sweet-nightmares · 2 years
in a dream ... ... at a theater I found myself walking in a street, very familiar to my eyes and especially to my heart. there once was a person there, still special, and as I walked in the night, a cold and dark night that you could hardly see the stars; I saw a glimmer of light, my heart did a huge somersault and I started shouting:> I know you are there! I know you are there! Dont be afraid of me! I do not abandon you, I am here do not ignore me! open up with me, please! don't be ashamed of me! I would do anything for you !!!! <with tears in my eyes, full of pain I shouted it to him but no one answered me and when I was finished the lights went out. days and nights passed but in that white night full of stars I decided to make myself strong again. I saw him at the window and with my heart in my throat I looked into his eyes, into those eyes so dark that I would lose myself every time, that make you feel safe. > listen !!! I want to go back with you! we have grown up, we know how to manage things and I know that this time everything will be better !!! <he looked at me and smiled, the times I see him are rare but I know that inside he smiles and that he is happy. > you know what?! <he shouted> you don't know how long I have wanted it! that night was just magical ... and the hopes will be the last to die but if you don't risk you will never have a story
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sweet-nightmares · 2 years
mi manchi....
davvero tanto💞
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