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Bernie Abrenica
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We, humans, are directly associated with the natural world. Within the plethora of differences, everything should always be united. We are responsible for every happening our planet may encounter for we are also the one who is held accountable for its downfall.
The time I was awakened by reality, I’ve seen numerous troubles. I’ve seen everything slowly falling apart and gone. My system was shaken and conscience leaps up to the fact that I was not doing anything or even moving an inch to stop it.
I have realized, with just awareness, our time here on Earth will be running fast. We all should take action! We should utilize all possible senses we have to save our planet. We should love nature as much as they love us. We should use ourselves to make a difference.
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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We are all too conscious of our physical well-being, to the point that we’ve forgotten what is truly worth using. We should always keep in mind that things are best when they are natural and healthy. With these, we will be able to have a low-cost goods with the most effective results.
In our body, the tip that I could offer you is to go natural and support businesses and products that are organic or plant seeds and take care of it so you will not have to buy things you can really have for free and natural with no combined chemicals. Live organic!
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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In every kind of necessity, there is a wide variety to choose to.  We tend to choose things that really can’t help for the development of our planet for the reason of: “They are cute,” “I want them,” “It’s a trend,” and so on. But now, it’s time to live with substance and willingness. Let’s support people who support sustainability. Ones who really have the urge to make a progression for betterment.  
We play a large role in taking good care for all natural resources. The tip that I could offer you is to support business venture or brands in which their main priority is saving the entirety. “Everything we do has an impact on the environment around us and the people and animals that inhabit it.” This was said by a brand which I am truly a fan of, Fjällräven Kanken. Fjällräven Kanken gave a very big impact in saving the endangered arctic fox for they raised awareness to it by selling products whose goal is to save lives and extinction. Support sustainability!
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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We shop till we drop. But what if nature will also get tired of all the things we are doing? There are a lot of trees and animals who sacrificed their lives to satisfy our wants. And I think, it’s time for us to listen to what they want and what they really need. They need saving! They need care! And they need to be free from being a chained!
When we shop, let us remember the 4 million lives taken away every day just for the products we want to buy. Remember the trees being cut, animals’ skins getting peeled to death, trunks being chopped and habitats being destroyed.
In buying things, a great tip I could offer to you is to not hoard things and think wisely if you truly need the thing you’re planning to buy. And when you shop, always bring a tote bag that would surely fit all the things you will buy, plus, lessen your use of plastic. The cheapest but the fashionable tote bag you could ever have is the flour sack tote bag. The flour sack tote bags are recycled but definitely reusable. So, shop wisely with your tote bag!
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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We grew up drinking fresh and clean water. But we also grew up in wasting plastics. 20 years from now, do you think we’ll still be able to drink fresh and clean water for all the plastics we’ve used? Do you think aquatic animals will still grow their population? Did you think innovation will be led to drought?
We have to live sustainably by simply living eco-friendly. Almost all of Filipinos are into coffee, milktea, and refreshers. Undeniably, these come with plastic cups and straws and the least that we could make is to lessen the use of plastic cups and straws by buying things that could be reused.
In buying drinks from stores, a great tip I could offer to you is to bring reusable straws and a tumbler. This tip will not only let you lessen the plastic usage but beverage stores will also give you a discount! Have a healthy sip!
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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There is a list full of reasons on why we should live sustainably and I am going to give tidbits tips on how to start living it, now.
Kayla Nicole P. Buñag
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Every two minutes, two million plastics are being used and wasted. Our planet has many special and unique places that we must protect and conserve. Negative changes in the environment caused by humans including, global warming, ocean acidification, mass degradation, and ecological crisis are the main reasons why our home is at risk. So, I have decided to take action.
Nature was purely made to save us and it is also our responsibility to save them for we benefit from one another. Then, why are we abusing their abilities? They’ve done nothing but provide our needs.
I am, Kayla Nicole P. Buñag, calling for awareness and care to save all of the natural resources that surround us.
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Sustainability is not just about adopting the latest energy-efficient technologies or turning to renewable sources of power. Sustainability is the responsibility of every individual every day. It is about changing our behavior and mindset to reduce power and water consumption, thereby helping to control emissions and pollution levels. Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good. So here are 10 ways to live sustainably.
- Angellie Grace Alicna
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“Saving money can help you become financially secure and provide a safety net in case of an emergency." Living life without a huge financial burden is a coup. There's no such things money cannot buy but there's such thing as saving money to sustain what's more important and worth spending for. Saving money is not a necessity for living but it can be a great impact to backstop the uncertainties in life. Money is not something that is easy to earn and so you need to save those money you left in your wallet no matter how much it is for you to be financially secured in case of emergency. Here are steps or tips to save your money. -Hera Marie L. Arsenio  
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We all need to work together, because there are no jobs on a dead planet; there is no equity without rights to decent work and social protection, no social justice without a shift in governance and ambition, and, ultimately, no peace for the peoples of the world without the guarantees of sustainability.
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- Nas Peter Baclado
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Saving the environment means saving not only yourself but others. We humans have an innate connection to our environment, environment helps us in many ways and in return we should take care of it. Environment is one of the foundations to sustain our economy the reason why it needs to be preserved. Human activities contribute a lot to climate change, which is the greatest enemy of our environment so what are you waiting for? Save the environment now! If you think you will have an often hard time starting to save the environment, here are 5 easy tips which anyone can do
1. Grow your own garden
2. Minimize waste
3.Say no to plastics!
4. Support organizations dedicated to sustainability
5. Save more energy
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