sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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autism siblings ft guy who lives in a different genre than them
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
Words canโ€™t describe how fucking weird I think dick grayson should be.
How overwhelmingly intense I want him to be in normal meetings with authority figures because heโ€™s been talking with police officers and FBI agents since he was 10 and is now somewhat incapable of turning off that switch when he walks into conference rooms and shit.
Like he needs to be the most intense mf in the dmv line.
He is physically incapable of not making unblinking eye contact with people in suits
When he walks into a conference room he has to restrain himself from sitting at the head of the table (titans team leader) or the chair to the right of the head (Batmanโ€™s partner).
His teachers were weirdly charmed when an eleven year old dick immediately went from laughing hellion to tiny โ€œbusiness manโ€ when they asked to speak to him after class (more like tiny crime fighter used to giving Batman debriefs but they donโ€™t need to know that)
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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TinfoilChef is a pretty funny ign when you think about it
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Diamond of Sadena
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
That post about Marcille and Laios' relationship actually got me thinking about Chilchuck and Laios' relationship. Which is harder to see in some ways because it mostly consists of positive absences.
At first, viewers might be inclined to wonder why Chilchuck sticks with the party. He says it's because he took payment up front, but he could give back part of the deposit and leave. Two other party members left; Laios explicitly gave Marcille and Chilchuck a choice as to whether they would stay or go, and they both chose to stay.
We know why Marcille chose to stay; she wants to save Falin and she considers the other party members her friends. Why did Chilchuck stay?
Chilchuck actually respects Laios a lot -- food and monster weirdness aside -- and that mostly comes I think through the positive absences from above. The things that Laios does not do.
Laios doesn't deliberately expose Chilchuck to danger or regard him as expendable. When Chilchuck starts to get enthralled by the sirens' song, Laios immediately snaps him out of it. Contrast that to Chilchuck relating that other adventuring parties will sometimes bring half-foots along just to sacrifice them or use them as bait!
Laios doesn't insist that Chilchuck put himself in danger by getting into combat. Even in situations where they're in danger and could really use more combatants, he only ever asks Chilchuck to take on non-combat tasks such as creating distractions.
Laios doesn't get in the way when Chilchuck is working and follows his directives of what to do around traps. He respects Chilchuck's work so much that he will even hand over his sword without hesitation, even when doing such a thing causes it to be damaged!
Laios doesn't press Chilchuck to divulge private information. When Chilchuck says he doesn't mix his professional and private lives, Laios respects that and doesn't push.
All the other party members infringe on these boundaries in some way. Izutsumi tries to egg Chilchuck into combat; Marcille pries into his home life; Senshi deliberately provokes him when he's trying to work. Not Laios. Once Chilchuck sets a boundary, Laios does his best to always respect it. (And I think Laios appreciates having clearly defined Rules For Chilchuck.)
Laios is a good party leader and he takes care of his team. Maybe this is my age showing, but when you find yourself in a good work situation with a good boss, you stay in that job.
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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(dungeon meshi narrator voice) fullmetal alchemist
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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Appledash with appledash plushies
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
Sorry for being incapable of answering a question without like 900 "It dependssss" prefaces. Unfortunately too many things depend on too many things
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
If I had like Do Whatever The Fuck You Want kind of money, I'd get a huge area of land within a reasonable walking distance from the town, and set up a mock graveyard in there. Fake tombstones with names of people who have never existed, sculptures of weeping angels draped dramatically over grave monuments, a folly in the style of old gothic stone church ruins, the whole nine yards. And then just wait for the goths to show up.
Watch them hang out there, sit on the dilapidated benches, take dramatic pictures of each other, the graves, and each other on the graves, just enjoying themselves and doing their thing, paying no mind to the unassuming, tall, equally abandoned-looking tower at the other end of the graveyard. It's not abandoned. I live there. And I set up this whole splendid little park for them just so I could watch them frolic, just the same as someone would put up a bird feeder on their yard because they wanted to watch birds.
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
everyone talks about how laios gets on all fours and barks like a dog but they forget to say hes GOOD at it. hes so fucking good at barking and everyone is flabbergasted by his skills including the literal dog monster hes trying to intimidate.
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
mickbell is bigender but in a very "whatevers easiest" way.
girls bathroom is cleaner? yeah, she's a girl. guys clothes are cheaper and have better pockets? he's going right for those. inn requires opposite genders to have separate rooms? he's a guy and he's not about to sleep apart from kuro. ladies get free drinks on weekends? hell yeah she's going for it.
you ask mickbell if he's a boy or a girl and he asks if one gets a discount at the tavern. ask about her AGAB and she picks her teeth and looks at you unimpressedly. this is my belief.
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
toshiro "shuro" dungeonmeshi ain't even problematic or neurotypical or an asshole the dudes just repressed and awkward as hell with little social battery and even less ability to set healthy boundaries. hes japanese, autistic, or both
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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i forgot to post part 2 here ๐Ÿ’€
(part 1)
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
And if I said fell first vs fell harder what then
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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Mi top 3 de husbandos de Genshin Impact:
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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wrio plush
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sw1tchb04rd ยท 4 months
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Every time I see a take on this panel, I get dealt -5 psychic damage.
I really really really don't think Kabru is being a "manipulative psycho girlfriend" here. He's just like... A nice guy.
For context: in the panel, Laios finds a magic mirror and asks it what would happen if various party members were a different gender. Long story short, all of his party members leave him and he's distraught.
Here Kabru is just comforting him??? It's not like she plotted for all of them to leave so she could have him to herself. The characters as their swapped genders just had different priorities that ended up separating them.
It's not like it's out of character for Kabru to be kind and comforting. In fact, here's proof
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Say what you want about him, but at the end of the day the reason he's so meticulous and careful about his words/choices is because he cares.
He cares so deeply about humanity. He wants to avoid tragedy. He hates people who prey on others for personal gain. He's not some evil, manipulative, freak who wants to rule the dungeon for power. He wants what's best for everyone (even if he's a little misguided).
He's genuinely a kind and thoughtful person and I'm sick of hearing ppl say he isn't. Get with it nerds.
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