svnshone · 1 year
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MECIA SIMSON at “The Witcher: Season 2″ Premiere December 1, 2021
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svnshone · 1 year
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Anneliese had seemed so content when Dagmar had given the governess leave for a couple hours. She had been crawling on the floor, giggling as she tried to use the small sofa to pull herself to her unsteady feet. Then the baby's demenour had shifted, quicker than the changing of the tides.
In the first few moments of the crying Dagmar had picked up her daughter, hoping that would be enough to soothe her. Unfortunately she only continued crying. The quiet questioning of "What happened, what's wrong?" in their native language recieved no answer.
The sound of another voice outside the door had Dagmar turning around, the crying child still in her arms. Perhaps she should have called for Inga or even her youngest brother-in-law- he always seemed to have a way with the baby. How could someone so small be so loud? "She just started crying and I don't know why."
closed starter - dagmar & vasilisa @svnshone
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Vasilisa was finally beginning to settle into the palace in Portugal. She had begun to recognize faces in association with names and while it was hard to accept it as home, she was at least more comfortable. She often found herself walking the paths between her room and the library or gardens. It was on one of her walks to the palace library that she heard the cries.
Children had come to Portugal with their families naturally, but the princess seldom heard or saw them. Truth be told it was something she rather missed about the court in Russia - there were always children around livening up the mood. It reminded her of playing and taking care of her own siblings and friends.
Hearing the crying, Vasilisa couldn't help but to turn down the long hallway and to follow the sound. It led her to a royal with deep red hair - the Dowager Queen of Denmark, she believed - holding a tiny fussing infant. She stopped outside the opened door. "Forgive me for the intrusion, but do you need any assistance?"
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svnshone · 1 year
Ever since the news of Layla's sickness had reached her a worried and watchful look had lived on Mihrimah's face. It was impossible for the sight of the young woman ill with fever to not bring her youngest daughter's face to mind. Leaving their home had been hard- nearly all of Mihrimah's life had been spent inside the walls of the New Palace. Her memories, her keepsakes, her last pieces of her daughter all resided within her home.
"I know," she murmured, her hand giving the sultana's a squeeze. "You are such a strong young woman." Layla was every bit her father's daughter. The same blood running through her ran through Mihrimah's own offspring. "You are already looking so much better. A few good meals and some mroe sun and you shall be as strong as ever."
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most   days   feel   useless   now   .   spent   in   the   privacy   of   the   ottoman   wing   ,   working   on   regaining   former   strength   fully   ,   hoping   to   heal   –   physically   as   well   as   emotionally   .   the   illness   had   caused   her   muscles   to   weaken   and   while   layla   did   not   doubt   the   strength   would   return   to   her   muscles   ,   it   was   a   slow   and   weary   process   .   perhaps   ,   the   condition   of   her   heart   did   not   contribute   it   .   waking   up   from   the   fever   to   the   news   that   he   was   gone   …   it   had   left   behind   a   chaotic   void   that   she   had   not   yet   found   a   way   to   control   .   emotions   boiling   over   –   anger   ,   grief   ,   rage   ,   sorrow   …   bouncing   back   and   fort   and   dragging   the   healing   process   further   .   
the   sultana   allows   the   portuguese   sun   to   kiss   her   skin   as   she   sits   alone   for   tea   and   a   few   snacks   .   absorbing   the   new   surrounding   –  a   place   she   had   hoped   to   start   growing   a   family   at   .   it   was   easy   to   get   lost   in   the   yearning   ,   to   allow   the   tug   at   her   heart   to   take   over   .   luckily   though   ,   before   she   could   fall   into   it   deeper   ,   mihrimah   there   to   join   her   .   good   .   while   she   wishes   to   ,   layla   should   not   be   alone   .   “   i   am   fine   .   really   .   even   though   my   body   is   weak   now   ,   i   am   getting   better   …   i   know   you   want   to   ask   …   “   reaching   over   the   small   table   to   find   the   hand   of   the   other   woman   in   hopes   of   soothing   her   worry   .   @svnshone
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svnshone · 1 year
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"Antonia of Austria," she introduced herself. Rarely did the princess include her title in such matters- at home there was never a reason, the Ausrian court knew their royal family. "We are all getting used to Portugal, but I do not believe you missed much in Switzerland."
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"You're more than welcome." Vasilisa took another small sip of champagne. "I'm afraid I don't know them all that well, either. I've only just arrived to the summit." She followed the princess' gaze around the room, unsure if she would know the bride and groom even if she saw them. "Where are my manners, I am Vasilisa, Grand Princess of Russia."
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svnshone · 1 year
@pr0mis | frederik & arie - arie's birthday celebrations
He was hesitant to arrive- after their last talk, would Arie even want him there? Still, he thought, after spending far too much time trying to decide and swallowing three-quarters a glass of wine, Arie would be much more upset with Frederik missing his birthday celebrations than not coming over a spat between brothers. He hoped, at least, it was just a spat between brothers. That Arie would heed his words, would come to his senses.
Frederik waited until his youngest brother had a moment between guests before approaching him. "Happy birthday." He knew how much his brother cared for the day. "I- um hope you are enjoying yourself."
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svnshone · 1 year
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Antonia took the glass in her hand. "Thank you." She had always lied the clinking of glasses during a toast- it reminded her of merriment, of cheer. "No, not well at all." A sip of the champagne.
"Do you?" Antonia glanced around the room, looking for a glimpse of the newlyweds. "It is such a lovely wedding."
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"Nonsense," Vasilisa smiled at the bubbly blonde princess in front of her. She reached gracefully towards the tray and retrieved two flutes. The princess held one out towards the woman. "There are plenty and it's a wedding we should be celebrating!"
She lifted her glass. "To the bride and groom," she toasted before sipping slowly at the pale liquid. "Do you know them well?"
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svnshone · 1 year
"Oh nonsense." The queen gave a small wave of her hand as if brushing off the idea of it being improper. "It is a wedding." Dorothea stated it as if the woman would not know. "We can find you a partner for a nice, easy dance. None of the fancy footwork they're showing now. It would be more improper, I think, for you to stand at the sidelines at such a joyous occasion."
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JUANA WAS NEVER A dancer. Even as a girl, she had two left feet. Her dance master tried and tried, but she would never be as graceful as he would wish. So when the woman beside her asked if she had a turn yet, the Dowager Queen shook her head. “No, no I have not.” She brought a goblet of wine up to her lips. “I fear it would be improper of me to do so, Your Majesty. Anyways, I have never been a woman filled with enough grace to dance.” She hummed. For Juana was still in mourning, was she not?
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svnshone · 1 year
Dorothea gave the grand princess a soft smile. "Do you enjoy dancing at all?" She had never thought a party a sucess unless her feet were sore from dancing the next day. "You're young, you're pretty. It shall be quite easy to find you a partner." She scanned the crowd quickly, before giving a small nod to one of the young princes. "What of him? He's rather handsome."
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Vasilisa watched the spinning couples in front of her. The candlelight glinted off of the embroidery of the extravagant apparel of the guests. She had resolved herself to watching those around her and making polite conversation and was surprised by the Queen’s suggestion. “I have not, Your Majesty, but it is really not necessary.”
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svnshone · 1 year
Dagmar stepped out from behind the desk she had stood at. The room could hardly be called a study- it was a small sitting room with a desk pushed in as well. It suited her needs- somewhere she could address the never ending letters that came with her station and conduct short meetings as needed.
They eyed the sword before reaching out to take it. "Thank you." It was lighter even then Dagmar had expected. She ran her fingers across the blade, testing just how dull the blade was. "I believe it is. How much for your work?"
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as aksel stepped inside he did his best not to look around too curiously. while he considered a little too confident and too outspoken he never lost touch of who he was and where he came from, rooms like this and the palace in itself intimidated him greatly. " oh i know, still i like to deliver as soon as i'm able. " and he certainly hadn't wasted any time with dagmars request.
from behind his back he pulled out the small practice sword blunt at every edge. he'd managed to decorate his own hands with several small slashes in the process of making sure it was blunt, but better his own hands than somebody else's, especially a small child. " i've made it as light as i could, i hope it is fit for purpose. " he held it at the hilt for them between thumb and forefinger.
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svnshone · 1 year
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HANNAH DODD Flowers in the Attic: The Origin
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svnshone · 1 year
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Antonia was positively giddy- all the talk of weddings, all the music, and decor, and gowns, it all only left the princess more excited for her own. She did not know the couple well, but she hoped they had found happiness together, as she had with her fiancee.
"Oh no!" The princess exclaimed with a smile, pulling her own hand back. "Please, you take it. It must be a sign that I have already had far too much." The Austrian laughed, having already drank a few glasses.
Weddings fascinated the Russian Grand Princess. Though she had been to few outside of her own court, Vasilisa found them to be incredibly revealing. Those in attendance seemed to either relax and allow themselves to show more than they intended or they remained quite sober and aware of what was going on around them - either way, there was something to be gleaned.
Of course there were the few who had mastered an air of content inscrutability. Vasya counted herself among the latter. She watched the celebrations and rituals with a pleasant smile, drinking her champagne slowly enough to keep her wits about her but not slowly enough to draw attention.
She gently reached for a fresh flute of champagne and accidentally brushed hands with someone doing the same. “My apologies, the glass is yours.”
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svnshone · 1 year
setting: wedding festivities of the crown prince kristijan of sweden & princess phillipa of switzerland who: dorothea & open
The Swedish Queen watched the dance floor, eyes scanning the participants. She has always been fond of dancing, quick to pull her partners to the floor. "Have you had a turn yet?" she asked the person beside her. All of the planning and manuevering to ensure that this betrothal made it to the atlar had run their course- two siblings-in-law wed to foreign royals, four were left and half had suitable betrothals already. "Let us find you a partner."
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svnshone · 1 year
She slid the book she held into its position on the shelf. "Why-" her voice was still delicate, feigning curiostity rather than a flare of anger "are you carrying glasses and an open bottle? Has someone asked for it?"
Dorothea's eyes followed the servant who had stooped to wipe the spilled wine- before falling back on the butler. "Is carrying both the bottle and a glass too arduous a task?"
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adam wasn't too nervous, didn't consider himself to be in trouble just yet. she was using his last name, after all, which meant she still had some resemblance of patience to give. it was when she started referring to him as adam that he normally felt the need to brace himself.
he looked down at the items in his hands - both the bottle and the glass still very much intact, mind you. "well, i... almost dropped a glass, your majesty," he offered, though the statement sounded more like a question than an explanation as it left his mouth.
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svnshone · 1 year
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Period drama + Reading
EMMA. (2020)
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svnshone · 1 year
Alexandre had been relieved of duties for the rest of the evening but still felt uneasy. The marriage of the princess to the crown prince of Sweden was not something he ought to have opinions on- but still, the match left him feeling unsure.
He stood outside, eyes falling to the Dane as he spoke. "So few? You must not be a betting man then." The guard had seen nobles party into the night plenty of times. "Many might fall into their cups, but I gather at least half shall remain upright. Until they get to their chambers, at least."
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OPEN STARTER. where : the swiss - swede wedding. courtyard. who : aksel nygaard.
the blacksmith had no intention of going inside the palace, he didn't unless it was to find his room or drop by some of his work to one of his many customers. instead he had opted to sit out on the courtyard watching as royals, nobles and staff left, some having a harder time staying on their feet than others.
he took a mouthful of his own drink, feet perched on the seat of the bench while he sat on the back of it. " how many of them will still be standing by the end of the night? place your bets. I say less than twenty. " he bit back a laugh as he watched one man fall flat on his face as he tripped on the last step. " maybe less. "
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svnshone · 1 year
There was a clench to her jaw at the woman’s words- the careful poise of her features slipping for just a moment. “Do you think I do not know?” Her mother had raised her to be a courtier- she claimed it was the reason for the trouble Dorothea was in each time she had returned home with muddied hems or found a book returned to their collection with folded pages and scribbled notes in the margins. A child half wild grown into a woman composed.
She was not some little girl playing at dress up. "Do you think I would be here if I did not?" After all she had done, all she had given and had taken from her for this cause. "If you wish to caution then say it clearly. Do not speak of trouble without cause or reason."
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“What, pray tell, trouble do we have?” The surprise that had been their arrival in Switzerland had blown over- since then they had secured alliances. Kristijan to the Swiss princess, Brigitta to the Mughal prince. Trouble had passed for the Nilssons. They had been accepted amongst the royalty of the world- even if had taken some shoving. “And the king does not go about causing commotion.”
A small hum escaped her. “I know well enough how people talk.” Dorothea had been in enough rooms filled with nobles in her time- years of mingling among them, flittering from conversation to conversation. She had all but the past few years as an aristocrat- she knew people spoke differently to her as the queen then they had before, spoke of different things, kept closer secrets.
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svnshone · 1 year
His eyes remained on his empty hands as Arie attempted to explain himself. Not for the first time, nor by any chance the last, Frederik wished their mother were here, or their father, anyone wiser, any one older. Any one who would know to correct way to respond. "Nobody." The word tasted foul in his mouth. "She was somebody enough when you were-" he searches for the right word, one he cannot believe he is uttering to his brother- "bedding her."
Frederik finally turned to his brother at his admittance. A face clouded with what could only be disappointment, shame, upset. "That is your child." His voice broke on the last word. Over a decade had he and his wife been trying for a child. Thrice in their marriage their hopes had been answered and thrice he had held her as they wept, as he silently cursed the skies for taking their children before they were born. Now here his brother was.
He is not one to often give orders- especially not without consulting his advisors and councillors, attempting to find a solution that suits all. Frederik's tone surprised even himself. "It is not I you should be apologizing to. You must say it to her- I do not care that she is staff. You have put her in this position. It is not-" He cleared his thoat. Eyes shut for a moment before forcing them to open. "It is not easy to carry a child. You will offer her aid. Whatever is required."
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arie   had   expected   anger   .   he   had   expected   a   lecture   .   had   expected   scolting   ,   had   expected   to   be   sent   away   even   .   anything   other   than   the   calm   tone   in   which   his   older   brother   spoke   .   perhaps   ,   he   had   underestimated   him   .   perhaps   ,   he   had   made   himself   more   of   an   outcast   than   he   really   was   .   still   ,   guards   did   not   fully   sink   .   a   young   man   filled   with   embarrassment   ,   redness   on   his   cheeks   as   he   kept   avoiding   freddy’s   gaze   .   “   she’s   …   uhm   …   “   uncharacteristically   stumbling   over   his   own   words   –   usually   big   mouthed   now   speaking   so   quietly   that   his   voice   was   barely   audible   over   the   noises   outside   the   carriage   .   “   just   …   staff   from   austria   .   nobody   ,   really   .   just   …   a   woman.   “   as   if   it   was   necessary   to   underline   that   the   two   were   not   wedlock   ,   that   he   had   put   his   attention   where   it   wasn’t   supposed   to   be   and   that   he   wasn't   very   responsibly   handling   it   now   .
eyes   fall   shut   .   head   leaned   back   against   the   wall   of   the   carriage   .   “   no   .   i’m   …   not   .   “   the   youngest   jasen   admits   with   a   shaky   sigh   .   he   was   letting   down   his   family   .   felt   it   .   knew   it   .   a   baby   ,   usually   ,   a   reason   to   celebrate   for   most   royals   as   their   bloodline   would   be   ensured   to   continue   .   not   for   him   though   –   not   under   these   circumstances   .   “   i   apologize   ,   brother   .   i   –   “   chocolate   hues   finally   opened   ,   filled   with   fear   as   he   looks   at   the   other   one   .   “   i   do   not   know   what   to   do   .   i   wish   not   to   bring   shame   to   our   family’s   name   .   though   ,   as   i   said   ,   it   seems   unavoidable   now   …   “
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