suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou actually began to stutter a bit. "I-I returned your money! Maybe you should retrace your steps. Maybe it's in your wallet and you just overlooked it?" Suzuya tried to push the idea of checking the money again into the other's mind, hopefully to calm her down. All the while he continued to search through that area with the idea that when she did discover the paper he could just slip away into the alley or something.
Making his way to a corner of a store before a turn, he looked back at the girl with a bit of a worried expression, hoping that she'd take the hint and get the paper. 
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Maki stared at the other in disbelief, holding back a rather rude remark. She was getting more and more desperate by the minute. She started looking around her anxiously, hoping to find some the paper somewhere, maybe just sticking out of the corner of the table, or lying randomly a few steps away?
She wanted to cry. Composing usually takes her a few days, but when two of her friends proposed doing a song with her, she worked on it non-stop, even pulling some all nighters. She knew that her parents would disapprove of her behaviour, but she didn’t care. Just now, when she finally managed to create the perfect music for some lyrics her friend wrote, she was beyond exhausted.
"I promise you. If all my efforts on that piece got shot down the drain just because you tried to steal my wallet, I will kill you." She growled a little, before groaning, remembering how the music was written on the same piece of paper as the lyrics. She can’t lose everything! She just can’t!
"T-take as much time as you need. Just find it…" She mumbled, taking out her phone as she did so, racking her brain for methods to tell her friends that she lost everything.
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"… Hey." She asked, glaring daggers at him. "How do you tell some people that their combined effort with me is now gone because of some idiot like you who tried to steal my stuff?" Her voice cracked a little as she threatened to cry there and then. Music was her life, and the reason she made friends with those girls. What if they stopped being friends with her because of this? It prompted her to growl angrily at the other.
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou looked up at the stranger and down again, then up, then down. He repeated the motion with his eyes even when he stopped moving his head. The boy let out a nervous laugh and folded the dollars up, keeping the paper between the bills. "Nothing, I thought I had lost a few dollars too." He lied. She was going to get it back so no used making it seem like he knew it was there.
He turned around and began to look for the 'missing' song again, taking his time to carefully examine his surroundings as if he was very concerned for the whereabouts of the piece. "Uh, still not seeing it. How much time do I have left?"
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She stared at him with her arms crossed in front of her. Sure she was angry. Did he take her to be an idiot? That any random piece of paper he finds on the ground to be her precious music sheet? If it was for any other song, she would not be as distressed. She memorised every other song she ever wrote. and has multiple copies of them at home, but this was the only copy, and it wasn’t even memorised. She glared at the other. She didn’t care if she was demanding the impossible. She wanted the music sheet immediately.
The money wasn’t her biggest concern. It was one of her bigger concerns, but not the biggest. She didn’t mind the other keeping a part of it, to treat t as a reward for finding the paper. Who knows? Maybe it fell out of her pocket before the man even attempted to steal the wallet. Then she would have been asking him to do something unnecessary all this while. If so, she would be more than glad for him to keep half of what he attempted to steal, provided that she still had the document before he snatched the wallet, but oh well.
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When he took out the wad of cash, she was a little less distressed than before. Maybe he was returning the money as a guarantee or something? She hated to think that he was just going to return the cash and make a run for his safety. Oh well. Even if he did, he technically wasn’t stealing anything anymore. Unless the document’s with him, but she highly doubt that that would happen. Currently, she was just watching his actions. The money did have a slightly off shape, but maybe it was because she didn’t sort out her cash properly, and he just grabbed it and went off. Though, when he flipped through the notes, his expression was rather peculiar. Slightly annoyed at the delay in returning her the money, she sighed.
“What now?”
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou sighed heavily as he gazed at the receipt she had angrily thrown to the side. How was he suppose to find this thing anyways? He didn't see it anywhere near where he had crash landed and there was certainly no way it was in the wallet when he took out the money. He didn't see it when he looked through her cards and pictures and he didn't know what he was looking for anyway. 
This girl seemed pretty pissed at him though, and it was only a matter of time before the situation got worse and he would find himself in a quandary. He listened to her final threat and nodded his head in understanding.
Ah, so she did notice the money. So much for icecream, huh? He giggled a bit at himself for thinking he could still get away with it, so before continuing to look for the music sheet the stranger so desperately needed he pulled the money out of his back pocket and went over to give it to her. He stopped and pulled the money back to him, feeling an odd thickness to it. Flipping through the bills he discovered a folded piece of paper between the currency. He face dropped at the sight of the paper as he mouthed an 'oh.'
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That didn't look good. That looked like he intended to take the music with the money. That was no good and he hesitated to give her the money back.
She felt herself boiling up. Did he think it was a game? She wanted to scream at him, and do things which she will probably heavily regret later on to him. However, all she could do was sigh as she watched the other, silently feeling her wallet and noticing something else. It felt much thinner than before.
When he came back, she snatched the paper and quickly scanned through, before crumpling it and flinging it to a corner.
“Thanks for the receipt, but what I need now is the music sheet.” She glared, before sighing.
"… Find it. Soldier game is the only song I will ever sing with two of my friends, alone. Its important. Find it, and you could keep half the money you took. If not, I’ll report you to the police, now.”
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She did her best not to sound like she was completely desperate, but it somewhat failed. She wanted to desperately to do this song. It was one which she put all her heart into composing, not that she didn’t do that with any other song. Its just, Eri and Umi are rather dear friends of hers, and she would hate to disappoint them if she lost the music meant for their song. Even though that was something she would never admit to, she loved her friends as much as she loved music.
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou nodded his head before dropping to his knees and pawing at the dirt. As he dug into the area, unearthing random articles of jewelry, he began to make a pile of whatever he found that could have possibly been Asseylum's. "How long ago did you lose it, do you remember?"
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{Lost Pendant}
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou had made it a few meters from the girl when he suddenly felt himself being pulled back to her by the collar of his shirt. Putting up a few hands he muttered a few reassuring words as she barked at him to find something he had no idea was in the wallet in the first place. 
Music sheet, huh? So she was a musician? Or maybe it was just a song that she held dear to her, who knows. Flashing her a nervous grin, he began to scan the surrounding sidewalk for a second time before glancing up to her. "Why only two minutes? Can't it be three? Or to make it really fun you could lessen it to 30 seconds." It almost sounded like a game to Juuzou.
Two minutes to locate a music sheet he'd never known had existed or else he'd receive Hell. Honestly, Hell would be pretty hard to give Juuzou, but the young man didn't say a word. No used making the situation more tense and so he began to scope the area quite thoroughly before coming across a folded paper under the table of a cafe. 
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"Ah! Is this it?" He waved it in the air though he hadn't even bothered checking it. If it was then maybe he could get away with the money and buy some ice cream. 
She wanted to punch him, but violence was something no Nishikino could do. Besides, her parents owned a hospital, and it wouldn’t be right to create patients, since her parents were probably busy enough.
Opening the wallet, she took a quick glance. Her important things were still there. None of her cards were gone at least, and her photos were all tucked in their respective compartments. Then she went to check a pocket which was wide open.
She wanted to send him to the nearest hospital there and then. She wanted to, so badly. Her music sheet for her latest song was gone. It most likely fell out when the wallet supposedly flew out, and dropped out of the open pocket. Still, she was beyond pissed off.
Walking quickly, she grabbed the collar of the adult, and yanked it to her level as hard as she possibly could, growling at him.
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“One of my most important things is missing, and if I don’t get my music sheet back in two minutes, I will make sure you suffer!” She let go, silently hinting for him to look. Was she worried? Of course she was. She promised her friends that she would show them the new song by Monday, and she needed the music sheet as she could not remember the whole song note by note. Honestly, she didn’t care about the money. All she wanted was the music sheet back, and that was the most important thing to her at the moment.
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
He looked around, or at least tried to. The only place his face was was in the ground currently smashed by the force of gravity against the concrete. He let out a moan, not of pain but of annoyance. There was no need to get up and try to run for it, he was caught and she was way too fast. As Juuzou watched the girl approach him through his peripheral vision he made little effort to role over and look at her fully.
He patted his hands around the area surrounding him blindly before actually moving his face to examine his surroundings. Wow did everything look different when you were so close to the ground. He hesitantly got up and for the first time faced the girl. He didn't have the wallet in his pockets but he checked again just as a precautionary measure. Nope, still not there. He shrugged his shoulders with a dumb smile on his face.
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"Sorry, ma'am, but I think I dropped it when I fell over. You're quite the fast runner, huh?" He said as he began to make slow steps around. There it was, fell off the curb into the streets! He picked it up and handed it to her, leaving no room for actually explaining what he was doing before trying to walk off. 
"Sorry I couldn't return it to the police before you noticed! Hope nothing really important's gone!" He called back sincerely, actually thinking that something could have fallen out when he was launched from standing position.
Furious isn’t enough to describe the rage that Maki was feeling. That wallet held everything, from her ID, to some smaller photos, and it angered her more that she had some of her more important music sheets in one of the pockets. She didn’t really bother much about the money. All she wanted back was the scores for one of her latest songs, but it’s not that bad to get back everything. … actually it will be the best if she got back everything. 
As soon as her target fell, she sped up, before crossing her arms and staring at the other. 
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“Where is my wallet?” She glared, extending her hand to the other, expecting the male to just hand her over the item. She was wondering which idiot thief will keep the evidence after getting what they want, because in all seriousness, if it was Maki, she would just grab the money and dispose of the evidence. Maybe drop it off at a station claiming she found it on the streets. She glared a little more as soon as she thought of that, silently hoping that the article was still with the idiot in front of her.
“Return my wallet immediately, and I will not bother you anymore. All its contents must be there, though.”
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou wasn't too interested in the contents of the wallet. Just like any other person's this had a couple of bucks, some cards, nothing unusual. Pulling out all except one of the dollars the boy stashed them in his pocket before beginning to make his way to the police station. Juuzou smiled to himself, sure that he would return the wallet without any problems and get a little extra cash. No harm done as long as the girl he bumped into got her more important stuff back, right? No one's gonna miss some cash if she's got her ID and credit cards. 
Making his way down the sidewalk at a relatively relaxed pace, he payed no attention to the sounds of a dashing person increasing behind him. He figured for the most part that it was just someone running late to their classes or something, or perhaps a sprinter training for a competition. No real need to worry, but even so curiosity got the best of him and he turned around.
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"Hah—" He let out a surprised yelp as he saw a familiar stranger dashing right towards him. He had tried to turn and make a dash for what he'd fear would be his life but alas he crossed his legs and tripped over his own feet. 
Maki glared at the other, before shrugging giving a quick “Whatever.” to the other as she walked off. Left hand in a pocket and right hand on an ear piece, she found herself fully absorbed into the harmonious music coming our of her earpieces.
After walking for a while, she turned her attention to a vending machine at a corner. Thinking for a moment, she sighed and placed her right hand in her pocket to take out her wallet. She was maybe slightly thirsty, and had nothing to lose.
After feeling around for a moment, she can’t help but feel very odd. She could swear that she brought out her wallet. And there weren’t any holes in her pocket, so it couldn’t have just fallen out. Thinking back, something in her clicked, making her growl a little as she sprinted back to where she came from, questioning whether that one guy bumping to her in the middle of an empty lane. Silently thanking her friends for dragging her out of the music room to exercise, or dance, she found herself closer and closer to her “target destination” in no time flat.
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
[[i am still alive but things have bee inactive around here?? and grades and extracurricular activities have been hard on me as of lately. speaking of which i will be gone the entire weekend on an orchestra retreat so yeah]]
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
[[So even though only one mod and no one else had been informed I was recently grounded and my time on the computer had been restricted. But now I'm back! Let's see how long I can keep it. >_>']]
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
"Ah, sorry!" Juuzou called out to the person he'd just bumped into before passing them as if he was in a hurry. Waving back, he said, "I wasn't watching where I was going."
After getting a good distance away from the stranger he pulled out a wallet, a wallet he'd pick-pocketed just then during the incident. "Let's see what we have here...?"
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou scanned the park as well. There were always certain places that certain things ended up if they ended up lost in that park, there was a corner were the keys would go, you'd always find lost sports equipment buried in the playground sand, and so forth.
Shaking his head to answer her question, he nudged her and pointed in the direction of the benches. He found a ring over there once so maybe some other jewelry had shown up there before? "I don't know if it'd be over there, but the same things have the tendency to show up in the same places in this park. Wanna check?"
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{Lost Pendant}
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou listened to her answers avidly, 100% interested in what she had to say. It wasn't everyday you got to meet a foreigner who was also royalty! He dwelled on the last bit thought, the one about the pendant being a gift from childhood shared with her fated one. How romantic! It actually weirded out the white haired boy just a tad but hey, everyone was different. 
Vers, what was that like? Oh how did he wonder, but they'd made it to the park so he didn't bother to ask any more into it. Top priority should have been to find the pendant. Now arrived at their destination, he was ready to tear the lawn out of the park looking.
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"Are you ready to find your necklace? 'Cause I sure am! Let's find it, let's find it!!" Juuzou chanted enthusiastically rather loudly even for the park. He put his fingers up and placed his hands around his face, looking at the royal girl with a familiar face.
{Lost Pendant}
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
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"Then you should probably eat something."
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"…Ah. My stomach is grumbling."
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
"Trend is not so much of a verb as it is maybe an adjective or noun in the sense that we're using it, though I wouldn't really know. You can't really be a trend but you can be trendy, which is to say that you're up to date on the current fashion." Juuzou tried to think of a better way to explain it. It was one of those words that you'd never learn, you'd sort of just... Pick it up for another. 
Someone who wasn't from here? That was something new, he'd never get to meet many people who weren't already born here. Juuzou nodded his head for the girl, confirming her suspicions. "Yes, your question would be out of place from someone who was from here, so it's natural to assume that you're not! But it's totally okay, people from other places are cool!"
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Juuzou just had to ask her now, no stopping him. "Where're you from? Why are you wearing such a pretty gown? Are you a princess? Is the pendant you're looking for a family keepsake or something?"
{Lost Pendant}
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
She smiled, nodding. So Juuzou was a good person then. That made her feel relieved as she mimicked his hopping. Juuzou was a good person and he certainly seemed like an interesting person. 
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She faced him, a confused expression on her face, “What are trends?”
Juuzou was taken aback by her question, but careful to not seem rude he smiled at her and answered her question. "Trends are something like what is considered the cool or current thing to do. For example snap back hats are a current trend right now but ten or twenty years from now no ones going to want to wear them." 
He looked at Asseylum with a bit of a quizzical expression. "Are you not from around here?"
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{Lost Pendant}
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suzuyadogwalking · 10 years
Juuzou hopped from foot to foot, excited to be talking with another person. He wondered why the girls were doing that himself, they'd never bothered to explain and he didn't think to ask at the time. "You know, I don't know why they were trying to tag the wall to be honest. If it wasn't for the excitement of the dog I would have probably contacted the authorities about the graffiti though." 
Juuzou shrugged his shoulders and faced the girl. "Maybe they thought it was some cool new trend and that they wouldn't get in trouble."
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{Lost Pendant}
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