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when I was in probably 3rd grade (the last year we could afford private school) and we were playing ‘sparkle’ that spelling game where you spell words in a circle and then after the word the next person has to say sparkle, and the next person after that is out. (Complete bullshit) so yeah this day for some reason we’re playing for Winnie the pooh #plushies and this is everything to little me I’m getting closish to the end (I was/ am a good speller) maybe I can at least rank and get someone (maybe I can at least get rabbit I think ((I reeeally wanted the eeyore)) ) but then it hits, the end of the word and I hear sparkle and some kid who probably doesn’t even CARE about #stuffedanimals gets the eeyore. I was devasted. There was no participation eeyore. And I didn’t have the money at the time to buy one of my own. And they wonder why #millenials are like this..
send fun(d)s to Ven: swampwalk
so I can heal my #innerchild and buy this #snorlax
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