susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
“Oh, well,” Lavender’s mind instantly sorted through all the trouble she’d been dealing with in the past few weeks. Kissing Draco, her arguments with Harry and Parvati, kissing Cho. “Nothing really, my life’s pretty boring. If you want to talk to someone with an interesting story, you should try Romilda. She’s been ‘round a bit recently.”
She tried to remember the last time she’d talked to Susan. She’d meant to stop by the Hufflepuff table one day when the year started and give her condolences about her aunt. She wasn’t exactly close to her family, but family was everything to ‘puffs, or that’s what the stereotype was anyway. A loud ringing set off through the castle to signal the start of class time(or break time, for the lucky students) causing Lavender to jump a bit. The dark atmosphere of the Defense room was enough to scare someone, adding the loud clanging of bells was enough to make Lavender want to run out of the room.
She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice a hushed whisper. “I’m sorry about your Aunt,” she leaned in a bit closer to Susan and glanced around the room to see where Snape was. He lounged against his desk, arms crossed. After a moment of hustle he ‘asked’ the class to settle down. Lavender sat up straighter in her desk and glanced towards Susan. 
Susan gave a little chuckle at the Romilda comment Lavender made “Yeah I’ve been hearing loads about her. Wonder if it’s all true though.”
She was about to make more girly small talk with her when the bell rang and class was about to begin. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she gave Lavender a slight head nod in thanks about her aunt not wanting to get unnecessary attention from the former Potions Master now Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor that seemed to be already glaring in their general direction.
Susan was under the suspicion that Snape had it out for her. Well not really like he had a vendetta out for her like he obviously had with Harry Potter but close enough. Maybe she was just paranoid but for some reason in class he would always bring up some kind of subject that was just a little to close to home for her and she just paled thinking of what torture he had in store today.
“Oh, knowing Romilda it is. Or, if it isn’t, she’s started to rumors herself,” Lavender rolled her eyes dramatically at the silliness that was Romilda. While to two were friendly, they weren’t exactly friends. 
Normally Lavender might be offended by Susan’s lack of a response, but she noticed the slight paling of the girl’s skin as class began. Snape walked around the desks, his robes flowing behind him. 
Gods, resisting the urge to roll her eyes Lavender sat up a bit straighter in her chair, what crawled up his arse and died? Her eyes widened slightly at her thoughts, her pupils moving around slowly as she examined the room. 
She was truly pleased that no one could read her thoughts. Or, well, they could, but they’d have to be trained… and she was almost sure no one would try such a spell in Snape’s classroom. Her mother would slap her on the wrist for her vulgar thoughts, but sometimes she really couldn’t help herself.
As Snape began his lesson, Lavender couldn’t help but think back on the previous Defense teachers. Quirrel had been a pain for her eleven year old brain with all his stuttering, but Lockhart had been a dream. She wasn’t exactly sure why he hadn’t returned the next year, but it might have something to do with the dreadful events that had occurred that year. 
She looked over at Susan and let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding. Snape was now getting on to a student for answering a question wrong, he apparently hadn’t done the assigned reading. 
“Great,” she mumbled towards her deskmate. “We’ll probably get more homework now.”  
Slowly snapping out of her slightly unresponsive state Susan couldn’t help but give a nervous chuckle at Lavenders comment for some reason even though she too was groaning on the inside. There was just something about this class that messed with her mind and made her do the complete opposite of what she wanted.
“Lets just hope it isn’t something completely horrid or borderline offensive like last years lesson on the unforgivables.” Susan replied but in the back of her mind she knew that what Snape had planned was probably worse.
It was just then that Snape finished badgering their poor classmate and swiftly walked back to his desk at the front of the class to address the whole class. “Class as it seems that most of you are incompetent in the ways of the dark arts I am assigning you all an essay on something that all of you should be familiar with Dementors, and further more how to defend yourself from them. I expect it to be at least 2 feet long and in time by the next class now is that clear?”
Susan along with the other kids in class groaned their response and started getting to work. She turned to Lavender and shrugged “Well this shouldn’t be so hard then since we already know the patronus. Lucky us.”
Shite, bloody mother-, shite. Lavender’s eyes went wide as he muttered two words she’d never wanted to hear. Two feet? Two… feet? How in the bloody hell did he expect her to know that much about dementors? 
She looked over at Susan with a brisk nod. “True, but it’d probably be better if I’d ever managed a true one. All I get is mist.” 
She slowly, reluctantly, opened her book and took out another piece of parchment and began writing her first paragraph. Dementors, she wrote, utterly dissatisfied with the too loopy letters. Her mother had paid someone to teach her how to write like a true lady, causing her to lose her ability to write a simple y without making it look like a damned wedding invitation. 
Before writing more she opened her book and turned to the pages that went into greater details on the wardens of the most miserable prison she’d ever heard of. Man, they could really use some color. Just a little blue on their cloaks and they wouldn’t look nearly as scary. Of course, Snape would never appreciate her fashion advice. Not that he didn’t need it. 
Listening to what Lavender had to say Susan remembered that she too could barely conjure up a patronus of her own and sighed. All she had to do was think of a happy thought. Any happy little thought. But as of late she was having trouble doing that.
"Well maybe later we could ask Harry for help since he can actually do a fully corporeal Patronus." She said aloud. "Surely he would know plenty about dementors and stuff right?" Susan mused while staring blankly at the piece of parchment in front of her playing with the quill that was in her hand.
Susan and Lavender // DADS: Defense Against The Dark Snape
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
As per usual in the torture chamber that was Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lavender was staring at a set point on her desk repressing the urge to vomit. She always tried her hardest to get to this class only a few minutes before the bell. She didn’t want to come early and risk the chance of being alone with him, but she didn’t want to even come close to walking in near the bell because of Snape’s tendency to give out detention and dock house points. 
“Oh, hi Susan,” she looked up at the red head, trying to school her features into a polite smile. “No, I don’t mind.” To be honest, she thought that it probably wasn’t safe to sit next to a sweet little Hufflepuff with Snape around; he ate ‘puffs for breakfast, but she couldn’t very well say no to her year mate. 
She leaned down and pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill, sitting them next to her book on their shared desk. 
“I haven’t seen you around much recently, what have you been up to? We haven’t talked much since the DA split last year.” 
Following Lavenders lead putting her supplies in front of her Susan responded in a somewhat lower tone as not to get any attention from anyone else that was in the class or Merlin forbid Snape. “Oh I feel awful that we haven’t done anything together since DA but you know my life has basically been the same. Harder classes, Hufflepuff hide and seek, getting lost in random corridors… The usual.” She answered in a nonchalant way as if everything she had said was normal. Which in a way was normal for her life since she was so accustomed to it by now.
“So hows your life been? Anything interesting?”
“Oh, well,” Lavender’s mind instantly sorted through all the trouble she’d been dealing with in the past few weeks. Kissing Draco, her arguments with Harry and Parvati, kissing Cho. “Nothing really, my life’s pretty boring. If you want to talk to someone with an interesting story, you should try Romilda. She’s been ‘round a bit recently.”
She tried to remember the last time she’d talked to Susan. She’d meant to stop by the Hufflepuff table one day when the year started and give her condolences about her aunt. She wasn’t exactly close to her family, but family was everything to ‘puffs, or that’s what the stereotype was anyway. A loud ringing set off through the castle to signal the start of class time(or break time, for the lucky students) causing Lavender to jump a bit. The dark atmosphere of the Defense room was enough to scare someone, adding the loud clanging of bells was enough to make Lavender want to run out of the room.
She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice a hushed whisper. “I’m sorry about your Aunt,” she leaned in a bit closer to Susan and glanced around the room to see where Snape was. He lounged against his desk, arms crossed. After a moment of hustle he ‘asked’ the class to settle down. Lavender sat up straighter in her desk and glanced towards Susan. 
Susan gave a little chuckle at the Romilda comment Lavender made “Yeah I’ve been hearing loads about her. Wonder if it’s all true though.”
She was about to make more girly small talk with her when the bell rang and class was about to begin. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she gave Lavender a slight head nod in thanks about her aunt not wanting to get unnecessary attention from the former Potions Master now Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor that seemed to be already glaring in their general direction.
Susan was under the suspicion that Snape had it out for her. Well not really like he had a vendetta out for her like he obviously had with Harry Potter but close enough. Maybe she was just paranoid but for some reason in class he would always bring up some kind of subject that was just a little to close to home for her and she just paled thinking of what torture he had in store today.
“Oh, knowing Romilda it is. Or, if it isn’t, she’s started to rumors herself,” Lavender rolled her eyes dramatically at the silliness that was Romilda. While to two were friendly, they weren’t exactly friends. 
Normally Lavender might be offended by Susan’s lack of a response, but she noticed the slight paling of the girl’s skin as class began. Snape walked around the desks, his robes flowing behind him. 
Gods, resisting the urge to roll her eyes Lavender sat up a bit straighter in her chair, what crawled up his arse and died? Her eyes widened slightly at her thoughts, her pupils moving around slowly as she examined the room. 
She was truly pleased that no one could read her thoughts. Or, well, they could, but they’d have to be trained… and she was almost sure no one would try such a spell in Snape’s classroom. Her mother would slap her on the wrist for her vulgar thoughts, but sometimes she really couldn’t help herself.
As Snape began his lesson, Lavender couldn’t help but think back on the previous Defense teachers. Quirrel had been a pain for her eleven year old brain with all his stuttering, but Lockhart had been a dream. She wasn’t exactly sure why he hadn’t returned the next year, but it might have something to do with the dreadful events that had occurred that year. 
She looked over at Susan and let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding. Snape was now getting on to a student for answering a question wrong, he apparently hadn’t done the assigned reading. 
“Great,” she mumbled towards her deskmate. “We’ll probably get more homework now.”  
Slowly snapping out of her slightly unresponsive state Susan couldn't help but give a nervous chuckle at Lavenders comment for some reason even though she too was groaning on the inside. There was just something about this class that messed with her mind and made her do the complete opposite of what she wanted.
"Lets just hope it isn't something completely horrid or borderline offensive like last years lesson on the unforgivables." Susan replied but in the back of her mind she knew that what Snape had planned was probably worse.
It was just then that Snape finished badgering their poor classmate and swiftly walked back to his desk at the front of the class to address the whole class. "Class as it seems that most of you are incompetent in the ways of the dark arts I am assigning you all an essay on something that all of you should be familiar with Dementors, and further more how to defend yourself from them. I expect it to be at least 2 feet long and in time by the next class now is that clear?"
Susan along with the other kids in class groaned their response and started getting to work. She turned to Lavender and shrugged "Well this shouldn't be so hard then since we already know the patronus. Lucky us."
Susan and Lavender // DADS: Defense Against The Dark Snape
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
For Susan it was once again time for her now most dreaded class of the day, Defense Against The Dark Arts. Funnily enough the class use to be her favorite until the unfortunate event of Professor Snape taking over the class. Susan recalled the time that Snape had subbed for Professor Lupin in third year and how awful that was but now she had to be taught from him for a whole year. Walking down the corridor to her class she silently wished that the old DADA curse would work it’s magic like it always did and Hogwarts would be rid of Snape for good. She knew it was an awful thing to think but she couldn’t help it, he was just so vile and horrid and she was sure almost everyone at Hogwarts agreed… Well maybe not the Slytherins.
Finally reaching the classroom she couldn’t help but shudder at the sheer creepiness of the room. Finding the first open seat she could she quickly rushed to the table trying so very hard not to look at the grotesque pictures of victims of the dark arts reminding poor Susan of her Aunt Amelia. Taking some well needed deep breaths she turned to the person sitting next to her and realized its was Lavender Brown. “H-hey Lavender” She was giving a weak smile “You don’t mind if I sit here do you?”
As per usual in the torture chamber that was Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lavender was staring at a set point on her desk repressing the urge to vomit. She always tried her hardest to get to this class only a few minutes before the bell. She didn’t want to come early and risk the chance of being alone with him, but she didn’t want to even come close to walking in near the bell because of Snape’s tendency to give out detention and dock house points. 
“Oh, hi Susan,” she looked up at the red head, trying to school her features into a polite smile. “No, I don’t mind.” To be honest, she thought that it probably wasn’t safe to sit next to a sweet little Hufflepuff with Snape around; he ate ‘puffs for breakfast, but she couldn’t very well say no to her year mate. 
She leaned down and pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill, sitting them next to her book on their shared desk. 
“I haven’t seen you around much recently, what have you been up to? We haven’t talked much since the DA split last year.” 
Following Lavenders lead putting her supplies in front of her Susan responded in a somewhat lower tone as not to get any attention from anyone else that was in the class or Merlin forbid Snape. “Oh I feel awful that we haven’t done anything together since DA but you know my life has basically been the same. Harder classes, Hufflepuff hide and seek, getting lost in random corridors… The usual.” She answered in a nonchalant way as if everything she had said was normal. Which in a way was normal for her life since she was so accustomed to it by now.
“So hows your life been? Anything interesting?”
“Oh, well,” Lavender’s mind instantly sorted through all the trouble she’d been dealing with in the past few weeks. Kissing Draco, her arguments with Harry and Parvati, kissing Cho. “Nothing really, my life’s pretty boring. If you want to talk to someone with an interesting story, you should try Romilda. She’s been ‘round a bit recently.”
She tried to remember the last time she’d talked to Susan. She’d meant to stop by the Hufflepuff table one day when the year started and give her condolences about her aunt. She wasn’t exactly close to her family, but family was everything to ‘puffs, or that’s what the stereotype was anyway. A loud ringing set off through the castle to signal the start of class time(or break time, for the lucky students) causing Lavender to jump a bit. The dark atmosphere of the Defense room was enough to scare someone, adding the loud clanging of bells was enough to make Lavender want to run out of the room.
She hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice a hushed whisper. “I’m sorry about your Aunt,” she leaned in a bit closer to Susan and glanced around the room to see where Snape was. He lounged against his desk, arms crossed. After a moment of hustle he ‘asked’ the class to settle down. Lavender sat up straighter in her desk and glanced towards Susan. 
Susan gave a little chuckle at the Romilda comment Lavender made "Yeah I've been hearing loads about her. Wonder if it's all true though."
She was about to make more girly small talk with her when the bell rang and class was about to begin. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she gave Lavender a slight head nod in thanks about her aunt not wanting to get unnecessary attention from the former Potions Master now Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor that seemed to be already glaring in their general direction.
Susan was under the suspicion that Snape had it out for her. Well not really like he had a vendetta out for her like he obviously had with Harry Potter but close enough. Maybe she was just paranoid but for some reason in class he would always bring up some kind of subject that was just a little to close to home for her and she just paled thinking of what torture he had in store today.
Susan and Lavender // DADS: Defense Against The Dark Snape
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
For Susan it was once again time for her now most dreaded class of the day, Defense Against The Dark Arts. Funnily enough the class use to be her favorite until the unfortunate event of Professor Snape taking over the class. Susan recalled the time that Snape had subbed for Professor Lupin in third year and how awful that was but now she had to be taught from him for a whole year. Walking down the corridor to her class she silently wished that the old DADA curse would work it’s magic like it always did and Hogwarts would be rid of Snape for good. She knew it was an awful thing to think but she couldn’t help it, he was just so vile and horrid and she was sure almost everyone at Hogwarts agreed… Well maybe not the Slytherins.
Finally reaching the classroom she couldn’t help but shudder at the sheer creepiness of the room. Finding the first open seat she could she quickly rushed to the table trying so very hard not to look at the grotesque pictures of victims of the dark arts reminding poor Susan of her Aunt Amelia. Taking some well needed deep breaths she turned to the person sitting next to her and realized its was Lavender Brown. “H-hey Lavender” She was giving a weak smile “You don’t mind if I sit here do you?”
As per usual in the torture chamber that was Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lavender was staring at a set point on her desk repressing the urge to vomit. She always tried her hardest to get to this class only a few minutes before the bell. She didn’t want to come early and risk the chance of being alone with him, but she didn’t want to even come close to walking in near the bell because of Snape’s tendency to give out detention and dock house points. 
“Oh, hi Susan,” she looked up at the red head, trying to school her features into a polite smile. “No, I don’t mind.” To be honest, she thought that it probably wasn’t safe to sit next to a sweet little Hufflepuff with Snape around; he ate ‘puffs for breakfast, but she couldn’t very well say no to her year mate. 
She leaned down and pulled out a piece of parchment and her quill, sitting them next to her book on their shared desk. 
“I haven’t seen you around much recently, what have you been up to? We haven’t talked much since the DA split last year.” 
Following Lavenders lead putting her supplies in front of her Susan responded in a somewhat lower ton as not to get any attention from anyone else that was in the class or Merlin forbid Snape. "Oh I feel awful that we haven't done anything together since DA but you know my life has basically been the same. Harder classes, Hufflepuff hide and seek, getting lost in random corridors... The usual." She answered in a nonchalant way as if everything she had said was normal. Which in a way was normal for her life since she was so accustomed to it by now.
"So hows your life been? Anything interesting?"
Susan and Lavender // DADS: Defense Against The Dark Snape
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
Susan and Lavender // DADS: Defense Against The Dark Snape
For Susan it was once again time for her now most dreaded class of the day, Defense Against The Dark Arts. Funnily enough the class use to be her favorite until the unfortunate event of Professor Snape taking over the class. Susan recalled the time that Snape had subbed for Professor Lupin in third year and how awful that was but now she had to be taught from him for a whole year. Walking down the corridor to her class she silently wished that the old DADA curse would work it's magic like it always did and Hogwarts would be rid of Snape for good. She knew it was an awful thing to think but she couldn't help it, he was just so vile and horrid and she was sure almost everyone at Hogwarts agreed... Well maybe not the Slytherins.
Finally reaching the classroom she couldn't help but shudder at the sheer creepiness of the room. Finding the first open seat she could she quickly rushed to the table trying so very hard not to look at the grotesque pictures of victims of the dark arts reminding poor Susan of her Aunt Amelia. Taking some well needed deep breaths she turned to the person sitting next to her and realized its was Lavender Brown. "H-hey Lavender" She was giving a weak smile "You don't mind if I sit here do you?"
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
ooc: Question
Sorry that I don't know this but since it's Harry's sixth year of Hogwarts is Snape the DADA professor and Slughorn potions or is it different in the rp?
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
ooc: Anyone up to rp with a Hufflepuff?
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
I am so sorry for being so slow and inactive as of late but I am trying to change that and I realized that tight now I've only got like two active rps going right now and slowly so for now I guess I just really want to start other rps with people as well so I can get rolling again. Once again I am so so so so so very sorry.
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
When they finally reached their destination Susan was confused. “Why were they behind the one-eyed witch statue?” She thought to herself. Surely that couldn’t have been where the passage way was could it?
Her eyes widened in amazement when the statue moved. “Bloody Hell.” Was all she managed to say still amazed by it all. Quickly looking back to George breaking out into a smile so happy in the fact that someone would share such an incredible secret like this to her “I swear that I will never tell anyone of this George. I so swear. I solemnly swear!” Slowly following him into the secret passageway she giggled and added “I also promise not to tell Ginny of what you just said either. Wouldn’t want to go losing my favorite adventuring companion would I?”
Once they were inside the passageway, George turned to Susan, beaming. “It’s great, isn’t it?” He nudged her in the ribs, “And there’s more!” he exlaimed, “this tunnel leads to Hogsmeade! How brilliant is that?” He asked, smile widening. He was really quite excited to share the passageway with someone who looked like they’d appreciate it suitably. 
“Why don’t I show you where it comes out?” He said excitedly, not waiting for an answer and dragging her once again down the dark tunnel. He only slowed slightly to get his wand out and flick a few torches on so he didn’t trip over and impede their venture through the passage.
Feeling the sudden rush of excitement like a kid during Christmas, Susan couldn’t believe her ears for a second. “Wait a minute did you say Hogsmeade? Hogsmeade! I love Hogsmeade!” she giggled excitedly almost adding a little skip to her step while she was being dragged once again being careful though not to trip and fall. “Wow I never would have guessed that there was a secret passage to Hogsmeade hidden right in front of my eyes this whole time… That’s so brilliant!”
George skidded to a halt just next to the trap door that lead to Honeydukes. Susan was so excited and she didn’t even know the best part yet. He was barely holding back a gigantic, face splitting smile. He pointed at the trap door, “This is going to blow. Your. Mind.” he assured her. He reached for the door and popped his head out, checking the coast was clear he climbed out and hauled Susan up after him. He saw the realisation of where they were sink in, and he couldn’t hold back his manic grin any more, it broke out across his face as he whispered, “We’re in Honeydukes.” 
He led her out onto the shop floor, there were only a few people there, as it was getting quite late and no Hogwarts students were here. “Amazing, isn’t it?” He asked, casting her a sideways glance, smile still plastered to his face. Oh he was glad he met Susan today. He was so glad.
And blow her mind it did. Susan almost didn't believe George when he said they were in Honeydukes but when he had lead her out into the shop she gasped in surprise. There she was in the middle of the infamous Hogsmeade sweet shop. Suddenly realizing some people where giving her strange looks she noticed that her mouth was open and her eyes looked like they were gonna come out of her head. Slightly embarrassed she coughed and tried to correct her strange facial expression not wanting to draw more attention to herself. Turning to look at George she smiled as if she was a kid in er well a candy store. "Oh George this is just way to brilliant!" She exclaimed. "Thank you so much for showing me this!"
George and Susan // Exploring the Halls
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
Cho wandered between the stacks of books looking for the text she needed, she was sure it was here yesterday but it wasn’t where she left it. Sighing she walked out into the main part of the library noticing a pile of books with some red hair peeking out from behind it. Getting closer to the pile and the girl behind the books Cho grinned, she finally found the book she needed. “Hi, Susan isn’t it? Can I use the herbology book if you’re not using it?” she said motioning to a book almost at the bottom of the pile.
Cho had been putting off writing this assignment for weeks now, but since it was due this coming friday Cho thought she better get it down now. Being a self claimed queen of procrastation Cho had done almost every other assignment she had recieved before even looking at this Herbology assignment. Cho sat down across from the girl putting her bag on the chair beside her, pulling out her parchment and quill she sighed she so did not want to do this.
Susan gave an exasperated sigh as she stared at her blank parchment trying to figure the words for her potions essay. Oh how she dreadfully hated that class and the vile professor that taught it. Having trouble being able to write the blasted work she thought maybe being in a studious place such as the library could help her concentrate more but it didn’t. Randomly picking out books from shelves and surrounding them around herself didn’t seem to work either.
Being snapped out of her already lost concentration Susan stared blankly at the Ravenclaw girl for a second before replying “Huh? Book? Oh right sure here you go.” She went to go and pull the book out from under the pile without thinking and cause the whole stack to fall off the table and scattered everywhere”…Bugger.” She cursed still holding the book before she handed it to Cho and then was slightly reprimanded by the librarian Madam Pince who saw her foolish accident before looking back to her still blank piece of parchment. Bugger indeed.
Cho jumped up, after taking the book she required from the waiting hand she helped the girl collect her books back onto the desk. Rolling her eyes as Madam Pince told Susan off Cho glanced over at the parchment that the girl was staring at, “What class are you working on?” She asked motioning to her own blank parchment, “This is my Herbology assignment… eventually” she said as she sat back down opening the text and flicking though the pages.
Cho glared at her parchment, like that was going to help her get this assignment done, she needed 12 inches on the aspects of a few different herbs and she just didn’t know where to start.
“Potions” Was all Susan had to groan in response hitting her head on the table dramatically making a small thunk noise while doing it. “It’s pretty much my worst subject and it just makes it worse since Snape is absolutely out to get all of us.” Susan lifted her head off the table, parchment sticking to her forehead in almost taunting her in a way. Almost like no matter what she couldn’t escape the dreaded potions assignment. Thinking of a way to get her mind off of potions she took the parchment off her head looked at Cho and offered “I could help you with your Herbology if you want. I’m actually not that bad at it.”
Cho smiled at Susan’s groan, whilst Cho felt her pain about Snape, she actually enjoyed her potions work, as long as she didn’t need to look at the head of Slytherin house. “Ah yes Potions, I know how you feel about Snape though. And NEWT’s year he only gets worse.” Cho smiled wryly as Susan lifted her head the parchment sticking to her forehead.
“Well if you’d like to help, I can help you with Potions. I good at the parts of potions that don’t involve being anywhere near Snape.” She said with a short laugh, “I’m actually doing an assignment on plants used in healing potions and salves, and why you’d use one over the other, you know properties and things.”
Susan's eyes had gone a little wide at what Cho had said about what her assignment was. Snape's assignment was more or less the same as Sprouts apparently, but leaned more on the side of the potions themselves than the plants. "Really? That's kinda what my potions homework was...Weird." Susan couldn't believe her luck. Suddenly grinning towards the Ravenclaw she continued "Well then I guess if we work together and combine our efforts both our assignments will be done in no time!" Susan was so happy that she might actually get to conquer that evil potions homework once an for all.
Cho and Susan // Library Time
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
Cho wandered between the stacks of books looking for the text she needed, she was sure it was here yesterday but it wasn’t where she left it. Sighing she walked out into the main part of the library noticing a pile of books with some red hair peeking out from behind it. Getting closer to the pile and the girl behind the books Cho grinned, she finally found the book she needed. “Hi, Susan isn’t it? Can I use the herbology book if you’re not using it?” she said motioning to a book almost at the bottom of the pile.
Cho had been putting off writing this assignment for weeks now, but since it was due this coming friday Cho thought she better get it down now. Being a self claimed queen of procrastation Cho had done almost every other assignment she had recieved before even looking at this Herbology assignment. Cho sat down across from the girl putting her bag on the chair beside her, pulling out her parchment and quill she sighed she so did not want to do this.
Susan gave an exasperated sigh as she stared at her blank parchment trying to figure the words for her potions essay. Oh how she dreadfully hated that class and the vile professor that taught it. Having trouble being able to write the blasted work she thought maybe being in a studious place such as the library could help her concentrate more but it didn’t. Randomly picking out books from shelves and surrounding them around herself didn’t seem to work either.
Being snapped out of her already lost concentration Susan stared blankly at the Ravenclaw girl for a second before replying “Huh? Book? Oh right sure here you go.” She went to go and pull the book out from under the pile without thinking and cause the whole stack to fall off the table and scattered everywhere”…Bugger.” She cursed still holding the book before she handed it to Cho and then was slightly reprimanded by the librarian Madam Pince who saw her foolish accident before looking back to her still blank piece of parchment. Bugger indeed.
Cho jumped up, after taking the book she required from the waiting hand she helped the girl collect her books back onto the desk. Rolling her eyes as Madam Pince told Susan off Cho glanced over at the parchment that the girl was staring at, “What class are you working on?” She asked motioning to her own blank parchment, “This is my Herbology assignment… eventually” she said as she sat back down opening the text and flicking though the pages.
Cho glared at her parchment, like that was going to help her get this assignment done, she needed 12 inches on the aspects of a few different herbs and she just didn’t know where to start.
"Potions" Was all Susan had to groan in response hitting her head on the table dramatically making a small thunk noise while doing it. "It's pretty much my worst subject and it just makes it worse since Snape is absolutely out to get all of us." Susan lifted her head off the table, parchment sticking to her forehead in almost taunting her in a way. Almost like no matter what she couldn't escape the dreaded potions assignment. Thinking of a way to get her mind off of potions she took the parchment off her head looked at Cho and offered "I could help you with your Herbology if you want. I'm actually not that bad at it."
Cho and Susan // Library Time
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
Cho wandered between the stacks of books looking for the text she needed, she was sure it was here yesterday but it wasn’t where she left it. Sighing she walked out into the main part of the library noticing a pile of books with some red hair peeking out from behind it. Getting closer to the pile and the girl behind the books Cho grinned, she finally found the book she needed. “Hi, Susan isn’t it? Can I use the herbology book if you’re not using it?” she said motioning to a book almost at the bottom of the pile.
Cho had been putting off writing this assignment for weeks now, but since it was due this coming friday Cho thought she better get it down now. Being a self claimed queen of procrastation Cho had done almost every other assignment she had recieved before even looking at this Herbology assignment. Cho sat down across from the girl putting her bag on the chair beside her, pulling out her parchment and quill she sighed she so did not want to do this.
Susan gave an exasperated sigh as she stared at her blank parchment trying to figure the words for her potions essay. Oh how she dreadfully hated that class and the vile professor that taught it. Having trouble being able to write the blasted work she thought maybe being in a studious place such as the library could help her concentrate more but it didn't. Randomly picking out books from shelves and surrounding them around herself didn't seem to work either.
Being snapped out of her already lost concentration Susan stared blankly at the Ravenclaw girl for a second before replying "Huh? Book? Oh right sure here you go." She went to go and pull the book out from under the pile without thinking and cause the whole stack to fall off the table and scattered everywhere"...Bugger." She cursed still holding the book before she handed it to Cho and then was slightly reprimanded by the librarian Madam Pince who saw her foolish accident before looking back to her still blank piece of parchment. Bugger indeed.
Cho and Susan // Library Time
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
“Woah-” Was all that Susan could managed to say before being brought down the corridor ignoring the strange looks from all the other students. She didn’t care, she knew that none of them even knew who she was anyway. Laughing at his melodramatics she apologized also dramatically “Oh pardon me Sir Captain Obi-George! Forgive me for my tactlessness what a cruel and evil princess I am. Some Hufflepuff I am.” She lifts her free arm to her head and feigns a dramatic pose not fully using it to potential while moving.
“Some Hufflepuff indeed!” George exclaimed, continuing to drag Susan towards the secret passageway. Laughing throughout, until he arrived at the one-eyed witch statue. Tapping it’s behind and whispering Dissendium, the statue moved to reveal a passageway. He turned to Susan and raised an eyebrow, he’d already shown Zach this passageway earlier, but he figured one other person knowing wouldn’t hurt, he trusted Susan to keep the secret more than he did Zach anyway. His face turned serious suddenly and he said in an overly stern voice, “Now Susan, I don’t want you going around telling people about this. This is between fellow adventurers and because you’re the best person I’ve bumped into all day.” He declared his scrunched features smoothing into a grin as he ruffled her hair, “If only I had a sister like you.” He mentally scolded himself for saying such profanities, Ginny would have his head, and numerous other vital organs, if she heard him say that, so he leaned into Susan and, eyes darting around, said quietly, “But don’t tell Ginny I said that. I’m far too young and hansom to die.” He laughed, slipping into the passageway and gesturing the girl to follow.
When they finally reached their destination Susan was confused. “Why were they behind the one-eyed witch statue?” She thought to herself. Surely that couldn’t have been where the passage way was could it?
Her eyes widened in amazement when the statue moved. “Bloody Hell.” Was all she managed to say still amazed by it all. Quickly looking back to George breaking out into a smile so happy in the fact that someone would share such an incredible secret like this to her “I swear that I will never tell anyone of this George. I so swear. I solemnly swear!” Slowly following him into the secret passageway she giggled and added “I also promise not to tell Ginny of what you just said either. Wouldn’t want to go losing my favorite adventuring companion would I?”
Once they were inside the passageway, George turned to Susan, beaming. “It’s great, isn’t it?” He nudged her in the ribs, “And there’s more!” he exlaimed, “this tunnel leads to Hogsmeade! How brilliant is that?” He asked, smile widening. He was really quite excited to share the passageway with someone who looked like they’d appreciate it suitably. 
“Why don’t I show you where it comes out?” He said excitedly, not waiting for an answer and dragging her once again down the dark tunnel. He only slowed slightly to get his wand out and flick a few torches on so he didn’t trip over and impede their venture through the passage.
Feeling the sudden rush of excitement like a kid during Christmas, Susan couldn't believe her ears for a second. "Wait a minute did you say Hogsmeade? Hogsmeade! I love Hogsmeade!" she giggled excitedly almost adding a little skip to her step while she was being dragged once again being careful though not to trip and fall. "Wow I never would have guessed that there was a secret passage to Hogsmeade hidden right in front of my eyes this whole time... That's so brilliant!"
George and Susan // Exploring the Halls
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
George was laughing heartily, when the first person other than themselves appeared: a sign that they were getting closer to civilisation. George was sad to have reached the end of their epic journey, and was tempted to make a detour and show Susan one of the secret passages to prolong their fun and games, that is if she had nowhere else to be. “No! Alas, our journey is nearing it’s end!” He said, forlorn, and creating his most dramatic grieving pose. “However, young lassie, if you’d like, I could give you a personal introduction to one of the most useful secret passages in the entire school. That is, if you don’t mind risking” He whispered, leaning in closer to Susan, drawing her attention to his words. “Detention!” he shouted, startling some nearby students.
He laughed and awaited her reply. He was enjoying his little childish muck about with Susan. She was fun to be around, and it was effortless, which was great. The perfect thing for unwinding and de-stressing after a hectic week- hell make that year. “So wha’d’y’say?” he grinned, “You man enough?”
Also feeling a bit down when realizing that all the fun she was having with George would be over soon she started to perk up at his exciting proposal “A secret passage-?” She said a little to loudly but then being after being startled by his sudden yell of “detention” she quieted down and started to whisper “A secret passage? Detention? Well…. I don’t know…” She feigned starting to think about it deeply as if actually debating on whether she should go or not when she obviously had already made up her mind in her head.
“Well of course I’ll go! I’m having way to much fun for it to stop now and even if we get caught I can still use the excuse you just kidnapped me and warped my innocent little mind.” This was definitely going to be Susan’s best day ever at Hogwarts and she was happy to see that it wasn’t going to end just yet. She grinned back at him with a little taunt of her own. ”The question probably is are YOU man enough since you would get in far more trouble than I would.”
“Aha! Then follow me, m’lady, and all secrets shall be revealed, no question will be left unanswered, your life will be forever changed.” He stated dramatically staring off into the middle distance just above Susan’s head.
“Me?” He asked incredulously, “Warp an innocent mind?” He placed a hand over his heart and put on his most hurt face, “Never! Well I’m offended at the mere suggestion!” his expression deepened, his eye’s watering slightly “George Weasley, destroy innocence? Break the rules?! Well I just couldn’t! It’s not in my nature!” He kept a straight face for all of 2 seconds before bursting out in fits of laughter. 
“Trouble is my middle name! Sir Captain Obi-George does not falter at the prospect of trouble. In fact he welcomes it!” He announced, grasping Susan by the wrist and tugging her down a corridor shouting, “Onward!”
“Woah-” Was all that Susan could managed to say before being brought down the corridor ignoring the strange looks from all the other students. She didn’t care, she knew that none of them even knew who she was anyway. Laughing at his melodramatics she apologized also dramatically “Oh pardon me Sir Captain Obi-George! Forgive me for my tactlessness what a cruel and evil princess I am. Some Hufflepuff I am.” She lifts her free arm to her head and feigns a dramatic pose not fully using it to potential while moving.
“Some Hufflepuff indeed!” George exclaimed, continuing to drag Susan towards the secret passageway. Laughing throughout, until he arrived at the one-eyed witch statue. Tapping it’s behind and whispering Dissendium, the statue moved to reveal a passageway. He turned to Susan and raised an eyebrow, he’d already shown Zach this passageway earlier, but he figured one other person knowing wouldn’t hurt, he trusted Susan to keep the secret more than he did Zach anyway. His face turned serious suddenly and he said in an overly stern voice, “Now Susan, I don’t want you going around telling people about this. This is between fellow adventurers and because you’re the best person I’ve bumped into all day.” He declared his scrunched features smoothing into a grin as he ruffled her hair, “If only I had a sister like you.” He mentally scolded himself for saying such profanities, Ginny would have his head, and numerous other vital organs, if she heard him say that, so he leaned into Susan and, eyes darting around, said quietly, “But don’t tell Ginny I said that. I’m far too young and hansom to die.” He laughed, slipping into the passageway and gesturing the girl to follow.
When they finally reached their destination Susan was confused. "Why were they behind the one-eyed witch statue?" She thought to herself. Surely that couldn't have been where the passage way was could it?
Her eyes widened in amazement when the statue moved. "Bloody Hell." Was all she managed to say still amazed by it all. Quickly looking back to George breaking out into a smile so happy in the fact that someone would share such an incredible secret like this to her "I swear that I will never tell anyone of this George. I so swear. I solemnly swear!" Slowly following him into the secret passageway she giggled and added "I also promise not to tell Ginny of what you just said either. Wouldn't want to go losing my favorite adventuring companion would I?"
George and Susan // Exploring the Halls
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
Okay RPers!
A few notes:
Myya and I will be building a new ad to try to promote the blog and get some more members, so spread the word and reblog when you see it if you can :)
Also, we know everyone’s a bit busy right now, but we’re getting to the point where we need to see more activity, so if everyone could try to get atleast one or two RPs going and try to reply at least a couple times a week, that would be great, especially the more important/bigger role characters.
Some characters we’d hope to see a bit more from are:
Luna (we know she’s been trying to get some people to RP with her)
Fred, George and Tonks, we’d like to see more activity from you as well, but we understand you are very busy and considering you don’t attend Hogwarts, you can probably continue to get away with RPing minimally for now. But let us know if things change because you are strong members and we’d love to see more of you!
People we aren’t sure are remaining with us due to inactivity are:
Characters we will be scouting out for over the next few days/weeks are:
Theodore Nott
Padma Patil
Terry Boot
Michael Corner
Blaise Zabini
Justin Finch-Fletchy
Astoria Greengrass
We appreciate everyone’s efforts in staying in touch and being communicative. Myya and I love you all very much! Keep up all the good work!
-Your loving Mods
I’m alive I swear! I’m so sorry. I’ve been overwhelmed with midterm prep. My first is tomorrow and they’ll occur over the next few weeks so I’ll be very sparse for the next few days.
Sorry to all those waiting on me. I didn’t mean to be gone for so long. I’ll be replying to you all tonight I promise. :)
I'm here too. I'm sorry I've just been really scatter brained lately first forgetting my login and password and stuff like that.
Hey Folks!
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
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susanbadgerbones-blog · 13 years
ooc: I am so sorry
Oh my gosh I am so sorry that I haven't been on lately I am such an idiot because I forgot what the login and password for this account was.
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