Help Babies!
Susanne Spirit leaves shortly for pre-op at USC. Legs have turned cold, its not good, on the way now. Keep her in your prayers. Baby boys with surgeries, are still at Imperial Highway, Hopper's Surgery is having a hard time. Please donate there if you can: 714-996-7611 Ask for Vicki, Imperial Highway Vet, Yorba Linda.
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Susanne Spirit leaves shortly for pre-op at USC. Legs have turned cold, its not good, on the way now. Keep her in your prayers. Baby boys with surgeries, are still at Imperial Highway, Hopper's Surgery is having a hard time. Please donate there if you can: 714-996-7611 Ask for Vicki, Imperial Highway Vet, Yorba Linda.
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URGENT NIGHTMARE! PLEASE HELP! https://www.gofundme.com/ImperialHighwayVetHelpingHands
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Can you please help today? Need funds sent to hospital: Imperial Highway Vet 714- 996-7411  Ask for Vicki or Melissa for Susanne Spirit Account for Hopper/Hudson, Pudgy, or Kiki.   You can also donate with Paypal ([email protected]) or www.greenlandhollerpets.org/donate. Critical situation. 
The little Golden Boy, Hudson, got hurt badly, by his friend yesterday morning. I'm on driving restriction so had to get help getting him down there, but a friend came thru big time. I keep treats away as that’s always an issue. As my friend at the shelter said, “it's right there to tap into over who knows. Dogs Fight.” I get at least fifteen calls a week, “Can you take one of my dogs they fought bad last night.”  But I have not had the problem for years, with cautious care of course, and keeping dogs apart if it even looks like an issue. 
I had gone into another room for just a few minutes. Well, Hudson/Hopper is at the Imperial Highway Vet Hospital. He actually had to have surgery to fix his harmed little body in the afternoon. And, as you can see this boy is a gentle being. Stitches could not fix the horror. 
I need help. Already in a need of funds, i.e. all San Bernardino Sheriffs delivery of pregnant moms 11 weeks later the “babies needed all shots.”  Kiki after tests, does have a cancerous tumor on her leg, but with Gods, grace cancer has not spread to her body and we can get that tumor off her leg, and she will prosper again. Her brother Jumbo, both senior pom-chi’s, would not know how to pee without her. And our Orange County Sheriff boy, Goofy-Doofy, needed bronchial meds. Then a baby, Pudgy, got bit, as he tried to visit with the newest born little ones. Mom went crazy.  Again, stitches cant fix it. he has surgery this morning. This vet though is good, good, good to us. We only need currently about $500.  Pray money can be raised. 
Please adopt one of my babies. www.greenlandhollerpets.org. 
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OPENING SOON: A New Adventure: Greenland Holler Pets Haberdashery Charity Store, where you can bring your donations and all monies will be used to treat our many harmed and sick animals we help with your help. We will be accepting most items.
You will also be able to bring your dog, do some socializing, enjoy some lunch, and let your babies enjoy our homemade "Peanut Butter Biscuits or Sweet Potato, Chicken Jerky, Hot Dogs, and even Beef Sticks.
We love our community and want you to be a part of our efforts. www.greenlandhollerpets.org/donate (A 501C3 Non-Profit Business.)
Details coming soon. This is Kiki. Her tumor is cancerous, but it has not traveled in her body, and the Doctor will be able to remove it completely, and she will be all well. Her brother Jumbo is happy about her going to be okay.
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Pebbles the Rebel and Bogart, brothers, desperately need a home. They are about ten months old, and sweethearts. www.greenlandhollerpets.org
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I just found out my spine is permanently damaged, facing two months of rough treatment taking high intense drugs to get into these severed nerves, hoping to at least relieve some of the excruciating pain now 24 hours a day. Walking on my feet is hell.   Anyway, but blessed as I am busy with babies. Thank you, God. So Kiki our little pomeranian senior chi does have cancer in her tumor that formed on her tiny leg. She is about 13 years old and has a brother Jumbo with us that watched over Kiki diligently.  BUT GOOD GOOD GOOD NEWS!   Cancer has not spread and now just need to quickly raise the money to have that tumor removed. And please let's work on getting Kiki and Jumbo and a nice home with some seniors. www.greenlandhollerpets.org/donate  You can also give a credit card to our vet in Yorba Linda. Imperial Highway Animal and Hospital. This medical group is an honor to the vet business, they really care. www.greenlandhollerpets.org/donate
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JADA You want intelligence? you want beautiful? Loyalty? THen you need to adopt this Princess Jada, also known as Zena, Wonder Woman. In the torrid rains, water surrounding her up to my knees, she found higher ground on the flat rooftops of her big bed houses. I looked at her and knew we needed help. ANd help came, at least twelve men and women arrived with industrial vacuums, sandbags, and began an all-day journey of these angels working in the pouring rain, And she gave everyone kisses, and love as they handed her fresh chicken I had made for her. My feet swelled from rain boots, so I DID KITCHEN DUTY.
ANYWAY please think about adopting this angel today! She needs to sleep in your bed TONIGHT! www.greenlandhollerpets.org
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Yesterday was a day of truly dealing with some tough issues: Woke up to water flooded entire back yard Home/Sanctuary, And water within moments of coming in the house, and the rains were pounding down hard. Called favorite neighbor who immediately posted on our Corona "What's Up?" And within seconds there were people showing up asking "What do we need to do?" Another guy and his wife came . . . . They had already gone to our fire station and picked up a truck of sandbags! SANDBAGS, Our Corona Fire Department is way ahead of all safety concerns. THANK YOU CORONA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Those bags saved a major flood and disaster inside the house, where there are baby dogs. Oh Goodness! The story will be coming in a blog! It was an all-day adventure. After people started coming realized that back door to the garage was also bursting with water. We mistakingly opened it . . . . Now all the boxes in that little garage are soaked, the water burst out, and was unable to shut it after opening it, for quite a while. Have to try and get boxes off ground today. More rain coming too. www.greenlandhollerpets.org Donations are desperately needed.
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Please Dear God help this six-month-old little PREGNANT baby. The owner only has through the day to save her, please sponsor, adopted or just foster her. Please www.greenlandhollerpets.org     Paypal: [email protected]    Or call me 909-208-6889  
Please help Monica Morroco, she is a six-month-old lab mix, and pregnant, the owner cannot keep her at all. If she goes to a shelter they will spay her and kill the BABIES. I can't take her in, I’m too sick. Blood work yesterday indicates my coagulating factor is dangerously high. Please help this baby Monica, and her newborns inside her to be safe. She weighs about 60 lbs. and is so gentle, gentle. Look at this environment. HELP HER!    Foster or adopt. We will help you with babies when they are born.   Please help TODAY!   Phone: 909-208-6889 Please!
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Please Dear God help this six-month-old little PREGNANT baby. The owner only has through the day to save her, please sponsor, adopted or just foster her. Please www.greenlandhollerpets.org     Paypal: [email protected]    Or call me 909-208-6889  
Please help Monica Morroco, she is a six-month-old lab mix, and pregnant, the owner cannot keep her at all. If she goes to a shelter they will spay her and kill the BABIES. I can't take her in, I’m too sick. Blood work yesterday indicates my coagulating factor is dangerously high. Please help this baby Monica, and her newborns inside her to be safe. She weighs about 60 lbs. and is so gentle, gentle. Look at this environment. HELP HER!    Foster or adopt. We will help you with babies when they are born.   Please help TODAY!   Phone: 909-208-6889 Please!
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Funds are needed urgently. Donate please if you can to PayPal.com:[email protected] Flowers are also quite acceptable. Thank you Trader Joes for these beautiful flowers.
Funds are needed DESPERATELY for:
1. Walls in Sanctuary are filled with water issue. Adjuster coming this morning. Situation is causing horror. $1,000 is the deductable.
2. Kiki, a pom/chi about 15 years old, has a tumor on her leg, and past few days she is having trouble walking.
3. Kiki's Brother, Jumbo, his mouth is swollen badly. He's also a pom/chi 15 yrs. old. (Dr. Ivan can see both of them Wednesday.)
Thank you for all your concern and love. Tough weekend for me......Lights or electricity went out in the main bedroom side. and garage, could not open garage. Cant drive car anyway, can but its tough on my legs. But still I panicked. But got the garage switch to make it work. Then someone fixed the bedroom one . . . . GOD loves me. Only one person knew and was able to guide me on how to work the BOX, but he was not nearby. Anyway, definitely a BLESSING!
Seeing my lung blood clot specialist at USC Cancer Center tomorrow, praying for good news as I need the back surgery. And the 28th I will see the Chief of Spinal Surgeons at USC. And again PRAY I can have the repair surgery. SOON! I did not take all my blood, bone, whatever meds this week. All of it makes me sick, and I need to function. I will start back taking it all today, I promise.
Oh, Thanksgiving dinner packages are also most welcome. And fresh boneless chicken for the babies.
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Please look up Manchester Terrier. The skin on this dog, and hair, is like silk. It shines beautifully. I look at her, and She is just so special. Her daughter too, but Mom is breathtaking.
Description of pet This Mom and Daughter combo must be adopted together as they are bonded like glue. Two dogs also make fantastic pets. They are not diggers, or cryers, they have a friend. So please think about this idea.
Description of pets Our shelter found in an abandoned house Rosebud and her SIX four-week old puppies, one of which is Bella Cuddles, near death, but surviving. Rosebud is named after a gangster lady who also raised her babies, and would shoot you with a gun while protecting her kids too. And Bella Cuddles was another lady about town in the good ole days.
See details at www.greenlandhollerpets.org You can also DONATE on this page.
It was figured out that this tiny little Manchester Terrier/ Jack Russell Terrier, with markings like an angel, girl, had her children on or about August 21. 2016. Mama knew she and her little ones were now safe, but the shelter phoned us, these puppies and Mom needed a home. Down to the shelter we went, and in fact same day, Blossom, was in the cage next to the babies. She was a four and 1/2 month old husky, who could not Breathe. She was blue, and dying. Shelter had no doctor equipped with oxygen on this Monday morning, to save her, and were planning to kill her in a few hours. Well, not over my dead body Took the babies and mom home; MICHAEL GOT THEM OUT OF THE CAR, AND I WENT BACK TO THE SHELTER. An officer at shelter helped me get this dying dog in the car. She could not breathe, and was vomiting, She sat on my lap, and off I drove, It was about 9 am and I hit gridlock. I phoned 911, told them I was on freeway, and the story; the operator told me to get on the side, and go, she would notify police not to stop me, but help me drive faster to our main vet hospital. When I arrived techs were waiting. Within seconds Blossom had oxygen, pain meds, and was safely in the hands of many angels all helping her finally feel better. Other nurses were cleaning me up; I had vomit from head to toe, and was a mess. BUT WE MADE IT. Ten long days, an ambulance ride for Blossom with oxygen to go to Irvine Surgeon, and raising over $14,000 we were bringing Blossom home with our arms around her. It took days before she could eat on her own, but we all made it, and within two weeks she had her family, a young couple, both nurses mad her their child. Her larynx had been crushed and paraplyzed by a HUMAN! But that surgeon and team of vets in Irvine were amazing, just brilliant doctors and medical teams, unreal. Whew. Everyone from Yorba Regional to the Irvine Grouop were all the finest.
Anyway, back at the farm, Rosebud and her gang were growing and getting fat tummies and all just having a ball. Loved beyond words.
When all were about 12 weeks we took the family down to Petsmart in Irvine and I thought all the puppies had been adopted. We were real busy, and with our team of wonderful volunteers, I just thought the puppies all had found their homes. WRONG I WAS. We are packing up and Bella Cuddles, her tinest little one was hiding under a blanket under her mom, We just put the two in the car, and a few other dogs, and came home. That was two years ago, I had my first back surgery shortly thereafter, And since they are no problem, we just kept them. No one was willing to take them both, and we cant seperate them. Bella cant pee pee without her mommie.
Fill out our adoption application at www.adoptapet.com/musicaltruckindogs THen text me at 909-208-6889 let me know you submitted paperwork. If approved we will set up a meeting. We are want good good homes. We want our babies to be your kids.
Rosebud and her little girl Bella Cuddles are ready and waiting just for you.
Precious Characteristics adorable
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This is the sweetest dog ever, and she was tethered for over three years with a spike collar embedded in her skin. Give her your family home today ~ If you are looking for an angel that has been thru hell and came out with an abundance of love and gratefulness, then Princess Jada is your baby girl. When she was two years old, after being raised inside with the family since a puppy, suddenly was left near dead in a back yard. The girl met a guy with her two kids, who hated dogs, and therefore Jada was put on a spike collar and short chain, and Isolated for the next three years. How she survived this hell I have no idea, but she just had to have entertained herself, because she had outgrown the spike collar atleaast three times, and when we got her that collar was embedded in her body, with huge infected sores. Michael had to cut it off, and she howled with pain. It took us close to three months to really get the infection under control, and get her all healed. We just have let her soul heal too. But it took a few thousand dollars to get her medically safe again. When the lady phoned us to help Jada, her words were, "Well the guy I put her outside for, left, and I now also have a baby from him." And I thought, "Well, could you have expected more from a man who puts a dog in this kind of harm. " Immediately I told her to bring the dog that day. And she did. Her kids were with her, but those kids did not even know this dog. The lady told me the yard was not fit for them to go play with Jada. BUT JADA IS LIVING IN THAT FILTH. Oh goodness. Anyway, she is over running with love and graditude. This morning I fed her rice and chunks of fresh beef, and she slowly ate every morsel. SHe is truly a lady!   We are insisting she be a family dog. I would be wonderful if she could be someones only baby, I think, but I can be wrong. SHe is lonely and everyday goes and plays for an hour side by side with our little babies. Please fill out our application at www.adoptapet.com/musicaltruckindogs. THen text me at 909-208-6889 and let us know you have filled out the paperwork. If approved we would love for you to come immediately to meet her. As She longs to be with her own family. That I know for sure. Also visit our website: www.greenlandhollerpets.org to know more about us. And just repeating the seriousness of this precious little girl dog, Princess Jada won my heart as the owner explained she had to leave the dog outside chained with a three size too small spiked horrifying collar that had embedded itself into her skn and had infected sores. ALL is healed now, but she screamed when we cut that Cruel Collar off her neck. She slept most of that day! She must be a house dog.. If you want the greatest dog ever fill out our application at www.adoptapet.com/musicaltruckindogs front page, upper right. Then text us at 909-208-6889. And lf approved lets set up a meeting for you to hopefully take her to your home, and make her your own little girl. Our website is www.greenlandhollerpets.org She had been left outside chained for the last three years. We are full but hearing how that dog had suffered because this lady allowed a new boyfriend to do this harm to herdogletme know we had to take her and find this sweetheart a a good home but when Jada arrived at our sanctuary and had a filthy forty spike collar around her neck all my anger just burst out. And I was so grateful we had her. Immediately Michael fed her real chicken and moment by moment she began to glow. We did have to take her that day to our vet. Ass this precious baby had not had any shots for over three years either. Disgusting. Fortunately two of our angel volunteers were there and were able to take her to vet. Jada did great. And seems just having beds chicken and love are helping her heal. The German Shepherd is a breed of medium to large-sized working dog that originated in Germany. The breed's officially recognized name is German Shepherd Dog in the English language. The breed is known as the Alsatian in Britain and Ireland. The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with their origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding sheep. Since that time however, because of their strength, intelligence, trainability, and obedience, German Shepherds around the world are often the preferred breed for many types of work, including disability assistance, search-and-rescue, police and military roles, and even acting. The German Shepherd is the second-most registered breed by the American Kennel Club and seventh-most registered breed by The Kennel Club in the United Kingdom. The long snouts of German shepherds create more surface area in their nostrils, which helps increase their ability to detect faint odors. Police and military personnel have used German shepherds to detect contraband and track people for decades. In contrast to beagles and basset hounds, who sniff the ground when tracking, German shepherds keep their heads higher, and sniff the The long snouts of German shepherds create more surface area in their nostrils, which helps increase their ability to detect faint odors. Police and military personnel have used German shepherds to detect contraband and track people for decades. In contrast to beagles and basset hounds, who sniff the ground when tracking, German shepherds keep their heads higher, and sniff the air. We think she will blossom best in a house where she is the only princess, and its a calm environment.
Characteristics: playful, sweet, adorable, gentle
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More Pictures of:
Our Little Mr. Red Buttons . . . .One sweet sweet loving puppy dog. Almost ten weeks old, just adorable. And Gorgeous!
Fill out our application at www.greenlandhollerpets.org, then text us you are interested at 909-208-6889, and lets get you an appointment to see this most precious baby boy. Hes extraordinarily intelligent too.  
Cairnoodle Cairnoodle The Cairnoodle is a mix of the Cairn Terrier and the Poodle. This cross is also called a Poocan, CairnPoo, Cairnpoodle and Cairn Doodle, or just a Cairn Terrier/Poodle Mix. He has a life span of 12 to 16 years and is a small dog with skills in agility, competitive obedience, tricks and watchdog. He is an independent dog but still very social and affectionate.
Here is the Cairnoodle at a Glance Average height 10 to 15 inches Average weight 13 to 20 pounds Coat type Short, wispy, curly Hypoallergenic? Can be – Poodle is Grooming Needs Moderate Shedding Low Brushing Three or more times a week Touchiness Fairly sensitive Tolerant to Solitude? Low Barking Rare to occasional Tolerance to Heat Very good Tolerance to Cold Good to very good Good Family Pet? Excellent Good with Children? Excellent with socialization Good with other Dogs? Very good to excellent with socialization Good with other Pets? Good to very good with socialization A roamer or Wanderer? Average A Good Apartment Dweller? Excellent due to size Good Pet for new Owner? Very good to excellent Trainability Easy to train Exercise Needs Slightly active Tendency to get Fat Above average Major Health Concerns Addison's, Bloat, Cushings, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Legg-Perthes, Patellar Luxation, Eye problems, Von Willebrand's, Other Health Concerns Hip Dysplasia, Skin Problems, Life Span 12 to 16 years Average new Puppy Price $600 to $900 Average Annual Medical Expense $460 to $560 Average Annual Non-Medical Expense $680 to $780 Advertisement
Where does the Cairnoodle come from?
The Cairnoodle is mixed or cross breed that has been deliberately bred and as such is now referred to more commonly as a Designer dog. Most of these dogs have two different purebred parents and a lot have Poodle in the mix because of their low shedding coats, intelligence and temperament. Many have a name that puts together parts of the parents names. A lot of breeders have joined the trend but not all of them are people you should be buying from. There are a lot of puppy mills and bad breeders who are deliberately cruel or just ignorant and really know nothing about careful breeding practices. Take care who you buy from. Without much known about the Cairnoodle's origins we look at the parent purebreeds to understand them better.
The Poodle
A very old breed is the Poodle. You can find pictures of Poodle like dogs on old Roman and Egyptian artifacts and in tombs from as far back as the 1st century. Despite most regular people thinking the Poodle is a French dog, in fact he comes from Germany and was used for hunting ducks and other waterfowl. But he became a more distinct breed when he made it to France. There have been three sizes of Poodles for centuries, the Standard, the Miniature and the Toy. French aristocracy adopted the toy Poodles as companions to carry around with them. When the Poodle was adopted into traveling circuses to perform they clipped them into interesting shapes and the aristocracy copied. He was registered in the Kennel Club in England in 1874, and the American Kennel Club in 1886.
Today he is known for being super intelligent, eager to please and easy to train. He is very devoted and loving and while energetic, can be calmed with training, socialization and enough exercise. He may seem to be aloof but in fact when you talk to Poodle owners you discover he has a great sense of humor and loves to clown around and play.
The Cairn Terrier
Scottish terrier breeds were originally classed as Scotch Terriers but in 1873 a new system came in to play and there were now two classes, Skye Terriers and Dandie Dinmont Terriers. Cairns were included in the Skye terrier classification. They were developed 200 years ago on the Isle of Skye by a Captain Martin MacLeod. Eventually in 1912 the Cairn-terrier had its own designation and was so named after Scottish burial sites. He came to America in 1913 and was granted membership of the AKC that same year.
Today he is a friendly lovely dog, always happy and eager to meet new people. As a terrier he is independent though and very alert. He likes to dig, chase things and he is a barker. He is a devoted family dog, good with the kids but can be sensitive and does not do well if you scold him. Early socialization and training are important to help keep him more stable.
The Cairnoodle is an affectionate and loving dog who while enjoys being around people is also quite independent also. He is very loyal and protective and enjoys moments of cuddling as well as moments of playfulness and energy. He loves to get attention and be at the center of anything going on. He is an interesting mix of being sensitive like a Poodle but still able to be bold like a Terrier. He likes to have company and prefers not to be left alone for long periods. If he gets bored or is left alone for too long he can become destructive. He likes to entertain people, is eager to please, alert and confident. With strangers he is wary.
What does the Cairnoodle look like
He is a small dog weighing 13 to 20 pounds and standing 10 to 15 inches tall. He has a compact but strong body and looks quite tough with his wide head and large dark eyes. His coat can be wavy to curly, wispy and is short on the body. His ears are flappy and common colors are brown, black, grey, cream, white and golden.
Training and Exercise Needs
How active does the Cairnoodle need to be?
The Cairnoodle is just slightly active so is suitable as a pet for most owners, even those who cannot be that active. With a good selection of toys to rotate through he can play indoors and then he should also have one or two short daily walks as well. It is important he gets mental and physical stimulation and has enough interaction. He is well suited to living in an apartment as he is small enough and does not require a yard. A dog who is not walked enough and given enough stimulation can become frustrated, bored and will start to act out with barking, digging and other such behavior.
Does he train quickly?
The Cairnoodle despite being independent is easy to train, he listens and obeys and even needs less repetition than many other dogs. He likes to perform for people so as well as learning basic obedience he would also do well at learning tricks and the like. However he is not as easy when it comes to house training and in most cases it is a good idea to use the crate training method. Early training and socialization are important to see him become the best dog he can be. Use positive methods, reenforcing his successes with rewards, use treats and praise to encourage and motivate. Stay firm making it clear you are pack leader and be consistent and patient.
Living with a Cairnoodle
How much grooming is needed?
There is a moderate amount of maintenance and grooming to be done with the Cairnoodle. It will need regular brushing although it at least does not shed much at all, it does get tangled. It will need to be bathed with a dog shampoo just as it needs one. Too often and it is not good for the coat or his skin. You will also need to brush his teeth two to three times a week, check his ears for infections and wipe them clean once a week and then clip his nails when they get too long. Make sure the nails are not cut too short as this will cause pain and bleeding. Groomers can do it for you if you are not knowledgeable about them.
What is he like with children and other animals?
With socialization this dog is very good with children, he is playful and affectionate with them in fact. He also gets on well with other dogs and even other pets especially when raised with them. He may like to chase smaller animals though.
General information
He can make a good watchdog but otherwise his barking seems to range between rare and often! He will need to be fed ¾ to 1½ cups of good quality dry dog food each day, split into two meals. He can handle most climates and conditions.
Health Concerns
Health issues the Cairnoodle can be prone to include Addison's, Bloat, Cushings, Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism, Legg-Perthes, Patellar Luxation, Eye problems, Von Willebrand's, Craniomandibular Osteopathy, Cryptorchidism, Krabbe's disease, Liver problems, Hip Dysplasia and Skin Problems.
Costs involved in owning a Cairnoodle
The Cairnoodle puppy can cost between $600 to $900. Most Poodle mixes are a bit higher in price than other designer dogs though compared to some this is still one of the cheaper options. Other initial costs will include getting a crate, carrier, collar and leash, having the puppy examined by a vet, blood tests done, vaccinated, micro chipped, dewormed and neutered. These come to between $455 to $500. Annual costs for medical essentials like flea and tick prevention, check ups, further shots, pet insurance and heartworm prevention come to $460 to $560. Annual non-medical costs for basics like food, toys, treats, license, grooming and training come to between $680 to $780.
The Cairnoodle is a sweet and very entertaining dog. He is smart but while obedience training may go very well, house training is going to need more patience. He gets on well with other pets and children and could be a great family dog or companion to a single owner or couple. He is also a good option for those who are less active and could be hypoallergenic though that is something you would need to confirm.
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