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This is my nostalgia’s post. "Weiss Kreuz" is one of few anime, which i watched  two times. Don’t know for what reason, but i like it.
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Azian drama "ITEM" is tired to me. I maked a decision to stop wathing this on some time. There is a very scary villain, who have a magic items. These items make their owner aimighty. For this reason this story too boring. I want to wathing a some more interesting story. Maybe, i will return to "ITEM".
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I wrote nothing two days, becouse I took part in the competition wich my studeant in capital  of my Republic.  We didn't take this. Becuuse we saw prejudice to students, which not outside capital. Unfortunately we don't take a prize. My student very grieved.
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First post
It's my first post  here.  My English is very bad, I'm sorry. But I will try my best.  I will write my notes about anime, Asian dramas and other interesting themes here. For example, I am watching the Asian drama "ITEM" now. This is an inreresting story. My favorite character  is a young profiler .
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