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Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. [QS. 3:191] (at Gunung Merapi jogjakarta)
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Little time in Semarang
In my office, there’s opportunity for done the overtime in other place. And Yeap! I got my first official out of office. Semarang was the destination. In that week, it was very difficult to choose, because in the same day that I will go to Semarang, I have another schedule to visit my old friend in Bantar Gebang school. I missing the so much. Then, my manager ask me to join as marketing partner for introduce our company in Semarang.
And here we go !!
The story began.
In my way to train station, I got my problem. I still lazy to get up and going to train station lately by using Transjakarta, but how lucky I am. I found another transportation. In my way, I chose move to Gojek and the driver is very fast while driving. Wow! my partner called me over time and Im very mad at this part. Finally, I arrived in the train station. I run as fast as I can ..... and fortunately, its about 2 minutes before the train began to road. Yeay!
It takes 5 hours to arrived. When we were arrived, we directly went to our hotel. In the evening, My partner ask me to join to meet our business partner company, They are organizing committee and ministry official who make this event going. After we brief for the next day, My partner ask the ministry official to have dinner and also with me. When we was eating, my phone rang and the coorporate secretary of my office told the that I cant go back home for Sunday evening, the tickets all sold. Oh Lord! suddenly I chocked up.
Ok the first impression already broken up. But He (ministry official) ask me about the boy friend. OMG! He said about his brother and my feedback is just smile, laugh and say ‘ ya, oh, ya’ LOL!!
The second day--- Me and my partner already checked out from hotel. We get served the soto ayam yummyyyy, what a good service :D after my stomach full with the fuel, me and my partner find the taxi (Taxi is a rent car with one way service) so cheapy for us and easy to found. And yeap! We arrived in the ballroom
crazy stuff
Then, I finished my duties Yeay!!
Time show at 4 pm. We suddenly ask my partner to finish his stuff (he so slow  moving) I always waiting for him, It made me mad over -_-
After My partner finished his stuff, We go to the masjeed, Masjid Raya Jawa Tengah (biggest masjeed in central java) it needs 40 minutes away. The taxi driver recomend us to visit the high tower. It was awesome, within IDR 5 k, we can reach the point of the tower. At the high level, we can look 360 degree of the city. hmmm fantastic !
after several minutes to take a photo, we went to Masjeed. I just waited my partner to take a pray, unfortunately I am. Im on period, so i canttt take a pray in the biggest masjeed of central java :( so I spent the time to take a photo from the outside, with the super big hydraulic umbrella what a great views in the evening!
OK ! after maghrib time, I asked my partner to go to Lawang sewu. In this part, is so make me tired. we should take a walk to find taxi, the transportation that we used to easy to find, in this time is soooo difficult. HUH! We need walk about a mile and spent 30 minutes to found taxi.
Finally, we got taxi. I didnt enjoy in the taxi, because the driver tell us about the strange things. Very bad, then I close my ear with earphone LOL!! :D :D
Lawang sewu. - IDR 10 K / person.
We only spent 30 minutes on walking around the building. I remembered. When we start walking, I re-write the terms and conditions to enjoy the journey my watch show me, it was 7 o’clock. OMG ! In the old building, night and little bit quiet :( :( so scary..... I walk quickly, I don’t think the another thing (if you know what I mean). After take a photo, we walk and walk looking the areas and reading some old newspaper and old photo in that museum. My eyes started to looking something, and ups that old photo of jakarta’s trains station in the old era’s. Suddenly, my partner call me to take him photograph with the picture of the land. Its so annoying parts. First, that’s my camera, second he made me to take his pics, third he to much style in one place. So boring -_-
And we go outside then the journey in Lawang Sewu has finished. I ask my partner to go to 3D museum art. Its so adorable. But! He always spent the time for smoking, he always call me to wait. Oh, are you sure of that? waiting for smoking? I’m very mad at that time -_- mad at the museum. I meant, in the outside of museum.
After waiting, he finished and get ready to go to next destination.
Yeay! we arrived at 3D museum arts, by the pedicab IDR 25 k, lawang sewu - 3D art museum.
3D art museum - IDR 40 k / person. I think its too expensive for the new museum and still in renovation at behind.
the place is so cozy, easy to reach, and recommended for the teens, i dont think if you ask your parents to go there or the baby, its not recomendation LOL!!
The good place, good object but my battery is going low :( even when for take picture with my awesome footballer Cristiano Ronaldo :( why its going to happen? And yeah I got my suspect ! My partner is too much stuff with my camera. And my expectation should be gone for this night.
hmmm... after 3D arts, my partner ask for the food, and we find with pedicab. Ups!! the driver of pedicab cheating. We were taken around the streets that shouldn’t necessary. hemm.. old people -_- we have to spent IDR 25 k for the short way.
After we have the late dinner, We directly go to the trains station. The coorporate secretary finally ask us to go to jakarta at Saturday night. Its OK. I finished my semarang journey in the little time.
How I loved my duty :D :D 
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Hello I came back again, with my new account :(
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