swarmofbeesssss · 3 days
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swarmofbeesssss · 3 days
I've changed my stance on rpf. it's actually a moral imperative to write fic about John Oliver, it's enrichment for him
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swarmofbeesssss · 3 days
She's a ten but she's misinterpreted Abed Nadir as cold and uncaring, which actually makes her a zero
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swarmofbeesssss · 16 days
I think we should have a turn of phrase for "I'm not in the right, but I AM annoyed with this situation, so I just need to go bitch to a friend about this before I suck it up and go do the right thing" because more and more I'm finding this is a critical element of functional adulthood.
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
reblog for a bigger garden :)
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
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if its sausage im gonna end up on the fucking news
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
Hi if you ever find yourself in a relationship saying anything along the lines of "well I can't leave cause I would never be able to find something better than this because I'm trans/fat/aging/antisocial/unlucky" I beg of you to run. Please. You can find and build better but in order to do that you have to take the first step out the door. You do not have to endure abuse, mistreatment, or just plain incompatibility for the sake of a fraction of happiness. You don't.
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
Poll: if your mom remarries when you’re 26 years old is that guy still your stepdad or is he just your mom’s husband.
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
sometimes family isnt a mom, dad and a few kids. sometimes its a narcissistic ex lawyer, an annoying vegetarian anarchist, a divorced christian housewife obsessed with baking, the heir to a moist towelette empire, an overachieving goodie two shoes, a jock with untreated ADHD and an AV guy.
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
"you can't forcefem cis women, that doesn't make sense" i can forcefem anything.
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
we need to bring an end to the nostalgia industrial complex
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
person who is chronically outside
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
if i was in charge of america fbi would stand for female bisexual
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
Ideal work schedule:
I show up and am given a list of cognitively engaging but achievable tasks
I complete the list
I leave immedietly
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
the thing about the cybertruck being marketed towards people who are afraid theyll get shot driving through a city is that no other vehicle on the market psychologically invites violence and bullets as strongly as the cybertruck does. you see a cybertruck and you wanna empty an m16 into it
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swarmofbeesssss · 1 month
“What is it that the child has to teach?
The child naively believes that everything should be fair and everyone should be honest, that only good should prevail, that everybody should have what they want and there should be no pain or sadness. The child believes the world should be perfect and is outraged to discover it is not.
And the child is right.”
— Rabbi Tzvi Freeman
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