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Top image drawn last, middle image drawn second, bottom image drawn first. I definitely feel proud of my illustrations for this project because I really feel like they show the message I was trying to get across. I however am not to keen on the top image. I feel like it needs more shading and added highlights. It looks very flat. If I were to go back and do it again I would probably change the colours and add shadows and highlights.
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What ideas and inspiration did you get from your research?
From my research, I was inspired to colour block the background and combine different graphic styles. I knew that I wanted a basic style for my illustrations since I’m just a beginner. I was also inspired to try shading and highlights because I wanted to develop my drawing skills instead of just drawing lines and colouring them in with one solid colour.
What ideas and inspiration did you get from the world around you?
I was heavily inspired from the environment around me. My pieces are based off litter on the beach and marine waste and how it affects the marine life and even humans.
How did your research influence the development of your project work?
Finding different photographers who include bight colours and colour schemes in their images inspired my own choices. I didn’t have a particular scheme but I wanted to keep to bright colours.
Do you think you researched widely enough or in enough depth?
I always think I could do more research but I tried to go more in depth this time by adding facts about marine waste and looking into articles.
What is your work about?
My work is about marine waste and how it affects marine life and how it ends up being consumed in small amounts by humans.
How did your ideas develop and change?
I had a very clear vision in my head about what I wanted to do so not much changed apart from changing colours in my illustrations as I went along. Such as adding gradients and altering the background colours.
How well did the work you produced communicate the ideas behind your project?
I think it communicated the ideas behind my project very well. My message is very clear in my illustrations.
Core Skills
What English and Maths skills did you use/improve with your project work or photography skills?
I’ve used English throughout my blog work when doing research and writing captions for my posts. I used maths when I was finding out my carbon footprint and interpreted my dath that was produced.
What new techniques (eg. Camera work or photoshop) did you learn/experiment with?
My whole project is full of new techniques. A few examples are stop motion, time lapse, editing in premiere, illustration as a whole and HDR photography.
Did you push yourself to try new things?
I did push myself very hard to try new things.
Character Development
Comment on what you learnt about yourself and where you think you have developed/used your abilities in terms of the categories on the character matrix below:
RESPECT Understand respect (Taking care of others 11) Understand professionalism (Taking care of others 11) COMMUNICATION Understand views and how to contribute (Taking care of yourself 9) DRIVE Understand motivation and engagement Understand barriers and how to overcome them (Taking care of yourself 4) RESPONSIBILITY Understand responsibilities as a person and as a student.   (Taking care of yourself 9) Understand personal voice and freedom of speech.  (Law and State 1) PEOPLE Understand why we work with others to achieve goals (Employability 6) GRIT Understand pressures and expectations of being a student How to meet deadlines, manage time and understand consequences (Taking care of yourself 4)
How did the assignment help you develop yourself (e.g. Respect, Communication, People)
The assignment helped me develop my respect because now I am more aware of respecting the environment and how everything I do affects the world around me. I developed my communication because when presented with the brief I had to understand what the client wanted and listen to them and their needs. I understand my responsibilities too. Everything I do I am responsible for, such as littering, not turning lights and electrical devices off, taking transport when I could just walk somewhere. I understand why we work with others to achieve goals. I worked with the devon wildlife trust to produce illustrations about the environment and bring awareness to issues around marine littering. I kept myself under pressure to push myself because if I don’t have any pressure I tend not to do my work to the maximum potential and slack off a bit.
How well did you manage your stress levels?
I managed my stress levels well. I tried to stick to my plan so I wouldn’t go off and do something that wasn’t relevant and waste my time.
How well do you think you did in terms of: meeting deadlines, time management, punctuality, attendance?
I kept to my time plan even though I missed a couple of days but even then I tried to do some research. I’ve met all the deadlines and produced my work for when I needed it.
How much effort did you put into your work?
I put a lot of effort into my illustrations but I will admit that I didn’t put as much effort into my blog but that is because I wanted to be proud of my illustrations since I had never done it before and I am used to doing blog work now so it is becoming more natural and I’m improving it and developing it every project.
Did you take care and pride in the presentation of your work?
I did keep pride and care in the presentation of my work. I always try and keep it to the same format to keep it consistent and clear.
What challenges did you face? how did you overcome them? What did you learn from them?
I only really had two challenges. The first being that my first attempt at a panorama didn’t work because I didn’t take enough photos and they didn’t stitch together smoothly so to overcome this I re-shot in a different location and this time it worked and I learned from my mistakes.
The second challenge was actually choosing the right colours for my first illustration. I changed the colour of the ice cream and in turn the tentacles of the octopus got lost since it blended in so I just coloured it in a differently.
Did you learn anything about how to work professionally in the creative industries from this assignment?
I learned how to take information from a client and follow what they wanted. With the Devon wildlife trust we had a very open brief and only needed to produce something about marine life.
Working With The Brief
How does the work you produced meet the client brief? Did you consider their target audience?
I think my work that I’ve produced does meet the client brief since it is about marine life and waste. I tried to make my work for everyone. It is easily understood and I thought the bright colours would attract everyones eyes.
How does your work promote messages around sustainability?
I chose the devon wildlife trust not regen south west so it doesn’t relate to sustainability but it brings up issues about marine waste and how it affects the animals.
How easy did you find the brief? What were the challenges?
I found the brief very easy since it was extremely open and I could do whatever I wanted basically as long as it fitted with marine life and waste and being awareness to the issues.
What aspects of the work did you enjoy/not enjoy?
I enjoyed all of the work since all of this project was experimenting with new techniques. I liked all of the work that was produced.
How well did you engage with the project and what helped you to/prevented you from engaging with the project?
I think this project I was the most engaged with since there was a lot to research and learn about. Nothing stopped me from engaging. I found it very interesting and informal.
High Points and Low Points
Overall, what are you most proud of? What are you least proud of?
I’m most proud of my final images since I put a lot of effort into them. I’d say I’m least proud of my HDR photo since it isn’t that contrasted to me but I can always go back and do it again if I wanted to.  
What are the key things you want to work more on next term?
I always think that I can improve on my research. In my eyes I can always do more.
What did the audience think? During your group crit sessions, describe the responses to your work.  Discuss what feedback you got, and explain why you agree or disagree with the responses.
See peer review feedback post.
Document how you managed your time on this first project.   How would you evaluate your productivity? (eg. Did you produce enough work? Could you have worked faster?). To help you do this: 
 - Firstly calculate the total hours that you personally spent on this project, and clearly show this on your evaluation.  
- Calculate the amount of hours spent on thinking of ideas, researching, and discovering. 
- Calculate the amount of hours spent planning, organising your production.
- Calculate the amount of hours spent practicing and testing skills, equipment, and software.   
- Calculate the amount of hours spent taking pictures.
- Calculate the amount of hours on the editing your pictures - Calculate the amount of hours you spent uploading posts to your blog or putting your workbook together.   - Calculate how much time the team spent working on the assignment altogether.
Take these figures and work out the percentages for each element.   Create a pie chart or similar diagram that accurately represents how much time you spent on these different elements.  
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Percentages listed above. 
How I worked the percentages out. I added the total amount of hours up which totalled to 40 then I did 4 divided by 40 then times that by 100 when was 10%
If you were to charge a client, say, £15 per hour for your time spent working on this project, what would you be charging?
£15 x 40 = £600
4D Evaluation Task 4D Problem Solving Task – Evaluation In order to ensure that you are able to pass unit 7, it is essential that you evaluate your 4D work, answering the following questions:
1) How did you create a 4D piece? By using the time lapse setting on the Nikon D 7200 and taking a photo every 5 seconds on the Nikon D 70 What materials/objects did you use? I photographed moving cars, time lapsed flags moving in the wind and also cars going up and down a street with people walking past. How did you photograph it? Using a Nikon D 90 and a Nikon D 7200 How did you edit it? Premiere Pro CC 2) Evaluate how well you did it Were you influenced by any particular artists or 4D pieces? Tony Plant inspired me in my time lapse and films like wallace and gromit inspired my stop motion. What were the challenges and how did you deal with them (give specific examples)? I didn’t intend to do a stop motion but I had to since I booked out the wrong camera but the outcome was still good. What other ways could you have approached the challenge? I could’ve had a story line to my time lapse/ stop motion instead of a theme.
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First off I edit photos together in an arrangement that I want to draw in Photoshop.
I then open it in Adobe Illustrator and trace round the lines with a round brush at 0.25 pt. 
After I screen shot it and put it back in photoshop and change the quality to 300 dpi and use the fill tool to fill in parts. I then go in with a brush and add shadows and highlights and re define some lines. 
I use a wacom graphics tablet to draw my image.
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Steve has started a website called money 4 old rope which raises money for charities to help preserve and protect marine life. He picks up rope from beaches to prevent it from ending back up in the sea and harming any animals which live there. To make money from this to pass on to his chosen charities he buys jars such as these jars. 
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Maximising detail
Hyper real
Cityscapes, night photography
Edit in photomatix
Trey Ratcliff - artist
Good to under expose landscape a little
Camera RAW make 3 copies saved as tiff
Take a normal image as 0 (tiff)
+2 image saves as +2 (tiff)
-2 image saved as -2 (tiff)
Photomatix - load bracketed photos - load them - change exposures - default settings good but if moved remove ghosts, reduce noise if night - take into photoshop. 
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Peer Review Form.            ED Photo Yr 1
The Future:              Units 5, 6 & 7
Using the format below, please give detailed constructive feedback for your peer about their blog & project work for The Future. Try to be specific and give examples.
Context: How much have they communicated about the subject context of the project? How well informed was it? How clear was their purpose? How well have they articulated their ideas, the meaning and the information supporting their project?
You have shown clearly what steps you are going to take in order to achieve your final images. You explain your own opinion on the brief and what you think about the environment which is good. You have shown clearly what your inspiration is and how you intend to create your final images.
Research: How widely have they researched into artists and information/facts in relation to the project? Does their research clearly link to their final and developing art work? How well does it do this? How independent was their research?
You have done a wide variety of research and explained why you like each artist and what you are going to take from each of their work. However, it is mostly internet based so maybe try to do some secondary research like the library.
Problem solving: Do they describe the challenges they have had in developing their project? How well do they describe how they overcame these challenges? How well did they deal with the challenges? You have explained some of the problems that you encountered when creating your images ( the colour of the tentacle) and explained what you did to resolve this.
Planning and production: How well detailed was their project planning? How well they continuously evaluate their progress in relation to these plans? You planned your project out really well and showed this by explaining what brief you were going to choose, why you chose that brief and then what you are going to do next.
Practical skills: How well have they used practical skills? How effective is the imagery? How well produced was it? Your practical skills are amazing and I can’t believe that this is your first time using a graphic tablet thing. I like how you have experimented and showed your first attempt and then explained what you are going to try and do next time. I would say that your images are really effective because they are really eye catching and get the message across.
Evaluation and reflection: Have they consistently evaluated their work throughout the project? How well have they done this? Describe some examples of where they have done this.
You have begun to evaluate each piece of work by saying what you do like, however you could maybe go into a little more depth about how you did it and why you do like it and what you are going to change next time.
Presentation: How well presented was the blog? How well finished and presented were the final images & time based piece? Your blog was really well presented and easy to find things. It was super easy to find your images and your 4D work was presented really well with a description below.
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Time lapse
Series of stills 
Depicting moving time
Set intervals between each frame e.g 10 seconds
Can seem sped up
Need a tripod for a set view point
Can be done fully in camera
Set amount of frames so can leave it going alone
Limited freedom
Artists Tony Plant
Stop motion
No set interval between frames making you have complete control
Move objects manually 
Frame rate- TV and film have 25 fps
Wallace and Gromit example of stop motion film
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Second illustration and edited first
The top image I drew to represent what i’ve said in previous posts. It’s about marine litter and how it all ends up back in our bodies when we consume seafood. There are obviously different concentrations of litter in the sea in different places. Such as East Asia. East Asia is one of the worst affected places, with 27 times more plastic found in the seas around Japan than elsewhere in the world. (http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/microplastics-microbeads-ocean-sea-serious-health-risks-united-nations-warns-a7041036.html#gallery)
I wanted to keep with the bright colours. I chose orange as the background colour because I plan to do a third illustration which will have a red background. I thought red, orange and yellow were all bright eye catching warm colours and looked good together. 
I chose to edit the bottom drawing (the first to be drawn) because I just liked the gradient. Since I changed the ice cream, the tentacles didn’t stand out so I decided to do a  yellow and blue gradient to match the background and to match the nails since they didn’t go with anything. 
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Tony plant (http://www.tonyplant.co.uk/) is a cornish artist who uses different medias in his art and to create it. He likes that his beach drawings aren’t permanent physically but people who walk past will remember it. I’m focusing on his beach drawings since his time lapses of him creating the patterns are extremely interesting to watch and I too will be creating a timelapse. 
“Using the beach as a canvas is interesting because the drawings emerge in a back-to-front way. Sitting at a desk with a piece of paper, you can see your hand, the pen, the mark and the line in front of you. Everything is laid out. But the way I tend to draw these pictures is by looking forward into the space. The mark comes behind me, so I don't see where the mark is. I look into the space and project what I want to do, which means I have to be several moves or several parts of the drawing ahead of myself all of the time - that allows for unplanned events to happen. I also like that the beach as a canvas is constantly changing.” 
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Max Rive (http://www.maxrivephotography.com/index) 
Rive’s photography of mountain landscapes has inspired my own images. I love the colours in his images and how vibrant some of the images are; for example the top photograph. In the top photo I particularly like the contrast of the (assuming) church. The white really stands out against the blues. I also love the lines of the clouds drawing your eye up. The angle of the photograph really helps this effect too and you feel like your’e looking up even though you’re looking at it straight on. The photo would be a lot less interesting to me if it was from a different angle. It definitely gives you a different perspective on looking at things.   
I’m going to use bright colours in my illustrations to catch peoples eye inspired from his photos. 
I also love how the colours indicate the temperature of the location too. For instance the bottom picture has lots of earthy tones and in the distance on the horizon is white and above is a massive cloud of orange. These colours are very warm hinting that the location is warm. Also, the cacti show that it is a warmer place. 
The middle image has lots of blue, purple and pink. These colours are cool colours which are associated with the cold. You can also tell that it is very cold due to the snow. 
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4D time based work
I created a time lapse and a stop motion and edited it in Premiere. 
In my set up I used Nikon D 90 camera for the stop motion, a Nikon D 7200 for the time lapses and a tripod to keep the camera in one place. 
When making the time lapse and stop motion I had to consider where it was, what audio could go with it and how well it would fit together. I based it around Plymouth as a sort of theme so everything was relevant because it may confuse the viewers if there were dramatic scene changes and nothing linked together. 
In Premiere I used transitions to blend the clips together and a slight fade for the audio so it would go quiet when the clip stopped instead of a harsh sound of it just being cut off. 
If I were to do it again I would record more footage but because we had a limited time amount I only got this much. I think if I got more footage it would be more interesting since there would be different scenes. The audio would be nicer too because there would be more of the song unlike the video above that is only about 10 seconds. 
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My carbon footprint is so big because I live in a 200+ year old cottage in a rural village and things like solar panels and changing the heating would probably make the cottage crumble to the ground. 
I also take the train to and from college and travel 6 hours a week on it. 
Personally I’m okay with my score because I’m already doing everything I can to reduce my footprint. I can move to a different more energy efficient place but the cottage I live in will just be inhibited by someone else and still contributing. 
If I had more money I probably would have a larger footprint since I would travel more and buy more things since I had the option to.  
I think the quiz is a bit flawed because there are factors like how many cars you have, how many people you live with, where you live, what resources you have, where you work.
It doesn’t take in consideration all of these things. Your footprint may increase if you do daily washing or may decrease if you grow your own food. It really just depends where you live. If you live in a flat in the middle of London I doubt that you’d be able to grow much food/ enough to live off. 
To me it sounds like they want us to all grow our own food, wear no makeup, only wear second hand clothes, walk everywhere and wash everything in the closest river but the reality of that is that it isn’t going to happen. The world is developing and with that comes things like global warming. Maybe people could cut down on buying things but they’re still being produced which isn’t changing anything and I doubt that they’ll cut down on doing that since it is a source of money for people. 
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For my illustrations I wanted to include marine life and food. In 2010, between 4.8 million and 12.7 million tons of plastic was washed into the seas and has since shown up in the stomachs of whales, plankton and other marine life which in turn ends up in our stomachs.  
More than a quarter of all fish now contain plastic, according to a recent study which analysed the guts of fish sold at markets in Indonesia and California.
This is a massive issue since there is so much marine litter and it all ends back up inside of seafood consumers. 
I wanted to try and represent this by having the octopus tentacles sticking out and looking like they were being consumed by the ice cream. I also added the skull to show that marine animals are dying because of litter. I put these things on an ice cream cone because it is related to the beach as are palm trees, parasols and surfboards. 
I wanted a bright eye catching colour so I chose yellow and it to me is also related to the beach since yellow is linked to the sun. 
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I have taken inspiration from Bwrn illustration (http://brwnillustration.com/), Yuschav Arly (http://yuschav.deviantart.com/) and Kate Prior (http://kateprior.com/) 
I’m taking elements from each such as colour and style. My illustrations aren’t going to be hyper realistic since I don’t have the skill set to do that. I am going to try adding highlights and shadows though. 
I’m definitely going to have a solid background for a pop of bright colour to draw the eye. 
For me BWRN Illustration is too commercial. The style is for websites and could easily be a more advanced clipart. 
My illustrations are going to be more like Kate Prior’s because I’m using black lines and just filling in each parts, different to Yuschav Arly’s style of realistic portraits with tones, shading, highlights and no harsh black lines. 
I chose all of these illustrations as inspiration because I’m going to combine all of the styles and all of them have a block colour as the background.  
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This is my second attempt at a panoramic image. The first was at Mount Edgecome but even though the camera was on manual, the images were different brightnesses and I didn’t take enough to stitch together seamlessly. 
The image above is made of 8 separate photographs that have been stitched together in photoshop. I did this by going to - file, automate, photomerge and from there selected my images in the order they should be in. After I did that, I flattened the image by going to layer, flatten and then I used the magic want tool and selected parts that were white and filled them in. To do that I went to edit, fill, content aware. 
I think if I was to go back and do this again I would take more photos to create a wider photo. I would also level the wall just up from the middle of the image.  
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