swaamped · 4 years
A N Y A·:
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          ANYA  WAS  STILL  TESTING  THE  WATERS  WITH  HER  MENTOR.  she  hadn’t  ever  had  someone  who  was  on  the  same  level  as  herself  -  in  the  sense  that  eva  wasn’t  going  to  break,  even  if  she  tried.  the  dynamic  between  them  was  unfamiliar,  but  not  something  she  disliked.  in  fact  she  found  herself  enjoying  it  very  much.  some  might  even  say  that  it  had  given  her  a  little  extra  spark  since  they  had  met.  
  ❝  what  happened  ?  i  got  bored,  couldn’t  you  tell  ?  i  thought  i  had  made  it  pretty  obvious,  ❞  the  russian  girl  grumbled  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes.  ❝  i  can  only  handle  the  same  thing  for  so  long.  boring  boring  boooooring!  ❞  hazel  eyes  squinted  with  frustration  as  she  looked  back  towards  the  entrance,  where  the  music  seemed  to  float  out  of  the  room.  of  course  she  wondered  what  eva  would  do  in  response  to  her  terribly  childish  outburst  in  the  middle  of  the  banquet.  people  would  no  doubt  be  talking  about  it  for  weeks.  ❝  oh  i  don’t  have  any  reasons.  especially  not  good  ones.  what  happens  when  your  good  little  girl  misbehaves  ?  surely  the  trip  home  would  take  far  too  long.  why  don’t  you  just  teach  me  right  here  ?  ❞
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     eva can’t help but roll her eyes as she listens to her dependent speak. it’s worse than she thought; if this behavior isn’t corrected, it’ll only get worse & worse until it’s too late. “oh, you got bored, did you?” eva’s voice is low, venom practically dripping off her tongue as she glares down at anya. eva’s been rough on the little thing before, but up until now, she’s always held back. there’s been an underlying sense of tenderness, of adoration & of love behind every spank or slap before. this is the result of that. eva made anya’s punishments feel DESIRABLE - and eva owns her mistakes. 
“my, my, my... someone’s acting like they’re in charge around here.” eva’s eyes never leave anya’s, watching her carefully. “i never realized how much i’ve spoiled you... i bet you’re expecting me to pin you up against the wall & make you cum? maybe you’d get a little roughed up... but you’d get what you want at the end.” a hand slithers its way up anya’s body, delicately manicured fingers wrapping themselves around her throat. not squeezing - simply resting there for a moment. “you won’t be getting anything you want tonight, baby. instead, i’m going to use you to get what i want.” her fingers press lightly into her the sides of her neck. a warning. “but at least you won’t GET BORED during this, right?” now, her fingers don’t hold back. she squeezes just enough to get her point across (and maybe, just enough to make anya wonder if she’ll be passing out tonight), forcing the little thing up against the wall. “maybe if you make me cum quick enough, you’ll get to breathe again. doesn't that sound fair?” eva flashes her dependent a little smirk. “better start soon, my pet... i don’t know how much time you have left.”
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swaamped · 4 years
S A B L E·:
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          THE  BRUNETTE  LOOKED  AT  HER  DEPENDENT  SKEPTICALLY.  she  had  just  finished  applying  a  coat  of  matte  red  lipstick  -  which  was  her  go  to  for  special  occasions  .  ❝  can’t  you  see  i  already  put  on  my  lipstick  ?  you  really  think  this  will  go  with  what  you  bought  me  ?  ❞  that  wasn’t  her  main  reason  for  not  wanting  to  wear  the  dress.  she  has  already  picked  out  a  pretty  black  number  that  really  showed  off  her  cleavage.  that  was  more  her  style.  she’d  never  be  caught  dead  wearing  the  ridiculously  over  the  top  princess-y  dress  that  angelina  had  chosen  for  her.  ❝  you  think  i’m  your  little  dollie  to  dress  up  huh  ?  ❞  she  asked  with  a  raised  brow,  tucking  a  strand  of  her  dark  hair  behind  her  ear,  looking  at  herself  in  the  mirror  for  a  moment.  ❝  what’s  in  it  for  me  ?  why  should  i  wear  the  dress  ?  ❞
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     “that’s your reason for not wanting to wear it?” angelina huffed, trying (& failing) to contain her snarky attitude in wake of sable’s response. “& you call me a brat?” the sentence is muttered mostly under her breath, though of course, there’s no way sable hadn’t heard it. “yeah. cuz you are!! we both know i’m the one with the fashion sense in this relationship. all you wear is black... & dark... & sad.” of course, sable still looks absolutely stunning no matter what she’s wearing. angelina opens her mouth to say something else, probably just to beg & whine until sable gave into her demands, before sable speaks again. it makes the little thing smirk, because she knows she’s already won. “hmm... i dunno...” angelina inches closer to the other, slowly but surely closing the gap between them. “maybe i’d let you rip me out of mine?” angelina only stops when she’s only a breath away from sable’s lips. “maybe i’d let you tie me up & use me however you wanted.”
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swaamped · 4 years
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     IT TRULY WAS BOLD OF ANYA TO THINK SHE COULD GET AWAY WITH THAT. bold, yes - but foolish. anya and eva haven’t been partners for all that long; enough time to know each other, but not enough to truly reach each other’s cores. to find out what makes them tick, to find out what lies beneath the surface of their souls. but this isn’t about any of that. no, this situation has already played out enough times for both women to know what was coming next. this time will be different though, eva is going to make sure of that. she’s been far too lenient with this little brat. maybe anya would end up not being able to sit right for a day or two, maybe she’d pout and whine at eva’s punishments - but not this time. 
“anya, dearest, care to explain what happened back there?” eva really should have known anya would make a scene at this stupid banquet. eva hadn’t particularly cared about going - but anya had insisted, nay, begged the older woman to escort her. up until now, eva had just assumed anya wanted to spend the night being showed off & pampered. she should have known better. “i’ll give you one chance. give me one good reason why i shouldn’t take you home right now & teach you what happens when my good little girl misbehaves.” @haunteclhouse​
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swaamped · 4 years
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walking on her tiptoes was a habit she had developed throughout her life, living far out in the countryside did not require much hiding until she went to the market or the city which had never been often until now. therefore, her iridescent wings fluttered slowly back & forth with each intricate detail of her wings like a complex spiderweb— & just as delicate too. all it would take is one wrong touch & her wing could be easily torn– she was quite vain when it came to them & was always pouring tremendous amounts of effort in home remedies to keep them strong & soft. “this was my mother’s secret! she is quite wise when it comes to home remedies, but i always messed it up.” rolling her eyes a little with a huff, “lets hope i can manage to get it right today!” gushing softly as she examined the different colored petals she had gathered. “you wouldn’t happen to know anything about healing properties? i suppose i should’ve listened closer when she explained it.”
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     ANGELINA ISN’T SURE HOW SHE FEELS ABOUT ODETTE YET. she doesn’t have any real reason to dislike her - but she also doesn’t have any reason to like her, either. she’s so full of herself at points... it can get annoying. but so is angelina. it’d be hypocritical to hate odette for a reason like that, for a reason angelina herself knows too well. it’s why the unicorn made an effort to get to know her better. plus, angelina has a good track record with faes & fairies & the like. & even if angelina gets bored of or annoyed by odette herself, staring at those beautiful wings of hers would keep her content enough. ethereal & stunning - much like the unicorn’s own therian form. they really are quite similar... it kinda creeps angelina out. “oh man, i felt that.” she lets out a little giggle, memories of her own flooding through her. “i mean, not totally. i never knew much about remedies or anything like that.. but my dads would always try to teach me how to do stuff for the herd. i never listened.” angelina watches carefully as odette prepares to do... uh, y’know, whatever it is she’s about to do. “hmm, not really. i know unicorns have healing properties... or at least, we can be used to heal. but i never really learned much about that.” she shrugs, a light hum buzzing at the top of her teeth. “i guess we’ll just have to wing it!” 
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swaamped · 4 years
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     “COME ONNN, SABLE!” angelina lets out a playful little whine as she stares up at her mentor. they had been getting ready for the summer banquet together. sable had insisted on doing so separately, but of course, the littler unicorn was having none of that. “first you try to weasel your way out of doing my hair for tonight, and now, you won’t even TRY the dress i bought you? the super duper cute dress that i bought, just for you?” angelina pouts. it’s certainly not a dress that sable would normally wear - pink & frilly, something so over the top it’s practically out of a storybook. “it matches mine! i bought it so we could make everyone jealous tonight, with our coordinated outfits & everything! & how incredibly hot we both are.” another pout as angelina gives sable the best puppydog eyes she can muster. “it even matches my tiara!!! it’s not fair if you don’t wear it!!” @haunteclhouse​
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swaamped · 4 years
L I L I A N·:
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             LILIAN HADN’T been blessed with gifts such as heightened senses, but even without them she seemed to always know when somebody was up to something suspicious around her. she couldn’t explain why she thought that, or how she knew, but what she did know what that it felt like someone was following her. despite the fact that she was surrounded by other supernatural beings - beings that could seriously harm her with magic and other abilities - she quickly turned around in an attempt to catch them, risking frightening them or angering them. “ alright, whoever’s out there - you’ve got three seconds to come out before i make you. ”
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     MYRTLE LOVES WATCHING HER FELLOW CREATURES. to be fair, she loves watching all of salus’ residents. that includes humans of course, and usually she’ll turn her attention to them... but late at night, when only monsters are about? of course she’s gonna follow them. maybe ‘following’ or ‘watching’ are too gentle of words... in reality, myrtle knows the word ‘stalking’ is far more appropriate for this situation. but stalking just sounds so wrong! like she’s doing something horrible, when all she’s doing is trying to learn about the people she’s stuck here with (and, y’know, if there’s any need to lure them to the bottom of the ocean and drown them. but moreso the ‘learning’ thing). this strange fascination is what led here to where she is now, slowly trotting behind lilian in her four-legged form. she supposes it’s not as discreet as it could have been - but who’s gonna assume the big black horse following you is actually a person? most people, even in salus, don’t know shit about kelpies. it’s why she’s so surprised when lilian whips herself around, shouting threats at whatever force had been stalking following her. “hey, hey, hey, no need to get all violent.” she’s quick to transform back, raising her hands in the air, almost an olive branch of sorts. “i’m not like, being creepy in the dangerous sketchy way. i just.. i could smell the ocean on you. or sense it? i dunno. either way, it made me curious about you... so i figured i’d just, y’know, scope you out a little bit.”
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swaamped · 4 years
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     ANGELINA KNOWS SHE SHOULDN’T BE OUT AFTER DARK. not alone anyways - not without sable, not without someone to protect her from all the horrors of the world. from the monsters seeking strength & healing from her blood, not from the witches after her horn for their potions (or whatever it is they do with them). any yet, angelina can still be found tonight sitting under the stars, just outside the forest’s entrance. normally, the unicorn prefers to scamper about the forest’s heart, where the footprints of humans or monsters alike can scarce be found. but tonight is different. angelina, in her therian form (dangerous, dangerous), had gotten distracted by a fluttering bird of some sort. the bird had lured her from the safety of the forest, perhaps on purpose, & now she’s just watching it, observing the way it ruffles its feathers, or quirks its head.
or when it’s started away by something. by someone. angelina’s entire body stiffens, only able to move her head in attempt to find whoever’s here. she knows she should turn back into her human form on the off-chance she hasn’t been spotted yet, but even then, her fleshy body can only hide the truth for so long. all it would take is one vampire or wolf to catch a whiff of her & her cover would be blown. plus, she’s faster & stronger this way. 
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swaamped · 4 years
L Y R A·:
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          LYRA  PEERED OVER  THE  EDGE  OF  THE  CLIFF.  she  couldn’t tell  if  she  was  actually feeling  the  cool  breeze  or  if  she  was  just  imagining  it.  nowadays  it  seemed  as  though  there  wasn’t much  she  truly  felt.  that  was  a  con  of  being  dead.  ❝  i  didn’t  think  that  i’d  be  scared. being  dead  and  all.  what  is  there  to  really be  afraid  of  ?    i  was  never  scared of  the  dark  before  now.  ❞  the  dirty  blonde  asked. part  of  the  dirt  crumbled beneath  her  feet  and  tumbled down  the  cliff-side and  into  the  dark,  rough  water  below. ❝  what  would  happen if  i  jumped ?  would  i  get  hurt  if  i  missed  the  water  and  landed  on  the  rocks  ?  and  is  it  bad  that  i  want  to  find  out  ?  ❞  
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     DOTTIE REMEMBERS WHAT IT WAS LIKE to be a freshly off’d ghost. she remembers being exactly in lyra’s shoes, & that’s why it hurts to see her dependent like this. “you wouldn’t feel anything. you’d just... land on the rocks.” the older woman wraps her arm around lyra, attempting to pull her close. “trust me; it’s not worth jumping down. you’ll just leap off the cliff, land on your feet... & get sad. you’ll wish you could remember what pain felt like. you’ll beg for the rocks to scrape against you skin, to draw blood... but it won’t. it’ll just make you feel worse, darling.” dottie allows her thumb to gently rub against lyra’s arm. to remind the ghost what human touch feels like, to remind her it’s not as hopeless as it seems. “why don’t we go home? cuddle up, watch something fun... or just talk... that sounds better to me than hurling yourself at some stupid rocks.” she offers lyra a small smile, a gentle grin, a little comfort. 
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swaamped · 4 years
S A B L E·:
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          HER  SKIN  WAS  COVERED IN  A  THIN  LAYER  OF  SWEAT  DESPITE THE  COOL  AIR  OF  THE  GYM.  sable  huffed as  she  sat  on  the  bench  by  the  punching bag,  feeling  well  and  truly  spent.  if  she  didn’t end  the  day  with  a  workout  that  made  her  ache,  then  she  simply wasn’t  herself.  they’d made  some  snide  remark,  and  she  retorted with  a  roll  of  her  eyes,  ❝  no,  i’m  not  doing  this  because  i’m  concerned  about  the  sightings of  humans  nearby. it’s  not  humans i’m  scared  of,  ❞  she’d  admit  that  she’d  be  more  scared of  another  unicorn over  a  human  any  day.  ❝  unicorn  horns  go  for  a  fortune  on  the  black  market  -  and  our  blood  is  worth  it’s  weight  in  gold.  if  anyone’s  taking me  down  it’ll  be  a  witch,  or  some  creature wanting  to  make  a  pretty penny  off  of  me.  not  a  human. are  you  scared of  the  humans ?  ❞  
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     angelina never liked working out, as much as sable tried to get her into it. as much as she can, the little unicorn lives her life as a princess would. being pampered, getting whatever she wants, looking beautiful and ethereal without even trying - and working out just doesn’t fit that narrative. but angelina likes spending time with her mentor even more than her princess persona; nay, the platinum blonde practically needs to be around sable at all times. sable keeps angelina safe. “WELL... YEAH.” angelina offers the other unicorn a light shrug of her shoulders. of course she’s afraid of humans! who wouldn’t be? they might be much weaker than other creatures, but there are more of them. and humans may be dumb and selfish; but they always come together against a unified cause. one-hundred humans with pitchforks and rifles charging ten powerful creatures will win every single time. “i mean, all it takes is one human to sneak up on you and BAM - there’s a bullet in your heart. and they’re so greedy...” then again, angelina being afraid of humans isn’t saying much. she’s afraid of everything - humans, other unicorns, other creatures, even some small animals scare her. “they’re worse than a lot of creatures.” angelina purses her lips. suddenly, she doesn’t care about any of the serious stuff they’d been discussing. “can we go now? i deserve cuddles, & you need to freshen up before i can get them.”
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swaamped · 5 years
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     IT’S THE FULL MOON, ISN’T IT? the thought dashes across the little unicorn’s mind as she glances upwards towards the sky. low & behold, there it is; the moon in all its primal, ethereal glory. maybe angelina should have been able to feel it, the power surging through her, the way her horn seems to glow with power under its gentle light. maybe angelina should just focus on the situation she’s gotten herself in; getting out alive. she’s starting from deep in the woods, which is both the safest place (who travels this far in on a night like this?) & the riskiest place (wolves might be prowling around looking for prey like angelina) to be. so, she decides to take her chances, staying in her equine form & making a mad dash for the forest entrance. she makes it; but so does someone else. angelina freezes in fear, eyes glued on the other creature. they don’t appear wolfish - which is good - but the night is dark, and angelina’s eyes have been known to play tricks on her when transformed. all she can do is stand perfectly still, & hope that somehow, despite all the odds, the other person doesn’t notice the bright-white creature attempting to hide among the dark green foliage of the forest. 
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swaamped · 5 years
B E K A H·:.
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yes, she enjoys teasing because there’s nothing like having a girl plead with her, desperate and needy. seeing natasia beg for her is the best thing she’s ever heard and when she approaches the bed again, it’s clear that she’s been missed. bekah smirks when she hears the word slip from her lips, shocked but turned on by how dutiful her little dependent seems to be. the sight of her on her hands & knees crawling across the bed has heat shooting to the alpha’s neglected core. all in due time, she tells herself as the other wolf begins licking at the silicone toy, so slowly that if it had been attached to her, she’d be the one begging now. she wants to ensure that there’s plenty of lubrication before she fucks her, both her saliva and the arousal she can smell pooling between those milky white thighs. she growls, knowing that nat is trying to provoke her, and deciding she’s going to give her what she wants. one hand comes to grip each side of nat’s face and her hips jut forward, forcing more of the toy’s length between her lips. “take it, baby girl,” she whispers, thumb brushing her jaw bone. “take my cock.” the beta begins to fuck her mouth, grunting softly as she thrusts, ensuring that the strap on is fully soaked in her saliva before she pulls back with a slow smile. 
“i think we’re ready,” she purrs, “don’t move.” a warning is issued as she crawls around nat, not touching her until she’s behind her, licking her lips at the sight of her like this. her fingers brush against her entrance and she presses a kiss against her back before she guides the toy inside of her from behind, sighing as the silicone cock slips into her sex. she builds up speed very slowly, and once she has a nice rhythm going, she begins to stimulate nat’s clit with her fingers. “oh, you take me like a good little bitch…” bekah’s fully immersed in the persona now, as the word bitch isn’t in her typical vocabulary, but natasia has requested it, and as far as she’s concerned, her beloved gets whatever she wants.
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     nat is still taking her sweet ass time by the time bekah decides to up the ante a bit. good thing - natasia had been starting to get a little impatient. not in the ‘i’m about to leave if you don’t throat fuck me’ kinda way, but in the way that might make her act up to get what she wants. which probably wouldn’t have ended well for the little wolf, considering how into it bekah’s getting. thankfully, bekah gets the hint quick enough, and before natasia can even blink, the toy’s being rammed down her throat. she was a bit worried as to how this would go... but now that she’s here, in the moment, she discovers there’s absolutely nothing to be concerned about. hell, she’s practically drooling all over the plastic cock, barely even caring if she can breathe or not. all she can focus on is being bekah’s good little thing, doing as she’s told to make her mentor proud. she opens wide, though making sure to keep her lips around it at all times.
she’s almost disappointed when bekah pulls away. almost, because though she misses having bekah fuck the shit out of her mouth, she knows what’s to come next. “yes, mommy.” it’s odd how often this wolf purrs. she does wiggle a bit, if only to see what bekah might do, though she’s not sure she could keep still even if she tried. she can feel the anticipation, can feel the abundance of wetness gathered between her thighs, & knows she won’t last much longer without feeling bekah inside her. thankfully, she doesn’t need to wait long. “oh, fuck...” she groans, both appreciating the slow speed & yet just wanting bekah to get to the part where she’s ramming her into the bed. “harder mommy, please, h - harder.” the rhythm is nice, yes - but natasia needs more. “god, i - i.. it feels so good, but i need more, i’ll do anything... fuck.” her legs wrap around bekah’s hips, attempting to pull her even closer. 
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swaamped · 5 years
S A L E M·:
salem  found  it  rather  endearing  that  angelina  seemed  to  think  she  was  going  to  get  privileges  simply  for  behaving  herself  and  doing  as  she  said.  no,  salem  wasn’t  so  kind  -  not  even  for  little  girls  who  behaved  themselves.  she  lifted  her  leg,  placing  her  heeled  foot  on  the  light  blonde’s  shoulder.  ❝  not  yet.  ❞  salem  looked  down  upon  her,  wondering  where  she  could  possibly  start  with  her.    ❝  you  have  to  prove  yourself  worthy  to  come  up  here,  little  pet.  these  sheets  are  the  finest  silk.  very  expensive.  if  you  want  to  get  fucked  on  these,  you  have  to  make  me  want  to  fuck  you  on  these,  ❞  she  pushed  her  back  with  her  heel  before  crossing  one  leg  over  the  other,  ❝  you  know,  succubi  are  one  of  the  strongest  creatures  to  exist.  i  often  give  people  the  option  to  worship  me,  or  die.  and  sometimes  i  kill  them  after  they’ve  worshipped  me.  i  might  not  be  a  god,  but  i  might  as  well  be.  ❞  salem  leaned  forward  and  gripped  angelina’s  hair  tightly,  forcing  the  younger  girl  to  look  up  at  her.  she  had  no  intentions  of  truly  hurting  her.  but  she  felt  as  though  there  were  a  bubbling  heat  deep  inside  her,  desperate  to  pour  out.  the  succubus  hadn’t  been  so  truly  lustful  in  a  very  long  time.  ❝  would  you  worship  me  or  die,  little  one?  ❞
     “prove... myself?” the unicorn cocks her head to the side, glancing over at the heel now resting on her shoulder. she doesn’t know why she expected salem to just give her what she wants. maybe it’s just wishful thinking. “how? h - how?” it’s crazy how desperate angelina is. even when salem pushes her back with her heel, all she does is sit there, staring up at salem, waiting. then she goes on about succubi, about worshiping them just to die after, which perhaps should have struck angelina as a warning. even if salem has no intention of hurting her (in ways angelina doesn’t want, anyways), she can practically hear sable’s voice echoing through her mind. about how stupid she is for getting herself involved with some narcissistic sex demon, but for the first time, angelina just doesn’t care. her mind is clouded in the best way - her judgement is there, but so is the need. angelina lets salem pull her gaze up to her, the softest of moans ripped from her throat the tighter she yanks. “worship. i’d - i’d worship you until i die, mistress.” she’s not quite sure if she’d mean this in a few hours from now... but she does for the moment, & i suppose that’s all that matters. “how can i worship you? please, please let me worship, l - let me prove i’m worthy.” her voice is practically a whine by this point. 
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swaamped · 5 years
S A L E M·:
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salem  could  tell  immediately  that  angelina  was  playing  games  with  her.  oh  if  only  angelina knew  just  how  dangerous  it  was  to  play  games  with  a  sex  demon. she  gripped  her  hair  harshly, pulling  her  up  to  her  feet  so  that  she  could  grip  her  face.  ❝  i  don’t  like  games, angelina.  games  are  for  children. if  you  want  to  act  like  a  little  girl  then  i’m  going  to  treat  you  like  one.  but  one  thing  is  for  sure,  it  won’t  be  hard  to  make  you  do  anything  i  want  you  to  do.  i  think  once  you  realise  what  you  get  when  you  don’t  behave, you’ll  be  on  your  best  behaviour,  ❞  salem  hissed  as  she  let  her  hands  slide  down  from  her  face.  before she  could  let  angelina  completely off  the  hook,  she  lightly slapped  her  across the  face.  not  only  was  it  a  warning,  but  she  used  her  greatest magic  trick  -  so  that  angie’s  sex  drive  burst  into  a  raging fire deep  inside  her.  it  wasn’t manipulation  -  no.  she  wouldn’t manipulate  this  precious pet.  just  give  her  a  nudge.  ❝  follow me.  keep  up  or  you’ll  be  in  very  serious  danger, little  unicorn.  ❞  she  turned  swiftly on  her  heels  towards  the  stairs,  towards her  bedroom.  she  sat  down  on  the  silk-covered  bed,  blue  eyes  watching  the  little  blonde like  a  hawk.  she  held  her  hand  up  as  angelina  reached the  door-frame.  ❝ crawl.  on  your  hands  and  knees.  crawl  to  me.  ❞
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     when salem grabs her by the hair, angelina immediately lets out a yelp. it’s something that comes as a complete surprise to the poor little thing, though, she’d be lying if she said it isn’t a bit exciting. if the pool of wetness gathering between her thighs meant anything... angelina’s discovering a whole lot more about herself from this encounter. “y - yes... alright. i - i’m sorry.” whatever confidence she once had is gone, the terror of the situation returning to her. but it’s a different terror; something better. it feels intentional this time. like she’s not in any real danger right now (though she’s still not sure if that’s true... at least if salem kills her, sable might finally react beyond calling her a ‘stupid baby’). another little yelp as salem’s hand smacks across her face... but the pain only lasts a moment. because the moment salem makes contact, she feels an intense heat beginning to build deep inside her core. it only takes seconds for it to evolve into something angelina can’t ignore, something that fills angelina with both unbelievable ecstasy & undeniable need. needless to say, she’s quick to follow after salem, practically running to keep up (even if the threat of ‘serious danger’ makes her want to push her luck). she barely stops in time when salem ushers her to stop, but she catches herself. “yes, mistress.” the name falls from her lips without much thought, but then again, there’s not much room for thought in general in after what salem had done to her. either way, angelina still sinks to the ground, still crawls over to the succubus. she loves the way her gaze feels on her, piercing and dangerous. “can i come up on the bed?” she asks once she reaches the plush thing, waiting patiently for salem’s answer. she’ll brat it up later - right now, she needs to ensure her own pleasure frist.
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swaamped · 5 years
S A B L E·:
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she somehow  doubted  that,  considering  the  amount  of  trouble  angelina seemed  to  get  herself  in  on  a  daily  basis. just  the  day  before  the  blonde  was  attempting  to  graze  on  the  toxic  ragwort  that  sable  had  tried  so  hard  to  get  rid  of  -  for  that  exact  reason. it  resulted  in  sable  shoving her  hand  down  horse-form  angelina’s throat  in  an  attempt  to  pull  the  weeds  out  of  her.  ❝  bold of  you  to  assume  i  use  brainpower to  do  anything, ❞  she  jested. of  course  sable  was  incredibly intelligent,  but  self-deprecating  humour was  her  greatest coping  mechanism.  she  completely  avoided the  subject  altogether, not  wanting  to  turn  it  into  some  sort  of  argument.  ❝  it  is  a  pet  name.  you’re pretty  much  my  pet  at  this  point, aren’t  you?  ❞  she  asked  with  a  smirk  as  she  draped her  arm  over  the  blonde’s shoulders.  she  pulled her  in  close  and  nuzzled her  soft  blonde hair  with  her  nose.  god  she  hated  how  angie  made  her  soft.  it  was  sickening. ❝  well  technically i  shouldn’t  reward you  for  being  naughty  -  but  since  you  got  sad  and  stuff,  i  guess  it  won’t  hurt  to  cuddle. ❞  she  lead  her  out  of  the  dense  woods, back  towards  the  large  suburban house  they’d  been  residing  in.  she  unlocked the  door  and  pushed  it  open  with  her  hip  as  she  ushered  the  smaller  unicorn inside,  ❝  go  upstairs  -  to  bed  you  go. ❞
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     in angelina’s defense, that ragwort tasted way, WAY too good for it to have been toxic. if it’s toxic to unicorns, it only makes sense that it’d taste like it, right? yeah. “mm, it’s not really reassuring to hear my mentor say that. maybe i’ll have to trade you in for a better model, not the other way around.” she let out a laugh, nestling herself into the other’s arm. though, she is taken completely by surprise when sable pulls her in close like that. she loves it, of course, but it still shocks her. “i guess so. if pets can be super sexy and adorable. but that’s only in the bedroom.” maybe not in the same way as sable, but angelina’s discovered she’s a completely different person with her mentor. whereas she’s normally timid and paranoid, around sable she feels indestructible. like she could kill god & get away with it, like she could take on a hoard of vampires & come out unscathed. it’s odd, but it confirms to the little thing that the two are meant for each other. “oh, you should definitely punish me for it later... but i need cuddles first. my heart needs cuddles.” it’s practically a whine, but it’s not like sable isn’t used to her dependent being the needy little brat she’s always been. “to bed we go.” she corrects, making her way upstairs & to their bedroom. it’s only seconds until she’s snug as a bug under the covers, waiting (rather patiently, i might add) for sable to follow suit.
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swaamped · 5 years
S A B L E·:
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the woods were a unicorns naturalhabitat, it was only normal for angelina to be drawn to it. deep down it wouldalways be the place they felt the safest. ❝ i didn’t say you had to stayinside all day, don’t put words in my mouth, dummy, ❞ sable softly took herhand, rolling her eyes in the process as if that made her seem any less soft.it hadn’t been so long since they’d first met and sable felt ridiculouslyprotective of her. ❝ you can go outside and do things, just… be safe aboutit. stay where you can get help if you need it, you know… i don’t know, idon’t care or anything, just… for the sake of me staying out of trouble,just… take care. ❞ the air was cold enough for sable to feel the piercingbreeze through her jacket. ❝ don’t be ridiculous, annoying little baby, idon’t love anyone. it’s freezing. take my jacket, ❞ she slid the leatherjacket off her shoulders and placed it around the blondes shoulders, ❝ nowwon’t you cheer the fuck up? i hate mopey angelina. i want a refund. ❞
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     that’s what it feels like sometimes, considering almost every time sable sees angelina out in public she comments about it. but angelina’s not really in the mood to argue with sable, and to be fair, she is right about it not being safe to be out alone this late at night. so she just lets it go. “i try to stay out of harm’s way. for the most part. if only to keep you out of trouble.” it’s hard to know if sable likes someone or not. there have been times where angelina herself has doubted their partnership, wondered if they were only shoved into each other because they’re the only two unicorns in the program. she can just be so mean for no reason, & she’s pretty sure she’s never been paid an up-front compliment by her. but then she feels sable’s hand engulf her own, hears how hard she has to try just to avoid saying ‘i care about you’, and her worries immediately subside. “it’d be sooooo much easier if you just admitted you kinda like me, y’know. you’d save a lot of brainpower trying to beat around it.” angelina’s starting to feel like herself again, nuzzling into the jacket sable gave her, yet not actually putting it on. she likes the feeling of it draped across her shoulders too much. “annoying little baby? aw, if i didn’t know any better, i’d say that’s a petname.” a giggle. “ugh, fine. i’ll cheer up - but only because i don’t want you trading me in for some new-and-improved dependent model.” angelina, deciding to push things just a little, takes sable’s arm and drapes it around her. “can we cuddle when we get home?”
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swaamped · 5 years
S A B L E·:
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❝  it  called  to  you,  huh? ❞  sable  asked  curiously,  a  brow  raised as  she  made  her  way  over  to  her  dependent. ❝  maybe  you  should  ask  my  permission before  you  go  following  some  mysterious  calls. even  if  it  was  from  the  woods. not  even  the  woods  are  safe.  not  until  you  know  how  to  take  care  of  yourself.  ❞  though she  was  frustrated, she  couldn’t  help  but  feel  bad  for  the  blonde. there  was  something in  her  voice  that  seemed sad.  longing,  maybe. the  brunette  groaned and  reached  forward, gripping  the  girls  chin  harshly in  her  hand,   ❝  c’mon,  loser.  i’ll  get  you  out  of  here.  since  you  used  your  manners and  all,  ❞  she  tapped  her  on  the  cheek  gently. sable  had  been  well  prepared since  she  was  a  child. she  might  have  lost  some  time  to  simply  be  a  kid,  but  because of  it  she  knew  how  to  survive. despite  her  little patience  she  did  understand  that  angelina  wasn’t so  lucky.  ❝  i  promise  you  this  will  get  easier. and  it  won’t  be  forever.  as  you  get  older  your  powers  will  grow.  so  will  mine.  i’m  not  even  close  to  finishing  my  journey  yet.  you’re  just  a  baby.  but  ten  times  more  annoying than  a  baby.  ❞
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     “the woods feel safe, though. they feel nice. comforting, even.” whenever sable’s away from angelina, the littler unicorn would usually spend her time among the trees. maybe they reminded her of home, maybe it’s just the feeling of being encompassed totally by tall, fresh-smelling trees, but either way, they comfort angelina. like a private little hideaway where she doesn’t have to feel so afraid all the time. “i can’t just stay inside all day. if everywhere is dangerous, am i just supposed to wait indoors until you come home to train me?” another pout, one that fades away with a long, drawn out sigh as sable grips at her chin. “fine. let’s just get going.” it’s clear something is wrong; angelina’s never not responded to sable’s (usually) playful jabs with anything but giggles & bratty-ness. “i know you say that, but how long? how long until i can step outside without being terrified? i thought coming to salus was supposed to, like, stop that.” back in her herd, angelina was one of the more popular members. a little social butterfly in her own right, despite how timid the poor thing can be. it’s much different here. growing up with the benefits of herd immunity hasn’t done any favors for the blonde. “yeah, but i’m your annoying baby. you know you love me.” a tiny little smile crosses her lips; though it’s weaker than anything sable’s seen out of her.
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swaamped · 5 years
S A B L E·:
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sable  was  definitely not  surprised  to  find  angelina in  the  forest all  alone  in  the  dead  of  night. disappointed,  sure.  but  not  surprised. she  concealed  herself quite  well  at  first,  silently creeping  through  the  brush,  ready  to  leap  out  and  scare  the  life  out  of  her.  it’s  what  she  deserved for  being  so  foolish  even  after  sable  had  given  her  warnings. it  was  a  stupid  twig  that  had  given  away,  snapping  beneath her  feet  despite the  damp,  cold  weather.  she  sighed,  stepping out  from  behind the  tree.  ❝  i  was  trying to  scare  you.  what  did  i  tell  you  yesterday? not  to  go  out  into  the  woods  alone  at  night  because you  might  be  eaten  alive, right?  ❞  she  asked,  knowing very  well  that  was  exactly what  she’d  told  her.    ❝  do  you  still  want  me  to  go  away  or  do  you  think  you’re  going  to  fend  for  yourself out  here,  rookie? ❞
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     “well... yeah... you did say that.” though the unicorn is immediately relaxed, a definite pout still crosses her face as sable steps out of the darkness. she’s excited to see her, as she always is... but she knows sable’s not here to shower her with love & affection. “i just felt the forest’s call. like it needed something from me... & then i couldn’t sleep, & then i started thinking &... i just lost track of time.” it’s not an excuse sable will accept, angelina knows that. but it’s the truth. “i’m sorry.” the apology is heartfelt, especially coming from angelina. “no, pl - please stay. or take me home. either one... i just don’t think i can be alone right now.” when can angelina ever be alone? it’s a little worse right now than usual is what angelina means to say. just thinking about things made angelina realize that: 1) she feels incredibly lonely right now and 2) she might never be able to make a real friend who isn’t another forest creature. & even then, anyone greedy enough could befriend her, cut her open & sell her blood on the black market. it’s a harsh realization, one angelina still has yet to adjust to, no matter how much sable would like her to.
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