'm sorry you had to quit I hope your life is going ok <3 Logan - I never got to meet you, but I’ve heard such amazing things. I hope you’re feeling okay <3 Steven - I wish you could've stayed in longer
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Drew - The real victim of the aforementioned “Things Scott And I Can Pull Off” Jordan - who dat Logan - Ah my love, I hope you’re also doing okay, sorry you had to go. Steven - There can only be one Brit XD
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Drew - BABEEEEEEEEEEE you dun goofed huh, I really did everything I could to set us both up to make merge and it didn’t work out and I’m crushed for that, but we’ll always have the food court ;) Getting to meet you while this game was still happening was something special <3 GOOD LUCK IN ISLA DE LAS MUNECAS, I'll keep the Jacob Candle™ lit for you!!! Jordan - 
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using my super idol Logan - AH IT WAS SO GOOD WHILE IT LASTED. I hope you’re doing swell! Steven - talked to me a lot during the game and I thank him for that
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Drew - It always ends up being you dying a split second before merge in games we play together these days...I’m sorry you died in that way and partially by my hand, but you don’t come for a ghostie!!! I tried to warn y’all...much like with Scott, we hadn’t seen as much of each other as I’d have liked since Malaysia, so getting to reconnect with you through these games and Andalucia has been really important to me. Jordan - I like to think we boned a bit in this game even though you are one of my best friends.
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Logan - You were robbed, I’m sorry that you had to go. We were so good together and I’m glad this game was better than the last.
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Drew - (1/2) I’m eulogizing you and Eric together because you were both my people and I tried to protect you and I failed you both. We tried to prepare ourselves for what was gonna come next, but...Between my status coming into merge, the fact that it was the merge vote, and a double vote with so many people on top of that, …... Jordan - we never talk in games  so idk you that well Logan - Oh my wild cracked ass love. I love your kittens and I love YOU! Steven - you did so well to stay in as long as you did
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Drew - (2/2) I was too scattered to fight for what I wanted, and I let the game happen to me instead of imposing myself and my will on the game. And because of it, I lost you both, my two ghosties, just as I finally got to see you again. Y’all were my turning point in the game, when I decided that for better or worse, I was not gonna play scared for the rest of the season. I’m sorry it happened a round too late. Jordan - I was shook when you left. I didn't expect that to happen at all but we didn't talk so I guess it worked out for me Logan - Congrats on jury!! I hope this game was fun for you, and I hope it ends well for you too. Hope your day is great. Steven - was strong and helped us ghosties
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Drew - Highkey the person I was most scared of, your conversation style throws me off my game. There’s a directness and a bite to it that will serve you so well in these games. I don’t meet all that many people who are new to me in games anymore, and this was our first game together, even though we knew each other briefly before that, so you were probably my biggest delight. Jordan - easy the hardest decision I had to make this whole game. Backstabbing you was a big regret but I knew it needed to happen if I wanted a chance Logan - BIG HEART EMOJI!! You were Robbed tm Steven - you always checked in on me when I was asleep XD
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Drew - Eye for an eye, bitch!!! Our conversation the day you left when you knew you were leaving and knew it was because I was killing you? One of the highlights of the season, Chicago snapchat included. Drewbert (Andalucia/Normandy Host) [1:39:44AM]: me @ Zach out of games: I LOVE THIS PERSON, BEST FRAND EVER 12/10 WOULD FRIEND AGAIN me @ Zach in games: okay but he so sketchy thooooooooo me after I inevitably kill Zach or he inevitably kills me: wow but we could've done so much damage together whew Jordan - daddy voting me out <3 Logan - For once, you died for me. Are we even now? I love you.
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Drew - MY BABY BOY we always end up here on opposite sides of the line and I can’t wait to see what kind of things you said about me in your confessionals this time <3 You were the last of the trio I wasn’t working with so it was the last of the “easy” choices I had to make but it still lowkey sucked. Pulling off a 4-3-2 though??? Cool. Jordan - I'm sorry the ugliest got you. Fuck drew honestly I enjoyed talking to you when we finally got to be on the same tribe and I was sad when you left Logan - my sweet son. You are so good, you’re so pure, and I’m sorry we had to stop being together in this game. You are fabulous.
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Drew - (1/2) BILLY my Johto ride-or-die and one of the people I talk to most without a game attached because there’s something really comforting about talking to you. I’m combining you and Gaston for the purposes of this because it broke pieces of me to write both of your names down. I didn’t do either vote until the last five minutes, which I’m sure Jay has loved from me, but the surety that it was the right move for the numbers to keep all of the options and failsafes I needed but it…... Jordan - you weren't very active in this season and keeping you around didn't feel fair to the people who wanted to play Logan - From the bottom of my heart, I’m sorry. Steven - you got slammed by those you thought of trusting
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Drew - (2/2) didn’t make it any easier to do. Gaston especially, I was so shocked when it turned out to be you, I only knew I needed someone from that trio to leave but I thought it would be Mitch, I never dreamed they’d flip onto you after two times of failing to get him out. I’m sorry that in the two times we’ve played together recently, I haven’t been the ally you deserve. Jordan - I honestly loved talking to you the one time we actually spoke bgdjhfvdjhbnfdvij I think you were a big threat to me though. Logan - I LOVED PLAYING WITH YOU AND GETTING TO KNOW YOU! You are so fun, and while your sleeping schedule is wack, it was awesome chatting. Live it up! Steven - There's no one like Gaston
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Drew - After more than a year and a half of knowing each other, I’m running out of amazing things to say about you. As an adversary, I knew what had to be done as soon as Wings Over Water was announced as the comp, but I went into work an hour early and played through my lunch break to try and make it so I could keep you one more round. You’ll always be best friend material. Jordan - you know I adore you and that I didn't want to have to vote you out but it had to happen and I didn't think I had a shot in hell against you Logan - I’m sorry. I loved working with you, you’re truly an amazing ally and an amazing person to be around. You own the pun king crown.  Steven - You were a power player who got shut down
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Drew - I have no words. I love you and while this is the ending I’d been planning for some time now, I wish so much that it had come under different circumstances. I’ll always be around if you ever want to talk but I understand that if that happens, it will take time. I’m sorry. Jordan - I'm honestly sorry I made you feel like shit as you left and I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I know I backstab you a lot in these games but just know I never mean to hurt your feelings because I do consider you a friend.
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Logan - YOU DID SO GOOD. You played this game so hard, and I truly believe you would have won had you made it to the end. I’m so proud of you I can’t even speak to it. Steven - you tried so hard and got so far. But in the end. It didn't even matter
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Drew - Steven the first time we played together was almost a year and a half ago and we didn't get to see much of each other. I'm always gonna be grateful we got a chance to try again and see as much as we did together, after spending so much time with the Gorlleys. I don't know if this was your first Survivor since Atlantis, but I hope you surprised and impressed yourself with how far you were able to make it. It was a true delight to work with you. Jordan - Arcy you are jays boyfriend so I support you even though we never talked Logan - Im love u ur such a good bean
0 notes