swansongsd · 3 months
I never identified as a Zionist - not an anti either, just didn’t consider it is a label. I’m not Israeli so as a form of nationalism it felt like it didn’t apply to me anyway. then a few years ago I remember all my lefty mutuals started using it like a bad word and a way to attack Israel and I was like, oh shit does that mean Zionism is actually racist? so I looked into it. of course there are many different branches and interpretations but the answer to that is no. still didn’t really feel like my term to use though, even as a Jew.
then October 7 and everything else happened, and I’ve been called a Zionist and a genocider for BEING SAD PEOPLE WERE MASSACRED. for worrying about the hostages. for loving and supporting other Jewish people.
antizionists and uneducated goyim who are literally wishing death on half the world’s Jewish population, and even 80-90% of it when you call for Zionists to be murdered - fuck all of you. you’d stick a yellow star on me and throw me into a camp just for caring about my people. you’d attack and wish death on me for saying Israel has the right to exist, does exist, and is our indigenous homeland. you call for our genocide while smearing us as genociders. you want to harass me and call me a zio??? fine. I will wear that badge proudly now. because it simply means I believe in my people’s self determination. I will always choose protecting them over standing with spineless ignorant amoral extremists like what we’ve seen too many on the left become. I choose dignity and freedom and peace. am yisrael chai.
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swansongsd · 3 months
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I got it from reddit but whatever
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swansongsd · 3 months
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swansongsd · 3 months
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swansongsd · 3 months
Op really said: hey it doesn't matter we slaughtered your loved ones in front of you and took you hostage to be our slave and keep you locked in civillian homes and al jazeera reporters, if you're physically looking decent we literally did nothing wrong bea why you kill us???like what's the problem with keeping slaves if they're well fed?:((( we're just being bullied for licherally NO REASON
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it wouldn't matter if hamas cured every illness the hostages already had & sent them off with a complimentary rolex watch. the zionists will always accuse them of 39681496 things they didn't do & kill random children about it.
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swansongsd · 3 months
Russia, 1881: We’re gonna kill any Jew that doesn’t flee Russia. We’re restricting Jewish emigration to Europe, but permitting emigration to the Middle East.
Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia, France, and others, 1933-1945: We’re gonna kill every Jew in Europe. Flee to the US or Palestine, or die trying.
The US, 1927-1952: Yeah sorry we’re restricting Jewish immigrants to like. 300 people per country. So good luck getting in. We recommend that Jews go to Palestine instead. Btw we are looking to take in Nazi scientists if you know any
Egypt, 1947-1950: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel
Iraq, 1951-1952: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel
Algeria, 1962-1965: We’re pressuring and intimidating Jews in the hopes that they’ll all leave the country and go to Israel
Egypt, 1956: We’re rounding up all our Jews and deporting them to Israel (again)
Egypt and Libya, 1967: We’re rounding up, torturing, and killing all our Jews. The ones that survive can flee to Israel
Poland, 1968: The Jews in our country are already loyal to Israel. They will face dire consequences if they don’t leave our country and go to Israel
Ethiopia, 1974-1985: We’re going to marginalize and eventually try to kill all our Jews, and the only way they can escape is by being airlifted out of the country by Israeli helicopters
The US, 2023: Why can’t the Israeli Jews just go back to where they came from? Don’t they all have dual citizenship or whatever?
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swansongsd · 3 months
I only support Jews who don’t want anything to do with their ancestral homeland, who don’t want to love there or go there or allow other Jews to live there, who have no interest in the aspiration for independence and land rights that literally every ethnic group has. In fact I prefer Jews who deny any connection to their ancestral homeland what so ever. I only support Jews who don’t care what happens to half of the global Jewish population and bonus points to Jews who don’t mind if they are killed, raped and/or kidnapped. I only support Jews who allow me to violently hate Jews.
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swansongsd · 3 months
the younger generations have become so soft to how ugly war is. I'm sorry but you guys sound so immature.
and don't try to make excuses that you just don't tolerate it now. if you truly didn't tolerate war or violence like this you'd care about the civil wars or guerrilla warfare going on constantly in places besides what is shoved into your social media feeds
grow up.
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swansongsd · 3 months
There is just something so disheartening about Israeli's who leave Israel, getting excluded by the left for being Israeli. Its not suprising tbh but it is disheartening
On the obvious side of things, its just straight up xenophobia.
On the less obvious but still kinda obvious side, it shows that jews are not welcome anywhere.
You can be an Israeli jew who chose to leave Israel, the thing which a lot of leftists are calling for, and still not be good enough because you were once in Israel.
The goal post keeps moving from one shitty point to the next shitty point. It was intially about demonzing Israeli jews, now its about demonizing Israeli jews who have moved to the diaspora. Soon it will be about demonizing diaspora jews who ehave either friends or family or both in Israel and all of the above groups encompass the majority of the jewish population, regardless of their stance on zionism. Then the goalpost will move again to jews who don't know anyone in Israel, but is friends with a jew who does.
It all just feels like they don't want us to live in any capacity.
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swansongsd · 3 months
the fact that people are so comfortable using the word zionist as a slur or ignoring the oct7 massacre or the hostages and still consider themselves as human rights activists simply baffles me
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swansongsd · 3 months
I hate it when there's someone in your orbit that you want to be friends with, but can't. They're moots with your moots. Their interests align with yours. You're pretty sure you'd get along great.
Except for their "Zionists DNI". Except for where they deny your people the right to exist, to defend ourselves when attacked, to live and thrive and continue our 4000 year old traditions. They're not Palestinian. They're not connected in any way to the Land of Israel. But it's become a fandom now, and everyone's taking sides. They don't even know you, but they don't want to talk to someone like you about unrelated topics, because you're one of (((them))).
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swansongsd · 3 months
if you’re telling israelis who are actually living this war that they deserve hamas attacks and have blood on their hands because of the actions of their government, i want you to tell me what the fuck country you live in where you don’t have blood on yours.
if every israeli is responsible for the actions of netanyahu and his predecessors, by god, tell me what your country is so that i can tell you how much blood is flowing from your hands onto your keyboard even as you type your fucking bullshit.
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swansongsd · 3 months
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Can't put into words how happy I am after seeing these pictures. After so many horrible months, it's such a relief to see that they are finally home with their loved ones. Welcome home, Almog, Andrey, Noa and Shlomi.
May all the other hostages return soon. 💙🤍
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swansongsd · 4 months
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swansongsd · 4 months
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swansongsd · 4 months
alright jewtuals who's ready for the worst pride month of our fucking lives
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swansongsd · 4 months
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pride flags in Israel with an extra large yellow stripe for the hostages
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