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he makes the same face every time
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Did I stay up all night waiting for Bryant to post? Yes I did. Firstly, I would like to say Bryant is very talented and bless him for giving us these pictures. Next holy shit Ethan Dolan!💖
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bring them back pls 🥺
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how come no one ever posts pictures of Ethan 😞
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how come no one ever posts pictures of Ethan 😞
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My fav pics of the dolan twins
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I agree hun
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Maybe you think, you can imagine how pissed off, I am right now, but, trust me you can’t. 😠
The little hope I had left, for the sanity, of the people, in this fandom, has withered and died.
Can’t they give them that LITTLE respit, that little rest, that moment of peace, on their terms? Apparently it was too much to ask for!
How are Ethan and Grayson, going to be happy, if they can’t even get that, small bit of respect, from people who claim to love and respect them?
Ugh… my day has started off with a pulsating, throbbing vein, on my forehead, and on the walls of that vein, are ingraved the names of those fans, who violated the twins’ privacy.
And do not come at me, with some BS, about them being public figures, or celebrities, and that they have to accept this kind of thing. They never asked for the attention like so many other Youtubers, have. It’s almost always been clear that they make the videos, for their own, and our enjoyment.
They have merch, but talk about it, once in maybe two months, because they don’t want to be about that.
They did TRL, for obvious reasons, because it was always their dream to do films, some day, and that was the next natural step. But I’ll touch moore on that in a post, soon.
They’ve never said,no to fans, who wanted a pic or video, always been respectful, and loving. They given hugs and kisses, to many who don’t always feel that in their daily lives.
And yet many times, the same people, they respect, can’t show the same consideration, back.
FUCK!!! As a very close girl friend of mine said… I want to cunt punch, these people.
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I’m your kid’s teacher, and I would take a bullet for your child. But I wish you wouldn’t ask me to.
We had an intruder drill today.
I have shepherded children through a lot of intruder drills. I have also, on one memorable occasion, shepherded children through a non-drill. When I was a children’s librarian in a rough suburb, armed men got into a fight in the alley behind our building. We ushered all of the kids - most of whom were unattended - into the basement while we waited for the police.
During intruder drills, some children - from five-year-olds all the way to high school kids - get visibly upset. At one school, the intruder drill included administrators running down the hallways, screaming and banging on lockers to simulate the “real thing.” Kids cry. Kindergartners wet themselves. Teenagers laugh, nudging each other, even as the blood drains from their faces.
Other children handle intruder drills matter-of-factly. “Would the guy be able to shoot us through the door?” they ask, the same way they’d ask a question about their math homework. In some ways, this is worse than the kids who cry. To be so young and so accustomed to fear that these drills seem routine.
And then there are the teachers. There is no way, huddling in a corner with your students, ducking out of view of the windows and doors, to avoid thinking about what happens when it’s not a drill.
People really hate teachers. I don’t take it personally. It actually makes a lot of sense: what other group of professionals do we know so well? How many doctors have you had? How many plumbers? How many secretaries?
Over the course of my public school education, I had at least fifty teachers for at least a year each. So of course some of them were bad. You take fifty people from any profession, and a couple of them are going to be terrible at their job.
So I had a couple of teachers who were terrible, and a few teachers who were amazing, inspirational figures - the kinds of teachers they make movies about.
And then I had a lot of teachers who did a good job. They came to school every day and worked hard. They’d planned our lessons and they graded our papers. I learned what I was supposed to, more or less, even if it wasn’t the most incredible learning experience of my life.
Most teachers fall into that category. I’m sure I do.
Looking at it from the other side, though, I see something that I didn’t know when I was a kid.
Those workhorse teachers who tried, who failed sometimes and sometimes succeeded, who showed up every day and did their jobs: those teachers loved us.
Of course you can never know what you’ll do in the event. That’s what they always say. In the event of an intruder, a fire, a tornado.
You can never know until you know.
But part of what’s so terrifying, so upsetting about an intruder drill as a teacher, is that on some level you do know. You don’t aspire to martyrdom; you’ve never wanted to be a hero. You go home every night to a family that loves you, and you intend to spend the next fifty years with them. You will do everything in your power to hide yourself in that office along with your kids.
But if you can’t.
If you can’t.
When people tell me about why they oppose gun control, I can’t hear it anymore.
I’m from a part of the country where everybody has guns. I used to be really moderate about this stuff, and I am not anymore.
I can’t be.
Every day, I go to work in a building that contains hundreds of children. Every single one of those kids, including every kid that makes me crazy, is a joy and a blessing. They make their parents’ lives meaningful. They make my life meaningful. They are the reason I go to work in the morning, and the reason I worry and plan when I come home.
Parents usually know a handful of kids who are the most wonderful creatures on the planet. I know a couple thousand. It is an incredible privilege, and it is also terrifying. The world is big and scary, and I love so many small people who must go out into it.
So when adults tell me, “I have the right to own a gun”, all I can hear is: “My right to own a gun outweighs your students’ right to be alive.” All I can hear is: “My right to own a gun is more important than kindergarteners feeling safe at school.” All I can hear is: “Mine. Mine. Mine.”
When you are sitting there hiding in the corner of your classroom, you know.
The alternative would be unthinkable.
We live in a country where children are acceptable casualties. Every time someone tells me about the second amendment I want to give them a history lesson. I also want to ask them: in what universe is your right to walk into a Wal-Mart to buy a gun more important than the lives of hundreds of children shot dead in their schools?
Parents send their kids to school every day with this shadow. Teachers live with the shadow. We work alongside it. We plan for it. In the event.
In the event, parents know that their children’s teachers will do everything in their power to keep them safe. We plan for it.
And when those plans don’t work, teachers die protecting their students.
We love your children. That’s why we’re here. Some of us love the subject we teach, too, and that’s important, but all of us love your kids.
The alternative would be unthinkable.
When you are waiting, waiting, waiting for the voice to come on over the PA, telling you that the drill is over, you look at the apprehensive faces around you. You didn’t grow up like this. You never once hid with your teacher in a corner, wondering if a gunman was just around the corner. It is astonishing to you that anyone tolerates this.
And the kids are nervous, but they are all looking to you. You’re their teacher.
They know what you didn’t know, back when you were a kid, back before Columbine. They know that you love them. They know you will keep them safe.
You’re their teacher.
If you are a parent who thinks it’s totally reasonable for civilians to have a house full of deadly weapons, and who accepts the blood of innocent people in exchange for that right, it doesn’t change anything for me. I will love your kid. I will treat you, and your child, the same way I treat everyone else: with all of the respect and the care that is in me.
In the event, I will do everything in my power to keep your child safe.
I just want you to know what you are asking me to do.
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I like this
How do you think drunk Ethan & Grayson would be?????? With their girlfriend?
I keep forgetting to do these bc I’m trash 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
ethans going first today fuck gray: i… i worry about drunk ethan. i’ve said before i think he’s the kind of friend u don’t want to go to parties w bc he’s going to get in a fight, break something expensive, get kicked out etc. however, as his girlfriend ur morally obligation to look after him, so i fear for her as well. i just see ethan getting into trouble without meaning to, i think he would make a joke or a sarcastic comment that would piss someone off, i think his “kind of drunk” would change so fast (like happy drunk, sad drunk, angry drunk, etc.). i can so see his girlfriend talking to a guy and ethan would come like sprinting over and yell at the guy and then his gf would yell at him for overreacting and being a dick and then during this fight he would swing his arm out and knock over an expensive vase and you would have to like grab his arm and drag him out of there. and you would have to drive his car and he would wanna bop in the car too music and turn it up super loud and he would be singing along and he would be singing to u but it would be some really trashy song that’s like offensive to women lol. and he would DEMAND to get food, i think he would want to go to like dennys or ihop but u would be nervous about him cooperating in a sit down restaurant so u would have to trick him into being okay with mcdonalds so u can just go through the drive through. and you would be driving and he would be trying to set up ur fries somewhere so you can eat and drive, but he would knock them over and spill half of them and the he would definitely like look 100% innocent and be like “wasn’t me”. and then by the time you get home and the alcohol is starting to wear off just a little and he’s getting sleepy, i think he would become the SAPPIEST most AFFECTIONATE drunk there is. I literally think you would be trying to walk up the stairs to ur apartment and ethan would have his hands wrapped around ur waist making is super difficult and you would be complaining and ethan would be offering to carry you, but he can barely walk himself so you would refuse. and you would be trying to put the key in the lock and he would be kissing ur neck and squeezing you and you would have to pull him inside. and he would immediately drag you to his bed and literally wrap his limbs around you and cling onto you for dear life and mumble something like “i’m never ever ever ever letting you go. ever.” and you be like ethan i need to get u advil and water and omg he would have the biggest pout and shake his head and say “no.” and then finally you would break free and go get the stuff and return to ethan already passed out with all of his clothes on, so you have to untie his boots and yank them off. i deadass think one of the boots would go flying and hit him, but he would be so dead asleep he wouldn’t even flinch. and I’m so soft for this boy i don’t even want to write grayson’s i just want to live this in real life. omg i love ethan. I’m crying. ok I’m gonna stop. 
grayson: so i think most people assume grayson would be affectionate and soft, and i think that would definitely be a strong element, but i think you would have to watch gray like a hawk. i think he would disappear and go wondering off and you would be searching forever for him to find him like talking to some poor stranger who looks terrified by this giant man asking them if they like pineapples on their pizza. or if you were at a party he would find himself in someone’s bedroom just like going through their stuff for fun. or if you guys were at home i can so see him getting into your makeup and like playing around with it because he wants to make you laugh, but he would be making himself laugh so hard he would keep messing up even MORE than he already was. i think grayson would just entertain him, i think he would crack jokes that aren’t funny but they would make him fall out of his chair dying of laughter. and i think he would make a lot of self-deprecating jokes where he makes fun of himself and likes roasts the shit out of himself (and then forgets he did so and thinks someone else said it to him the next morning). i also think gray would CONSTANTLY apologize for being drunk, left and right he would be like “I’m so sorry I’m not normally like this I’m so sorry” and he would have like apologized to that same person like 3 separate times that night. i think around his girlfriend though he would be SUPER HORNY, like you guys would be sitting on a couch at a party and his hands would be all over you and he wouldn’t even try to hide it bc he was drunk and didn’t give a fuck. and you would have to keep scolding and tell him he can’t stick his hands down ur pants in front of everyone. and he would be whispering so many dirty things to you, but they would be really half assed and cheesy bc he’s smashed. and he would be pleading w u to go upstairs, and maybe if you had been drinking too you would, but I’m pretending ur sober in this situation so u wouldn’t wanna have sex when he’s that gone so you keep telling him no. and i see grayson like getting a second wind and wanting to drink more and you would be like “gray don’t do that shot” and he would like stare at you and be like “what????” and then stare at you dead in the eye as he throws the shot back without even flinching. literally 30 minutes later you would find him in some bathroom with his head in the toilet and you would sit next to him and rub his pack and play w his hair and he would be so gone he couldn’t even speak and he would just groan and you would be like “i know baby, i know” and once he stopped throwing up you would have to help him walk out of the house and you would have to drive the bronco and gray would practically be passed out in the passenger seat but still coherent enough to be like “dont u dare crash my baby”. and when u got home he would collapse face first in bed and you would roll him over and try to undress him and his eyes would barely be opened as he watched you and he would be smiling to himself and you would be like “what?” and he would shug and be like “i just love u”. wow i g2g. 
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I agree
kids are not supposed to die at school. parents are not supposed to drop their children off at school and then get texts like, “mom if i dont make it out of this, know that i love you and appreciate everything youve done for me”. being in high school is not supposed to be a death sentence. yes, america, you fought for your independance. yes, you won. you’re a free country. but you’re not a safe country. power is not supposed to be more valuable than a human life.
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Ok so im on twitter and i come across this This is so cool like im not jking
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I dont know how to use this app because its my first time on it but i guess i will get use it to aye
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Never let anyone around try to change you coz you're beautiful just the way you are ❤
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