svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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he was finally home, not for a weekend or a small pit stop along the way  — home. grateful to awake to the company of his mother and younger sister he claimed to be a nuisance. it was astonishing the simple things he grew to appreciate after nearly a year of various hotels and a cramped tour bus. he’d been walking the aisles of the local market, running errands for his mother as she required some household supplies. he checked each item off the list as the basket accumulated items he’d hardly known the purpose for. it felt nice, filling a basket without having to calculate every penny to match what he held within in his pocket. he was nearing the end of his list when he noticed a familiar figure across the way. there she was  — the girl he’d admired since his early days as a toddler. she’d been there his entire life, minus oliver she was truly the only one he had. various people from their school had attempted to contact him while he was on tour, putting forth the charade they’d always been friends, but never her. perhaps he knew why, as the infant before her perfectly mirrored his perfect olive skin. he froze in his steps, a lump forming in his throat as he scoured his brain for a proper excuse. “laken-” he shouted across the aisle, feet pattering in the direction of the other. he still wasn’t certain what he was going to say, features consumed by a twist of confusion. “hey.” he managed, arm extending behind his neck to shuffle raven locks. “you’re here.”
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hearing her name echo down the aisle was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. her name never sounded quite as wonderful as it did when it left his lips, but she was hoping that the first time they ran in to each other again wouldn’t be like this. “caleb,” she semi-whispered back, grateful for the fact that the boy was hurrying towards her since she seemed to be stuck to the floor where she stood. now that he got closer she could truly take him in. while it had only been about a year, he seemed so much different -- older, but in a way that looked wonderful on him. “you’re home,” laken wanted nothing more than to say more, to talk to him like she would have ages ago, but insecurity was eating her up inside. she hadn’t told caleb about the boy that sat quietly in the stroller because she didn’t know what to say, but there was no hiding now. “w-when did you get in? i’m sorry i didn’t take over any welcome home cookies or anything. i would of had i known.”
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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TOBIAS: its not!! TOBIAS: i mean theyll do either TOBIAS: it just depends on their mood TOBIAS: thats a win for you??
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ANDERSON: i mean either way i’m around u right? ANDERSON: so yeah ANDERSON: win win
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
i just watched november criminals and i love ansel elgort with all my heart
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
i really really want a ‘u broke things off bc u said u didn’t love me anymore but the truth was that u loved me too much for u to handle but i was forced to move on and be with somebody else even if i never loved them like i loved u and now i’m about to ask my new partner to marry me but u finally admit what happened and i don’t think i can go thru with the engagement anymore but screw u for fucking w my head’ plot
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
i’d really love a plot where there’s this like innocent virgin who’s really good-ish friends with this super hot player type of guy and they just he stands up for her and it’s not like he pressures her for anything, they’re just really good friends !! and one night they’re going to a bar and someone makes an asshole comment about her (it could be about her being a virgin or the guys next victim or whatever) and then the guy goes to defend her and instead of him being able to say something he’s super surprised when she turns around and just punches this guy in the face and he ends up having to like have to drag her off of the guy and then because wow she let one of her impulses take control and it worked and it felt better than bottling everything up wow !! maybe she should give into more of her impulses and then they’re walking back to her house or hotel room or whatever and they’re talking and laughing about the whole thing and she makes a comment about how i was nice to let go for once and then next thing he knows !! she’s kissing him and then one thing leads to another and they hook up and wow !! what next ?? are we still friends ?? are we more ?? idk i just really want it
i’m looking at this now and just…. plot twist !!! she’s super religious and she was drunk and when she wakes up she’s super upset because ‘on NO i gave it to you i was supposed to be a virgin until i got married now jesus hates me’
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
you jog shirtless past my house every morning au
we’re the only single people at this wedding table lets get drunk and bitch about everyone au
“i’m a radio host who indirectly mentions you and flirts with you on my show but you’re so goddamn clueless, please just notice me i’m so desperate for you it’s kind of sad (see: welcome to night vale)” au
‘we take the same elevator every day and due to a misunderstanding I assumed you didn’t speak english and I’ve been talking to my friend about how hot you are for three weeks and apparently my friend has known from the start but you agreed not to tell me bc you both think its hilarious what the fuck’ au
you’ve been sleeping at mine because your house is being renovated and we aren’t even dating, yet every time you wake up to the baby crying and sigh, “i’ll go” i feel like we might as well be married
“you’ve been awkwardly inching your way towards the human sexuality section of the bookstore i work at for like fifteen minutes are you looking for something in particular or –?”
“We’re both cosplayers and we somehow always manage to meet each other at cons dressed as a popular ship and people want photos of us in compromising positions and oops now we’re kissing” AU
preacher’s daughter falls for a bad boy
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious”
“Our dogs whine whenever they’re apart so we spend pretty much every day together” AU
“I walked in on your ex yelling at you so you grabbed me and kissed me  so she’d go away and I’m kind of freaked out I literally just met you last week” AU
“i accidentally took your laundry but just so you know you have awesome taste in underwear” au
the walls are really thin and i can hear everything you’re saying could you please shut the fuck up new neighbour au
you jog shirtless past my house every morning au
awkward teenage seven-minutes-in-heaven au
foreign exchange student au
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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his lips were pursed, nerves heightened as the brunette continued to speak. his gaze focused on her lips, mesmerized by the way they so elegantly seemed to form words. a coy smile teases his features, a hushed chuckle escaping his lips as he nodded his head. “yeah,” the filler dangling loosely off his tongue. “that’s the funny thing about social media.” though there was nothing funny about the statement. he’d missed her as well, though his nonchalant demeanor had a poor way of expressing it. “instagram, twitter, facebook, they all only show a small portion of your life.” the image he’d learned to charade over the years, one his peers had become accustomed to seeing. “you weren’t bothering me,” he reassured her, glancing up at the other as he put forth his best attempt at a grin. he had invited her here, the least he could do was show the slightest bit of hospitality. “i would’ve called more, but i thought you stopped because you were busy.”
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"boy, you must be fun at parties.” she couldn’t help but giggle a bit as she joked, looking back up at him, this time with a bit more certainty that she could get through at least the next few words. “but, i don’t know. i guess that small portion of your life was all i really got to be a part of so it seemed like the whole entire thing. all the life. right there. just on my little screen.” her shoulders raised and then fell back down, not sure what else to do other than shrug as she reached for her drink. the only way she could make it through the night without her constant babbling was if she was intoxicated enough to calm down. “i would’ve liked it if you called more,” ridley turned her attention away from him again, trying her best to come up with something else to talk about that wouldn’t give away the fact that life without him had really just been a not-so-fun time. “how’s everything been though? up to anything new? i feel like i’m probably really behind on this season of your life.”
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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it wasn’t like she cared a lot about what her friends thought of her… the only reason why she was on the squad in the first place was because she heard cheerleaders were easy. also, the movies always suggested that the hot cheerleaders always got with other hot people. and then she actually kind of enjoyed herself once she got onto the team. maybe it was in her blood all that jumping around and acrobatics, because it just came naturally. and as per usual, jenny was running a little behind. alright, a lot behind… but she saw a really cool looking dog and needed to take a selfie with it. after five (or ten) minutes of being late, she rushed into the locker room and practically slid into the spot right beside anderson. “hey,” she muttered with a grin, wrapping her arms around her waist and pressing sloppy kisses on the side of her neck. “sorry, i saw this super dope dog with a super dope bandana. i had to take a picture,” she muttered between kisses. “y'wanna see it?”
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anderson wasn’t sure why she had even thought that jenny would be on time, tempted to pout for a solid ten minutes to prove a point that their time together already felt limited enough. though the second she felt the girl’s arms wrap around her waist, followed by a sloppy array of kisses to her neck, she almost forgot what was even going on. it was a shame really, how easily jenny was able to distract her from her own thoughts, but it was a distraction she would ask for time and time again. “you kept me waiting so you could get a selfie with a dog?” she rolled her eyes back playfully, knowing good and well that there was no denying how cute the picture probably was. “fine, let me see it, but can we do that quickly so we can get to other things before people start wondering where the fuck i’ve gone?”
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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his amusement was evident as anderson approached him, a smug grin gracing the corners of his lips. “oh, hey anderson,” he mused, hints of mischief masquerading within his words. his arm remained latched around the other female, one draping her arms around his neck as if he were the only thing holding her steady. his tongue grazed the surface of his lips as his eyes flickered over the other. a brow cocked in response to her words, demeanor hardly shifting as he took a step closer, maneuvering out of the other female’s grasp. “oh really?” his arrogance was evident, gaze steady upon the blonde before him. “so you’re gonna settle for some lousy frat boy who will probably bust a nut faster than the virgin he claims he isn’t—“  his lips spread with clenched teeth, casting an expression of judgement at the other. “i’m not gonna tell you how to live your life,” his index feature nestled beneath her chin, thumb softly stroking the side of her cheek as his lips turned upward. “but you could do so much better than that.”
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anderson watched him as he took a step in closer, not daring to pull back or step away. he couldn’t win her over with his stupid little antics -- not even stroking the side of her cheek could get her to melt. she was far too focused on the human embodiment of trash that stood just a few steps behind him. to think that he would even consider going home with the other girl was insulting. “do you mind?” the blonde spat as she caught sight of the stranger still standing there, staring at the two of them. “and do you care?” her gaze shifted back to soren, head tilting ever so slightly as she pursed her lips. “you’re going on about how much better i could do when that is what you had on her arm. i heard one of the sinclair boys just dumped his fiancée. maybe he needs someone to get on her knees and make him feel better? hell, i could get a new purse out of it too. maybe a trip out of the country. you want me to face time you after he’s fucking me from behind in his daddy’s private jet or during?”
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
i still want a messy ass ship though. like one where they obviously dig each other but refuse to make it official but also hate when the other goes out with other people. a lot of fights ( he punches other guys. she drags girls away by their hair ) jealousy flares all the time. but they never actually “cheat” on each other. they just make it seem that way so they get the others attention. also they gotta be gross and have sex everywhere and have a little too much pda to be appropriate.
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
i’m craving a plot where a girl matches up with her best friends brother on tinder and every time she sleeps over from then on she sneaks into his room to spend the night after the best friend has fallen asleep like please and thank you 
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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TOBIAS: they live with me TOBIAS: i don’t think they’d be able to forget me completely  TOBIAS: that and i can use the whole i changed your diapers trick TOBIAS: plus you dont know THESE munchkins. theyre devils
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ANDERSON: uh this sounds a lot like a challenge?  ANDERSON: make little children forget about you OR ANDERSON: watch them harass you like the devils you claim they are? ANDERSON: this is a win win for me in all situations 
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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it wasn’t easy to be the son of someone so important, being watched at all hours of the day. and it wasn’t fair that he had to allow himself to catch feelings for the girl, because now he had to deal with the fact that their relationship really couldn’t be public. it wasn’t supposed to be like this, the whole falling in love process. he couldn’t even talk about it to anyone without them wondering who it was, and he was pretty vocal with his feelings. that’s why so many people liked him. “yeah, and then think about the questions,” he responded, laughing a little as his hand lazily ran through her hair and watched the phone moving into pictures and letting out a defeated sigh. his chin was on her shoulder, arm wrapped around her lazily and feeling comfortable. he hadn’t felt this comfortable in awhile. even when he was filming, he had to keep her out of the frame and some people were beginning to catch onto the fact that there was always a girl laughing or with him… just behind the camera. “maybe on day, y'know? when things are less… intense between them.”
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bowie couldn’t help but wonder how far along one day would be. she had always been envious of everyone who was able to flaunt their significant other around, but she continued to keep it all a secret because it meant she got to be his to some extent. “the questions, huh?” a smirk pulled at the corners of her lips as she looked up at him from her position in his arms. “let’s see. what are those silly little questions that exist in those girlfriend tag videos?” she couldn’t help but let out the softest giggle, grateful for the time that she get to spend with him and how easy it was to let loose as he held her close. “hudson, tell us, your girlfriend, bowie, is watching television when you get home. what’s on?” she wiggled her eyebrows playfully as she poked his hand in anticipation. “this is the second most important question of these types of videos and you better not do the standard ‘uh, i don’t know? keeping up with the kardashians?’ answer.” god what she would give to be able to actually film one of those silly little things with him, just to be able to say boyfriend out loud to someone who wasn’t her dog would be lovely. 
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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i can’t vent anywhere else without someone from work seeing it and calling me out, so y’all are stuck with it. i thought that next week was actually going to be somewhat of a break for me, but alas, i will be working every fucking day!!!!!! don’t know why i thought i would get any kind of time to sleep. rip to my health.
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
f/f ship based on my otp on the 1999 show popular — muse a is a senior in high school. she’s cool, but she’s not one of the popular people. her best friends and weird and quirky, and she’s definitely a ‘bad ass’. her father passed away and her mom has been single for a while. muse b is the ‘queen b’ of the school. she’s smart, has the looks, the boyfriend and the mansion. her friends are bitchy and rich and quite judgmental. her mom left her dad when she was younger, and he’s been single for while. one night, muse a crashes muse b’s party while her dad was out of them… and when her dad comes back, the girls find out that their parents met on a cruise and ended up getting married all in two days. now muse a has to move in with muse b and they have to learn how to get along, even though they are sworn enemies in school… and both graduating soon.
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svmmerbreak-blog1 · 7 years
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TOBIAS: yo TOBIAS: so i got stuck babysitting the munchkins today TOBIAS: and im lowley high as shit TOBIAS: send help lmfao
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ANDERSON: the only help i can ever send is me ANDERSON: and i’m not sure you want me around munchkins ANDERSON: they love me too much ANDERSON: they’ll forget who you are when i’m around ANDERSON: and i wouldn’t want you feeling unappreciated  
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