svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
We were offered peace once, but the price of accepting peace was pedophilia crap
Hi guy with long post. What is up with this war thing can there be a peaceful resolution.
There will be peace when we purged them from the fandom, and everyone will be safe.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
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I know what you’re thinking, you think: “oh they are just some nice bloggers who don’t do anything wrong.” But that’s not right, They DO.
I gathered you the four most dangerous pedophile and pedo supporter for you in the fandom. @seddm for example demanded two minors to have a “sloppy make-out” or at least a long kiss on screen on a channel that’s watched by millions of little kids, yes LITTLE KIDS! it’s not just about “seeing drawn characters making out” but also about the little children who watch the show in their homes, innocently. Let’s forget about the well known and disgusting fact that he’s lusting about children making out, but let’s focus on the minor audience who maybe shouldn’t be poisoned with this, not to mention, fiction always influences real life, therefore fictional pedophiia and lusting on drawn characters can easily turn into real life lust and into real actions.
@lil-area-sfw(I rather link her swf blog because I do not stand for corrupting children) Is the main producer of pedophilic nsfw art, and not just the rubbish called “Between Friends”! She also made other child characters having sex as well like Wafku characters, or Hiro from Big Hero 6 who is also a minor. She just seems to be obsessed with child porn, and sadly her comic spreads in the fandom as wildfire, if you ever see the title “Between Friends” in STVFOE context, run! Run and never look back because it’s child porn. 
@pixelboypixelgirl is just as bad as Area if not worse. She brings Pedophilia to a very new, a meta level, because she draws Bug!Star and Bug!Area raping Marco diaz! Summarized: She draws rape, she draws child porn, she draws LITERAL PEDOPHILIA (Area, who’s an adult, raping the 24 years old Marco), and what’s even worse, she draws bug bestiality. However her comic isn’t as popular as “Between Friends”, it’s ways more toxic, and disgusting as it is.
You thought they were bad? I left the worst to the end. @rakhall. I won’t go into the topic how he totally looks (and acts) like an evil satanic cultist, because what he does is ways worse. He makes jokes and fun out of everything and everyone not caring about anyone’s feelings. Why is it bad you ask? Because he makes thissituation look like a joke he makes PEDOPHILIA AND RAPE look  like good and funny jokes. I can already  see how he’s ready to make perverted and disgusting jokes claiming that the cobwebs look like something else that’s white and sticky, or fool around with this post because fir him everything is just a game. 
Also here is one warning for you Area, me and my friends once reported you and tumblr nuked your blog, if you don’t stop posting child porn, we will do it again. And again. And again, until you finally understand that your pedophile content is not welcome here! The same goes for you Pixelgirl! You two should fear the most, because a storm is coming!
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Please think about the children
Minor attraction harms children. Parading your attraction around is harmful. If you find yourself having intrusive thoughts about kids, seek help immediately. Being a pedophile isn’t something you should wear on your sleeve.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Drawing porn of child characters from comics or cartoons is ILLEGAL in the United States
18 U.S. Code § 1466A - Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children                                                                 
(a)In General.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that—                    
(A)    depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; and
(B)    is obscene; or                                                                
  (A)    depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and 
   (B)    lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;  or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 2252A(b)(1), including the penalties provided for cases involving a prior conviction.                                
(b)Additional Offenses.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly possesses a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that—                    
     (A)        depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; and                      
(B)      is obscene; or                                                                
(A)   depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and                                                
(B)   lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value; or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 2252A(b)(2), including the penalties provided for cases involving a prior conviction.                                
©Nonrequired Element of Offense.  It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist. Source
Here are some recent cases and convictions.
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Most recent conviction seems to be May 2016. That’s this month.
When abusive adults in fandoms prey on the children in them, try to spread that it’s okay to draw child porn of the child characters, to sexualize the child characters, they are breaking the law and encouraging minors to break the law. The law doesn’t care if you use it as a “coping mechanism” (even forgetting that abused people can become abusers themselves). This is illegal and it can get you imprisoned.
Please boost this. Not enough people know the law exists and big-name artists routinely bully people, survivors, minors into believing that spreading child porn in their fandoms is okay and to do it themselves. It’s not, and it can get rebloggers arrested for possessing and spreading obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children.                 
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
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hey can someone please explain to why
in the fucking trailer you see a
fuck you Netflix you disgusting pedos
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
4 away from 100 followers!
Thanks guys!
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
As you can tell by the fact that I accidentally reblogged something onto this blog, I'm back...
And pretty exhausted. Welp, hi again!
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Why does people say that Attack the Light is an easy game when it has parts like this?:
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This is one of the hardest games in the history of gaming.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Thank you!
I’ll try to make “peace” if I can, but how can it be expected when we already tried and it didn’t work on either side? I’ll try again I guess, but in a different way. We’re pretty stubborn, myself included.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
This goes for pedophilia and/or child porn artists too
“dont harass artists” SHOULD mean “dont contribute to cringe blogs taking 12 year olds ocs and laughing at them, dont interact with an artist just to say you hate their style, dont send mean messages asking for free art or complaining about commission prices, dont steal art and shit talk the artist when they ask you to take it down, dont edit art and claim it as your own, dont threaten another human being”
it should NOT mean “don’t ever criticize someone for drawing something racist/homophobic” Like yeah don’t send threats that’s fucking common sense, but people have a right to know when their work is having a real impact on someone’s life (making them feel excluded and lesser, contributing to dysphoria and fear) and then they can react to it and choose to keep going or not, but just because someone put in the time and effort to draw it doesn’t mean nobody can say it’s shitty on a moral level ???
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
vent ahead
their blog makes me sick to my stomach. i remember loving luna and mlp in general as a child, and then this prick headcanons her as a pedophile for all the other disgusting child predators to feel okay and “oh golly im not the only one then uwuwuwu”. this makes me not only disgusted,but really sad. i hate seeing characters which i have a sentimental connection to, treated like this. fuck off honestly
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
That's what it was!
Why is Tomco-week on the list?
There’s this guy that runs it that… Wait I’ll look at this later it’s like 4 AM.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Why is Tomco-week on the list?
There's this guy that runs it that... Wait I'll look at this later it's like 4 AM.
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Basically what happened to Alfonzo and Ferguson in season 2:
Okay so this is actually freaking hilarious:
So way back in the old days of SVTFOE, Daron had created a bunch of characters to be friends with Star and Marco, pretty much all of them being girls. She had a plot set up, their personalities written out, she was pretty much ready to go and start getting the first episodes up and running.
Suddenly, Disney comes up to her and goes “Hey so uhh… You have a great set up and everything but… Marco needs some dude buds so he can seem you know… less feminine.”
You already know very well this plan failed so hard.
Now Daron had it all ready, and now she has to create two completely new characters and somehow get them into the plot. As a writer myself, I can confirm that it is pretty tough, especially when you have like 90% of your story thought out and on paper. To satisfy Disney’s desires, she created two new characters, and eventually, they became the Alfonzo and Ferguson we know (and love, at least I do) today.
If it wasn’t funny to you already, this is where it gets funny.
So Alfonzo and Ferguson showed up a bunch of times in season 1, and the feedback on them was… like 50/50. You either loved them or you really couldn’t care less about them. Season 2 came around, and they were only seen in the background. Only Alfonzo spoke throughout the entire thing, and all he even let out was a tiny, calm, two-second giggle on the LAST episode of the season. After seeing this, among other things in season 2, I came up with these two theories as to why they didn’t show up as much:
1. Since people really didn’t like them, the writers cut back on their presence.
2. Disney couldn’t stand how gay they were.
I honestly believed it was a combination of the two leaning more towards the second one due to the gay kiss in the BACKGROUND that almost got the ENTIRE EPISODE knocked down from being aired ever again or whatever the plan was.
Now here’s what REALLY happened, confirmed by Daron:
When season 2 was being written, because Alfonzo and Ferguson weren’t originally in the plot, Daron literally ran out of ideas on how to incorporate them into the story, so she put them aside in season 2 so that she could think of ways to put them in season 3 and so on.
Now… can we talk about how Disney’s plan with Alfonzo and Ferguson didn’t even work?
It COMPLETELY failed, especially since Alfonzo and Ferguson barely even showed up in season 2, AND TO TOP IT OFF LIKE WHIPPED CREAM ON A SUNDAE, the whole bit with Marco disguising as a princess followed by the Trans Marco Theory.
TL;DR: Disney made Daron create Alfonzo and Ferguson to make Marco seem less feminine, but since they were brought up abruptly and weren’t originally in the story, Daron soon ran out of ideas for them in time for season 2 and scooted them aside for the time being while the fandom stirred up the Trans Marco Theory mostly after Princess Marco was introduced, making Disney’s plan flop like a dead fish and giving us these characters for literally no reason, which is altogether mind blowing and somewhat depressing but also the funniest chain reaction backfire I’ve ever seen in the history of cartoon production.
- Mod Ashlyn
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Dude teens have desires too, you put a pair of 15 year old nice looking boy and girl under the same roof and what would you expect…Marco is a safe kid but a straight kid too, I assume.
Of course teens have desires, they're teenagers, I totally agree with that! I just think it's creepy that adults lust over two teenagers engaging in sexual activities, regardless if real or fictional.- Mod Ashlyn
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
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@subanglife Hoo boy this is a lengthy one! Part 1: Thank you, and you're welcome! Part 2: There's a few that I know they know, a few that might know, and a few that probably don't know, but at this rate I'm not sure. I know a ton of the people who support Lil-Area (and others) know, but I don't know if Area herself knows. Seddm probably doesn't know, and Skleero might know but I doubt it. The people that most definitely know are Rakhall and pixpixelboy/pixelboypixelgirl. In fact, they've both spoken to me about it. It was interesting to say the least. Part 3: Of course people have! There's this bucket sheep dude, 5dynam0 (whose blog pretty much entirely consists of that at this rate). Long story short a bunch of people are trying to get us down. Fortunately for me I've blocked most of them and I can't see their notifs, but that's from my main blog, and only on some miraculous rare occasion will it somehow let me block them from this particular blog. Thanks to thar there's a pretty high chance you're gonna see this post in a screenshot followed by several paragraphs explaining that we are bullies that harass innocent artists and we're going to be nuked by Tumblr for doing so and that drawing cartoon porn of minors isn't against the law, which I honestly don't care about anymore because doing so is still absolutely disgusting and my god, these people need help. Anyway, thanks for the questions! - Mod Ashlyn
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svtfoesafecastle · 7 years
Adult women who date boys who are minors are just as pedophilic as adult men who date girls who are minors
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