Going back to the person who betrayed!
It feels so awful when things turn like going back to the one who betrayed! I can’t figure it out that what betrayal actaully is! But that is what it should be called. Okay, we where so girly like we do crazy stuffs, like partner in crime and all sort of things! But fortunately or unfortunately it broke apart. But that was involved with three of us, and things turned out like I became helpless and every girl feels the same when it comes to her and it feels terrible. And it all started like that, from then on friendship became weak but for my type of girl. it is easy to giveup on friendship when it comes to her love of life. I do think sometimes, this is why I have very few friends to stick around! I dont know to act like as if everything is going well and good. I messed up! We never talked for 3months may be! And then I went back for my mistake. I got her back! But then, days went normal. All of a sudden when Air Friendly happened, we stuck together all again. But she messed up here. She promised that she will stay with me or with us, whatever! And one day she left, there was no words for me when I aked her to stay. But also then she refused to stay with us! And it worked out anyways! I became stronger, I learnt more new stuffs, I was put to explore everything, that led me to learn things many many things. Yeah, coming to the love of my life, that person was the most disappointed person than me, because he trusted her so much that she will do good for our company! The most hurting part of she being involved in the company is, business people around us believe that she has got that damn genius brain, marketing skills, extraordinary speech blah-blah-blah! It makes me down, and also the thing is that when we both are at the same place people give more attention to her, as if I have a shitty brain! 
And it all happened, she left. Air Friendly was going well and good! We were at our next step, we grew to the next level. There comes in life when we gotta go at back of the one who betrayed! As she was was an extraordinary expert in her skills and marketing brain, Air Friendly needs her help from the betrayed one! I was ashamed to look for her, But nobody ever was! That was one annoying moment again! This is really hard for me to take it, but the love of my life wasn’t! Actually he was the one who was bursting out of her! To his disppointment I blasted her out long back for not responding to my calls and texts! So disrespecting! But he talked to her as if he felt so normal with her! Now they both are in good conversation, where I stand ashamed for all I did! I have so many things inside me, taking struggles but not as much as people in that goddamn world are taking! But this feels really hurting and stabbing my heart! I act like I don’t care about the things I hate, but pretending like as I was not hurt is the only thing I can do for now! 
Let them go, think her as a master brain girl or god of presentationor god of speaking or may be god of marketing! Be it! 
I’m good, I work for my Air Friendly, I’m learning things, I will make my company proud of me one day! That’s me! 
Change is Good! I like my Change!!
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Have u ever heard Engineering youngsters into the feild of Air Conditioning??
Sushmitha from Air Friendly, My partner was in the idea of establishing a own business. As we were not interested in going for IT jobs, being an ECE student we both were keen in skipping our placements. And we did it! We skipped our placements and all our professors, friends and other people, family, relatives raised so many questions in doing that. At the end all of our friends got placed in top companies. As we discussed in getting into business we were so much confused in its first step! My best friend joined us she agreed that she will help us out. But she was a capegemini placed girl! Some how making into plans and ideas we formed a four group of youngsters into a business field. Fortunately or unfortunately our business was in the field of AIR CONDITIONERS!!!!!!!! Since our company was formed with four of our friends, we named it as "Air Friendly"! We made all our basic requirements of finding an office space, furnitures and decor things, Logo and other stuffs and also each of them carrying their Business cards too.. We attended nearly 20 meetings and taught ourselves in forming a product feature and other stuffs!
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