swallowbricks · 7 days
a Palestinian from my local group of activists is fundraising to bring her family to Canada. Najlaa is currently less than halfway to her goal of $80,000. please consider donating to help her family.
donations will go towards:
1. Covering the expenses of accommodation in Cairo, Egypt, throughout the visa and biometric process.
2. Meeting the cost of flight tickets from Cairo to Canada.
3. Securing affordable and suitable housing.
4. Addressing monthly necessities such as groceries, utilities, clothing, and shoes.
5. Ensuring access to healthcare and therapy, crucial for the well-being of our family members.
6. Providing monthly financial support until they secure employment.
as of April 10, they have been able to start the process of acquiring visas and passports.
currently at $26,630/$80,000
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swallowbricks · 17 days
told my cabbie for the 3am airport trip that I was feeling a bit nauseous and he immediately took my bag away from me and said "Trip to the airport is 12 dollars. I'll drive slow." and then he did-- no fast corners, very gentle stops at the lights. and I was willing to pay the extra few dollars for it, but when the meter hit $12 he clicked stop and let me ride the rest of the way free. and it might just be the insanity of waking up at 2:30 after 4 hours of sleep but I was really emotional about it. Like ok Mr Sandeep, the world is still good actually.
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swallowbricks · 28 days
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swallowbricks · 28 days
there is something horrifically grim to it, but illustrations for gaza and palestinians tend to catch more mass attention that actual photos of people. this made me feel incredibly helpless for a long while, seeing both how people would rather look at a neat drawing of red black green and white than look a human in the eyes, and how online platforms would rather push a viral drawing while suppressing those begging for help at the same time.
a way to cope with this feeling has been taking advantage of it to directly guide people to helping palestinians.
if art gets better traction, then there’s an incredible amount of good that can be done by creating art that immediately links to fundraisers. creating art of the many images of those who are asking for help.
within hours of posting my drawing, there has been jumps in the thousands for bashar from gaza’s fundraiser. it’s a small effort in the grand scheme of things. it’s not a fix it. but it’s something good. please take care of each other and do what you can. i think this could help a lot of people if a lot of people did it.
here is bashar. i’ve drawn him, spoken to him, and known him now for a few months. any shares help, any art helps. draw who you see, draw what you see. thanks all
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swallowbricks · 29 days
Hey, happy Earth Day! Who wants to talk about climate change?
Yeah, okay, fair, I kinda figured the answer to that would be "ugh do we have to?" What if I told you I have good news though? Good news with caveats, but still good news.
What if I told you that since the Paris Agreement in 2015, we've avoided a whole degree celsius of global warming by 2100, or maybe more?
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Current projections are 2.7C, which is way better than the 3-5C (with a median of 3.7C) we were expecting in 2015. It's not where we want to be - 1.5C - but it is big, noticeable progress!
And it's not like we either hit 1.5C and avoid all the big scary consequences or fail to hit 1.5C and get all of them - every tenth of a degree of warming we avoid is going to prevent more severe problems like extreme weather, sea level rise, etc.
This means that climate change mitigation efforts are having a noticeable impact! This means a dramatically better, safer future - and if we keep pushing, we could lower the amount of global warming we end up with even further. This is huge progress, and we need to celebrate it, even though the fight isn't over.
It's working. Keep going.
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swallowbricks · 29 days
"Another Perfect Day, Another Perfect Night" Music and animation by me!
Full Song
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swallowbricks · 1 month
Hey guys, I have a very worrying update from @haneenatya. Her mother's condition has considerably worsened, and she needs immediate medical care now. She had a stroke and she is bleeding from her eye, the same eye she had a stroke in and had surgery on a while back. She needs another emergency surgery in Egypt but right now she's still stuck in Ghazzah where they can't possibly operate on her due to the overcapacity of the hospitals nearby.
I'm not sure how much time we have left before the damage is permanent. Please spread this fundraiser around, and get people to donate:
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swallowbricks · 1 month
seven years ago in the name of tolerating free speech from all political perspectives my nasty ass evil university let an army of tiki torch wielding nazis shouting jews will not replace us march through grounds threatening the lives of students and community members with zero police presence. and today they retroactively changed campus policy around tents so they could send in the cops to bust up the gaza memorial vigil. genuinely fucking stomach turning
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swallowbricks · 2 months
one of the best dancers ive ever seen
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swallowbricks · 2 months
Arcadia Grey!!
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swallowbricks · 2 months
everything is miserable & i am brooding alone in my dark, dark room - Arcadia Grey
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swallowbricks · 2 months
guys this is crazy this is crazy this is wild what what what what what what
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swallowbricks · 2 months
Pinkshift 2024-01-28 The Crown Baltimore Baltimore, MD
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swallowbricks · 2 months
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(1) The Heist, 1996; (2) Asia’s Room, 1996; (3) Anita & Sunny, 1998; (4) Before the Gig, 1997; (5) Cary Okie & Gee, 1997; (6) Bearded Lady’s Truck Stop Cafe, 1997; (7) Corner Store 14th & Guerrero St., 1996; (8) Beer Club with Malia, 1999 from Chloe Sherman’s Renegades: San Francisco: The 1990s
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swallowbricks · 3 months
early to bed and early to rise leaves a man so fucked up that he dies
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swallowbricks · 3 months
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swallowbricks · 3 months
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Creature party
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